def __matmul__(self, value): if not isinstance(value, Mat): raise TypeError("Must use Mat objects for @ matmul") elif not CV_[] in [cv.CV_32F, cv.CV_64F]: raise TypeError("Must use float32 or float64 dtype for @ matmul") elif not self.dtype == value.dtype: raise TypeError("Dtypes must match for @ matmul") shape = (self.shape[0], value.shape[1]) out = Mat(shape, dtype=self.dtype, UMat=self.UMat) cv.gemm(self._, value._, alpha=1, src3=None, beta=0, dst=out._) return out
def subspaceProject(eigenvectors_column, mean, source): source_rows = source.rows source_cols = source.cols if len(eigenvectors_column) != source_cols * source_rows: raise Exception("wrong shape") flattened_source = [] for i in range(source_cols): for j in range(source_rows): flattened_source.append(source[j, i]) # flattened_source += [float(num) for num in row] # for row in source: # flattened_source += [float(num) for num in row] flattened_source = np.array([np.asarray(flattened_source)]) # flattened_source = (1,flattened_source) delta_from_mean = cv2.subtract(flattened_source, mean) # flatten the matrix then convert to 1 row by many columns delta_from_mean = np.asarray([np.hstack(delta_from_mean)]) empty_mat = np.array(eigenvectors_column, copy=True) # this is required for the function call but unused result = cv2.gemm(delta_from_mean, eigenvectors_column, 1.0, empty_mat, 0.0) return result
def _get_orientation(self, pts): # Construct a buffer used by the PCA analysis data_pts = np.squeeze(np.array(pts, dtype=np.float64)) # Perform PCA analysis # covar, mean = cv2.calcCovarMatrix( data_pts, np.mean(data_pts, axis=0), cv2.COVAR_SCALE | cv2.COVAR_ROWS | cv2.COVAR_SCRAMBLED) eigenvalues, eigenvectors = cv2.eigen(covar)[1:] eigenvectors = cv2.gemm(eigenvectors, data_pts - mean, 1, None, 0) eigenvectors = np.apply_along_axis( lambda n: cv2.normalize(n, dst=None).flat, 1, eigenvectors) # Store the centre of the object cntr = np.array([int(mean[0, 0]), int(mean[0, 1])]) self.centres.append(cntr) # Draw the principal components, (cntr[0], cntr[1]), 3, (255, 0, 255), 1) p1 = cntr + 0.02 * eigenvectors[0] * eigenvalues[0] p2 = cntr - 0.02 * eigenvectors[1] * eigenvalues[1] # self._draw_axis(copy.copy(cntr), p1, (0, 255, 0), 2) # self._draw_axis(copy.copy(cntr), p2, (255, 255, 0), 10) return np.arctan2(eigenvectors[0, 1], eigenvectors[0, 0]) # orientation in radians
def interp_step(dog, octv, intvl, r, c): dD = deriv_3D(dog, octv, intvl, r, c) H = hessian_3D(dog, octv, intvl, r, c) H_inv = np.zeros(H.T.shape) cv2.invert(H, H_inv, cv2.DECOMP_SVD) gm = cv2.gemm(H_inv, dD, -1, None, 0) return gm
def test_gemm_big(self): sz = (500, 500) a = np.ones(sz, dtype=float) b = np.eye(sz[0]) c = np.ones(sz, dtype=float) x = cv2.gemm(a, b, 2, c, 3) gold = np.full(sz, 5, dtype=float) self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(gold, x), "Array returned by GEMM is not valid")
def getPrincipleAngle(eigVecs1, eigVecs2): #e2t = cv2.transpose(eigVecs2) #e2t = cv2.transpose(eigVecs2) evm = cv2.gemm(eigVecs1,eigVecs2,1,None,1,flags=cv2.GEMM_2_T) #evm = np.outer(eigVecs1,e2t) w,u,vt = cv2.SVDecomp(evm) #print (repr(w)) #print (repr(float(w[0]))) return float(w[0]);
