Exemplo n.º 1
def embed_SDP(P,order="AMD",cholmod=False):
    if not isinstance(P,SDP): raise ValueError, "not an SDP object"
    if order=='AMD':
        from cvxopt.amd import order
    elif order=='METIS':
        from cvxopt.metis import order
    else: raise ValueError, "unknown ordering: %s " %(order)
    p = order(P.V)

    if cholmod:
        from cvxopt import cholmod
        V = +P.V + spmatrix([float(i+1) for i in xrange(P.n)],xrange(P.n),xrange(P.n))
        F = cholmod.symbolic(V,p=p)
        f = cholmod.getfactor(F)
        fd = [(j,i) for i,j in enumerate(f[:P.n**2:P.n+1])]
        ip = matrix([j for _,j in fd])
        Ve = chompack.tril(chompack.perm(chompack.symmetrize(f),ip))
        Ie = misc.sub2ind((P.n,P.n),Ve.I,Ve.J)
        #Vc,n = chompack.embed(P.V,p)
        symb = chompack.symbolic(P.V,p)
        #Ve = chompack.sparse(Vc)
        Ve = symb.sparsity_pattern(reordered=False)
        Ie = misc.sub2ind((P.n,P.n),Ve.I,Ve.J)
    Pe = SDP()
    Pe._A = +P.A; Pe._b = +P.b
    Pe._A[:,0] += spmatrix(0.0,Ie,[0 for i in range(len(Ie))],(Pe._A.size[0],1))
    Pe._pname = P._pname + "_embed"
    Pe._ischordal = True; Pe._blockstruct = P._blockstruct
    return Pe      
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_merge_nc(self):
        symb = cp.symbolic(self.A_nc, p = None, merge_function = cp.merge_size_fill(0,0))
        self.assertEqual(symb.n, 23)
        self.assertEqual(symb.nnz, 150)
        self.assertEqual(symb.clique_number, 12)
        self.assertEqual(symb.Nsn, 10)

        p = amd.order(self.A_nc)
        symb = cp.symbolic(self.A_nc, p = p, merge_function = cp.merge_size_fill(4,4))
        self.assertEqual(symb.n, 23)
        self.assertTrue(symb.nnz > 150)
        self.assertTrue(symb.Nsn < 10)
        self.assertTrue(symb.fill[0] >= 36)
        self.assertTrue(symb.fill[1] > 0)
Exemplo n.º 3
def mk_rand(V, cone='posdef', seed=0):
    Generates random matrix U with sparsity pattern V.
    - U is positive definite if cone is 'posdef'.
    - U is completable if cone is 'completable'.
    if not (cone == 'posdef' or cone == 'completable'):
        raise ValueError, "cone must be 'posdef' (default) or 'completable' "

    from cvxopt import amd
    n = V.size[0]

    U = +V
    U.V *= 0.0
    for i in xrange(n):
        u = normal(n, 1) / sqrt(n)
        base.syrk(u, U, beta=1.0, partial=True)

    # test if U is in cone: if not, add multiple of identity
    t = 0.1
    Ut = +U
    p = amd.order(Ut)
    # Vc, NF = chompack.embed(U,p)
    symb = chompack.symbolic(U, p)
    Vc = chompack.cspmatrix(symb) + U
    while True:
        # Uc = chompack.project(Vc,Ut)
        Uc = chompack.cspmatrix(symb) + Ut
            if cone == 'posdef':
                # positive definite?
                # Y = chompack.cholesky(Uc)
                Y = Uc.copy()
            elif cone == 'completable':
                # completable?
                # Y = chompack.completion(Uc)
                Y = Uc.copy()
            # Success: Ut is in cone
            U = +Ut
            Ut = U + spmatrix(t, xrange(n), xrange(n), (n, n))
            t *= 2.0
    return U
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_symbolic_nc(self):
        symb = cp.symbolic(self.A_nc, p=None)
        self.assertEqual(symb.n, 23)
        self.assertEqual(symb.nnz, 150)
        self.assertEqual(symb.clique_number, 12)
        self.assertEqual(symb.Nsn, 10)
        self.assertEqual(symb.fill, (73, 0))
        #self.assertEqual(symb.p, None)
        #self.assertEqual(symb.ip, None)

