Exemplo n.º 1
def fit_ellipse_squared(x, y):
    fit ellipoid using squared loss

    assert len(x) == len(y)

    N = len(x)
    D = 5

    dat = numpy.zeros((N, D))
    dat[:,0] = x*x
    dat[:,1] = y*y
    #dat[:,2] = x*y
    dat[:,2] = x
    dat[:,3] = y
    dat[:,4] = numpy.ones(N)

    print dat.shape
    dat = cvxmod.matrix(dat)
    #### parameters

    # data
    X = cvxmod.param("X", N, D)

    #### varibales

    # parameter vector
    theta = cvxmod.optvar("theta", D)

    # simple objective 
    objective = cvxmod.atoms.norm2(X*theta)

    # create problem                                    
    p = cvxmod.problem(cvxmod.minimize(objective))
    p.constr.append(theta[0] + theta[1] == 1)
    ###### set values
    X.value = dat
    #solver = "mosek" 


    theta_ = numpy.array(cvxmod.value(theta))
    ellipse = conic_to_ellipse(theta_)

    return ellipse
Exemplo n.º 2
def compute_bbox_set_agreement(example_boxes, gold_boxes):
    nExB = len(example_boxes)
    nGtB = len(gold_boxes)
    if nExB == 0:
        if nGtB == 0:
            return 1
            return 0

    if nGtB == 0:
        print "WARNING: new object"
        return 0

    A = cvxmod.zeros(rows=nExB, cols=nGtB)

    for iBox, ex in enumerate(example_boxes):
        for jBox, gt in enumerate(gold_boxes):
            A[iBox, jBox] = ex.overlap_score(gt)

    S = []
    S2 = []

    for iBox, ex in enumerate(example_boxes):
        S_tmp = [0] * (iBox) * nGtB + [1] * nGtB + [0] * (nExB - iBox -
                                                          1) * nGtB


    for jBox in range(0, nGtB):
        S2_tmp = [0] * nExB * nGtB
        for j2 in range(0, nExB):
            S2_tmp[j2 * nGtB + jBox] = 1


    S = cvxmod.transpose(cvxmod.matrix(S, size=(nExB * nGtB, nExB)))
    S2 = cvxmod.transpose(cvxmod.matrix(S2, size=(nExB * nGtB, nGtB)))

    A2 = cvxmod.matrix(A, (1, nExB * nGtB))
    x = cvxmod.optvar('x', rows=nExB * nGtB, cols=1)

    p = cvxmod.problem(cvxmod.maximize(A2 * x))
    p.constr.append(x <= 1)
    p.constr.append(x >= 0)

    p.constr.append(S * x <= 1)
    p.constr.append(S2 * x <= 1)

    overlap = cvxmod.value(p) / max(nExB, nGtB)
    assert (overlap < 1.0001)
    return overlap
Exemplo n.º 3
def interior_point(X, y, lam):
    solve lasso using an interior point method
    requires cvxmod (Jacob Mattingley and Stephen Boyd)
    import cvxmod as cvx
    n, m = X.shape
    X_cvx = cvx.matrix(np.array(X))
    y_cvx = cvx.matrix(np.array(y))
    theta = cvx.optvar('theta', m)
    p = cvx.problem(cvx.minimize(cvx.sum(cvx.atoms.power(X_cvx*theta - y_cvx, 2)) + 
    return np.array(cvx.value(theta))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def fit(self, data):

        dat = phi_of_x(data)
        N = dat.shape[0]
        D = dat.shape[1]

        dat = cvxmod.matrix(dat)
        #### parameters

        # data
        X = cvxmod.param("X", N, D)

        #### varibales

        # parameter vector
        theta = cvxmod.optvar("theta", D)

        # simple objective 
        objective = cvxmod.atoms.norm2(X*theta)

        # create problem                                    
        p = cvxmod.problem(cvxmod.minimize(objective))
        p.constr.append(theta[0] + theta[1] == 1)
        ###### set values
        X.value = dat


        theta_ = numpy.array(cvxmod.value(theta))
        #ellipse = conic_to_ellipse(theta_)

