def odd_even_sort(arr):
    n = len(arr)
    for i in range(len(arr)):
        if i & 1 == 0:
            with nogil, parallel.parallel():
                for j in prange(0, n - 1, 2):
                    if arr[j] > arr[j + 1]:
                        arr[j], arr[j + 1] = arr[j + 1], arr[j]
            with nogil, parallel.parallel():
                for j in prange(1, n - 1, 2):
                    if arr[j] > arr[j + 1]:
                        arr[j], arr[j + 1] = arr[j + 1], arr[j]
        print("iteration %d:" % (i + 1), *arr)
Exemplo n.º 2
def n2means(samples, mask):
    global indi
    n = 5
    print('Idividual: ', indi)
    indi += 1
    new_samples = []
    cdef int num_thteads
    with nogil, parallel():
        num_thteads = openmp.omp_get_num_threads()
        for sample in prange(samples, nogil=True):
            new_sample = []
            for j in range(1, len(samples[0])):
                if mask[j] == 1:
            new_samples.append([sample[0], np.array(new_sample)])

    best_score = np.inf
    best_model = None
    for i in range(n):
        groups = kmeans(new_samples, 2)

        e0, e1 = eval_group(groups)

        erro = 0

        if e0['ALL'] >= e0['AML']:
            erro += e0['AML']
            erro += e1['ALL']
            erro += e1['AML']
            erro += e0['ALL']

        if erro <= best_score:
            best_score = erro
            best_model = groups

    return best_score
Exemplo n.º 3
     np.int32_t bad = 0
 # Set (threads)
 if n_threads >= NUM_PROCESSORS:
     n_threads = NUM_PROCESSORS - 2
     if n_threads <= 0:
         n_threads = 1
 # Initial print statement.
 print('sample px and py before starting bin loop:')
 print('  -> ', np.random.choice(px, 10))
 print('  -> ', np.random.choice(py, 10))
 print('threads : ', n_threads)
 print('mlim_min: ', mlim_min)
 print('mlim_med: ', mlim_med)
 print('mlim_max: ', mlim_max)
 with nogil, parallel(num_threads=n_threads):
     for i in prange(n_stars, schedule='dynamic'):
         # Check to see if star is in FOV of grid.
         if (
                 px[i] >= boundary_x or
                 px[i] <= 0 or
                 py[i] >= boundary_y or
                 py[i] <= 0):  
             missed += 1
         # If star is in the grid.
             sat_number = satid[i]
             sat_age = tsat[sat_number]
             sat_bound = bsat[sat_number]
             apparent_mag = ap_mags[i]
             # If the star is unbound [0].
Exemplo n.º 4
from cython.parallel import parallel, prange
from libc.stdlib cimport abort, malloc, free

cdef Py_ssize_t idx, i, n = 100
cdef int * local_buf
cdef size_t size = 10

with nogil, parallel():
    local_buf = <int *> malloc(sizeof(int) * size)
    if local_buf == NULL:

    # populate our local buffer in a sequential loop
    for i in xrange(size):
        local_buf[i] = i * 2

    # share the work using the thread-local buffer(s)
    for i in prange(n, schedule='guided'):

Exemplo n.º 5
def lcParallel(t_obs,

    # Copy control parameters into an np.array

    gridname_to_gridsize = {
        "very_sparse": 4,
        "sparse": 8,
        "default": 16,
        "fine": 24,
        "very_fine": 32,
    n1 = gridname_to_gridsize.get(grid_1, None)
    if n1 is None:
        raise Exception("Invalid grid size name")
    n2 = gridname_to_gridsize.get(grid_2, None)
    if n2 is None:
        raise Exception("Invalid grid size name")

    ldstr_to_ldcode = {
        "none": 0,
        "lin": 1,
        "quad": 2,
        "sing": 3,
        "claret": 4,
        "log": -1,
        "sqrt": -2,
        "exp": -3
    if ld_1 is None:
        ldstr_1 = 'none'
        ldstr_1 = ld_1

    if ld_2 is None:
        ldstr_2 = 'none'
        ldstr_2 = ld_2

    l1 = ldstr_to_ldcode.get(ldstr_1, None)
    if l1 is None:
        raise Exception("Invalid limb darkening law name")
    l2 = ldstr_to_ldcode.get(ldstr_2, None)
    if l2 is None:
        raise Exception("Invalid limb darkening law name")