        p = amd.order(self.A_nc)
        symb = cp.symbolic(self.A_nc, p=p)
        self.assertEqual(symb.n, 23)
        self.assertEqual(symb.nnz, 113)
        self.assertEqual(symb.clique_number, 9)
        self.assertEqual(symb.Nsn, 15)
        self.assertEqual(symb.fill, (36, 0))
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_symbolic_nc(self):
        symb = cp.symbolic(self.A_nc, p = None)
        self.assertEqual(symb.n, 23)
        self.assertEqual(symb.nnz, 150)
        self.assertEqual(symb.clique_number, 12)
        self.assertEqual(symb.Nsn, 10)
        #self.assertEqual(symb.p, None)
        #self.assertEqual(symb.ip, None)

        p = amd.order(self.A_nc)
        symb = cp.symbolic(self.A_nc, p = p)
        self.assertEqual(symb.n, 23)
        self.assertEqual(symb.nnz, 113)
        self.assertEqual(symb.clique_number, 9)
        self.assertEqual(symb.Nsn, 15)
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: base.py Projeto: cvxopt/smcp
def mk_rand(V,cone='posdef',seed=0):
    Generates random matrix U with sparsity pattern V.
    - U is positive definite if cone is 'posdef'.
    - U is completable if cone is 'completable'.
    if not (cone=='posdef' or cone=='completable'):
        raise ValueError("cone must be 'posdef' (default) or 'completable' ")

    from cvxopt import amd
    n = V.size[0]

    U = +V
    U.V *= 0.0
    for i in range(n):
        u = normal(n,1)/sqrt(n)

    # test if U is in cone: if not, add multiple of identity
    t = 0.1; Ut = +U
    p = amd.order(Ut)
    # Vc, NF = chompack.embed(U,p)
    symb = chompack.symbolic(U,p)
    Vc = chompack.cspmatrix(symb) + U
    while True:
        # Uc = chompack.project(Vc,Ut)
        Uc = chompack.cspmatrix(symb) + Ut
            if cone=='posdef':
                # positive definite?
                # Y = chompack.cholesky(Uc)
                Y = Uc.copy()
            elif cone=='completable':
                # completable?
                # Y = chompack.completion(Uc)
                Y = Uc.copy()
            # Success: Ut is in cone
            U = +Ut
            Ut = U + spmatrix(t,range(n),range(n),(n,n))
    return U
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_merge_nc(self):
        symb = cp.symbolic(self.A_nc,
                           merge_function=cp.merge_size_fill(0, 0))
        self.assertEqual(symb.n, 23)
        self.assertEqual(symb.nnz, 150)
        self.assertEqual(symb.clique_number, 12)
        self.assertEqual(symb.Nsn, 10)
        self.assertEqual(symb.fill, (73, 0))

        p = amd.order(self.A_nc)
        symb = cp.symbolic(self.A_nc,
                           merge_function=cp.merge_size_fill(4, 4))
        self.assertEqual(symb.n, 23)
        self.assertTrue(symb.nnz > 150)
        self.assertTrue(symb.Nsn < 10)
        self.assertTrue(symb.fill[0] >= 36)
        self.assertTrue(symb.fill[1] > 0)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def multstuff(self, A, AT, m, n):
        """Multiplies and stuffs matrices."""

        # Make a sparse mask of rn. Use A*A'.
        Am = zeros(m, n)
        for k in A.keys():
            Am[k] = 1
        Am = Am * tp(Am)

        p = order(Am)
        Ao = Am[p, p]

        # Design a simple storage scheme for Ao.
        k = 0
        ss = {}
        for (i, j) in zip(Ao.I, Ao.J):
            if i >= j:
                ss[i, j] = k
                k += 1

        # Find reduced Newton system matrix ASAT.
        d = {}
        ASAT = {}
        # Write some code.
        h = param('CM_h', m, 1)
        for i in range(m):
            ip = p[i]
            for j in range(i + 1):
                jp = p[j]
                for k in range(n):
                    if (ip, k) in A and (k, jp) in AT:
                        if ss[i, j] not in d:
                            d[ss[i, j]] = exprtoC(A[ip, k] * h[k] * AT[k, jp])
                            d[ss[i, j]] += ' + ' + exprtoC(
                                A[ip, k] * h[k] * AT[k, jp])

        s = ''
        for k in sorted(d.keys()):
            s += 'CM_ASAT[%d] = %s;\n' % (k, d[k])

        return (Ao, s, ss, p)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def multstuff(self, A, AT, m, n):
        """Multiplies and stuffs matrices."""

