Exemplo n.º 1
    def filter_by_age(self,
        Remove snapshots from `snapshots` by relative age calculations.

        :arg source: Source of snapshot age. Can be 'name', or 'creation_date'.
        :arg direction: Time to filter, either ``older`` or ``younger``
        :arg timestring: An strftime string to match the datestamp in an
            snapshot name. Only used for snapshot filtering by ``name``.
        :arg unit: One of ``seconds``, ``minutes``, ``hours``, ``days``,
            ``weeks``, ``months``, or ``years``.
        :arg unit_count: The number of ``unit`` (s). ``unit_count`` * ``unit`` will
            be calculated out to the relative number of seconds.
        :arg epoch: An epoch timestamp used in conjunction with ``unit`` and
            ``unit_count`` to establish a point of reference for calculations.
            If not provided, the current time will be used.
        :arg exclude: If `exclude` is `True`, this filter will remove matching
            snapshots from `snapshots`. If `exclude` is `False`, then only
            matching snapshots will be kept in `snapshots`.
            Default is `False`
        self.loggit.debug('Starting filter_by_age')
        # Get timestamp point of reference, por
        por = utils.get_point_of_reference(unit, unit_count, epoch)
        self.loggit.debug('Point of Reference: {0}'.format(por))
        if not direction:
            raise exceptions.MissingArgument(
                'Must provide a value for "direction"')
        if direction not in ['older', 'younger']:
            raise ValueError(
                'Invalid value for "direction": {0}'.format(direction))
        self._calculate_ages(source=source, timestring=timestring)
        for snapshot in self.working_list():
            if not self.snapshot_info[snapshot][self.age_keyfield]:
                self.loggit.debug('Removing snapshot {0} for having no age')
            msg = ('Snapshot "{0}" age ({1}), direction: "{2}", point of '
                   'reference, ({3})'.format(
                       direction, por))
            # Because time adds to epoch, smaller numbers are actually older
            # timestamps.
            snapshot_age = utils.fix_epoch(
            if direction == 'older':
                agetest = snapshot_age < por
            else:  # 'younger'
                agetest = snapshot_age > por
            self.__excludify(agetest, exclude, snapshot, msg)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def filter_by_age(self, source='creation_date', direction=None,
        timestring=None, unit=None, unit_count=None, epoch=None, exclude=False
        Remove snapshots from `snapshots` by relative age calculations.

