def form_prox(prob, x_vars): """ Given a CVXPY problem, form its prox. Given problem: min f(x), form the prox problem: min f(x) + tau*||x-x0||^2 Parameters ---------- prob: CVXPY problem x_vars: dict Dict of k:v pairs, where k is a string, and v is a CVXPY Variable that appears in `prob` Returns ------- pxprob: CVXPY prox problem x0_vars: dict Dict of k:v pairs, where v is CVXPY Parameter object, corresponding to prox input x0 x0_vars also contains special key '__tau', which corresponds to the regularization parameter """ tau = cvx.Parameter(sign="positive") x0_vars = {'__tau': tau} obj = 0 for k in x_vars: x = x_vars[k] x0 = cvx.Parameter(*x.size) x0_vars[k] = x0 obj = obj + tau * cvx.sum_squares(x - x0) pxprob = cvx.Problem(prob.objective + cvx.Minimize(obj), prob.constraints) return pxprob, x0_vars
def power_ene_reservations(self, opt_vars, mask): """ Determines power and energy reservations required at the end of each timestep for the service to be provided. Additionally keeps track of the reservations per optimization window so the values maybe accessed later. Args: opt_vars (Dict): dictionary of variables being optimized mask (DataFrame): A boolean array that is true for indices corresponding to time_series data included in the subs data set Returns: A power reservation and a energy reservation array for the optimization window-- C_max, C_min, D_max, D_min, E_upper, E, and E_lower (in that order) """ eta = size = opt_vars['ene'].shape # calculate reservations c_max = 0 c_min = opt_vars['nsr_c'] d_min = 0 d_max = opt_vars['nsr_d'] e_upper = cvx.Parameter(shape=size, value=np.zeros(size), name='e_upper') e = cvx.Parameter(shape=size, value=np.zeros(size), name='e') e_lower = opt_vars['nsr_c'] * eta * self.dt + opt_vars[ 'nsr_d'] * self.duration # save reservation for optimization window self.e.append(e) self.e_lower.append(e_lower) self.e_upper.append(e_upper) self.c_max.append(c_max) self.c_min.append(c_min) self.d_max.append(d_max) self.d_min.append(d_min) return [c_max, c_min, d_max, d_min], [e_upper, e, e_lower]
def simple_qp(): # print(f'--- {sys._getframe().f_code.co_name} ---') print('simple qp') npr.seed(0) nx, ncon = 2, 3 G = cp.Parameter((ncon, nx)) h = cp.Parameter(ncon) x = cp.Variable(nx) obj = cp.Minimize(0.5 * cp.sum_squares(x - 1)) cons = [G * x <= h] prob = cp.Problem(obj, cons) data, chain, inv_data = prob.get_problem_data(solver=cp.SCS) param_prob = data[cp.settings.PARAM_PROB] print(param_prob.A.A) x0 = npr.randn(nx) s0 = npr.randn(ncon) G.value = npr.randn(ncon, nx) h.value = + s0 prob.solve(solver=cp.SCS) delC = npr.randn(param_prob.c.shape[0])[:-1] delA = npr.randn(param_prob.A.shape[0]) num_con = delA.size // (param_prob.x.size + 1) delb = delA[-num_con:] delA = delA[:-num_con] delA = sp.csc_matrix(np.reshape(delA, (num_con, param_prob.x.size))) del_param_dict = param_prob.apply_param_jac(delC, delA, delb) print(del_param_dict) var_map = param_prob.split_solution(npr.randn(param_prob.x.size)) print(var_map) print(param_prob.split_adjoint(var_map)) print(x.value)
