Exemplo n.º 1
def test_get_user_home():
    assert os.getenv('HOME') == get_user_home()
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_get_user_home(self):
     self.assertEqual(os.getenv('HOME'), get_user_home())
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_get_user_home(self):
     self.assertEqual(os.getenv('HOME'), get_user_home())
Exemplo n.º 4
class GlobalConfig(ParsecConfig):
    Handle global (all suites) site and user configuration for cylc.
    User file values override site file values.

    _DEFAULT = None
    _HOME = os.getenv('HOME') or get_user_home()
    CONF_BASENAME = "global.cylc"

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.SITE_CONF_PATH = (os.getenv('CYLC_SITE_CONF_PATH')
                               or os.path.join(os.sep, 'etc', 'cylc', 'flow'))
        self.USER_CONF_PATH = os.path.join(self._HOME, '.cylc', 'flow')
        version_hierarchy = get_version_hierarchy(CYLC_VERSION)
        self.CONF_DIR_HIERARCHY = [
            *[(upgrader.SITE_CONFIG, os.path.join(self.SITE_CONF_PATH, ver))
              for ver in version_hierarchy],
            *[(upgrader.USER_CONFIG, os.path.join(self.USER_CONF_PATH, ver))
              for ver in version_hierarchy]
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def get_inst(cls, cached=True):
        """Return a GlobalConfig instance.

            cached (bool):
                If cached create if necessary and return the singleton
                instance, else return a new instance.
        if not cached:
            # Return an up-to-date global config without affecting the
            # singleton.
            new_instance = cls(SPEC, upg, validator=cylc_config_validate)
            return new_instance
        elif not cls._DEFAULT:
            cls._DEFAULT = cls(SPEC, upg, validator=cylc_config_validate)
        return cls._DEFAULT

    def load(self):
        """Load or reload configuration from files."""
        LOG.debug("Loading site/user config files")
        conf_path_str = os.getenv("CYLC_CONF_PATH")
        if conf_path_str:
            # Explicit config file override.
            fname = os.path.join(conf_path_str, self.CONF_BASENAME)
            if os.access(fname, os.F_OK | os.R_OK):
                self.loadcfg(fname, upgrader.USER_CONFIG)
        elif conf_path_str is None:
            # Use default locations.
            for conf_type, conf_dir in self.CONF_DIR_HIERARCHY:
                fname = os.path.join(conf_dir, self.CONF_BASENAME)
                if not os.access(fname, os.F_OK | os.R_OK):
                    self.loadcfg(fname, conf_type)
                except ParsecError as exc:
                    if conf_type == upgrader.SITE_CONFIG:
                        # Warn on bad site file (users can't fix it).
                            f'ignoring bad {conf_type} {fname}:\n{exc}')
                        # Abort on bad user file (users can fix it).
                        LOG.error(f'bad {conf_type} {fname}')


    def _set_default_editors(self):
        # default to $[G]EDITOR unless an editor is defined in the config
        # NOTE: use `or` to handle cases where an env var is set to ''
        cfg = self.get()
        if not cfg['editors']['terminal']:
            cfg['editors']['terminal'] = os.environ.get('EDITOR') or 'vi'
        if not cfg['editors']['gui']:
            cfg['editors']['gui'] = os.environ.get('GEDITOR') or 'gvim -fg'
Exemplo n.º 5
class GlobalConfig(ParsecConfig):
    Handle global (all suites) site and user configuration for cylc.
    User file values override site file values.

    _DEFAULT = None
    _HOME = os.getenv('HOME') or get_user_home()
    CONF_BASENAME = "flow.rc"
    SITE_CONF_DIR = os.path.join(os.sep, 'etc', 'cylc', 'flow', CYLC_VERSION)
    USER_CONF_DIR = os.path.join(_HOME, '.cylc', 'flow', CYLC_VERSION)

    def get_inst(cls, cached=True):
        """Return a GlobalConfig instance.

            cached (bool):
                If cached create if necessary and return the singleton
                instance, else return a new instance.
        if not cached:
            # Return an up-to-date global config without affecting the
            # singleton.
            new_instance = cls(SPEC, upg, validator=cylc_config_validate)
            return new_instance
        elif not cls._DEFAULT:
            cls._DEFAULT = cls(SPEC, upg, validator=cylc_config_validate)
        return cls._DEFAULT

    def load(self):
        """Load or reload configuration from files."""
        LOG.debug("Loading site/user config files")
        conf_path_str = os.getenv("CYLC_CONF_PATH")
        if conf_path_str:
            # Explicit config file override.
            fname = os.path.join(conf_path_str, self.CONF_BASENAME)
            if os.access(fname, os.F_OK | os.R_OK):
                self.loadcfg(fname, upgrader.USER_CONFIG)
        elif conf_path_str is None:
            # Use default locations.
            for conf_dir, conf_type in [
                (self.SITE_CONF_DIR, upgrader.SITE_CONFIG),
                (self.USER_CONF_DIR, upgrader.USER_CONFIG)
                fname = os.path.join(conf_dir, self.CONF_BASENAME)
                if not os.access(fname, os.F_OK | os.R_OK):
                    self.loadcfg(fname, conf_type)
                except ParsecError as exc:
                    if conf_type == upgrader.SITE_CONFIG:
                        # Warn on bad site file (users can't fix it).
                        LOG.warning('ignoring bad %s %s:\n%s', conf_type,
                                    fname, exc)
                        # Abort on bad user file (users can fix it).
                        LOG.error('bad %s %s', conf_type, fname)
        # (OK if no flow.rc is found, just use system defaults).