        # Make a sparse mask of rn. Use A*A'.
        Am = zeros(m, n)
        for k in A.keys():
            Am[k] = 1
        Am = Am*tp(Am)

        p = order(Am)
        Ao = Am[p,p]

        # Design a simple storage scheme for Ao.
        k = 0
        ss = {}
        for (i, j) in zip(Ao.I, Ao.J):
            if i >= j:
                ss[i,j] = k
                k += 1

        # Find reduced Newton system matrix ASAT.
        d = {}
        ASAT = {}
        # Write some code.
        h = param('CM_h', m, 1)
        for i in range(m):
            ip = p[i]
            for j in range(i + 1):
                jp = p[j]
                for k in range(n):
                    if (ip,k) in A and (k,jp) in AT:
                        if ss[i,j] not in d:
                            d[ss[i,j]] = exprtoC(A[ip,k] * h[k] * AT[k,jp])
                            d[ss[i,j]] += ' + ' + exprtoC(A[ip,k] * h[k] * AT[k,jp])

        s = ''
        for k in sorted(d.keys()):
            s += 'CM_ASAT[%d] = %s;\n' % (k, d[k])

        return (Ao, s, ss, p)
Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: base.py Projeto: cvxopt/smcp
def completion(X):
    Returns maximum-determinant positive definite completion of X
    if it exists, and otherwise an exception is raised.
    from cvxopt.amd import order
    n = X.size[0]
    Xt = chompack.tril(X)
    p = order(Xt)
    # Xc,N = chompack.embed(Xt,p)
    # L = chompack.completion(Xc)
    symb = chompack.symbolic(Xt,p)
    L = chompack.cspmatrix(symb) + Xt
    Xt = matrix(0.,(n,n))
    Xt[::n+1] = 1.
    # chompack.solve(L, Xt, mode=0)
    # chompack.solve(L, Xt, mode=1)
    chompack.trsm(L, Xt)
    chompack.trsm(L, Xt, trans = 'T')
    return Xt
Exemplo n.º 11
def completion(X):
    Returns maximum-determinant positive definite completion of X
    if it exists, and otherwise an exception is raised.
    from cvxopt.amd import order
    n = X.size[0]
    Xt = chompack.tril(X)
    p = order(Xt)
    # Xc,N = chompack.embed(Xt,p)
    # L = chompack.completion(Xc)
    symb = chompack.symbolic(Xt, p)
    L = chompack.cspmatrix(symb) + Xt
    Xt = matrix(0., (n, n))
    Xt[::n + 1] = 1.
    # chompack.solve(L, Xt, mode=0)
    # chompack.solve(L, Xt, mode=1)
    chompack.trsm(L, Xt)
    chompack.trsm(L, Xt, trans='T')
    return Xt
Exemplo n.º 12
Arquivo: base.py Projeto: cvxopt/smcp
    def solve_phase1(self,kktsolver='chol',MM = 1e5):
        Solves primal Phase I problem using the feasible
        start solver.

        Returns primal feasible X.

        from cvxopt import cholmod, amd
        k = 1e-3

        # compute Schur complement matrix
        Id = [i*(self.n+1) for i in range(self.n)]
        As = self._A[:,1:]
        As[Id,:] /= sqrt(2.0)

        M = spmatrix([],[],[],(self.m,self.m))
        u = +self.b

        # compute least-norm solution
        F = cholmod.symbolic(M)
        x = 0.5*self._A[:,1:]*u
        X0 = spmatrix(x[self.V[:].I],self.V.I,self.V.J,(self.n,self.n))

        # test feasibility
        p = amd.order(self.V)
        #Xc,Nf = chompack.embed(X0,p)
        #E = chompack.project(Xc,spmatrix(1.0,range(self.n),range(self.n)))
        symb = chompack.symbolic(self.V,p)
        Xc = chompack.cspmatrix(symb) + X0

            # L = chompack.completion(Xc)
            L = Xc.copy()
            # least-norm solution is feasible
            return X0,None

        # create Phase I SDP object
        trA = matrix(0.0,(self.m+1,1))
        e = matrix(1.0,(self.n,1))
        Aa = self._A[Id,1:]
        trA[-1] = MM
        P1 = SDP()
        P1._A = misc.phase1_sdp(self._A,trA)
        P1._b = matrix([self.b-k*trA[:self.m],MM])

