Exemplo n.º 1
def trimcoef(c, tol=0):
    """Removes small trailing coefficients from a polynomial.

        c(cupy.ndarray): 1d array of coefficients from lowest to highest order.
        tol(number, optional): trailing coefficients whose absolute value are
            less than or equal to ``tol`` are trimmed.

        cupy.ndarray: trimmed 1d array.

    .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.polynomial.polyutils.trimcoef`

    if tol < 0:
        raise ValueError('tol must be non-negative')
    if c.size == 0:
        raise ValueError('Coefficient array is empty')
    if c.ndim > 1:
        raise ValueError('Coefficient array is not 1-d')
    if c.dtype.kind == 'b':
        raise ValueError('bool inputs are not allowed')
    if c.ndim == 0:
        c = c.ravel()
    c = c.astype(cupy.common_type(c), copy=False)
    filt = (cupy.abs(c) > tol)[::-1]
    ind = c.size - cupy._manipulation.add_remove._first_nonzero_krnl(
        filt, c.size).item()
    if ind == 0:
        return cupy.zeros_like(c[:1])
    return c[: ind]
Exemplo n.º 2
def as_series(alist, trim=True):
    """Returns argument as a list of 1-d arrays.

        alist (cupy.ndarray or list of cupy.ndarray): 1-D or 2-D input array.
        trim (bool, optional): trim trailing zeros.

        list of cupy.ndarray: list of 1-D arrays.

    .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.polynomial.polyutils.as_series`

    arrays = []
    for a in alist:
        if a.size == 0:
            raise ValueError('Coefficient array is empty')
        if a.ndim > 1:
            raise ValueError('Coefficient array is not 1-d')
        if a.dtype.kind == 'b':
            raise ValueError('Coefficient arrays have no common type')
        a = a.ravel()
        if trim:
            a = trimseq(a)
    dtype = cupy.common_type(*arrays)
    ret = [a.astype(dtype, copy=False) for a in arrays]
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 3
def interp(x, xp, fp, left=None, right=None, period=None):
    """ One-dimensional linear interpolation.

        x (cupy.ndarray): a 1D array of points on which the interpolation
            is performed.
        xp (cupy.ndarray): a 1D array of points on which the function values
            (``fp``) are known.
        fp (cupy.ndarray): a 1D array containing the function values at the
            the points ``xp``.
        left (float or complex): value to return if ``x < xp[0]``. Default is
        right (float or complex): value to return if ``x > xp[-1]``. Default is
        period (None or float): a period for the x-coordinates. Parameters
            ``left`` and ``right`` are ignored if ``period`` is specified.
            Default is ``None``.

        cupy.ndarray: The interpolated values, same shape as ``x``.

    .. note::
        This function may synchronize if ``left`` or ``right`` is not already
        on the device.

    .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.interp`


    if xp.ndim != 1 or fp.ndim != 1:
        raise ValueError('xp and fp must be 1D arrays')
    if xp.size != fp.size:
        raise ValueError('fp and xp are not of the same length')
    if xp.size == 0:
        raise ValueError('array of sample points is empty')
    if not x.flags.c_contiguous:
        raise NotImplementedError('Non-C-contiguous x is currently not '
    x_dtype = cupy.common_type(x, xp)
    if not cupy.can_cast(x_dtype, cupy.float64):
        raise TypeError('Cannot cast array data from'
                        ' {} to {} according to the rule \'safe\''.format(
                            x_dtype, cupy.float64))

    if period is not None:
        # The handling of "period" below is modified from NumPy's

        if period == 0:
            raise ValueError("period must be a non-zero value")
        period = abs(period)
        left = None
        right = None

        x = x.astype(cupy.float64)
        xp = xp.astype(cupy.float64)