def getSimilarityTransform(src, dst): if len(src) < 2 or len(dst) < 2: return None if len(src[0]) < 2 or len(src[1]) < 2 or len(dst[0]) < 2 or len(dst[1]) < 2: return None # Separate points x1 = src[0][0] y1 = src[0][1] x2 = src[1][0] y2 = src[1][1] u1 = dst[0][0] v1 = dst[0][1] u2 = dst[1][0] v2 = dst[1][1] # Create matrix mat = np.array([ [x1, y1, 1, 0], [y1, -x1, 0, 1], [x2, y2, 1, 0], [y2, -x2, 0, 1] ], np.float32) # Get the inverse matrix mat = np.linalg.inv(mat) # Create vector vec = np.array([ [u1], [v1], [u2], [v2] ], np.float32) # Multiply matrices val = cv2.gemm(mat, vec, 1.0, None, 0.0) # Get elements a = val[0][0] b = val[1][0] c = val[2][0] d = val[3][0] # Make output transformation matrix (2 X 3) transform = np.array([ [ a, b, c], [-b, a, d] ], np.float32) return transform
def subspaceReconstruct(eigenvectors_column, mean, projection, image_width, image_height): if len(eigenvectors_column[0]) != len(projection[0]): raise Exception("wrong shape") empty_mat = np.array(eigenvectors_column, copy=True) # this is required for the function call but unused # GEMM_2_T transposes the eigenvector result = cv2.gemm(projection, eigenvectors_column, 1.0, empty_mat, 0.0, flags=cv2.GEMM_2_T) flattened_array = np.array([np.asarray(result[0])]) flattened_image = np.hstack(cv2.add(flattened_array, mean)) flattened_image = np.asarray([np.uint8(num) for num in flattened_image]) all_rows = [] for row_index in xrange(image_height): row = flattened_image[row_index * image_width: (row_index + 1) * image_width] all_rows.append(row) image_matrix = np.asarray(all_rows) image = normalizeHist(image_matrix) return image
def stitch_combine_matrix(matrix_1, matrix_2): """ DESCRIPTION This function merges two perspective transform matrixes using multiplication. INPUT matrix_1 = a perspective transform matrix matrix_2 = a perspective transform matrix OUTPUT matrix_out = a perspective transform matrix """ #use the cv2.gemm function to merge both matrices matrix_out = cv2.gemm(matrix_1, matrix_2, 1, None, 0) #return return matrix_out
def PCA(PCAInput): # The following mimics PCA::operator() implementation from OpenCV's # matmul.cpp() which is wrapped by Python cv2.PCACompute(). We can't # use PCACompute() though as it discards the eigenvalues. # Scrambled is faster for nVariables >> nObservations. Bitmask is 0 and # therefore default / redundant, but included to abide by online docs. covar, mean = cv2.calcCovarMatrix(PCAInput, | | eVal, eVec = cv2.eigen(covar, computeEigenvectors=True)[1:] # Conversion + normalisation required due to 'scrambled' mode eVec = cv2.gemm(eVec, PCAInput - mean, 1, None, 0) # apply_along_axis() slices 1D rows, but normalize() returns 4x1 vectors eVec = np.apply_along_axis(lambda n: cv2.normalize(n).flat, 1, eVec) return mean, eVec
def PCA(PCAInput): # The following mimics PCA::operator() implementation from OpenCV's # matmul.cpp() which is wrapped by Python cv2.PCACompute(). We can't # use PCACompute() though as it discards the eigenvalues. # Scrambled is faster for nVariables >> nObservations. Bitmask is 0 and # therefore default / redundant, but included to abide by online docs. covar, mean = cv2.calcCovarMatrix( PCAInput, | | eVal, eVec = cv2.eigen(covar, computeEigenvectors=True)[1:] # Conversion + normalisation required due to 'scrambled' mode eVec = cv2.gemm(eVec, PCAInput - mean, 1, None, 0) # apply_along_axis() slices 1D rows, but normalize() returns 4x1 vectors eVec = np.apply_along_axis(lambda n: cv2.normalize(n).flat, 1, eVec) return mean, eVec
