def undistort_image(self, im): cm = cv.Load('camera_matrix.xml') dc = cv.Load('distortion_coefficients.xml') width, height = cv.GetSize(im) display = cv.CreateMat(height, width, cv.CV_8UC3) cv.Undistort2(im, display, cm, dc) return display
def loadHaars(self): faceCascade = cv.Load("haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml") eyeCascade = cv.Load( "haarcascades/haarcascade_eye_tree_eyeglasses.xml") mouthCascade = cv.Load("haarcascades/haarcascade_mcs_mouth.xml") return (faceCascade, eyeCascade, mouthCascade)
def findEyes(self): """ Detects eyes in a photo and initializes relevant attributes Uses opencv libarary methods to detect a face and then detect the eyes in that face. If there are exactly two eye regions found it populates the region attributes. If not exactly two eye regions are found the method returns false. Args: None Return: bool - True if there were no issues. False for any error """ #imcolor = cv.LoadImage(self.path) imcolor = self.facePhoto #Path setups cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) cwd += "/opencv/haarcascades/" frontalface = cwd + "haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml" eye = cwd + "haarcascade_eye.xml" faceCascade = cv.Load(frontalface) eyeCascade = cv.Load(eye) haarEyes = cv.Load(eye) storage = cv.CreateMemStorage() detectedEyes = cv.HaarDetectObjects(imcolor,haarEyes,storage) if DEBUG: print "detectedEyes = " + str(detectedEyes) if len(detectedEyes) == 2: if DEBUG: # Draw the rectangle cv.Rectangle(imcolor,(detectedEyes[0][0][0], detectedEyes[0][0][1]), (detectedEyes[0][0][0] + detectedEyes[0][0][2], detectedEyes[0][0][1] + detectedEyes[0][0][3]),cv.RGB(155,155,200),2) cv.Rectangle(imcolor,(detectedEyes[1][0][0], detectedEyes[1][0][1]), (detectedEyes[1][0][0] + detectedEyes[1][0][2], detectedEyes[1][0][1] + detectedEyes[1][0][3]),cv.RGB(155,155,200),2) cv.ShowImage("Face with eyes",imcolor) cv.WaitKey(0) cv.DestroyWindow("Face with eyes") left = (detectedEyes[0][0][0], detectedEyes[0][0][1], detectedEyes[0][0][0] + detectedEyes[0][0][2], detectedEyes[0][0][1] + detectedEyes[0][0][3]) right = (detectedEyes[1][0][0], detectedEyes[1][0][1], detectedEyes[1][0][0] + detectedEyes[1][0][2], detectedEyes[1][0][1] + detectedEyes[1][0][3]) if DEBUG: print "left: " + str(left) print "right: " + str(right) self.setEyes(left, right) return True if DEBUG: print "Found more or less than 2 eyes, returning false" return False
def init_capture_device(device=-1): print "init capture device" capture = cv.CreateCameraCapture(device) # check that capture device is OK if not capture: print "Error opening capture device" sys.exit(1) #call specific camera initialization camera_init(capture) #Get inital image to set parameters image = cv.QueryFrame(capture) #inital image CAMERA_WIDTH = cv.GetSize(image)[0] #print CAMERA_WIDTH CAMERA_HEIGHT = cv.GetSize(image)[1] #print CAMERA_HEIGHT #load calibration intrinsics = cv.Load(INTRINSICS_FILE) distortion = cv.Load(DISTORTION_FILE) mapx = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(image), cv.IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1) mapy = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(image), cv.IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1) cv.InitUndistortMap(intrinsics, distortion, mapx, mapy) return capture, mapx, mapy
