Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_quad_over_lin(self):
        """Test quad_over_lin atom.
        P = np.array([[10, 1j], [-1j, 10]])
        X = Variable((2, 2), complex=True)
        b = 1
        y = Variable(complex=False)

        value = cvx.quad_over_lin(P, b).value
        expr = cvx.quad_over_lin(X, y)
        prob = Problem(cvx.Minimize(expr), [X == P, y == b])
        result = prob.solve(solver=cvx.SCS,
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result, value, places=3)

        expr = cvx.quad_over_lin(X - P, y)
        prob = Problem(cvx.Minimize(expr), [y == b])
        result = prob.solve(solver=cvx.SCS,
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result, 0, places=3)
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(X.value, P, places=3)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_quad_over_lin(self) -> None:
        """Test gradient for quad_over_lin
        expr = cp.quad_over_lin(self.x, self.a)
        self.x.value = [1, 2]
        self.a.value = 2
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(expr.grad[self.x].toarray(), [1, 2])
        self.assertAlmostEqual(expr.grad[self.a], [-1.25])

        self.a.value = 0
        self.assertAlmostEqual(expr.grad[self.x], None)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(expr.grad[self.a], None)

        expr = cp.quad_over_lin(self.A, self.a)
        self.A.value = np.eye(2)
        self.a.value = 2
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(expr.grad[self.A].toarray(), [1, 0, 0, 1])
        self.assertAlmostEqual(expr.grad[self.a], [-0.5])

        expr = cp.quad_over_lin(self.x, self.a) + cp.quad_over_lin(
            self.y, self.a)
        self.x.value = [1, 2]
        self.a.value = 2
        self.y.value = [1, 2]
        self.a.value = 2
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(expr.grad[self.x].toarray(), [1, 2])
        self.assertItemsAlmostEqual(expr.grad[self.y].toarray(), [1, 2])
        self.assertAlmostEqual(expr.grad[self.a], [-2.5])
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_validation(self):
        """Test that complex arguments are rejected.
        x = Variable(complex=True)
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
            (x >= 0)
                         "Inequality constraints cannot be complex.")

        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
            cvx.quad_over_lin(x, x)
            "The second argument to quad_over_lin cannot be complex.")

        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
            cvx.sum_largest(x, 2)
                         "Arguments to sum_largest cannot be complex.")

        x = Variable(2, complex=True)
        for atom in [
                cvx.geo_mean, cvx.log_sum_exp, cvx.max, cvx.entr, cvx.exp,
                cvx.huber, cvx.log, cvx.log1p, cvx.logistic
            name = atom.__name__
            with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
                             "Arguments to %s cannot be complex." % name)

        x = Variable(2, complex=True)
        for atom in [cvx.maximum, cvx.kl_div]:
            name = atom.__name__
            with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
                atom(x, x)
                             "Arguments to %s cannot be complex." % name)

        x = Variable(2, complex=True)
        for atom in [cvx.inv_pos, cvx.sqrt, lambda x: cvx.power(x, .2)]:
            with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
                             "Arguments to power cannot be complex.")

        x = Variable(2, complex=True)
        for atom in [cvx.harmonic_mean, lambda x: cvx.pnorm(x, .2)]:
            with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
                             "pnorm(x, p) cannot have x complex for p < 1.")
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_quad_over_lin(self) -> None:
        x = Variable((3, 5))
        y = Variable((3, 5))
        z = Variable()
        s = cp.quad_over_lin(x - y, z)

        t = cp.quad_over_lin(x + 2 * y, 5)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_quad_over_lin(self):
        # Test quad_over_lin DCP.
        atom = cp.quad_over_lin(cp.square(self.x), self.a)
        self.assertEqual(atom.curvature, s.CONVEX)
        atom = cp.quad_over_lin(-cp.square(self.x), self.a)
        self.assertEqual(atom.curvature, s.CONVEX)
        atom = cp.quad_over_lin(cp.sqrt(self.x), self.a)
        self.assertEqual(atom.curvature, s.UNKNOWN)
        assert not atom.is_dcp()

        # Test quad_over_lin shape validation.
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
            cp.quad_over_lin(self.x, self.x)
                         "The second argument to quad_over_lin must be a scalar.")
Exemplo n.º 6
def DR_W2_conditional_mean_variance_long_only_opt_cvx_kernel_new(
        X_mat, Y_mat, X0, reg_params, epsilon, rho_div_rho_min):
    CVXPY solver kernel for conditional distributionally robust optimization problem:
    See problem formulation in DR_Conditional_EstimationW2.ipynb
    def compute_rho_min(X_mat, X0, epsilon):
        X_dist = np.linalg.norm(X_mat - X0, axis=1)
        X_dist[np.isnan(X_dist)] = 1e8
        X_cut = np.quantile(X_dist, q=epsilon, interpolation='higher')
        return X_dist[X_dist <= X_cut].mean() * epsilon

    rho = rho_div_rho_min * compute_rho_min(X_mat, X0, epsilon)
    X_dist = np.linalg.norm(X_mat - X0, axis=1)
    X_dist[np.isnan(X_dist)] = 1e8

    eta = reg_params
    epsilon_inv = 1 / epsilon

    N, sample_stock_num = Y_mat.shape

    m = cp.Variable(N, nonneg=True)
    beta = cp.Variable(sample_stock_num)
    alpha = cp.Variable(1)
    lambda1 = cp.Variable(1, nonneg=True)
    denom = cp.Variable(1, nonneg=True)
    lambda2 = cp.Variable(1)
    linear_expr = Y_mat @ beta - alpha - 0.5 * eta
    obj = lambda1 * rho + lambda2 * epsilon + cp.sum(
        cp.pos(epsilon_inv * m - 0.25 * epsilon_inv * eta**2 -
               epsilon_inv * eta * alpha - lambda1 * X_dist - lambda2)) / N
    constraints = [
        m >= cp.hstack(
            [cp.quad_over_lin(linear_expr[i], denom) for i in range(N)]),
        epsilon_inv * cp.quad_over_lin(beta, lambda1) + denom <= 1, beta >= 0,
        cp.sum(beta) == 1
    prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(obj), constraints)
            mosek.dparam.optimizer_max_time: 100.0,
            mosek.dparam.intpnt_co_tol_rel_gap: 1e-4
    assert prob.status == 'optimal'
    return beta.value
Exemplo n.º 7
def solve_dual_problem_ptwise(prob_spec: LinearInvDesProblem,
                              radii: np.ndarray) -> float:
    """Solve the dual problem for a linear objective function."""
    ref_fld = np.linalg.solve(prob_spec.lap_op, prob_spec.src)
    adj_lap_olap = prob_spec.lap_op.conj().T @ prob_spec.olap_vec

    # Setup the dual variables. The complex variables are setup as a tuple of
    # two variables corresponding to the real and imaginary part.
    eta = cvxpy_complex_utils.CvxpyComplexVariable(prob_spec.dim)
    lam = cvxpy.Variable(prob_spec.dim)
    sigma = cvxpy_complex_utils.CvxpyComplexVariable(prob_spec.dim)
    beta = cvxpy.Variable(prob_spec.dim)