        # find feasible starting point for Phase I problem
        tMIN = 0.0
        tMAX = 1.0
        while True:
            t = (tMIN+tMAX)/2.0
            #Xt = chompack.copy(Xc)
            Xt = Xc.copy() + spmatrix(t,list(range(self.n)),list(range(self.n)))

                # L = chompack.completion(Xt)
                L = Xt.copy()
                tMAX = t
                if tMAX - tMIN < 1e-1:
                tMAX *= 2.0
                tMIN = t

        tt = t + 1.0
        U = X0 + spmatrix(tt,list(range(self.n,)),list(range(self.n)))
        trU = sum(U[:][Id])

        Z0 = spdiag([U,spmatrix([tt+k,MM-trU],[0,1],[0,1],(2,2))])
        sol = P1.solve_feas(primalstart = {'x':Z0}, kktsolver = kktsolver)

        s = sol['x'][-2,-2] - k
        if s > 0:
            return None,P1

            X0 = sol.pop('x')[:self.n,:self.n]\
                - spmatrix(s,list(range(self.n)),list(range(self.n)))
            return X0,sol
Exemplo n.º 13
# Read in X
X = pandas.read_csv('X.csv', header=None).values

# Read in b
b = pandas.read_csv('true_b.csv', header=None).values

# Read in Y
Y = pandas.read_csv('Y.csv', header=None).values

# Read in ffx variance
sigma2 = pandas.read_csv('true_ffxvar.csv', header=None).values

ZtZ = cvxopt.spmatrix.trans(Z2) * Z2

# Use minimum degree ordering
P = amd.order(ZtZ)

# Set the factorisation to use LL' instead of LDL'
cholmod.options['supernodal'] = 2

# Make an expression for the factorisation
F = cholmod.symbolic(ZtZ, p=P)

# Calculate the factorisation
cholmod.numeric(ZtZ, F)

# Get the sparse cholesky factorisation
L = cholmod.getfactor(F)
LLt = L * cvxopt.spmatrix.trans(L)

# Create initial lambda
Exemplo n.º 14
def solve(A, b, C, L, dims, proxqp=None, sigma=1.0, rho=1.0, **kwargs):
    Solves the SDP

        min.  < c, x > 
        s.t.  A(x) = b
              x >= 0

    and its dual

        max.  -< b, y > 
        s.t.  s >= 0.
             c + A'(y) = s 
    Input arguments.
        A   is an N x M sparse matrix where N = sum_i ns[i]**2 and M = sum_j ms[j]
            and ns and ms are the SDP variable sizes and constraint block lengths respectively.
            The expression A(x) = b can be written as A.T*xtilde = b, where
            xtilde is a stacked vector of vectorized versions of xi.
        b   is a stacked vector containing constraint vectors of 
                        size m_i x 1.
        C   is a stacked vector containing vectorized 'd' matrices 
            c_k of size n_k**2 x 1, representing symmetric matrices.

        L  is an N X P sparse matrix, where L.T*X = 0 represents the consistency
            constraints. If an index k appears in different cliques i,j, and
            in converted form are indexed by it, jt, then L[it,l] = 1, 
            L[jt,l] = -1 for some l.
        dims    is a dictionary containing conic dimensions.
            dims['l'] contains number of linear variables under nonnegativity constrant
            dims['q'] contains a list of quadratic cone orders (not implemented!)
            dims['s'] contains a list of semidefinite cone matrix orders
        proxqp   is either a function pointer to a prox implementation, or, if 
                the problem has block-diagonal correlative sparsity, a pointer 
                to the prox implementation of a single clique. The choices are:
                proxqp_general : solves prox for general sparsity pattern
                proxqp_clique : solves prox for a single dense clique with 
                                only semidefinite variables.
                proxqp_clique_SNL : solves prox for sensor network localization 
        sigma is a nonnegative constant (step size)
        rho is a nonnegative constaint between 0 and 2 (overrelaxation parameter)
        In addition, the following paramters are optional:
            maxiter : maximum number of iterations (default 100)
            reltol : relative tolerance (default 0.01). 
                        If rp < reltol and rd < reltol and iteration < maxiter, 
                        solver breaks and returns current value.
            adaptive : boolean toggle on whether adaptive step size should be 
                        used. (default False)
            mu, tau, tauscale : parameters for adaptive step size (see paper)

