Exemplo n.º 1
async def test_jupyter_kernel_port_close(hass, caplog):
    """Test Jupyter kernel closing ports."""
    sock, port_nums = await setup_script(hass, [dt(2020, 7, 1, 11, 0, 0, 0)], "")

    # test the heartbeat loopback with some long and short messages
    # also send messages to stdin and iopub, which ignore them
    for i in range(5):
        if i & 1:
            msg = (f"hello {i} " * 40).encode("utf-8")
            msg = f"hello {i}".encode("utf-8")
        await sock["hb_port"].send(msg)
        await sock["iopub_port"].send(msg)
        await sock["stdin_port"].send(msg)
        assert await sock["hb_port"].recv() == msg

    # now close and re-open each por
    for name in PORT_NAMES:
        kernel_reader, kernel_writer = await asyncio.open_connection("", port_nums[name])
        sock[name] = ZmqSocket(kernel_reader, kernel_writer, "ROUTER")
        await sock[name].handshake()

    # test the heartbeat loopback again
    # also send messages to stdin and iopub, which ignore them
    for i in range(5):
        if i & 1:
            msg = (f"hello {i} " * 40).encode("utf-8")
            msg = f"hello {i}".encode("utf-8")
        await sock["hb_port"].send(msg)
        await sock["iopub_port"].send(msg)
        await sock["stdin_port"].send(msg)
        assert await sock["hb_port"].recv() == msg


    # shut down the session via signature mismatch with bad key
    await send(
        sock["control_port"], "shutdown_request", {}, parent_header={}, identities={}, secret_key=b"bad_key"

    # wait until the session ends, so the log receives the error message we check below
        await sock["iopub_port"].recv()
    except EOFError:

    assert "signature mismatch: check_sig=" in caplog.text
Exemplo n.º 2
async def setup_script(hass, now, source, no_connect=False):
    """Initialize and load the given pyscript."""

    scripts = [

    with patch(
            return_value=True), patch(
                return_value=scripts), patch(
                ), patch(
                    return_value=now), patch(
                        return_value={}), patch(
        assert await async_setup_component(hass, "pyscript", {DOMAIN: {}})

    # I'm not sure how to run the mock all the time, so just force the dt_now()
    # trigger function to return the given list of times in now.
    def return_next_time():
        nonlocal now
        if isinstance(now, list):
            if len(now) > 1:
                return now.pop(0)
            return now[0]
        return now

    trigger.__dict__["dt_now"] = return_next_time

    kernel_state_var = "pyscript.jupyter_ports_1234"
    kernel_cfg = {
        "ip": "",
        "key": SECRET_KEY.decode("utf-8"),
        "signature_scheme": "hmac-sha256",
        "state_var": kernel_state_var,
    if no_connect:
        kernel_cfg["no_connect_timeout"] = 0.0
    await hass.services.async_call("pyscript", "jupyter_kernel_start",

    while True:
        ports_state = hass.states.get(kernel_state_var)
        if ports_state is not None:
        await asyncio.sleep(2e-3)

    port_nums = json.loads(ports_state.state)

    sock = {}

    if no_connect:
        return sock, port_nums

    for name in PORT_NAMES:
        kernel_reader, kernel_writer = await asyncio.open_connection(
            "", port_nums[name])
        sock[name] = ZmqSocket(kernel_reader, kernel_writer, "ROUTER")
        await sock[name].handshake()

    return sock, port_nums
Exemplo n.º 3
async def setup_script(hass, now, source, no_connect=False):
    """Initialize and load the given pyscript."""

    conf_dir = hass.config.path(FOLDER)

    file_contents = {f"{conf_dir}/hello.py": source}

    mock_open = MockOpen()
    for key, value in file_contents.items():
        mock_open[key].read_data = value

    def isfile_side_effect(arg):
        return arg in file_contents

    def glob_side_effect(path, recursive=None):
        result = []
        path_re = path.replace("*", "[^/]*").replace(".", "\\.")
        path_re = path_re.replace("[^/]*[^/]*/", ".*")
        for this_path in file_contents:
            if re.match(path_re, this_path):
        return result

    with patch(
            "custom_components.pyscript.os.path.isdir", return_value=True
    ), patch("custom_components.pyscript.glob.iglob") as mock_glob, patch(
            "custom_components.pyscript.global_ctx.open", mock_open
    ), patch(
            "custom_components.pyscript.trigger.dt_now", return_value=now
    ), patch("custom_components.pyscript.open", mock_open), patch(
            "homeassistant.config.load_yaml_config_file", return_value={}
    ), patch(
    ), patch("custom_components.pyscript.watchdog_start",
             return_value=None), patch(
                 return_value=1000), patch(
                     return_value=1000), patch(
                     ) as mock_isfile:
        mock_isfile.side_effect = isfile_side_effect
        mock_glob.side_effect = glob_side_effect
        assert await async_setup_component(hass, "pyscript", {DOMAIN: {}})

    # I'm not sure how to run the mock all the time, so just force the dt_now()
    # trigger function to return the given list of times in now.
    def return_next_time():
        nonlocal now
        if isinstance(now, list):
            if len(now) > 1:
                return now.pop(0)
            return now[0]
        return now

    trigger.__dict__["dt_now"] = return_next_time

    kernel_state_var = "pyscript.jupyter_ports_1234"
    kernel_cfg = {
        "ip": "",
        "key": SECRET_KEY.decode("utf-8"),
        "signature_scheme": "hmac-sha256",
        "state_var": kernel_state_var,
    if no_connect:
        kernel_cfg["no_connect_timeout"] = 0.0
    await hass.services.async_call("pyscript", "jupyter_kernel_start",

    while True:
        ports_state = hass.states.get(kernel_state_var)
        if ports_state is not None:
        await asyncio.sleep(2e-3)

    port_nums = json.loads(ports_state.state)

    sock = {}

    if no_connect:
        return sock, port_nums

    for name in PORT_NAMES:
        kernel_reader, kernel_writer = await asyncio.open_connection(
            "", port_nums[name])
        sock[name] = ZmqSocket(kernel_reader, kernel_writer, "ROUTER")
        await sock[name].handshake()

    return sock, port_nums