def __init__(self, master=None): tk.Frame.__init__(self, master) self.grid() self.imgL = ImageTk.PhotoImage("small.png")) self.imgR = ImageTk.PhotoImage("small2.png")) self.rawL = self.imgL self.rawR = self.imgR self.cvImgR = "" self.cvImgL = "" self.showRaw = True self.showEdge = False self.showDisp = False self.Q = cv.Load("Q.xml") self.mx1 = np.asarray(cv.Load("mx1.xml")) self.my1 = np.asarray(cv.Load("my1.xml")) self.mx2 = np.asarray(cv.Load("mx2.xml")) self.my2 = np.asarray(cv.Load("my2.xml")) self.stereo = cv2.StereoSGBM() self.stereo.SADWindowSize = 9 self.stereo.numberOfDisparities = 96 self.stereo.preFilterCap = 63 self.stereo.minDisparity = -21 self.stereo.uniquenessRatio = 7 self.stereo.speckleWindowSize = 0 self.stereo.speckleRange = 8 self.stereo.disp12MaxDiff = 1 self.stereo.fullDP = False #holder varriables for the sliders self.SADWindowSizeScale = 9 self.numberOfDisparitiesScale = 96 self.preFilterCapScale = 63 self.minDisparityScale = -21 self.uniquenessRatioScale = 7 self.speckleWindowSizeScale = 0 self.speckleRangeScale = 8 self.disp12MaxDiffScale = 1 self.fullDP = False self.createWidgets() self.SADWindowSizeSlider.set(self.stereo.SADWindowSize) self.numberOfDisparitiesSlider.set(self.stereo.numberOfDisparities) self.preFilterCapSlider.set(self.stereo.preFilterCap) self.minDisparitySlider.set(self.stereo.minDisparity) self.uniquenessRatioSlider.set(self.stereo.uniquenessRatio) self.speckleWindowSizeSlider.set(self.stereo.speckleWindowSize) self.speckleRangeSlider.set(self.stereo.speckleRange) self.disp12MaxDiffSlider.set(self.stereo.disp12MaxDiff) self.bind("<Up>", self.arwU) self.bind("<Down>", self.arwD) self.bind("<Left>", self.arwL) self.bind("<Right>", self.arwR) self.bind("<Button-1>", self.mouseCallback) self.bind("<Key>", self.keyCallback) self.after(500, self.updateCamera)
def callFaceTracker(self, cameraIndex2): arguments = (str(cameraIndex2)) sys.argv = [""] + list(arguments) # sys.argv = ["testing mainf"] + list(m_args) parser = OptionParser( usage="usage: %prog [options] [filename|camera_index]") parser.add_option("-c", "--cascade", action="store", dest="cascade", type="str", help="Haar cascade file, default %default", default=HCDIR + "haarcascade_frontalface_alt_tree.xml") # parser.add_option("-c", "--cascade", action="store", dest="cascade", type="str", help="Haar cascade file, default %default", default = "../data/haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() self.cascade = cv.Load(options.cascade) # detect eyes self.cascade2 = cv.Load(DATADIR2 + "haarcascade eye.xml") # cascade2 = cv.Load(HCDIR + "..\\eyes\\eye.xml") # cascade3 = cv.Load(HCDIR + "haarcascade_mcs_mouth.xml") self.cascade3 = cv.Load(DATADIR2 + "Mouth.xml") if len(args) != 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) # input_name = args[0] # if input_name.isdigit(): # capture = cv.CreateCameraCapture(int(input_name)) # else: # capture = None # cv.NamedWindow("result", 1) frame_copy = # imageArray = frame_copy[1] imageFrame = cv.CreateImageHeader( (imageArray.shape[1], imageArray.shape[0]), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3) cv.SetData(imageFrame, imageArray.tostring(), imageArray.dtype.itemsize * 3 * imageArray.shape[1]) # imageArray = np.zeros(()) self.tracker = FaceTracker.FaceTracker() # print frame_copy.shape self.tracker.detect_and_draw(imageFrame, self.cascade, self.cascade2, self.cascade3)
def detect_face(img): haarFace = cv.Load('./haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml') #RGB_img = cv.fromarray(np.array(rgb[:,:,::-1])) allFaces = cv.HaarDetectObjects(cv.fromarray(img), haarFace, cv.CreateMemStorage(), scale_factor=1.1, min_neighbors=3, flags=0, min_size=(50, 50)) # Get confidences if (allFaces != []): count_no_face = 0 #print(allFaces) face_confid = [c for ((x, y, w, h), c) in allFaces] max_ind = np.argmax(face_confid) FINAL_FACE = allFaces[max_ind] return FINAL_FACE[0] else: return []
