Exemplo n.º 1
 def _param_in_constr(constraints):
     """Do any of the constraints contain parameters?
     for constr in constraints:
         if len(lu.get_expr_params(constr.expr)) > 0:
             return True
     return False
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _lin_matrix(self, mat_cache, caching=False):
        """Computes a matrix and vector representing a list of constraints.

        In the matrix, each constraint is given a block of rows.
        Each variable coefficient is inserted as a block with upper
        left corner at matrix[variable offset, constraint offset].
        The constant term in the constraint is added to the vector.

        mat_cache : MatrixCache
            The cached version of the matrix-vector pair.
        caching : bool
            Is the data being cached?

            A (matrix, vector) tuple.
        vert_offset = 0
        for constr in mat_cache.constraints:
            # Process the constraint if it has a parameter and not caching
            # or it doesn't have a parameter and caching.
            has_param = len(lu.get_expr_params(constr.expr)) > 0
            if (has_param and not caching) or (not has_param and caching):
                self._process_constr(constr, mat_cache, vert_offset)
            vert_offset += constr.size[0]*constr.size[1]
Exemplo n.º 3
    def presolve(objective, constr_map, check_params=False):
        """Eliminates unnecessary constraints and short circuits the solver
        if possible.

        objective : LinOp
            The canonicalized objective.
        constr_map : dict
            A map of constraint type to a list of constraints.
        check_params : bool, optional
            Should constraints with parameters be evaluated?

            Is the problem infeasible?
        # Remove redundant constraints.
        for key, constraints in constr_map.items():
            uniq_constr = unique(constraints,
                                 key=lambda c: c.constr_id)
            constr_map[key] = list(uniq_constr)

        # If there are no constraints, the problem is unbounded
        # if any of the coefficients are non-zero.
        # If all the coefficients are zero then return the constant term
        # and set all variables to 0.
        if not any(constr_map.values()):
            str(objective) # TODO

        # Remove constraints with no variables or parameters.
        for key in [s.EQ, s.LEQ]:
            new_constraints = []
            for constr in constr_map[key]:
                vars_ = lu.get_expr_vars(constr.expr)
                if len(vars_) == 0 and not lu.get_expr_params(constr.expr):
                    coeff = op2mat.get_constant_coeff(constr.expr)
                    sign = intf.sign(coeff)
                    # For equality constraint, coeff must be zero.
                    # For inequality (i.e. <= 0) constraint,
                    # coeff must be negative.
                    if key is s.EQ and not sign.is_zero() or \
                        key is s.LEQ and not sign.is_negative():
                        return s.INFEASIBLE
            constr_map[key] = new_constraints

        return None
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _lin_matrix(self, mat_cache, caching=False):
        """Computes a matrix and vector representing a list of constraints.

        In the matrix, each constraint is given a block of rows.
        Each variable coefficient is inserted as a block with upper
        left corner at matrix[variable offset, constraint offset].
        The constant term in the constraint is added to the vector.

        mat_cache : MatrixCache
            The cached version of the matrix-vector pair.
        caching : bool
            Is the data being cached?
        active_constr = []
        constr_offsets = []
        vert_offset = 0
        for constr in mat_cache.constraints:
            # Process the constraint if it has a parameter and not caching
            # or it doesn't have a parameter and caching.
            has_param = len(lu.get_expr_params(constr.expr)) > 0
            if (has_param and not caching) or (not has_param and caching):
                # If parameterized, convert the parameters into constant nodes.
                if has_param:
                    constr = lu.copy_constr(constr,
            vert_offset += constr.size[0]*constr.size[1]
        # Convert the constraints into a matrix and vector offset
        # and add them to the matrix cache.
        if len(active_constr) > 0:
            V, I, J, const_vec = canonInterface.get_problem_matrix(
            # Convert the constant offset to the correct data type.
            conv_vec = self.vec_intf.const_to_matrix(const_vec,
            mat_cache.const_vec[:const_vec.size] += conv_vec
            for i, vals in enumerate([V, I, J]):
Exemplo n.º 5
    def solve(self, objective, constraints, cached_data,
              warm_start, verbose, solver_opts):
        """Returns the result of the call to the solver.

        objective : LinOp
            The canonicalized objective.
        constraints : list
            The list of canonicalized cosntraints.
        cached_data : dict
            A map of solver name to cached problem data.
        warm_start : bool
            Not used.
        verbose : bool
            Should the solver print output?
        solver_opts : dict
            Additional arguments for the solver.

            (status, optimal value, primal, equality dual, inequality dual)
        import gurobipy

        # Get problem data
        data = self.get_problem_data(objective, constraints, cached_data)

        c = data[s.C]
        b = data[s.B]
        A = dok_matrix(data[s.A])
        # Save the dok_matrix.
        data[s.A] = A

        n = c.shape[0]

        solver_cache = cached_data[self.name()]

        # TODO warmstart with SOC constraints.
        if warm_start and solver_cache.prev_result is not None \
           and len(data[s.DIMS][s.SOC_DIM]) == 0:
            model = solver_cache.prev_result["model"]
            variables = solver_cache.prev_result["variables"]
            gur_constrs = solver_cache.prev_result["gur_constrs"]
            c_prev = solver_cache.prev_result["c"]
            A_prev = solver_cache.prev_result["A"]
            b_prev = solver_cache.prev_result["b"]

            # If there is a parameter in the objective, it may have changed.
            if len(lu.get_expr_params(objective)) > 0:
                c_diff = c - c_prev

                I_unique = list(set(np.where(c_diff)[0]))

                for i in I_unique:
                    variables[i].Obj = c[i]
                # Stay consistent with Gurobi's representation of the problem
                c = c_prev

            # Get equality and inequality constraints.
            sym_data = self.get_sym_data(objective, constraints, cached_data)
            all_constrs, _, _ = self.split_constr(sym_data.constr_map)

            # If there is a parameter in the constraints,
            # A or b may have changed.
            if self._param_in_constr(all_constrs):
                A_diff = dok_matrix(A - A_prev)
                b_diff = b - b_prev

                # Figure out which rows of A and elements of b have changed
                    idxs, _ = zip(*[x for x in A_diff.keys()])
                except ValueError:
                    idxs = []
                I_unique = list(set(idxs) | set(np.where(b_diff)[0]))

                nonzero_locs = gurobipy.tuplelist(A.keys())