def test_least_squares(self): set_seed(243) m, n = 100, 20 A = cp.Parameter((m, n)) b = cp.Parameter(m) x = cp.Variable(n) obj = cp.sum_squares(A@x - b) + cp.sum_squares(x) prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(obj)) prob_th = CvxpyLayer(prob, [A, b], [x]) A_th = torch.randn(m, n).double().requires_grad_() b_th = torch.randn(m).double().requires_grad_() x = prob_th(A_th, b_th, solver_args={"eps": 1e-10})[0] def lstsq( A, b): return torch.solve( (A.t() @ b).unsqueeze(1), A.t() @ A + torch.eye(n).double())[0] x_lstsq = lstsq(A_th, b_th) grad_A_cvxpy, grad_b_cvxpy = grad(x.sum(), [A_th, b_th]) grad_A_lstsq, grad_b_lstsq = grad(x_lstsq.sum(), [A_th, b_th]) self.assertAlmostEqual( torch.norm( grad_A_cvxpy - grad_A_lstsq).item(), 0.0) self.assertAlmostEqual( torch.norm( grad_b_cvxpy - grad_b_lstsq).item(), 0.0)
def __init__(self, nz, nu, K, Q, R, zmin, zmax, umin, umax): self._nz = nz self._nu = nu self._K = K self._Q = Q self._R = R self._zmin = zmin self._zmax = zmax self._umin = umin self._umax = umax # Define parameters self.z_init = cp.Parameter(self._nz) self.z_goal = cp.Parameter(self._nz) self.A = [None] * self._K self.B = [None] * self._K self.o = [None] * self._K for k in range(self._K): self.A[k] = cp.Parameter((self._nz, self._nz)) self.B[k] = cp.Parameter((self._nz, self._nu)) # Define action and observation vectors (variables) self.u = cp.Variable((self._nu, self._K)) self.z = cp.Variable((self._nz, self._K + 1)) objective = 0 constraints = [self.z[:, 0] == self.z_init] for k in range(self._K): objective += cp.quad_form(self.z[:, k+1] - self.z_goal, self._Q) + cp.quad_form(self.u[:, k], self._R) constraints += [self.z[:, k + 1] == self.A[k] * self.z[:, k] + self.B[k] * self.u[:, k]] constraints += [self._zmin <= self.z[:, k], self.z[:, k] <= self._zmax] constraints += [self._umin <= self.u[:, k], self.u[:, k] <= self._umax] self.prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(objective), constraints)
def test_least_squares(self): key = random.PRNGKey(0) m, n = 100, 20 A = cp.Parameter((m, n)) b = cp.Parameter(m) x = cp.Variable(n) obj = cp.sum_squares(A @ x - b) + cp.sum_squares(x) prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(obj)) prob_jax = CvxpyLayer(prob, [A, b], [x]) key, k1, k2 = random.split(key, num=3) A_jax = random.normal(k1, shape=(m, n)) b_jax = random.normal(k2, shape=(m, )) def lstsq_sum_cp(A_jax, b_jax): x = prob_jax(A_jax, b_jax, solver_args={'eps': 1e-10})[0] return sum(x) def lstsq_sum_linalg(A_jax, b_jax): x = jnp.linalg.solve(A_jax.T @ A_jax + jnp.eye(n), A_jax.T @ b_jax) return sum(x) d_lstsq_sum_cp = jax.grad(lstsq_sum_cp, [0, 1]) d_lstsq_sum_linalg = jax.grad(lstsq_sum_linalg, [0, 1]) grad_A_cvxpy, grad_b_cvxpy = d_lstsq_sum_cp(A_jax, b_jax) grad_A_lstsq, grad_b_lstsq = d_lstsq_sum_linalg(A_jax, b_jax) self.assertAlmostEqual(jnp.linalg.norm(grad_A_cvxpy - grad_A_lstsq).item(), 0.0, places=6) self.assertAlmostEqual(jnp.linalg.norm(grad_b_cvxpy - grad_b_lstsq).item(), 0.0, places=6)
def objective_function(self, variables, subs, generation, annuity_scalar=1): """ Generates the full objective function, including the optimization variables. Args: variables (Dict): dictionary of variables being optimized subs (DataFrame): table of load data for the optimization windows generation (list, Expression): the sum of generation within the system annuity_scalar (float): a scalar value to be multiplied by any yearly cost or benefit that helps capture the cost/benefit over the entire project lifetime (only to be set iff sizing) Returns: The expression of the objective function that it affects. This can be passed into the cvxpy solver. """ size = subs.index.size load = cvx.Parameter(size, value=np.array(subs.loc[:, "load"]), name='load') p_energy = cvx.Parameter(size, value=self.p_energy.loc[subs.index].values, name='energy_price') load_p = p_energy * load # TODO: make sure element-wise multiplication discharge_p = p_energy * variables['dis'] charge_p = p_energy * variables['ch'] generation_p = p_energy * generation # self.costs.append(cvx.sum(load_penergy - discharge_penergy + charge_penergy - generation_penergy)*annuity_scalar) return { cvx.sum(load_p - discharge_p + charge_p - generation_p) * self.dt * annuity_scalar }
