def __call__(self, f_atoms, f_bonds, super_node_x, atom_label, mask_reagents, mask_reactants_reagents, pair_label, mask_pair_select, action, step_num, stop_idx, sample_index): atom_label -= 1 mask_reagents -= 2 mask_reactants_reagents -= 2 action -= 1 batch_size = action.shape[0] # atom loss_atom, acc_atom, atoms_selected = self.g_atom(f_atoms, cp.copy(f_bonds), super_node_x, atom_label, mask_reagents, mask_reactants_reagents, batch_size) # pair loss_pair = self.g_pair(f_atoms, cp.copy(f_bonds), super_node_x, action, pair_label, mask_pair_select, batch_size, atoms_selected) # action loss_action, acc_action = self.g_action(f_atoms, cp.copy(f_bonds), super_node_x, action, batch_size) # stop loss_stop, acc_stop = self.g_stop(f_atoms, cp.copy(f_bonds), super_node_x, stop_idx, action, batch_size){ 'loss_stop': loss_stop, 'loss_atom': loss_atom, 'loss_pair': loss_pair, 'loss_action': loss_action, 'acc_stop': acc_stop, 'acc_atom': acc_atom, # 'acc_pair': acc_pair, # acc_pair need to be further extended 'acc_action': acc_action, }, self)
def HaversineLocal(busMatrix, lineMatrix, haversine=True): MatrizOnibus = cp.copy(busMatrix) MatrizLinhas = cp.copy(lineMatrix) MatrizLinhas = cp.dsplit(MatrizLinhas, 2) MatrizOnibus = cp.dsplit(MatrizOnibus, 2) infVector = cp.squeeze(cp.sum(cp.isnan(MatrizLinhas[0]), axis=1), axis=-1) MatrizLinhas[0] = cp.expand_dims(MatrizLinhas[0], axis=-1) MatrizLinhas[1] = cp.expand_dims(MatrizLinhas[1], axis=-1) MatrizOnibus[0] = cp.expand_dims(MatrizOnibus[0], axis=-1) MatrizOnibus[1] = cp.expand_dims(MatrizOnibus[1], axis=-1) MatrizOnibus[0] *= cp.pi / 180 MatrizOnibus[1] *= cp.pi / 180 MatrizLinhas[1] = cp.transpose(MatrizLinhas[1], [2, 3, 0, 1]) * cp.pi / 180 MatrizLinhas[0] = cp.transpose(MatrizLinhas[0], [2, 3, 0, 1]) * cp.pi / 180 # Haversine or euclidian, based on <haversine> if haversine: results = 1000*2*6371.0088*cp.arcsin( cp.sqrt( (cp.sin((MatrizOnibus[0] - MatrizLinhas[0])*0.5)**2 + \ cp.cos(MatrizOnibus[0])* cp.cos(MatrizLinhas[0]) * cp.sin((MatrizOnibus[1] - MatrizLinhas[1])*0.5)**2) )) else: results = cp.sqrt((MatrizOnibus[0] - MatrizLinhas[0])**2 + (MatrizOnibus[1] - MatrizLinhas[1])**2) return results, infVector
def exec_crossA0001(self) -> None: """exec_crossA0001. :rtype: None """ x_population = cp.copy(self.get_population()) x_aux = cp.copy(self.get_population()) index_selection = int(self.get_n_samples() * self.get_percent_selection()) index_cross = int(self.get_n_samples() * self.get_percent_cross()) cp.random.shuffle(x_population) if index_cross % 2 == 0: y_population = self._crossA0001( x_population[index_selection:, :][0:index_cross, :], self.get_n_jobs(), self.get_n_operations(), index_cross, self.get_percent_intra_cross(), ) x_aux[index_selection:, :][-index_cross:, :] = y_population self.set_population(x_aux) else: index_cross -= 1 y_population = self._crossA0001( x_population[index_selection:, :][0:index_cross, :], self.get_n_jobs(), self.get_n_operations(), self.get_n_samples(), self.get_percent_intra_cross(), ) x_aux[index_selection:, :][-index_cross:, :] = y_population self.set_population(x_aux)
def resetStocks(): """ reset global variables """ global stockPool, hurstPool stockPool = np.copy(config._stockPool) hurstPool = np.copy(config._hurstPool)