def InitCamera(port=0): """ Initialisation de la webcam """ global CAMERA, CASCADE, DEFAULT_DEVICE_WIDTH, DEFAULT_DEVICE_HEIGHT try: if hasattr(cv, "CreateCameraCapture"): CAMERA = cv.CreateCameraCapture(port) frame = cv.QueryFrame(CAMERA) if frame == None: return False DEFAULT_DEVICE_WIDTH = frame.width DEFAULT_DEVICE_HEIGHT = frame.height CASCADE = cv.Load( Chemins.GetStaticPath( "Divers/haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml")) else: CAMERA = cv.VideoCapture(port) ret, frame = if not ret: return False DEFAULT_DEVICE_HEIGHT, DEFAULT_DEVICE_WIDTH = frame.shape[:2] CASCADE = cv.CascadeClassifier( Chemins.GetStaticPath( "Divers/haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml")) return True except Exception as err: print("Connexion camera impossible :", err) return False
def faceCrop(imagePattern, boxScale=1): faceCascade = cv.Load('haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml') imgList = glob.glob(imagePattern) if len(imgList) <= 0: print 'No Images Found' return global g for img in imgList: pil_im = cv_im = pil2cvGrey(pil_im) faces = DetectFace(cv_im, faceCascade) if faces: m = 1 for face in faces: croppedImage = imgCrop(pil_im, face[0], boxScale=boxScale) size = 88, 106 croppedImage = croppedImage.resize(size)"face" + str(g) + ".jpg") width, height = croppedImage.size box = 0, height / 2, width, height lower = croppedImage.crop(box)'mouth' + str(g) + '.jpg') g = g + 1 if m == 1: break else: print 'No faces found:', img
def __init__(self, parent=None): QWidget.__init__(self) self.setMinimumSize(640, 480) self.setMaximumSize(self.minimumSize()) # register this callbacks to interact with the faces and the camera # image before the widget will view the frame self.image_callback = None self.face_callback = None # init view with correct size, depth, channels self.frame = cv.CreateImage((640, 480), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3) = cv.CreateMemStorage() self.capture = cv.CaptureFromCAM(0) self.face_cascade = cv.Load(CSC_PATH + "haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml") self.fd_wait_frames = 1 self._fd_wait = self.fd_wait_frames # get first frame self._query_frame() # set refresh rate self.timer = QTimer(self) self.timer.timeout.connect(self._query_frame) self.timer.start(75)
def __init__(self): os.system('sudo modprobe bcm2835-v4l2') # Use pi camera as usb device = cv.CreateCameraCapture(0) # Set up camera # Load cascade data self.cascade = cv.Load( '/usr/share/opencv/haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml' ) self.cam_pan = 90 # Initial pan angle self.cam_tilt = 90 # Initial tilt angle pan(self.cam_pan - 90) # Pan to initial position tilt(self.cam_tilt - 90) # Tilt to initial position self.min_size = (15, 15) # Minimum window size self.image_scale = 5 # Image shrink scale # The factor by which the search window is scaled between the # subsequent scans self.haar_scale = 1.2 self.min_neighbors = 2 # Minimum number of neighbor rectangles that makes up an object self.haar_flags = cv.CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING # Mode of operation if self.frame_copy = None # Camera warm up time.sleep(2)
def __init__(self, host, port, update_frequency, source="webcam", cascade="haarcascade_frontalface_default", verbose=False, rotation=0): """Initialize vision system with update frequency, ip adress, and Haar cascade""" self.logger = logging.getLogger("Borg.Brain.Vision.HaarFace_rotate") super(HaarFace_rotate, self).__init__(host, port) self.update_frequency = update_frequency self.__ticker = Ticker(frequency=update_frequency) cascadedir = os.environ[ 'BORG'] + "/brain/data/haarcascades/" + cascade + ".xml" self.verbose = verbose self.cascade = cv.Load(cascadedir) self.source = [source] self.vid_mem_reader = util.vidmemreader.VidMemReader(self.source) # set the type of objects that someone can detect self.set_known_objects(['face']) # get new image and see what's the resolution for the coordonate to angle/speed converter self.get_new_image()"Using haar cascade: " + cascadedir) self.rotationStep = 20 #Degrees self.rotatedImages = [] self.rotationList = [] self.rotation = rotation for i in range(0, 360, self.rotationStep): self.rotationList.append(i)