def objective_function(self, variables, subs, generation, annuity_scalar=1): """ Generates the full objective function, including the optimization variables. Args: variables (Dict): dictionary of variables being optimized subs (DataFrame): table of load data for the optimization windows generation (list, Expression): the sum of generation within the system annuity_scalar (float): a scalar value to be multiplied by any yearly cost or benefit that helps capture the cost/benefit over the entire project lifetime (only to be set iff sizing) Returns: The portion of the objective function that it affects. This can be passed into the cvxpy solver. Returns costs - benefits """ # pay for reg down energy, get paid for reg up energy # paid revenue for capacity to do both p_regu = cvx.Parameter(subs.index.size, value=self.p_regu.loc[subs.index].values, name='p_regu') p_regd = cvx.Parameter(subs.index.size, value=self.p_regd.loc[subs.index].values, name='p_regd') p_ene = cvx.Parameter(subs.index.size, value=self.price.loc[subs.index].values, name='price') regup_charge_payment = cvx.sum(variables['regu_c'] * -p_regu) * annuity_scalar regup_charge_settlement = cvx.sum(variables['regu_c'] * -p_ene) * self.dt * self.kru_avg * annuity_scalar regup_disch_payment = cvx.sum(variables['regu_d'] * -p_regu) * annuity_scalar regup_disch_settlement = cvx.sum(variables['regu_d'] * -p_ene) * self.dt * self.kru_avg * annuity_scalar regdown_charge_payment = cvx.sum(variables['regd_c'] * -p_regd) * annuity_scalar regdown_charge_settlement = cvx.sum(variables['regd_c'] * p_ene) * self.dt * self.krd_avg * annuity_scalar regdown_disch_payment = cvx.sum(variables['regd_d'] * -p_regd) * annuity_scalar regdown_disch_settlement = cvx.sum(variables['regd_d'] * p_ene) * self.dt * self.krd_avg * annuity_scalar return {'regup_payment': regup_charge_payment + regup_disch_payment, 'regdown_payment': regdown_charge_payment + regdown_disch_payment, 'fr_energy_settlement': regup_disch_settlement + regdown_disch_settlement + regup_charge_settlement + regdown_charge_settlement}
def _formulate(self, b: np.ndarray=None) -> None: """ Formulate Problem Internal methods that fromulate and prepare the cvxpy model to be fit Args ---- b: np.array, dtype float Return ------ Nothing """ if (self.mask is None): raise ValueError("mask paramenter not provided. A mask is required to fit the model") # Define and construct variables and costants self.x = cvxpy.Variable(self.cfg.A.shape[1], 1) if b is None: self.b = cvxpy.Parameter(rows=self.cfg.A.shape[0], cols=1, sign="positive", value=np.zeros(self.cfg.A.shape[0])) else: self.b = cvxpy.Parameter(rows=self.cfg.A.shape[0], cols=1, sign="positive", value=b) self.A = cvxpy.Parameter(rows=self.cfg.A.shape[0], cols=self.cfg.A.shape[1], sign="positive", value=self.cfg.A) self.x_img = cvxpy.reshape(self.x, self.mask.shape[0], self.mask.shape[1]) # x must be reshaped to allow calling on it. Possible reimplementation of the tv filter might speed-up self.background = cvxpy.mul_elemwise(1. - self.mask.flat[:], self.x_img) # The definition of the problem self.objective = cvxpy.Minimize(cvxpy.sum_squares(self.A * self.x - self.b) + self.beta * )#+ self.alpha * cvxpy.norm(self.x, 1) ) self.constraints = [self.x >= 0., self.background == 0, cvxpy.sum_entries(self.x) - 0.85*cvxpy.sum_entries(self.b)/2*self.b_n >= 0] self.problem = cvxpy.Problem(self.objective, self.constraints) self.formulated = True
