def start_choice(): ''' asks player if they want to play and gives character select uses cutie module to have user select input, both for wanting to play and what character they play as Parameter: ---------- User input : str Returns: -------- The stats of the hero choosen ''' game_choice = ['Yes','No'] print ('Would you like to play a game?') game_cho = game_choice[] if game_cho == 'Yes': print ('Choose your character') names = ['Warrior', 'Assasin'] if names[] == "Warrior": hero.warrior_select('Warrior', 100, 40) else: hero.warrior_select('Assassin', 75, 60) print ("You've made your choice, \nyour character is: \n" + hero.char_info()) else: sys.exit('Thanks for playing')
def manage(servers_config, config_file): server_continue = False for _ in count(): if not server_continue: print(f"Maximum snapshots: {servers_config.snapshot_max}") print("\nWhich server do you want to manage?") opts = list(servers_config.servers) + ["Exit"] selection = if selection == len(opts) - 1: break server_selection = list(servers_config.servers)[selection] stats(server_selection, servers_config, details=False) else: server_selection = server_continue server_continue = False dogs = DOGS(server_selection, config_file) if dogs.droplet: print(f"Running: {dogs.droplet.ip_address}") else: print("Currently not running") actions = [ "Turn On", "Shutdown", "View Server Info", "View Snapshots", "Cleanup Old Snapshots", "Cancel", ] print("\nManage:") action = actions[, selected_index=1 if dogs.droplet else 0)] if action == "Turn On": print("\nTurning droplet on\n") dogs.create() elif action == "Shutdown": print("\nShutting down droplet\n") dogs.destroy() elif action == "View Snapshots": print("\nFinding snapshots\n") dogs.show_snapshots() elif action == "Cleanup Old Snapshots": print("\nRemoving old snapshots\n") dogs.cleanup() elif action == "View Server Info": stats(server_selection, servers_config, details=True) server_continue = server_selection continue print("\nWould you like to:") selection =["Manage more", "Exit"], selected_index=1) if selection == 0: continue else: break
def askUserForPositionInfo(): ''' Purpose: On the command line, ask the user to input which position they would like to scrape statistical data for. If the user does not want to scrape data for all positions, they will be asked what posiiton they are specifically interested in. Inputs ------ NONE Outputs ------- scrape_position : string Position that the user requests data for (allowed values are 'NONE', 'QB', 'RB', 'FB', 'WR', 'TE', 'CB', 'DB', 'DE', 'DT', 'DL', 'LB', 'NT', 'S' or 'all') ** NOTE: WR includes TE ** [default = 'all'] ''' # Set the default for scraping to all positions scrape_position = 'all' # Prompt the user to select the years they would like to scrape data for list_all = [ 'Would you like to scrape player info for all positions?', 'No', 'Yes' ] all_positions = list_all[, caption_indices=[0], selected_index=1)] # Scrape player-specific data for all positions if all_positions == 'Yes': print('Proceeding to scrape player info for all available posiitons.') scrape_position = [ 'NONE', 'QB', 'RB', 'FB', 'WR', 'TE', 'CB', 'DB', 'DE', 'DT', 'DL', 'LB', 'NT', 'S' ] # Scrape player-specific data for one position else: years = [ 'Select the position for which you would like to scrape player info:', 'NONE', 'QB', 'RB', 'FB', 'WR', 'TE', 'CB', 'DB', 'DE', 'DT', 'DL', 'LB', 'NT', 'S' ] scrape_position = [ years[, caption_indices=[0], selected_index=1)] ] print(f'Proceeding to scrape player info for {scrape_position}') return scrape_position
def granny_house(): ''' sidetrack where player finds a nice old lady who helps them with chicken soup asks player if they want the powerup, and they appends the player's health value Parameters: ----------- player input : str Returns: -------- either pass or updated value ''' print ('As you approach the red brick house, you notice\nit has a beautiful rose garden in the front yard.') time.sleep(1) print ('Once you arrive at the gate of the front yard you notice\na small old woman watering the garden.') time.sleep(2) print ('Grandma: hellllooooo? Is someone there?') time.sleep(2) print ('Grandma: Oh hello youngster!') time.sleep(2) print ('Grandma: You are the first human I have seen in ages!\nIt is usually just monters in these parts!') print ('Grandma: Would you like to step inside and have some\nnice homemade dragon and mushroom soup?') choices = ['Yes','No'] play_cho = choices[] if play_cho == 'Yes': print ('The soup was delicious and nourishing! You gain 80 HP.\nYou thank Grandma for the soup and head on') hero.increase_health(80) print("Your health is now at: " + str(hero.show_health()) + " HP.") else: print ('You decline a bowl of grandma\'s soup and head on.')
