Exemplo n.º 1
    def format_results(self, results_dict, data, cached_data):
        """Converts the solver output into standard form.

        results_dict : dict
            The solver output.
        data : dict
            Information about the problem.
        cached_data : dict
            A map of solver name to cached problem data.

            The solver output in standard form.
        new_results = {}
        status = self.STATUS_MAP[results_dict['status']]
        new_results[s.STATUS] = status
        if new_results[s.STATUS] in s.SOLUTION_PRESENT:
            # No dual variables.
            new_results[s.PRIMAL] = intf.cvxopt2dense(results_dict['x'])
            primal_val = (data[s.C].T * results_dict['x'])[0]
            new_results[s.VALUE] = primal_val + data[s.OFFSET]

        return new_results
Exemplo n.º 2
    def format_results(self, results_dict, data, cached_data):
        """Converts the solver output into standard form.

        results_dict : dict
            The solver output.
        data : dict
            Information about the problem.
        cached_data : dict
            A map of solver name to cached problem data.

            The solver output in standard form.
        import cvxopt
        new_results = {}
        status = self.STATUS_MAP[results_dict['status']]
        new_results[s.STATUS] = status
        if new_results[s.STATUS] in s.SOLUTION_PRESENT:
            primal_val = results_dict['primal objective']
            new_results[s.VALUE] = primal_val + data[s.OFFSET]
            new_results[s.PRIMAL] = results_dict['x']
            new_results[s.EQ_DUAL] = results_dict['y']
            if data[s.DIMS][s.EXP_DIM]:
                new_results[s.INEQ_DUAL] = results_dict['zl']
                new_results[s.INEQ_DUAL] = results_dict['z']
            # Need to multiply duals by Q and P_leq.
            if "Q" in data:
                y = results_dict['y']
                # Test if all constraints eliminated.
                if y.size[0] == 0:
                    dual_len = data["Q"].size[0]
                    new_results[s.EQ_DUAL] = cvxopt.matrix(0., (dual_len, 1))
                    new_results[s.EQ_DUAL] = data["Q"] * y
            if "P_leq" in data:
                leq_len = data[s.DIMS][s.LEQ_DIM]
                P_rows = data["P_leq"].size[0]
                new_len = P_rows + new_results[s.INEQ_DUAL].size[0] - leq_len
                new_dual = cvxopt.matrix(0., (new_len, 1))
                z = new_results[s.INEQ_DUAL][:leq_len]
                # Test if all constraints eliminated.
                if z.size[0] == 0:
                    new_dual[:P_rows] = 0
                    new_dual[:P_rows] = data["P_leq"] * z
                new_dual[P_rows:] = new_results[s.INEQ_DUAL][leq_len:]
                new_results[s.INEQ_DUAL] = new_dual

            for key in [s.PRIMAL, s.EQ_DUAL, s.INEQ_DUAL]:
                new_results[key] = intf.cvxopt2dense(new_results[key])

        return new_results
Exemplo n.º 3
    def format_results(self, results_dict, data, cached_data):
        """Converts the solver output into standard form.

        results_dict : dict
            The solver output.
        data : dict
            Information about the problem.
        cached_data : dict
            A map of solver name to cached problem data.

            The solver output in standard form.
        import cvxopt
        new_results = {}
        status = self.STATUS_MAP[results_dict['status']]
        new_results[s.STATUS] = status
        if new_results[s.STATUS] in s.SOLUTION_PRESENT:
            primal_val = results_dict['primal objective']
            new_results[s.VALUE] = primal_val + data[s.OFFSET]
            new_results[s.PRIMAL] = results_dict['x']
            new_results[s.EQ_DUAL] = results_dict['y']
            if data[s.DIMS][s.EXP_DIM]:
                new_results[s.INEQ_DUAL] = results_dict['zl']
                new_results[s.INEQ_DUAL] = results_dict['z']
            # Need to multiply duals by Q and P_leq.
            if "Q" in data:
                y = results_dict['y']
                # Test if all constraints eliminated.
                if y.size[0] == 0:
                    dual_len = data["Q"].size[0]
                    new_results[s.EQ_DUAL] = cvxopt.matrix(0., (dual_len, 1))
                    new_results[s.EQ_DUAL] = data["Q"]*y
            if "P_leq" in data:
                leq_len = data[s.DIMS][s.LEQ_DIM]
                P_rows = data["P_leq"].size[0]
                new_len = P_rows + new_results[s.INEQ_DUAL].size[0] - leq_len
                new_dual = cvxopt.matrix(0., (new_len, 1))
                z = new_results[s.INEQ_DUAL][:leq_len]
                # Test if all constraints eliminated.
                if z.size[0] == 0:
                    new_dual[:P_rows] = 0
                    new_dual[:P_rows] = data["P_leq"]*z
                new_dual[P_rows:] = new_results[s.INEQ_DUAL][leq_len:]
                new_results[s.INEQ_DUAL] = new_dual