                # Update locations which have changed
                for i in I_unique:

                    # Remove old constraint if it exists
                    if gur_constrs[i] is not None:
                        gur_constrs[i] = None

                    # Add new constraint
                    if nonzero_locs.select(i, "*"):
                        expr_list = []
                        for loc in nonzero_locs.select(i, "*"):
                            expr_list.append((A[loc], variables[loc[1]]))
                        expr = gurobipy.LinExpr(expr_list)
                        if i < data[s.DIMS][s.EQ_DIM]:
                            ctype = gurobipy.GRB.EQUAL
                        elif data[s.DIMS][s.EQ_DIM] <= i \
                                < data[s.DIMS][s.EQ_DIM] + data[s.DIMS][s.LEQ_DIM]:
                            ctype = gurobipy.GRB.LESS_EQUAL
                        gur_constrs[i] = model.addConstr(expr, ctype, b[i])

                # Stay consistent with Gurobi's representation of the problem
                A = A_prev
                b = b_prev

            model = gurobipy.Model()
            variables = []
            for i in range(n):
                # Set variable type.
                if i in data[s.BOOL_IDX]:
                    vtype = gurobipy.GRB.BINARY
                elif i in data[s.INT_IDX]:
                    vtype = gurobipy.GRB.INTEGER
                    vtype = gurobipy.GRB.CONTINUOUS
                        name="x_%d" % i,
                        # Gurobi's default LB is 0 (WHY???)

            eq_constrs = self.add_model_lin_constr(model, variables,
                                                   A, b)
            leq_start = data[s.DIMS][s.EQ_DIM]
            leq_end = data[s.DIMS][s.EQ_DIM] + data[s.DIMS][s.LEQ_DIM]
            ineq_constrs = self.add_model_lin_constr(model, variables,
                                                     range(leq_start, leq_end),
                                                     A, b)
            soc_start = leq_end
            soc_constrs = []
            new_leq_constrs = []
            for constr_len in data[s.DIMS][s.SOC_DIM]:
                soc_end = soc_start + constr_len
                soc_constr, new_leq, new_vars = self.add_model_soc_constr(
                    model, variables, range(soc_start, soc_end),
                    A, b
                new_leq_constrs += new_leq
                variables += new_vars
                soc_start += constr_len

            gur_constrs = eq_constrs + ineq_constrs + \
                soc_constrs + new_leq_constrs

        # Set verbosity and other parameters
        model.setParam("OutputFlag", verbose)
        # TODO user option to not compute duals.
        model.setParam("QCPDual", True)

        for key, value in solver_opts.items():
            model.setParam(key, value)

        results_dict = {}
            results_dict["primal objective"] = model.ObjVal
            results_dict["x"] = np.array([v.X for v in variables])

            # Only add duals if not a MIP.
            # Not sure why we need to negate the following,
            # but need to in order to be consistent with other solvers.
            if not self.is_mip(data):
                vals = []
                for lc in gur_constrs:
                    if lc is not None:
                        if isinstance(lc, gurobipy.QConstr):
                results_dict["y"] = -np.array(vals)

            results_dict["status"] = self.STATUS_MAP.get(model.Status,
        except gurobipy.GurobiError:
            results_dict["status"] = s.SOLVER_ERROR

        results_dict["model"] = model
        results_dict["variables"] = variables
        results_dict["gur_constrs"] = gur_constrs
        results_dict[s.SOLVE_TIME] = model.Runtime

        return self.format_results(results_dict, data, cached_data)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def solve(self, objective, constraints, cached_data,
              warm_start, verbose, solver_opts):
        """Returns the result of the call to the solver.

        objective : LinOp
            The canonicalized objective.
        constraints : list
            The list of canonicalized cosntraints.
        cached_data : dict
            A map of solver name to cached problem data.
        warm_start : bool
            Not used.
        verbose : bool
            Should the solver print output?
        solver_opts : dict
            Additional arguments for the solver.

            (status, optimal value, primal, equality dual, inequality dual)
        import gurobipy

        # Get problem data
        data = self.get_problem_data(objective, constraints, cached_data)

        c = data[s.C]
        b = data[s.B]
        h = data[s.H]
        A = dok_matrix(data[s.A])
        G = dok_matrix(data[s.G])

        n = c.shape[0]

        solver_cache = cached_data[self.name()]

        if warm_start and solver_cache.prev_result is not None:
            model = solver_cache.prev_result["model"]
            variables = solver_cache.prev_result["variables"]
            eq_constrs = solver_cache.prev_result["eq_constrs"]
            ineq_constrs = solver_cache.prev_result["ineq_constrs"]
            c_prev = solver_cache.prev_result["c"]
            A_prev = solver_cache.prev_result["A"]
            b_prev = solver_cache.prev_result["b"]
            G_prev = solver_cache.prev_result["G"]
            h_prev = solver_cache.prev_result["h"]

            # If there is a parameter in the objective, it may have changed.
            if len(lu.get_expr_params(objective)) > 0:
                c_diff = c - c_prev

                I_unique = list(set(np.where(c_diff)[0]))

                for i in I_unique:
                    variables[i].Obj = c[i]
                # Stay consistent with Gurobi's representation of the problem
                c = c_prev

            # Get equality and inequality constraints.
            sym_data = self.get_sym_data(objective, constraints, cached_data)
            eq_constr, ineq_constr, _ = self.split_constr(sym_data.constr_map)

            # If there is a parameter in the equality constraints,
            # A or b may have changed.
            if self.param_in_constr(eq_constr):
                A_diff = dok_matrix(A - A_prev)
                b_diff = b - b_prev

                # Figure out which rows of A and elements of b have changed
                    I, _ = zip(*[x for x in A_diff.iterkeys()])
                except ValueError:
                    I = []
                I_unique = list(set(I) | set(np.where(b_diff)[0]))

                A_nonzero_locs = gurobipy.tuplelist([x for x in A.iterkeys()])

                # Update locations which have changed
                for i in I_unique:

                    # Remove old constraint if it exists
                    if eq_constrs[i] != None:
                        eq_constrs[i] = None