def mouthCrop(imagePattern, boxScale=1): # Select one of the haarcascade files: # haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml <-- Best one? # haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml # haarcascade_frontalface_alt_tree.xml # haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml # haarcascade_profileface.xml mouthCascade = cv.Load('mouth.xml') imgList = glob.glob(imagePattern) if len(imgList) <= 0: print 'No Images Found' return global h for img in imgList: pil_im = cv_im = pil2cvGrey(pil_im) lips = DetectFace(cv_im, mouthCascade) n = 1 if lips: #n=1 for lip in lips: croppedImage = imgCrop(pil_im, lip[0], boxScale=boxScale)"mouth" + str(h) + ".jpg") h = h + 1 if n == 1: break else: print 'No lips found:', img
def faceCrop(imagePattern, boxScale=1): faceCascade = cv.Load('haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml') imgList = glob.glob(imagePattern) if len(imgList) <= 0: print 'No Images Found' return global g for img in imgList: pil_im = cv_im = pil2cvGrey(pil_im) faces = DetectFace(cv_im, faceCascade) if faces: m = 1 for face in faces: croppedImage = imgCrop(pil_im, face[0], boxScale=boxScale)"testdata/face" + str(g) + ".jpg") print 1 mouthcrop = mouthCrop("testdata/face" + str(g) + ".jpg", boxScale=1) print 2 g = g + 1 if m == 1: break else: print 'No faces found:', img
def capture(): """ Using the intel training set to capture the face in the video. Most of them are frameworks in OpenCV. """ j = 0 g = os.walk("origin") for path, d, filelist in g: for filename in filelist: img = cv.LoadImage(os.path.join(path, filename)) image_size = cv.GetSize(img) greyscale = cv.CreateImage(image_size, 8, 1) cv.CvtColor(img, greyscale, cv.CV_BGR2GRAY) storage = cv.CreateMemStorage(0) cv.EqualizeHist(greyscale, greyscale) cascade = cv.Load('haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml') faces = cv.HaarDetectObjects(greyscale, cascade, storage, 1.2, 2, cv.CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING, (50, 50)) for (x, y, w, h), n in faces: j += 1 cv.SetImageROI(img, (x, y, w, h)) cv.SaveImage("captured/face" + str(j) + ".png", img)
def mouthCrop(imagePattern,boxScale=1): # Select one of the haarcascade files: # haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml <-- Best one? # haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml # haarcascade_frontalface_alt_tree.xml # haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml # haarcascade_profileface.xml mouthCascade = cv.Load('mouth.xml') imgList=glob.glob(imagePattern) if len(imgList)<=0: print 'No Images Found' return global h for img in imgList: cv_im=pil2cvGrey(pil_im) lips=DetectFace(cv_im,mouthCascade) n=1 if lips: #n=1 for lip in lips: croppedImage=imgCrop(pil_im, lip[0],boxScale=boxScale)"/home/hduser/MAIN PROJECT/CODE/main/testdata/word/""mouth"+str(h)+".jpg") h=h+1 #os.system("""mogrify -resize 73x50^ \ -gravity center -extent 73x50 /home/hduser/MAIN\ PROJECT/CODE/main/testdata/word/* """) os.system("""mogrify -resize 3000@ /home/hduser/MAIN\ PROJECT/CODE/main/testdata/word/* """) if n==1: break else: print 'No lips found:', img