    def get_host_item(self,
        """This allows hosts with no matching entry in the config file
        to default to appropriately modified localhost settings."""

        cfg = self.get()

        # (this may be called with explicit None values for localhost
        # and owner, so we can't use proper defaults in the arg list)
        if not host:
            # if no host is given the caller is asking about localhost
            host = 'localhost'

        # is there a matching host section?
        host_key = None
        if host in cfg['hosts']:
            # there's an entry for this host
            host_key = host
            # try for a pattern match
            for cfg_host in cfg['hosts']:
                if re.match(cfg_host, host):
                    host_key = cfg_host
        modify_dirs = False
        if host_key is not None:
            # entry exists, any unset items under it have already
            # defaulted to modified localhost values (see site cfgspec)
            value = cfg['hosts'][host_key][item]
            # no entry so default to localhost and modify appropriately
            value = cfg['hosts']['localhost'][item]
            modify_dirs = True
        if value is not None and 'directory' in item:
            if replace_home or modify_dirs:
                # Replace local home dir with $HOME for eval'n on other host.
                value = value.replace(self._HOME, '$HOME')
            elif is_remote_user(owner):
                # Replace with ~owner for direct access via local filesys
                # (works for standard cylc-run directory location).
                if owner_home is None:
                    owner_home = os.path.expanduser('~%s' % owner)
                value = value.replace(self._HOME, owner_home)
        if item == "task communication method" and value == "default":
            # Translate "default" to client-server comms: "zmq"
            value = 'zmq'
        return value

    def _transform(self):
        """Transform various settings.

        Host item values of None default to modified localhost values.
        Expand environment variables and ~ notations.

        Ensure os.environ['HOME'] is defined with the correct value.
        cfg = self.get()

        for host in cfg['hosts']:
            if host == 'localhost':
            for item, value in cfg['hosts'][host].items():
                if value is None:
                    newvalue = cfg['hosts']['localhost'][item]
                    newvalue = value
                if newvalue and 'directory' in item:
                    # replace local home dir with $HOME for evaluation on other
                    # host
                    newvalue = newvalue.replace(self._HOME, '$HOME')
                cfg['hosts'][host][item] = newvalue

        # Expand environment variables and ~user in LOCAL file paths.
        if 'HOME' not in os.environ:
            os.environ['HOME'] = self._HOME
        cfg['documentation']['local'] = os.path.expandvars(
        for key, val in cfg['hosts']['localhost'].items():
            if val and 'directory' in key:
                cfg['hosts']['localhost'][key] = os.path.expandvars(val)
Exemplo n.º 6
class GlobalConfig(ParsecConfig):
    Handle global (all workflows) site and user configuration for cylc.
    User file values override site file values.

    _DEFAULT: Optional['GlobalConfig'] = None
    CONF_BASENAME: str = "global.cylc"
    DEFAULT_SITE_CONF_PATH: str = os.path.join(os.sep, 'etc', 'cylc')
    USER_CONF_PATH: str = os.path.join(
        os.getenv('HOME') or get_user_home(), '.cylc', 'flow')
    VERSION_HIERARCHY: List[str] = get_version_hierarchy(CYLC_VERSION)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
        site_conf_root = (os.getenv('CYLC_SITE_CONF_PATH')
                          or self.DEFAULT_SITE_CONF_PATH)
        self.conf_dir_hierarchy: List[Tuple[str, str]] = [
            *[(upgrader.SITE_CONFIG, os.path.join(site_conf_root, 'flow', ver))
              for ver in self.VERSION_HIERARCHY],
            *[(upgrader.USER_CONFIG, os.path.join(self.USER_CONF_PATH, ver))
              for ver in self.VERSION_HIERARCHY]
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def get_inst(cls, cached=True):
        """Return a GlobalConfig instance.

            cached (bool):
                If cached create if necessary and return the singleton
                instance, else return a new instance.
        if not cached:
            # Return an up-to-date global config without affecting the
            # singleton.
            new_instance = cls(SPEC, upg, validator=cylc_config_validate)
            return new_instance
        elif not cls._DEFAULT:
            cls._DEFAULT = cls(SPEC, upg, validator=cylc_config_validate)
        return cls._DEFAULT

    def _load(self, fname, conf_type):
        if os.access(fname, os.F_OK | os.R_OK):
            self.loadcfg(fname, conf_type)

    def load(self):
        """Load or reload configuration from files."""
        LOG.debug("Loading site/user config files")
        conf_path_str = os.getenv("CYLC_CONF_PATH")
        if conf_path_str:
            # Explicit config file override.
            fname = os.path.join(conf_path_str, self.CONF_BASENAME)
            self._load(fname, upgrader.USER_CONFIG)
        elif conf_path_str is None:
            # Use default locations.
            for conf_type, conf_dir in self.conf_dir_hierarchy:
                fname = os.path.join(conf_dir, self.CONF_BASENAME)
                    self._load(fname, conf_type)
                except ParsecError:
                    LOG.error(f'bad {conf_type} {fname}')


    def _set_default_editors(self):
        # default to $[G]EDITOR unless an editor is defined in the config
        # NOTE: use `or` to handle cases where an env var is set to ''
        cfg = self.get()
        if not cfg['editors']['terminal']:
            cfg['editors']['terminal'] = os.environ.get('EDITOR') or 'vi'
        if not cfg['editors']['gui']:
            cfg['editors']['gui'] = os.environ.get('GEDITOR') or 'gvim -fg'