Exemplo n.º 1
def test_get_dirs_to_symlink(workflow, install_target, mocked_glbl_cfg,
                             output, mock_glbl_cfg, tmp_path, monkeypatch):
    # Using env variable 'DEE' to ensure dirs returned are unexpanded
    monkeypatch.setenv('DEE', str(tmp_path))
    mock_glbl_cfg('cylc.flow.pathutil.glbl_cfg', mocked_glbl_cfg)
    dirs = get_dirs_to_symlink(install_target, workflow)
    assert dirs == output
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_get_dirs_to_symlink(mocked_glbl_cfg: str, output: Dict[str, str],
                             mock_glbl_cfg: Callable,
                             monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch) -> None:
    # Set env var 'DEE', but we expect it to be unexpanded
    monkeypatch.setenv('DEE', 'poiuytrewq')
    mock_glbl_cfg('cylc.flow.pathutil.glbl_cfg', mocked_glbl_cfg)
    dirs = get_dirs_to_symlink('the_matrix', 'morpheus')
    assert dirs == output
Exemplo n.º 3
    def remote_init(self, platform: Dict[str, Any],
                    curve_auth: 'ThreadAuthenticator',
                    client_pub_key_dir: str) -> None:
        """Initialise a remote host if necessary.

        Call "cylc remote-init" to install workflow items to remote:
            ".service/contact": For TCP task communication
            "python/": if source exists

            platform: A dict containing settings relating to platform used in
                this remote installation.
            curve_auth: The ZMQ authenticator.
            client_pub_key_dir: Client public key directory, used by the
                ZMQ authenticator.

        install_target = platform['install target']
        if install_target == get_localhost_install_target():
            self.remote_init_map[install_target] = REMOTE_FILE_INSTALL_DONE
        # Set status of install target to in progress while waiting for remote
        # initialisation to finish
        self.remote_init_map[install_target] = REMOTE_INIT_IN_PROGRESS

        # Determine what items to install
        comms_meth: CommsMeth = CommsMeth(platform['communication method'])
        items = self._remote_init_items(comms_meth)

        # Create a TAR archive with the service files,
        # so they can be sent later via SSH's STDIN to the task remote.
        tmphandle = self.proc_pool.get_temporary_file()
        tarhandle = tarfile.open(fileobj=tmphandle, mode='w')
        for path, arcname in items:
            tarhandle.add(path, arcname=arcname)
        # Build the remote-init command to be run over ssh
        cmd = ['remote-init']
        if cylc.flow.flags.verbosity > 1:
        dirs_to_symlink = get_dirs_to_symlink(install_target, self.workflow)
        for key, value in dirs_to_symlink.items():
            if value is not None:
                cmd.append(f"{key}={quote(value)} ")
        # Create the ssh command
        cmd = construct_ssh_cmd(cmd, platform)
            SubProcContext('remote-init', cmd, stdin_files=[tmphandle]),
            [platform, tmphandle, curve_auth, client_pub_key_dir])
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_get_dirs_to_symlink(
        suite, install_target, mocked_glbl_cfg, output, mock_glbl_cfg):
    mock_glbl_cfg('cylc.flow.pathutil.glbl_cfg', mocked_glbl_cfg)
    dirs = get_dirs_to_symlink(install_target, suite)
    assert dirs == output