            multiprocess : number of parallel processes (default 1). 
                            if multiprocess = 1, no parallelization is used.
            blockdiagonal : boolean toggle on whether problem has block diagonal
                            correlative sparsity. Note that even if the problem
                            does have block-diagonal correlative sparsity, if
                            this parameter is set to False, then general mode 
                            is used. (default False)

            verbose : toggle printout (default True)
            log_cputime : toggle whether cputime should be logged.
    The output is returned in a dictionary with the following files:
        x : primal variable in stacked form (X = [x0, ..., x_{N-1}]) where
            xk is the vectorized form of the nk x nk submatrix variable.
        y, z : iterates in Spingarn's method
        cputime, walltime : total cputime and walltime, respectively, spent in 
                            main loop. If log_cputime is False, then cputime is 
                            returned as 0.
        primal, rprimal, rdual : evolution of primal optimal value, primal 
                                residual, and dual residual (resp.)
        sigma : evolution of step size sigma (changes if adaptive step size is used.)


    solvers.options['show_progress'] = False
    maxiter = kwargs.get('maxiter', 100)
    reltol = kwargs.get('reltol', 0.01)
    adaptive = kwargs.get('adaptive', False)
    mu = kwargs.get('mu', 2.0)
    tau = kwargs.get('tau', 1.5)
    multiprocess = kwargs.get('multiprocess', 1)
    tauscale = kwargs.get('tauscale', 0.9)
    blockdiagonal = kwargs.get('blockdiagonal', False)
    verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', True)
    log_cputime = kwargs.get('log_cputime', True)

    if log_cputime:
            import psutil
        except (ImportError):
            assert False, "Python package psutil required to log cputime. Package can be downloaded at http://code.google.com/p/psutil/"

    #format variables
    nl, ns = dims['l'], dims['s']
    C = C[nl:]
    L = L[nl:, :]
    As, bs = [], []
    cons = []
    offset = 0
    for k in xrange(len(ns)):
        Atmp = sparse(A[nl + offset:nl + offset + ns[k]**2, :])
        J = list(set(list(Atmp.J)))
        Atmp = Atmp[:, J]
        if len(sparse(Atmp).V) == Atmp[:].size[0]: Atmp = matrix(Atmp)
        else: Atmp = sparse(Atmp)

        offset += ns[k]**2

    if blockdiagonal:
        if sum([len(c) for c in cons]) > len(b):
            print "Problem does not have block-diagonal correlative sparsity. Switching to general mode."
            blockdiagonal = False

    #If not block-diagonal correlative sprasity, represent A as a list of lists:
    #   A[i][j] is a matrix (or spmatrix) if ith clique involves jth constraint block
    #Otherwise, A is a list of matrices, where A[i] involves the ith clique and
    #ith constraint block only.

    if not blockdiagonal:
        while sum([len(c) for c in cons]) > len(b):
            tobreak = False
            for i in xrange(len(cons)):
                for j in xrange(i):
                    ci, cj = set(cons[i]), set(cons[j])
                    s1 = ci.intersection(cj)
                    if len(s1) > 0:
                        s2 = ci.difference(cj)
                        s3 = cj.difference(ci)
                        if len(s2) > 0:
                            s2 = list(s2)
                            if not (s2 in cons): cons.append(s2)
                        if len(s3) > 0:
                            s3 = list(s3)
                            if not (s3 in cons): cons.append(s3)

                        tobreak = True

                if tobreak: break

        As, bs = [], []
        for i in xrange(len(cons)):
            J = cons[i]
            Acol = []
            offset = 0
            for k in xrange(len(ns)):
                Atmp = sparse(A[nl + offset:nl + offset + ns[k]**2, J])
                if len(Atmp.V) == 0:
                elif len(Atmp.V) == Atmp[:].size[0]:
                offset += ns[k]**2

    ms = [len(i) for i in bs]
    bs = matrix(bs)
    meq = L.size[1]

    if (not blockdiagonal) and multiprocess > 1:
        print "Multiprocessing mode can only be used if correlative sparsity is block diagonal. Switching to sequential mode."
        multiprocess = 1

    assert rho > 0 and rho < 2, 'Overrelaxaton parameter (rho) must be (strictly) between 0 and 2'