def train(X, W1, W2, W3, pad=0): # Conv 1 H1, cache1 = conv.conv_forward(X, W1, pad) # ReLu 1 H1_relu = np.copy(H1) H1_relu[H1 < 0] = 0 # cifar10.plotH(H1_relu[:,:,:4]) # Pool for m in range(15): for n in range(15): x_slice = H1_relu[2*m:2*m+2, 2*n:2*n+2] P1[m, n] = np.max(x_slice, axis=(0, 1)) # Conv 2 H2, cache2 = conv.conv_forward(P1, W2, pad) # ReLu 2 H2_relu = np.copy(H2) H2_relu[H2 < 0] = 0 # cifar10.plotH(H2_relu[:,:,:4]) # FC 1 x = H2_relu.flatten() scores = # Softmax ex = np.exp(scores) probs[sample] = ex/np.sum(ex, keepdims=True) loss = -np.log(probs[sample, Ytr[sample]]) dscores = np.copy(probs) dscores[sample, Ytr[sample]] -= 1 # Backprop FC 1 dW3 =, 1), dscores[sample].reshape(1, 10)) dH2 =[sample], W3.T).reshape(13, 13, depth2) # Backprop ReLu 2 dH2[H2 <= 0] = 0 # Backprop Conv 2 dP1, dW2 = conv.conv_backward(dH2, cache2) # Backprop Pool dH1 = np.zeros(H1.shape) for m in range(15): for n in range(15): dH1[2*m:2*m+2, 2*n:2*n+2] = dP1[m, n] # Backprop ReLu 1 dH1[H1 <= 0] = 0 # Backprop Conv 1 dX, dW1 = conv.conv_backward(dH1, cache1) return loss, dW1, dW2, dW3
def test_3d_inactive(): n = 30 lx, ly, lz = n, n, n data, labels = make_3d_syntheticdata(lx, ly, lz) old_labels = cp.copy(labels) labels[5:25, 26:29, 26:29] = -1 after_labels = cp.copy(labels) labels = random_walker(data, labels, mode='cg') assert (labels.reshape(data.shape)[13:17, 13:17, 13:17] == 2).all() assert data.shape == labels.shape return data, labels, old_labels, after_labels
def __estimate_one_step(self, gamma: cp.float64): """ Estimation routine for one given gamma parameter of (iterated) Tikhonov method. :param gamma: Regularization parameter. :type gamma: float """ order = 1 while order <= self.order: self.__iteration(gamma) self.previous = cp.copy(self.current) order += 1 self.__update_solution() self.previous = cp.copy(self.initial)
def __init__(self, dataframe, train_indices, test_indices, prediction_model, cond_ind_test=None, data_transform=None, verbosity=0): # Default value for the mask mask = dataframe.mask if mask is None: mask = np.zeros(dataframe.values.shape, dtype='bool') # Get the dataframe shape T = len(dataframe.values) # Have the default dataframe be the training data frame train_mask = np.copy(mask) train_mask[[t for t in range(T) if t not in train_indices]] = True self.dataframe = DataFrame(dataframe.values, mask=train_mask, missing_flag=dataframe.missing_flag) # Initialize the models baseclass with the training dataframe Models.__init__(self, dataframe=self.dataframe, model=prediction_model, data_transform=data_transform, mask_type='y', verbosity=verbosity) # Build the testing dataframe as well self.test_mask = np.copy(mask) self.test_mask[[t for t in range(T) if t not in test_indices]] = True # Setup the PCMCI instance if cond_ind_test is not None: # Force the masking cond_ind_test.set_mask_type('y') cond_ind_test.verbosity = verbosity PCMCI.__init__(self, dataframe=self.dataframe, cond_ind_test=cond_ind_test, selected_variables=None, verbosity=verbosity) # Set the member variables self.cond_ind_test = cond_ind_test # Initialize member varialbes that are set outside self.target_predictors = None self.selected_targets = None self.fitted_model = None self.test_array = None
def load_mc(self, t_ij): for j, (l, h) in enumerate( zip(self.observables.lows, self.observables.highs)): in_bounds = np.logical_and(t_ij[:, j] > l, t_ij[:, j] < h) t_ij = t_ij[in_bounds] self.t_ij = cp.asarray(t_ij) self.w_i = cp.ones(t_ij.shape[0]) if self.bootstrap_binning is not None: counts, _ = cp.histogramdd(cp.asarray(self.t_ij), bins=self.bin_edges, weights=cp.asarray(self.w_i)) self.counts = (cp.asarray(counts).flatten() / self.bin_vol / cp.sum(cp.asarray(counts))).reshape(counts.shape) self.sigma_j = cp.std(self.t_ij, axis=0) self.h_ij = self._adapt_bandwidth() for j, (l, h, refl) in enumerate( zip(self.observables.lows, self.observables.highs, self.reflect_axes)): if not refl: continue if type(refl) == tuple: low, high = refl mask = self.t_ij[:, j] < low t_ij_reflected_low = cp.copy(self.t_ij[mask, :]) h_ij_reflected_low = self.h_ij[mask, :] w_i_reflected_low = self.w_i[mask, :] t_ij_reflected_low[:, j] = 2 * l - t_ij_reflected_low[:, j] mask = self.t_ij[:, j] > high t_ij_reflected_high = cp.copy(self.t_ij[mask, :]) h_ij_reflected_high = self.h_ij[mask, :] w_i_reflected_high = self.w_i[mask, :] t_ij_reflected_high[:, j] = 2 * h - t_ij_reflected_high[:, j] else: t_ij_reflected_low = cp.copy(self.t_ij) h_ij_reflected_low = self.h_ij w_i_reflected_low = self.w_i t_ij_reflected_low[:, j] = 2 * l - self.t_ij[:, j] t_ij_reflected_high = cp.copy(self.t_ij) h_ij_reflected_high = self.h_ij w_i_reflected_high = self.w_i t_ij_reflected_high[:, j] = 2 * h - self.t_ij[:, j] self.t_ij = cp.concatenate( [self.t_ij, t_ij_reflected_low, t_ij_reflected_high]) self.h_ij = cp.concatenate( [self.h_ij, h_ij_reflected_low, h_ij_reflected_high]) self.w_i = cp.concatenate( [self.w_i, w_i_reflected_low, w_i_reflected_high]) self.t_ij = cp.ascontiguousarray(self.t_ij) self.h_ij = cp.ascontiguousarray(self.h_ij) self.w_i = cp.ascontiguousarray(self.w_i)
def _divide_nonzero(array1, array2, cval=1e-10): """ Divides two arrays. Denominator is set to small value where zero to avoid ZeroDivisionError and return finite float array. Parameters ---------- array1 : (N, ..., M) ndarray Array 1 in the enumerator. array2 : (N, ..., M) ndarray Array 2 in the denominator. cval : float, optional Value used to replace zero entries in the denominator. Returns ------- array : (N, ..., M) ndarray Quotient of the array division. """ # Copy denominator denominator = cp.copy(array2) # Set zero entries of denominator to small value denominator[denominator == 0] = cval # Return quotient return cp.divide(array1, denominator)
def __call__(self, x, inst): h = relu(self.flat1_bn(self.flat1(x))) h = relu(self.down1_bn(self.down1(h))) h = relu(self.down2_bn(self.down2(h))) h = relu(self.down3_bn(self.down3(h))) h = relu(self.down4_bn(self.down4(h))) h = relu(self.up1_bn(self.up1(h))) h = relu(self.up2_bn(self.up2(h))) h = relu(self.up3_bn(self.up3(h))) h = relu(self.up4_bn(self.up4(h))) # outputs = tanh(self.flat2(h)) outputs = self.flat2(h) # instance-wise average pooling outputs_mean = cp.copy( inst = ids = np.unique(inst) for id in ids: indices = list((inst == id).nonzero()) for j in range(self.out_ch): outputs_ins = outputs_mean[indices[0], j, indices[2], indices[3]] mean_feat = cp.mean(outputs_ins) mean_feat = cp.ones(outputs_ins.shape) * mean_feat outputs_mean[indices[0], j, indices[2], indices[3]] = mean_feat return Variable(outputs_mean)
def initial_pop(good_data, require_goods, non_require_goods, non_require_values, limit_weight): #good_data: 原始商品資料集 #require_goods: 必要性的商品清單 #non_require_goods: 不必要性的商品清單 #non_require_values: 不必要性的商品數量 #limit_weight: 最大重量限制 while True: # temp_good = cp.copy(good_data) #先將原始資料暫時給另外一個變數使用 temp_good = cp.copy(good_data) #先將原始資料暫時給另外一個變數使用 for i in range(len(require_goods)): get_index = temp_good[(temp_good[:,8] == require_goods[i]) & (temp_good[:, 11] !=1)] #取得符合條件的資料 temp_index = random.randint(0, (len(get_index)-1)) #隨機取得品項 get_index = get_index[temp_index] #取得商品名稱 get_index[11] = 1 temp_good[temp_good[:,0] == get_index[0]] = get_index selected_require = np.random.choice(non_require_goods, non_require_values, replace=False) for i in range(len(selected_require)): get_index = temp_good[(temp_good[:,8] == selected_require[i]) & (temp_good[:, 11] !=1)] #取得符合條件的資料 temp_index = random.randint(0, (len(get_index)-1)) #隨機取得品項 get_index = get_index[temp_index] #取得商品名稱 get_index[11] = 1 temp_good[temp_good[:,0] == get_index[0]] = get_index selected_good = temp_good[temp_good[:, 11] == 1] sum_weight = np.sum(selected_good[:,10]) if sum_weight <= limit_weight: break return(selected_good) #回傳結果
