Exemplo n.º 1
import pprint
from cycle_calculation import calc
import math

spec = calc(2.0, 1, 5.6, 1.8, 1900, 1200, 99.78)
R = 287
m3 = spec['m3']
Tt3 = spec['Tt3']
Pt3 = spec['Pt3']
rho_t3 = Pt3 / (R * Tt3)
m_fcb = spec['m_fcb']
If = 43.3 * (10 ** 6)

def combustor_design(SR, r, D):
    V = m_fcb * If / (SR * 1000 * Pt3)
    CLP = m3 / ((Pt3 / (1.013 * 10 ** 5)) ** 1.8 * (V / 0.305 ** 3))
    H = (V / (D * math.pi * r)) ** 0.5
    L = H * r
    A = V / L
    Aref = 2 * A
    Vref = m3 / (rho_t3 * Aref)
    b = 382 * (2 ** 0.5 + math.log(0.4 / 1.03))
    theta = (Pt3 / 6895) ** 1.75 * (Aref / 0.0254 ** 2) * (H * 1.4 / 0.0254) * math.exp(Tt3 * 1.8 / b) * 10 ** (-5) / (m3 / 0.45)

    return {
        'V': V,
        'SR': SR,
        'CLP': CLP,
        'Vref': Vref,
        'theta': theta,
Exemplo n.º 2
    isp = np.array([])
    v9 = np.array([])
    calculated = np.array([])
    a = np.array([])
    b = np.array([])

    for k in [x * 0.1 for x in range(11, 31)]:
        for l in [1200, 1250, 1300, 1350, 1400, 1450, 1500, 1600]:
            sfc_local = 10
            isp_local = 0
            v9_local = 0
            cc_local = {}

            for i in [1500, 1600, 1700, 1800, 1900]:
                for j in [0.1 * x for x in range(50, 101)]:
                    cc = calc(k, pr_cLP, j, m, i, l, m0)
                    if 'sfc' in cc and 'Isp' in cc:
                        if type(cc['sfc']) is float and type(
                                cc['Isp']) is float:
                            if 0 < cc['sfc'] < sfc_local and cc['m_fab'] > 0:
                                sfc_local = cc['sfc']
                                isp_local = cc['Isp']
                                v9_local = cc['V9']
                                cc_local = cc
            if isp_local > 0:
                sfc = np.append(sfc, sfc_local)
                isp = np.append(isp, isp_local)
                v9 = np.append(v9, v9_local)
                calculated = np.append(calculated, cc_local)
                a = np.append(a, k)
                b = np.append(b, l)