    # create routine for projecting on { x | L*x = 0 }
    #{ x | L*x = 0 } -> P = I - L*(L.T*L)i *L.T
    LTL = spmatrix([], [], [], (meq, meq))
    offset = 0
    for k in ns:
        Lk = L[offset:offset + k**2, :]
        base.syrk(Lk, LTL, trans='T', beta=1.0)
        offset += k**2
    LTLi = cholmod.symbolic(LTL, amd.order(LTL))
    cholmod.numeric(LTL, LTLi)

    #y = y - L*LTLi*L.T*y
    nssq = sum(matrix([nsk**2 for nsk in ns]))

    def proj(y, ip=True):
        if not ip: y = +y
        tmp = matrix(0.0, size=(meq, 1))

        ypre = +y
            m = nssq, n = meq, beta = 1)

        cholmod.solve(LTLi, tmp)
            m = nssq, n = meq)
        if not ip: return y

    time_to_solve = 0

    #initialize variables
    X = C * 0.0
    Y = +X
    Z = +X
    dualS = +X
    dualy = +b
    PXZ = +X

    proxargs = {
        'C': C,
        'A': As,
        'b': bs,
        'Z': Z,
        'X': X,
        'sigma': sigma,
        'dualS': dualS,
        'dualy': dualy,
        'ns': ns,
        'ms': ms,
        'multiprocess': multiprocess

    if blockdiagonal: proxqp = proxqp_blockdiagonal(proxargs, proxqp)
    else: proxqp = proxqp_general

    if log_cputime: utime = psutil.cpu_times()[0]
    wtime = time.time()
    primal = []
    rpvec, rdvec = [], []
    sigmavec = []
    for it in xrange(maxiter):
        pv, gap = proxqp(proxargs)

        blas.copy(Z, Y)
        blas.axpy(X, Y, alpha=-2.0)
        proj(Y, ip=True)

        #PXZ = sigma*(X-Z)
        blas.copy(X, PXZ)
        blas.scal(sigma, PXZ)
        blas.axpy(Z, PXZ, alpha=-sigma)

        #z = z + rho*(y-x)
        blas.axpy(X, Y, alpha=1.0)
        blas.axpy(Y, Z, alpha=-rho)

        xzn = blas.nrm2(PXZ)
        xn = blas.nrm2(X)
        xyn = blas.nrm2(Y)
        proj(PXZ, ip=True)

        rdual = blas.nrm2(PXZ)
        rpri = sqrt(abs(xyn**2 - rdual**2)) / sigma

        if log_cputime: cputime = psutil.cpu_times()[0] - utime
        else: cputime = 0

        walltime = time.time() - wtime

        if rpri / max(xn, 1.0) < reltol and rdual / max(1.0, xzn) < reltol:

        rpvec.append(rpri / max(xn, 1.0))
        rdvec.append(rdual / max(1.0, xzn))
        if adaptive:
            if (rdual / xzn * mu < rpri / xn):
                sigmanew = sigma * tau
            elif (rpri / xn * mu < rdual / xzn):
                sigmanew = sigma / tau
                sigmanew = sigma
            if it % 10 == 0 and it > 0 and tau > 1.0:
                tauscale *= 0.9
                tau = 1 + (tau - 1) * tauscale
            sigma = max(min(sigmanew, 10.0), 0.1)
        if verbose:
            if log_cputime:
                print "%d: primal = %e, gap = %e, (rp,rd) = (%e,%e), sigma = %f, (cputime,walltime) = (%f, %f)" % (
                    it, pv, gap, rpri / max(xn, 1.0), rdual / max(1.0, xzn),
                    sigma, cputime, walltime)
                print "%d: primal = %e, gap = %e, (rp,rd) = (%e,%e), sigma = %f, walltime = %f" % (
                    it, pv, gap, rpri / max(xn, 1.0), rdual / max(1.0, xzn),
                    sigma, walltime)

    sol = {}
    sol['x'] = X
    sol['y'] = Y
    sol['z'] = Z
    sol['cputime'] = cputime
    sol['walltime'] = walltime
    sol['primal'] = primal
    sol['rprimal'] = rpvec
    sol['rdual'] = rdvec
    sol['sigma'] = sigmavec
    return sol
Exemplo n.º 15
def SW_lmerTest(theta3D,L,nlevels,nparams,ZtX,ZtY,XtX,ZtZ,XtY,YtX,YtZ,XtZ,YtY,n,beta):# TODO inputs