def faceCrop(imagePattern, boxScale=1): # Select one of the haarcascade files: # haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml <-- Best one? # haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml # haarcascade_frontalface_alt_tree.xml # haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml # haarcascade_profileface.xml faceCascade = cv.Load('haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml') imgList = glob.glob(imagePattern) if len(imgList) <= 0: print 'No Images Found' return global g for img in imgList: pil_im = cv_im = pil2cvGrey(pil_im) faces = DetectFace(cv_im, faceCascade) if faces: m = 1 for face in faces: croppedImage = imgCrop(pil_im, face[0], boxScale=boxScale)"face" + str(g) + ".jpg") mouthcrop = mouthCrop("face" + str(g) + ".jpg", boxScale=1) g = g + 1 if m == 1: break else: print 'No faces found:', img
def mouthCrop(imagePattern, boxScale=1): mouthCascade = cv.Load('mouth.xml') imgList = glob.glob(imagePattern) if len(imgList) <= 0: print 'No Images Found' return global h for img in imgList: pil_im = cv_im = pil2cvGrey(pil_im) lips = DetectFace(cv_im, mouthCascade) n = 1 size = 88, 53 if lips: for lip in lips: croppedImage = imgCrop(pil_im, lip[0], boxScale=boxScale) croppedImage = croppedImage.resize(size)"testdata/word/" "mouth" + str(h) + ".jpg") h = h + 1 if (n == 1): break else: print 'No lips found:', img
def compute_spatial_features_from_xml(extract_path, projected_path, vocab_path, num_levels): """ A convenience function that computes spatial pyramid features directly from the XML outputs of vision binaries. ${EXTRACT_PATH}.desc and ${PROJECTED_PATH}.desc must exist. Args: extract_path: Path to output of `dense_feature_extract`. projected_path: Path to output of `pca_projection`. vocab_path: Path to output of `vocab_kms`. num_levels: Number of levels. Returns: Ndarray with shape [NUM_IMAGES, NUM_FEATURES]. """ dims = extract_from_xml(vocab_path, ['numCenters', 'dimension']) vocab = binary_to_ndarray('%s.desc' % vocab_path, dims, np.float32) dims = extract_from_xml(projected_path, ['nDescriptors', 'cols']) proj = binary_to_ndarray('%s.desc' % projected_path, dims, np.float32) keypoints = np.asarray(cv.Load(extract_path, name='keypoints')).squeeze() im_height, im_width, num_images = extract_from_xml( extract_path, ['image_height', 'image_width', 'nImg']) vocab_feat = compute_vocab_features(vocab, proj).reshape(num_images, keypoints.shape[0]) return compute_spatial_features(vocab_feat, keypoints, vocab.shape[0], num_levels, im_width, im_height)
def faceCrop(imagePattern, boxScale=1): # Select one of the haarcascade files: # haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml <-- Best one? # haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml # haarcascade_frontalface_alt_tree.xml # haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml # haarcascade_profileface.xml faceCascade = cv.Load('Mouth.xml') imgList = glob.glob(imagePattern) if len(imgList) <= 0: print 'No Images Found' return for img in imgList: pil_im = cv_im = pil2cvGrey(pil_im) faces = DetectFace(cv_im, faceCascade) if faces: n = 1 for face in faces: croppedImage = imgCrop(pil_im, face[0], boxScale=boxScale) if n == 1:"mouth.jpg") fname, ext = os.path.splitext(img) + '_crop' + str(n) + ext) n += 1 else: print 'No faces found:', img
def detect_face(RGB_img): # Image Properties #print('Image Size: ({},{})'.format(cv.GetCaptureProperty(CAM_CAPT, cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT), cv.GetCaptureProperty(CAM_CAPT, cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH))) #print('FPS: {}'.format(cv.GetCaptureProperty(CAM_CAPT, cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FPS))) RGB_img_mat = cv.fromarray(RGB_img) haarFace = cv.Load('haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml') #RGB_img = cv.fromarray(np.array(rgb[:,:,::-1])) allFaces = cv.HaarDetectObjects(RGB_img_mat, haarFace, cv.CreateMemStorage(), scale_factor=1.1, min_neighbors=10, flags=0, min_size=(50, 50)) # Get confidences if (allFaces != []): #print(allFaces) face_confid = [c for ((x, y, w, h), c) in allFaces] area = [w * h for ((x, y, w, h), c) in