def diamond_norm(choi0: np.ndarray, choi1: np.ndarray) -> float: """Return the diamond norm between two completely positive trace-preserving (CPTP) superoperators, represented as Choi matrices. The calculation uses the simplified semidefinite program of Watrous [arXiv:0901.4709]( This calculation becomes very slow for 4 or more qubits. [J. Watrous, [Theory of Computing 5, 11, pp. 217-238 (2009)](] :param choi0: A 4^N x 4^N matrix (where N is the number of qubits) :param choi1: A 4^N x 4^N matrix (where N is the number of qubits) """ # Kudos: Based on MatLab code written by Marcus P. da Silva # ( import cvxpy as cvx assert choi0.shape == choi1.shape assert choi0.shape[0] == choi1.shape[1] dim2 = choi0.shape[0] dim = int(np.sqrt(dim2)) delta_choi = choi0 - choi1 delta_choi = (delta_choi.conj().T + delta_choi) / 2 # Enforce Hermiticity # Density matrix must be Hermitian, positive semidefinite, trace 1 rho = cvx.Variable([dim, dim], complex=True) constraints = [rho == rho.H] constraints += [rho >> 0] constraints += [cvx.trace(rho) == 1] # W must be Hermitian, positive semidefinite W = cvx.Variable([dim2, dim2], complex=True) constraints += [W == W.H] constraints += [W >> 0] constraints += [(W - cvx.kron(np.eye(dim), rho)) << 0] J = cvx.Parameter([dim2, dim2], complex=True) objective = cvx.Maximize(cvx.real(cvx.trace(J.H * W))) prob = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints) J.value = delta_choi prob.solve() dnorm = prob.value * 2 return dnorm
def add_align_constraints(ctrl): """ Add the alignment constraints for the longitudinal MPC """ ctrl.u_delay = cvxpy.Parameter(4, 4, "u_delay") ctrl.past_input = cvxpy.Variable(4, ctrl.T + 4, "past_input") deltax = cvxpy.sum_squares(ctrl.x[0, 2:] - ctrl.x[5, 2:]) deltay = cvxpy.sum_squares(ctrl.x[1, 10:] - ctrl.x[6, 10:]) # Distance -> 0 ctrl.objective.append(1.0*deltax) ctrl.objective.append(1.0*deltay) ctrl.objective.append(cvxpy.sum_squares(ctrl.x[3, 2:])) # a ctrl.objective.append(cvxpy.sum_squares(ctrl.x[8, 2:])) # a for t in range(ctrl.T): ctrl.objective.append(2*cvxpy.sum_squares(ctrl.u[:, t])) for t in range(2,ctrl.T): # UAV velocity -> 20 ctrl.objective.append(cvxpy.sum_squares(ctrl.x[2, t] - 20)) ctrl.objective.append(cvxpy.sum_squares(ctrl.x[7, t] - 20)) # Rate of change, acceleration ctrl.objective.append(1*cvxpy.sum_squares(ctrl.u[2, t] - ctrl.u[2, t-1])) ctrl.objective.append(3*cvxpy.sum_squares(ctrl.u[0, t] - ctrl.u[0, t-1])) ### END CONSTRAINTS ### # Distance ctrl.constraints += [ctrl.x[0, -1] - ctrl.x[5, -1] <= 1.0] # deltax ctrl.constraints += [ctrl.x[0, -1] - ctrl.x[5, -1] >= -1.0] ctrl.constraints += [ctrl.x[1, -1] - ctrl.x[6, -1] <= 1.0] # deltay ctrl.constraints += [ctrl.x[1, -1] - ctrl.x[6, -1] >= -1.0] # Velocity ctrl.constraints += [ctrl.x[2, -1] - ctrl.x[7, -1] == 0] # Acceleration ctrl.constraints += [ctrl.x[3, -1] - ctrl.x[8, -1] == 0] ### Dynamic constriants ### # Include past inputs: 0 = t-4, 1 = t-3, 2 = t-2, 3 = t-1, 4=t ctrl.constraints += [ctrl.past_input[:,0:4] == ctrl.u_delay] ctrl.constraints += [ctrl.past_input[:,4:] == ctrl.u[:,:]] ctrl.constraints += [ctrl.x[:, 1:ctrl.T+1] == ctrl.A*ctrl.x[:, 0:ctrl.T] + ctrl.B[:,0]*ctrl.u[0,0:ctrl.T] #a_uav(t) + ctrl.B[:,2]*ctrl.u[2,0:ctrl.T] #a_ugv(t) + ctrl.B[:,3]*ctrl.u[3,0:ctrl.T] #psi_ugv(t) + ctrl.B[:,4]*ctrl.past_input[1, 2:ctrl.T+2] #psi_uav(t - 2) + ctrl.B[:,5]*ctrl.past_input[1, 1:ctrl.T+1]] #psi_uav(t - 3) return ctrl
