Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_hlog_function(self):
     n = 1000
     _xmax = 2 ** 18  # max machine value
     _ymax = 10 ** 4  # max display value
     _xpos = np.logspace(-3, np.log10(_xmax), n)
     _xneg = -_xpos[::-1]
     _xall = np.r_[_xneg, _xpos]
     _ypos = np.logspace(-3, np.log10(_ymax), n)
     _yneg = -_ypos[::-1]
     _yall = np.r_[_yneg, _ypos]
     hlpos = hlog(_xpos)
     hlneg = hlog(_xneg)
     assert_almost_equal((hlpos[-1] - _ymax) / _ymax, 0, decimal=2)
     assert_almost_equal(hlpos, -hlneg[::-1])  # check symmetry
     # test that values get larger as b decreases
     hlpos10 = hlog(_xpos, b=10)
     self.assertTrue(np.all(hlpos10 >= hlpos))
     # check that converges to tlog for large values
     tlpos = tlog(_xpos)
     i = np.where(_xpos > 1e4)[0]
     tlpos_large = tlpos[i]
     hlpos_large = hlpos10[i]
     d = (hlpos_large - tlpos_large) / hlpos_large
     assert_almost_equal(d, np.zeros(len(d)), decimal=2)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def estimate(self, experiment, subset = None): 
        Estimate the bleedthrough from the single-channel controls in `controls`
        if not experiment:
            raise CytoflowOpError("No experiment specified")
        if self.num_knots < 3:
            raise CytoflowOpError("Need to allow at least 3 knots in the spline")
        self._channels = self.controls.keys()
        for channel in self._channels:
                tube_meta = fcsparser.parse(self.controls[channel], 
                                            meta_data_only = True, 
                                            reformat_meta = True)
                tube_channels = tube_meta["_channels_"].set_index("$PnN")
            except Exception as e:
                raise CytoflowOpError("FCS reader threw an error on tube {0}: {1}"\
                                   .format(self.controls[channel], e.value))

            for channel in self._channels:
                exp_v = experiment.metadata[channel]['voltage']
                if not "$PnV" in tube_channels.ix[channel]:
                    raise CytoflowOpError("Didn't find a voltage for channel {0}" 
                                          "in tube {1}".format(channel, self.controls[channel]))
                control_v = tube_channels.ix[channel]["$PnV"]
                if control_v != exp_v:
                    raise CytoflowOpError("Voltage differs for channel {0} in tube {1}"
                                          .format(channel, self.controls[channel]))

        self._splines = {}
        mesh_axes = []

        for channel in self._channels:
            self._splines[channel] = {}

                tube_meta, tube_data = fcsparser.parse(self.controls[channel], 
                                                       reformat_meta = True)
                tube_channels = tube_meta["_channels_"].set_index("$PnN")
            except Exception as e:
                raise CytoflowOpError("FCS reader threw an error on tube {0}: {1}"\
                                   .format(self.controls[channel], e.value))
            data = tube_data.sort(channel)

            for af_channel in self._channels:
                if 'af_median' in experiment.metadata[af_channel]:
                    data[af_channel] = data[af_channel] - \

            channel_min = data[channel].min()
            channel_max = data[channel].max()
            # we're going to set the knots and splines evenly across the hlog-
            # transformed data, so as to capture both the "linear" aspect
            # of near-0 and negative values, and the "log" aspect of large
            # values

            # parameterize the hlog transform
            r = experiment.metadata[channel]['range']  # instrument range
            d = np.log10(r)  # maximum display scale, in decades
            # the transition point from linear --> log scale
            # use half of the log-transformed scale as "linear".
            b = 2 ** (np.log2(r) / 2)
            # the splines' knots
            knot_min = channel_min
            knot_max = channel_max
            hlog_knot_min, hlog_knot_max = \
                hlog((knot_min, knot_max), b = b, r = r, d = d)
            hlog_knots = np.linspace(hlog_knot_min, hlog_knot_max, self.num_knots)
            knots = hlog_inv(hlog_knots, b = b, r = r, d = d)
            # only keep the interior knots
            knots = knots[1:-1] 
            # the interpolators' mesh            
            mesh_min = -3 * experiment.metadata[channel]['af_stdev']
            mesh_max = r
            hlog_mesh_min, hlog_mesh_max = \
                hlog((mesh_min, mesh_max), b = b, r = r, d = d)
            hlog_mesh_axis = \
                np.linspace(hlog_mesh_min, hlog_mesh_max, self.mesh_size)
            mesh_axis = hlog_inv(hlog_mesh_axis, b = b, r = r, d = d)
            for to_channel in self._channels:
                from_channel = channel
                if from_channel == to_channel:
                self._splines[from_channel][to_channel] = \
                                                          t = knots,
                                                          k = 1)
        mesh = pandas.DataFrame(cartesian(mesh_axes), 
                                columns = [x for x in self._channels])
        mesh_corrected = mesh.apply(_correct_bleedthrough,
                                    axis = 1,
                                    args = ([[x for x in self._channels], 
        for channel in self._channels:
            chan_values = np.reshape(mesh_corrected[channel], [len(x) for x in mesh_axes])
            self._interpolators[channel] = \
                scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator(mesh_axes, chan_values)