            for key in [s.PRIMAL, s.EQ_DUAL, s.INEQ_DUAL]:
                new_results[key] = intf.cvxopt2dense(new_results[key])

        return new_results
Exemplo n.º 4
    def solve_via_data(self,
                       warm_start: bool,
                       verbose: bool,
        import cvxopt.solvers

        # Save original cvxopt solver options.
        old_options = cvxopt.solvers.options.copy()
        # Silence cvxopt if verbose is False.
        if verbose:
            cvxopt.solvers.options["msg_lev"] = "GLP_MSG_ON"
            if "glpk" in solver_opts:
                solver_opts["glpk"]["msg_lev"] = "GLP_MSG_OFF"
                solver_opts["glpk"] = {"msg_lev": "GLP_MSG_OFF"}

        data = self._prepare_cvxopt_matrices(data)

        # Apply any user-specific options.
        # Rename max_iters to maxiters.
        if "max_iters" in solver_opts:
            solver_opts["maxiters"] = solver_opts["max_iters"]
        for key, value in solver_opts.items():
            cvxopt.solvers.options[key] = value

            results_dict = cvxopt.solvers.lp(data[s.C],

        # Catch exceptions in CVXOPT and convert them to solver errors.
        except ValueError:
            results_dict = {"status": "unknown"}

        # Restore original cvxopt solver options.

        # Convert CVXOPT results to solution format.
        solution = {}
        status = self.STATUS_MAP[results_dict['status']]
        solution[s.STATUS] = status
        if solution[s.STATUS] in s.SOLUTION_PRESENT:
            primal_val = results_dict['primal objective']
            solution[s.VALUE] = primal_val
            solution[s.PRIMAL] = results_dict['x']
            solution[s.EQ_DUAL] = results_dict['y']
            solution[s.INEQ_DUAL] = results_dict['z']
            for key in [s.PRIMAL, s.EQ_DUAL, s.INEQ_DUAL]:
                solution[key] = intf.cvxopt2dense(solution[key])

        return solution
Exemplo n.º 5
    def solve_via_data(self,
                       warm_start: bool,
                       verbose: bool,
        import cvxopt
        import cvxopt.solvers

        # Save original cvxopt solver options.
        old_options = cvxopt.glpk.options.copy()
        # Silence cvxopt if verbose is False.
        if verbose:
            cvxopt.glpk.options["msg_lev"] = "GLP_MSG_ON"
            cvxopt.glpk.options["msg_lev"] = "GLP_MSG_OFF"

        data = self._prepare_cvxopt_matrices(data)

        # Apply any user-specific options.
        # Rename max_iters to maxiters.
        if "max_iters" in solver_opts:
            solver_opts["maxiters"] = solver_opts["max_iters"]
        for key, value in solver_opts.items():
            cvxopt.glpk.options[key] = value

            results_tup = cvxopt.glpk.ilp(
                data[s.C], data[s.G], data[s.H], data[s.A], data[s.B],
                set(int(i) for i in data[s.INT_IDX]),
                set(int(i) for i in data[s.BOOL_IDX]))
            results_dict = {}
            results_dict["status"] = results_tup[0]
            results_dict["x"] = results_tup[1]
        # Catch exceptions in CVXOPT and convert them to solver errors.
        except ValueError:
            results_dict = {"status": "unknown"}