    shapename_to_shapecode = {
        "roche_v": -2,
        "roche": -1,
        "sphere": 0,
        "poly1p5": 1,
        "poly3p0": 2,
    s1 = shapename_to_shapecode.get(shape_1, None)
    if s1 is None:
        raise Exception("Invalid star shape name")
    s2 = shapename_to_shapecode.get(shape_2, None)
    if s2 is None:
        raise Exception("Invalid star shape name")

    if spots_1 is None:
        spar_1 = np.zeros([1, 1])
        n_spots_1 = 0
        spar_1 = np.array(spots_1)
        if (spar_1.ndim != 2) or (spar_1.shape[0] != 4):
            raise Exception("spots_1 is not  (4, n_spots_1) array_like")
        n_spots_1 = spar_1.shape[1]

    if spots_2 is None:
        spar_2 = np.zeros([1, 1])
        n_spots_2 = 0
        spar_2 = np.array(spots_2)
        if (spar_2.ndim != 2) or (spar_2.shape[0] != 4):
            raise Exception("spots_2 is not  (4, n_spots_2) array_like")
        n_spots_2 = spar_2.shape[1]

    ipar = np.array(
        [n1, n2, n_spots_1, n_spots_2, l1, l2, s1, s2, 1, 0 + exact_grav],

    # Copy binary parameters into an np.array

    if (radius_1 <= 0) or (radius_1 > 1):
        raise ValueError("radius_1 argument out of range")
    if (radius_1 == 1) and (shape_1 != "roche"):
        raise ValueError("radius_1=1 only allowed for Roche potential")

    if (radius_2 <= 0) or (radius_2 > 1):
        raise ValueError("radius_2 argument out of range")
    if (radius_2 == 1) and (shape_2 != "roche"):
        raise ValueError("radius_2=1 only allowed for Roche potential")

    par = np.zeros(37)
    par[0] = t_zero
    par[1] = period
    par[2] = sbratio
    par[3] = radius_1
    par[4] = radius_2
    par[5] = incl
    par[6] = light_3

    if a is not None: par[7] = a

    if (f_c is None) and (f_s is None):
    elif (f_c is not None) and (f_s is not None):
        par[8] = f_c
        par[9] = f_s
        raise Exception("Must specify both f_c and f_s or neither.")

    if q <= 0:
        raise ValueError("Mass ratio q must be positive.")
    par[10] = q

    ld_to_n = {
        "none": 0,
        "lin": 1,
        "quad": 2,
        "sing": 3,
        "claret": 4,
        "log": 2,
        "sqrt": 2,
        "exp": 2
    ld_n_1 = ld_to_n.get(ldstr_1, None)
        par[11:11 + ld_n_1] = ldc_1
        raise Exception("ldc_1 and ld_1 are inconsistent")
    ld_n_2 = ld_to_n.get(ldstr_2, None)
        par[15:15 + ld_n_2] = ldc_2
        raise Exception("ldc_2 and ld_2 are inconsistent")

    if gdc_1 is not None: par[19] = gdc_1

    if gdc_2 is not None: par[20] = gdc_2

    if didt is not None: par[21] = didt

    if domdt is not None: par[22] = domdt

    par[23] = rotfac_1

    par[24] = rotfac_2

    if bfac_1 is not None: par[25] = bfac_1

    if bfac_2 is not None: par[26] = bfac_2

    if heat_1 is not None:
        t = np.array(heat_1)
        if t.size == 1:
            par[27] = t
        elif t.size == 3:
            par[27:30] = t
            raise Exception('Invalid size for array heat_1')

    if heat_2 is not None:
        t = np.array(heat_2)
        if t.size == 1:
            par[30] = t
        elif t.size == 3:
            par[30:33] = t
            raise Exception('Invalid size for array heat_2')

    if lambda_1 is not None: par[33] = lambda_1

    if lambda_2 is not None: par[34] = lambda_2

    if vsini_1 is not None: par[35] = vsini_1

    if vsini_2 is not None: par[36] = vsini_2

    t_obs_array = np.array(t_obs)
    n_obs = len(t_obs_array)
    if t_exp is None:
        t_exp_array = np.zeros(n_obs)
        t_exp_array = np.ones(n_obs) * t_exp

    if n_int is not None:
        if np.amax(n_int) < 1: raise Exception("No n_int values > 1.")
        if np.amin(n_int) < 0:
            raise Exception("Invalid negative n_int value(s).")
        n_int_array = np.array(np.ones(n_obs) * n_int, dtype=int)
        n_int_array = np.ones(n_obs, dtype=int)