    # Setup the objective function.
    obj = -cvxpy.sum(beta) - cvxpy.sum(cvxpy.multiply(radii**2, lam))

    # Setup the constraints.
    constraints = []
    constraints.append(eta.real == (np.real(prob_spec.lap_op.T) * sigma.real +
                                    np.imag(prob_spec.lap_op.T) * sigma.imag) +
    constraints.append(eta.imag == (np.real(prob_spec.lap_op.T) * sigma.imag -
                                    np.imag(prob_spec.lap_op.T) * sigma.real) +
    constraints.append(lam >= 0)
    for i in range(prob_spec.dim):
            beta[i] >= (cvxpy.quad_over_lin(eta.real[i], lam[i]) +
                        cvxpy.quad_over_lin(eta.imag[i], lam[i])))
        constraints.append(beta[i] >= (cvxpy.quad_over_lin(
            eta.real[i] -
            prob_spec.theta_max * sigma.real[i], lam[i]) + cvxpy.quad_over_lin(
                eta.imag[i] - prob_spec.theta_max * sigma.imag[i], lam[i]) +
                                       prob_spec.theta_max *
                                       (sigma.real[i] * np.real(ref_fld[i]) +
                                        sigma.imag[i] * np.imag(ref_fld[i]))))

    prob = cvxpy.Problem(cvxpy.Maximize(obj), constraints)

    return obj.value
Exemplo n.º 8
def _solve_soft_bias_correction_cvxpy(UE, EUT, I, N, B, tuning):
    X = cvx.Semidef(N.shape[0], name='T')
    objective = (cvx.Minimize(
        cvx.sum_squares(EUT * (X - I) * UE) +
        cvx.quad_over_lin(N.T * X * B.T, tuning)))
    constraints = [X >> 0]
    prob = cvx.Problem(objective, constraints)

    print("Large constants:")
    for c in prob.constants():
            print("\tConstant of size:", c.value.shape, type(c.value))
        except AttributeError:

    prob.solve(solver=cvx.SCS, verbose=True, gpu=True)
    return X.value, prob.value
 def txprocdurtrans_time_model(self, s_id, datasize, comp_list, num_itres):
   #datasize: MB, bw: Mbps, proc: Mbps
   tx_t = (8*datasize)*cp.inv_pos(BWREGCONST*self.s_bw[s_id, 0]) # sec
   numitfuncs = len(comp_list)
   quadoverlin_vector = expr((numitfuncs, 1))
   for i, comp in enumerate(comp_list):
     quadoverlin = comp*cp.quad_over_lin(self.s_n[s_id, i], self.s_proc.get((s_id, 0)) )
     quadoverlin_vector.set_((i, 0), quadoverlin)
   quadoverlin_ = (quadoverlin_vector.agg_to_row()).get((0,0))
   # proc_t = num_itres* (8*datasize)*(quadoverlin_) # sec
   proc_t = (8*datasize)*(quadoverlin_) # sec
   stage_t = 0 #self.s_dur.get((s_id, 0))
   #trans_t = cp.max(tx_t, proc_t)
   trans_t = tx_t + proc_t #+ stage_t
   return [tx_t, proc_t, stage_t, trans_t]
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_consistency(self):
        """Test case for non-deterministic behavior in cvxopt.
        import cvxpy

        xs = [0, 1, 2, 3]
        ys = [51, 60, 70, 75]

        eta1 = cvxpy.Variable()
        eta2 = cvxpy.Variable()
        eta3 = cvxpy.Variable()
        theta1s = [eta1 + eta3 * x for x in xs]
        lin_parts = [theta1 * y + eta2 * y ** 2 for (theta1, y) in zip(theta1s, ys)]
        g_parts = [-cvxpy.quad_over_lin(theta1, -4 * eta2) + 0.5 * cvxpy.log(-2 * eta2) for theta1 in theta1s]
        objective = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, lin_parts + g_parts)
        problem = cvxpy.Problem(cvxpy.Maximize(objective))
        problem.solve(verbose=True, solver=cvxpy.SCS)
        assert problem.status == cvxpy.OPTIMAL, problem.status
        return [eta1.value, eta2.value, eta3.value]
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_consistency(self):
        """Test case for non-deterministic behavior in cvxopt.
        import cvxpy

        xs = [0, 1, 2, 3]
        ys = [51, 60, 70, 75]

        eta1 = cvxpy.Variable()
        eta2 = cvxpy.Variable()
        eta3 = cvxpy.Variable()
        theta1s = [eta1 + eta3*x for x in xs]
        lin_parts = [theta1 * y + eta2 * y**2 for (theta1, y) in zip(theta1s, ys)]
        g_parts = [-cvxpy.quad_over_lin(theta1, -4*eta2) + 0.5 * cvxpy.log(-2 * eta2)
                   for theta1 in theta1s]
        objective = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, lin_parts + g_parts)
        problem = cvxpy.Problem(cvxpy.Maximize(objective))
        problem.solve(verbose=True, solver=cvxpy.SCS)
        assert problem.status in [cvxpy.OPTIMAL_INACCURATE, cvxpy.OPTIMAL]
        return [eta1.value, eta2.value, eta3.value]
Exemplo n.º 12
    def project(self, position, goal, obstacles):
        """GAA's magical wizardy for the original problem (projection)"""
        # get constants
        p = position  # p
        g = goal  # g goal point

        # create cvx program
        n = len(p)
        x = cvx.Variable(n)  # projection pt
        t = cvx.Variable(n)  # slack
        L = cvx.Variable(len(obstacles), nonneg=True)  # dual on elip
        # form objective.
        self.objective = cvx.norm(x - g, 2)
        self.constraints = []
        for i, (center, shape) in enumerate(obstacles):
            # cnts += [L[i] >= 0]
            S = shape.reshape((n, n))  # sigma
            S_inv = la.inv(S)  # sigma inv
            u = center  # mu
            # get eigdecomp
            D, U = la.eig(S)

            # constraints
            Q = np.dot(U.T, S_inv.dot(u))
            LHS = 0
            for d in range(n):
                LHS += cvx.quad_over_lin(L[i] * Q[d] + U.T[d, :] * x,
                                         L[i] * (D[d]**-1) + 1)
            self.constraints += [
                LHS - 2 * p.T * x <=
                L[i] * np.dot(u, S_inv.dot(u)) - cvx.sum_squares(p) - L[i]

        # Form and solve problem.
        prob = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(self.objective), self.constraints)
        tic = time.time()
        prob.solve(solver=cvx.ECOS, reltol=1e-3, abstol=1e-3)
        print("Projection solution time {:2.4f}sec".format(time.time() - tic))
        if x.value is None:
            raise RuntimeError("failed to project")
        return np.array(x.value).flatten(), self.objective.value
 def obj_fun(BETA,XDOT,ALPHA,Ys,YBAR):
     res = 0.0
     for k in range(num_classes):
         print "Class: " + str(k)
         vpk = BETA[k,:]*X
         res = res + cvx.quad_over_lin(vpk,1)
     res = -0.5*res
     for i in range(num_classes):
         print "Class: " + str(i)
         y = np.asarray(Ys[i,:])[0]
         ybar = np.asarray(Ybar[i,:])[0]
         yset = [p for p in range(Y.shape[1]) if y[p] == 1]
         ybarset = [q for q in range(Y.shape[1]) if ybar[q] == 1]
         tups = []
         for p in yset:
             for q in ybarset:
         for tup in tups:
             j = tup[0]
             l = tup[1]
             res = res + ALPHA[i + 8*j + 8*l]
     return res
Exemplo n.º 14
def f():
    x = cp.Variable()
    y = cp.Variable()
    obj = cp.Minimize(x)
    constraints = [
            (x + y)**2 / cp.sqrt(y) <= x - y + 5
    problem = cp.Problem(obj, constraints)
    print(f"f before: {problem.is_dcp()}")

    x = cp.Variable()
    y = cp.Variable()
    a = cp.Variable()
    b = cp.Variable()
    obj = cp.Minimize(x)
    constraints = [
            cp.quad_over_lin(a, b) <= x - y + 5,
            a == x + y,
            b <= cp.sqrt(y),
    problem = cp.Problem(obj, constraints)
    print(f"f after: {problem.is_dcp()}")
Exemplo n.º 15
def estimate_transcript_frequencies_with_cvxopt(observed_array,
    from cvxpy import matrix, variable, geq, log, eq, program, maximize, \
        minimize, sum, quad_over_lin

    Xs = matrix(observed_array)
    ps = matrix(expected_array)
    thetas = variable(ps.shape[1])
    constraints = [eq(sum(thetas), 1), geq(thetas, 0)]

    if sparse_penalty == None:
        p = program(maximize(Xs * log(ps * thetas)), constraints)
        p = program(
            maximize(Xs * log(ps * thetas) - sparse_penalty *
                     quad_over_lin(1., thetas[sparse_index, 0])), constraints)

    p.options['maxiters'] = 1500
    value = p.solve(quiet=not verbose)
    thetas_values = numpy.array(thetas.value.T.tolist()[0])
    return thetas_values
Exemplo n.º 16
def altminsolve(problem, noquad=False, eqconstraint=False, sthresh=0.0):
    r"""An alternating minimization solver for operator linear inverse problems.