def efficient_risk(self, target_volatility, market_neutral=False): """ Maximise return for a target risk. The resulting portfolio will have a volatility less than the target (but not guaranteed to be equal). :param target_volatility: the desired maximum volatility of the resulting portfolio. :type target_volatility: float :param market_neutral: whether the portfolio should be market neutral (weights sum to zero), defaults to False. Requires negative lower weight bound. :param market_neutral: bool, optional :raises ValueError: if ``target_volatility`` is not a positive float :raises ValueError: if no portfolio can be found with volatility equal to ``target_volatility`` :raises ValueError: if ``risk_free_rate`` is non-numeric :return: asset weights for the efficient risk portfolio :rtype: OrderedDict """ if not isinstance(target_volatility, (float, int)) or target_volatility < 0: raise ValueError("target_volatility should be a positive float") global_min_volatility = np.sqrt( 1 / np.sum(np.linalg.pinv(self.cov_matrix))) if target_volatility < global_min_volatility: raise ValueError( "The minimum volatility is {:.3f}. Please use a higher target_volatility" .format(global_min_volatility)) update_existing_parameter = self.is_parameter_defined( "target_variance") if update_existing_parameter: self._validate_market_neutral(market_neutral) self.update_parameter_value("target_variance", target_volatility**2) else: self._objective = objective_functions.portfolio_return( self._w, self.expected_returns) variance = objective_functions.portfolio_variance( self._w, self.cov_matrix) for obj in self._additional_objectives: self._objective += obj target_variance = cp.Parameter(name="target_variance", value=target_volatility**2, nonneg=True) self.add_constraint(lambda _: variance <= target_variance) self._make_weight_sum_constraint(market_neutral) return self._solve_cvxpy_opt_problem()
def __init__(self, n, eps): cvxopt.glpk.options["msg_lev"] = "GLP_MSG_OFF" # self.objs = objs # the two objs [l, g]. self.n = n # the dimension of \theta self.eps = eps # the error bar of the optimization process [eps1 < g, eps2 < delta1, eps3 < delta2] self.deltas = cp.Parameter(2) # the two deltas of the objectives [l1, l2] self.Ca1 = cp.Parameter((2,1)) # [d_l, d_g] * d_l or [d_l, d_g] * d_g. self.Ca2 = cp.Parameter((2,1)) self.alpha = cp.Variable((1,2)) # Variable to optimize # disparities has been satisfies, in this case we only maximize the performance obj_dom = cp.Maximize(self.alpha @ self.Ca1) obj_fair = cp.Maximize(self.alpha @ self.Ca2) constraints_dom = [self.alpha >= 0, cp.sum(self.alpha) == 1] constraints_fair = [self.alpha >= 0, cp.sum(self.alpha) == 1, self.alpha @ self.Ca1 >= 0] self.prob_dom = cp.Problem(obj_dom, constraints_dom) # LP balance self.prob_fair = cp.Problem(obj_fair, constraints_fair) self.gamma = 0 # Stores the latest Optimum value of the LP problem self.disparity = 0 # Stores the latest selected K max disparities