    # Initial theta
    theta0 = np.array([])
    r = np.amax(nlevels.shape)
    for i in np.arange(r):
      theta0 = np.hstack((theta0, mat2vech2D(np.eye(nparams[i])).reshape(np.int64(nparams[i]*(nparams[i]+1)/2))))
    # Sparse Permutation, P
    tinds,rinds,cinds=get_mapping2D(nlevels, nparams)
    tmp = np.random.randn(theta0.shape[0])

    # Obtain Lambda'Z'ZLambda
    LamtZtZLam = spmatrix.trans(Lam)*cvxopt.sparse(matrix(ZtZ[0,:,:]))*Lam

    # Obtaining permutation for PLS

    # Identity
    I = spmatrix(1.0, range(Lam.size[0]), range(Lam.size[0]))

    # These are not spatially varying
    XtX_current = cvxopt.matrix(XtX[0,:,:])
    XtZ_current = cvxopt.matrix(XtZ[0,:,:])
    ZtX_current = cvxopt.matrix(ZtX[0,:,:])
    ZtZ_current = cvxopt.sparse(cvxopt.matrix(ZtZ[0,:,:]))

    df = np.zeros(YtY.shape[0])

    # Get the sigma^2 and D estimates.
    for i in np.arange(theta3D.shape[0]):

        # Get current theta
        theta = theta3D[i,:]

        # Convert product matrices to CVXopt form
        XtY_current = cvxopt.matrix(XtY[i,:,:])
        YtX_current = cvxopt.matrix(YtX[i,:,:])
        YtY_current = cvxopt.matrix(YtY[i,:,:])
        YtZ_current = cvxopt.matrix(YtZ[i,:,:])
        ZtY_current = cvxopt.matrix(ZtY[i,:,:])

        # Convert to gamma form
        gamma = theta2gamma(theta, ZtX_current, ZtY_current, XtX_current, ZtZ_current, XtY_current, YtX_current, YtZ_current, XtZ_current, YtY_current, n, P, I, tinds, rinds, cinds)

        # Estimate hessian
        H = nd.Hessian(llh_gamma)(gamma, beta[i,:,:], np.array(ZtX_current), np.array(ZtY_current), np.array(XtX_current), np.array(matrix(ZtZ_current)), np.array(XtY_current), np.array(YtX_current), np.array(YtZ_current), np.array(XtZ_current), np.array(YtY_current), nlevels, nparams, n, P, tinds, rinds, cinds)

        # Estimate Jacobian
        J = nd.Jacobian(S2_gammavec)(gamma, L, np.array(ZtX_current), np.array(ZtY_current), np.array(XtX_current), np.array(matrix(ZtZ_current)), np.array(XtY_current), np.array(YtX_current), np.array(YtZ_current), np.array(XtZ_current), np.array(YtY_current), nparams, nlevels)

        # print('J shape')
        # print(J.shape)

        # Calulcate S^2
        S2 = S2_gamma(gamma, L, ZtX_current, ZtY_current, XtX_current, ZtZ_current, XtY_current, YtX_current, 
                      YtZ_current, XtZ_current, YtY_current, n, P, I, tinds, rinds, cinds)

        # Calculate the degrees of freedom
        df[i] = 2*(S2**2)/(J @ np.linalg.pinv(H) @ J.transpose())

Exemplo n.º 16
    0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10,
    10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15
A = spmatrix(1.0, I, J, (17, 17))

# Test if A is chordal
p = cp.maxcardsearch(A)
print("\nMaximum cardinality search")
print(" -- perfect elimination order:"), cp.peo(A, p)

# Test if natural ordering 0,1,2,...,17 is a perfect elimination order
p = range(17)
print("\nNatural ordering")
print(" -- perfect elimination order:"), cp.peo(A, p)

p = amd.order(A)
print("\nAMD ordering")
print(" -- perfect elimination order:"), cp.peo(A, p)

# Compute a symbolic factorization
symb = cp.symbolic(A, p)
print("\nSymbolic factorization:")
print("Fill              :"), sum(symb.fill)
print("Number of cliques :"), symb.Nsn