    Uses an explicit factorization of the decision variable to solve:

    .. math::

        \frac{1}{2} \bigg\lVert \mathbf{b} -
        \mu\bigg( \sum_{i=1}^r \mathbf{X}_i \otimes \mathbf{Y}_i \bigg) \bigg\rVert^2_{\ell_2} +
        \lambda \sum_{i=1}^r \lVert \mathbf{X}_i \rVert_X \lVert \mathbf{Y}_i \rVert_Y.

    The above formulation corresponds to using a `NucNorm_Prod` object with X and Y norms as the regularizer.

    problem : Problem
        The `Problem` object to solve.
    noquad : Optional[bool]
        Whether we replace the quadratic measurement error with a norm.

        Default value is False.
    eqconstraint : Optional[bool]
        Whether we solve the problem with an equality constraint.

        Default value is False.
    sthresh : Optional[float]
        The hard thresholding limit when solving with an equality constraint.

        Default value is 0 (i.e., no thresholding).

    SolverOutput or list(SolverOutput)
        An object with the results of the optimization problem.

    start = time.time()
    LAMBDA = problem.penconst
    rank = problem.rank
    shape = problem.shape

    relconvtols = np.sort(np.array(problem.relconvergetol, ndmin=1))[::-1]
    maxiters = np.sort(np.array(problem.maxiters, ndmin=1))

    lmeasvec = problem.measurementvec if problem.lmeasurementvec is None \
        else problem.lmeasurementvec
    rmeasvec = problem.measurementvec if problem.rmeasurementvec is None \
        else problem.rmeasurementvec

    lvars = [cvxpy.Variable(shape[0], shape[1]) for r in range(rank)]
    lparams = [cvxpy.Parameter(shape[2], shape[3]) for r in range(rank)]
    lconsts = []
    rvars = [cvxpy.Variable(shape[2], shape[3]) for r in range(rank)]
    rparams = [cvxpy.Parameter(shape[0], shape[1]) for r in range(rank)]
    rconsts = []

    lmeas_temp = problem.measurementobj.cvxapply(
        operators.DyadsOperator(lvars, lparams))
    rmeas_temp = problem.measurementobj.cvxapply(
        operators.DyadsOperator(rparams, rvars))

    if eqconstraint:
        lconsts.append(lmeas_temp == np.array(lmeasvec))
        rconsts.append(rmeas_temp == np.array(rmeasvec))
        if noquad:
            lmeaserr = cvxpy.norm(lmeas_temp - np.array(lmeasvec))
            rmeaserr = cvxpy.norm(rmeas_temp - np.array(rmeasvec))
            lmeaserr = cvxpy.quad_over_lin(lmeas_temp - np.array(lmeasvec),
            rmeaserr = cvxpy.quad_over_lin(rmeas_temp - np.array(rmeasvec),

    if eqconstraint:
        lobj = cvxpy.Minimize(problem.norm.norm_altmin(lvars, lparams))
        robj = cvxpy.Minimize(problem.norm.norm_altmin(rparams, rvars))
        lobj = cvxpy.Minimize(LAMBDA *
                              problem.norm.norm_altmin(lvars, lparams) +
        robj = cvxpy.Minimize(LAMBDA *
                              problem.norm.norm_altmin(rparams, rvars) +

    lprob = cvxpy.Problem(lobj, lconsts)
    rprob = cvxpy.Problem(robj, rconsts)

    # If solving the constrained version, set up needed matrices
    if eqconstraint:
        # NB: using the normal equations directly could be unstable
        start_linalg = time.time()
        measmat = problem.measurementobj.asmatrix()
        graminv = np.linalg.inv(measmat @ measmat.T)
        xfeas = measmat.T @ (graminv @ problem.measurementvec)
        end_linalg = time.time()
        if problem.solveropts.get('verbose', False):
            print('linalg time: ', end_linalg - start_linalg)

    if problem.rfactorsinit is None:
        # Will initialize lparams.
        if eqconstraint:
            temp = operators.ArrayOperator(xfeas.reshape(shape, order='F'))
            [U, S, V] = operators.kpsvd(temp)
            for r in range(rank):
                lparams[r].value = V[r, ].reshape(shape[2:4], order='F')
            # FIXME: if initfrommeas not implemented, resort to random init
            U, S, V = operators.kpsvd(
            # only filling up to SOLVE_RANK, won't neeed more for initialization
            # If SVD = u s v.H, numpy returns U = u, S = s, V = v.H!
            # So we want to pull the rows of V!
            for r in range(rank):
                lparams[r].value = V[r, ].reshape((shape[2], shape[3]),
        for r in range(rank):
            lparams[r].value = problem.rfactorsinit[r]

    end_setup = time.time()
    iters = 0
    objval = -np.Inf
    outlist = []
    time_offset = 0
    tol_ix = 0
    iters_ix = 0
    Sout = np.zeros((1, rank))  # for debugging eqconstraint
    while True:
        iters += 1
        if problem.solveropts.get('verbose', False):
            print('Outer iteration: %i' % iters)

        lprob.solve(solver=problem.solver, **problem.solveropts)

        if eqconstraint:
            temp = operators.DyadsOperator(
                [np.matrix(lvars[r].value) for r in range(rank)],
                [np.matrix(lparams[r].value) for r in range(rank)])
            temp = temp.asArrayOperator().reshape(xfeas.shape, order='F')
            temp -= measmat.T @ (graminv @ (measmat @ (temp - xfeas)))
            temp = operators.ArrayOperator(temp.reshape(shape, order='F'))
            [U, S, V] = operators.kpsvd(temp)
            Sout = np.vstack((Sout, S))
            Ssum = np.sum(S**2)
            for r in range(rank):
                S[r] = 0.0 if S[r]**2 / Ssum < sthresh else S[r]
                rparams[r].value = np.sqrt(S[r]) * U[:, r].reshape(shape[0:2],
            if problem.solveropts.get('verbose', False):
                    'feasgap: ',
                    np.linalg.norm((measmat @ temp.flatten(order='F')) -
                    'Vinnerprod: ',
                        V[:, 0].flatten(order='F'),
                        problem.trueOperator.rfactors[0].flatten(order='F') /
                print('spectrum: ', S)
            for r in range(rank):
                rparams[r].value = lvars[r].value

        rprob.solve(solver=problem.solver, **problem.solveropts)

        if eqconstraint:
            temp = operators.DyadsOperator(
                [np.matrix(rparams[r].value) for r in range(rank)],
                [np.matrix(rvars[r].value) for r in range(rank)])
            temp = temp.asArrayOperator().reshape(xfeas.shape, order='F')
            temp -= measmat.T @ (graminv @ (measmat @ (temp - xfeas)))
            temp = operators.ArrayOperator(temp.reshape(shape, order='F'))
            [U, S, V] = operators.kpsvd(temp)
            Sout = np.vstack((Sout, S))
            Ssum = np.sum(S**2)
            for r in range(rank):
                S[r] = 0.0 if S[r]**2 / Ssum < sthresh else S[r]
                lparams[r].value = np.sqrt(S[r]) * V[r, :].reshape(shape[2:4],
            if problem.solveropts.get('verbose', False):
                    'feasgap: ',
                    np.linalg.norm((measmat @ temp.flatten(order='F')) -
                    'Uinnerprod: ',
                        U[:, 0].flatten(order='F'),
                        problem.trueOperator.lfactors[0].flatten(order='F') /
                print('spectrum: ', S)
            for r in range(rank):
                lparams[r].value = rvars[r].value

        objval_new = rprob.objective.value
        relchange = np.abs(objval - objval_new) / np.max((objval_new, 1))
        objval = objval_new

        if problem.solveropts.get('verbose', False):
            print('relchange: %f' % relchange)

        def create_out(relconvtol, maxiters):
            out = SolverOutput()
            out.problem = problem
            out.cvxpy_probs = (lprob, rprob)
            # When solving the constrained problem, recompute rparams as well
            if eqconstraint:
                for r in range(rank):
                    rparams[r].value = np.sqrt(S[r]) * U[:, r].reshape(
                        shape[0:2], order='F')
            lfactors = [np.matrix(rparams[r].value) for r in range(rank)]
            rfactors = [np.matrix(lparams[r].value) for r in range(rank)]
            out.recovered = operators.DyadsOperator(lfactors, rfactors)
            out.outer_iters = iters
            out.setup_time = end_setup - start
            out.solve_time = (end_solve - end_setup) - time_offset
            out.objval = objval
            out.relchange = relchange
            out.relconvtol = relconvtol
            out.maxiters = maxiters
            out.debug['S'] = Sout
            return out

