def process_login():
    """Log user into site.

    Find the user's login credentials located in the 'request.form'
    dictionary, look up the user, and store them in the session.

    # TODO: Need to implement this!

    # The logic here should be something like:
    # - get user-provided name and password from request.form
    email = request.form.get("email")
    password = request.form.get("password")

    if not customers.get_by_email(email):
        flash("Email not found.")
        return redirect("/login")
        customer = customers.get_by_email(email)
        if password == customer.password:
            session['logged_in_customer_email'] = email
            flash("successful login.")
            return redirect("/melons")
            flash("Check your password.")
            return redirect("/login")
Exemplo n.º 2
def profile_page():
    """Displays profile page of user.  Provides links to change fields."""

    if "login" in session:
        first_name = customers.get_by_email(session["login"]).first_name
        last_name = customers.get_by_email(session["login"]).last_name
        email = customers.get_by_email(session["login"]).email
        password = customers.get_by_email(session["login"]).password

    return render_template("profile.html", first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name, email=email, password=password)
Exemplo n.º 3
def profile_page():
    """Displays profile page of user.  Provides links to change fields."""

    if "login" in session:
        first_name = customers.get_by_email(session["login"]).first_name
        last_name = customers.get_by_email(session["login"]).last_name
        email = customers.get_by_email(session["login"]).email
        password = customers.get_by_email(session["login"]).password

    return render_template("profile.html",
def process_login():
    """Log user into site.

    Find the user's login credentials located in the 'request.form'
    dictionary, look up the user, and store them in the session.

    # TODO: Need to implement this!

    # The logic here should be something like:
    # - get user-provided name and password from request.form
    # - use customers.get_by_email() to retrieve corresponding Customer
    #   object (if any)
    # - if a Customer with that email was found, check the provided password
    #   against the stored one
    # - if they match, store the user's email in the session, flash a success
    #   message and redirect the user to the "/melons" route
    # - if they don't, flash a failure message and redirect back to "/login"
    # - do the same if a Customer with that email doesn't exist
    import pdb

    username = request.form['username']
    password = request.form['password']

    customer = customers.get_by_email(username)

    return "Oops! This needs to be implemented"
Exemplo n.º 5
def process_login():
    """Log user into site.

    Find the user's login credentials located in the 'request.form'
    dictionary, look up the user, and store them in the session.
    email = request.form.get('email')
    password = request.form.get('password')

    customers_list = customers.read_customers_from_file("customers.txt")

    if email in customers_list.keys():
        customer = customers.get_by_email(email)

        if customer.password == password:
            flash("Login successful!")
            session['logged_in_customer_email'] = email
            return redirect("/melons")

            flash("The password you entered is incorrect.")
            return redirect("/login",
        flash("The email you entered does not match our records.")
        return redirect("/login",
Exemplo n.º 6
def process_login():
    """Log user into site.

    Find the user's login credentials located in the 'request.form'
    dictionary, look up the user, and store them in the session.

    email_submitted = request.form.get("email")
    password_submitted = request.form.get("password")
    # access customer_info dict in
    # use namespace customers.customer_info

    if email_submitted in customers.customer_info:
        customer = customers.get_by_email(email_submitted)
        if customer.password == password_submitted:
            session["logged_in_customer_email"] = email_submitted
            flash("Login successful.")
            return redirect("/melons")
            flash("Incorrect password.")
            return redirect("/login")
        flash("No such email.")
        return redirect("/login")
Exemplo n.º 7
def process_login():
    """Log user into site.

    Find the user's login credentials located in the 'request.form'
    dictionary, look up the user, and store them in the session.

    # Get user's login credentials from login form
    email = request.form.get('email')
    password = request.form.get('password')

    # Look up if user exists in system
    user = customers.get_by_email(email)
    if user != None:

        # Verify if user provided correct password
        if user.is_correct_password(password):
            flash('Successfully logged in.')
            session['email'] = email
            return redirect('/melons')

        # Handle incorrect password
        flash('Incorrect username and/or password.')
        return redirect('/login')

    # Handle users not in system
    flash('Username does not exist.')
    return redirect('/login')
Exemplo n.º 8
def process_login():
    """Log user into site.

