Exemplo n.º 1
def int_value_noise_3d(x, y, z, seed):
    x = x.astype(int)
    y = y.astype(int)
    z = z.astype(int)
    c = (__BN_X_NOISE_GEN * x) + (__BN_Y_NOISE_GEN * y) + (
        __BN_Z_NOISE_GEN * z) + __BN_SEED_NOISE_GEN * seed
    c = cp.bitwise_and(c, 0x7fffffff)
    c = cp.bitwise_xor(cp.right_shift(c, 13), c)
    c = cp.bitwise_and((c * (c * c * 60493 + 19990303) + 1376312589),
    return c
Exemplo n.º 2
def inject_error(weight, mask0, mask1, num_bits=32):
    if num_bits == 32:
        dtype = cp.uint32
        ftype = cp.float32
    shape = weight.shape
    weight_flatten = cp.ravel(weight).view(dtype)
    mask0, mask0_bit = mask0
    mask1, mask1_bit = mask1
    zero = cp.zeros(1, dtype=dtype)

    if (mask0.__len__() is not 0) or (mask1.__len__() is not 0):
        for b in range(num_bits):
            fault = cp.full(weight_flatten.size, 2**b, dtype=dtype)
            bit_loc0 = cp.where(mask0_bit == b, mask0, zero).nonzero()[0]
            bit_loc1 = cp.where(mask1_bit == b, mask1, zero).nonzero()[0]
            uniform0 = cp.zeros(weight_flatten.size, dtype=dtype)
            uniform1 = cp.zeros(weight_flatten.size, dtype=dtype)
            # Inject bit error
            if bit_loc0.__len__() > 0:
                cp.put(uniform0, mask0[bit_loc0], fault)
                cp.put(uniform1, mask1[bit_loc1], fault)
                # Stuck at 0
                not_mask0 = cp.invert(uniform0)
                weight_flatten = cp.bitwise_and(weight_flatten, not_mask0)
                # Stuck at 1
                weight_flatten = cp.bitwise_or(weight_flatten, uniform1)
        weight_float = weight_flatten.view(ftype)
        return cp.reshape(weight_float, shape)
        return weight
Exemplo n.º 3
 def decompress(self, tensor_compressed, shape):
     tensor_compressed, = tensor_compressed
     cupy_tensor = cupy.fromDlpack(to_dlpack(tensor_compressed))
     sign = cupy_tensor > 127
     exps = cupy.bitwise_and(cupy_tensor, 0b01111111)
     floats = cupy.left_shift((exps + 18).astype(cupy.int32), 23).view(cupy.float32)
     tensor_decompressed = cupy.where(sign, -floats, floats)
     tensor_decompressed = cupy.multiply((exps >= 1).astype(cupy.float32), tensor_decompressed)
     return from_dlpack(tensor_decompressed.toDlpack()).view(shape)
Exemplo n.º 4
def gradient_noise_3d(fx, fy, fz, ix, iy, iz, seed):
    vi = (__BN_X_NOISE_GEN * ix) + (__BN_Y_NOISE_GEN * iy) + (
        __BN_Z_NOISE_GEN * iz) + __BN_SEED_NOISE_GEN * seed
    vi = cp.bitwise_and(vi, 0xffffffff)
    vi = cp.bitwise_xor(vi, cp.right_shift(vi, __BN_SHIFT_NOISE_GEN))
    vi = cp.bitwise_and(vi, 0xff)

    vi_l2 = cp.left_shift(vi, 2)

    xvGrad = g_randomVectors[vi_l2]
    yvGrad = g_randomVectors[vi_l2 + 1]
    zvGrad = g_randomVectors[vi_l2 + 2]

    xvPoint = fx - ix
    yvPoint = fy - iy
    zvPoint = fz - iz

    return ((xvGrad * xvPoint) + (yvGrad * yvPoint) +
            (zvGrad * zvPoint)) * 2.12
Exemplo n.º 5
def jaccard(im1, im2):
    im1 = np.asarray(im1).astype(np.bool)
    im2 = np.asarray(im2).astype(np.bool)

    if im1.shape != im2.shape:
        raise ValueError("Shape mismatch: im1 and im2 must have the same shape.")

