def choice_pairs(pairs, n_choice=100): """ choice audios and texts to joint :param pairs: (audio_path, text) :param sr: :param n_choice: :return: """ durs = [os.path.getsize(str(w)) / 3.2 for w, t in pairs] # just sr=16k pairs = list(zip(pairs, durs)) sidx = 0 choices = cycle(range(5, 1, -1)) cnt = 0 cnt_shuffle = 0 for n in choices: if sidx >= len(pairs): if cnt_shuffle >= n_choice: # don't work forever print("Just choice <{}> joint audios for the speaker!".format(cnt)) break cnt_shuffle += 1 np.random.shuffle(pairs) sidx = 0 eidx = sidx + n dur_joi = np.sum([d for _, d in pairs[sidx: eidx]]) if dur_joi < 12000: # 12000ms if cnt >= n_choice: break yield [p for p, d in pairs[sidx: eidx]] cnt += 1 sidx = eidx elif n == 2: sidx += 1
def __init__(self, list_cities_cards_cubes, list_of_players, num_events_cards, num_produce_supplies=7, num_portable_lab=3, has_found_jade=True): self.list_of_players = cycle(list_of_players) self.has_found_jade = has_found_jade cities = [city for (city, good, card, cube) in list_cities_cards_cubes] good = [good for (city, good, card, cube) in list_cities_cards_cubes] cards = [card for (city, good, card, cube) in list_cities_cards_cubes] cubes = [cube for (city, good, card, cube) in list_cities_cards_cubes] self.num_good_cards = sum(good) self.num_epidemic_cards = _detect_number_of_epidemics( self.num_good_cards) print(f"Num good cards: {self.num_good_cards}, " f"num_epidemic: {self.num_epidemic_cards}") self.num_good_cards += (num_events_cards + num_produce_supplies + num_portable_lab) self._till_epidemic = self.num_good_cards // self.num_epidemic_cards self.counter_till_epidemic = self._till_epidemic self.cities = cities self._num_cards_by_city = Counter(dict(zip(self.cities, cards))) self._stack_of_counters = [Counter(dict(zip(self.cities, cards)))] self._discarded = Counter() self._cubes_by_city = Counter(dict(zip(self.cities, cubes))) self._plague_cubes_by_city = Counter() self.emergency_level = 0 self.num_epidemic = 0 self._is_first_move = True self.inoculated_cards = Counter() self.hollowed_cities = Counter()
if not os.path.exists(outdir + '/ts' + ts + '/'): os.makedirs(outdir + '/ts' + ts + '/') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4)) lines = 0 plt.grid() if args.get('ymin', None): plt.ylim(ymin=args['ymin']) if args.get('ymax', None): plt.ylim(ymax=args['ymax']) plt.title('Ts: {}, Error: {}'.format(ts, error)) plt.xlabel('#Turn') plt.ylabel('Relative error') markers = cycle(['+', 'x', 'v']) for bunchkey in inh5file.keys(): if bunchkey not in bunches: continue inh5 = inh5file[bunchkey] plt_data = {} marker = next(markers) colors = cycle(['tab:blue', 'tab:orange', 'tab:green']) for i in range(len(inh5[error])): if inh5['reduce'][i][0] == 1 and inh5['reduce'][i][1] == 1: if 'base_error' not in plt_data: plt_data['base_error'] = [] plt_data['base_error'].append( inh5[error][i])
from cycler import cycle import mpi4py try: from mpi4py import MPE except ImportError: pass # Modes available: # 'disabled' # 'tracing' mode = 'disabled' times = {} __logfile = 'mpelog' colors = cycle(['blue', 'red', 'green', 'orange', 'magenta', 'gray', 'pink', 'yellow', 'cyan', 'brown', 'aquamarine', 'maroon', 'ivory', 'coral', 'dark olive green', 'lavender', 'rose', 'white', 'black']) def init(logfile=__logfile): if mode != 'tracing': return mpi4py.profile(name='mpe', logfile=logfile) mpi4py.MPI.Pcontrol(1) MPE.initLog(logfile=logfile) MPE.setLogFileName(logfile) def finalize(): if mode != 'tracing':
'slices': 10496, 'dE_ref': 25.9e9, 'dt_ref': 5.e-9, 'n_macroparticles': 2e6 } } if __name__ == '__main__': args = parser.parse_args() args = vars(args) infiles = args['infiles'] outdir = args['outdir'] tss = args['ts'] names = cycle(args['names']) points = int(args['points']) # slicess = cycle(args['slices']) if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) for ts in tss: for error in errors: outfiles = [outdir + '/ts' + ts + '/' + error + '_' + error + '.jpeg'] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4)) plt.yscale('log') lines = 0 plt.grid() if args.get('ymin', None):
import pandas as pd from collections import OrderedDict import datetime import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from cycler import cycle from databroker import DataBroker as db import ipywidgets from traitlets import TraitError # Set defaults pd.set_option('max_rows', 500) matplotlib.rcdefaults() markers = cycle(['o', 's', '^', 'v', 'p', '<', '>', 'h']) # Functions def stopped(header): """ Test if header stopped sucessfully.""" try: status = header.stop['exit_status'] except KeyError: status = 'Python crash before exit' if status == 'success': return True else: return False def get_scan_id_dict(headers):
