Exemplo n.º 1
def test_itdbfilter():
    """Test InfileToDbFilter"""
    m = MockCodeGenMachine()
    f = InfileToDbFilter(m)
    f.given_classname = 'MyFactory'

    args = f.methodargs()
    exp_args = "cyclus::InfileTree* tree, cyclus::DbInit di"
    yield assert_equal, exp_args, args

    impl = f.impl()
    exp_impl = ('  int rawcycpp_shape_y[1] = {42};\n'
                '  cycpp_shape_y = std::vector<int>(rawcycpp_shape_y, '
                'rawcycpp_shape_y + 1);\n'
                '  tree = tree->SubTree("config/*");\n'
                '  cyclus::InfileTree* sub;\n'
                '  int i;\n'
                '  int n;\n'
                '  x = cyclus::Query<int>(tree, "x");\n'
                '  di.NewDatum("Info")\n'
                '  ->AddVal("x", x)\n'
                'ABSOLUTELY FREE\n'
                '  ->Record();\n')
    yield assert_equal, exp_impl, impl
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_nuclide_uitype():
    m = MockCodeGenMachine()
    m.context = {
                          ('x', {
                              'type': 'int',
                              'uitype': 'nuclide'

    # test schema is set to string
    f = SchemaFilter(m)
    f.given_classname = 'MyFactory'
    impl = f.impl()
    exp_impl = ('  return ""\n'
                '    "<interleave>\\n"\n'
                '    "<element name=\\"x\\">\\n"\n'
                '    "    <data type=\\"string\\" />\\n"\n'
                '    "</element>\\n"\n'
                '    "</interleave>\\n"\n    ;\n')
    yield assert_equal, exp_impl, impl

    # test infiletodb updates
    f = InfileToDbFilter(m)
    f.given_classname = 'MyFactory'
    impl = f.impl()
    exp_impl = (
        '  tree = tree->SubTree("config/*");\n'
        '  cyclus::InfileTree* sub;\n'
        '  int i;\n'
        '  int n;\n'
        '  x = pyne::nucname::id(cyclus::Query<std::string>(tree, "x"));\n'
        '  di.NewDatum("Info")\n'
        '  ->AddVal("x", x)\n'
        '  ->Record();\n')
    yield assert_equal, exp_impl, impl

    # test bad uitypes values fail
    m.context = {
                          ('x', {
                              'type': 'int',
                              'uitype': 'WRONG'
    f = SchemaFilter(m)
    f.given_classname = 'MyFactory'
    yield assert_raises, TypeError, f.impl
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_infiletodb_read_map():
    m = MockCodeGenMachine()
    m.context = {
                          ('x', {
                              'type': 'int',
                              'uitype': 'nuclide'
    f = InfileToDbFilter(m)

    cpptype = ('std::map', 'int', 'double')
    alias = [['streams', 'entry'], 'id', 'mass']
    obs = f.read_member('mymap', alias, cpptype, uitype=None)

    exp = (
        '  std::map< int, double > mymap;\n'
        '  {\n'
        '    cyclus::InfileTree* bub = sub->SubTree("streams", 0);\n'
        '    cyclus::InfileTree* sub = bub;\n'
        '    int n1 = sub->NMatches("entry");\n'
        '    std::map< int, double > mymap_in;\n'
        '    for (int i1 = 0; i1 < n1; ++i1) {\n'
        '      int key;\n'
        '      {\n'
        '        int key_in = cyclus::Query<int>(sub, "entry/id", i1);\n'
        '        key = key_in;\n'
        '      }\n'
        '      double val;\n'
        '      {\n'
        '        double val_in = cyclus::Query<double>(sub, "entry/mass", i1);\n'
        '        val = val_in;\n'
        '      }\n'
        '      mymap_in[key] = val;\n'
        '    }\n'
        '    mymap = mymap_in;\n'
        '  }\n')

    yield assert_equal, exp, obs
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_infiletodb_read_member1():
    m = MockCodeGenMachine()
    m.context = {
                          ('x', {
                              'type': 'int',
                              'uitype': 'nuclide'
    f = InfileToDbFilter(m)