# Compute a symbolic factorization with clique merging
symb2 = cp.symbolic(A, p, merge_function=cp.merge_size_fill(3, 3))
print("Symbolic factorization with clique merging:")
print("Fill (fact.+merging) :"), sum(symb2.fill)
print("Number of cliques    :"), symb2.Nsn
Exemplo n.º 17
# Define sparse matrix
I = range(17) + [2,2,3,3,4,14,4,14,8,14,15,8,15,7,8,14,8,14,14,15,10,12,13,16,12,13,16,12,13,15,16,13,15,16,15,16,15,16,16]
J = range(17) + [0,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,6,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,9,9,10,10,10,11,11,11,11,12,12,12,13,13,14,14,15]
A = spmatrix(1.0,I,J,(17,17))

# Test if A is chordal
p = cp.maxcardsearch(A)
print("\nMaximum cardinality search")
print(" -- perfect elimination order:"), cp.peo(A,p)

# Test if natural ordering 0,1,2,...,17 is a perfect elimination order
p = range(17)
print("\nNatural ordering")
print(" -- perfect elimination order:"), cp.peo(A,p)

p = amd.order(A)
print("\nAMD ordering")
print(" -- perfect elimination order:"), cp.peo(A,p)

# Compute a symbolic factorization 
symb = cp.symbolic(A, p)
print("\nSymbolic factorization:")
print("Fill              :"), sum(symb.fill)
print("Number of cliques :"), symb.Nsn

# Compute a symbolic factorization with clique merging
symb2 = cp.symbolic(A, p, merge_function = cp.merge_size_fill(3,3))
print("Symbolic factorization with clique merging:")
print("Fill (fact.+merging) :"), sum(symb2.fill)
print("Number of cliques    :"), symb2.Nsn
Exemplo n.º 18
    def solve_phase1(self, kktsolver='chol', MM=1e5):
        Solves primal Phase I problem using the feasible 
        start solver.

        Returns primal feasible X.

        from cvxopt import cholmod, amd
        k = 1e-3

        # compute Schur complement matrix
        Id = [i * (self.n + 1) for i in range(self.n)]
        As = self._A[:, 1:]
        As[Id, :] /= sqrt(2.0)

        M = spmatrix([], [], [], (self.m, self.m))
        base.syrk(As, M, trans='T')
        u = +self.b

        # compute least-norm solution
        F = cholmod.symbolic(M)
        cholmod.numeric(M, F)
        cholmod.solve(F, u)
        x = 0.5 * self._A[:, 1:] * u
        X0 = spmatrix(x[self.V[:].I], self.V.I, self.V.J, (self.n, self.n))

        # test feasibility
        p = amd.order(self.V)
        #Xc,Nf = chompack.embed(X0,p)
        #E = chompack.project(Xc,spmatrix(1.0,range(self.n),range(self.n)))
        symb = chompack.symbolic(self.V, p)
        Xc = chompack.cspmatrix(symb) + X0

            # L = chompack.completion(Xc)
            L = Xc.copy()
            # least-norm solution is feasible
            return X0

        # create Phase I SDP object
        trA = matrix(0.0, (self.m + 1, 1))
        e = matrix(1.0, (self.n, 1))
        Aa = self._A[Id, 1:]
        base.gemv(Aa, e, trA, trans='T')
        trA[-1] = MM
        P1 = SDP()
        P1._A = misc.phase1_sdp(self._A, trA)
        P1._b = matrix([self.b - k * trA[:self.m], MM])

        # find feasible starting point for Phase I problem
        tMIN = 0.0
        tMAX = 1.0
        while True:
            t = (tMIN + tMAX) / 2.0
            #Xt = chompack.copy(Xc)
            Xt = Xc.copy() + spmatrix(t, range(self.n), range(self.n))

                # L = chompack.completion(Xt)
                L = Xt.copy()
                tMAX = t
                if tMAX - tMIN < 1e-1:
                tMAX *= 2.0
                tMIN = t

        tt = t + 1.0
        U = X0 + spmatrix(tt, range(self.n, ), range(self.n))
        trU = sum(U[:][Id])

        Z0 = spdiag([U, spmatrix([tt + k, MM - trU], [0, 1], [0, 1], (2, 2))])
        sol = P1.solve_feas(primalstart={'x': Z0}, kktsolver=kktsolver)

        s = sol['x'][-2, -2] - k
        if s > 0:
            return None, P1

            X0 = sol.pop('x')[:self.n,:self.n]\
                - spmatrix(s,range(self.n),range(self.n))
            return X0, sol