    # Create list of times for calculation, weights for integration and
    # indices to relate these both back to the original t_obs array
    i_obs = np.arange(0, n_obs)
    t_calc = t_obs_array[n_int_array == 1]
    w_calc = np.ones_like(t_calc)
    i_calc = i_obs[n_int_array == 1]
    n_int_max = np.amax(n_int_array)

    print(np.unique(n_int_array[n_int_array > 1]))

    with cython.nogil, parallel(num_threads=2):
        for i_int in prange(np.unique(n_int_array[n_int_array > 1]),
            t_obs_i = t_obs_array[n_int_array == i_int]
            t_exp_i = t_exp_array[n_int_array == i_int]
            i_obs_i = i_obs[n_int_array == i_int]

            for j_int in range(0, i_int):
                t_calc = np.append(
                    t_calc, t_obs_i + (j_int / (i_int - 1.) - 0.5) * t_exp_i)
                i_calc = np.append(i_calc, i_obs_i)

                if (j_int == 0) or (j_int == i_int - 1):
                    w_calc = np.append(
                        w_calc, 0.5 * np.ones_like(t_obs_i) / (i_int - 1.))
                    w_calc = np.append(w_calc,
                                       np.ones_like(t_obs_i) / (i_int - 1.))

    lc_rv_flags =, par, ipar, spar_1, spar_2, verbose)
    flux = np.zeros(n_obs)
    for j in range(0, len(t_calc)):
        if np.isnan(lc_rv_flags[j, 0]):
            print('Bad flux:', lc_rv_flags[j, :])
            lc_dummy =[j], par, ipar, spar_1, spar_2, 9)
            return -1
        flux[i_calc[j]] += lc_rv_flags[j, 0] * w_calc[j]

    t_obs_0 = t_obs_array[n_int_array == 0]  # Points to be interpolated
    n_obs_0 = len(t_obs_0)
    if n_obs_0 > 0:
        i_sort = np.argsort(t_calc)
        t_int = t_calc[i_sort]
        f_int = lc_rv_flags[i_sort, 0]
        flux[n_int_array == 0] = np.interp(t_obs_0, t_int, f_int)

    return flux
Exemplo n.º 6
def lcMp(process, t_obs, radius_1, radius_2, sbratio, incl,
             light_3 = 0,
             t_zero = 0, period = 1,
             a = None,
             q = 1,
             f_c = None, f_s = None,
             ldc_1 = None, ldc_2 = None,
             gdc_1 = None, gdc_2 = None,
             didt = None,
             domdt = None,
             rotfac_1 = 1, rotfac_2 = 1,
             bfac_1 = None, bfac_2 = None,
             heat_1 = None, heat_2 = None,
             lambda_1 = None, lambda_2 = None,
             vsini_1 = None, vsini_2 = None,
             t_exp=None, n_int=None,
             grid_1='default', grid_2='default',
             ld_1=None, ld_2=None,
             shape_1='sphere', shape_2='sphere',
             spots_1=None, spots_2=None,
             exact_grav=False, verbose=1):
    Calculate the light curve of a binary star

    This function calculates the light curve of a binary star using the ellc
    binary star model [1].

    t_obs : array_like
            Times or phases of observation. The units and time system used must be
            consistent with t_zero and period.

    radius_1 : float
            Radius of star 1 in units of the semi-major axis of the binary.
            The radius is defined to be the same as a sphere with the same volume as
            the ellipsoid used to approximate the shape of the star.
            Set radius_1=1 to fix radius at limiting radius in the Roche potential.

    radius_2 : float
            Radius of star 2 in units of the semi-major axis of the binary.
            The radius is defined to be the same as a sphere with the same volume as
            the ellipsoid used to approximate the shape of the star.
            Set radius_2=1 to fix radius at limiting radius in the Roche potential.