    cpptype = ('std::map', 'std::string',
               ('std::vector', ('std::vector', ('std::pair', 'double',
                                                ('std::pair', 'int',
                                                 ('std::list', ('std::set',
    alias = ['streams', 'name', ['efficiencies', 'val']]
    gen = f.read_member('mymap', alias, cpptype, uitype=None)
    exp_gen = (
        '  std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::vector< std::pair< double, std::pair< int, std::list< std::set< bool > > > > > > > mymap;\n'
        '  {\n'
        '    cyclus::InfileTree* bub = sub->SubTree("streams", 0);\n'
        '    cyclus::InfileTree* sub = bub;\n'
        '    int n1 = sub->NMatches("item");\n'
        '    std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::vector< std::pair< double, std::pair< int, std::list< std::set< bool > > > > > > > mymap_in;\n'
        '    for (int i1 = 0; i1 < n1; ++i1) {\n'
        '      std::string key;\n'
        '      {\n'
        '        std::string key_in = cyclus::Query<std::string>(sub, "item/name", i1);\n'
        '        key = key_in;\n'
        '      }\n'
        '      std::vector< std::vector< std::pair< double, std::pair< int, std::list< std::set< bool > > > > > > val;\n'
        '      {\n'
        '        cyclus::InfileTree* bub = sub->SubTree("item/efficiencies", i1);\n'
        '        cyclus::InfileTree* sub = bub;\n'
        '        int n2 = sub->NMatches("val");\n'
        '        std::vector< std::vector< std::pair< double, std::pair< int, std::list< std::set< bool > > > > > > val_in;\n'
        '        val_in.resize(n2);\n'
        '        for (int i2 = 0; i2 < n2; ++i2) {\n'
        '          std::vector< std::pair< double, std::pair< int, std::list< std::set< bool > > > > > elem;\n'
        '          {\n'
        '            cyclus::InfileTree* bub = sub->SubTree("val", i2);\n'
        '            cyclus::InfileTree* sub = bub;\n'
        '            int n3 = sub->NMatches("val");\n'
        '            std::vector< std::pair< double, std::pair< int, std::list< std::set< bool > > > > > elem_in;\n'
        '            elem_in.resize(n3);\n'
        '            for (int i3 = 0; i3 < n3; ++i3) {\n'
        '              std::pair< double, std::pair< int, std::list< std::set< bool > > > > elem;\n'
        '              {\n'
        '                cyclus::InfileTree* bub = sub->SubTree("val", i3);\n'
        '                cyclus::InfileTree* sub = bub;\n'
        '                  double firsti3;\n'
        '                  {\n'
        '                    double firsti3_in = cyclus::Query<double>(sub, "first", 0);\n'
        '                    firsti3 = firsti3_in;\n'
        '                  }\n'
        '                  std::pair< int, std::list< std::set< bool > > > secondi3;\n'
        '                  {\n'
        '                    cyclus::InfileTree* bub = sub->SubTree("second", 0);\n'
        '                    cyclus::InfileTree* sub = bub;\n'
        '                      int first0;\n'
        '                      {\n'
        '                        int first0_in = cyclus::Query<int>(sub, "first", 0);\n'
        '                        first0 = first0_in;\n'
        '                      }\n'
        '                      std::list< std::set< bool > > second0;\n'
        '                      {\n'
        '                        cyclus::InfileTree* bub = sub->SubTree("second", 0);\n'
        '                        cyclus::InfileTree* sub = bub;\n'
        '                        int n4 = sub->NMatches("val");\n'
        '                        std::list< std::set< bool > > second0_in;\n'
        '                        for (int i4 = 0; i4 < n4; ++i4) {\n'
        '                          std::set< bool > elem;\n'
        '                          {\n'
        '                            cyclus::InfileTree* bub = sub->SubTree("val", i4);\n'
        '                            cyclus::InfileTree* sub = bub;\n'
        '                            int n5 = sub->NMatches("val");\n'
        '                            std::set< bool > elem_in;\n'
        '                            for (int i5 = 0; i5 < n5; ++i5) {\n'
        '                              bool elem;\n'
        '                              {\n'
        '                                bool elem_in = cyclus::Query<bool>(sub, "val", i5);\n'
        '                                elem = elem_in;\n'
        '                              }\n'
        '                              elem_in.insert(elem);\n'
        '                            }\n'
        '                            elem = elem_in;\n'
        '                          }\n'
        '                          second0_in.push_back(elem);\n'
        '                        }\n'
        '                        second0 = second0_in;\n'
        '                      }\n'
        '                    std::pair< int, std::list< std::set< bool > > > secondi3_in(first0, second0);\n'
        '                    secondi3 = secondi3_in;\n'
        '                  }\n'
        '                std::pair< double, std::pair< int, std::list< std::set< bool > > > > elem_in(firsti3, secondi3);\n'
        '                elem = elem_in;\n'
        '              }\n'
        '              elem_in[i3] = elem;\n'
        '            }\n'
        '            elem = elem_in;\n'
        '          }\n'
        '          val_in[i2] = elem;\n'
        '        }\n'
        '        val = val_in;\n'
        '      }\n'
        '      mymap_in[key] = val;\n'
        '    }\n'
        '    mymap = mymap_in;\n'
        '  }\n')