def test_basic_gp(self): x = cp.Variable(pos=True) y = cp.Variable(pos=True) z = cp.Variable(pos=True) a = cp.Parameter(pos=True, value=2.0) b = cp.Parameter(pos=True, value=1.0) c = cp.Parameter(value=0.5) objective_fn = 1 / (x * y * z) constraints = [a * (x * y + x * z + y * z) <= b, x >= y**c] problem = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(objective_fn), constraints) problem.solve(cp.SCS, gp=True) layer = CvxpyLayer(problem, parameters=[a, b, c], variables=[x, y, z], gp=True) a_jax = jnp.array(2.0) b_jax = jnp.array(1.0) c_jax = jnp.array(0.5) x_jax, y_jax, z_jax = layer(a_jax, b_jax, c_jax) self.assertAlmostEqual(x.value, x_jax, places=5) self.assertAlmostEqual(y.value, y_jax, places=5) self.assertAlmostEqual(z.value, z_jax, places=5) check_grads(lambda a, b, c: jnp.sum( layer( a, b, c, solver_args={"acceleration_lookback": 0}, )[0]), [a_jax, b_jax, c_jax], order=1, modes=['rev'])
def test_rank_one_nmf(self) -> None: X = cp.Variable((3, 3), pos=True) x = cp.Variable((3, ), pos=True) y = cp.Variable((3, ), pos=True) xy = cp.vstack([x[0] * y, x[1] * y, x[2] * y]) a = cp.Parameter(value=-1.0) b = cp.Parameter(pos=True, shape=(6, ), value=np.array([1.0, 1.9, 0.8, 3.2, 5.9, 1.0])) R = cp.maximum(cp.multiply(X, (xy)**(a)), cp.multiply(X**(a), xy)) objective = cp.sum(R) constraints = [ X[0, 0] == b[0], X[0, 2] == b[1], X[1, 1] == b[2], X[2, 0] == b[3], X[2, 1] == b[4], x[0] * x[1] * x[2] == b[5], ] problem = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(objective), constraints) # SCS struggles to solves this problem (solved/inaccurate, unless # max_iters is very high like 10000) gradcheck(problem, gp=True, atol=1e-2) perturbcheck(problem, gp=True, atol=1e-2)
def test_entropy_maximization(self) -> None: np.random.seed(0) n, m, p = 5, 3, 2 tmp = np.random.rand(n) A_np = np.random.randn(m, n) b_np = F_np = np.random.randn(p, n) g_np = + np.random.rand(p) x = cp.Variable(n) A = cp.Parameter((m, n)) b = cp.Parameter(m) F = cp.Parameter((p, n)) g = cp.Parameter(p) obj = cp.Maximize(cp.sum(cp.entr(x)) - cp.sum_squares(x)) constraints = [A @ x == b, F @ x <= g] problem = cp.Problem(obj, constraints) A.value = A_np b.value = b_np F.value = F_np g.value = g_np gradcheck(problem, atol=1e-2, eps=1e-8) perturbcheck(problem, atol=1e-4)
def _cvxpy_probs_setup(self): """ Formulate the upper and lower bound computations as CVXPY optimization problems. """ arg_test = cp.Parameter((1, self.arg_dim), name='arg_test') (const_lb, const_ub, fun_test) = self._cvxpy_objective_and_constraints( self.arg, arg_test,, self.grad, self.grad_lips_constant, is_monotone_inc=self.is_monotone_inc, is_monotone_dec=self.is_monotone_dec, is_convex=self.is_convex, is_concave=self.is_concave) self.ub_prob = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(fun_test), const_ub) self.lb_prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(fun_test), const_lb)
def sdp(): print('sdp') npr.seed(0) d = 2 X = cp.Variable((d, d), PSD=True) Y = cp.Parameter((d, d)) obj = cp.Minimize(cp.trace(Y * X)) prob = cp.Problem(obj, [X >= 1]) Y.value = np.abs(npr.randn(d, d)) print(Y.value.sum()) prob.solve(solver=cp.SCS, verbose=True) print(X.value)
def sigmoid(): # print(f'--- {sys._getframe().f_code.co_name} ---') print('sigmoid') npr.seed(0) n = 4 _x = cp.Parameter((n, 1)) _y = cp.Variable(n) obj = cp.Minimize(-_x.T * _y - cp.sum(cp.entr(_y) + cp.entr(1. - _y))) prob = cp.Problem(obj) _x.value = npr.randn(n, 1) prob.solve(solver=cp.SCS) print(_y.value)