                    # Add new constraint
                    if len(A_nonzero_locs.select(i, "*")):
                        expr_list = []
                        for loc in A_nonzero_locs.select(i, "*"):
                            expr_list.append((A[loc], variables[loc[1]]))
                        expr = gurobipy.LinExpr(expr_list)
                        eq_constrs[i] = model.addConstr(expr,

                # Stay consistent with Gurobi's representation of the problem
                A = A_prev
                b = b_prev

            # If there is a parameter in the inequality constraints,
            # G or h may have changed.
            if self.param_in_constr(ineq_constr):
                G_diff = dok_matrix(G - G_prev)
                h_diff = h - h_prev

                # Figure out which rows of G and elements of h have changed
                    I, _ = zip(*[x for x in G_diff.iterkeys()])
                except ValueError:
                    I = []
                I_unique = list(set(I) | set(np.where(h_diff)[0]))

                G_nonzero_locs = gurobipy.tuplelist([x for x in G.iterkeys()])

                # Update locations which have changed
                for i in I_unique:

                    # Remove old constraint if it exists
                    if ineq_constrs[i] != None:
                        ineq_constrs[i] = None

                    # Add new constraint
                    if len(G_nonzero_locs.select(i, "*")):
                        expr_list = []
                        for loc in G_nonzero_locs.select(i, "*"):
                            expr_list.append((G[loc], variables[loc[1]]))
                        expr = gurobipy.LinExpr(expr_list)
                        ineq_constrs[i] = model.addConstr(expr,
                                            gurobipy.GRB.LESS_EQUAL, h[i])

                # Stay consistent with Gurobi's representation of the problem
                G = G_prev
                h = h_prev

            model = gurobipy.Model()
            variables = [
                    obj = c[i],
                    name = "x_%d" % i,
                    # Gurobi's default LB is 0 (WHY???)
                    lb = -gurobipy.GRB.INFINITY,
                    ub =  gurobipy.GRB.INFINITY)
                for i in xrange(n)]

            eq_constrs = [None] * b.shape[0]
            if A.nnz > 0 or b.any:
                    I, _ = zip(*[x for x in A.iterkeys()])
                except ValueError:
                    I = []
                eq_constrs_nonzero_idxs = list(set(I) | set(np.where(b)[0]))
                A_nonzero_locs = gurobipy.tuplelist([x for x in A.iterkeys()])

                for i in eq_constrs_nonzero_idxs:
                    expr_list = []
                    for loc in A_nonzero_locs.select(i, "*"):
                        expr_list.append((A[loc], variables[loc[1]]))
                    expr = gurobipy.LinExpr(expr_list)

                    eq_constrs[i] = model.addConstr(expr,

            ineq_constrs = [None] * h.shape[0]
            if G.nnz > 0 or h.any:
                    I, _ = zip(*[x for x in G.iterkeys()])
                except ValueError:
                    I = []
                ineq_constrs_nonzero_idxs = list(set(I) | set(np.where(h)[0]))
                G_nonzero_locs = gurobipy.tuplelist([x for x in G.iterkeys()])

                for i in ineq_constrs_nonzero_idxs:
                    expr_list = []
                    for loc in G_nonzero_locs.select(i, "*"):
                        expr_list.append((G[loc], variables[loc[1]]))
                    expr = gurobipy.LinExpr(expr_list)

                    ineq_constrs[i] = model.addConstr(expr,


        # Set verbosity and other parameters
        if verbose:
            model.setParam("OutputFlag", True)
            model.setParam("OutputFlag", False)

        for key, value in solver_opts.items():
            if key in self.CUSTOM_OPTS:
            model.setParam(key, value)


            results_dict = {
                "model": model,
                "variables": variables,
                "eq_constrs": eq_constrs,
                "ineq_constrs": ineq_constrs,
                "c": c,
                "A": A,
                "b": b,
                "G": G,
                "h": h,
                "status": self.STATUS_MAP.get(model.Status, "unknown"),
                "primal objective": model.ObjVal,
                "x": np.array([v.X for v in variables]),
                # Not sure why we need to negate the following,
                # but need to in order to be consistent with other solvers.
                "y": -np.array([lc.Pi if lc != None else 0 for lc in eq_constrs]),
                "z": -np.array([lc.Pi if lc != None else 0 for lc in ineq_constrs]),
        except gurobipy.GurobiError:
            results_dict = {
                "status": s.SOLVER_ERROR

        return self.format_results(results_dict, data[s.DIMS],
                                   data[s.OFFSET], cached_data)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def solve(self, objective, constraints, cached_data, warm_start, verbose,
        """Returns the result of the call to the solver.

        objective : LinOp
            The canonicalized objective.
        constraints : list
            The list of canonicalized cosntraints.
        cached_data : dict
            A map of solver name to cached problem data.
        warm_start : bool
            Not used.
        verbose : bool
            Should the solver print output?
        solver_opts : dict
            Additional arguments for the solver.

            (status, optimal value, primal, equality dual, inequality dual)
        import gurobipy

        # Get problem data
        data = self.get_problem_data(objective, constraints, cached_data)

        c = data[s.C]
        b = data[s.B]
        A = dok_matrix(data[s.A])
        # Save the dok_matrix.
        data[s.A] = A
        data[s.BOOL_IDX] = solver_opts[s.BOOL_IDX]
        data[s.INT_IDX] = solver_opts[s.INT_IDX]

        n = c.shape[0]

        solver_cache = cached_data[self.name()]

        # TODO warmstart with SOC constraints.
        if warm_start and solver_cache.prev_result is not None \
           and len(data[s.DIMS][s.SOC_DIM]) == 0:
            model = solver_cache.prev_result["model"]
            variables = solver_cache.prev_result["variables"]
            gur_constrs = solver_cache.prev_result["gur_constrs"]
            c_prev = solver_cache.prev_result["c"]
            A_prev = solver_cache.prev_result["A"]
            b_prev = solver_cache.prev_result["b"]

            # If there is a parameter in the objective, it may have changed.
            if len(lu.get_expr_params(objective)) > 0:
                c_diff = c - c_prev

                I_unique = list(set(np.where(c_diff)[0]))

                for i in I_unique:
                    variables[i].Obj = c[i]
                # Stay consistent with Gurobi's representation of the problem
                c = c_prev