    Find the user's login credentials located in the 'request.form'
    dictionary, look up the user, and store them in the session.

    # The logic here should be something like:
    # - get user-provided name and password from request.form
    # - use customers.get_by_email() to retrieve corresponding Customer
    #   object (if any)
    # - if a Customer with that email was found, check the provided password
    #   against the stored one
    # - if they match, store the user's email in the session, flash a success
    #   message and redirect the user to the "/melons" route
    # - if they don't, flash a failure message and redirect back to "/login"
    # - do the same if a Customer with that email doesn't exist

    session['email'] = request.form['email']
    session['pw'] = request.form['password']

    customer = get_by_email(session['email'], all_customers)

    if customer and customer.password == session['pw']:
        session['email'] =
        flash('Success! You have logged in!')
        return redirect('/melons')
        flash('Failure! You did not log in!')
        return redirect('/login')
def process_login():
    """Log user into site.

    Find the user's login credentials located in the 'request.form'
    dictionary, look up the user, and store them in the session.

    # TODO: Need to implement this!

    # The logic here should be something like:
    # - get user-provided name and password from request.form
    # - use customers.get_by_email() to retrieve corresponding Customer
    #   object (if any)
    # - if a Customer with that email was found, check the provided password
    #   against the stored one
    # - if they match, store the user's email in the session, flash a success
    #   message and redirect the user to the "/melons" route
    # - if they don't, flash a failure message and redirect back to "/login"
    # - do the same if a Customer with that email doesn't exist

    email = request.form.get('email')
    password = request.form.get('password')
    customer = customers.get_by_email(email)
    print(email, password, customer)
    if not customer:
        flash('No customer with that email found.')
        if customer.password == password:
            session['user'] = email
            flash('Login successful!')
            return redirect('/melons')
            flash('Incorrect password.')
    return redirect('/login')
Exemplo n.º 10
def process_login():
    """Log user into site.

    Find the user's login credentials located in the 'request.form'
    dictionary, look up the user, and store them in the session.

    # TODO: Need to implement this!

    # The logic here should be something like:
    # - get user-provided name and password from request.form
    # - use customers.get_by_email() to retrieve corresponding Customer
    #   object (if any)
    # - if a Customer with that email was found, check the provided password
    #   against the stored one
    # - if they match, store the user's email in the session, flash a success
    #   message and redirect the user to the "/melons" route
    # - if they don't, flash a failure message and redirect back to "/login"
    # - do the same if a Customer with that email doesn't exist

    username = request.form['email']
    password = request.form['password']
    customer = customers.get_by_email(username)

    if customer:
        if password == customer.password:
            flash("You are logged in!")
            return redirect('/melons')
            flash("Wrong Password")
            return redirect('/login')
        flash("Are you sure that is your email?")
        return redirect('/login')
Exemplo n.º 11
def process_login():
    """Log user into site.

    Find the user's login credentials located in the 'request.form'
    dictionary, look up the user, and store them in the session.

    # TODO: Need to implement this!

    # The logic here should be something like:
    # - get user-provided name and password from request.form
    # - use customers.get_by_email() to retrieve corresponding Customer
    #   object (if any)
    # - if a Customer with that email was found, check the provided password
    #   against the stored one
    # - if they match, store the user's email in the session, flash a success
    #   message and redirect the user to the "/melons" route
    # - if they don't, flash a failure message and redirect back to "/login"
    # - do the same if a Customer with that email doesn't exist
    password = request.form.get("password")
    email = request.form.get("email")

    customer = customers.get_by_email("customers.txt", email)

    if customer and customer.password == password:
        flash(f"Successfully logged in as {customer.first}")
        return redirect("/melons")

    flash("Login failed")
    return redirect("/login")
Exemplo n.º 12
def process_login():
    """Log user into site.