    # cupy
    im1_cp = cp.asarray(im1)
    im2_cp = cp.asarray(im2)
    JI = np.double(cp.sum(cp.bitwise_and(im1_cp, im2_cp))) / np.double(cp.sum(cp.bitwise_or(im1_cp, im2_cp)))
    return JI
Exemplo n.º 6
def bitwise_and(x1: Array, x2: Array, /) -> Array:
    Array API compatible wrapper for :py:func:`np.bitwise_and <numpy.bitwise_and>`.

    See its docstring for more information.
    if (x1.dtype not in _integer_or_boolean_dtypes
            or x2.dtype not in _integer_or_boolean_dtypes):
        raise TypeError(
            "Only integer or boolean dtypes are allowed in bitwise_and")
    # Call result type here just to raise on disallowed type combinations
    _result_type(x1.dtype, x2.dtype)
    x1, x2 = Array._normalize_two_args(x1, x2)
    return Array._new(np.bitwise_and(x1._array, x2._array))
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _batch_fingerprint(self, h, cuda='auto'):
        Takes a sequence of hash values and creates a minHash fingerprint
        of length n_perm or 2*n_perm if mirror=True.
        h = np.array(h, dtype=np.uint32)[:, np.newaxis]
        a, b = self.permutations

        if cuda == 'auto':
            cuda = _CUDA and (len(h) >= _MIN_CUDA_SIZE)

        if cuda:
            # Pass data to the GPU
            h = cp.asarray(h)
            a = cp.asarray(a)
            b = cp.asarray(b)
            p = cp.asarray(np.uint64(self._mersenne_prime))
            m = cp.asarray(np.uint64(self._max_hash))

            # Run same universal hashing algorithm as cpu version
            H = cp.tile(h, self.n_perm)
            H = cp.bitwise_and((a * H + b) % p, m)

            f = cp.asnumpy(H.min(axis=0))
            if self.mirror:
                f_mirrored = cp.asnumpy(H.max(axis=0))
                f_mirrored = self._max_hash - f_mirrored
                f = np.hstack([f, f_mirrored])

            # Clear gpu cache

            H = np.tile(h, self.n_perm)
            H = np.bitwise_and((a * H + b) % self._mersenne_prime,
            f = H.min(axis=0)

            if self.mirror:
                f_mirrored = H.max(axis=0)
                f_mirrored = self._max_hash - f_mirrored
                f = np.hstack([f, f_mirrored])

        return f.astype(np.uint32)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def __rand__(self, other):
     return cupy.bitwise_and(other, self)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def __and__(self, other):
     return cupy.bitwise_and(self, other)
Exemplo n.º 10
def P_generator_SL(MatingPool, Pop_Gradient, Boundary, Coding, MaxOffspring):

    N, D = MatingPool.shape
    if MaxOffspring < 1 or MaxOffspring > N:
        MaxOffspring = N
    if Coding == "Real":
        ProC = 1
        ProM = 1 / D
        DisC = 20
        DisM = 20

        Out = Pop_Gradient
        Offspring = np.zeros((N, D))

        for i in range(0, N, 2):

            flag = np.random.rand(1) > 0.5  #>1 时

            miu1 = np.random.rand(D, ) / 2
            miu2 = np.random.rand(D, ) / 2 + 0.5
            miu_temp = np.random.random((D, ))

            dictor = MatingPool[i, :] > MatingPool[i + 1, :]
            MatingPool[i][dictor], MatingPool[i + 1][dictor] = MatingPool[
                i + 1][dictor], MatingPool[i][dictor]
            Out[i][dictor], Out[i + 1][dictor] = Out[i +
                                                     1][dictor], Out[i][dictor]
            G_temp = Out[i:i + 2, :].copy()


            L = G_temp[0, :].copy()
            P = miu1.copy()
            P[L > 0] = miu2[L > 0].copy()
            P[L == 0] = miu_temp[L == 0].copy()
            miu = P.copy()

            beta = np.zeros((D, ))
            beta[miu <= 0.5] = (2 * miu[miu <= 0.5])**(1 / (DisC + 1))
            beta[miu > 0.5] = (2 - 2 * miu[miu > 0.5])**(-1 / (DisC + 1))
            beta[np.random.random((D, )) > ProC] = 1

            if flag == True:
                beta[MatingPool[i] == 0] = 1

            Offspring[i, :] = (
                (MatingPool[i, :] + MatingPool[i + 1, :]) / 2) + (np.multiply(
                    beta, (MatingPool[i, :] - MatingPool[i + 1, :]) / 2))