def test_equality(self): set_seed(243) n = 10 A = np.eye(n) x = cp.Variable(n) b = cp.Parameter(n) prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cp.sum_squares(x)), [A @ x == b]) layer = CvxpyLayer(prob, parameters=[b], variables=[x]) b_tch = torch.randn(n, requires_grad=True) torch.autograd.gradcheck( lambda b: layer(b, solver_args={ "eps": 1e-10, "acceleration_lookback": 0 })[0].sum(), (b_tch, ))
def get_CAPM_weights(er, cov, gamma): n = cov.shape[0] w = cp.Variable((n, 1)) gamma = cp.Parameter(nonneg=True, value=gamma) ret = w.T @ er risk = cp.quad_form(w, cov) constraints = [ cp.sum(w) == 1, w <= 0.1, w >= 0, ] obj = cp.Maximize(ret - gamma * risk) prob = cp.Problem(obj, constraints) prob.solve() return w.value
def cvxpy_test(): numpy.random.seed(1) n = 10 mu = numpy.abs(numpy.random.randn(n, 1)) Sigma = numpy.random.randn(n, n) Sigma = w = cvxpy.Variable(n) gamma = cvxpy.Parameter(sign='positive') ret = mu.T * w risk = cvxpy.quad_form(w, Sigma) print( "csvpy test >>> ", cvxpy.Problem(cvxpy.Maximize(ret - gamma * risk), [cvxpy.sum_entries(w) == 1, w >= 0]))
def __init__(self, alpha: float = 1, beta: float = 0.01, config: ReconstructionConfig = ReconstructionConfig(), solver: str=cvxpy.SCS, solver_kwargs: dict={}) -> None: # Alpha and beta parameter might be moved in the formulation to make it more general # But this would require to remove alpha,beta from the init with something like pars_dict self.alpha = cvxpy.Parameter(sign="positive", value=alpha) self.beta = cvxpy.Parameter(sign="positive", value=beta) self.solver = solver self.solver_kwargs = solver_kwargs self.cfg = config self.mask = self.cfg.mask_bw self.proj_N = self.cfg.proj_N self.b_n = cvxpy.Parameter(sign = "positive", value=self.proj_N) self.w = self.proj_N / (self.proj_N - 1) # a weight to mantain the proportion regularized / RSS in crossvalidation self._formulate(b=None) self.formulated = True self.reformulated = False self.fit_at_least_once = False self.norm_factor = None
def ball_con(): # print(f'--- {sys._getframe().f_code.co_name} ---') print('ball con') npr.seed(0) n = 2 A = cp.Parameter((n, n)) z = cp.Parameter(n) p = cp.Parameter(n) x = cp.Variable(n) t = cp.Variable(n) obj = cp.Minimize(0.5 * cp.sum_squares(x - p)) # TODO automate introduction of variables. cons = [0.5 * cp.sum_squares(A * t) <= 1, t == (x - z)] prob = cp.Problem(obj, cons) L = npr.randn(n, n) A.value = L.T z.value = npr.randn(n) p.value = npr.randn(n) prob.solve(solver=cp.SCS) print(x.value)
def LASSO_unmix(A, b, lam=0.01): m = A.shape[0] n = A.shape[1] # setup problem x = cp.Variable(n) lam_cp = cp.Parameter(nonneg=True) lam_cp.value = lam objective = cp.Minimize(cp.sum_squares(A * x - b) + lam_cp * cp.norm(x, 1)) constraints = [0 <= x] prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints) # find optimal solution loss = prob.solve() return x.value, loss
def construct_controller(self): u = cvx.Variable((self.m, self.n_pred)) x = cvx.Variable((self.n, self.n_pred+1)) self.x_init = cvx.Parameter(self.n) objective = 0 constraints = [x[:,0] == self.x_init] for k in range(self.n_pred): objective += cvx.quad_form(x[:,k] - self.set_pt, self.Q) + cvx.quad_form(u[:,k]+self.const_offset, self.R) constraints += [x[:,k+1] == self.linear_dynamics.A @ x[:,k] + self.linear_dynamics.B @ u[:,k]] constraints += [self.xmin <= x[:,k], x[:,k] <= self.xmax] constraints += [self.umin <= u[:,k], u[:,k] <= self.umax] objective += cvx.quad_form(x[:,self.n_pred] - self.set_pt, self.Q_n) self.mpc_prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(objective), constraints)