    Find the user's login credentials located in the 'request.form'
    dictionary, look up the user, and store them in the session.

    # TODO: Need to implement this!

    email = request.form.get("email")

    password = request.form.get("password")
    customer = customers.get_by_email(email)
    customer_info = {
        'first name': customer.first_name,
        'last name': customer.last_name,
        'password': customer.password

    if customer and password == customer.password:
        # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        session['email'] = customer_info
        flash("You have logged in")
        return redirect("/melons")

        flash("Invalid username/password")
        return redirect("/login")
Exemplo n.º 13
def process_login():
    """Log user into site.

    Find the user's login credentials located in the 'request.form'
    dictionary, look up the user, and store them in the session.

    # TODO: Need to implement this!

    # The logic here should be something like:
    # - get user-provided name and password from request.form
    # - use customers.get_by_email() to retrieve corresponding Customer
    #   object (if any)
    # - if a Customer with that email was found, check the provided password
    #   against the stored one
    # - if they match, store the user's email in the session, flash a success
    #   message and redirect the user to the "/melons" route
    # - if they don't, flash a failure message and redirect back to "/login"
    # - do the same if a Customer with that email doesn't exist

    email = request.form['email']
    password = request.form['password']

    customer = customers.get_by_email(email)

    if customer and customer.password == password:
        session['current-user'] = email
        flash("Logged in as {}".format(email))
        return redirect("/melons")
        flash("Invalid email or password.")
        return redirect("/login")
Exemplo n.º 14
def process_login():
    """Log user into site.

    Find the user's login credentials located in the 'request.form'
    dictionary, look up the user, and store them in the session.

    email = request.form.get("email")
    password = request.form.get("password")

    if customers.get_by_email(email) == False:
        flash("No user email found.")

    elif customers.get_by_email(email).password != password:
        flash("Incorrect Password")

    elif customers.get_by_email(email).password == password:
        session["logged_in_customer_email"] = email
        flash("Login successful!")
        return render_template("all_melons.html")
Exemplo n.º 15
def process_login():
    """Log user into site.

    Find the user's login credentials located in the 'request.form'
    dictionary, look up the user, and store them in the session.
    email = request.form["email"]
    password = request.form["password"]

    if customers.get_by_email(email):
        if hash(password) == customers.get_by_email(email).hashed_password :
            session["logged_in_customer_email"] = email
            flash("Login successful")
            return redirect ('/melons')
            flash("Login unsuccessful")
            return redirect ('/login')
        flash("No customer with that email found.")
        return redirect('/login')
Exemplo n.º 16
def edit_password_name():

    first_name = customers.get_by_email(session["login"]).first_name
    last_name = customers.get_by_email(session["login"]).last_name
    email = customers.get_by_email(session["login"]).email
    password = customers.get_by_email(session["login"]).password

    confirm_password = request.form.get("confirm-password")
    desired_password = request.form.get("desired-password")
    if password == confirm_password:
        for i, line in enumerate(fileinput.input('customers.txt', inplace=1)):
            sys.stdout.write(line.replace(first_name+"|"+last_name+"|"+email+"|"+password, first_name+"|"+last_name+"|"+email+"|"+desired_password))
        flash("Your password has been updated")

        flash("Incorrect password")
    return redirect("/profile")
def process_login():
    """Log user into site.

    Find the user's login credentials located in the 'request.form'
    dictionary, look up the user, and store them in the session.

    # TODO: Need to implement this!

    # The logic here should be something like:
    # - get user-provided name and password from request.form
    # - use customers.get_by_email() to retrieve corresponding Customer
    #   object (if any)
    # - if a Customer with that email was found, check the provided password
    #   against the stored one
    # - if they match, store the user's email in the session, flash a success
    #   message and redirect the user to the "/melons" route
    # - if they don't, flash a failure message and redirect back to "/login"
    # - do the same if a Customer with that email doesn't exist