def get_orientation(pts, img): sz = len(pts) data_pts = np.empty((sz, 2), dtype=np.float64) for i in range(data_pts.shape[0]): data_pts[i, 0] = pts[i, 0, 0] data_pts[i, 1] = pts[i, 0, 1] # Perform PCA analysis mean = np.empty(0) # mean, eigenvectors, eigenvalues = cv2.PCACompute2(data_pts, mean) covar, mean = cv2.calcCovarMatrix(data_pts, mean, cv2.COVAR_SCALE | cv2.COVAR_ROWS | cv2.COVAR_SCRAMBLED) eVal, eVec = cv2.eigen(covar)[1:] # Conversion + normalisation required due to 'scrambled' mode eVec = cv2.gemm(eVec, data_pts - mean, 1, None, 0) # apply_along_axis() slices 1D rows, but normalize() returns 4x1 vectors eVec = np.apply_along_axis(lambda n: cv2.normalize(n, n).flat, 1, eVec) # Store the center of the object # cntr2 = (int(mean[0, 0]), int(mean[0, 1])) M = cv2.moments(pts) cX = int(M["m10"] / M["m00"]) cY = int(M["m01"] / M["m00"]) cntr = (cX, cY), cntr, 3, (255, 0, 255), 2) # p1 = (cntr[0] + 0.02 * eigenvectors[0, 0] * eigenvalues[0, 0], # cntr[1] + 0.02 * eigenvectors[0, 1] * eigenvalues[0, 0]) # p2 = (cntr[0] - 0.02 * eigenvectors[1, 0] * eigenvalues[1, 0], # cntr[1] - 0.02 * eigenvectors[1, 1] * eigenvalues[1, 0]) p1 = (cntr[0] + 0.02 * eVec[0, 0] * eVal[0, 0], cntr[1] + 0.02 * eVec[0, 1] * eVal[0, 0]) p2 = (cntr[0] - 0.02 * eVec[1, 0] * eVal[1, 0], cntr[1] - 0.02 * eVec[1, 1] * eVal[1, 0]) # draw_axis(img, cntr, p1, (0, 255, 0), 1) # draw_axis(img, cntr, p2, (255, 255, 0), 5) # angle = atan2(eigenvectors[0, 1], eigenvectors[0, 0]) # orientation in radians angle = atan2(eVec[0, 1], eVec[0, 0]) return angle, cntr, eVec[0, 0], eVec[0, 1], eVal[0, 0]
def pca(X, nb_components=0): ''' Do a PCA analysis on X @param X: np.array containing the samples shape = (nb samples, nb dimensions of each sample) @param nb_components: the nb components we're interested in @return: return the nb_components largest eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the covariance matrix and return the average sample ''' [n,d] = X.shape if (nb_components <= 0) or (nb_components>n): nb_components = n #calculate scrambled covariance matrix for increased performance [covar, mean] = cv2.calcCovarMatrix(X, cv.CV_COVAR_SCALE | cv.CV_COVAR_ROWS | cv.CV_COVAR_SCRAMBLED) #compute eigenvalues and vectors of scrambled covariance matrix [retval,eigenvals,eigenvects] = cv2.eigen(covar, True) #calculate the normal eigenvactors from the scrambled eigenvectors eigenvects = cv2.gemm(eigenvects, X - mean, 1, None, 0) eigenvects = np.apply_along_axis(lambda n: cv2.normalize(n).flat, 1, eigenvects) # return the nb_components largest eigenvalues and eigenvectors return [eigenvals[:n], np.transpose(eigenvects[:n]), np.transpose(mean)]
import cv2 import numpy as np from numpy.lib import math theta = math.radians(10) rot_mat = np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)], [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]], np.float32) pts = np.array([(-150, -150), (150, -150), (150, 150), (-150, 150)], np.float32) pts1 = pts for i in range(1, 150): globals()['pts{}'.format(i + 1)] = cv2.gemm(globals()['pts{}'.format(i)], rot_mat, 1, None, 1, flags=cv2.GEMM_2_T) #for i , ( pt1 , pt2 ) in enumerate ( zip ( pts1 , pts2 )): # print (" pts1 [%d] = %s, pst2 [%d]= %s" %( i , pt1 , i , pt2 )) image = np.full((500, 500, 3), 0, np.uint8) #검은색 배경 for i in range(1, 150): cv2.polylines(image, [np.int32(globals()['pts{}'.format(i)] + 250)], True, (255, 255, 255), 2) #흰색 선 cv2.imshow(" assignment3 ", image) cv2.waitKey(0)