            # Get equality and inequality constraints.
            sym_data = self.get_sym_data(objective, constraints, cached_data)
            all_constrs, _, _ = self.split_constr(sym_data.constr_map)

            # If there is a parameter in the constraints,
            # A or b may have changed.
            if self._param_in_constr(all_constrs):
                A_diff = dok_matrix(A - A_prev)
                b_diff = b - b_prev

                # Figure out which rows of A and elements of b have changed
                    idxs, _ = zip(*[x for x in A_diff.keys()])
                except ValueError:
                    idxs = []
                I_unique = list(set(idxs) | set(np.where(b_diff)[0]))

                nonzero_locs = gurobipy.tuplelist(A.keys())

                # Update locations which have changed
                for i in I_unique:

                    # Remove old constraint if it exists
                    if gur_constrs[i] is not None:
                        gur_constrs[i] = None

                    # Add new constraint
                    if nonzero_locs.select(i, "*"):
                        expr_list = []
                        for loc in nonzero_locs.select(i, "*"):
                            expr_list.append((A[loc], variables[loc[1]]))
                        expr = gurobipy.LinExpr(expr_list)
                        if i < data[s.DIMS][s.EQ_DIM]:
                            ctype = gurobipy.GRB.EQUAL
                        elif data[s.DIMS][s.EQ_DIM] <= i \
                                < data[s.DIMS][s.EQ_DIM] + data[s.DIMS][s.LEQ_DIM]:
                            ctype = gurobipy.GRB.LESS_EQUAL
                        gur_constrs[i] = model.addConstr(expr, ctype, b[i])

                # Stay consistent with Gurobi's representation of the problem
                A = A_prev
                b = b_prev

            model = gurobipy.Model()
            variables = []
            for i in range(n):
                # Set variable type.
                if i in data[s.BOOL_IDX]:
                    vtype = gurobipy.GRB.BINARY
                elif i in data[s.INT_IDX]:
                    vtype = gurobipy.GRB.INTEGER
                    vtype = gurobipy.GRB.CONTINUOUS
                        name="x_%d" % i,
                        # Gurobi's default LB is 0 (WHY???)

            eq_constrs = self.add_model_lin_constr(
                model, variables, range(data[s.DIMS][s.EQ_DIM]),
                gurobipy.GRB.EQUAL, A, b)
            leq_start = data[s.DIMS][s.EQ_DIM]
            leq_end = data[s.DIMS][s.EQ_DIM] + data[s.DIMS][s.LEQ_DIM]
            ineq_constrs = self.add_model_lin_constr(model, variables,
                                                     range(leq_start, leq_end),
                                                     A, b)
            soc_start = leq_end
            soc_constrs = []
            new_leq_constrs = []
            for constr_len in data[s.DIMS][s.SOC_DIM]:
                soc_end = soc_start + constr_len
                soc_constr, new_leq, new_vars = self.add_model_soc_constr(
                    model, variables, range(soc_start, soc_end), A, b)
                new_leq_constrs += new_leq
                variables += new_vars
                soc_start += constr_len

            gur_constrs = eq_constrs + ineq_constrs + \
                soc_constrs + new_leq_constrs

        # Set verbosity and other parameters
        model.setParam("OutputFlag", verbose)
        # TODO user option to not compute duals.
        model.setParam("QCPDual", True)

        for key, value in solver_opts.items():
            model.setParam(key, value)

        results_dict = {}
            results_dict["primal objective"] = model.ObjVal
            results_dict["x"] = np.array([v.X for v in variables])

            # Only add duals if not a MIP.
            # Not sure why we need to negate the following,
            # but need to in order to be consistent with other solvers.
            if not self.is_mip(data):
                vals = []
                for lc in gur_constrs:
                    if lc is not None:
                        if isinstance(lc, gurobipy.QConstr):
                results_dict["y"] = -np.array(vals)

            results_dict["status"] = self.STATUS_MAP.get(
                model.Status, s.SOLVER_ERROR)
        except Exception:
            results_dict["status"] = s.SOLVER_ERROR

        results_dict["model"] = model
        results_dict["variables"] = variables
        results_dict["gur_constrs"] = gur_constrs
        results_dict[s.SOLVE_TIME] = model.Runtime

        return self.format_results(results_dict, data, cached_data)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def solve(self, objective, constraints, cached_data, warm_start, verbose,
        """Returns the result of the call to the solver.

        objective : LinOp
            The canonicalized objective.
        constraints : list
            The list of canonicalized cosntraints.
        cached_data : dict
            A map of solver name to cached problem data.
        warm_start : bool
            Should the previous solver result be used to warm_start?
        verbose : bool
            Should the solver print output?
        solver_opts : dict
            Additional arguments for the solver.

            (status, optimal value, primal, equality dual, inequality dual)

        import xpress

        verbose = True

        # Get problem data
        data = super(XPRESS, self).get_problem_data(objective, constraints,

        origprob = None

        if 'original_problem' in solver_opts.keys():
            origprob = solver_opts['original_problem']

        if 'no_qp_reduction' in solver_opts.keys(
        ) and solver_opts['no_qp_reduction'] is True:
            self.translate_back_QP_ = True

        c = data[s.C]  # objective coefficients

        dims = data[s.DIMS]  # contains number of columns, rows, etc.

        nrowsEQ = dims[s.EQ_DIM]
        nrowsLEQ = dims[s.LEQ_DIM]
        nrows = nrowsEQ + nrowsLEQ

        # linear constraints
        b = data[s.B][:nrows]  # right-hand side
        A = data[s.A][:nrows]  # coefficient matrix
        data[s.BOOL_IDX] = solver_opts[s.BOOL_IDX]
        data[s.INT_IDX] = solver_opts[s.INT_IDX]

        n = c.shape[0]  # number of variables

        solver_cache = cached_data[self.name()]


        # Allow warm start if all dimensions match, i.e., if the
        # modified problem has the same number of rows/column and the
        # same list of cone sizes. Failing that, we can just take the
        # standard route and build the problem from scratch.

        if warm_start and \
           solver_cache.prev_result is not None and \
           n == len(solver_cache.prev_result['obj']) and \
           nrows == len(solver_cache.prev_result['rhs']) and \
           data[s.DIMS][s.SOC_DIM] == solver_cache.prev_result['cone_ind']:

            # We are re-solving a problem that was previously solved

            # Initialize the problem as the same as the previous solve
            self.prob_ = solver_cache.prev_result['problem']

            c0 = solver_cache.prev_result['obj']
            A0 = solver_cache.prev_result['mat']
            b0 = solver_cache.prev_result['rhs']

            vartype0 = solver_cache.prev_result['vartype']

            # If there is a parameter in the objective, it may have changed.
            if len(linutils.get_expr_params(objective)) > 0:
                dci = numpy.where(c != c0)[0]
                self.prob_.chgobj(dci, c[dci])

            # Get equality and inequality constraints.
            sym_data = self.get_sym_data(objective, constraints, cached_data)
            all_constrs, _, _ = self.split_constr(sym_data.constr_map)

            # If there is a parameter in the constraints,
            # A or b may have changed.

            if any(
                    len(linutils.get_expr_params(con.expr)) > 0
                    for con in constraints):

                dAi = (A != A0).tocoo(
                )  # retrieves row/col nonzeros as a tuple of two arrays
                dbi = numpy.where(b != b0)[0]

                if dAi.getnnz() > 0:
                        dAi.row, dAi.col,
                        [A[i, j] for (i, j) in list(zip(dAi.row, dAi.col))])

                if len(dbi) > 0:
                    self.prob_.chgrhs(dbi, b[dbi])

            vartype = []
            self.prob_.getcoltype(vartype, 0, len(data[s.C]) - 1)

            vti = (numpy.array(vartype) != numpy.array(vartype0))

            if any(vti):
                self.prob_.chgcoltype(numpy.arange(len(c))[vti], vartype[vti])



            # No warm start, create problem from scratch

            # Problem
            self.prob_ = xpress.problem()

            mstart = makeMstart(A, len(c), 1)

            varGroups = {
            }  # If origprob is passed, used to tie IIS to original constraints
            transf2Orig = {
            }  # Ties transformation constraints to originals via varGroups
            nOrigVar = len(c)

            # From a summary knowledge of origprob.constraints() and
            # the constraints list, the following seems to hold:
            # 1) origprob.constraints is the list as generated by the
            #    user. origprob.constraints[i].size returns the number
            #    of actual rows in each constraint, while .constr_id
            #    returns its id (not necessarily numbered from 0).
            # 2) constraints is also a list whose every element
            #    contains fields size and constr_id. These correspond
            #    to the items in origprob.constraints, though the list
            #    is in not in order of constr_id. Also, given that it
            #    refers to the transformed problem, it contains extra
            #    constraints deriving from the cone transformations,
            #    all with a constr_id and a size.
            # Given this information, attempt to set names in varnames
            # and linRownames so that they can be easily identified

            # Load linear part of the problem.

            if origprob is not None:

                # The original problem was passed, we can take a
                # better guess at the constraints and variable names.

                nOrigVar = 0
                orig_id = [i.id for i in origprob.constraints]

                varnames = []
                for v in origprob.variables():
                    nOrigVar += v.size[0]
                    if v.size[0] == 1:
                            '{0}_{1:d}'.format(v.var_id, j)
                            for j in range(v.size[0])

                    for i in range(len(varnames), len(c))

                # Construct constraint name list by checking constr_id for each

                linRownames = []

                for con in constraints:
                    if con.constr_id in orig_id:

                        prefix = ''

                        if type(con.constr_id) == int:
                            prefix = 'row_'

                        if con.size[0] == 1:
                            name = '{0}{1}'.format(prefix, con.constr_id)
                            transf2Orig[name] = con.constr_id

                            names = [
                                '{0}{1}_{2:d}'.format(prefix, con.constr_id, j)
                                for j in range(con.size[0])
                            for i in names:
                                transf2Orig[i] = con.constr_id

                # Tie auxiliary variables to constraints. Scan all
                # auxiliary variables in the objective function and in
                # the corresponding columns of A.indices

                iObjQuad = 0  # keeps track of quadratic quantities in the objective

                for i in range(nOrigVar, len(c)):

                    if c[i] != 0:
                        varGroups[varnames[i]] = 'objF_{0}'.format(iObjQuad)
                        iObjQuad += 1

                    if len(A.indices[mstart[i]:mstart[i + 1]]) > 0:
                        varGroups[varnames[i]] = linRownames[min(
                            A.indices[mstart[i]:mstart[i + 1]])]


                # fall back to flat naming. Warning: this mixes
                # original with auxiliary variables.

                varnames = ['x_{0:05d}'.format(i) for i in range(len(c))]
                linRownames = ['lc_{0:05d}'.format(i) for i in range(len(b))]

                ['E'] * nrowsEQ + ['L'] * nrowsLEQ,  # qrtypes
                b,  # rhs
                None,  # range
                c,  # obj coeff
                mstart,  # mstart
                None,  # mnel
                A.indices,  # row indices
                A.data,  # coefficients
                [-xpress.infinity] * len(c),  # lower bound
                [xpress.infinity] * len(c),  # upper bound
                colnames=varnames,  # column names
                rownames=linRownames)  # row    names

            x = numpy.array(
                self.prob_.getVariable())  # get whole variable vector

            # Set variable types for discrete variables
                data[s.BOOL_IDX] + data[s.INT_IDX],
                'B' * len(data[s.BOOL_IDX]) + 'I' * len(data[s.INT_IDX]))

            currow = nrows

            iCone = 0

            auxVars = set(range(nOrigVar, len(c)))

            # Conic constraints
            # Quadratic objective and constraints fall in this category,
            # as all quadratic stuff is converted into a cone via a linear transformation
            for k in dims[s.SOC_DIM]:

                # k is the size of the i-th cone, where i is the index
                # within dims [s.SOC_DIM]. The cone variables in
                # CVXOPT, apparently, are separate variables that are
                # marked as conic but not shown in a cone explicitly.