    user_email = request.form.get('email')
    if customers.get_by_email(user_email):
        current_customer = customers.get_by_email(user_email)
        if current_customer.password == request.form.get('password'):
            session['user'] = user_email
                "You've logged in successfully. Welcome to your Ubermelons account."
            return redirect('/melons')
            flash('Incorrect Password. Please try again')
            return redirect('/melons')
            "no account with that email exists. please create one or try again"
        return redirect('/login')
Exemplo n.º 18
def edit_password_name():

    first_name = customers.get_by_email(session["login"]).first_name
    last_name = customers.get_by_email(session["login"]).last_name
    email = customers.get_by_email(session["login"]).email
    password = customers.get_by_email(session["login"]).password

    confirm_password = request.form.get("confirm-password")
    desired_password = request.form.get("desired-password")

    if password == confirm_password:
        for i, line in enumerate(fileinput.input('customers.txt', inplace=1)):
                    first_name + "|" + last_name + "|" + email + "|" +
                    password, first_name + "|" + last_name + "|" + email +
                    "|" + desired_password))

        flash("Your password has been updated")

        flash("Incorrect password")

    return redirect("/profile")
Exemplo n.º 19
def process_login():
    """Log user into site.

    Find the user's login credentials located in the 'request.form'
    dictionary, look up the user, and store them in the session.

    # TODO: Need to implement this!

    # The logic here should be something like:
    # - get user-provided name and password from request.form

    email = request.form.get("email")
    password = request.form.get("password")
    # - use customers.get_by_email() to retrieve corresponding Customer
    #   object (if any)
    customer_info = get_by_email(email)
    # - if a Customer with that email was found, check the provided password
    #   against the stored one
    # - if they match, store the user's email in the session, flash a success
    #   message and redirect the user to the "/melons" route

    if customer_info:
        if password == customer_info.password:
            session['email'] = email
            flash("Success! You've been logged in.")
            return redirect("/melons")

    # - if they don't, flash a failure message and redirect back to "/login"
            flash("Sorry, you cannot be logged in. Please try again.")
            return redirect("/login")
        flash("Sorry, you cannot be logged in. Please try again.")
        return redirect("/login")

    # - do the same if a Customer with that email doesn't exist

    return "Oops! This needs to be implemented"
Exemplo n.º 20
def process_login():
    """Log user into site.

    Find the user's login credentials located in the 'request.form'
    dictionary, look up the user, and store them in the session.

    email = request.form.get("email")
    password = request.form.get("password")
    user = customers.get_by_email(email)

    if user.password == password:
        flash("You're successfully logged in")
        return redirect('/melons')

        flash("Invalid password")
        return redirect('/login')
Exemplo n.º 21
def process_login():
    """Log user into site.

    Find the user's login credentials located in the 'request.form'
    dictionary, look up the user, and store them in the session.

    # TODO: Need to implement this!

    # The logic here should be something like:
    # - get user-provided name and password from request.form
    # - use customers.get_by_email() to retrieve corresponding Customer
    #   object (if any)
    # - if a Customer with that email was found, check the provided password
    #   against the stored one
    # - if they match, store the user's email in the session, flash a success
    #   message and redirect the user to the "/melons" route
    # - if they don't, flash a failure message and redirect back to "/login"
    # - do the same if a Customer with that email doesn't exist

    name = request.form['email']
    password = request.form['password']

    if name not in customers.customers:
        flash('emailed not matched in database')
        return redirect('login')
        customer = customers.get_by_email(name)

    if password == customer.password:
        session['password'] = password
        return redirect('/melons')
        flash('incorrect password')
        return redirect('/login')

    # if name !=
    #     flash('emailed not matched in database')
    #     return redirect('login')

    return "Oops! This needs to be implemented"
Exemplo n.º 22
def process_login():
    """Log user into site.

    Find the user's login credentials located in the 'request.form'
    dictionary, look up the user, and store them in the session.

    email = request.form["email"]
    password = request.form["password"]
    user = customers.get_by_email(email)
    if user:
        if user.password != password:
            flash("Incorrect password")
            return redirect("/login")
        session["email"] = email
        flash("Welcome to Ubermelon!")
        return redirect("/melons")
        flash("No customer with that email found.")
        return redirect("/login")
Exemplo n.º 23
def process_login():
    """Log user into site.