H2D = np.zeros((size_rows, size_cols, 2)) rows = 0 for j in xrange(0, size_cols): for i in xrange(0, size_rows): H2D[i, j, 0] = Hotf[rows, 0, 0] H2D[i, j, 1] = Hotf[rows, 0, 1] rows = rows + 1 # Filtragem H2DTr = np.zeros((size_cols, size_rows, 2)) H2DTr[:, :, 0] = cv2.transpose(H2D[:, :, 0]) H2DTr[:, :, 1] = cv2.transpose(H2D[:, :, 1]) ImgFilt = cv2.gemm(H2DTr, ImgDFT, 1, 0, 0) # ImgFilt = cv2.gemm(Hotf, ImgDFT, 1, 0, 0) cv2.dft(ImgFilt, ImgFiltIDFT, cv2.DFT_INVERSE) # ? #print('{}, c: {} '.format(name, ImgFilt[0, 0, 0])) # Plot3D fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') x = np.arange(0, 80, 1) y = np.arange(0, 80, 1) # show2 = np.zeros((, 92)) # completando com 0
for i in range(0,y): for j in range(0,x): gridx = np.append(gridx, j*phys) gridy = np.append(gridy, i*phys) gridz = np.append(gridz, 0.0) gridt = np.append(gridt, 1.0) grid = np.array([gridx, gridy, gridz, gridt]) rt = np.zeros((3,4)) for i in range(0, num_planes): rot, jac = cv2.Rodrigues(p[i,0:3]) rt[0:3,0:3] = rot for j in range(0,3): rt[j,3] = p[i,3+j] trans = cv2.gemm(rt, grid, 1.0, grid, 0) ax.plot(trans[0,:], trans[1,:], trans[2,:]) # axes ax.plot([0,100],[0,0],[0,0]) ax.plot([0,0],[0,100],[0,0]) ax.plot([0,0],[0,0],[0,100]) # plotting size vs z #plt.figure() #plt.plot(zavg, size)
import cv2 import numpy as np theta = 18 * np.pi / 180 rot_mat = np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)], [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]], np.float32) image = np.full((500, 500, 3), 0, np.uint8) pts1 = np.array([(0, -100), (100, -50), (100, 50), (0, 100), (-100, 50), (-100, -50)], np.float32) pts2 = cv2.gemm(pts1, rot_mat, 1, None, 1, flags=cv2.GEMM_2_T) def move1(pts): for i in range(6): pts[i][0] = pts[i][0] + 250 pts[i][1] = pts[i][1] + 250 return pts def move2(pts): for i in range(6): pts[i][0] = pts[i][0] - 250 pts[i][1] = pts[i][1] - 250 return pts move1(pts1) cv2.polylines(image, [np.int32(pts1)], True, (255, 255, 255), 2) move2(pts1) for _ in range(30): pts2 = move1(pts2)
npTmp = np.random.random((1024, 1024)).astype(np.float32) npMat1 = np.stack([npTmp,npTmp],axis=2) npMat2 = npMat1 cuMat1 = cv.cuda_GpuMat() cuMat2 = cv.cuda_GpuMat() cuMat1.upload(npMat1) cuMat2.upload(npMat2) print(%timeit cv.cuda.gemm(cuMat1, cuMat2,1,None,0,None,1)) # In[3]: print(%timeit cv.gemm(npMat1,npMat2,1,None,0,None,1)) # In[ ]: # In[ ]:
B = np.zeros((3, 3, 2)) B[:, :, 0] = [[3, 6, 9], [ 4, 7, 10, ], [5, 8, 11]] B[:, :, 1] = [[3, 6, 9], [ 4, 7, 10, ], [5, 8, 11]] S1 = np.zeros((2, 3, 2)) S2 = np.zeros((2, 3, 2)) S1 = cv2.gemm(A, B, 1, 0, 0) S2[:, :, 0] = cv2.gemm(A[:, :, 0], B[:, :, 0], 1, 0, 0) S2[:, :, 1] = cv2.gemm(A[:, :, 1], B[:, :, 1], 1, 0, 0) print('-------- A ----------') print(A) print('-------- B ----------') print(B) print('-------- Geral ----------') print((S1[:, :, 0])) print('-') print((S1[:, :, 1])) print('\n\n')
def polar_fft(im, nangle=None, radiimax=None, *, isshiftdft=False, truesize=None, logpolar=False, logoutput=False, interpolation='bilinear'): """Return dft in polar (or log-polar) units, the angle step (and the log base) Parameters ---------- im: 2d array The image nangle: number, optional The number of angles in the polar representation radiimax: number, optional The number of radius in the polar representation isshiftdft: boolean, default False True if the image is pre processed (DFT + fftshift) truesize: 2 numbers, required if isshiftdft is True The true size of the image logpolar: boolean, default