        # Restore original cvxopt solver options.

        # Convert CVXOPT results to solution format.
        solution = {}
        status = self.STATUS_MAP[results_dict['status']]
        solution[s.STATUS] = status
        if solution[s.STATUS] in s.SOLUTION_PRESENT:
            # No dual variables.
            solution[s.PRIMAL] = intf.cvxopt2dense(results_dict['x'])
            primal_val = (data[s.C].T * results_dict['x'])[0]
            solution[s.VALUE] = primal_val

        return solution
Exemplo n.º 6
    def solve_via_data(self, data, warm_start, verbose, solver_opts, solver_cache=None):
        import cvxopt.solvers
        # Save original cvxopt solver options.
        old_options = cvxopt.solvers.options.copy()
        # Save old data in case need to use robust solver.
        data[s.DIMS] = dims_to_solver_dict(data[s.DIMS])
        # User chosen KKT solver option.
        kktsolver = self.get_kktsolver_opt(solver_opts)
        # Cannot have redundant rows unless using robust LDL kktsolver.
        if kktsolver != s.ROBUST_KKTSOLVER:
            # Will detect infeasibility.
            if self.remove_redundant_rows(data) == s.INFEASIBLE:
                return {s.STATUS: s.INFEASIBLE}
        # Convert A, b, G, h, c to CVXOPT matrices.
        data[s.C] = intf.dense2cvxopt(data[s.C])
        var_length = data[s.C].size[0]
        if data[s.A] is None:
            data[s.A] = np.zeros((0, var_length))
            data[s.B] = np.zeros((0, 1))
        data[s.A] = intf.sparse2cvxopt(data[s.A])
        data[s.B] = intf.dense2cvxopt(data[s.B])
        if data[s.G] is None:
            data[s.G] = np.zeros((0, var_length))
            data[s.H] = np.zeros((0, 1))
        data[s.G] = intf.sparse2cvxopt(data[s.G])
        data[s.H] = intf.dense2cvxopt(data[s.H])

        # Apply any user-specific options.
        # Silence solver.
        solver_opts["show_progress"] = verbose
        # Rename max_iters to maxiters.
        if "max_iters" in solver_opts:
            solver_opts["maxiters"] = solver_opts["max_iters"]
        for key, value in solver_opts.items():
            cvxopt.solvers.options[key] = value

        # Always do 1 step of iterative refinement after solving KKT system.
        if "refinement" not in cvxopt.solvers.options:
            cvxopt.solvers.options["refinement"] = 1

            if kktsolver == s.ROBUST_KKTSOLVER:
                # Get custom kktsolver.
                kktsolver = get_kktsolver(data[s.G],
            results_dict = cvxopt.solvers.conelp(data[s.C],
        # Catch exceptions in CVXOPT and convert them to solver errors.
        except ValueError:
            results_dict = {"status": "unknown"}

        # Restore original cvxopt solver options.

        # Construct solution.
        solution = {}
        status = self.STATUS_MAP[results_dict['status']]
        solution[s.STATUS] = status
        if solution[s.STATUS] in s.SOLUTION_PRESENT:
            primal_val = results_dict['primal objective']
            solution[s.VALUE] = primal_val
            solution[s.PRIMAL] = results_dict['x']
            solution[s.EQ_DUAL] = results_dict['y']
            solution[s.INEQ_DUAL] = results_dict['z']
            # Need to multiply duals by Q and P_leq.
            if "Q" in data:
                y = results_dict['y']
                # Test if all constraints eliminated.
                if y.size[0] == 0:
                    dual_len = data["Q"].size[0]
                    solution[s.EQ_DUAL] = cvxopt.matrix(0., (dual_len, 1))
                    solution[s.EQ_DUAL] = data["Q"]*y
            if "P_leq" in data:
                leq_len = data[s.DIMS][s.LEQ_DIM]
                P_rows = data["P_leq"].size[0]
                new_len = P_rows + solution[s.INEQ_DUAL].size[0] - leq_len
                new_dual = cvxopt.matrix(0., (new_len, 1))
                z = solution[s.INEQ_DUAL][:leq_len]
                # Test if all constraints eliminated.
                if z.size[0] == 0:
                    new_dual[:P_rows] = 0
                    new_dual[:P_rows] = data["P_leq"] * z
                new_dual[P_rows:] = solution[s.INEQ_DUAL][leq_len:]
                solution[s.INEQ_DUAL] = new_dual

            for key in [s.PRIMAL, s.EQ_DUAL, s.INEQ_DUAL]:
                solution[key] = intf.cvxopt2dense(solution[key])
        return solution
Exemplo n.º 7
    def solve_via_data(self, data, warm_start: bool, verbose: bool, solver_opts, solver_cache=None):
        import cvxopt.solvers

