Exemplo n.º 1
def run_gpu_inference(topk=100, index_file=INDEX_FILE, ef_search=300):
  print("=" * BARRIER_SIZE)
  data_path = pjoin(RES_DIR, DATA_FILE)
  index_path = pjoin(RES_DIR, index_file)
  LOGGER.info("gpu inference on %s with index %s", data_path, index_path)
  ch0 = CuHNSW(OPT)
  LOGGER.info("load model from %s by cuhnsw", index_path)

  h5f = h5py.File(data_path, "r")
  queries = h5f["test"][:, :].astype(np.float32)
  neighbors = h5f["neighbors"][:, :topk].astype(np.int32)
  num_queries = queries.shape[0]
  queries /= np.linalg.norm(queries, axis=1)[:, None]

  start = time.time()
  pred_nn, _, _ = ch0.search_knn(queries, topk, ef_search)
  el0 = time.time() - start
  LOGGER.info("elapsed for inferencing %d queries of top@%d (ef_search: %d): "
              "%.4e sec", num_queries, topk, ef_search, el0)
  accs = []
  for _pred_nn, _gt_nn in zip(pred_nn, neighbors):
    intersection = set(_pred_nn) & set(_gt_nn)
    acc = len(intersection) / float(topk)
  LOGGER.info("accuracy mean: %.4e, std: %.4e", np.mean(accs), np.std(accs))
  return el0, np.mean(accs)
Exemplo n.º 2
def run_gpu_inference2(topk=5, index_file="cuhnsw.index", ef_search=300):
  print("=" * BARRIER_SIZE)
  data_path = pjoin(RES_DIR, DATA_FILE)
  index_path = pjoin(RES_DIR, index_file)
  LOGGER.info("gpu inference on %s with index %s", data_path, index_path)
  ch0 = CuHNSW(OPT)
  LOGGER.info("load model from %s by cuhnsw", index_path)

  h5f = h5py.File(data_path, "r")
  data = h5f["train"][:, :].astype(np.float32)
  queries = h5f["test"][:5, :].astype(np.float32)
  if NRZ:
    data /= np.linalg.norm(data, axis=1)[:, None]

  nns, distances, found_cnt = ch0.search_knn(queries[:5], topk, ef_search)
  for idx, (nn0, distance, cnt) in \
      enumerate(zip(nns, distances, found_cnt)):
    print("=" * BARRIER_SIZE)
    print(f"query {idx + 1}")
    print("-" * BARRIER_SIZE)
    for _idx, (_nn, _dist) in enumerate(zip(nn0[:cnt], distance[:cnt])):
      if DIST_TYPE == "l2":
        real_dist = np.linalg.norm(data[_nn] - queries[idx])
        _dist = np.sqrt(_dist)
      elif DIST_TYPE == "dot":
        real_dist = data[_nn].dot(queries[idx])
      print(f"rank {_idx + 1}. neighbor: {_nn}, dist by lib: {_dist}, "
            f"actual dist: {real_dist}")
Exemplo n.º 3
def run_gpu_inference_large(topk=100, index_file=INDEX_FILE, ef_search=300,
                            num_queries=1000000, num_dims=50):
  print("=" * BARRIER_SIZE)
  index_path = pjoin(RES_DIR, index_file)
  data_path = pjoin(RES_DIR, DATA_FILE)
  LOGGER.info("gpu inference on %s with index %s", data_path, index_path)
  ch0 = CuHNSW(OPT)
  LOGGER.info("load model from %s by cuhnsw", index_path)

  queries = np.random.normal(size=(num_queries, num_dims)).astype(np.float32)
  num_queries = queries.shape[0]
  queries /= np.linalg.norm(queries, axis=1)[:, None]

  start = time.time()
  _, _, _ = ch0.search_knn(queries, topk, ef_search)
  el0 = time.time() - start
  LOGGER.info("elapsed for inferencing %d queries of top@%d (ef_search: %d): "
              "%.4e sec", num_queries, topk, ef_search, el0)
  return el0