def _get_psi_k(self, phi, k): """Returns the linear causal effect matrices excluding variable k. Parameters ---------- phi : array-like Coefficient matrices at different lags. k : int Variable index to exclude causal effects through. Returns ------- psi_k : array-like, shape (tau_max + 1, N, N) Matrices of causal effects excluding k. """ psi_k = np.zeros((self.tau_max + 1, self.N, self.N)) psi_k[0] = np.identity(self.N) phi_k = np.copy(phi) phi_k[1:, k, :] = 0. for n in range(1, self.tau_max + 1): psi_k[n] = np.zeros((self.N, self.N)) for s in range(1, n + 1): psi_k[n] +=[s], psi_k[n - s]) return psi_k
def heat3d_cp(alpha, Tcool, Thot, dx, dy, dz, dt, nx, ny, nz, nt, result='time'): ''' Solves the 3 dimensional heat equation using cupy alpha -- thermal diffusivity Tcool -- initial cold temperature Thot -- initial hot temperature dx, dy, dz -- spacing in each dimension dt -- time step nx, ny, nz -- number of gridpoints in each dimension nt -- integration time result -- either 'time', 'field' or 'both', returning either the total time the computation took, the resulting field or both ''' in_field = Tcool*cp.ones((nx,ny,nz)) in_field[nx//4:3*nx//4, ny//4:3*ny//4, nz//4:3*nz//4] = Thot out_field = cp.copy(in_field) # warm up op_np(in_field, out_field, alpha, Tcool, dx, dy, dz, dt) # timing tic = get_time() op_np(in_field, out_field, alpha, Tcool, dx, dy, dz, dt, nt=nt) #toc = time.time() time_cp = get_time() - tic if result == 'time': return time_cp elif result == 'field': return in_field elif result == 'both': return time_cp, in_field
def imgshift_cupy(img_cupy,dxy): imgout_cupy=cp.copy(img_cupy) imgout_cupy=cp.roll(imgout_cupy,int(dxy[0]),axis=0) imgout_cupy=cp.roll(imgout_cupy,int(dxy[1]),axis=1) return imgout_cupy
def median_blur(image_unbordered, rows, columns=None): if columns == None: columns = rows if (rows == 1 and columns == 1): raise "Filter to little, increase rows or columns" if is_even(rows) or is_even(columns): raise "Rows and columns must be odd numbers" width_array, height_array = generate_arrays(rows, columns) #print(width_array, height_array) padding = max(width_array + height_array) members = [] #image = cv2.copyMakeBorder(image_unbordered, padding,padding,padding,padding,cv2.BORDER_REFLECT) image = cp.copy(image_unbordered) if len(image.shape) == 3: image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) width, height = image.shape # convolucion for i in range(padding, width - padding): for j in range(padding, height - padding): members = [ image[i + alpha, j + beta] for alpha in width_array for beta in height_array ] image_unbordered[i - padding, j - padding] = median(members) #print(i,j,len(members)) return image_unbordered """