            L = -G_temp[0, :].copy()
            P = miu1.copy()
            P[L > 0] = miu2[L > 0].copy()
            P[L == 0] = miu_temp[L == 0].copy()
            miu = P.copy()

            beta = np.zeros((D, ))
            beta[miu <= 0.5] = (2 * miu[miu <= 0.5])**(1 / (DisC + 1))
            beta[miu > 0.5] = (2 - 2 * miu[miu > 0.5])**(-1 / (DisC + 1))
            beta[np.random.random((D, )) > ProC] = 1

            if flag == True:
                beta[MatingPool[i + 1] == 0] = 1

            Offspring[i + 1, :] = (
                (MatingPool[i, :] + MatingPool[i + 1, :]) / 2) - (np.multiply(
                    beta, (MatingPool[i, :] - MatingPool[i + 1, :]) / 2))

            Out[i][dictor], Out[i + 1][dictor] = Out[i +
                                                     1][dictor], Out[i][dictor]

            k1 = np.random.rand(D, ) > 0.5
            L = G_temp[0, :].copy()
            k2 = Offspring[i, :] != 0
            kl1 = np.bitwise_and(k1, L < 0)

            L = -G_temp[1, :].copy()
            k2 = Offspring[i + 1, :] != 0
            # kl2 = np.bitwise_and(np.bitwise_and(k1, L < 0), k2)
            kl2 = np.bitwise_and(k1, L < 0)

            Offspring[i][kl1], Offspring[i + 1][kl2] = Offspring[
                i + 1][kl1], Offspring[i][kl2]
            Out[i][kl1], Out[i + 1][kl2] = Out[i + 1][kl1], Out[i][kl2]
            Offspring[i][dictor], Offspring[i + 1][dictor] = Offspring[
                i + 1][dictor], Offspring[i][dictor]

        Offspring_temp = Offspring[:MaxOffspring, :].copy()
        Offspring = Offspring_temp

        if MaxOffspring == 1:
            MaxValue = Boundary[0, :]
            MinValue = Boundary[1, :]
            MaxValue = np.tile(Boundary[0, :], (MaxOffspring, 1))
            MinValue = np.tile(Boundary[1, :], (MaxOffspring, 1))

        k = np.random.random((MaxOffspring, D))
        miu = np.random.random((MaxOffspring, D))

        Temp = np.bitwise_and(k <= ProM, miu < 0.5)

        # Offspring[Temp] = Offspring[Temp] + np.multiply((MaxValue[Temp] - MinValue[Temp]),
        #                                                 ((2 * miu[Temp] + np.multiply(
        #                                                     1 - 2 * miu[Temp],
        #                                                     (1 - (Offspring[Temp] - MinValue[Temp]) / (
        #                                                                 MaxValue[Temp] - MinValue[Temp])) ** (
        #                                                                 DisM + 1))) ** (1 / (
        #                                                         DisM + 1)) - 1))
        Offspring[Temp] = 0
        Temp = np.bitwise_and(k <= ProM, miu >= 0.5)
        # Offspring[Temp] = Offspring[Temp] + np.multiply((MaxValue[Temp] - MinValue[Temp]),
        #                                                 (1 - ((2 * (1 - miu[Temp])) + np.multiply(
        #                                                     2 * (miu[Temp] - 0.5),
        #                                                     (1 - (MaxValue[Temp] - Offspring[Temp]) / (
        #                                                                 MaxValue[Temp] - MinValue[Temp])) ** (
        #                                                                 DisM + 1))) ** (1 / (
        #                                                         DisM + 1))))
        Offspring[Temp] = 0

        Offspring[Offspring > MaxValue] = MaxValue[Offspring > MaxValue]
        Offspring[Offspring < MinValue] = MinValue[Offspring < MinValue]

    elif Coding == "Binary":
        Offspring = []

    elif Coding == "DE":
        Offspring = []

    return Offspring