    ## useful for debugging test failures

    yield assert_equal, exp_gen, gen
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_itdbfilter_val():
    """Test InfileToDbFilter._val() Defaults"""
    m = MockCodeGenMachine()
    f = InfileToDbFilter(m)

    cases = [
        ('bool', True, 'foo', None, 'bool foo = true;\n'),
        ('bool', False, 'foo', None, 'bool foo = false;\n'),
        ('int', 42, 'foo', None, 'int foo = 42;\n'),
        ('int', 92235, 'foo', 'nuclide',
         'int foo = pyne::nucname::id(92235);\n'),
        ('int', 'U-235', 'foo', 'nuclide',
         'int foo = pyne::nucname::id("U-235");\n'),
        ('float', 42.0, 'foo', None, 'double foo = 42.0;\n'),
        ('double', 42.0, 'foo', None, 'double foo = 42.0;\n'),
        ('std::string', 'wakka', 'foo', None, 'std::string foo("wakka");\n'),
        ('cyclus::Blob', 'wakka', 'foo', None, 'cyclus::Blob foo("wakka");\n'),
         '/#\xfb\xaf\x90\xc9N\xe9\x98:S\xea\xd6\xd6\x0fb', 'foo', None,
         'boost::uuids::uuid foo = "/#\xfb\xaf\x90\xc9N\xe9\x98:S\xea\xd6\xd6\x0fb";\n'
         uuid.UUID('2f23fbaf-90c9-4ee9-983a-53ead6d60f62'), 'foo', None,
         'boost::uuids::uuid foo = {0x2f, 0xf3, 0x2b, 0x3f, 0xf0, 0xb9, 0xae, 0xf9, 0x98, 0x0a, 0xc3, 0x9a, 0x46, 0xe6, 0xef, 0x92};\n'
            ('std::vector', 'int'),
            ('std::vector< int > foo;\n'
             '  {\n'
             '    int elem = 42;\n'
             '    foo[0] = elem;\n'
             '  }\n'
            ('std::vector', 'int'),
            [None, 'nuclide'],
            ('std::vector< int > foo;\n'
             '  {\n'
             '    int elem = pyne::nucname::id(92235);\n'
             '    foo[0] = elem;\n'
             '  }\n'
            ('std::set', 'int'),
            [42, 65],
            ('std::set< int > foo;\n'
             '  {\n'
             '    int elem = 42;\n'
             '    foo.insert(elem);\n'
             '  }\n'
             '  {\n'
             '    int elem = 65;\n'
             '    foo.insert(elem);\n'
             '  }\n'
            ('std::list', 'int'),
            [42, 65],
            ('std::list< int > foo;\n'
             '  {\n'
             '    int elem = 42;\n'
             '    foo.push_back(elem);\n'
             '  }\n'
             '  {\n'
             '    int elem = 65;\n'
             '    foo.push_back(elem);\n'
             '  }\n'
            ('std::pair', 'int', 'double'),
            [42, 65.0],
            ('std::pair< int, double > foo;\n'
             '  int first = 42;\n'
             '  double second = 65.0;\n'
             '  foo.first = first;\n'
             '  foo.second = second;\n'
            ('std::map', 'int', 'double'),
                42: 65.0
            ('std::map< int, double > foo;\n'
             '  {\n'
             '    int key = 42;\n'
             '    double val = 65.0;\n'
             '    foo[key] = val;\n'
             '  }\n'
            ('std::map', 'std::string', ('std::pair', 'bool', ('std::vector',
            OrderedDict([('hello', [True, [1.1, 2.2, 3.3]]),
                         ('goodbye', [False, [3.3, 2.2, 1.1]])]),
            ('std::map< std::string, std::pair< bool, std::vector< double > > > foo;\n'
             '  {\n'
             '    std::string key("hello");\n'
             '    std::pair< bool, std::vector< double > > val;\n'
             '    {\n'
             '      bool first = true;\n'
             '      std::vector< double > second;\n'
             '      second.resize(3);\n'
             '      {\n'
             '        {\n'
             '          double elem = 1.1;\n'
             '          second[0] = elem;\n'
             '        }\n'
             '        {\n'
             '          double elem = 2.2;\n'
             '          second[1] = elem;\n'
             '        }\n'
             '        {\n'
             '          double elem = 3.3;\n'
             '          second[2] = elem;\n'
             '        }\n'
             '      }\n'
             '      val.first = first;\n'
             '      val.second = second;\n'
             '    }\n'
             '    foo[key] = val;\n'
             '  }\n'
             '  {\n'
             '    std::string key("goodbye");\n'
             '    std::pair< bool, std::vector< double > > val;\n'
             '    {\n'
             '      bool first = false;\n'
             '      std::vector< double > second;\n'
             '      second.resize(3);\n'
             '      {\n'
             '        {\n'
             '          double elem = 3.3;\n'
             '          second[0] = elem;\n'
             '        }\n'
             '        {\n'
             '          double elem = 2.2;\n'
             '          second[1] = elem;\n'
             '        }\n'
             '        {\n'
             '          double elem = 1.1;\n'
             '          second[2] = elem;\n'
             '        }\n'
             '      }\n'
             '      val.first = first;\n'
             '      val.second = second;\n'
             '    }\n'
             '    foo[key] = val;\n'
             '  }\n'

