Exemplo n.º 1
def detector_postprocess(results,
    Resize the output instances.
    The input images are often resized when entering an object detector.
    As a result, we often need the outputs of the detector in a different
    resolution from its inputs.

    This function will resize the raw outputs of an R-CNN detector
    to produce outputs according to the desired output resolution.

        results (Instances): the raw outputs from the detector.
            `results.image_size` contains the input image resolution the detector sees.
            This object might be modified in-place.
        output_height, output_width: the desired output resolution.

        Instances: the resized output from the model, based on the output resolution
    scale_x, scale_y = (output_width / results.image_size[1],
                        output_height / results.image_size[0])
    results = Instances((output_height, output_width), **results.get_fields())

    if results.has("pred_boxes"):
        output_boxes = results.pred_boxes
    elif results.has("proposal_boxes"):
        output_boxes = results.proposal_boxes

    output_boxes.scale(scale_x, scale_y)

    results = results[output_boxes.nonempty()]

    if results.has("pred_masks"):
        results.pred_masks = paste_masks_in_image(
            results.pred_masks[:, 0, :, :],  # N, 1, M, M

    if results.has("pred_keypoints"):
        results.pred_keypoints[:, :, 0] *= scale_x
        results.pred_keypoints[:, :, 1] *= scale_y

    return results
Exemplo n.º 2
def _paste_mask_lists_in_image(masks, boxes, image_shape, threshold=0.5):
    Paste a list of masks that are of various resolutions (e.g., 28 x 28) into an image.
    The location, height, and width for pasting each mask is determined by their
    corresponding bounding boxes in boxes.
        masks (list(Tensor)): A list of Tensor of shape (1, Hmask_i, Wmask_i).
                            Values are in [0, 1]. The list length, Bimg, is the
                            number of detected object instances in the image.
        boxes (Boxes): A Boxes of length Bimg. boxes.tensor[i] and masks[i] correspond
                            to the same object instance.
        image_shape (tuple): height, width
        threshold (float): A threshold in [0, 1] for converting the (soft) masks to
            binary masks.
        img_masks (Tensor): A tensor of shape (Bimg, Himage, Wimage), where Bimg is the
        number of detected object instances and Himage, Wimage are the image width
        and height. img_masks[i] is a binary mask for object instance i.
    if len(masks) == 0:
        return torch.empty((0, 1) + image_shape, dtype=torch.uint8)

    # Loop over masks groups. Each group has the same mask prediction size.
    img_masks = []
    ind_masks = []
    mask_sizes = torch.tensor([m.shape[-1] for m in masks])
    unique_sizes = torch.unique(mask_sizes)
    for msize in unique_sizes.tolist():
        cur_ind = torch.where(mask_sizes == msize)[0]

        cur_masks = cat([masks[i] for i in cur_ind])
        cur_boxes = boxes[cur_ind]
            paste_masks_in_image(cur_masks, cur_boxes, image_shape, threshold)

    img_masks = cat(img_masks)
    ind_masks = cat(ind_masks)

    img_masks_out = torch.empty_like(img_masks)
    img_masks_out[ind_masks, :, :] = img_masks

    return img_masks_out