Exemplo n.º 1
    def optimize(self):

        num_points = len(self.graph.free_points)
        point_dim = self.graph.point_dim
        num_landmarks = len(self.graph.landmarks)
        landmark_dim = self.graph.landmark_dim

        Am, Ap, d, sigma_d = self.graph.observation_system()
        Bp, t, sigma_t = self.graph.odometry_system()

        S_d, S_t = sp.sparse.diags(
            1 / _sanitized_noise_array(sigma_d)), sp.sparse.diags(
                1 / _sanitized_noise_array(sigma_t))

        if (num_points != 0) and (num_landmarks != 0):

            M = cp.Variable((landmark_dim, num_landmarks))
            P = cp.Variable((point_dim, num_points))
            objective = cp.Minimize(
                sum_squares(S_d * ((Am * vec(M)) + (Ap * vec(P)) - d)) +
                sum_squares(S_t * ((Bp * vec(P)) - t)))
            problem = cp.Problem(objective)
            problem.solve(verbose=self._verbosity, solver=self._solver)

            self.M = M.value
            self.P = P.value

            m = self.M.ravel(order='F')
            p = self.P.ravel(order='F')

            self.res_d = Am.dot(m) + Ap.dot(p) - d
            self.res_t = Bp.dot(p) - t

        elif (num_points != 0) and (num_landmarks == 0):

            P = cp.Variable((point_dim, num_points))
            objective = cp.Minimize(
                sum_squares(sum_squares(S_t * ((Bp * vec(P)) - t))))
            problem = cp.Problem(objective)
            problem.solve(verbose=self._verbosity, solver=self._solver)

            self.P = P.value

            p = self.P.ravel(order='F')

            self.res_t = Bp.dot(p) - t

Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_special_slice(expr, key):
        """Indexing using logical indexing or a list of indices.

        expr : Expression
            The expression being indexed/sliced into.
        key : tuple
            ndarrays or lists.
            An expression representing the index/slice.
        expr = index.cast_to_const(expr)
        # Order the entries of expr and select them using key.
        idx_mat = np.arange(expr.size[0]*expr.size[1])
        idx_mat = np.reshape(idx_mat, expr.size, order='F')
        select_mat = idx_mat[key]
        if select_mat.ndim == 2:
            final_size = select_mat.shape
        else:  # Always cast 1d arrays as column vectors.
            final_size = (select_mat.size, 1)
        select_vec = np.reshape(select_mat, select_mat.size, order='F')
        # Select the chosen entries from expr.
        identity = sp.eye(expr.size[0]*expr.size[1]).tocsc()
        return reshape(identity[select_vec]*vec(expr), *final_size)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def optimize(self):

        num_points = len(self.graph.free_points)
        point_dim = self.graph.point_dim
        num_landmarks = len(self.graph.landmarks)
        landmark_dim = self.graph.landmark_dim

        Am, Ap, d, _ = self.graph.observation_system()
        Bp, t, _ = self.graph.odometry_system()

        if (num_points != 0) and (num_landmarks != 0):

            M = cp.Variable((landmark_dim, num_landmarks))
            P = cp.Variable((point_dim, num_points))
            objective = cp.Minimize(
                sum_squares(Am * vec(M) + Ap * vec(P) - d) +
                sum_squares(Bp * vec(P) - t))

            problem = cp.Problem(objective)
            problem.solve(verbose=self._verbosity, solver=self._solver)

            self.M = M.value
            self.P = P.value

            m = self.M.ravel(order='F')
            p = self.P.ravel(order='F')

            self.res_d = Am.dot(m) + Ap.dot(p) - d
            self.res_t = Bp.dot(p) - t

        elif (num_points != 0) and (num_landmarks == 0):

            P = cp.Variable((point_dim, num_points))
            objective = cp.Minimize(sum_squares(Bp * vec(P) - t))

            problem = cp.Problem(objective)
            problem.solve(verbose=self._verbosity, solver=self._solver)

            self.P = P.value

            p = self.P.ravel(order='F')

            self.res_t = Bp.dot(p) - t

Exemplo n.º 4
def special_index_canon(expr, args):
    select_mat = expr._select_mat
    final_shape = expr._select_mat.shape
    select_vec = np.reshape(select_mat, select_mat.size, order='F')
    # Select the chosen entries from expr.
    arg = args[0]
    identity = sp.eye(arg.size).tocsc()
    lowered = reshape(identity[select_vec] * vec(arg), final_shape)
    return lowered, []
Exemplo n.º 5
def pnorm_canon(expr, args):
    x = args[0]
    p = expr.p
    axis = expr.axis
    shape = expr.shape
    t = Variable(shape)

    if p == 2:
        if axis is None:
            assert shape == tuple()
            return t, [SOC(t, vec(x))]
            return t, [SOC(vec(t), x, axis)]

