Exemplo n.º 1
def sync_org_units():
    Synchronize DHIS2 Organization Units with local data.

    This data is used to fulfill the first requirement of
    `DHIS2 Integration`_: Allow mobile users in CommCareHQ to be
    associated with a particular DHIS2 Organisation Unit, so that when
    they create cases their new cases can be associated with that area
    or facility.

    .. _DHIS2 Integration: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8djk1vh797t6cmt/WV Sri Lanka Detailed Requirements.docx

    # Loop through all enabled domains
    for domain in Domain.get_all():
        settings = Dhis2Settings.for_domain(domain.name)
        if settings is None or not settings.is_enabled():

        dhis2_api = Dhis2Api(settings.dhis2.host, settings.dhis2.username, settings.dhis2.password,
        # Is it a bad idea to read all org units into dictionaries and sync them ...
        their_org_units = {ou['id']: ou for ou in dhis2_api.gen_org_units_with_parents()}
        # ... or should we rather just drop all ours and import all theirs every time?
        org_unit_objects = FixtureManager(Dhis2OrgUnit, domain, ORG_UNIT_FIXTURES)
        our_org_units = {ou.id: ou for ou in org_unit_objects.all()}
        # Add new org units
        for id_, ou in their_org_units.iteritems():
            if id_ not in our_org_units:
                org_unit = Dhis2OrgUnit(id=id_, name=ou['name'], parent_id=ou['parent_id'])
        # Delete former org units
        for id_, ou in our_org_units.iteritems():
            if id_ not in their_org_units:
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_user_by_org_unit(domain, org_unit_id, top_org_unit_name):
    Look up user ID by a DHIS2 organisation unit ID
    result = (UserES()
              .term('user_data.dhis_org_id', org_unit_id)
    if result.total:
        # Don't just assign all cases to the first user. Spread them fairly.
        i = random.randrange(result.total)
        return CommCareUser.wrap(result.hits[i])
    # No user is assigned to this organisation unit (i.e. region or facility).
    # Try its parent org unit.
    org_unit_objects = FixtureManager(Dhis2OrgUnit, domain, ORG_UNIT_FIXTURES)
    org_units = {ou.id: ou for ou in org_unit_objects.all()}
    if (
        org_unit_id in org_units and
        org_units[org_unit_id]['name'] != top_org_unit_name and
        return get_user_by_org_unit(domain, org_units[org_unit_id]['parent_id'], top_org_unit_name)
    # We don't know that org unit ID, or we're at the top for this project, or we're at the top of DHIS2
    return None