                A = data[s.A][currow:currow + k].tocsr()
                b = data[s.B][currow:currow + k]
                currow += k

                if self.translate_back_QP_:

                    # Conic problem passed by CVXPY is translated back
                    # into a QP problem. The problem is passed to us
                    # as follows:
                    # min c'x
                    # s.t. Ax <>= b
                    #      y[i] = P[i]' * x + b[i]
                    #      ||y[i][1:]||_2 <= y[i][0]
                    # where P[i] is a matrix, b[i] is a vector. Get
                    # rid of the y variables by explicitly rewriting
                    # the conic constraint as quadratic:
                    # y[i][1:]' * y[i][1:] <= y[i][0]^2
                    # and hence
                    # (P[i][1:]' * x + b[i][1:])^2 <= (P[i][0]' * x + b[i][0])^2

                    Plhs = A[1:]
                    Prhs = A[0]

                    indRowL, indColL = Plhs.nonzero()
                    indRowR, indColR = Prhs.nonzero()

                    coeL = Plhs.data
                    coeR = Prhs.data

                    lhs = list(b[1:])
                    rhs = b[0]

                    for i in range(len(coeL)):
                        lhs[indRowL[i]] -= coeL[i] * x[indColL[i]]

                    for i in range(len(coeR)):
                        rhs -= coeR[i] * x[indColR[i]]

                                    for i in range(len(lhs))]) <= rhs**2)


                    # Create new (cone) variables and add them to the problem
                    conevar = numpy.array([
                        xpress.var(name='cX{0:d}_{1:d}'.format(iCone, i),
                                   lb=-xpress.infinity if i > 0 else 0)
                        for i in range(k)


                    initrow = self.prob_.attributes.rows

                    mstart = makeMstart(A, k, 0)

                    trNames = [
                        'linT_qc{0:d}_{1:d}'.format(iCone, i) for i in range(k)

                    # Linear transformation for cone variables <--> original variables
                        ['E'] * k,  # qrtypes
                        b,  # rhs
                        mstart,  # mstart
                        A.indices,  # ind
                        A.data,  # dmatval
                        names=trNames)  # row names

                    self.prob_.chgmcoef([initrow + i for i in range(k)],
                                        conevar, [1] * k)

                    conename = 'cone_qc{0:d}'.format(iCone)
                    # Real cone on the cone variables (if k == 1 there's no
                    # need for this constraint as y**2 >= 0 is redundant)
                    if k > 1:
                                for i in range(1, k)) <= conevar[0]**2,

                    auxInd = list(set(A.indices) & auxVars)

                    if len(auxInd) > 0:
                        group = varGroups[varnames[auxInd[0]]]
                        for i in trNames:
                            transf2Orig[i] = group
                        transf2Orig[conename] = group

                iCone += 1

            # Objective. Minimize is by default both here and in CVXOPT
                xpress.Sum(c[i] * x[i] for i in range(len(c))))

        # End of the conditional (warm-start vs. no warm-start) code,
        # set options, solve, and report.

        # Set options
        # The parameter solver_opts is a dictionary that contains only
        # one key, 'solver_opt', and its value is a dictionary
        # {'control': value}, matching perfectly the format used by
        # the Xpress Python interface.

        if verbose:
            self.prob_.controls.miplog = 2
            self.prob_.controls.lplog = 1
            self.prob_.controls.outputlog = 1
            self.prob_.controls.miplog = 0
            self.prob_.controls.lplog = 0
            self.prob_.controls.outputlog = 0

        if 'solver_opts' in solver_opts.keys():

            i: solver_opts[i]
            for i in solver_opts.keys()
            if i in xpress.controls.__dict__.keys()

        # Solve

        results_dict = {
            'problem': self.prob_,
            'status': self.prob_.getProbStatus(),
            'obj_value': self.prob_.getObjVal(),

        status_map_lp, status_map_mip = self.get_status_maps()

        if self.is_mip(data):
            status = status_map_mip[results_dict['status']]
            status = status_map_lp[results_dict['status']]

        results_dict[s.XPRESS_TROW] = transf2Orig

            s.XPRESS_IIS] = None  # Return no IIS if problem is feasible

        if status in s.SOLUTION_PRESENT:
            results_dict['x'] = self.prob_.getSolution()
            if not self.is_mip(data):
                results_dict['y'] = self.prob_.getDual()

        elif status == s.INFEASIBLE:

            # Retrieve all IIS. For LPs there can be more than one,
            # but for QCQPs there is only support for one IIS.

            iisIndex = 0

            self.prob_.iisfirst(0)  # compute all IIS

            row, col, rtype, btype, duals, rdcs, isrows, icols = [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []

            self.prob_.getiisdata(0, row, col, rtype, btype, duals, rdcs,
                                  isrows, icols)

            origrow = []
            for iRow in row:
                if iRow.name in transf2Orig.keys():
                    name = transf2Orig[iRow.name]
                    name = iRow.name

                if name not in origrow:

            results_dict[s.XPRESS_IIS] = [{
                'orig_row': origrow,
                'row': row,
                'col': col,
                'rtype': rtype,
                'btype': btype,
                'duals': duals,
                'redcost': rdcs,
                'isolrow': isrows,
                'isolcol': icols

            while self.prob_.iisnext() == 0:
                iisIndex += 1
                self.prob_.getiisdata(iisIndex, row, col, rtype, btype, duals,
                                      rdcs, isrows, icols)
                    (row, col, rtype, btype, duals, rdcs, isrows, icols))

        return self.format_results(results_dict, data, cached_data)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def solve(self, objective, constraints, cached_data,
              warm_start, verbose, solver_opts):

        """Returns the result of the call to the solver.

        objective : LinOp
            The canonicalized objective.
        constraints : list
            The list of canonicalized cosntraints.
        cached_data : dict
            A map of solver name to cached problem data.
        warm_start : bool
            Should the previous solver result be used to warm_start?
        verbose : bool
            Should the solver print output?
        solver_opts : dict
            Additional arguments for the solver.