        #return ellipse
        return theta_
Exemplo n.º 5
def fit_ellipse_stack_squared(dx, dy, dz, di):
    fit ellipoid using squared loss

    idea to learn all stacks together including smoothness

    # sanity check
    assert len(dx) == len(dy)
    assert len(dx) == len(dz)
    assert len(dx) == len(di)

    # unique zs
    dat = defaultdict(list)

    # resort data
    for idx in range(len(dx)):
        dat[dz[idx]].append( [dx[idx], dy[idx], di[idx]] )

    # init ret
    ellipse_stack = []
    for idx in range(max(dz)):
        ellipse_stack.append(Ellipse(0, 0, idx, 1, 1, 0))

    total_N = len(dx)
    M = len(dat.keys())
    D = 5

    X_matrix = []
    thetas = []

    for z in dat.keys():

        x = numpy.array(dat[z])[:,0]
        y = numpy.array(dat[z])[:,1]

        # intensities
        i = numpy.array(dat[z])[:,2]

        # log intensities
        i = numpy.log(i)

        # create matrix
        ity = numpy.diag(i)

        # dimensionality
        N = len(x)
        d = numpy.zeros((N, D))

        d[:,0] = x*x
        d[:,1] = y*y
        #d[:,2] = x*y
        d[:,2] = x
        d[:,3] = y
        d[:,4] = numpy.ones(N)

        #d[:,0] = x*x
        #d[:,1] = y*y
        #d[:,2] = x*y
        #d[:,3] = x
        #d[:,4] = y
        #d[:,5] = numpy.ones(N)
        # consider intensities
        old_shape = d.shape

        d = numpy.dot(ity, d)
        assert d.shape == old_shape
        print d.shape   
        d = cvxmod.matrix(d)
        #### parameters

        # da
        X = cvxmod.param("X" + str(z), N, D)
        X.value = d

        #### varibales
        # parameter vector
        theta = cvxmod.optvar("theta" + str(z), D)

    # contruct objective
    objective = 0
    for (i,X) in enumerate(X_matrix):
        #TODO try abs loss here!
        objective += cvxmod.sum(cvxmod.atoms.square(X*thetas[i]))
        #objective += cvxmod.sum(cvxmod.atoms.abs(X*thetas[i]))

    # add smoothness regularization
    reg_const = float(total_N) / float(M-1)
    for i in xrange(M-1):
        objective += reg_const * cvxmod.sum(cvxmod.atoms.square(thetas[i] - thetas[i+1]))

    print objective

    # create problem                                    
    p = cvxmod.problem(cvxmod.minimize(objective))

    # add constraints
    for i in xrange(M):
        p.constr.append(thetas[i][0] + thetas[i][1] == 1)
    ###### set values

    # wrap up result
    ellipse_stack = {}

    active_layers = dat.keys()
    assert len(active_layers) == M

    for i in xrange(M):

        theta_ = numpy.array(cvxmod.value(thetas[i]))
        z_layer = active_layers[i]
        ellipse_stack[z_layer] = conic_to_ellipse(theta_)
        ellipse_stack[z_layer].cz = z_layer

    return ellipse_stack
Exemplo n.º 6
def fit_ellipse_stack_abs(dx, dy, dz, di):
    fit ellipoid using squared loss

    idea to learn all stacks together including smoothness

    # sanity check
    assert len(dx) == len(dy)
    assert len(dx) == len(dz)
    assert len(dx) == len(di)

    # unique zs
    dat = defaultdict(list)

    # resort data
    for idx in range(len(dx)):
        dat[dz[idx]].append( [dx[idx], dy[idx], di[idx]] )

    # init ret
    ellipse_stack = []
    for idx in range(max(dz)):
        ellipse_stack.append(Ellipse(0, 0, idx, 1, 1, 0))

    total_N = len(dx)
    M = len(dat.keys())
    D = 5

    X_matrix = []
    thetas = []
    slacks = []
    eps_slacks = []

    mean_di = float(numpy.mean(di))

    for z in dat.keys():

        x = numpy.array(dat[z])[:,0]
        y = numpy.array(dat[z])[:,1]

        # intensities
        i = numpy.array(dat[z])[:,2]

        # log intensities
        i = numpy.log(i)

        # create matrix
        ity = numpy.diag(i)# / mean_di

        # dimensionality
        N = len(x)
        d = numpy.zeros((N, D))

        d[:,0] = x*x
        d[:,1] = y*y
        #d[:,2] = x*y
        d[:,2] = x
        d[:,3] = y
        d[:,4] = numpy.ones(N)

        #d[:,0] = x*x
        #d[:,1] = y*y
        #d[:,2] = x*y
        #d[:,3] = x
        #d[:,4] = y
        #d[:,5] = numpy.ones(N)

        print "old", d
        # consider intensities
        old_shape = d.shape
        d = numpy.dot(ity, d)
        print "new", d
        assert d.shape == old_shape
        print d.shape   
        d = cvxmod.matrix(d)
        #### parameters