def fifth_choice(): ''' once again asks the player whether or not they want to continue Parameters: ----------- Player input : str Returns: -------- either pass to next function or sys.exit ''' time.sleep(1) print ('As you continue on your journey you come across\na dark and sinister looking cave.') time.sleep(1) print ('You sense an overwhelming source of evil\nemanating from the cave.') time.sleep(1) print ('Do you dare to continue? Or will you run home?') choices = ['Dare to continue', 'Run home'] play_cho = choices[] if play_cho == 'Dare to continue': pass else: print ('Good choice, your mom made you cookies.') sys.exit('Thanks for playing!')
def mainloop(self): while True: try: clear_screen() self.show_info() print("\nSelect One:") action = MENU_OPTIONS[] if action == "Connect": self.connect() elif action == "Unit Configuration": self.configure() elif action == "Vehicle Configuration": self.vehicle_configure() elif action == "Log": self.log() elif action == "Monitor": self.monitor() elif action == "NTRIP": self.ntrip_menu() elif action == "Upgrade": self.upgrade() elif action == "Plot": self.plot() elif action == "Refresh": self.refresh() elif action == "Exit": self.exit() elif action == "Restart Unit": self.reset() else: raise Exception("invalid action: " + str(action)) except (socket.error, socket.herror, socket.gaierror, socket.timeout, serial.SerialException, serial.SerialTimeoutException) as e: print(e) self.release() show_and_pause("connection error. check cable and reconnect")
def sixth_choice(): ''' asks player if they'd like to rest before final battle if so player is given ability to increase attack points by 20 Parameters: ----------- Player input : str Returns: -------- either pass to next function or update to self.attackPoints ''' time.sleep(1) print ('You have ventured deep into the cave,\ncautiously approaching whatever threat lies ahead.') time.sleep(1) print ('This cave oozes senses of evil and danger,\nand you fell like you have finally reached its source.') time.sleep(1) print ('You know you have a fierce battle ahead.') time.sleep(1) print ('Do you wish to engage in a warrior\'s meditation in order\nto focus your mind, or do you want to charge straight in?') choices = ['Meditate', 'Charge in'] play_cho = choices[] if play_cho == 'Meditate': print ('Your intense meditation brings you heightened focus!') hero.increase_attackPoints(20) print ('Your attack points increased by 20!\nYou get up and charge on feeling ready') else: print ('You grab your sword and charge ahead!')
def fourth_choice(): ''' asks player if they want to check out a house Parameters: ----------- player input : str Returns: -------- either granny_house() or pass ''' time.sleep(1) print ('You are exhausted from your battle.') time.sleep(1) print ('Off in the distance you see a red brick house\nand you detect the faintest smell of home-cooked soup.') time.sleep(1) print ('Do you check out the house or continue through the forest?') choices = ['Check out the house','Contine through the forest'] play_cho = choices[] if play_cho == 'Check out the house': granny_house() else: print ('You decide to continue on your journey.')