    sbratio : float
            Surface brightness ratio, S_2/S_1

    incl : float
            Inclination in degrees.

    light_3 : float, optional
            Third light contribution relative to total flux from both stars at
            time t_zero excluding eclipse effects.

    t_zero : float, optional
            Time (or phase) of mid-eclipse for star 1 by star 2.
            The units and time system must be consistent with the values in t_obs.
            Default is 0.

    period : float, optional
            Orbital period of the binary or (for phased data) 1.
            For binary systes with apsidal motion, this is the anomalistic period.
            If light-time effect or Doppler boosting is to be calculated correctly
            then the units of period must be days, otherwise arbitrary units can be
            used provided that these are consistent with t_zero and t_obs.
            Default is 1.

    a : {None, float}, optional
            Semi-major axis in solar radii for calculation of light travel time
            and Doppler boosting.

    q : float, optional
            Mass ratio m_2/m_1.
            Default is 1.

    f_c : {None, float},    optional
            For eccentric orbits with eccentricity e and longitude of periastron w,
            f_c = sqrt(e).cos(w)
            If not None, then f_s must also be specified.
            Default is None.

    f_s : {None, float},    optional
            For eccentric orbits with eccentricity e and longitude of periastron w,
            f_s = sqrt(e).sin(w)
            If not None, then f_c must also be specified.
            Default is None.

    ldc_1 : {None, float, 2-, 3- or 4-tuple of floats}, optional
            Limb darkening coefficients for star 1.
            Number of elements must match the selected limb-darkening law.
            Default is None

    ldc_2 : {None, float, 2-, 3- or 4-tuple of floats}, optional
            Limb darkening coefficients for star 2.
            Number of elements must match the selected limb-darkening law.
            Default is None

    gdc_1 : {None, float},    optional
            Gravity darkening exponent for star 1.

    gdc_2 : {None, float},    optional
            Gravity darkening exponent for star 2.

    didt : {None, float},    optional
            Rate of change of inclination [degrees/anomalistic period]
            Default is None.

    domdt : {None, float},    optional
            Apsidal motion rate    [degrees/anomalistic period].
            Default is None.

    rotfac_1 : float, optional
            Asynchronous rotation factor for star 1, F_1
            Default is 1.

    rotfac_2 : float, optional
            Asynchronous rotation factor for star 2, F_2
            Default is 1.

    bfac_1 : {None, float}, optional
            Doppler boosting factor, star 1
            N.B. Doppler boosting is not calculated is parameter a is None
            Default is None.

    bfac_2 : {None, float}, optional
            Doppler boosting factor, star 2
            N.B. Doppler boosting is not calculated is parameter a is None
            Default is None.

    heat_1 : {None, scalar, 3-tuple of floats}, optional
            If scalar, coefficient of simplified reflection model.
            If 3-tuple, parameters of heating+reflection model for star 1,
            [H_0, H_1, u_H]
            H_0 is the coefficient, H_1 is the exponent and u_H is the linear
            limb-darkening coefficient.
            Default is None.

    heat_2 : {None, scalar, 3-tuple of floats}, optional
            If scalar, coefficient of simplified reflection model.
            If 3-tuple, parameters of heating+reflection model for star 2,
            [H_0, H_1, u_H]
            H_0 is the coefficient, H_1 is the exponent and u_H is the linear
            limb-darkening coefficient.
            Default is None.

    lambda_1 : {None, float},    optional
             Sky-projected angle between orbital and rotation axes, star 1 [degrees]
             N.B. lambda_1 is only used if shape_1='sphere'
             Default is None.

    lambda_2 : {None, float},    optional
             Sky-projected angle between orbital and rotation axes, star 2 [degrees]
             N.B. lambda_2 is only used if shape_2='sphere'
             Default is None.

    vsini_1    : {None, float}, optional
            V_rot.sini for calculation of R-M effect for star 1 [km/s]
            See notes below.
            Default is None.

    vsini_2    : {None, float}, optional
            V_rot.sini for calculation of R-M effect for star 2 [km/s]
            See notes below.
            Default is None.

    t_exp : {None, float, array_like}, optional
            Exposure time in the same units as t_obs and, if array_like, with the
            same number of elements.
            Default is None.