        # da
        X = cvxmod.param("X" + str(z), N, D)
        X.value = d

        #### varibales
        # parameter vector
        theta = cvxmod.optvar("theta" + str(z), D)

    # construct obj
    objective = 0

    # loss term
    for i in xrange(M):
        objective += cvxmod.atoms.norm1(X_matrix[i] * thetas[i])

    # add smoothness regularization
    reg_const = 5 * float(total_N) / float(M-1)

    for i in xrange(M-1):
        objective += reg_const * cvxmod.norm1(thetas[i] - thetas[i+1])

    # create problem                                    
    prob = cvxmod.problem(cvxmod.minimize(objective))

    # add constraints
    for (i,X) in enumerate(X_matrix):
        p.constr.append(X*thetas[i] <= slacks[i])
        p.constr.append(-X*thetas[i] <= slacks[i])

        #eps = 0.5
        #p.constr.append(slacks[i] - eps <= eps_slacks[i])
        #p.constr.append(0 <= eps_slacks[i])

    # add non-degeneracy constraints
    for i in xrange(1, M-1):
        prob.constr.append(thetas[i][0] + thetas[i][1] == 1.0) # A + C = 1

    # pinch ends
    prob.constr.append(cvxmod.sum(thetas[0]) >= -0.01)
    prob.constr.append(cvxmod.sum(thetas[-1]) >= -0.01)

    print prob

    ###### set values
    from cvxopt import solvers
    solvers.options['reltol'] = 1e-1
    solvers.options['abstol'] = 1e-1
    print solvers.options


    # wrap up result
    ellipse_stack = {}

    active_layers = dat.keys()
    assert len(active_layers) == M

    # reconstruct original parameterization
    for i in xrange(M):

        theta_ = numpy.array(cvxmod.value(thetas[i]))
        z_layer = active_layers[i]
        ellipse_stack[z_layer] = conic_to_ellipse(theta_)
        ellipse_stack[z_layer].cz = z_layer

    return ellipse_stack
Exemplo n.º 7
def Main():
    options, _ = MakeOpts().parse_args(sys.argv)
    assert options.genes_filename
    assert options.protein_levels_a and options.protein_levels_b
    print 'Reading genes list from', options.genes_filename
    gene_ids = util.ReadProteinIDs(options.genes_filename)
    print 'Reading protein data A from', options.protein_levels_a
    gene_counts_a = util.ReadProteinCounts(options.protein_levels_a)
    print 'Reading protein data B from', options.protein_levels_b
    gene_counts_b = util.ReadProteinCounts(options.protein_levels_b)

    my_counts_a = dict((id, (count, name)) for id, name, count in
                       util.ExtractCounts(gene_counts_a, gene_ids))
    my_counts_b = dict((id, (count, name)) for id, name, count in
                       util.ExtractCounts(gene_counts_b, gene_ids))
    overlap_ids = set(my_counts_a.keys()).intersection(my_counts_b.keys())
    x = pylab.matrix([my_counts_a[id][0] for id in overlap_ids])
    y = pylab.matrix([my_counts_b[id][0] for id in overlap_ids])
    labels = [my_counts_b[id][1] for id in overlap_ids]
    xlog = pylab.log10(x)
    ylog = pylab.log10(y)
    a = cvxmod.optvar('a', 1)
    mx = cvxmod.matrix(xlog.T)
    my = cvxmod.matrix(ylog.T)
    p = cvxmod.problem(cvxmod.minimize(cvxmod.norm2(my - a - mx)))
    offset = cvxmod.value(a)
    lin_factor = 10**offset
    lin_label = 'Y = %.2g*X' % lin_factor
    log_label = 'log10(Y) = %.2g + log10(X)' % offset
    f1 = pylab.figure(0)
    pylab.title('Linear scale')
    xylim = max([x.max(), y.max()]) + 5000
    linxs = pylab.arange(0.0, xylim, 0.1)
    linys = linxs * lin_factor
    pylab.plot(x.tolist()[0], y.tolist()[0], 'g.', label='Protein Data')
    pylab.plot(linxs, linys, 'b-', label=lin_label)
    for x_val, y_val, label in zip(x.tolist()[0], y.tolist()[0], labels):
        pylab.text(x_val, y_val, label, fontsize=8)