allFaces] #max_ind = np.argmax(face_confid) max_ind = np.argmax(area) FINAL_FACE = allFaces[max_ind] x0 = FINAL_FACE[0][0] y0 = FINAL_FACE[0][1] w = FINAL_FACE[0][2] h = FINAL_FACE[0][3] # Show detected face print('Face Detected!!') #cv.Rectangle(RGB_img_mat, (x0, y0), (x0+w, y0+h), cv.RGB(0,0,255), 2) # Detect eyes only in given face region print('Face: ' + str(FINAL_FACE)) cropped_img = RGB_img[y0:y0 + h, x0:x0 + w] #cv.Smooth(cropped_img, cropped_img, cv.CV_GAUSSIAN, 15, 15) #print(cv.GetSize(cropped_img)) #cv.ShowImage('crop', cropped_img) #cv.SaveImage('IMAGE.png', cropped_img) #allEyes = detect_eyes(cropped_img) #print('Eyes: '+str(allEyes)) #for eye in allEyes: # eye = eye[0] # eye=(eye[0]+x0, eye[1]+y0, eye[2], eye[3]) # cv.Rectangle(RGB_img, (eye[0], eye[1]), (eye[0]+eye[2], eye[1]+eye[3]), cv.RGB(255,0,0), 2) return np.asarray(cropped_img[:, :]) else: print('No Face!!') return RGB_img
def track(img, threshold=100): '''Accepts BGR image and optional object threshold between 0 and 255 (default = 100). Returns: (x,y) coordinates of centroid if found (-1,-1) if no centroid was found None if user hit ESC ''' cascade = cv.Load("haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml") gray = cv.CreateImage((img.width, img.height), 8, 1) small_img = cv.CreateImage((cv.Round( img.width / image_scale), cv.Round(img.height / image_scale)), 8, 1) # convert color input image to grayscale cv.CvtColor(img, gray, cv.CV_BGR2GRAY) # scale input image for faster processing cv.Resize(gray, small_img, cv.CV_INTER_LINEAR) cv.EqualizeHist(small_img, small_img) center = (-1, -1) faces = [] original_size_faces = [] #import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() if (cascade): t = cv.GetTickCount() # HaarDetectObjects takes 0.02s faces = cv.HaarDetectObjects(small_img, cascade, cv.CreateMemStorage(0), haar_scale, min_neighbors, haar_flags, min_size) t = cv.GetTickCount() - t if faces: for ((x, y, w, h), n) in faces: # the input to cv.HaarDetectObjects was resized, so scale the # bounding box of each face and convert it to two CvPoints pt1 = (int(x * image_scale), int(y * image_scale)) pt2 = (int((x + w) * image_scale), int((y + h) * image_scale)) # cv.Rectangle(img, pt1, pt2, cv.RGB(255, 0, 0), 3, 8, 0) #cv.Rectangle(img, (x,y), (x+w,y+h), 255) # get the xy corner co-ords, calc the center location x1 = pt1[0] x2 = pt2[0] y1 = pt1[1] y2 = pt2[1] centerx = x1 + ((x2 - x1) / 2) centery = y1 + ((y2 - y1) / 2) center = (centerx, centery) scaled = ((x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1), n) original_size_faces.append(scaled) # print scaled # cv.NamedWindow(WINDOW_NAME, 1) # cv.ShowImage(WINDOW_NAME, img) # if cv.WaitKey(5) == 27: # center = None return (center, original_size_faces)
def svm_model(in_file_hist_agg, svm_type, svm_kernel, out_file): hist = np.asarray(cv.Load(in_file_hist_agg)) # The first col is the labels for the feature points # The last two cols are (vieo_id, timestamps) labels = hist[:, 0] features = hist[:, 1:-2] clf = LibsvmClassifier(svm_type=int(svm_type), kernel_type=int(svm_kernel)) clf.train(features, labels) clf.save_to_file(out_file)
def __init__(self): self.MotionDetector = None self.capture = None self.matcher = SurfMatcher() parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] [filename|camera_index]") parser.add_option("-c", "--cascade", action="store", dest="cascade", type="str", help="Haar cascade file, default %default", default=HCDIR + "haarcascade_frontalface_alt_tree.xml") # parser.add_option("-c", "--cascade", action="store", dest="cascade", type="str", help="Haar cascade file, default %default", default = "../data/haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() self.cascade = cv.Load(options.cascade) # detect eyes self.cascade2 = cv.Load(DATADIR2 + "haarcascade eye.xml") # cascade2 = cv.Load(HCDIR + "..\\eyes\\eye.xml") # cascade3 = cv.Load(HCDIR + "haarcascade_mcs_mouth.xml") self.cascade3 = cv.Load(DATADIR2 + "Mouth.xml") self.cascade4 = cv.Load(HCDIR + "haarcascade_mcs_nose.xml")