    n_int : {None, int, array_like}
            Number of integration points used to account for finite exposure time.
            Set n_int or elements of n_int to 1 to make no correction for finite
            integration time.
            If array_like then set elements to 0 to use linear interpolation of the
            other values in the light curve to estimate the light curve at the
            corresponding values of t_obs.
            Default is None.

    grid_1 : {"very_sparse", "sparse", "default", "fine", "very_fine"}, optional
            Grid size used to calculate the flux from star 1.
            Default is "default"

    grid_2 : {"very_sparse", "sparse", "default", "fine", "very_fine"}, optional
            Grid size used to calculate the flux from star 2.
            Default is "default"

    ld_1 : {None, "lin", "quad", "sing", "claret", "log", "sqrt", "exp"}
     Limb darkening law for star 1
     Default is None

    ld_2 : {None, "lin", "quad", "sing", "claret", "log", "sqrt", "exp"}
     Limb darkening law for star 2
     Default is None

    shape_1 : {"roche", "roche_v", "sphere", "poly1p5", "poly3p0"}
            Model used to calculate the shape of star 1 - see Notes.
            Default is "sphere".

    shape_2 : {"roche", "roche_v", "sphere", "poly1p5", "poly3p0"}
            Model used to calculate the shape of star 2 - see Notes.
            Default is "sphere".

    spots_1 : (4, n_spots_1) array_like
     Parameters of the spots on star 1. For each spot the parameters, in order,
     are longitude, latitude, size and brightness factor. All three angles are
     in degrees.

    spots_2 : (4, n_spots_2) array_like
     Parameters of the spots on star 2. For each spot the parameters, in order,
     are longitude, latitude, size and brightness factor. All three angles are
     in degrees.

    exact_grav : {True|False}
        Use point-by-point calculation of local surface gravity for calculation of
        gravity darkening is True, otherwise use (much faster) approximation based
        on functional form fit to local gravity at 4 points on the star.

    flux : ndarray
            Flux in arbitrary units.


     The asynchronous rotation factors rotfac_1 and rotfac_2 are used to
    calculate the shapes of the stars (unless spherical stars are specified).
    These rotation factors are relative to the actual synchronous rotation rate
    (rotation period = orbital period) not pseudo-synchronous rotation rate.

        The effect of the spot on the light curve is calculated using the
     algorithm by Eker [2] for circular spots on a spherical star with
     quadratic limb darkening. If the limb-darkening law used for the main
     calculation is not linear or quadratic then the coefficients of the
     limb-darkening law used for the calculation of the effects of the spots
     are set so that the intensity distribution matches at mu = 0, 0.5 and 1.

        N.B. The effect of each spot on the light curve is additive so overlapping
     spots can result in non-physical negative fluxes for some regions of the

        For the calculation of the star shape, the rotation and orbital angular
     momentum vectors are assumed parallel. The shape of each star is
     approximated by a triaxial ellipsoid with semi-major axes (A,B,C) and
     offset towards companion, D, from the centre-of-mass of the star towards
     the companion star. For the option "roche" the definition of the Roche
     potential from Wilson [3] is used and the values of A, B, C, D are set to
     that intersection points of the triaxial ellipsoid with x-, y- and z-axes
     lie on an equipotential surface. For the options "poly1p5" and "poly3p0"
     the star is assumed to behave as a polytrope with index n=1.5 or n=3,
     respectively. The tidal and rotational distortion of the polytrope are
     assumed to be independent. The tidal distortion for polytropes is from
     Chandrasekhar [4] and the rotational distortion is calculated by
     interpolation in Table 1 of James [5].

         In eccentric orbits, the volume of the star is assumed to be constant. In
        general, the volume is calculated from the volume of the approximating
        ellipsoid. In the case of synchronous rotation, the volume of the star can
        be calculated using equation (2.18) from Kopal "Dynamics of Close Binary
        Systems" (Springer, 1978) by selecting the star shape model "roche_v".