        # put in [relconvtol] X [maxiter] (need to output all)
        # 1) Check if we hit an iter limit
        #   - fill in all relconvtols from tol_ix to end
        # 2) Check if we hit a relconvtol
        #   - fill in from iters_ix to end (can result in duplicate)
        # 3) Check if we're done
        iters_ix_curr = iters_ix
        tol_ix_curr = tol_ix
        end_solve = time.time()

        if iters == maxiters[iters_ix_curr]:
            for tol in relconvtols[tol_ix:]:
                outlist.append(create_out(tol, maxiters[iters_ix_curr]))
            iters_ix += 1

        while tol_ix < relconvtols.size and relchange <= relconvtols[tol_ix]:
            for eff_iters in maxiters[iters_ix_curr:]:
                # If also hit a maxiters, don't ouput duplicate
                if iters == eff_iters:
                outlist.append(create_out(relconvtols[tol_ix], eff_iters))
            tol_ix += 1

        time_offset += time.time() - end_solve

        if ((tol_ix == relconvtols.size) or (np.max(maxiters) == iters)):

    assert len(outlist) == maxiters.size * relconvtols.size
    return outlist if len(outlist) > 1 else outlist[0]
Exemplo n.º 17
def matsolve(problem, compute_dyads=False, noquad=False, eqconstraint=False):
    """A solver for operator linear inverse problems in matrix representation.

    Solves the convex operator recovery problem provided that the `Regularizer` object has a CVXPY implementation.

    problem : Problem
        The `Problem` object to solve.
    compute_dyads : Optional[bool]
        Whether to return the operator in dyadic representation.

        When True, we compute the SVD of the matrix decision variable and create
        a `DyadsOperator` using the scaled left/right singular vectors as the
        left/right factors. Otherwise we reshape the matrix decision variable
        to have the shape of the operator and return an `ArrayOperator`.

        Default value is False.
    noquad : Optional[bool]
        Whether we replace the quadratic measurement error with a norm.

        Default value is False.
    eqconstraint : Optional[bool]
        Whether we solve the problem with an equality constraint.

        Default value is False.

        An object with the results of the optimization problem.

    matshape = (int(np.prod(problem.shape[0:2])),
    RANK = min(matshape)
    start = time.time()
    X = cvxpy.Variable(*matshape)

    reg = problem.norm.norm_mat(X)
    meastemp = problem.measurementobj.matapply(X)
    if eqconstraint:
        # solve: min ||X|| s.t. A(X) = A(X_0)
        prob = cvxpy.Problem(cvxpy.Minimize(reg), [
            meastemp == problem.measurementvec,
        # solve: min .5*||A(X) - A(X_0)||_F^2 + LAMBDA*||X||
        LAMBDA = problem.penconst
        if noquad:
            measerr = cvxpy.norm(meastemp - problem.measurementvec)
            measerr = cvxpy.quad_over_lin(meastemp - problem.measurementvec,
        prob = cvxpy.Problem(cvxpy.Minimize(measerr + LAMBDA * reg))

    end_setup = time.time()
    prob.solve(solver=problem.solver, **problem.solveropts)
    end_solve = time.time()
    out = SolverOutput()
    out.problem = problem
    out.cvxpy_probs = (prob, )
    if compute_dyads:
        U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(X.value, full_matrices=0)
        lfactors = [
            np.sqrt(S[i]) * U[:, i].reshape(problem.shape[0:2], order='F')
            for i in range(RANK)
        # just using V.T instead of V.H
        rfactors = [
            np.sqrt(S[i]) * V.T[:, i].reshape(problem.shape[2:4], order='F')
            for i in range(RANK)
        out.recovered = operators.DyadsOperator(lfactors, rfactors)
        temp = np.array(X.value).reshape(problem.shape, order='F')
        out.recovered = operators.ArrayOperator(temp)
    out.setup_time = end_setup - start
    out.solve_time = end_solve - end_setup
    out.objval = prob.objective.value
    return out
Exemplo n.º 18
def remove_dc_from_spad_test(noisy_spad,
    def anscombe(x):
        return 2 * np.sqrt(x + 3. / 8)

    def inv_anscombe(x):
        return (x / 2)**2 - 3. / 8

    assert len(noisy_spad.shape) == 1
    C = noisy_spad.shape[0]

    assert bin_edges.shape == (C + 1, )
    bin_widths = bin_edges[1:] - bin_edges[:-1]
    spad_equalized = noisy_spad / bin_widths
    x = cp.Variable((C, ), "signal")
    z = cp.Variable((1, ), "dc")
    nx = cp.Variable((C, ), "signal noise")
    nz = cp.Variable((C, ), "dc noise")
    if use_poisson:
        # Need tricky stuff
        if use_anscombe:
            #             plt.figure()
            #             plt.bar(range(len(spad_equalized)), spad_equalized, log=True)
            #             plt.title("Before")
            #         d_ans = cp.Variable((C,), "denoised anscombe")
            # Apply Anscombe Transform to data:
            spad_ans = anscombe(spad_equalized)
            # Apply median filter to remove Gaussian Noise
            spad_ans_filt = scipy.signal.medfilt(spad_ans, kernel_size=15)
            # Apply Inverse Anscombe Transform
            spad_equalized = inv_anscombe(spad_ans_filt)

#             plt.figure()
#             plt.bar(range(len(spad_equalized)), spad_equalized, log=True)
#             plt.title("After")

        if use_quad_over_lin:
            obj = \
                    cp.sum([cp.quad_over_lin(nx[i], x[i]) for i in range(C)]) + \
                    cp.sum([cp.quad_over_lin(nz[i], z) for i in range(C)]) + \
                    lam2 * cp.sum(bin_weight*cp.abs(x))
            constr = [
                x >= 0, x + nx >= 0, z >= cp.min(spad_equalized),
                z + nz >= cp.min(spad_equalized),
                x + nx + z + nz == spad_equalized
            prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(obj), constr)
            prob.solve(solver=cp.ECOS, verbose=True, reltol=eps_rel)
            obj = cp.sum_squares(spad_equalized - (x + z)) + lam2 * cp.sum(
                bin_weight * cp.abs(x))
            constr = [x >= 0, z >= 0]
            prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(obj), constr)
            prob.solve(solver=cp.OSQP, verbose=True, eps_rel=eps_rel)
        # No need for tricky stuff
        obj = cp.sum_squares(spad_equalized -
                             (x + z)) + 1e0 * cp.sum(bin_weight * cp.abs(x))
        constr = [x >= 0, z >= 0]
        prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(obj), constr)
        prob.solve(solver=cp.OSQP, eps_rel=eps_rel)
    denoised_spad = np.clip(x.value * bin_widths, a_min=0., a_max=None)
    print("z.value", z.value)
    return denoised_spad
Exemplo n.º 19
def cvxpy_objective(current_state, delta_state, current_action):
    Redefining compute_cost for cvxpy
    return 0.5 * cp.quad_over_lin(current_state[0, :2] + delta_state[:2] - target_position, 1)
Exemplo n.º 20
 def link_tt_heuristic(link):
   ff = link.l / link.fd.v
   q_max = (link.l / link.fd.q_max) * link.v_dens
   rho_hat = link.fd.rho_max - link.v_dens
   cong = link.l / link.fd.w * (quad_over_lin(link.fd.rho_max ** .5, rho_hat) - 1)
   return cvx_max(hstack([ff, q_max, cong]))
Exemplo n.º 21
def main(show=False):
    margin = .05  # margin for drawing box

    initial_pos = 1
    final_pos = 1

    n = 100

    all_pos = np.linspace(0, 1, n)