    for t, v, name, uitype, exp in cases:
        obs = f._val(t, val=v, name=name, uitype=uitype)
        yield assert_equal, exp, obs
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_internal_infiletodb():
    # the expected output (i.e. 'want':...) is set as 'throw' if the
    # configuration should cause an exception.
    cases = [
            'params': {
                'internal': True
            'want': 'throw'
            'params': {
                'internal': True,
                'default': 7
            'want': ('  cyclus::InfileTree* sub = tree->SubTree("config/*");\n'
                     '  int i;\n'
                     '  int n;\n'
                     '  int x_tmp = 7;\n'
                     '  x = x_tmp;\n'
                     '  di.NewDatum("Info")\n'
                     '  ->AddVal("x", x)\n'
                     '  ->Record();\n')
            'params': {
                'derived_init': 'x *= 42;'
            'want': ('  cyclus::InfileTree* sub = tree->SubTree("config/*");\n'
                     '  int i;\n'
                     '  int n;\n'
                     '  {\n'
                     '    int x_val = cyclus::Query<int>(sub, "x");\n'
                     '    x = x_val;\n'
                     '  }\n'
                     '  x *= 42;\n'
                     '  di.NewDatum("Info")\n'
                     '  ->AddVal("x", x)\n'
                     '  ->Record();\n')
            'params': {
                'derived_init': 'x *= 42;',
                'default': 7
            'want': ('  cyclus::InfileTree* sub = tree->SubTree("config/*");\n'
                     '  int i;\n'
                     '  int n;\n'
                     '  if (sub->NMatches("x") > 0) {\n'
                     '    {\n'
                     '      int x_val = cyclus::Query<int>(sub, "x");\n'
                     '      x = x_val;\n'
                     '    }\n'
                     '  } else {\n'
                     '    int x_tmp = 7;\n'
                     '    x = x_tmp;\n'
                     '  }\n'
                     '  x *= 42;\n'
                     '  di.NewDatum("Info")\n'
                     '  ->AddVal("x", x)\n'
                     '  ->Record();\n')
            'params': {
                'internal': True,
                'derived_init': 'x *= 42;',
                'default': 7
            'want': ('  cyclus::InfileTree* sub = tree->SubTree("config/*");\n'
                     '  int i;\n'
                     '  int n;\n'
                     '  int x_tmp = 7;\n'
                     '  x = x_tmp;\n'
                     '  x *= 42;\n'
                     '  di.NewDatum("Info")\n'
                     '  ->AddVal("x", x)\n'
                     '  ->Record();\n')

