Exemplo n.º 1
def _draw_house():
    hog = btn - pymunk.Vec2d(0, utils.dist(feet=21))

    pygame.draw.circle(screen, (164, 211, 255), btn, utils.dist(feet=6))
    pygame.draw.circle(screen, (255, 255, 255), btn, utils.dist(feet=4))
    pygame.draw.circle(screen, (255, 164, 211), btn, utils.dist(feet=2))
    pygame.draw.circle(screen, (255, 255, 255), btn, utils.dist(feet=0.5))

    pygame.draw.line(screen, 'black', [(btn.x), 0], [btn.x, 1000])  # Centerline
    pygame.draw.line(screen, 'black', [(btn.x) - 100, btn.y], [(btn.x + 100), btn.y])  # tee line

    pygame.draw.line(screen, 'blue', [(hog.x - 100), hog.y], [(hog.x + 100), hog.y])  # hog line
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_it_curls_right():
    curl = game.CurlingGame()
    board = curl.getInitBoard()

    curl.getNextState(board, 1, utils.getAction(1, '5', 1))

    stone = curl.sim.getStones()[0]

    right_house = utils.dist(feet=5)
    assert stone.body.position.x > right_house  # positive handle, positive broom, should cross over the center
Exemplo n.º 3
def SKIP_test_simulation_getBoard_right_edge():
    sim = game.CurlingGame().sim

    board = sim.getBoard()
    board[-1][0] = c.EMPTY

    button_x, button_y = curling.constants.BUTTON_POSITION
    button_x -= utils.dist(inches=10)  # NOTE - shifting to the left
    board_x, board_y = utils.realToBoard(button_x, button_y)

    board[board_x][board_y] = c.P1

    stones = sim.getStones()
    assert len(stones) == 1

    stone_x, stone_y = stones[0].body.position
    assert (button_x, button_y) == (stone_x, stone_y)
    recalculated_board = sim.getBoard()

    expected = np.argwhere(board == c.P1)
    actual = np.argwhere(recalculated_board == c.P1)
    np.testing.assert_array_equal(expected, actual)
Exemplo n.º 4
# y values
# 0,1 - has this stone been thrown yet
# 0,1 - is this stone "valid" (1) or "out of play" (0) (touched a wall)
# distance to pin
# 0,1 - is scoring

# [
#     [0] * 16,
#     [0] * 16,
#     [0] * 16,
#     [1] * 16
#     [0] * 16,
#     [0] * 16,
# ]

_HOUSE_RAIDUS = utils.dist(feet=6, inches=c.STONE_RADIUS_IN)

def update_distance_and_score(board: np.array):
    for stone in board.T:
        xy = pymunk.Vec2d(stone[c.BOARD_X], stone[c.BOARD_Y])
        stone[c.BOARD_DISTANCE] = utils.euclid(xy, c.BUTTON_POSITION)

    shot_stones = np.argsort(board[c.BOARD_DISTANCE])

    if shot_stones[0] < 8:
        team_range = range(0, 8)
        team_range = range(8, 16)

Exemplo n.º 5
from unittest import mock

import numpy as np

import curling.constants
import log_handler
from curling import board as board_utils
from curling import constants as c
from curling import game
from curling import utils

inch = utils.dist(inches=1)


class UnitTestException(Exception):
    """For testing expected exceptions."""

def test_board_is_2d():
    curl = game.CurlingGame()
    board = curl.getInitBoard()
    height, width = board.shape
    assert width == 16
    assert height == 6

def test_CanonicalBoard_unchanged():
    curl = game.CurlingGame()
    original = curl.getInitBoard()