def csc_median_axis_0(X): """Find the median across axis 0 of a CSC matrix. It is equivalent to doing np.median(X, axis=0). Parameters ---------- X : CSC sparse matrix, shape (n_samples, n_features) Input data. Returns ------- median : ndarray, shape (n_features,) Median. """ if not iscsc(X): raise TypeError("Expected matrix of CSC format, got %s" % X.format) indptr = X.indptr n_samples, n_features = X.shape median = np.zeros(n_features) for f_ind, (start, end) in enumerate(zip(indptr[:-1], indptr[1:])): # Prevent modifying X in place data = np.copy([start:end]) nz = n_samples - data.size median[f_ind] = _get_median(data, nz) return median
def testBasicMatOpr(self): # ==============Test arrayfire basic operation test========================== raw_data = np.arange(20).reshape(4, 5) raw_data_cp = cp.copy(raw_data) assert np.array_equal(raw_data, raw_data_cp)
def test_permutation_sort_1dim(self, dtype): cupy_random = self._xp_random(cupy) a = cupy.arange(10, dtype=dtype) b = cupy.copy(a) c = cupy_random.permutation(a) testing.assert_allclose(a, b) testing.assert_allclose(b, cupy.sort(c))
def test_permutation_sort_ndim(self, dtype): cupy_random = self._xp_random(cupy) a = cupy.arange(15, dtype=dtype).reshape(5, 3) b = cupy.copy(a) c = cupy_random.permutation(a) testing.assert_allclose(a, b) testing.assert_allclose(b, cupy.sort(c, axis=0))
def test_backward_case2(self): vertices = [[0.8, 0.8, 1.], [-0.5, -0.8, 1.], [0.8, -0.8, 1.]] faces = [[0, 1, 2]] pyi = 40 pxi = 50 renderer = neural_renderer.Renderer() renderer.image_size = 64 renderer.anti_aliasing = False renderer.perspective = False vertices = chainer.Variable(cp.array(vertices, 'float32')) faces = cp.array(faces, 'int32') images = renderer.render_silhouettes(vertices[None, :, :], faces[None, :, :]) loss = cf.sum(cf.absolute(images[:, pyi, pxi])) loss.backward() for i in range(3): for j in range(2): axis = 'x' if j == 0 else 'y' vertices2 = cp.copy( vertices2[i, j] -= 1. / vertices.grad[i, j] images = renderer.render_silhouettes(vertices2[None, :, :], faces[None, :, :]) image = np.tile(images[0].data.get()[:, :, None], (1, 1, 3)) image[pyi, pxi] = [1, 0, 0] ref = scipy.misc.imread( './tests/data/rasterize_silhouettes_case2_v%d_%s.png' % (i, axis)) ref = ref.astype('float32') / 255 chainer.testing.assert_allclose(ref, image)
def exec_sortA0001(self) -> None: """exec_sortA0001. :rtype: None """ x_population = cp.copy(self.get_population()) x_sort = cp.copy(self.get_fitness()) y_population, y_sort = self._sortA0001( x_population, x_sort, self.get_n_jobs(), self.get_n_operations(), self.get_n_samples(), ) self.set_population(y_population) self._set_fitness(y_sort)
def voxelize(faces, size): faces = cp.copy(faces) faces *= size voxels = _voxelize_sub1(faces, size) voxels = _voxelize_sub4(voxels) return voxels
def identifyClassFromProb(probs): if usegpu == True: probs = np.asarray(probs) probs_ = np.copy(probs) probs_[probs_ > 0.5] = 1 probs_[probs_ <= 0.5] = 0 return probs_
def exec_migrationA0001(self) -> None: """exec_migrationA0001. :rtype: None """ x_population = cp.copy(self.get_population()) x_aux = cp.copy(self.get_population()) index_selection = int(self.get_n_samples() * self.get_percent_selection()) index_migration = int(self.get_n_samples() * self.get_percent_migration()) cp.random.shuffle(x_population) y_population = self._permutationA0001(self.get_n_jobs(), self.get_n_operations(), index_migration) x_aux[index_selection:, :][-index_migration:, :] = y_population self.set_population(x_aux)
def test_copy_orders(self, order): a = cupy.empty((2, 3, 4)) b = cupy.copy(a, order) a_cpu = numpy.empty((2, 3, 4)) b_cpu = numpy.copy(a_cpu, order) assert b.strides == b_cpu.strides
def test_copy_orders(self, order): a = cupy.empty((2, 3, 4)) b = cupy.copy(a, order) a_cpu = numpy.empty((2, 3, 4)) b_cpu = numpy.copy(a_cpu, order) self.assertEqual(b.strides, b_cpu.strides)