def initialize_game(): scroll('\n.............') scroll('\nInitializing program') scroll('\n...loading...') scroll('\n...loading...') scroll_custom('\n#########################################', 0.001) scroll_custom('\n#########################################', 0.001) scroll_custom('\n#########################################', 0.001) scroll_custom('\n#########################################', 0.001) scroll_custom('\n#########################################', 0.001) scroll_custom('\n# - want - #', 0.02) scroll_custom('\n# - to - #', 0.02) scroll_custom('\n# - play? - #', 0.02) scroll_custom('\n#########################################', 0.001) scroll_custom('\n#########################################', 0.001) scroll_custom('\n#########################################', 0.001) scroll_custom('\n#########################################', 0.001) scroll_custom('\n#########################################', 0.001) scroll_custom('\n#########################################', 0.001) return_variable = 0 options = ['play', 'quit'] cute_option = options[] if cute_option == 'play': return_variable = 1 elif cute_option == 'quit': return_variable = 2 return return_variable
def start_game(): ''' function at start of game, gives first choice using cutie uses cutie to ask player if they want to forge ahead into the forest Parameters: ----------- User input : str Returns: -------- players choice, either quit or continue the game ''' time.sleep(1) print ('You find yourself alone in front of a dark forest.') print('Up ahead there is a single path, blocked by vines.') time.sleep(3) print('Do you forge on ahead, slashing the debris out of your way?') time.sleep(2) print ('Or do you chicken out and head home?') time.sleep(1) choices = ['Forge on ahead', 'Chicken out'] play_cho = choices[] if play_cho == 'Forge on ahead': pass else: print('Good choice, your mom made you hot coco.') sys.exit('Thanks for playing!')
def solve(self): # solve t for y: ds = v1*dt + (1/2)a(dt)^2 self.y.t = quad(0.5*self.y.a, self.y.v1, -1*self.y.s) if not self.y.t: print("No solution") close(0) if len(self.y.t) == 2: options = ["Which of these is right for time", self.y.t[0], self.y.t[1]] option = options[, caption_indices=[0],selected_index=1)] if option == self.y.t[0]: self.y.t = self.y.t[0] else: self.y.t = self.y.t[1] print("\033[4A") print("\033[K") print("\033[K") print("\033[K") print("\033[K") print("\033[5A") else: self.y.t = self.y.t[0] # add to x self.x.t = self.y.t #solve for ds for x: ds = v1*dt self.x.s = self.x.v1*self.x.t # solve for v2 for y self.y.v2 = sqrt(2*self.y.a*self.y.s + self.y.v1*self.y.v1)
def connect_com(self): print("\nConnect by COM port:") options = ["Auto", "Manual", "cancel"] selected = options[] if selected == "Auto": self.release() board = elif selected == "Manual": self.release() board = IMUBoard() board.connect_manually(set_data_port=True) else: # cancel return self.board = board data_port_name = board.data_port_name board.data_connection.close() self.serialnum = self.retry_command(method=board.get_serial, response_types=[b'SER']).ser.decode() self.version = self.retry_command(method=board.get_version, response_types=[b'VER']).ver.decode() = self.retry_command(method=board.get_pid, response_types=[b'PID']).pid.decode() #let io_thread do the data connection - give it the signal, close this copy self.com_port.value, self.com_baud.value = data_port_name.encode(), board.baud self.con_type.value = b"COM" self.con_on.value = 1 self.con_start.value = 1 return {"type": "COM", "control port": board.control_port_name, "data port": data_port_name}
def first_choice(): ''' Provides first choice Asks player if they want to rest and if they say yes appends the health value of the player to + 20 points Parameters: ----------- Player input : str Returns: -------- appended value of character health or nothing ''' time.sleep(1) print ('After walking for sometime you feel tired.') time.sleep(1) print ('Do you want to rest?') choice = ['Yes','No'] play_cho = choice[] if play_cho == 'Yes': time.sleep(1) print ('You take a small rest.') time.sleep(1) print ('You feel very well rested.') time.sleep(1) print('20 plus HP granted!\nYou continue on your journey.') hero.increase_health(20) else: print ('You press on like a true warrior')