False True if want the log polar representation instead of polar logoutput: boolean, default False True if want the log of the output interpolation: string, default 'bilinear' ('bicubic', 'bilinear', 'nearest') The interpolation technique. (For now, avoid bicubic) Returns ------- im: 2d array The (log) polar representation of the input image log_base: number, only if logpolar is True the log base if this is log polar representation Notes ----- radiimax is the maximal radius (log of radius if logpolar is true). if not provided, it is deduced from the image size To get log-polar, set logpolar to True log_base is the base of the log. It is deduced from radiimax. Two images that will be compared should therefore have the same radiimax. """ im = np.asarray(im, dtype=np.float32) #get dft if not already done if not isshiftdft: truesize = im.shape #substract mean to avoid having large central value im = im - im.mean() im = centered_mag_sq_ccs(dft_optsize(im)) #We need truesize! otherwise border effects. assert (truesize is not None) #the center is shifted from 0,0 to the ~ center #(eg. if 4x4 image, the center is at [2,2], as if 5x5) qshape = np.asarray([im.shape[0] // 2, im.shape[1]]) center = np.asarray([qshape[0], 0]) #if the angle Step is not given, take the number of pixel #on the perimeter as the target #=range/step if nangle is None: #TODO: understand why nangle need to be exactly truesize nangle = np.min(truesize) #range is pi, nbangle = 2r =~pi r # nangle-=2 #get the theta range theta = np.linspace(-np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2, nangle, endpoint=False, dtype=np.float32) #For the radii, the units are comparable if the log_base and radiimax are #the same. Therefore, log_base is deduced from radiimax #The step is assumed to be 1 if radiimax is None: radiimax = qshape.min() #also as the circle is an ellipse in the image, #we want the radius to be from 0 to 1 if logpolar: #The log base solves log_radii_max=log_{log_base}(linear_radii_max) #where we decided arbitrarely that linear_radii_max=log_radii_max log_base = np.exp(np.log(radiimax) / radiimax) radius = ((log_base**np.arange(0, radiimax, dtype=np.float32)) / radiimax) else: radius = np.linspace(0, 1, radiimax, endpoint=False, dtype=np.float32) #get x y coordinates matrix (The units are 0 to 1, therefore a circle is #represented as an ellipse) y = cv2.gemm(np.sin(theta), radius, qshape[0], 0, 0, flags=cv2.GEMM_2_T) + center[0] x = cv2.gemm(np.cos(theta), radius, qshape[1], 0, 0, flags=cv2.GEMM_2_T) + center[1] interp = cv2.INTER_LINEAR if interpolation == 'bicubic': interp = cv2.INTER_CUBIC if interpolation == 'nearest': interp = cv2.INTER_NEAREST #get output output = cv2.remap(im, x, y, interp) #LINEAR, CUBIC,LANCZOS4 #apply log if logoutput: output = cv2.log(output) if logpolar: return output, log_base else: return output
import numpy as np, cv2 data = [ 3,6,3,-5,6,1,2,-3,5] # 1차원 리스트 생성 m1 = np.array(data, np.float32).reshape(3,3) m2 = np.array([2, 10, 28], np.float32) ret, inv = cv2.invert(m1, cv2.DECOMP_LU) # 역행렬 계산 if ret: dst1 = # numpy 제공 행렬곱 함수 dst2 = cv2.gemm(inv, m2, 1, None, 1) # OpenC 제공 행렬곱 함수 ret, dst3 = cv2.solve(m1, m2, cv2.DECOMP_LU) # 연립방정식 풀이 print("[inv] = \n%s\n" % inv) print("[dst1] =", dst1.flatten()) # 다행 1열 행렬을 한행에 표시 print("[dst2] =", dst2.flatten()) # 행렬을 벡터로 변환 print("[dst3] =", dst3.flatten()) # 행렬을 벡터로 변환 else: print("역행렬이 존재하지 않습니다.")