    pylab.xlim((0.0, xylim))
    pylab.ylim((0.0, xylim))
    f2 = pylab.figure(1)
    pylab.title('Log10 scale')
    xylim = max([xlog.max(), ylog.max()]) + 1.0    
    pylab.plot(xlog.tolist()[0], ylog.tolist()[0], 'g.', label='Log10 Protein Data')
    linxs = pylab.arange(0.0, xylim, 0.1)
    linys = linxs + offset
    pylab.plot(linxs, linys, 'b-', label=log_label)
    for x_val, y_val, label in zip(xlog.tolist()[0], ylog.tolist()[0], labels):
        pylab.text(x_val, y_val, label, fontsize=8)
    pylab.xlabel(options.a_label + ' (log10)')
    pylab.ylabel(options.b_label + ' (log10)')
    pylab.xlim((0.0, xylim))
    pylab.ylim((0.0, xylim))
Exemplo n.º 8
def solve_boosting(out, labels, nu, solver):
    solve boosting formulation used by gelher and novozin
    @param out: matrix (N,F) of predictions (for each f_i) for all examples
    @param y: vector (N,1) label for each example 
    @param p: regularization constant
    N = out.size[0]
    F = out.size[1]
    norm_fact = 1.0 / (nu * float(N))
    print norm_fact
    label_matrix = cvxmod.zeros((N,N))
    # avoid point-wise product
    for i in xrange(N):
        label_matrix[i,i] = labels[i] 
    #### parameters
    f = cvxmod.param("f", N, F)
    y = cvxmod.param("y", N, N, symm=True)
    norm = cvxmod.param("norm", 1) 
    #### varibales
    # rho
    rho = cvxmod.optvar("rho", 1)
    # dim = (N x 1)
    chi = cvxmod.optvar("chi", N)
    # dim = (F x 1)
    beta = cvxmod.optvar("beta", F)
    #objective = -rho + cvxmod.sum(chi) * norm_fact + square(norm2(beta)) 
    objective = -rho + cvxmod.sum(chi) * norm_fact
    print objective
    # create problem                                    
    p = cvxmod.problem(cvxmod.minimize(objective))
    # create contraint for probability simplex
    #p.constr.append(beta |cvxmod.In| probsimp(F))
    #p.constr.append(square(norm2(beta)) <= 1.0)
    p.constr.append(beta >= 0.0)
    #    y       f     beta          y    f*beta      y*f*beta
    # (N x N) (N x F) (F x 1) --> (N x N) (N x 1) --> (N x 1)
    p.constr.append(y * (f * beta) + chi >= rho)
    ###### set values
    f.value = out
    y.value = label_matrix
    norm.value = norm_fact 

    weights = numpy.array(cvxmod.value(beta))
    #print weights

    return p
Exemplo n.º 9
def solve_svm(out, labels, nu, solver):
    solve boosting formulation used by gelher and nowozin
    @param out: matrix (N,F) of predictions (for each f_i) for all examples
    @param labels: vector (N,1) label for each example 
    @param nu: regularization constant
    @param solver: which solver to use. options: 'mosek', 'glpk'

    # get dimension
    N = out.size[0]
    F = out.size[1]

    assert N == len(labels), str(N) + " " + str(len(labels))

    norm_fact = 1.0 / (nu * float(N))
    print "normalization factor %f" % (norm_fact)

    # avoid point-wise product
    label_matrix = cvxmod.zeros((N, N))

    for i in xrange(N):
        label_matrix[i, i] = labels[i]

    #### parameters

    f = cvxmod.param("f", N, F)
    y = cvxmod.param("y", N, N, symm=True)
    norm = cvxmod.param("norm", 1)

    #### varibales

    # rho
    rho = cvxmod.optvar("rho", 1)

    # dim = (N x 1)
    chi = cvxmod.optvar("chi", N)

    # dim = (F x 1)
    beta = cvxmod.optvar("beta", F)

    #objective = -rho + cvxmod.sum(chi) * norm_fact + square(norm2(beta))
    objective = -rho + cvxmod.sum(chi) * norm_fact

    print objective

    # create problem
    p = cvxmod.problem(cvxmod.minimize(objective))

    # create contraints for probability simplex
    #p.constr.append(beta |cvxmod.In| probsimp(F))
    p.constr.append(cvxmod.sum(beta) == 1.0)
    p.constr.append(beta >= 0.0)
    p.constr.append(chi >= 0.0)