    # we need an absolute value constraint for the symmetric convex branches
    # (p > 1)
    constraints = []
    if p > 1:
        # TODO(akshayka): Express this more naturally (recursively), in terms
        # of the other atoms
        abs_expr = abs(x)
        abs_x, abs_constraints = abs_canon(abs_expr, abs_expr.args)
        x = abs_x
        constraints += abs_constraints

    # now, we take care of the remaining convex and concave branches
    # to create the rational powers, we need a new variable, r, and
    # the constraint sum(r) == t
    r = Variable(x.shape)
    constraints += [sum(r) == t]

    # todo: no need to run gm_constr to form the tree each time.
    # we only need to form the tree once
    promoted_t = Constant(np.ones(x.shape)) * t
    p = Fraction(p)
    if p < 0:
        constraints += gm_constrs(promoted_t, [x, r],
                                  (-p / (1 - p), 1 / (1 - p)))
    if 0 < p < 1:
        constraints += gm_constrs(r, [x, promoted_t], (p, 1 - p))
    if p > 1:
        constraints += gm_constrs(x, [r, promoted_t], (1 / p, 1 - 1 / p))

    return t, constraints
Exemplo n.º 6
def sum_canon(expr, args):
    X = args[0]
    if expr.axis is None:
        x = vec(X)
        summation = sum([xi for xi in x])
        canon, _ = add_canon(summation, summation.args)
        return reshape(canon, expr.shape), []

    if expr.axis == 0:
        X = X.T

    rows = []
    for i in range(X.shape[0]):
        x = vec(X[i])
        summation = sum([xi for xi in x])
        canon, _ = add_canon(summation, summation.args)
    canon = hstack(rows)
    return reshape(canon, expr.shape), []
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _m_step(self, W, Am, Ap, d, sigma_d):

        num_points = len(self.graph.free_points)
        point_dim = self.graph.point_dim
        num_landmarks = len(self.graph.landmarks)
        landmark_dim = self.graph.landmark_dim

        Bp, t, sigma_t = self.graph.odometry_system()
        S_t = sp.sparse.diags(1 / _sanitized_noise_array(sigma_t))

        sigma_d = np.tile(_sanitized_noise_array(sigma_d), num_landmarks)
        S_d = sp.sparse.diags(1 / sigma_d)
        W = sp.sparse.diags(W.flatten('F'))

        Am = [
            np.zeros((Am.shape[0], Am.shape[1])) for _ in range(num_landmarks)
        for j in range(num_landmarks):
            Am[j][:, j] = 1
        Am = sp.sparse.csr_matrix(np.concatenate(Am, axis=0))
        Ap = sp.sparse.vstack([Ap for _ in range(num_landmarks)])

        d = np.tile(d, num_landmarks)

        M = cp.Variable((landmark_dim, num_landmarks))
        P = cp.Variable((point_dim, num_points))
        objective = cp.Minimize(
            sum_squares(W * S_d * ((Am * vec(M)) + (Ap * vec(P)) - d)) +
            sum_squares(S_t * ((Bp * vec(P)) - t)))
        problem = cp.Problem(objective)
        problem.solve(verbose=self._verbosity, solver=self._solver)

        self.M = M.value
        self.P = P.value

        m = self.M.ravel(order='F')
        p = self.P.ravel(order='F')

        self.res_d = Am.dot(m) + Ap.dot(p) - d
        self.res_t = Bp.dot(p) - t
Exemplo n.º 8
    def grad(self):
        """Gives the (sub/super)gradient of the expression w.r.t. each variable.

        Matrix expressions are vectorized, so the gradient is a matrix.
        None indicates variable values unknown or outside domain.

            A map of variable to SciPy CSC sparse matrix or None.
        select_vec = np.reshape(self._select_mat,
        identity = sp.eye(self.args[0].size).tocsc()
        lowered = reshape(identity[select_vec] @ vec(self.args[0]),
        return lowered.grad
Exemplo n.º 9
def norm(x, p=2, axis=None):
    """Wrapper on the different norm atoms.

    x : Expression or numeric constant
        The value to take the norm of.  If `x` is 2D and `axis` is None,
        this function constructs a matrix norm.
    p : int or str, optional
        The type of norm. Valid options include any positive integer,
        'fro' (for frobenius), 'nuc' (sum of singular values), np.inf or
        'inf' (infinity norm).
    axis : The axis along which to apply the norm, if any.

        An Expression representing the norm.
    x = Expression.cast_to_const(x)
    # matrix norms take precedence
    num_nontrivial_idxs = sum([d > 1 for d in x.shape])
    if axis is None and x.ndim == 2:
        if p == 1:  # matrix 1-norm
            return cvxpy.atoms.max(norm1(x, axis=0))
        # Frobenius norm
        elif p == 'fro' or (p == 2 and num_nontrivial_idxs == 1):
            return pnorm(vec(x), 2)
        elif p == 2:  # matrix 2-norm is largest singular value
            return sigma_max(x)
        elif p == 'nuc':  # the nuclear norm (sum of singular values)
            return normNuc(x)
        elif p in [np.inf, "inf", "Inf"]:  # the matrix infinity-norm
            return cvxpy.atoms.max(norm1(x, axis=1))
            raise RuntimeError('Unsupported matrix norm.')
        if p == 1 or x.is_scalar():
            return norm1(x, axis=axis)
        elif p in [np.inf, "inf", "Inf"]:
            return norm_inf(x, axis)
            return pnorm(x, p, axis)
Exemplo n.º 10
def diag(expr):
    """Extracts the diagonal from a matrix or makes a vector a diagonal matrix.

    expr : Expression or numeric constant
        A vector or square matrix.