return z halo_readers = {'fof':read_halos_FoF, 'rockstar':read_halos_Rockstar, 'rockstar_so':read_halos_Rockstar_SO} subsample_readers = {'fof':read_subsamples_FoF, 'rockstar':read_subsamples_Rockstar, 'rockstar_so':read_subsamples_Rockstar} uniform_subsample_readers = {'fof':read_uniform_subsample_FoF, 'rockstar':None, # not implemented 'rockstar_so':None} prop_cycle = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] colors = prop_cycle.by_key()['color'] color_cycle = cycler.cycle(colors) del colors, prop_cycle def halo_mass_hist(masses, bin_width_dex=.15, min_mass=None, max_mass=None, bin_edges=None): ''' Take a single list of masses and compute the halo mass function Returns ------- bin_edges, bin_centers, hist ''' if not min_mass: min_mass = masses.min() if not max_mass: max_mass = masses.max()
# 'approx': cycle([0]), # 'timing': cycle(['-time']), # otherwise pass -time # 'w': [] # # + [1, 2, 4, 8, 16], # + list(np.arange(2, 17, 2)), # # + list(np.arange(2, 9, 1)), # 'o': cycle([10]), # # + [10] * 5, # # + [10]*8, # # + [20]*7, # 'mpi': cycle(['mvapich2']), # 'time': cycle([90]), # 'partition': cycle(['be-short']) # } 'PS-sync-mpich3': { 'exe': cycle([yc['exe_home'] + '']), 'p': cycle([4000000]), # 'p': [0.5e6, 1e6, 2e6, 3e6, 4e6, 5e6, 6e6, 7e6, 8e6], 'b': cycle([21]), # 21 's': cycle([128]), 't': cycle([10000]), 'm': cycle([0]), 'seed': cycle([0]), 'reduce': cycle([1]), 'load': cycle([0.0]), 'mtw': cycle([50]), 'approx': cycle([2]), 'timing': cycle(['-time']), # otherwise pass -time 'w': [] + [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16], # + list(np.arange(2, 17, 2)), 'o': cycle([10]),
import numpy as np import random import yaml this_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/" this_filename = sys.argv[0].split('/')[-1] yc = yaml.load(open(this_directory + 'config.yml', 'r')) result_dir = yc['result_dir'] + '{}/{}/{}/{}' os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = '{}:{}'.format(yc['blond_repos'], os.environ['PYTHONPATH']) job_name_form = '_p{}_b{}_s{}_t{}_w{}_o{}_N{}_r{}_m{}_seed{}_approx{}_mpi{}' configs = { 'LHC-48B-2MPPB-approx2': { 'exe': cycle([yc['exe_home'] + '']), 'p': cycle([2000000]), 'b': cycle([48]), # 96 's': cycle([1000]), 't': cycle([200000]), 'm': cycle([250]), 'reduce': cycle([1]), 'load': cycle([0.0]), 'mtw': cycle([50]), 'approx': cycle([2]), 'timing': cycle(['']), # otherwise pass -time 'seed': [0] * 4 + [1] * 4 + [2] * 4 + [3] * 4 + [4] * 4 + [5] * 4, 'w': [] + [2, 4, 8, 16] * 6, 'o': cycle([10]), 'time': cycle([1000]), 'mpi': cycle(['mpich3']),
# 'load': cycle([0.0]), # 'mtw': cycle([0]), # 'approx': cycle([0]), # 'timing': cycle(['-time']), # otherwise pass -time # 'seed': cycle([0]), # 'w': [] # + [14, 16], # # + list(np.arange(2, 17, 2)), # 'o': cycle([10]), # 'mpi': cycle(['mvapich2']), # 'time': cycle([180]), # 'partition': cycle(['be-long']), # # 'repeats': cycle([5]) # }, 'SPS-sync-mpich3': { 'exe': cycle([yc['exe_home'] + '']), 'p': cycle([4000000]), # 'p': [1e6, 2e6, 4e6, 3e6, 4e6, 2.5e6, 3e6, 3.5e6, 4e6], 'b': cycle([72]), # 72 # 'b': [18, 18, 18, 36, 36, 72, 72, 72, 72], # 72 's': cycle([1408]), 't': cycle([10000]), # 4000 'm': cycle([0]), 'reduce': cycle([1]), 'load': cycle([0.0]), 'mtw': cycle([0]), 'approx': cycle([2]), 'timing': cycle(['-time']), # otherwise pass -time 'seed': cycle([0]), 'w': [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16], # + list(np.arange(2, 17, 2)),
P = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(data_dir, "reconstruction_odometry.csv"), delimiter=",", skiprows=1) for t in range(len(P)): P[t, 3:] = pr.quaternion_wxyz_from_xyzw(P[t, 3:]) cam2world_trajectory = ptr.transforms_from_pqs(P) plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) ax = pt.plot_transform(s=0.3) ax = ptr.plot_trajectory(ax, P=P, s=0.1, n_frames=10) image_size = np.array([1920, 1440]) key_frames_indices = np.linspace(0, len(P) - 1, 10, dtype=int) colors = cycle("rgb") for i, c in zip(key_frames_indices, colors): pc.plot_camera(ax, intrinsic_matrix, cam2world_trajectory[i], sensor_size=image_size, virtual_image_distance=0.2, c=c) pos_min = np.min(P[:, :3], axis=0) pos_max = np.max(P[:, :3], axis=0) center = (pos_max + pos_min) / 2.0 max_half_extent = max(pos_max - pos_min) / 2.0 ax.set_xlim((center[0] - max_half_extent, center[0] + max_half_extent)) ax.set_ylim((center[1] - max_half_extent, center[1] + max_half_extent)) ax.set_zlim((center[2] - max_half_extent, center[2] + max_half_extent))