    # attempt to perform non-sparse boosting
    #p.constr.append(square(norm2(beta)) <= 1.0)

    #    y       f     beta          y    f*beta      y*f*beta
    # (N x N) (N x F) (F x 1) --> (N x N) (N x 1) --> (N x 1)
    p.constr.append(y * (f * beta) + chi >= rho)

    # set values for parameters
    f.value = out
    y.value = label_matrix
    norm.value = norm_fact

    print "solving problem"
    print "============================================="
    print p
    print "============================================="

    # start solver

    # print variables

    return numpy.array(cvxmod.value(beta))
Exemplo n.º 10
def fit_ellipse_linear(x, y):
    fit ellipse stack using absolute loss

    x = numpy.array(x)
    y = numpy.array(y)

    print "shapes", x.shape, y.shape

    assert len(x) == len(y)

    N = len(x)
    D = 6

    dat = numpy.zeros((N, D))
    dat[:,0] = x*x
    dat[:,1] = y*y
    dat[:,2] = y*x
    dat[:,3] = x
    dat[:,4] = y
    dat[:,5] = numpy.ones(N)

    print dat.shape
    dat = cvxmod.matrix(dat)

    # norm
    norm = numpy.zeros((N,N))
    for i in range(N):
        norm[i,i] = numpy.sqrt(numpy.dot(dat[i], numpy.transpose(dat[i])))
    norm = cvxmod.matrix(norm)

    #### parameters

    # data
    X = cvxmod.param("X", N, D)
    Q_grad = cvxmod.param("Q_grad", N, N)

    #### varibales
    # parameter vector
    theta = cvxmod.optvar("theta", D)
    # dim = (N x 1)
    s = cvxmod.optvar("s", N)
    # simple objective 
    objective = cvxmod.sum(s)
    # create problem                                    
    p = cvxmod.problem(cvxmod.minimize(objective))
    # add constraints 
    # (N x D) * (D X 1) = (N x N) * (N X 1)
    p.constr.append(X*theta <= Q_grad*s)
    p.constr.append(-X*theta <= Q_grad*s)
    #p.constr.append(theta[4] == 1)
    # trace constraint
    p.constr.append(theta[0] + theta[1] == 1)
    ###### set values
    X.value = dat
    Q_grad.value = norm
    #solver = "mosek" 
    theta_ = numpy.array(cvxmod.value(theta))
    ellipse = conic_to_ellipse(theta_)

    return ellipse
Exemplo n.º 11
def fit_ellipse_eps_insensitive(x, y):
    fit ellipse using epsilon-insensitive loss

    x = numpy.array(x)
    y = numpy.array(y)

    print "shapes", x.shape, y.shape

    assert len(x) == len(y)

    N = len(x)
    D = 5

    dat = numpy.zeros((N, D))
    dat[:,0] = x*x
    dat[:,1] = y*y
    #dat[:,2] = y*x
    dat[:,2] = x
    dat[:,3] = y
    dat[:,4] = numpy.ones(N)

    print dat.shape
    dat = cvxmod.matrix(dat)
    #### parameters

    # data
    X = cvxmod.param("X", N, D)

    # parameter for eps-insensitive loss
    eps = cvxmod.param("eps", 1)

    #### varibales

    # parameter vector
    theta = cvxmod.optvar("theta", D)

    # dim = (N x 1)
    s = cvxmod.optvar("s", N)

    t = cvxmod.optvar("t", N)

    # simple objective 
    objective = cvxmod.sum(t)
    # create problem                                    
    p = cvxmod.problem(cvxmod.minimize(objective))
    # add constraints 
    # (N x D) * (D X 1) = (N X 1)
    p.constr.append(X*theta <= s)
    p.constr.append(-X*theta <= s)
    p.constr.append(s - eps <= t)
    p.constr.append(0 <= t)
    #p.constr.append(theta[4] == 1)
    # trace constraint
    p.constr.append(theta[0] + theta[1] == 1)
    ###### set values
    X.value = dat
    eps.value = 0.0
    #solver = "mosek" 
    theta_ = numpy.array(cvxmod.value(theta))
    ellipse = conic_to_ellipse(theta_)

    return ellipse
Exemplo n.º 12
def Main():
    options, _ = MakeOpts().parse_args(sys.argv)
    assert options.genes_filename
    assert options.protein_levels_a and options.protein_levels_b

    print 'Reading genes list from', options.genes_filename
    gene_ids = util.ReadProteinIDs(options.genes_filename)

    print 'Reading protein data A from', options.protein_levels_a
    gene_counts_a = util.ReadProteinCounts(options.protein_levels_a)
    print 'Reading protein data B from', options.protein_levels_b
    gene_counts_b = util.ReadProteinCounts(options.protein_levels_b)