    Find the user's login credentials located in the 'request.form'
    dictionary, look up the user, and store them in the session.

    # TODO: Need to implement this!
    user_email =  request.form.get('email')
    user_pw = request.form.get('password')
        user = customers.get_by_email(user_email)
        if user_pw == user.password:
            # log them in
            flash("You are logged in.")
            # redirect to /melons
            flash("Incorrect password.")
            #redirect to login page
    except KeyError:
        flash("User not found! Please create account.")
Exemplo n.º 24
def process_login():
    """Log user into site.

    Find the user's login credentials located in the 'request.form'
    dictionary, look up the user, and store them in the session.

    # TODO: Need to implement this!

    # The logic here should be something like:
    # - get user-provided name and password from request.form
    # - use customers.get_by_email() to retrieve corresponding Customer
    #   object (if any)
    # - if a Customer with that email was found, check the provided password
    #   against the stored one
    # - if they match, store the user's email in the session, flash a success
    #   message and redirect the user to the "/melons" route
    # - if they don't, flash a failure message and redirect back to "/login"
    # - do the same if a Customer with that email doesn't exist

    # - ImmutableMultiDict{'email':'*****@*****.**', 'password':'******'}

    login_attempt = request.form

    print('\n \n \n \n')
    print('\n \n \n \n')

    if login_attempt['email'] in customers.customer_dictionary:
        user = customers.get_by_email(login_attempt['email'])
        if user.password == login_attempt['password']:
            flash("Login Successful!")
            return redirect("/melons")
            flash("Incorrect Password")
            return redirect("/login")
        flash("User Not Found")
        return redirect("/login")
Exemplo n.º 25
def process_login():
    """Log user into site.

    Find the user's login credentials located in the 'request.form'
    dictionary, look up the user, and store them in the session.

    # TODO: Need to implement this!

    # The logic here should be something like:
    # - get user-provided name and password from request.form
    # - use customers.get_by_email() to retrieve corresponding Customer
    #   object (if any)
    # - if a Customer with that email was found, check the provided password
    #   against the stored one
    # - if they match, store the user's email in the session, flash a success
    #   message and redirect the user to the "/melons" route
    # - if they don't, flash a failure message and redirect back to "/login"
    # - do the same if a Customer with that email doesn't exist

    username = request.form.get("email")
    password = request.form.get("password")

    print(username, password)

    customer_object = get_by_email(username)

    if customer_object:
        if password == customer_object.password:
            session["logged_in_customer_email"] = username
            flash("Login successful!")
            return redirect("/melons")
            flash("Incorrect password")
            return redirect("/login")
        flash("No customer with that email found")
        return redirect("/login")
def process_login():
    """Log user into site.

    Find the user's login credentials located in the 'request.form'
    dictionary, look up the user, and store them in the session.

    # TODO: Need to implement this!

    # The logic here should be something like:
    # - get user-provided name and password from request.form
    # - use customers.get_by_email() to retrieve corresponding Customer
    #   object (if any)
    # - if a Customer with that email was found, check the provided password
    #   against the stored one
    # - if they match, store the user's email in the session, flash a success
    #   message and redirect the user to the "/melons" route
    # - if they don't, flash a failure message and redirect back to "/login"
    # - do the same if a Customer with that email doesn't exist
    #get inputs of username and password
    username = request.form['email']
    password = request.form['password']

    #check if that email is tied to a customer
    customer = customers.get_by_email(username)

    #get_by_email returns False if customer doesn't exist
    # if customer exists and their password matches
    # log them in and add email to session
    if customer is not False and customer.password == password:
        session['user_email'] =
        flash("You have successfully logged in!")
        return redirect('/melons')
        print "elsing!"
        flash("That username or password is incorrect! Try again.")
        return redirect('/login')
Exemplo n.º 27
def process_login():
    """Log user into site.