def __init__(self, config, iterations): N = iterations self.N = N self.config = config # Parameters self.dt = cvp.Parameter() self.x_0 = cvp.Parameter(6) # Solved variables self.x = cvp.Variable((6, N)) self.u = cvp.Variable((3, N)) self.gam = cvp.Variable(N) self.z = cvp.Variable(N) # Problem 3 self.constr = [] self.constr = set_initial_constraints(self.constr, config, self.x, self.u, self.gam, self.z, N, self.x_0) self.constr = running_constraints(self.constr, config, self.x, self.u, self.gam, self.z, self.dt, N) self.obj = cvp.norm(self.x[0:3, N - 1] - config.q[:]) self.problem = cvp.Problem(cvp.Minimize(self.obj), self.constr)
def __init__(self): """Currently this class is for demonstration purposes only. Consequently, the blank initialization is it for now. """ self.nads = 5 self.periods = 24 self.cmin = cp.Parameter(self.nads, value=10 * np.ones(self.nads), nonneg=True) self.cmax = cp.Parameter(self.nads, value=1000 * np.ones(self.nads), nonneg=True) self.cpc = cp.Parameter(self.nads, value=5 * np.ones(self.nads), nonneg=True) self.seed = 123456 np.random.seed(self.seed) = list( map( lambda i: Ad(i, self.update, self.update_constraints, self. cmin, self.cmax, self.cpc), range(self.nads))) self._clickProbabilities = self._generateRandomClickProbabilities() self._trafficData = self._generateTrafficData() self.schedule = cp.Variable((self.nads, self.periods), nonneg=True) self.expectation = cp.multiply(self._clickProbabilities, self.schedule) self.prob = cp.Problem(self.objective(), self.constraints()) self.width = 800 self.panel_width = 350
def test_parameterized_cone_matrix_stuffing_with_many_constraints(self): self.skipTest("This benchmark takes too long.") m = 2000 n = 2000 A = cp.Parameter((m, n)) C = cp.Parameter(m // 2) b = cp.Parameter(m) A.value = np.random.randn(m, n) C.value = np.random.rand(m // 2) b.value = np.random.randn(m) x = cp.Variable(n) cost = cp.sum(A @ x) constraints = [C[i] * x[i] <= b[i] for i in range(m // 2)] constraints.extend( [C[i] * x[m // 2 + i] == b[m // 2 + i] for i in range(m // 2)]) problem = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cost), constraints) def parameterized_cone_matrix_stuffing(): ConeMatrixStuffing().apply(problem) benchmark(parameterized_cone_matrix_stuffing, iters=1)
def test_parallel_resolve(self): """Test parallel resolve (to avoid hanging)""" np.random.seed(1) # This needs to work for different p = 10 n = p * 10 F = np.random.randn(n, p) D = np.diag(np.random.rand(n) * np.sqrt(p)) Sigma = + D gamma = 1.0 mu = cp.Parameter(n, name='mu') x = cp.Variable(n) cost = -mu @ x + gamma * cp.quad_form(x, Sigma) constraints = [cp.sum(x) == 1, x >= 0] # Define optimizer problem = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cost), constraints) m = Optimizer(problem, name="portfolio") ''' Sample points ''' theta_bar = np.random.randn(n) radius = 1.0 ''' Train and solve ''' # Training and testing data n_train = 1000 n_test = 1000 # Sample points from multivariate ball X_d = uniform_sphere_sample(theta_bar, radius, n=n_train) X_d_test = uniform_sphere_sample(theta_bar, radius, n=n_test) df = pd.DataFrame({'mu': list(X_d)}) df_test = pd.DataFrame({'mu': list(X_d_test)}) # Train and test using pytorch m.train(df, parallel=True, filter_strategies=True, n_train_trials=10, learner=PYTORCH) m.performance(df_test, parallel=True) # Run parallel loop again to enforce instability # in multiprocessing m.performance(df_test, parallel=True)