            (status, optimal value, primal, equality dual, inequality dual)

        import xpress

        verbose = True

        # Get problem data
        data = super(XPRESS, self).get_problem_data(objective, constraints, cached_data)

        origprob = None

        if 'original_problem' in solver_opts.keys():
            origprob = solver_opts['original_problem']

        if 'no_qp_reduction' in solver_opts.keys() and solver_opts['no_qp_reduction'] is True:
            self.translate_back_QP_ = True

        c = data[s.C]  # objective coefficients

        dims = data[s.DIMS]  # contains number of columns, rows, etc.

        nrowsEQ = dims[s.EQ_DIM]
        nrowsLEQ = dims[s.LEQ_DIM]
        nrows = nrowsEQ + nrowsLEQ

        # linear constraints
        b = data[s.B][:nrows]  # right-hand side
        A = data[s.A][:nrows]  # coefficient matrix

        n = c.shape[0]  # number of variables

        solver_cache = cached_data[self.name()]


        # Allow warm start if all dimensions match, i.e., if the
        # modified problem has the same number of rows/column and the
        # same list of cone sizes. Failing that, we can just take the
        # standard route and build the problem from scratch.

        if warm_start and \
           solver_cache.prev_result is not None and \
           n == len(solver_cache.prev_result['obj']) and \
           nrows == len(solver_cache.prev_result['rhs']) and \
           data[s.DIMS][s.SOC_DIM] == solver_cache.prev_result['cone_ind']:

            # We are re-solving a problem that was previously solved

            # Initialize the problem as the same as the previous solve
            self.prob_ = solver_cache.prev_result['problem']

            c0 = solver_cache.prev_result['obj']
            A0 = solver_cache.prev_result['mat']
            b0 = solver_cache.prev_result['rhs']

            vartype0 = solver_cache.prev_result['vartype']

            # If there is a parameter in the objective, it may have changed.
            if len(linutils.get_expr_params(objective)) > 0:
                dci = numpy.where(c != c0)[0]
                self.prob_.chgobj(dci, c[dci])

            # Get equality and inequality constraints.
            sym_data = self.get_sym_data(objective, constraints, cached_data)
            all_constrs, _, _ = self.split_constr(sym_data.constr_map)

            # If there is a parameter in the constraints,
            # A or b may have changed.

            if any(len(linutils.get_expr_params(con.expr)) > 0 for con in constraints):

                dAi = (A != A0).tocoo()  # retrieves row/col nonzeros as a tuple of two arrays
                dbi = numpy.where(b != b0)[0]

                if dAi.getnnz() > 0:
                    self.prob_.chgmcoef(dAi.row, dAi.col,
                                        [A[i, j] for (i, j) in list(zip(dAi.row, dAi.col))])

                if len(dbi) > 0:
                    self.prob_.chgrhs(dbi, b[dbi])

            vartype = []
            self.prob_.getcoltype(vartype, 0, len(data[s.C]) - 1)

            vti = (numpy.array(vartype) != numpy.array(vartype0))

            if any(vti):
                self.prob_.chgcoltype(numpy.arange(len(c))[vti], vartype[vti])



            # No warm start, create problem from scratch

            # Problem
            self.prob_ = xpress.problem()

            mstart = makeMstart(A, len(c), 1)

            varGroups = {}  # If origprob is passed, used to tie IIS to original constraints
            transf2Orig = {}  # Ties transformation constraints to originals via varGroups
            nOrigVar = len(c)

            # From a summary knowledge of origprob.constraints() and
            # the constraints list, the following seems to hold:
            # 1) origprob.constraints is the list as generated by the
            #    user. origprob.constraints[i].size returns the number
            #    of actual rows in each constraint, while .constr_id
            #    returns its id (not necessarily numbered from 0).
            # 2) constraints is also a list whose every element
            #    contains fields size and constr_id. These correspond
            #    to the items in origprob.constraints, though the list
            #    is in not in order of constr_id. Also, given that it
            #    refers to the transformed problem, it contains extra
            #    constraints deriving from the cone transformations,
            #    all with a constr_id and a size.
            # Given this information, attempt to set names in varnames
            # and linRownames so that they can be easily identified

            # Load linear part of the problem.

            if origprob is not None:

                # The original problem was passed, we can take a
                # better guess at the constraints and variable names.

                nOrigVar = 0
                orig_id = [i.id for i in origprob.constraints]

                varnames = []
                for v in origprob.variables():
                    nOrigVar += v.size[0]
                    if v.size[0] == 1:
                        varnames.append('{0}'. format(v.var_id))
                        varnames.extend(['{0}_{1:d}'. format(v.var_id, j)
                                         for j in range(v.size[0])])

                varnames.extend(['aux_{0:d}'.format(i) for i in range(len(varnames), len(c))])

                # Construct constraint name list by checking constr_id for each

                linRownames = []

                for con in constraints:
                    if con.constr_id in orig_id:

                        prefix = ''

                        if type(con.constr_id) == int:
                            prefix = 'row_'

                        if con.size[0] == 1:
                            name = '{0}{1}'.format(prefix, con.constr_id)
                            transf2Orig[name] = con.constr_id

                            names = ['{0}{1}_{2:d}'.format(prefix, con.constr_id, j)
                                     for j in range(con.size[0])]
                            for i in names:
                                transf2Orig[i] = con.constr_id

                # Tie auxiliary variables to constraints. Scan all
                # auxiliary variables in the objective function and in
                # the corresponding columns of A.indices

                iObjQuad = 0  # keeps track of quadratic quantities in the objective

                for i in range(nOrigVar, len(c)):

                    if c[i] != 0:
                        varGroups[varnames[i]] = 'objF_{0}'.format(iObjQuad)
                        iObjQuad += 1

                    if len(A.indices[mstart[i]:mstart[i+1]]) > 0:
                        varGroups[varnames[i]] = linRownames[min(A.indices[mstart[i]:mstart[i+1]])]


                # fall back to flat naming. Warning: this mixes
                # original with auxiliary variables.

                varnames = ['x_{0:05d}'. format(i) for i in range(len(c))]
                linRownames = ['lc_{0:05d}'.format(i) for i in range(len(b))]

                                   ['E'] * nrowsEQ + ['L'] * nrowsLEQ,  # qrtypes
                                   b,                                   # rhs
                                   None,                                # range
                                   c,                                   # obj coeff
                                   mstart,                              # mstart
                                   None,                                # mnel
                                   A.indices,                           # row indices
                                   A.data,                              # coefficients
                                   [-xpress.infinity] * len(c),         # lower bound
                                   [xpress.infinity] * len(c),          # upper bound
                                   colnames=varnames,                   # column names
                                   rownames=linRownames)                # row    names

            x = numpy.array(self.prob_.getVariable())  # get whole variable vector

            # Set variable types for discrete variables
            self.prob_.chgcoltype(data[s.BOOL_IDX] + data[s.INT_IDX],
                                  'B' * len(data[s.BOOL_IDX]) + 'I' * len(data[s.INT_IDX]))

            currow = nrows

            iCone = 0

            auxVars = set(range(nOrigVar, len(c)))

            # Conic constraints
            # Quadratic objective and constraints fall in this category,
            # as all quadratic stuff is converted into a cone via a linear transformation
            for k in dims[s.SOC_DIM]:

                # k is the size of the i-th cone, where i is the index
                # within dims [s.SOC_DIM]. The cone variables in
                # CVXOPT, apparently, are separate variables that are
                # marked as conic but not shown in a cone explicitly.