    Find the user's login credentials located in the 'request.form'
    dictionary, look up the user, and store them in the session.

    email = request.form.get("email")
    password = request.form.get("password")

    customer = customers.get_by_email(email)
    if customer is not None:
        if customer.is_correct_password(password):
            session["email"] = email
            flash("Login Successful!")
            return redirect("/melons")
            flash("Incorrect Password")
            return redirect("/login")
        flash("User Does Not Exist")
        return redirect("/login")
Exemplo n.º 28
def process_login():
    """Log user into site.

    Find the user's login credentials located in the 'request.form'
    dictionary, look up the user, and store them in the session.

    # TODO: Need to implement this!

    # The logic here should be something like:
    # - get user-provided name and password from request.form
    # - use customers.get_by_email() to retrieve corresponding Customer
    #   object (if any)
    # - if a Customer with that email was found, check the provided password
    #   against the stored one
    # - if they match, store the user's email in the session, flash a success
    #   message and redirect the user to the "/melons" route
    # - if they don't, flash a failure message and redirect back to "/login"
    # - do the same if a Customer with that email doesn't exist

    email = request.form['email']
    password = request.form['password']
    customer = customers.get_by_email(email)
    if customer:
        if customer.password == password and == email:
            if 'logged_in_customer_email' in session:
                session['logged_in_customer_email'] = [email]
            flash("You have successfully logged in.")
            return redirect('/melons')
            flash("Incorrect password. Please try again.")
            return redirect('/login')
        flash("No customer with that email found. Please try again.")
        return redirect('/login')
Exemplo n.º 29
def process_login():
    """Log user into site.

    Find the user's login credentials located in the 'request.form'
    dictionary, look up the user, and store them in the session.

    cust_email = request.form.get("email")
    cust_pass = request.form.get("password")

    customer = customers.get_by_email(cust_email)

    if customer:
        if cust_pass == customer.password:

            session["credentials"] =
            flash("Welcome back {}!".format(customer.first_name))

            return redirect("/melons")

    flash("The e-mail address and/or password you specified are not correct.")

    return redirect("/login")
Exemplo n.º 30
def process_login():
    """Log user into site.

    Find the user's login credentials located in the 'request.form'
    dictionary, look up the user, and store them in the session.

    email = request.form.get('email')
    password = request.form.get('password')

    user = customers.get_by_email(email)

    if not user:
        flash("No such email address.")
        return redirect('/login')

    if user.password != password:
        flash("Incorrect password.")
        return redirect("/login")

    session["logged_in_customer_email"] =
    flash("Logged in.")
    return redirect("/melons")
Exemplo n.º 31
def process_login():
    """Log user into site.

    Find the user's login credentials located in the 'request.form'
    dictionary, look up the user, and store them in the session.

    email = request.form.get('email')
    password = request.form.get('password')

        customer = customers.get_by_email(email)
        flash('A user with that email does not exist. Try again.')
        return redirect('/login')

    if customer.is_hashed_password(password):
        session['user'] = email
        flash('Welcome, {}!'.format(customer.first_name))
        return redirect('/melons')
        flash('Invalid password for {}'.format(email))
        return redirect('/login')
def process_login():
    """Log user into site.

    Find the user's login credentials located in the 'request.form'
    dictionary, look up the user, and store them in the session.

    email = request.form.get('email')
    password = request.form.get('password')

    user = customers.get_by_email(email)

    if not user:
        flash("No such email address.")
        return redirect('/login')

    if user.password != password:
        flash("Incorrect password.")
        return redirect("/login")

    session["logged_in_customer_email"] =
    flash("Logged in.")
    return redirect("/melons")
Exemplo n.º 33
def process_login():
    """Log user into site.

    Find the user's login credentials located in the 'request.form'
    dictionary, look up the user, and store them in the session.