def _multiply(self, matrix_a: np.array, matrix_b) -> np.array: matrix_c = np.zeros((matrix_a.shape[0], matrix_b.shape[1])) return cv2.gemm(matrix_a, matrix_b, 1, matrix_c, 1)
import numpy as np, cv2 pts1 = np.array([(100, 100, 1), (400, 100, 1), (400, 250, 1), (100, 250, 1)], np.float32) theta = 45 * np.pi / 180 m = np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta), 0], [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta), 0], [0, 0, 1]], np.float32) delta = (pts1[2] - pts1[0]) // 2 center = pts1[0] + delta a = np.array([center, center, center, center]) t1 = pts1 - a t2 = a m2 = cv2.gemm(t1, m, 1, None, 1, flags=cv2.GEMM_2_T) pts2 = m2 + a for i, (pt1, pt2) in enumerate(zip(pts1, pts2)): print("pts1[%d] = %s, pts2[%d]= %s" % (i, pt1, i, pt2)) image = np.full((400, 500, 3), 255, np.uint8) cv2.polylines(image, [np.int32(pts1[:, :2])], True, (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.polylines(image, [np.int32(pts2[:, :2])], True, (255, 0, 0), 3) cv2.imshow("image", image) cv2.waitKey(0)
print('Shape of matrix_faces is ', np.shape(matrix_faces)) # covar, mean_1 = cv2.calcCovarMatrix(matrix_faces, mean=None, flags=cv2.COVAR_ROWS|cv2.COVAR_SCRAMBLED) covar, mean = cv2.calcCovarMatrix(matrix_faces, mean=None, flags=cv2.COVAR_SCALE | cv2.COVAR_ROWS | cv2.COVAR_SCRAMBLED) # mean_x is same as mean_1, cv2.COVAR_SCALE 相当于1/M, because the default is 1 print("shape of mean is ", np.shape(mean)) print("shape of covar is ", np.shape(covar)) print('covar is', covar) eVal, eVec = cv2.eigen(covar, True)[1:] # 对eVec进行一系列操作,(ui)T * (A)T,再进行normalization,因为OpenCV都是row vector运算,所以跟论文中相当于都要进行转置 eVec = cv2.gemm(eVec, matrix_faces - mean_x, 1, None, 0) eVec = np.apply_along_axis(lambda n: cv2.normalize(n, n).flat, 1, eVec) # print("shape of eVal is ", np.shape(eVal)) # # print(eVal) # # mean_SE = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(mean_SE, orient='index', columns=['values']) # # plt.plot(eVal) # # # # print("shape of eVec is ", np.shape(eVec)) # # # # Compute the eigenvectors from the Matrix (modified from matrix_faces) # # # we need to make each data(face images) as row vectors # # print("Calculating PCA ", end="...") # mean_2, eigenVectors = cv2.PCACompute(matrix_faces, mean=None) # print('mean_1 is', mean_1) # print('mean_x is',mean_x)
