Exemplo n.º 1
def test_wrapper_passes_cylc_error():
    """Ensure the wrapper does not catch CylcError instances."""
    async def test_coro(*_):
        raise CylcError('foo')

    coro = _wrapper(test_coro, None, None)
    with pytest.raises(MainLoopPluginException):
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_wrapper_calls_function():
    """Ensure the wrapper calls coroutines."""
    flag = False

    async def test_coro(arg1, arg2):
        assert arg1 == 'arg1'
        assert arg2 == 'arg2'
        nonlocal flag
        flag = True

    coro = _wrapper(test_coro, 'arg1', 'arg2')
    assert flag
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_wrapper_catches_exceptions(caplog):
    """Ensure the wrapper catches Exception instances and logs them."""
    async def test_coro(*_):
        raise Exception('foo')

    coro = _wrapper(test_coro, None, None)
    with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG, logger=CYLC_LOG):
    assert len(caplog.record_tuples) == 4
    run, error, traceback, completed = caplog.record_tuples
    assert 'run' in run[2]
    assert error[1] == logging.ERROR
    assert traceback[1] == logging.ERROR
    assert 'foo' in traceback[2]
    assert completed[1] == logging.DEBUG
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_wrapper_logging(caplog):
    """Ensure the wrapper logs each coroutine call."""
    async def test_coro(*_):

    coro = _wrapper(test_coro, None, None)
    with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG, logger=CYLC_LOG):
    assert len(caplog.record_tuples) == 2
    ((run_log, run_level, run_msg), (end_log, end_level,
                                     end_msg)) = caplog.record_tuples
    # we should have two messages, one sent before and one after
    # the function
    assert 'run' in run_msg
    assert 'end' in end_msg
    # both should contain the name of the function
    assert 'test_coro' in run_msg
    assert 'test_coro' in end_msg
    # and should be sent to the cylc logger at the debug level
    assert run_log == end_log == CYLC_LOG
    assert run_level == end_level == logging.DEBUG