    # Complicated lane example

    box_size = .18
    box_pos = [.2, .5, .8]
    box_orientation = [-1, 1, -1]

    x = cp.Variable(n)

    cons = [x[0] == initial_pos, -2 <= x, x <= 2, x[-1] == -1]

    obj = 0.0

    for i, pos in enumerate(all_pos):
        obj += sccf.minimum(cp.square(x[i] + 1), 1)
        obj += sccf.minimum(cp.square(x[i] - 1), 1)

        for b_pos, b_or in zip(box_pos, box_orientation):
            if b_pos <= pos and pos <= b_pos + box_size:
                cons.append(x[i] >= 0 if b_or > 0 else x[i] <= 0)

    for idx, weight in enumerate([10, 1, .1]):
        obj += weight * cp.sum_squares(cp.diff(x, k=idx + 1))

    prob = sccf.Problem(obj, cons)
    tic = time.time()
    result = prob.solve()
    toc = time.time()

    print("lane change 2:", obj.value)
    print("time:", toc - tic)
    print("iters:", result["iters"])

    latexify(fig_width=7, fig_height=2)
    plt.plot(all_pos * 100, x.value, c='black')
    plt.ylim(-2, 2)
    for pos, orientation in zip(box_pos, box_orientation):
            Rectangle((pos * 100, .25 if orientation < 0 else -1.75),
                      (box_size - margin) * 100,
    plt.axhline(0, ls='--', c='k')
    if show:

    # Lower bound
    obj = 0

    z_top = [cp.Variable(n) for _ in range(n)]
    z_bottom = [cp.Variable(n) for _ in range(n)]

    x = cp.Variable(n)
    cons = [x[0] == initial_pos, -2 <= x, x <= 2, x[-1] == -1]

    lam_top = cp.Variable(n)
    lam_bottom = cp.Variable(n)
    cons.append(0 <= lam_top)
    cons.append(0 <= lam_bottom)
    cons.append(lam_top <= 1)
    cons.append(lam_bottom <= 1)

    for z, lam in zip(z_top + z_bottom, lam_top + lam_bottom):
        cons.append(z[0] == initial_pos * lam)
        cons.append(-2 * lam <= z)
        cons.append(z <= 2 * lam)
        cons.append(z[-1] == -1 * lam)

    for i, pos in enumerate(all_pos):
        obj += cp.quad_over_lin(z_top[i][i] + lam_top[i],
                                lam_top[i]) + (1 - lam_top[i])
        obj += cp.quad_over_lin(z_bottom[i][i] - lam_bottom[i],
                                lam_bottom[i]) + (1 - lam_bottom[i])

        for b_pos, b_or in zip(box_pos, box_orientation):
            if b_pos <= pos and pos <= b_pos + box_size:
                for z in z_top + z_bottom + [x]:
                    cons.append(z[i] >= 0 if b_or > 0 else z[i] <= 0)

    for idx, weight in enumerate([10, 1, .1]):
        for z, lam in zip(z_top + z_bottom, lam_top + lam_bottom):
            obj += weight * cp.quad_over_lin(cp.diff(z, k=idx + 1),
                                             lam) / (2 * n)
            obj += weight * cp.quad_over_lin(cp.diff(x - z, k=idx + 1),
                                             1 - lam) / (2 * n)

    prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(obj), cons)
    obj_value = prob.solve(solver=cp.MOSEK)

    print("lane change lower bound:", obj_value)

    # MICP
    obj = 0

    z_top = [cp.Variable(n) for _ in range(n)]
    z_bottom = [cp.Variable(n) for _ in range(n)]

    x = cp.Variable(n)
    cons = [x[0] == initial_pos, -2 <= x, x <= 2, x[-1] == -1]

    lam_top = cp.Variable(n, boolean=True)
    lam_bottom = cp.Variable(n, boolean=True)

    for z, lam in zip(z_top + z_bottom, lam_top + lam_bottom):
        cons.append(z[0] == initial_pos * lam)
        cons.append(-2 * lam <= z)
        cons.append(z <= 2 * lam)
        cons.append(z[-1] == -1 * lam)

    for i, pos in enumerate(all_pos):
        obj += cp.quad_over_lin(z_top[i][i] + lam_top[i],
                                lam_top[i]) + (1 - lam_top[i])
        obj += cp.quad_over_lin(z_bottom[i][i] - lam_bottom[i],
                                lam_bottom[i]) + (1 - lam_bottom[i])

        for b_pos, b_or in zip(box_pos, box_orientation):
            if b_pos <= pos and pos <= b_pos + box_size:
                for z in z_top + z_bottom + [x]:
                    cons.append(z[i] >= 0 if b_or > 0 else z[i] <= 0)

    for idx, weight in enumerate([10, 1, .1]):
        for z, lam in zip(z_top + z_bottom, lam_top + lam_bottom):
            obj += weight * cp.quad_over_lin(cp.diff(z, k=idx + 1),
                                             lam) / (2 * n)
            obj += weight * cp.quad_over_lin(cp.diff(x - z, k=idx + 1),
                                             1 - lam) / (2 * n)

    prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(obj), cons)
    import sys
    while True:
        answer = input(
            "Are you sure you would like to solve the MICP (y/n) ").lower()

        if answer == "y":
        elif answer == "n":
            print("Invalid answer.")

    obj_value = prob.solve(solver=cp.MOSEK, verbose=True)

    print("global optimum:", obj_value)
Exemplo n.º 22
import numpy as np
import cvxpy as cp
from data.correlation_bounds_data import m, n, A, sigma
np.set_printoptions(precision=4, suppress=True)

Sigma = cp.Variable((n, n), PSD=True)
constraints = []
for i in range(m):
    a = A[:,i]
    constraints.append(cp.quad_form(a, Sigma) == sigma[i] ** 2)

rhos = []
for i in range(n):
    for j in range(i):
        denom = cp.geo_mean(cp.hstack([Sigma[i, i], Sigma[j, j]]))
        rho_ij = cp.quad_over_lin(Sigma[i, j], denom)

rho_max = cp.max(cp.hstack(rhos))
obj = cp.Minimize(rho_max)
problem = cp.Problem(obj, constraints)
Exemplo n.º 23
 def test_quad_over_lin(self) -> None:
     """Test domain for quad_over_lin
     dom = cp.quad_over_lin(self.x, self.a).domain
     Problem(Minimize(self.a), dom).solve(solver=cp.SCS, eps=1e-6)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(self.a.value, 0)
Exemplo n.º 24
def sum_square(A):
    rows, cols = A.size

    return sum([cvxpy.quad_over_lin(A[:, i], 1) for i in xrange(cols)])
Exemplo n.º 25
import numpy as np
import cvxpy as cp

s = cp.Variable()
l = cp.Variable()
w = cp.quad_over_lin(s, l)
constraints = [
        s <= l,
        l <= s * np.sqrt(2),
        20 <= l,
        l <= 30,
        w <= 20,
        s >= np.sqrt(300),
obj = cp.Minimize(2 * s**2 + 2 * l + np.pi * w)
problem = cp.Problem(obj, constraints)
print('status: ', problem.status)
print('total cost: ', problem.value)
print('l: ', l.value)
print('w: ', w.value)
print('filter size: ', s.value**2)

Exemplo n.º 26
z = cp.Variable()
expr = cp.power(x, 2) + cp.power(y, 2) + cp.power(z, 2) <= 2
expr2 = cp.norm(cp.hstack([1, x]), 2) - 3 * x <= y
expr3 = [cp.power(x, -1) + cp.power(y, -1) <= 5, x >= 0, y >= 0]
prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(1), expr3)
expr4 = [x + 2 * y == 0, x - y == 0]
prob1 = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(1), expr4)
u = cp.Variable()
v = cp.Variable()
s = cp.Variable()
expr5 = [
    cp.quad_over_lin(cp.power(u, 2), v) <= s, s == y, u == x + y,
    v == x - y + 5
prob2 = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(1), expr5)
expr6 = [-cp.log(u) - cp.log(v) <= 0, u == x + z]
prob3 = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(1), expr6)
expr7 = -cp.log(x) - 0.5 * cp.log(y) <= 0
expr8 = [
    cp.log_sum_exp(cp.hstack([u, v])) + cp.exp(x) <= 0, u == y - 1,
    v == 0.5 * x
prob4 = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(1), expr8)
def A_simple_example():