# print("--- X --- size: {} ".format(matX.shape)) # print matX[:, :, 1] # X'----------------------------------------------------------- matXtr[:, :, 0] = cv2.transpose(matX[:, :, 0]) matXtr[:, :, 1] = cv2.transpose(matX[:, :, 1]) # print("\n\n--- X' --- size: {} ".format(matXtr.shape)) # print matXtr # Z = X'*Y ---------------------------------------------------- matZ = np.zeros((total_img, total_img, 2)) matZ = cv2.gemm(matXtr, matY, 1, 0, 0) # print("\n-- Z = X'*Y --- size: {} ".format(matZ.shape)) # Z = inv(Z) -------------------------------------------------- invZ1 = np.zeros((total_img, total_img)) invZ2 = np.zeros((total_img, total_img)) cv2.invert(matZ[:, :, 0], invZ1, cv2.DECOMP_LU) # cv2.invert(matZ[:, :, 1], invZ2, cv2.DECOMP_LU) # :1300 codigo do ze matZ[:, :, 0] = invZ1 matZ[:, :, 1] = invZ2 # W = Y*Z -----------------------------------------------------
import numpy as np import cv2 as cv import time npTmp = np.random.random((1024, 1024)).astype(np.float32) npMat1 = np.stack([npTmp, npTmp], axis=2) npMat2 = npMat1 cuMat1 = cv.cuda_GpuMat() cuMat2 = cv.cuda_GpuMat() cuMat1.upload(npMat1) cuMat2.upload(npMat2) start = time.time() cv.cuda.gemm(cuMat1, cuMat2, 1, None, 0, None, 1) print("CUDA --- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start)) cv.gemm(npMat1, npMat2, 1, None, 0, None, 1) print("CPU --- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start))
# rows = 0 # for j in xrange(0, size_cols): # for i in xrange(0, size_rows): # H2D[i, j, 0] = Hotf[rows, 0, 0] # H2D[i, j, 1] = Hotf[rows, 0, 1] # rows = rows + 1 # # Filtragem # H2DTr = np.zeros((size_cols, size_rows, 2)) # H2DTr[:, :, 0] = cv2.transpose(H2D[:, :, 0]) # H2DTr[:, :, 1] = cv2.transpose(H2D[:, :, 1]) # ImgFilt = cv2.gemm(H2DTr, ImgDFT, 1, 0, 0) ImgFilt = cv2.gemm(Hotf, ImgDFT, 1, 0, 0) cv2.dft(ImgFilt, ImgFiltIDFT, cv2.DFT_INVERSE) # ? print(('{}, c: {} '.format(name, ImgFilt[0, 0, 0]))) # print '\n\n' # # print ImgFiltIDFT[:,:,0] # # print '---------------------------' # print ImgFilt[:,:,0] # Plot3D # fig = plt.figure() # ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # x = np.arange(0, 80, 1)
rotate_mat[0][0] = 1 rotate_mat[1][1] = 1 rotate_mat[2][2] = 1 angle = args.rotate_angle / 180.0 * 3.14159265358979323846 cos_a = math.cos(angle) sin_a = math.sin(angle) rotate_mat[0][0] = cos_a rotate_mat[0][1] = sin_a rotate_mat[1][0] = -sin_a rotate_mat[1][1] = cos_a shift_mat2 = np.zeros((2, 3), np.float32) shift_mat2[0][0] = 1 shift_mat2[1][1] = 1 shift_mat2[0][2] = dst_pt[0] shift_mat2[1][2] = dst_pt[1] tran_mat = cv2.gemm(shift_mat2, rotate_mat, 1, None, 0) tran_mat = cv2.gemm(tran_mat, shift_mat1, 1, None, 0) tran_mat = cv2.gemm(tran_mat, crop_mat, 1, None, 0) out = cv2.warpAffine(img, tran_mat, (out_wh[0], out_wh[1])) cv2.imshow('original image', img) cv2.imshow('cropped image', out) cv2.imwrite(args.out_path, out) cv2.waitKey()