def test_api_key_http_ok(self): """ Verifies that test_api_key does not raise an error when HTTP OK is returned from the server. """ client = Client(api_key='some-api-key') response = MockResponse(HTTPStatus.OK) with patch.object(client._session, 'get', return_value=response): client.test_api_key()
def test_api_key_http_unauthorized(self): """ Verifies that test_api_key raises UnauthorizedError when HTTP Unauthorized is returned from the server. """ client = Client(api_key='some-api-key') response = MockResponse(HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED) with patch.object(client._session, 'get', return_value=response): with self.assertRaises(UnauthorizedError): client.test_api_key()
def test_produktionsenhed_success(self): """ Verifies that the client returns a list of Produktionsenheder and deserializes them when HTTP status code 200 is returned. """ client = Client(api_key='some-api-key') expected = [ { "pNummer": 1234 }, { "pNummer": 2345 }, { "pNummer": 3456 }, ] response = MockResponse( status_code=HTTPStatus.OK, content=expected, ) with patch.object(client._session, 'get', return_value=response): produktionsenheder = client.cvr.produktionsenheder( adresse="some adresse") self.assertEqual(len(expected), len(produktionsenheder)) for i, penhed in enumerate(expected): self.assertEqual(penhed["pNummer"], produktionsenheder[i].p_nummer)
def test_api_key_invalid_api_key(self): """ Verifies that test_api_key raises an error using an invalid api key. """ with Client(api_key="invalid api key") as client: with self.assertRaises(UnauthorizedError): client.test_api_key()
def test_cvr_numre_exists_and_not_exists(self): """ Verifies that no virksomhed is returned when both existing and non-existing cvr_numre are given. """ with Client(api_key=get_api_key()) as client: virksomheder = client.cvr.virksomheder(cvr_numre=[10103940, 1337]) self.assertEqual(0, len(virksomheder))
def test_navn_and_cvr_numre(self): """ Verifies that InvalidRequestError is raised when both navn and cvr_numre is given. """ with Client(api_key=get_api_key()) as client: with self.assertRaises(InvalidRequestError): client.cvr.virksomheder(navn="navn", cvr_numre=[1234])
def test_navn_exists(self): """ Verifies that at least one virksomhed is returned when given a navn that exists. """ with Client(api_key=get_api_key()) as client: virksomheder = client.cvr.virksomheder(navn="statsministeriet") self.assertTrue(len(virksomheder) > 0)
def test_p_nummer_exists_and_not_exists(self): """ Verifies that an empty list is returned if one of the given p numre do not exist. """ with Client(api_key=get_api_key()) as client: produktionsenheder = client.cvr.produktionsenheder( p_numre=[1004862579, 1337]) self.assertEqual(0, len(produktionsenheder))
def test_adresse_not_exists(self): """ Verifies that no produktionsenheder are returned when given an address that has no produktionsenheder. """ with Client(api_key=get_api_key()) as client: produktionsenheder = client.cvr.produktionsenheder( adresse="aklsdajhk1kj81342") self.assertEqual(0, len(produktionsenheder))
def test_navn_not_exists(self): """ Verifies that no virksomhed is returned when given a navn that does not exist. """ with Client(api_key=get_api_key()) as client: virksomheder = client.cvr.virksomheder( navn="kfgnkjdfgkjdgkdfhgkdjhgkdjgkjdfhgkjdfkdfngkdfjn") self.assertEqual(0, len(virksomheder))
def test_both_p_numre_and_adresse_given(self): """ Verifies that InvalidRequestError is raised if both adresse and p_numre args are given. """ with Client(api_key=get_api_key()) as client: with self.assertRaises(InvalidRequestError): client.cvr.produktionsenheder(adresse="adresse", p_numre=[1234])
def test_adresse_exists(self): """ Verifies that at least one produktionsenhed is returned when given an address that has produktionsenheder. """ with Client(api_key=get_api_key()) as client: produktionsenheder = client.cvr.produktionsenheder( adresse="Prins Jørgens Gård 11") self.assertTrue(len(produktionsenheder) > 1)
def test_cvr_nummer_exists(self): """ Verifies that a single virksomhed is returned when a single cvr_nummer is given. """ cvr_nummer = 10103940 with Client(api_key=get_api_key()) as client: virksomheder = client.cvr.virksomheder(cvr_numre=[cvr_nummer]) self.assertEqual(1, len(virksomheder)) self.assertEqual(cvr_nummer, virksomheder[0].cvr_nummer)
def test_p_nummer_exists(self): """ Verifies that a single produktionsenhed is returned when a single p_nummer is given. """ p_nummer = 1004862579 with Client(api_key=get_api_key()) as client: produktionsenheder = client.cvr.produktionsenheder( p_numre=[p_nummer]) self.assertEqual(1, len(produktionsenheder)) self.assertEqual(p_nummer, produktionsenheder[0].p_nummer)
def test_multiple_cvr_numre_exists(self): """ Verifies that multiple virksomheder are returned when multiple cvr_numre are given """ cvr_numre = {10103940, 10150817, 10213231} with Client(api_key=get_api_key()) as client: virksomheder = client.cvr.virksomheder(cvr_numre=cvr_numre) self.assertEqual(3, len(virksomheder)) for virksomhed in virksomheder: self.assertTrue(virksomhed.cvr_nummer in cvr_numre)
def test_multiple_p_numre_exists(self): """ Verifies that multiple produktionsenheder are returned when multiple p_numre are given """ p_numre = [1004862579, 1003388394, 1020852379] with Client(api_key=get_api_key()) as client: produktionsenheder = client.cvr.produktionsenheder(p_numre=p_numre) self.assertEqual(3, len(produktionsenheder)) for produktionsenhed in produktionsenheder: self.assertTrue(produktionsenhed.p_nummer in p_numre)
def test_unauthorized(self): """ Verifies that UnauthorizedError is raised when the client receives HTTP status code 401. """ client = Client(api_key='some-api-key') response = MockResponse(HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED) with patch.object(client._session, 'get', return_value=response): with self.assertRaises(UnauthorizedError): client.cvr.produktionsenheder(adresse="adresse")
def test_server_error(self): """ Verifies that InternalServerError is raised when the client receives HTTP status code 500. """ client = Client(api_key='some-api-key') response = MockResponse(HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) with patch.object(client._session, 'get', return_value=response): with self.assertRaises(InternalServerError): client.cvr.produktionsenheder(adresse="adresse")
def test_produktionsenhed_not_found(self): """ Verifies that the client returns an empty list when HTTP status code 404 is received. """ client = Client(api_key='some-api-key') response = MockResponse(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND) with patch.object(client._session, 'get', return_value=response): produktionsenheder = client.cvr.produktionsenheder( adresse="some adresse") self.assertEqual(0, len(produktionsenheder))
def test_api_key_valid_api_key(self): """ Verifies that test_api_key succeeds with a valid api key. """ with Client(api_key=get_api_key()) as client: client.test_api_key()
def test_regression_virksomhed_with_regnummer(self): """ Regression: verifies that a virksomhed with the regnummer field is parsed correctly. """ with Client(api_key=get_api_key()) as client: virksomheder = client.cvr.virksomheder(navn="aldi")
def test_cvr_nummer_not_exists(self): """ Verifies that a no virksomhed is returned when a non-existing cvr_nummer is given. """ with Client(api_key=get_api_key()) as client: virksomheder = client.cvr.virksomheder(cvr_numre=[1337]) self.assertEqual(0, len(virksomheder))