        An Expression representing the diagonal vector/matrix.
    expr = AffAtom.cast_to_const(expr)
    if expr.is_vector():
        return diag_vec(vec(expr))
    elif expr.ndim == 2 and expr.shape[0] == expr.shape[1]:
        return diag_mat(expr)
        raise ValueError("Argument to diag must be a vector or square matrix.")
Exemplo n.º 11
def norm(x, p=2, axis=None):
    """Wrapper on the different norm atoms.

    x : Expression or numeric constant
        The value to take the norm of.
    p : int or str, optional
        The type of norm.

        An Expression representing the norm.
    x = Expression.cast_to_const(x)
    # matrix norms take precedence
    if axis is None and x.ndim == 2:
        if p == 1:  # matrix 1-norm
            return cvxpy.atoms.max(norm1(x, axis=0))
        elif p == 2:  # matrix 2-norm is largest singular value
            return sigma_max(x)
        elif p == 'nuc':  # the nuclear norm (sum of singular values)
            return normNuc(x)
        elif p == 'fro':  # Frobenius norm
            return pnorm(vec(x), 2)
        elif p in [np.inf, "inf", "Inf"]:  # the matrix infinity-norm
            return cvxpy.atoms.max(norm1(x, axis=1))
            raise RuntimeError('Unsupported matrix norm.')
        if p == 1 or x.is_scalar():
            return norm1(x, axis=axis)
        elif p in [np.inf, "inf", "Inf"]:
            return norm_inf(x, axis)
            return pnorm(x, p, axis)
Exemplo n.º 12
def quad_over_lin_canon(expr, args):
    x = vec(args[0])
    y = args[1]
    numerator = sum(2 * xi for xi in x)
    return numerator - y, []
Exemplo n.º 13
    def optimize(self):


        points = self.graph.free_points
        landmarks = self.graph.landmarks

        num_points = len(points)
        point_dim = self.graph.point_dim
        num_landmarks = len(landmarks)
        landmark_dim = self.graph.landmark_dim

        transforms = [
        E, W = equivalence.equivalence_matrix(landmarks, transforms=transforms)
        if E.shape[0] == 0:
            self.M = self._pre_optimizer.M
            self.P = self._pre_optimizer.P
            self.res_d = self._pre_optimizer.res_d
            self.res_t = self._pre_optimizer.res_t
            self.equivalence_pairs = []

        Am, Ap, d, sigma_d = self.graph.observation_system()
        Bp, t, sigma_t = self.graph.odometry_system()

        S_d, S_t = sp.sparse.diags(
            1 / _sanitized_noise_array(sigma_d)), sp.sparse.diags(
                1 / _sanitized_noise_array(sigma_t))

        M = cp.Variable((landmark_dim, num_landmarks))
        P = cp.Variable((point_dim, num_points))

        M.value = self._pre_optimizer.M
        P.value = self._pre_optimizer.P

        objective = cp.Minimize(mixed_norm(W * E * M.T))
        constraints = [
            norm((Am * vec(M)) +
                 (Ap * vec(P)) - d) <= 2 * np.linalg.norm(sigma_d + 1e-6),
            norm((Bp * vec(P)) - t) <= 2 * np.linalg.norm(sigma_t + 1e-6)
        problem = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)

        if problem.solution.status == 'infeasible':
            self.M = self._pre_optimizer.M
            self.P = self._pre_optimizer.P
            self.res_d = self._pre_optimizer.res_d
            self.res_t = self._pre_optimizer.res_t
            self.equivalence_pairs = []

        E_ = E[np.abs(np.linalg.norm(E * M.value.T, axis=1)) < 0.001, :]
        objective = cp.Minimize(
            sum_squares(S_d * ((Am * vec(M)) + (Ap * vec(P)) - d)) +
            sum_squares(S_t * ((Bp * vec(P)) - t)))
        constraints = [E_ * M.T == 0] if E_.shape[0] > 0 else []
        problem = cp.Problem(objective, constraints)

        self.M = M.value
        self.P = P.value

        m = self.M.ravel(order='F')
        p = self.P.ravel(order='F')

        self.res_d = Am.dot(m) + Ap.dot(p) - d
        self.res_t = Bp.dot(p) - t

        self.equivalence_pairs = [(landmarks[i], landmarks[j])
                                  for (i, j) in E_.tolil().rows]
Exemplo n.º 14
def explicit_sum(expr):
    x = vec(expr)
    summation = x[0]
    for xi in x[1:]:
        summation += xi
    return summation