def second_choice(): ''' asks player if they want to eat something in the forest asks the player to decide if they want to eat a mushroom, and if they do rolls a dice to see if they survive food poisoning Parameters: ----------- player input : str Returns: -------- whether or not player is dead and if they suffered damage ''' time.sleep(2) print ('Having travelled for hours now,') time.sleep(1) print('You are getting quite hungry.') time.sleep(1) print('You noticed you are surrounded by\na field of polka-dotted neon green mushrooms.') time.sleep(2) print('Should you take a rest and eat some mushrooms?') time.sleep(1) choices = ['Have a snack','Keep going'] play_cho = choices[] if play_cho == 'Have a snack': mush_roll() else: pass
def main(): global cancel_count # Remove old shutdown file try: os.remove("/home/pi/accelerometer_raspi/source/shutdown") except (OSError): pass myLCD.updateLCD(str2="WELCOME", str3="REXNORD EDGE DEVICE") sleep(2) myLCD.clearLine(2) myLCD.clearLine(3) while True: select_option() cutie.getTime() if cancel_count >= 3: myLCD.clear_all() options = ['EXIT', 'SHUTDOWN'] selected_option =, selected_index=0) if selected_option == 0: myLCD.updateLCD(str2='EXITING PROGRAM', str3='GOODBYE') sleep(2) exit() elif selected_option == 1: myLCD.updateLCD(str2='EXITING PROGRAM', str3='GOODBYE') sleep(2) os.system('sudo shutdown now -h')
def third_choice(): ''' run away or go towards danger asks player if they want to quit or keep playing, Parameters: ----------- Player input : str Returns: -------- their answer of whether or not to keep playing ''' time.sleep(1) print ('You hear a melody in the distance.') time.sleep(1) print ('It is beautiful but you can sense danger.') time.sleep(1) print ('Do you follow the melody or do you run home?') choices = ['Follow the melody', 'run home'] play_cho = choices[] if play_cho == 'Follow the melody': follow_melo() else: time.sleep(1) print ('Good choice, your mom made you grilled cheese.') sys.exit('Thanks for playing!')
def set_editor(): editor_opts = { "Vim": "vim ", "VSCode": "start code ", "Notepad++": "Notepad++", "Sublime Text": "subl", "Atom": "atom" } print( colored('Editor selection (should be launchable from terminal)', 'yellow')) print(colored('Choose editor (use up/down keys):', 'yellow')) editor_keys = list(editor_opts.keys()) answer =, selected_index=0) ## Store the config file config = configparser.ConfigParser() home = os.path.expanduser("~") config_file = os.path.join(home, "codecomb_config.ini") config['EDITOR'] = {"startcmd": editor_opts[editor_keys[answer]]} with open(config_file, "w") as fmtFile: config.write(fmtFile)
def set_cfg(self): print("\nselect configurations to write\n") # hide udp settings if connected by udp. otherwise you can break the connection. or should we allow it? #skip_indices = UDP_FIELD_INDICES if self.connection_info["type"] == "UDP" else [] #check if it has odometer port or not, then show/hide in options field_names = CFG_FIELD_NAMES[:] field_codes = CFG_FIELD_CODES[:] if not self.has_odo_port: ind = field_codes.index('rport3') field_names.pop(ind) field_codes.pop(ind) options = field_names + ["cancel"] selected_index = if options[selected_index] == "cancel": return args = {} name, code = field_names[selected_index], field_codes[selected_index] if code == "orn": # special case: choose between two common options or choose to enter it value = self.select_orientation() elif code in CFG_VALUE_OPTIONS: print("\nselect " + name) options = CFG_VALUE_OPTIONS[code] value = str(options[]).encode() else: print("\nenter value for " + name + " " + CFG_FIELD_EXAMPLES[code]) value = input().encode() args[code] = value #if connected by udp, changing udp settings can disconnect - give warning if code in UDP_FIELDS and self.connection_info["type"] == "UDP": change_anyway = cutie.prompt_yes_or_no("Changing UDP settings while connected by UDP may close the connection. Change anyway?") if not change_anyway: return #if setting odometer unit, first set odometer to on, then set the unit if code == "odo": args2 = {"odo": b'on'} resp = self.retry_command(method=self.board.set_cfg_flash, args=[args2], response_types=[b'CFG', b'ERR']) resp = self.retry_command(method=self.board.set_cfg_flash, args=[args], response_types=[b'CFG', b'ERR']) if not proper_response(resp, b'CFG'): show_and_pause("") # proper_response already shows error, just pause to see it.