        # normalizing periodic boundaries
        x %= period
        xp %= period
        asort_xp = cupy.argsort(xp)
        xp = xp[asort_xp]
        fp = fp[asort_xp]
        xp = cupy.concatenate((xp[-1:] - period, xp, xp[0:1] + period))
        fp = cupy.concatenate((fp[-1:], fp, fp[0:1]))
        assert xp.flags.c_contiguous
        assert fp.flags.c_contiguous

    # NumPy always returns float64 or complex128, so we upcast all values
    # on the fly in the kernel
    out_dtype = 'D' if fp.dtype.kind == 'c' else 'd'
    output = cupy.empty(x.shape, dtype=out_dtype)
    idx = cupy.searchsorted(xp, x, side='right')
    left = fp[0] if left is None else cupy.array(left, fp.dtype)
    right = fp[-1] if right is None else cupy.array(right, fp.dtype)
    kern = _get_interp_kernel(out_dtype == 'D')
    kern(x, idx, xp, fp, xp.size, left, right, output)
    return output
Exemplo n.º 4
def diags(diagonals, offsets=0, shape=None, format=None, dtype=None):
    """Construct a sparse matrix from diagonals.

        diagonals (sequence of array_like):
            Sequence of arrays containing the matrix diagonals, corresponding
            to `offsets`.
        offsets (sequence of int or an int):
            Diagonals to set:
                - k = 0  the main diagonal (default)
                - k > 0  the k-th upper diagonal
                - k < 0  the k-th lower diagonal
        shape (tuple of int):
            Shape of the result. If omitted, a square matrix large enough
            to contain the diagonals is returned.
        format ({"dia", "csr", "csc", "lil", ...}):
            Matrix format of the result.  By default (format=None) an
            appropriate sparse matrix format is returned.  This choice is
            subject to change.
        dtype (dtype): Data type of the matrix.

        cupyx.scipy.sparse.spmatrix: Generated matrix.

        This function differs from `spdiags` in the way it handles

        The result from `diags` is the sparse equivalent of::

            cupy.diag(diagonals[0], offsets[0])
            + ...
            + cupy.diag(diagonals[k], offsets[k])

        Repeated diagonal offsets are disallowed.
    # if offsets is not a sequence, assume that there's only one diagonal
    if sputils.isscalarlike(offsets):
        # now check that there's actually only one diagonal
        if len(diagonals) == 0 or sputils.isscalarlike(diagonals[0]):
            diagonals = [cupy.atleast_1d(diagonals)]
            raise ValueError('Different number of diagonals and offsets.')
        diagonals = list(map(cupy.atleast_1d, diagonals))

    if isinstance(offsets, cupy.ndarray):
        offsets = offsets.get()
    offsets = numpy.atleast_1d(offsets)

    # Basic check
    if len(diagonals) != len(offsets):
        raise ValueError('Different number of diagonals and offsets.')

    # Determine shape, if omitted
    if shape is None:
        m = len(diagonals[0]) + abs(int(offsets[0]))
        shape = (m, m)

    # Determine data type, if omitted
    if dtype is None:
        dtype = cupy.common_type(*diagonals)

    # Construct data array
    m, n = shape

    M = max([min(m + offset, n - offset) + max(0, offset)
             for offset in offsets])
    M = max(0, M)
    data_arr = cupy.zeros((len(offsets), M), dtype=dtype)

    K = min(m, n)

    for j, diagonal in enumerate(diagonals):
        offset = offsets[j]
        k = max(0, offset)
        length = min(m + offset, n - offset, K)
        if length < 0:
            raise ValueError(
                'Offset %d (index %d) out of bounds' % (offset, j))
            data_arr[j, k:k+length] = diagonal[..., :length]
        except ValueError:
            if len(diagonal) != length and len(diagonal) != 1:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Diagonal length (index %d: %d at offset %d) does not '
                    'agree with matrix size (%d, %d).' % (
                        j, len(diagonal), offset, m, n))

    return dia.dia_matrix((data_arr, offsets), shape=(m, n)).asformat(format)