                A = data[s.A][currow: currow + k].tocsr()
                b = data[s.B][currow: currow + k]
                currow += k

                if self.translate_back_QP_:

                    # Conic problem passed by CVXPY is translated back
                    # into a QP problem. The problem is passed to us
                    # as follows:
                    # min c'x
                    # s.t. Ax <>= b
                    #      y[i] = P[i]' * x + b[i]
                    #      ||y[i][1:]||_2 <= y[i][0]
                    # where P[i] is a matrix, b[i] is a vector. Get
                    # rid of the y variables by explicitly rewriting
                    # the conic constraint as quadratic:
                    # y[i][1:]' * y[i][1:] <= y[i][0]^2
                    # and hence
                    # (P[i][1:]' * x + b[i][1:])^2 <= (P[i][0]' * x + b[i][0])^2

                    Plhs = A[1:]
                    Prhs = A[0]

                    indRowL, indColL = Plhs.nonzero()
                    indRowR, indColR = Prhs.nonzero()

                    coeL = Plhs.data
                    coeR = Prhs.data

                    lhs = list(b[1:])
                    rhs = b[0]

                    for i in range(len(coeL)):
                        lhs[indRowL[i]] -= coeL[i] * x[indColL[i]]

                    for i in range(len(coeR)):
                        rhs -= coeR[i] * x[indColR[i]]

                    self.prob_.addConstraint(xpress.Sum([lhs[i]**2 for i in range(len(lhs))])
                                             <= rhs**2)


                    # Create new (cone) variables and add them to the problem
                    conevar = numpy.array([xpress.var(name='cX{0:d}_{1:d}'.format(iCone, i),
                                                      lb=-xpress.infinity if i > 0 else 0)
                                           for i in range(k)])


                    initrow = self.prob_.attributes.rows

                    mstart = makeMstart(A, k, 0)

                    trNames = ['linT_qc{0:d}_{1:d}'.format(iCone, i) for i in range(k)]

                    # Linear transformation for cone variables <--> original variables
                    self.prob_.addrows(['E'] * k,        # qrtypes
                                       b,                # rhs
                                       mstart,           # mstart
                                       A.indices,        # ind
                                       A.data,           # dmatval
                                       names=trNames)  # row names

                    self.prob_.chgmcoef([initrow + i for i in range(k)],
                                        conevar, [1] * k)

                    conename = 'cone_qc{0:d}'.format(iCone)
                    # Real cone on the cone variables (if k == 1 there's no
                    # need for this constraint as y**2 >= 0 is redundant)
                    if k > 1:
                                              (conevar[i]**2 for i in range(1, k))
                                              <= conevar[0] ** 2,

                    auxInd = list(set(A.indices) & auxVars)

                    if len(auxInd) > 0:
                        group = varGroups[varnames[auxInd[0]]]
                        for i in trNames:
                            transf2Orig[i] = group
                        transf2Orig[conename] = group

                iCone += 1

            # Objective. Minimize is by default both here and in CVXOPT
            self.prob_.setObjective(xpress.Sum(c[i] * x[i] for i in range(len(c))))

        # End of the conditional (warm-start vs. no warm-start) code,
        # set options, solve, and report.

        # Set options
        # The parameter solver_opts is a dictionary that contains only
        # one key, 'solver_opt', and its value is a dictionary
        # {'control': value}, matching perfectly the format used by
        # the Xpress Python interface.

        if verbose:
            self.prob_.controls.miplog = 2
            self.prob_.controls.lplog = 1
            self.prob_.controls.outputlog = 1
            self.prob_.controls.miplog = 0
            self.prob_.controls.lplog = 0
            self.prob_.controls.outputlog = 0

        if 'solver_opts' in solver_opts.keys():

        self.prob_.setControl({i: solver_opts[i] for i in solver_opts.keys()
                               if i in xpress.controls.__dict__.keys()})

        # Solve

        results_dict = {

            'problem':   self.prob_,
            'status':    self.prob_.getProbStatus(),
            'obj_value': self.prob_.getObjVal(),

        status_map_lp, status_map_mip = self.get_status_maps()

        if self.is_mip(data):
            status = status_map_mip[results_dict['status']]
            status = status_map_lp[results_dict['status']]

        results_dict[s.XPRESS_TROW] = transf2Orig

        results_dict[s.XPRESS_IIS] = None  # Return no IIS if problem is feasible

        if status in s.SOLUTION_PRESENT:
            results_dict['x'] = self.prob_.getSolution()
            if not self.is_mip(data):
                results_dict['y'] = self.prob_.getDual()

        elif status == s.INFEASIBLE:

            # Retrieve all IIS. For LPs there can be more than one,
            # but for QCQPs there is only support for one IIS.

            iisIndex = 0

            self.prob_.iisfirst(0)  # compute all IIS

            row, col, rtype, btype, duals, rdcs, isrows, icols = [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []

            self.prob_.getiisdata(0, row, col, rtype, btype, duals, rdcs, isrows, icols)

            origrow = []
            for iRow in row:
                if iRow.name in transf2Orig.keys():
                    name = transf2Orig[iRow.name]
                    name = iRow.name

                if name not in origrow:

            results_dict[s.XPRESS_IIS] = [{'orig_row': origrow,
                                           'row':      row,
                                           'col':      col,
                                           'rtype':    rtype,
                                           'btype':    btype,
                                           'duals':    duals,
                                           'redcost':  rdcs,
                                           'isolrow':  isrows,
                                           'isolcol':  icols}]

            while self.prob_.iisnext() == 0:
                iisIndex += 1
                                      row, col, rtype, btype, duals, rdcs, isrows, icols)
                    row, col, rtype, btype, duals, rdcs, isrows, icols))

        return self.format_results(results_dict, data, cached_data)