def select_orn_24_opts(self): print("\nselect ORIENTATION:") options = CFG_VALUE_OPTIONS["orn"] chosen = options[] if "+X+Y+Z" in chosen: return b'+X+Y+Z' elif "+Y+X-Z" in chosen: return b'+Y+X-Z' else: # select it yourself print("\nenter value for orientation "+ CFG_FIELD_EXAMPLES["orn"]) return input().encode()
def select_orn_8_opts(self): print("\nselect ORIENTATION:") options = ORN_8_OPTIONS chosen = options[] #allow notes like (north east up) in the name if "+X+Y+Z" in chosen: return b'+X+Y+Z' elif "+Y+X-Z" in chosen: return b'+Y+X-Z' else: #if no note, the value is correct return chosen.encode()
def process_choice_input(): inputPrompt = [ 'Enter your desired sorting method:', 'hot', 'new', 'rising', 'random_rising', 'controversial', 'top' ] captions = [0] prompt = inputPrompt[, caption_indices=captions, selected_index=6)] return prompt
def select_option(): global cancel_count options = ['RECORD DATA', 'TRANSFER DATA', 'SYSTEM FUNCTIONS'] selected_option =, selected_index=0) if selected_option == -1: cancel_count += 1 elif selected_option == 0: record_data() cancel_count = 0 elif selected_option == 1: transfer_usb() cancel_count = 0 elif selected_option == 2: options = ['DELETE FILE', 'SET CLOCK'] selected_option =, selected_index=0) if selected_option == 0: system_functions.delete_file() elif selected_option == 1: system_functions.set_time()
def main(): """Main. """ if cutie.prompt_yes_or_no('Are you brave enough to continue?'): # List of names to select from, including some captions names = [ 'Kings:', 'Arthur, King of the Britons', 'Knights of the Round Table:', 'Sir Lancelot the Brave', 'Sir Robin the Not-Quite-So-Brave-as-Sir-Lancelot', 'Sir Bedevere the Wise', 'Sir Galahad the Pure', 'Swedish captions:', 'Møøse' ] # Names which are captions and thus not selectable captions = [0, 2, 7] # Get the name name = names[, caption_indices=captions, selected_index=8)] print(f'Welcome, {name}') # Get an integer greater or equal to 0 age = cutie.get_number('What is your age?', min_value=0, allow_float=False) nemeses_options = [ 'The French', 'The Police', 'The Knights Who Say Ni', 'Women', 'The Black Knight', 'The Bridge Keeper', 'Especially terrifying:', 'The Rabbit of Caerbannog', ] print('Choose your nemeses') # Choose multiple options from a list nemeses_indices = cutie.select_multiple(nemeses_options, caption_indices=[6]) nemeses = [ nemesis for nemesis_index, nemesis in enumerate(nemeses_options) if nemesis_index in nemeses_indices ] # Get input without showing it being typed quest = cutie.secure_input('What is your quest?') print(f'{name}\'s quest (who is {age}) is {quest}.') if nemeses: if len(nemeses) == 1: print(f'His nemesis is {nemeses[0]}.') else: print(f'His nemeses are {" and ".join(nemeses)}.') else: print('He has no nemesis.')