    my_counts_a = dict(
        (id, (count, name))
        for id, name, count in util.ExtractCounts(gene_counts_a, gene_ids))
    my_counts_b = dict(
        (id, (count, name))
        for id, name, count in util.ExtractCounts(gene_counts_b, gene_ids))

    overlap_ids = set(my_counts_a.keys()).intersection(my_counts_b.keys())
    x = pylab.matrix([my_counts_a[id][0] for id in overlap_ids])
    y = pylab.matrix([my_counts_b[id][0] for id in overlap_ids])
    labels = [my_counts_b[id][1] for id in overlap_ids]

    xlog = pylab.log10(x)
    ylog = pylab.log10(y)
    a = cvxmod.optvar('a', 1)
    mx = cvxmod.matrix(xlog.T)
    my = cvxmod.matrix(ylog.T)

    p = cvxmod.problem(cvxmod.minimize(cvxmod.norm2(my - a - mx)))
    offset = cvxmod.value(a)
    lin_factor = 10**offset
    lin_label = 'Y = %.2g*X' % lin_factor
    log_label = 'log10(Y) = %.2g + log10(X)' % offset

    f1 = pylab.figure(0)
    pylab.title('Linear scale')
    xylim = max([x.max(), y.max()]) + 5000
    linxs = pylab.arange(0.0, xylim, 0.1)
    linys = linxs * lin_factor
    pylab.plot(x.tolist()[0], y.tolist()[0], 'g.', label='Protein Data')
    pylab.plot(linxs, linys, 'b-', label=lin_label)
    for x_val, y_val, label in zip(x.tolist()[0], y.tolist()[0], labels):
        pylab.text(x_val, y_val, label, fontsize=8)

    pylab.xlim((0.0, xylim))
    pylab.ylim((0.0, xylim))

    f2 = pylab.figure(1)
    pylab.title('Log10 scale')
    xylim = max([xlog.max(), ylog.max()]) + 1.0
               label='Log10 Protein Data')
    linxs = pylab.arange(0.0, xylim, 0.1)
    linys = linxs + offset
    pylab.plot(linxs, linys, 'b-', label=log_label)

    for x_val, y_val, label in zip(xlog.tolist()[0], ylog.tolist()[0], labels):
        pylab.text(x_val, y_val, label, fontsize=8)

    pylab.xlabel(options.a_label + ' (log10)')
    pylab.ylabel(options.b_label + ' (log10)')
    pylab.xlim((0.0, xylim))
    pylab.ylim((0.0, xylim))

Exemplo n.º 13
def solve_boosting(out, labels, nu, solver):
    solve boosting formulation used by gelher and novozin
    @param out: matrix (N,F) of predictions (for each f_i) for all examples
    @param y: vector (N,1) label for each example 
    @param p: regularization constant
    N = out.size[0]
    F = out.size[1]
    norm_fact = 1.0 / (nu * float(N))
    print norm_fact
    label_matrix = cvxmod.zeros((N,N))
    # avoid point-wise product
    for i in xrange(N):
        label_matrix[i,i] = labels[i] 
    #### parameters
    f = cvxmod.param("f", N, F)
    y = cvxmod.param("y", N, N, symm=True)
    norm = cvxmod.param("norm", 1) 
    #### varibales
    # rho
    rho = cvxmod.optvar("rho", 1)
    # dim = (N x 1)
    chi = cvxmod.optvar("chi", N)
    # dim = (F x 1)
    beta = cvxmod.optvar("beta", F)
    #objective = -rho + cvxmod.sum(chi) * norm_fact + square(norm2(beta)) 
    objective = -rho + cvxmod.sum(chi) * norm_fact
    print objective
    # create problem                                    
    p = cvxmod.problem(cvxmod.minimize(objective))
    # create contraint for probability simplex
    #p.constr.append(beta |cvxmod.In| probsimp(F))
    #p.constr.append(square(norm2(beta)) <= 1.0)
    p.constr.append(beta >= 0.0)
    #    y       f     beta          y    f*beta      y*f*beta
    # (N x N) (N x F) (F x 1) --> (N x N) (N x 1) --> (N x 1)
    p.constr.append(y * (f * beta) + chi >= rho)
    ###### set values
    f.value = out
    y.value = label_matrix
    norm.value = norm_fact 

    weights = numpy.array(cvxmod.value(beta))
    #print weights

    return p