    >>> import ellc
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    >>> t = np.arange(-0.25,0.75, 0.001)
    >>> spots_1 = [[30,180],[45,-45],[25,35],[0.2,0.8]]
    >>> flux =,radius_1=0.1,radius_2=0.05,sbratio=0.2,
    ...     incl=89.95,q=0.5,ld_1='quad',ldc_1=[0.65,0.2],ld_2='lin',ldc_2=0.45,
    ...     shape_1='poly3p0',shape_2='poly1p5',spots_1=spots_1)
    >>> plt.plot(t,flux)

    .. [1] Maxted, P.F.L. 2016. A fast, flexible light curve model for detached
            eclipsing binary stars and transiting exoplanets. A&A 591, A111, 2016.
    .. [2] Eker, 1994, ApJ, 420, 373.
    .. [3] Wilson, 1979, ApJ, 234, 1054.
    .. [4] Chandrasekhar, 1933, MNRAS, 93, 449.
    .. [5] James, 1964, ApJ, 140, 552.


    # Copy control parameters into an np.array
    gridname_to_gridsize = {
        "very_sparse" : 4,
        "sparse"      : 8,
        "default"     : 16,
        "fine"        : 24,
        "very_fine"   : 32,
    n1 = gridname_to_gridsize.get(grid_1,None)
    if n1 is None:
        raise Exception("Invalid grid size name")
    n2 = gridname_to_gridsize.get(grid_2,None)
    if n2 is None:
        raise Exception("Invalid grid size name")

    ldstr_to_ldcode = {
        "none"   : 0,
        "lin"    : 1,
        "quad"   : 2,
        "sing"   : 3,
        "claret" : 4,
        "log"    : -1,
        "sqrt"   : -2,
        "exp"    : -3
    if ld_1 is None:
        ldstr_1 = 'none'
        ldstr_1 = ld_1

    if ld_2 is None:
        ldstr_2 = 'none'
        ldstr_2 = ld_2

    l1 = ldstr_to_ldcode.get(ldstr_1,None)
    if l1 is None:
        raise Exception("Invalid limb darkening law name")
    l2 = ldstr_to_ldcode.get(ldstr_2,None)
    if l2 is None:
        raise Exception("Invalid limb darkening law name")

    shapename_to_shapecode = {
        "roche_v" : -2,
        "roche"   : -1,
        "sphere"  : 0,
        "poly1p5" : 1,
        "poly3p0" : 2,
    s1 = shapename_to_shapecode.get(shape_1,None)
    if s1 is None:
        raise Exception("Invalid star shape name")
    s2 = shapename_to_shapecode.get(shape_2,None)
    if s2 is None:
        raise Exception("Invalid star shape name")

    if spots_1 is None:
        spar_1 = np.zeros([1,1])
        n_spots_1 = 0
        spar_1 = np.array(spots_1)
        if (spar_1.ndim != 2) or (spar_1.shape[0] != 4 ):
            raise Exception("spots_1 is not    (4, n_spots_1) array_like")
        n_spots_1 = spar_1.shape[1]

    if spots_2 is None:
        spar_2 = np.zeros([1,1])
        n_spots_2 = 0
        spar_2 = np.array(spots_2)
        if (spar_2.ndim != 2) or (spar_2.shape[0] != 4 ):
            raise Exception("spots_2 is not    (4, n_spots_2) array_like")
        n_spots_2 = spar_2.shape[1]

    ipar = np.array([n1,n2,n_spots_1,n_spots_2,l1,l2,s1,s2,1,0+exact_grav],

    # Copy binary parameters into an np.array

    if (radius_1 <= 0) or (radius_1 > 1):
        raise ValueError("radius_1 argument out of range")
    if (radius_1 == 1) and (shape_1 != "roche"):
        raise ValueError("radius_1=1 only allowed for Roche potential")

    if (radius_2 <= 0) or (radius_2 > 1):
        raise ValueError("radius_2 argument out of range")
    if (radius_2 == 1) and (shape_2 != "roche"):
        raise ValueError("radius_2=1 only allowed for Roche potential")

    par = np.zeros(37)
    par[0] = t_zero
    par[1] = period
    par[2] = sbratio
    par[3] = radius_1
    par[4] = radius_2
    par[5] = incl
    par[6] = light_3

    if a is not None : par[7] = a

    if (f_c is None) and (f_s is None):
    elif (f_c is not None) and (f_s is not None):
        par[8] = f_c
        par[9] = f_s
        raise Exception("Must specify both f_c and f_s or neither.")