    ### (a)
    x = cp.Variable(1)

    obj = cp.Minimize(cp.quad_form(x, np.array([[1]])) + 1)
    constraints = [cp.quad_form(x, np.array([[1]])) -6*x + 8 <= 0]

    prob = cp.Problem(obj, constraints)
    p_star = obj.value
    print("Status: " + str(prob.status))
    print("x = " + str(x.value))
    print("obj = " + str(p_star))

    ### (b)

    # Plot objective
    obj_func = lambda x : x**2 + 1
    x_vals = np.arange(-1.0, 5.0, 0.1)
    y_vals = [obj_func(x) for x in x_vals]
    plt.plot(x_vals, y_vals)

    # Plot feasible set
    feasible_x_vals = np.arange(2., 4., 0.1)
    plt.fill_between(feasible_x_vals, [obj_func(x) for x in feasible_x_vals], 20)

    # Plot optimal point and value
    plt.plot(x.value, p_star, 'ro')

    # Plot Lagrangian
    lagrangian_func = lambda x, l : x**2 + 1 + l*(x-2)*(x-4)
    for lamb in [1., 2., 3.]:
        lamb_y_vals = [lagrangian_func(x, lamb) for x in x_vals]
        plt.plot(x_vals, lamb_y_vals, color=np.random.rand(3), label="l=" + str(lamb))

    # Show plot

    ### (c)

    Derive Lagrange dual function
    (1+l)x**2 - 6l*x + 8l +1
    Differentiate with respect to x and set equal 0
    2(1+l)x -6l = 0
    x = 3l/(1+l)
    Substitute back to original Lagrange dual function
    (1+l)(3l/(1+l))**2 - 6l*(3l/(1+l) + 8l + 1
    = 9l**2/(1+l) - 18l**2/(1+l) + 8l + 1
    = -9l**2/(1+l) + 8l + 1

    l = cp.Variable(1)
    dual_obj = cp.Maximize(-9*cp.quad_over_lin(l, 1+l) + 8*l + 1)
    dual_prob = cp.Problem(
            [l >= 0])
    print("l_star = " + str(l.value))
    # l_star = 2

    ### (d)

Exemplo n.º 28
    def proposal(self):
        # expected_rewards, stds = params_to_gaussian(self.posterior_parameters)
        # expected_rewards = np.minimum(expected_rewards, 1.0)

        posterior_belief = self.sample_from_posterior(self.n_samples)
        sorted_beliefs = np.sort(posterior_belief, axis=1)
        thresholds = sorted_beliefs[:, -self.assortment_size].reshape(-1, 1)

        best_actions = sorted_beliefs[:, -self.assortment_size:]
        sum_rewards_best = best_actions.sum(1)
        r_star = sum_rewards_best.mean()

        expected_rewards = posterior_belief.mean(0)
        # min_rew = expected_rewards.min() / 1e5
        # expected_rewards += np.random.rand(expected_rewards.shape[0]) * min_rew
        mask = posterior_belief >= thresholds
        p_star = mask.sum(0) / mask.shape[0]
        if_star = (posterior_belief * mask).sum(0) / (mask.sum(0) + 1e-12)
        # else_star = (posterior_belief * (1 - mask)).sum(0) / (
        #     (1 - mask).sum(0) + 1e-12
        # )
        # variances = (
        #     p_star * (if_star - expected_rewards) ** 2
        #     + (1 - p_star) * (else_star - expected_rewards) ** 2
        # )
        variances = p_star * (if_star - expected_rewards)**2
        # posterior_belief = self.sample_from_posterior(self.n_samples)
        # sorted_beliefs = np.sort(posterior_belief, axis=1)
        # thresholds = sorted_beliefs[:, -self.assortment_size].reshape(-1, 1)
        # mask = posterior_belief >= thresholds
        # p_star = mask.sum(0) / mask.shape[0]
        # variances *= p_star
        variances = np.maximum(variances, 1e-12)
        # a_star_t = np.sort(expected_rewards)[-self.assortment_size]
        # a_s = self.posterior_parameters[0]
        # b_s = self.posterior_parameters[1]
        # ps = beta.cdf(1 / (a_star_t + 1), a=a_s, b=b_s)
        # entropies_start = -(
        #     ps * np.log(np.maximum(ps, 1e-12))
        #     + (1 - ps) * np.log(np.maximum(1 - ps, +1e-12))
        # )
        # posterior_samples = 1 / beta.rvs(a=a_s, b=b_s) - 1
        # new_as = np.ones(self.n_items)
        # new_as += a_s
        # new_bs = (geom.rvs(1 / (posterior_samples + 1)) - 1) + b_s
        # new_ps = beta.cdf(1 / (a_star_t + 1), a=new_as, b=new_bs)
        # new_entropies = -(
        #     new_ps * np.log(np.maximum(new_ps, 1e-12))
        #     + (1 - new_ps) * np.log(np.maximum(1 - new_ps, +1e-12))
        # )
        # reductions = np.maximum(entropies_start - new_entropies, 1e-8)

        x = cp.Variable(self.n_items, pos=True)
        # deltas = cp.Parameter(self.n_items, pos=True)
        rewards = cp.Parameter(self.n_items, )
        gains = cp.Parameter(self.n_items, pos=True)
        # exp_regret = r_star - x @ rewards
        deltas = r_star - x @ rewards
        exp_gain = x @ gains
        information_ratio = cp.quad_over_lin(deltas, exp_gain)
        objective = cp.Minimize(information_ratio)
        constraints = [0 <= x, x <= 1, cp.sum(x) == self.assortment_size]
        prob = cp.Problem(
        rewards.value = expected_rewards
        gains.value = variances

            zeros_index = (x.value < 1e-3)
            ones_index = (x.value > 1 - 1e-3)
            nzeros = zeros_index.sum()
            nones = ones_index.sum()
            nitems = x.value.shape[0]
                f"{nitems - nones - nzeros} nstrict, {nones} ones, {nzeros} zeroes, {nitems} total items"
            if (nitems - nones - nzeros) == 2:
                all_items = np.arange(nitems)
                strict_items = all_items[~np.
                                         bitwise_or(zeros_index, ones_index)]
                probas = x.value[~np.bitwise_or(zeros_index, ones_index)]
                assert strict_items.shape[0] == 2, strict_items
                assert probas.shape[0] == 2, probas
                # 2 items to randomize the selection over
                    f"items: {strict_items}, with probas: {probas}", )
                rho = probas[0]
                u = np.random.rand()
                if rho <= u:
                    remaning_item = strict_items[0]
                    remaning_item = strict_items[1]
                action = np.sort(
                        act_optimally(x.value, top_k=self.assortment_size - 1),
                action = act_optimally(x.value, top_k=self.assortment_size)
            if self.c % 5 == 121234:
                    f"a:{action},x:{(100 * x.value).astype(int)},rew:{(100 * expected_rewards).astype(int)},gain:{(100 * np.sqrt(variances)).astype(int)}"
                    f"if_optimal: {if_star}, rew:{logar(expected_rewards)}, probas: {logar(p_star)}",
                    f"if_optimal: {logar(if_star)}, rew:{logar(expected_rewards)}, probas: {logar(p_star)}",
                    f"n{self.posterior_parameters[0]}, v{self.posterior_parameters[1] / self.posterior_parameters[0]},"
        except cp.SolverError:
            logging.warning("solver error")
            posterior_belief = self.sample_from_posterior(1)
            action = act_optimally(np.squeeze(posterior_belief),
        except TypeError:
            logging.warning("solver error")
            posterior_belief = self.sample_from_posterior(1)
            action = act_optimally(np.squeeze(posterior_belief),

        self.current_action = action
        self.c += 1
        return action
Exemplo n.º 29
    def projectpoly(self, v=None, aMax=1., order=3):
        """GAA's magical wizardy for the original problem (projection)
        now with polynomials"""
        # get constants
        g = self.goal  # g goal point
        p = self.position  # p
        # get dim, either 2 or 3
        n = len(p)
        if v is None:
            v = np.zeros(n)

        goalDist = self.goalDist()
        minDist = min([ob.estimate.dist(g) for ob in self.obstacles])
        if minDist > goalDist:
            return np.vstack((p, v / 3. + p, g, g)).T, goalDist