def get_one_result(downloader, tv_show): """ The function will get a spesific result from the search query :param tv_show: the name of the tv show (str) :return: tv_name, base_url (tupple) """ search_results = if len(search_results) == 1: # Case that there was only one result return search_results[0] click.echo('Select TV show to download') index =[str(tv) for tv in search_results] + ['Exit']) if index == len(search_results): #if user wants to exit exit() return search_results[index]
def askUserForScrapeYears(): ''' Purpose: On the command line, ask the user to input which years they would like to scrape statistical data for. If the user does not want to scrape data for all years, they will be asked what years they are specifically interested in. Input: - NONE Output: (1) scrape_year (string): Year that the user requests data for (allowed values are from 2009-2020 or 'all') [default = 'all'] ''' # Set the default for scraping to all years scrape_year = 'all' # Prompt the user to select the years they would like to scrape data for list_all = ['Would you like to scrape all years?', 'Yes', 'No'] all_years = list_all[, caption_indices=[0], selected_index=1)] if all_years == 'Yes': print('Proceeding to scrape all available years.') else: years = [ 'Select the year you would like to scrape:', '2021', '2020', '2019', '2018', '2017', '2016', '2015', '2014', '2013', '2012', '2011', '2010', '2009', 'None' ] scrape_year = years[, caption_indices=[0], selected_index=1)] print(f'Proceeding to scrape statistics for {scrape_year}') return scrape_year
def next_question(concept): global token, responses if token is None: print('You must first log in.') return r ='http://localhost:5000/api/session/get_question', json={ 'token': token, 'concept': concept }) if r.status_code == 401: print('Please log in again.') return data = r.json() question = data['question'] answer = data['answer'] options = data['options'] # We need to do two things: check the answer and inform the user of # the result, and store this info print(question) selected =, selected_index=0) if selected == answer: print('Correct!') else: print('Incorrect: The right answer is option', answer + 1) r ='http://localhost:5000/api/session/submit', json={ 'question_id': data['_id'], 'response': selected, 'correct': answer, 'token': token }) if r.status_code != 200: print(r.json()) responses.append({ 'question_id': data['_id'], 'response': selected, 'correct': answer }) print('\n\n')
def filter_menu(): """prompts filter type""" response = convert_shared_menu() print('-= Which filter would you like to use? =-') choices = [ 'NEAREST - sharp tiles, some artifacts', 'BOX - idential weight', 'BILINEAR - linear interpolation', 'HAMMING - sharper than BILINEAR, less distortion than BOX', 'BICUBIC - cubic interpolation', 'LANCZOS - trucated sinc' ] val = choices[, selected_index=1)].lower() response['filter_type'] = lookup_filter(val) return response
def find_config_file(): if user_config_file.exists() and local_config_file.exists(): print( "Config files were found in both local and user directory, which do you want to use?" ) opts = [user_config_file, local_config_file] return opts[] elif local_config_file.exists(): print("Using local config file") return local_config_file elif user_config_file.exists(): print("Using stored config file") return user_config_file else: raise Exception("No config file found!")
def main(): """Main. """ if cutie.prompt_yes_or_no('Are you brave enough to continue?'): names = [ 'Arthur, King of the Britons', 'Sir Lancelot the Brave', 'Sir Robin the Not-Quite-So-Brave-as-Sir-Lancelot', 'Sir Bedevere the Wise', 'Sir Galahad the Pure', 'Møøse' ] name = names[, selected_index=5)] print(f'Welcome, {name}') age = cutie.get_number('What is your age?', min_value=0, allow_float=False) quest = cutie.secure_input('What is your quest?') print(f'{name}\'s quest (who is {age}) is {quest}.')
def configure(self): if not self.board: show_and_pause("Must connect before configuring") return clear_screen() self.read_all_configs(self.board) # show configs automatically #check connection again since error can be caught in read_all_configs if not self.con_on.value: return #print("configure:") actions = ["Edit", "Done"] selected_action = actions[] if selected_action == "Edit": self.set_cfg() self.configure() # go back to configure screen to view/edit again. or remove this line -> main screen else: return