def __init__(self, xmlpath): parser = OptionParser(usage="") parser.add_option("-c", "--cascade", action="store", dest="cascade", type="str", help="Haar cascade file, default %default", default=xmlpath) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() self.cascade = cv.Load(options.cascade)
def findface(image): #人脸识别,获取脸在图片中的坐标 grayscale = cv.CreateImage((image.width, image.height), 8, 1) cv.CvtColor(image, grayscale, cv.CV_BGR2GRAY) cascade = cv.Load(OPCV_PATH+"/data/haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalface_alt_tree.xml") rect = cv.HaarDetectObjects(grayscale, cascade, cv.CreateMemStorage(), 1.015, 2,cv.CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING, (10,10)) result = [] for r in rect: result.append([(r[0][0], r[0][1]), (r[0][0]+r[0][2], r[0][1]+r[0][3])]) return result
def getMouth2(imcolor,detectedFace,storage=None,DEBUG=None): if not storage: storage = cv.CreateMemStorage() # loading the classifiers haarMouth = cv.Load(defaults.haar_mouth) # running the classifiers detectedMouth = cv.HaarDetectObjects(imcolor, haarMouth, storage) # draw a green rectangle where the face is detected if DEBUG and detectedMouth: for mouth in detectedMouth: showRectangle(imcolor,eye,cv.RGB(155, 10, 110)) return detectedMouth
def live_test(): subdir = 'data/' img_kinds = ["happy", "anger", "neutral", "surprise"] models = {} # load all the models print "Loading Models" for img_kind in img_kinds: print 'loading for: ' + img_kind models[img_kind] = svmutil.svm_load_model(subdir + img_kind + '.model') print "---------------------" print "Loading cascade" face_cascade = "haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml" hc = cv.Load(face_cascade) print "---------------------" capture = cv.CaptureFromCAM(0) while True: img = cv.QueryFrame(capture) cv.ShowImage("camera",img) key_pressed = cv.WaitKey(50) if key_pressed == 27: break elif key_pressed == 32: print '~> KEY PRESSED <~' # do face detection print 'detecting face' returned = face.handel_camera_image(img, hc) if returned == None: print "No face || more than one face" pass else: (img_o, img_face) = returned cv.ShowImage("face",img_face) # get features from the face results = {} for img_kind in img_kinds: test_data = get_image_features(img_face, True, img_kind) predict_input_data = [] predict_input_data.append(test_data) # do svm query (val, val_2, label) = svmutil.svm_predict([1] ,predict_input_data, models[img_kind]) results[img_kind] = label[0][0] print img_kind + str(results[img_kind]) sorted_results = sorted(results.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1)) print sorted_results[len(sorted_results)-1][0] print "---------------------"
def getIntrinsics(filepath): """ Given a file path to camera intrinsics, parse out the parameters. @param filepath Path to read @return fx, fy, cx, cy """ camera = np.array(cv.Load(filepath, cv.CreateMemStorage(), "cameraMatrix")) fx = camera[0][0] fy = camera[1][1] cx = camera[0][2] cy = camera[1][2] return fx, fy, cx, cy
def InitCamera(port=0): """ Initialisation de la webcam """ global CAMERA, CASCADE, DEFAULT_DEVICE_WIDTH, DEFAULT_DEVICE_HEIGHT try : CAMERA = cv.CreateCameraCapture(port) frame = cv.QueryFrame(CAMERA) if frame == None : return False DEFAULT_DEVICE_WIDTH = frame.width DEFAULT_DEVICE_HEIGHT = frame.height CASCADE = cv.Load(Chemins.GetStaticPath("Divers/haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml")) return True except Exception, err : print err return False