def sortAC0001() -> cp.core.core.ndarray: """sortAC0001. :rtype: cp.core.core.ndarray """ X_AUX = cp.copy(X) return X_AUX[y.argsort()], cp.sort(y)
def test_permutation_seed1(self, dtype): a = testing.shaped_random((10,), cupy, dtype) b = cupy.copy(a) cupy.random.seed(0) pa = cupy.random.permutation(a) cupy.random.seed(0) pb = cupy.random.permutation(b) testing.assert_allclose(pa, pb)
def test_shuffle_seed1(self, dtype): a = testing.shaped_random((10,), cupy, dtype) b = cupy.copy(a) cupy.random.seed(0) cupy.random.shuffle(a) cupy.random.seed(0) cupy.random.shuffle(b) testing.assert_allclose(a, b)
def forward(self, state, action, reward, new_state, is_terminal): q = self.get_q(Variable(state)) q_target = self.get_target_q(Variable(new_state)) max_target_q = cp.max(, axis=1) target = cp.copy( for i in xrange(target.shape[0]): curr_action = int(action[i]) if is_terminal[i]: target[i, curr_action] = reward[i] else: target[i, curr_action] = reward[i] + self.gamma * max_target_q[i] loss = F.mean_squared_error(Variable(target), q) return loss, 0.0 #cp.mean([:, action[i]])
def forward_onestep(self, x_data, y_data, state, train=True): batchsize = x_data.shape[0] x = chainer.Variable(x_data, volatile=not train) # lstm if y_data is not None: y = chainer.Variable(self.xp.array(y_data, dtype=self.xp.int32), volatile=not train) h_in = self.chain.lstm_xh(x) + \ self.chain.lstm_yh(y) + \ self.chain.lstm_rh(state['r']) + \ self.chain.lstm_hh(state['h']) else: h_in = self.chain.lstm_xh(x) + \ self.chain.lstm_rh(state['r']) + \ self.chain.lstm_hh(state['h']) c_t, h_t = F.lstm(state['c'], h_in) key = F.reshape(self.chain.l_key(h_t), (batchsize, self.nb_reads, self.memory_shape[1])) add = F.reshape(self.chain.l_add(h_t), (batchsize, self.nb_reads, self.memory_shape[1])) sigma = self.chain.l_sigma(h_t) # Compute least used weight (not differentiable) if self.xp == cp: wu_tm1_data = cp.copy(state['used_weight'].data) lu_index = np.argsort(cuda.to_cpu(wu_tm1_data), axis=1)[:,:self.nb_reads] else: wu_tm1_data = state['used_weight'].data lu_index = np.argsort(wu_tm1_data, axis=1)[:,:self.nb_reads] wlu_tm1_data = self.xp.zeros((batchsize, self.memory_shape[0]), dtype=self.xp.float32) for i in range(batchsize): for j in range(self.nb_reads): wlu_tm1_data[i,lu_index[i,j]] = 1. # 1 for least used index wlu_tm1 = chainer.Variable(wlu_tm1_data, volatile=not train) # write weight _wlu_tm1 = F.broadcast_to( F.reshape(wlu_tm1, (batchsize, 1, self.memory_shape[0])), (batchsize, self.nb_reads, self.memory_shape[0])) _sigma = F.broadcast_to(F.reshape(sigma, (batchsize, 1, 1)), (batchsize, self.nb_reads, self.memory_shape[0])) ww_t = _sigma * state['read_weight'] + (1 - _sigma) * _wlu_tm1 # write to memory _lu_mask = 1 - F.broadcast_to( F.reshape(wlu_tm1, (batchsize, self.memory_shape[0], 1)), (batchsize, self.memory_shape[0], self.memory_shape[1])) M_t = state['M'] * _lu_mask + F.batch_matmul(ww_t, add, transa=True) # read from memory K_t = cosine_similarity(key, M_t) # read weight, used weight wr_t = F.reshape(F.softmax(F.reshape( K_t, (-1, self.memory_shape[0]))), (batchsize, self.nb_reads, self.memory_shape[0])) wu_t = self.gamma * state['used_weight'] + F.sum(wr_t, axis=1) + F.sum(ww_t, axis=1) # read memory r_t = F.reshape(F.batch_matmul(wr_t, M_t), (batchsize, -1)) # (batchsize, nb_reads * memory_shape[1]) # set to state state_new = { 'M': M_t, 'c': c_t, 'h': h_t, 'r': r_t, 'read_weight': wr_t, 'used_weight': wu_t, } return state_new