        # create cvx program
        x = cvx.Variable((n, order + 1))  # projection pt
        L = cvx.Variable(len(self.obstacles), nonneg=True)  # dual on elip
        obj = cvx.Minimize(cvx.norm(x[:, -1] - g, 2))
        cnts = []
        for i, ob in enumerate(self.obstacles):
            estimate = ob.estimate
            # check if we need to project
            if ob.estimate.dist(g) > goalDist:
                cnts += [L[i] == 0]
                cnts += [L[i] >= 0]
                u = estimate.center  # mu
                S = estimate.body  # sigma
                S_inv = la.inv(S)  # sigma inv
                D, U = la.eig(S)  # get eigdecomp

                # Form objective.
                Q = np.dot(U.T, S_inv.dot(u))
                for j in range(order + 1):
                    cnts += [
                                L[i] * Q[d] + U.T[d, :] * x[:, j], L[i] *
                                (D[d]**-1) + 1) for d in range(n)
                        ]) - 2 * p.T * x[:, j] <=
                        L[i] * np.dot(u, S_inv.dot(u)) - cvx.sum_squares(p) -
        # dynamics on polynomial
        cnts += [x[:, 0] == p]  # ic pos
        cnts += [3 * (x[:, 1] - x[:, 0]) == v]  # ic vel
        cnts += [cvx.norm(6 * (x[:, 2] - 2 * x[:, 1] + x[:, 0]), 2) <= aMax
                 ]  # ic acel

        cnts += [3 * (x[:, -2] - x[:, -1]) == 0]  # final vel
        cnts += [cvx.norm(6 * (x[:, 3] - 2 * x[:, 2] + x[:, 1]), 2) <= aMax
                 ]  # final ace

        # Form and solve problem.
        prob = cvx.Problem(obj, cnts)

        # tic = time.time()
        prob.solve(solver=cvx.ECOS, reltol=1e-3, abstol=1e-3)
        # print(prob.status)
        # print(f"Projection solution time {time.time()-tic:2.4f}sec")
        return np.array(x.value), obj.value
Exemplo n.º 30
def sdpsolve(problem, compute_dyads=False, noquad=False, eqconstraint=False):
    """A semidefinite convex solver for operator linear inverse problems.

    Solve the nuclear norm recovery problem with a semidefinite inequality replacing the decomposition constraint.
    See `NucNorm_SDR` for more details.

    problem : Problem
        The `Problem` object to solve.
    compute_dyads : Optional[bool]
        Whether to return the operator in dyadic representation.

        When True, we compute the SVD of the matrix decision variable and create
        a `DyadsOperator` using the scaled left/right singular vectors as the
        left/right factors. Otherwise we reshape the matrix decision variable
        to have the shape of the operator and return an `ArrayOperator`.

        Default value is False.
    noquad : Optional[bool]
        Whether we replace the quadratic measurement error with a norm.

        Default value is False.
    eqconstraint : Optional[bool]
        Whether we solve the problem with an equality constraint.

        Default value is False.

        An object with the results of the optimization problem.

    matshape = (int(np.prod(problem.shape[0:2])),
    RANK = min(matshape)
    start = time.time()
    X = cvxpy.Semidef(matshape[0] + matshape[1])
    A = X[0:matshape[0], matshape[0]:]
    diag = cvxpy.diag(X)
    ldiag = diag[0:matshape[0]]
    rdiag = diag[matshape[0]:]

    reg = problem.norm.norm_sdp(ldiag, rdiag)
    meastemp = problem.measurementobj.matapply(A)
    if eqconstraint:
        prob = cvxpy.Problem(cvxpy.Minimize(reg), [
            meastemp == problem.measurementvec,
        LAMBDA = problem.penconst
        if noquad:
            measerr = cvxpy.norm(meastemp - problem.measurementvec)
            measerr = cvxpy.quad_over_lin(meastemp - problem.measurementvec,
        prob = cvxpy.Problem(cvxpy.Minimize(measerr + LAMBDA * reg))

    end_setup = time.time()
    prob.solve(solver=problem.solver, **problem.solveropts)
    end_solve = time.time()
    out = SolverOutput()
    out.problem = problem
    out.cvxpy_probs = (prob, )
    if compute_dyads:
        # TODO: compute_dyads should use the semidefinite representation
        U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(A.value, full_matrices=0)
        lfactors = [
            np.sqrt(S[i]) * U[:, i].reshape(problem.shape[0:2], order='F')
            for i in range(RANK)
        # just using V.T instead of V.H
        rfactors = [
            np.sqrt(S[i]) * V.T[:, i].reshape(problem.shape[2:4], order='F')
            for i in range(RANK)
        out.recovered = operators.DyadsOperator(lfactors, rfactors)
        temp = np.array(A.value).reshape(problem.shape, order='F')
        out.recovered = operators.ArrayOperator(temp)
    out.setup_time = end_setup - start
    out.solve_time = end_solve - end_setup
    out.objval = prob.objective.value
    return out
Exemplo n.º 31
def main():
    q = np.array(read_initial_trajectory())
    a = [[math.sqrt(pmax) * 0.95] * K] * M
    r_list = []
    iter_time = 0
    while True:
        iter_time += 1

        # update rate evaluation
        r_l = []
        for n in range(M):
            r = 0
            for k in range(K):
                addictive_noise = 1
                for j in range(K):
                    if j != k:
                        addictive_noise += gamma * (a[n][j]**2) / (
                            np.linalg.norm(q[n][j] - s[k])**2)
                r += bandwidth * math.log(
                    1 + gamma * (a[n][k]**2) /
                    ((np.linalg.norm(q[n][k] - s[k])**2) * addictive_noise), 2)
            r_l.append(r * 1024)

        if len(r_list) >= minimum_iter_time:
            if (sum(r_list[-1]) - sum(r_list[-2])) / sum(r_list[-2]) <= ep:

        # update ir
        ir = [[None] * K] * M
        for n in range(M):
            for k in range(K):
                ik = 0
                for j in range(K):
                    if j != k:
                        ik += gamma * a[n][j] * a[n][j] / (
                            np.linalg.norm(q[n][j] - s[k])**2)
                ir[n][k] = ik

        # update power and trajectory
        av = []
        qv = []
        for n in range(M):
            av.append(cp.Variable(shape=(K, 1)))
            qv.append(cp.Variable(shape=(K, 3)))

        objfunc = []
        for n in range(M):
            for k in range(K):
                termk = 0

                term1 = 1
                for j in range(K):
                    term1 += gamma * (2 * a[n][j] * av[n][j]) / (
                        np.linalg.norm(q[n][j] - s[k])**2)
                    term1 -= gamma * (a[n][j] * a[n][j]) * (
                        cp.norm(qv[n][j] - s[k])**
                        2) / (np.linalg.norm(q[n][j] - s[k])**4)

                termk += (cp.log(term1))
                termk += (-1 * math.log(1 + ir[n][k]))
                termk += (ir[n][k] / (1 + ir[n][k]))

                term2 = []
                for j in range(K):
                    ratio = -1 * gamma / (1 + ir[n][k])
                    if j != k:
                        det = cp.norm(q[n][j] - s[k])**2 + 2 * (
                            q[n][j] - s[k]).transpose() * (qv[n][j] - q[n][j])
                        term2.append(ratio * cp.quad_over_lin(av[n][j], det))
                termk += cp.sum(term2)

        constr = []

        for k in range(K):
            constr.append(qv[M -
                             1][k][0] == read_initial_trajectory()[-1][k][0])
            constr.append(qv[M -
                             1][k][1] == read_initial_trajectory()[-1][k][1])
            constr.append(qv[M -
                             1][k][2] == read_initial_trajectory()[-1][k][2])
            constr.append(qv[0][k][0] == read_initial_trajectory()[0][k][0])
            constr.append(qv[0][k][1] == read_initial_trajectory()[0][k][1])
            constr.append(qv[0][k][2] == read_initial_trajectory()[0][k][2])