        :arg source: Source of snapshot age. Can be 'name', or 'creation_date'.
        :arg direction: Time to filter, either ``older`` or ``younger``
        :arg timestring: An strftime string to match the datestamp in an
            snapshot name. Only used for snapshot filtering by ``name``.
        :arg unit: One of ``seconds``, ``minutes``, ``hours``, ``days``,
            ``weeks``, ``months``, or ``years``.
        :arg unit_count: The number of ``unit`` (s). ``unit_count`` * ``unit`` will
            be calculated out to the relative number of seconds.
        :arg epoch: An epoch timestamp used in conjunction with ``unit`` and
            ``unit_count`` to establish a point of reference for calculations.
            If not provided, the current time will be used.
        :arg exclude: If `exclude` is `True`, this filter will remove matching
            snapshots from `snapshots`. If `exclude` is `False`, then only
            matching snapshots will be kept in `snapshots`.
            Default is `False`
        self.loggit.debug('Starting filter_by_age')
        # Get timestamp point of reference, PoR
        PoR = utils.get_point_of_reference(unit, unit_count, epoch)
        self.loggit.debug('Point of Reference: {0}'.format(PoR))
        if not direction:
            raise exceptions.MissingArgument('Must provide a value for "direction"')
        if direction not in ['older', 'younger']:
            raise ValueError(
                'Invalid value for "direction": {0}'.format(direction)
        self._calculate_ages(source=source, timestring=timestring)
        for snapshot in self.working_list():
            if not self.snapshot_info[snapshot][self.age_keyfield]:
                self.loggit.debug('Removing snapshot {0} for having no age')
            msg = (
                'Snapshot "{0}" age ({1}), direction: "{2}", point of '
                'reference, ({3})'.format(
            # Because time adds to epoch, smaller numbers are actually older
            # timestamps.
            snapshot_age = utils.fix_epoch(
            if direction == 'older':
                agetest = snapshot_age < PoR
            else: # 'younger'
                agetest = snapshot_age > PoR
            self.__excludify(agetest, exclude, snapshot, msg)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def most_recent(self):
     Return the most recent snapshot based on `start_time_in_millis`.
     most_recent_time = 0
     most_recent_snap = ''
     for snapshot in self.snapshots:
         snaptime = utils.fix_epoch(
         if snaptime > most_recent_time:
             most_recent_snap = snapshot
             most_recent_time = snaptime
     return most_recent_snap
Exemplo n.º 4
    def filter_period(
        self, period_type='relative', source='name', range_from=None, 
        range_to=None, date_from=None, date_to=None, date_from_format=None, 
        date_to_format=None, timestring=None, unit=None, 
        week_starts_on='sunday', epoch=None, exclude=False,
        Match `snapshots` with ages within a given period.
        :arg period_type: Can be either ``absolute`` or ``relative``.  Default is
            ``relative``.  ``date_from`` and ``date_to`` are required when using
            ``period_type='absolute'`. ``range_from`` and ``range_to`` are
            required with ``period_type='relative'`.
        :arg source: Source of snapshot age. Can be 'name', or 'creation_date'.
        :arg range_from: How many ``unit`` (s) in the past/future is the origin?
        :arg range_to: How many ``unit`` (s) in the past/future is the end point?
        :arg date_from: The simplified date for the start of the range
        :arg date_to: The simplified date for the end of the range.  If this value
            is the same as ``date_from``, the full value of ``unit`` will be
            extrapolated for the range.  For example, if ``unit`` is ``months``,
            and ``date_from`` and ``date_to`` are both ``2017.01``, then the entire
            month of January 2017 will be the absolute date range.
        :arg date_from_format: The strftime string used to parse ``date_from``
        :arg date_to_format: The strftime string used to parse ``date_to``
        :arg timestring: An strftime string to match the datestamp in an
            snapshot name. Only used for snapshot filtering by ``name``.
        :arg unit: One of ``hours``, ``days``, ``weeks``, ``months``, or
        :arg week_starts_on: Either ``sunday`` or ``monday``. Default is
        :arg epoch: An epoch timestamp used to establish a point of reference
            for calculations. If not provided, the current time will be used.
        :arg exclude: If `exclude` is `True`, this filter will remove matching
            indices from `indices`. If `exclude` is `False`, then only matching
            indices will be kept in `indices`.
            Default is `False`

        self.loggit.debug('Filtering snapshots by period')
        if period_type not in ['absolute', 'relative']:
            raise ValueError(
                'Unacceptable value: {0} -- "period_type" must be either '
                '"absolute" or "relative".'.format(period_type)
        if period_type == 'relative':
            func = utils.date_range
            args = [unit, range_from, range_to, epoch]
            kwgs = { 'week_starts_on': week_starts_on }
            if type(range_from) != type(int()) or type(range_to) != type(int()):
                raise exceptions.ConfigurationError(
                    '"range_from" and "range_to" must be integer values')
            func = utils.absolute_date_range
            args = [unit, date_from, date_to]
            kwgs = { 
                'date_from_format': date_from_format, 
                'date_to_format': date_to_format 
            for reqd in [date_from, date_to, date_from_format, date_to_format]:
                if not reqd:
                    raise exceptions.ConfigurationError(
                        'Must provide "date_from", "date_to", '
                        '"date_from_format", and "date_to_format" with '
                        'absolute period_type'
            start, end = func(*args, **kwgs)
        except Exception as e:
        self._calculate_ages(source=source, timestring=timestring)
        for snapshot in self.working_list():
            if not self.snapshot_info[snapshot][self.age_keyfield]:
                self.loggit.debug('Removing snapshot {0} for having no age')
            age = utils.fix_epoch(self.snapshot_info[snapshot][self.age_keyfield])
            msg = (
                'Snapshot "{0}" age ({1}), period start: "{2}", period '
                'end, ({3})'.format(
            # Because time adds to epoch, smaller numbers are actually older
            # timestamps.
            inrange = ((age >= start) and (age <= end))
            self.__excludify(inrange, exclude, snapshot, msg)