        # Save original cvxopt solver options.
        old_options = cvxopt.solvers.options.copy()
        # Save old data in case need to use robust solver.
        data[s.DIMS] = dims_to_solver_dict(data[s.DIMS])
        # Do a preliminary check for a certain, problematic KKT solver.
        kktsolver = self.get_kktsolver_opt(solver_opts)
        if isinstance(kktsolver, str) and kktsolver == 'chol':
            if self.remove_redundant_rows(data) == s.INFEASIBLE:
                return {s.STATUS: s.INFEASIBLE}

        data = self._prepare_cvxopt_matrices(data)

        c, G, h, dims = data[s.C], data[s.G], data[s.H], data[s.DIMS]
        A, b = data[s.A], data[s.B]

        # Apply any user-specific options.
        # Silence solver.
        solver_opts["show_progress"] = verbose
        # Rename max_iters to maxiters.
        if "max_iters" in solver_opts:
            solver_opts["maxiters"] = solver_opts["max_iters"]
        for key, value in solver_opts.items():
            cvxopt.solvers.options[key] = value

        # Always do 1 step of iterative refinement after solving KKT system.
        if "refinement" not in cvxopt.solvers.options:
            cvxopt.solvers.options["refinement"] = 1

        # finalize the KKT solver.
        if isinstance(kktsolver, str) and kktsolver == s.ROBUST_KKTSOLVER:
            kktsolver = setup_ldl_factor(c, G, h, dims, A, b)
        elif not isinstance(kktsolver, str):
            kktsolver = kktsolver(c, G, h, dims, A, b)

            results_dict = cvxopt.solvers.conelp(c, G, h, dims, A, b,
        # Catch exceptions in CVXOPT and convert them to solver errors.
        except ValueError:
            results_dict = {"status": "unknown"}

        # Restore original cvxopt solver options.

        # Construct solution.
        solution = {}
        status = self.STATUS_MAP[results_dict['status']]
        solution[s.STATUS] = status
        if solution[s.STATUS] in s.SOLUTION_PRESENT:
            primal_val = results_dict['primal objective']
            solution[s.VALUE] = primal_val
            solution[s.PRIMAL] = results_dict['x']
            solution[s.EQ_DUAL] = results_dict['y']
            solution[s.INEQ_DUAL] = results_dict['z']
            # Need to multiply duals by Q and P_leq.
            if "Q" in data:
                y = results_dict['y']
                # Test if all constraints eliminated.
                if y.size[0] == 0:
                    dual_len = data["Q"].size[0]
                    solution[s.EQ_DUAL] = cvxopt.matrix(0., (dual_len, 1))
                    solution[s.EQ_DUAL] = data["Q"]*y
            if "P_leq" in data:
                leq_len = data[s.DIMS][s.LEQ_DIM]
                P_rows = data["P_leq"].size[0]
                new_len = P_rows + solution[s.INEQ_DUAL].size[0] - leq_len
                new_dual = cvxopt.matrix(0., (new_len, 1))
                z = solution[s.INEQ_DUAL][:leq_len]
                # Test if all constraints eliminated.
                if z.size[0] == 0:
                    new_dual[:P_rows] = 0
                    new_dual[:P_rows] = data["P_leq"] * z
                new_dual[P_rows:] = solution[s.INEQ_DUAL][leq_len:]
                solution[s.INEQ_DUAL] = new_dual

            for key in [s.PRIMAL, s.EQ_DUAL, s.INEQ_DUAL]:
                solution[key] = intf.cvxopt2dense(solution[key])
        return solution