    for i, case in enumerate(cases):
        keys = case['params'].copy()
        m = MockCodeGenMachine()
        params = {'type': 'int'}
        m.context = {
            "MyFactory": OrderedDict([('vars', OrderedDict([
                ('x', params),
        f = InfileToDbFilter(m)
        f.given_classname = 'MyFactory'

        want = case['want']

        impl = ''
        if want == 'throw':
            haderr = False
                impl = f.impl()
                haderr = True
            msg = 'case {0} failed: expected raised exception, got none.'
            assert_true(haderr, msg)
            impl = f.impl()

        msg = 'case {0} failed\n    ---- got ----\n    {1}\n    ---- want ----\n    {2}'.format(
            i + 1, impl.replace('\n', '\n    '), want.replace('\n', '\n    '))
        if want != impl:
            assert_true(False, msg)
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_infiletodb_read_member2():
    m = MockCodeGenMachine()
    m.context = {
                          ('x', {
                              'type': 'int',
                              'uitype': 'nuclide'
    f = InfileToDbFilter(m)

    alias = ['map', 'int', ['vector', ['pair', 'str1', 'str2']]]
    cpptype = ('std::map', 'int', ('std::vector', ('std::pair', 'std::string',
    gen = f.read_member('mymap', alias, cpptype, uitype=None)
    exp_gen = (
        '  std::map< int, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > > mymap;\n'
        '  {\n'
        '    cyclus::InfileTree* bub = sub->SubTree("map", 0);\n'
        '    cyclus::InfileTree* sub = bub;\n'
        '    int n1 = sub->NMatches("item");\n'
        '    std::map< int, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > > mymap_in;\n'
        '    for (int i1 = 0; i1 < n1; ++i1) {\n'
        '      int key;\n'
        '      {\n'
        '        int key_in = cyclus::Query<int>(sub, "item/int", i1);\n'
        '        key = key_in;\n'
        '      }\n'
        '      std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > val;\n'
        '      {\n'
        '        cyclus::InfileTree* bub = sub->SubTree("item/vector", i1);\n'
        '        cyclus::InfileTree* sub = bub;\n'
        '        int n2 = sub->NMatches("pair");\n'
        '        std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > val_in;\n'
        '        val_in.resize(n2);\n'
        '        for (int i2 = 0; i2 < n2; ++i2) {\n'
        '          std::pair< std::string, std::string > elem;\n'
        '          {\n'
        '            cyclus::InfileTree* bub = sub->SubTree("pair", i2);\n'
        '            cyclus::InfileTree* sub = bub;\n'
        '              std::string firsti2;\n'
        '              {\n'
        '                std::string firsti2_in = cyclus::Query<std::string>(sub, "str1", 0);\n'
        '                firsti2 = firsti2_in;\n'
        '              }\n'
        '              std::string secondi2;\n'
        '              {\n'
        '                std::string secondi2_in = cyclus::Query<std::string>(sub, "str2", 0);\n'
        '                secondi2 = secondi2_in;\n'
        '              }\n'
        '            std::pair< std::string, std::string > elem_in(firsti2, secondi2);\n'
        '            elem = elem_in;\n'
        '          }\n'
        '          val_in[i2] = elem;\n'
        '        }\n'
        '        val = val_in;\n'
        '      }\n'
        '      mymap_in[key] = val;\n'
        '    }\n'
        '    mymap = mymap_in;\n'
        '  }\n')
    # # useful for debugging test failures
    # print()
    # print(gen)
    # print(exp_gen)
    yield assert_equal, exp_gen, gen