    if q <= 0 :
        raise ValueError("Mass ratio q must be positive.")
    par[10] = q

    ld_to_n    = {
        "none"   : 0,
        "lin"    : 1,
        "quad"   : 2,
        "sing"   : 3,
        "claret" : 4,
        "log"    : 2,
        "sqrt"   : 2,
        "exp"    : 2
    ld_n_1 = ld_to_n.get(ldstr_1,None)
        par[11:11+ld_n_1] = ldc_1
        raise Exception("ldc_1 and ld_1 are inconsistent")
    ld_n_2 = ld_to_n.get(ldstr_2,None)
        par[15:15+ld_n_2] = ldc_2
        raise Exception("ldc_2 and ld_2 are inconsistent")

    if gdc_1 is not None : par[19] = gdc_1

    if gdc_2 is not None : par[20] = gdc_2

    if didt is not None : par[21] = didt

    if domdt is not None : par[22] = domdt

    par[23] = rotfac_1

    par[24] = rotfac_2

    if bfac_1 is not None : par[25] = bfac_1

    if bfac_2 is not None : par[26] = bfac_2

    if heat_1 is not None :
        t = np.array(heat_1)
        if t.size == 1:
            par[27] = t
        elif t.size == 3:
            par[27:30] = t
            raise Exception('Invalid size for array heat_1')

    if heat_2 is not None :
        t = np.array(heat_2)
        if t.size == 1:
            par[30] = t
        elif t.size == 3:
            par[30:33] = t
            raise Exception('Invalid size for array heat_2')

    if lambda_1 is not None : par[33] = lambda_1

    if lambda_2 is not None : par[34] = lambda_2

    if vsini_1 is not None : par[35] = vsini_1

    if vsini_2 is not None : par[36] = vsini_2

    t_obs_array = np.array(t_obs)
    n_obs = len(t_obs_array)
    if t_exp is None:
        t_exp_array = np.zeros(n_obs)
        t_exp_array = np.ones(n_obs)*t_exp

    if n_int is not None :
        if np.amax(n_int) < 1 : raise Exception("No n_int values > 1.")
        if np.amin(n_int) < 0 : raise Exception("Invalid negative n_int value(s).")
        n_int_array = np.array(np.ones(n_obs)*n_int, dtype=int)
        n_int_array = np.ones(n_obs, dtype=int)

    # Create list of times for calculation, weights for integration and
    # indices to relate these both back to the original t_obs array
    i_obs = np.arange(0,n_obs)
    t_calc = t_obs_array[n_int_array == 1]
    w_calc = np.ones_like(t_calc)
    i_calc = i_obs[n_int_array == 1]

    n_int_max = np.amax(n_int_array)

    for i_int in np.unique(n_int_array[n_int_array > 1]) :
        t_obs_i = t_obs_array[n_int_array == i_int]
        t_exp_i = t_exp_array[n_int_array == i_int]
        i_obs_i = i_obs[n_int_array == i_int]
        for j_int in range(0,i_int):
            t_calc = np.append(t_calc, t_obs_i+(j_int/(i_int-1.)-0.5)*t_exp_i)
            i_calc = np.append(i_calc,i_obs_i)
            if (j_int == 0) or (j_int == i_int-1):
                w_calc = np.append(w_calc, 0.5*np.ones_like(t_obs_i)/(i_int-1.))
                w_calc = np.append(w_calc, np.ones_like(t_obs_i)/(i_int-1.))

    lc_rv_flags =,par,ipar,spar_1,spar_2,verbose)
    flux = np.zeros(n_obs)

    lista = len(t_calc)

    with parallel(num_threads = process):
        for j in prange(lista, schedule='dynamic'):
   	        if np.isnan(lc_rv_flags[j,0]):
	            print('Bad flux:',lc_rv_flags[j,:])
                lc_dummy =[j],par,ipar,spar_1,spar_2,9)
                return -1
            flux[i_calc[j]] += lc_rv_flags[j,0]*w_calc[j]

    t_obs_0 = t_obs_array[n_int_array == 0 ] # Points to be interpolated
    n_obs_0 = len(t_obs_0)
    if n_obs_0 > 0 :
        i_sort = np.argsort(t_calc)
        t_int = t_calc[i_sort]
        f_int = lc_rv_flags[i_sort,0]
        flux[n_int_array == 0 ] = np.interp(t_obs_0,t_int,f_int)

    return flux