    # TODO: Need to implement this!

    # The logic here should be something like:
    # - get user-provided name and password from request.form
    # - use customers.get_by_email() to retrieve corresponding Customer
    #   object (if any)
    # - if a Customer with that email was found, check the provided password
    #   against the stored one
    # - if they match, store the user's email in the session, flash a success
    #   message and redirect the user to the "/melons" route
    # - if they don't, flash a failure message and redirect back to "/login"
    # - do the same if a Customer with that email doesn't exist

    email = request.form["email"]

    if email not in customers_mod.customers:
        flash("No customer with that email found.")
        return redirect(url_for("process_login"))

    # customers.get_by_email(email) == email:
    password = request.form["password"]

    if customers_mod.get_by_email(email).password == password:
        session['logged_in_customer_email'] = email
        flash("Login successful!")
        return redirect(url_for("list_melons"))
        flash("Incorrect password")
        return redirect(url_for("process_login"))
Exemplo n.º 34
def process_login():
    """Log user into site.

    Find the user's login credentials located in the 'request.form'
    dictionary, look up the user, and store them in the session.

    # TODO: Need to implement this!

    # The logic here should be something like:
    # - get user-provided name and password from request.form

    user_email = request.form.get('email')
    user_password = request.form.get('password')

    # - use customers.get_by_email() to retrieve corresponding Customer
    #   object (if any)
    # - if a Customer with that email was found, check the provided password
    #   against the stored one
    # - if they match, store the user's email in the session, flash a success
    #   message and redirect the user to the "/melons" route
    # - if they don't, flash a failure message and redirect back to "/login"
    # - do the same if a Customer with that email doesn't exist

    if user_email in customers.customer_info:

        user = customers.get_by_email(user_email)

        if user.password == user_password:
            session['email'] = user_email
            return redirect('/melons')


    return redirect('/login')
Exemplo n.º 35
def process_login():
    email = request.form["email"]
    password = request.form["password"]
    customer = customers.get_by_email(email)
    if customer is not None:
        if password == customer.password:
            flash("login successfull")
            session['logged_in_customer_email'] = email
            return redirect("/melons")

            flash("incorrect password")
            return redirect("/login")
        flash("No customer with that email found.")
        return redirect('/login')
    """Log user into site.

    Find the user's login credentials located in the 'request.form'
    dictionary, look up the user, and store them in the session.

    # TODO: Need to implement this!

    # The logic here should be something like:
    # - get user-provided name and password from request.form
    # - use customers.get_by_email() to retrieve corresponding Customer
    #   object (if any)
    # - if a Customer with that email was found, check the provided password
    #   against the stored one
    # - if they match, store the user's email in the session, flash a success
    #   message and redirect the user to the "/melons" route
    # - if they don't, flash a failure message and redirect back to "/login"
    # - do the same if a Customer with that email doesn't exist

    return "Oops! This needs to be implemented"
Exemplo n.º 36
def process_login():
    """Log user into site.

    Find the user's login credentials located in the 'request.form'
    dictionary, look up the user, and store them in the session.

    # TODO: Need to implement this!

    # The logic here should be something like:
    # - get user-provided name and password from request.form
    # - use customers.get_by_email() to retrieve corresponding Customer
    #   object (if any)
    # - if a Customer with that email was found, check the provided password
    #   against the stored one
    # - if they match, store the user's email in the session, flash a success
    #   message and redirect the user to the "/melons" route
    # - if they don't, flash a failure message and redirect back to "/login"
    # - do the same if a Customer with that email doesn't exist

    username = request.form['email']
    entered_password = request.form['password']

    if username in customers.read_customers_from_file("customers.txt"):
        customer = customers.get_by_email(username)
        if entered_password == customer.password:
            session['email'] =
            flash("You successfully logged in.")
            return redirect("/melons")
            flash("Wrong password, try again.")
            return redirect("/login")
        flash("User/password not found. Try again.")
        return redirect("/login")
Exemplo n.º 37
def first_name_creation():
    if "login" in session:
        first_name = customers.get_by_email(session["login"]).first_name
        return dict(first_name=first_name)
        return dict(first="hello")