        for n in range(M):
            for k in range(K):
                constr.append(qv[n][k][2] <= hmax)
                constr.append(qv[n][k][2] >= hmin)
                constr.append(av[n][k] <= math.sqrt(pmax))
                constr.append(av[n][k] >= 0)

        for n in range(1, M):
            for k in range(K):
                    cp.norm(qv[n][k][0:2] - qv[n - 1][k][0:2]) <= 0.5 * vl)
                constr.append(qv[n][k][2] - qv[n - 1][k][2] <= 0.5 * va)
                constr.append(qv[n][k][2] - qv[n - 1][k][2] >= -0.5 * va)

        for n in range(M):
            for k in range(K):
                for j in range(k + 1, K):
                    constr.append(2 * (q[n][k] - q[n][j]).transpose() *
                                  (qv[n][k] - qv[n][j]) >= (dmin**2))

        obj = cp.Maximize(cp.sum(objfunc))
        prob = cp.Problem(obj, constr)
        print("Iteration: {}\tStatus: {}".format(iter_time, prob.status))
        a = [v.value for v in av]
        q = [v.value for v in qv]
        q_track.append([[qnk for qnk in qn] for qn in q])

    for i in range(len(q_track)):
        for k in range(K):
            with open('trajectory{}_iteration{}.csv'.format(k, i),
                      mode='w') as csv_file:
                wr = csv.writer(csv_file,
                for n in range(M):
Exemplo n.º 32
def main(show):
    # generate data
    m, n = 5, 1
    n_outliers = 1
    eta = 0.1
    alpha = 0.5
    A = np.random.randn(m, n)
    x_true = np.random.randn(n)
    b = A @ x_true + 1e-1 * np.random.randn(m)
    b[np.random.choice(np.arange(m), replace=False, size=n_outliers)] *= -1.

    # alternating
    x_alternating = cp.Variable(n)
    objective = 0.0
    for i in range(m):
        objective += sccf.minimum(cp.square(A[i]@x_alternating-b[i]), alpha)
    objective += eta * cp.sum_squares(x_alternating)
    prob = sccf.Problem(objective)

    # solve relaxed problem
    x_relaxed = cp.Variable(n)
    z = [cp.Variable(n) for _ in range(m)]
    s = cp.Variable(m)
    objective = 0.0
    constraints = [0 <= s, s <= 1]
    for i in range(m):
        objective += cp.quad_over_lin(A[i, :] @ z[i] - b[i] * s[i], s[i]) + (1.0 - s[i]) * alpha  + \
                    eta / m * (cp.quad_over_lin(x_relaxed - z[i], 1.0 - s[i]) + eta / m * cp.quad_over_lin(z[i], s[i]))
    prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(objective), constraints)
    result = prob.solve(solver=cp.MOSEK)

    # alternating w/ relaxed initialization
    x_alternating_perspective = cp.Variable(n)
    x_alternating_perspective.value = x_relaxed.value
    objective = 0.0
    for i in range(m):
        objective += sccf.minimum(cp.square(A[i]@x_alternating_perspective-b[i]), alpha)
    objective += eta * cp.sum_squares(x_alternating_perspective)
    prob = sccf.Problem(objective)

    # brute force evaluate function and perspective
    xs = np.linspace(-5, 5, 100)
    f = np.sum(np.minimum(np.square(A * xs - b[:, None]), alpha), axis=0) + eta*xs**2
    f_persp = []
    for x in xs:
        z = [cp.Variable(n) for _ in range(m)]
        s = cp.Variable(m)

        objective = 0.0
        constraints = [0 <= s, s <= 1]
        for i in range(m):
            objective += cp.quad_over_lin(A[i, :] @ z[i] - b[i] * s[i], s[i]) + (1.0 - s[i]) * alpha + \
                        eta / m * (cp.quad_over_lin(x - z[i], 1.0 - s[i]) + eta / m * cp.quad_over_lin(z[i], s[i]))
        prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(objective), constraints)
        result = prob.solve(solver=cp.MOSEK)

    def find_nearest(array, value):
        array = np.asarray(array)
        idx = (np.abs(array - value)).argmin()
        return idx 

    # plot
    latexify(fig_width=6, fig_height=4)
    plt.plot(xs, f, '-', label="$L(x)$", c='k')
    plt.plot(xs, f_persp, '--', label="perspective", c='k')
    plt.plot(x_alternating.value[0], )
    plt.scatter(x_alternating.value[0], f[find_nearest(xs, x_alternating.value[0])], marker='o', label="sccf (no init)", c='k')
    plt.scatter(x_alternating_perspective.value[0], f[find_nearest(xs, x_alternating_perspective.value[0])], marker='*', label="sccf (persp init)", c='k')
    if show:
Exemplo n.º 33
def cvx_hoovering():
    ini = np.array([[-250, -250, hmin], [-250, 250, hmin], [250, -250, hmin], [250, 250, hmin]])
    ipc = np.array([[-250, -250, hmin], [-250, 250, hmin], [250, -250, hmin], [250, 250, hmin]])
    ac = [math.sqrt(pmax) * 0.95 for k in range(K)]
    ir = [None] * K

    while True:
        R_r = 0
        for k in range(K):
            addnoise = 1
            for j in range(K):
                if j != k:
                    addnoise += gamma * (ac[j] ** 2) / (np.linalg.norm(ipc[j] - s[k]) ** 2)
            R_r += bandwidth * math.log(1 + (gamma * (ac[k] ** 2)) / (np.linalg.norm(ipc[k] - s[k]) ** 2 * addnoise), 2)

        for k in range(K):
            ik = 0
            for j in range(K):
                if j != k:
                    ik += gamma * (ac[j] ** 2) / ((np.linalg.norm(ipc[j] - s[k])) ** 2)
            ir[k] = ik

        a = cp.Variable(shape=(K, 1))
        q = cp.Variable(shape=(K, 3))

        objfunc = []
        for k in range(K):
            term1 = 1
            for j in range(K):
                term1 += gamma * (2 * ac[j] * a[j] / (cp.norm(ipc[j] - s[k]) ** 2))
                term1 -= gamma * (ac[j] ** 2) * (cp.norm(q[j] - s[k]) ** 2) / (np.linalg.norm(ipc[j] - s[k]) ** 4)

            objfunc.append(-1 * math.log(1 + ir[k], 2))
            objfunc.append(ir[k] / (1 + ir[k]))

            term2 = []
            for j in range(K):
                ratio = -1 * gamma / (1 + ir[k])
                if j != k:
                    det = np.linalg.norm(ipc[j] - s[k]) ** 2 + 2 * (ipc[j] - s[k]).transpose() * (q[j] - ipc[j])
                    term2.append(ratio * cp.quad_over_lin(a[j], det))

        constr = []
        for k in range(K):
            constr.append(q[k][2] >= hmin)
            constr.append(q[k][2] <= hmax)
            constr.append(cp.norm(q[k][0:2] - ini[k][0:2]) <= 0.5 * M * tdv * vl)
            constr.append(a[k] >= 0)
            constr.append(a[k] <= math.sqrt(pmax))
            for j in range(k + 1, K):
                    2 * (ipc[k] - ipc[j]).transpose() * (q[k] - q[j]) >= cp.norm(ipc[j] - s[k]) ** 2 + dmin ** 2)

        prob = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(sum(objfunc)), constr)
        ac = a.value
        ipc = q.value
Exemplo n.º 34
import cvxpy as cp

# Create two scalar optimization variables.
x = cp.Variable()
y = cp.Variable()

# Create two constraints.
constraints = [
    cp.quad_over_lin(x + y, cp.sqrt(y)) <= x - y + 5, y >= 0, x >= y - 5

# Form objective.
obj = cp.Minimize((x - y + 2)**2)

# Form and solve problem.
prob = cp.Problem(obj, constraints)
prob.solve()  # Returns the optimal value.
print("status:", prob.status)
print("optimal value", prob.value)
print("optimal var", x.value, y.value)