Exemplo n.º 1
def test_kmeans_ANN():
    num_data = 5000
    num_centers = 4
    dimension = 8
    noise_level = 0.1

    centers = np.random.randint(-40, 40, (num_centers, dimension)).astype(np.float32)
    data = np.empty((num_data, dimension), dtype=np.float32)
    for i in range(num_data):
        data[i] = centers[i % num_centers] + np.random.random_sample(dimension)*noise_level

    found_centers = kmeans(data, num_centers, initialization="PLUSPLUS", algorithm="ANN")
    found_assignments = kmeans_quantize(data, found_centers, algorithm="ANN")

    assert found_centers.dtype == np.float32
    assert found_centers.shape == (num_centers, dimension)

    dist = set_distance(centers, found_centers)
    assert dist <= noise_level, dist

    for i in range(num_centers):
        for j in range(num_centers):
            if i != j:
                assert found_assignments[i] != found_assignments[j]
    for i in range(num_data):
        assert found_assignments[i] == found_assignments[i % num_centers]
Exemplo n.º 2
def build_vocabulary(image_paths, vocab_size, step):
    # TODO:                                                                          #
    # Load images from the training set. To save computation time, you don't         #
    # necessarily need to sample from all images, although it would be better        #
    # to do so. You can randomly sample the descriptors from each image to save      #
    # memory and speed up the clustering. Or you can simply call vl_dsift with       #
    # a large step size here.                                                        #
    #                                                                                #
    # For each loaded image, get some SIFT features. You don't have to get as        #
    # many SIFT features as you will in get_bags_of_sift.py, because you're only     #
    # trying to get a representative sample here.                                    #
    #                                                                                #
    # Once you have tens of thousands of SIFT features from many training            #
    # images, cluster them with kmeans. The resulting centroids are now your         #
    # visual word vocabulary.                                                        #
    # NOTE: Some useful functions                                                    #
    # This function will sample SIFT descriptors from the training images,           #
    # cluster them with kmeans, and then return the cluster centers.                 #
    #                                                                                #
    # Function : dsift()                                                             #
    # SIFT_features is a N x 128 matrix of SIFT features                             #
    # There are step, bin size, and smoothing parameters you can                     #
    # manipulate for dsift(). We recommend debugging with the 'fast'                 #
    # parameter. This approximate version of SIFT is about 20 times faster to        #
    # compute. Also, be sure not to use the default value of step size. It will      #
    # be very slow and you'll see relatively little performance gain from            #
    # extremely dense sampling. You are welcome to use your own SIFT feature.        #
    #                                                                                #
    # Function : kmeans(X, K)                                                        #
    # X is a M x d matrix of sampled SIFT features, where M is the number of         #
    # features sampled. M should be pretty large!                                    #
    # K is the number of clusters desired (vocab_size)                               #
    # centers is a d x K matrix of cluster centroids.                                #
    #                                                                                #
    # NOTE:                                                                          #
    #   e.g. 1. dsift(img, step=[?,?], fast=True)                                    #
    #        2. kmeans( ? , vocab_size)                                              #
    #                                                                                #
    # ################################################################################

    bag_of_features = []
    print("Extract SIFT features")
    for path in image_paths:
        img = np.asarray(Image.open(path), dtype='float32')
        frames, descriptors = dsift(img, step, fast=True)

    bag_of_features = np.concatenate(bag_of_features, axis=0).astype('float32')
    print("Compute vocab")
    start_t = time()
    vocab = kmeans(bag_of_features, vocab_size, initialization="PLUSPLUS")
    end_t = time()
    print("It takes ", (start_t - end_t), " to compute vocab.")
    #                                END OF YOUR CODE                                #
    return vocab
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_kmeans_ANN():
    num_data = 5000
    num_centers = 4
    dimension = 8
    noise_level = 0.1

    centers = np.random.random_integers(-40, 40, (num_centers, dimension)).astype(np.float32)
    data = np.empty((num_data, dimension), dtype=np.float32)
    for i in range(num_data):
        data[i] = centers[i % num_centers] + np.random.random_sample(dimension)*noise_level

    found_centers = kmeans(data, num_centers, initialization="PLUSPLUS", algorithm="ANN")
    found_assignments = kmeans_quantize(data, found_centers, algorithm="ANN")

    assert found_centers.dtype == np.float32
    assert found_centers.shape == (num_centers, dimension)

    dist = set_distance(centers, found_centers)
    assert dist <= noise_level, dist

    for i in range(num_centers):
        for j in range(num_centers):
            if i != j:
                assert found_assignments[i] != found_assignments[j]
    for i in range(num_data):
        assert found_assignments[i] == found_assignments[i % num_centers]
Exemplo n.º 4
def trainVLADCodeBook(images, dmd_options, kmeans_options):
    max_descriptor = kmeans_options['num_descriptor']
    num_cluster = kmeans_options['num_cluster']
    num_images = len(images)
    num_descriptor_per_image = int(np.ceil(max_descriptor / num_images))

    descrs = []
    pool = Pool(processes=8)
    # features = computeDMD(img, dmd_options)
    mul_features = [
        pool.apply_async(computeSDMD, args=(img, dmd_options, 0))
        for img in images
    pool.close()  #先获取测试图像的SDMD特征,然后进行聚类
    for features in mul_features:
        # print("[trainVLADCodeBook]reading:path='{}' features_shape:{}".format(img, features.shape))
        features = features.get()
        sel = list(np.random.permutation(
        descrs = features[:, sel] if len(descrs) == 0 else np.concatenate(
            (descrs, features[:, sel]), axis=1)

    new_descrs = np.zeros((max_descriptor, descrs.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32)
    new_descrs[:, :] = descrs.T[:max_descriptor, :]

    centers = kmeans(new_descrs,

    return {'centers': centers}
Exemplo n.º 5
def matlab_train_one_vs_rest_SVM(path_boxes_np, CAE_model_path, K, args):
    data = extract_features(path_boxes_np, CAE_model_path, args)

    centers = kmeans(data,
    labels = kmeans_quantize(data, centers)
    labels = np.array(labels, dtype=np.int)

    data = data.tolist()
    labels = labels.tolist()

    _labels = []
    _w = []
    _b = []

    for i in range(K):
        _temp = labels
        for j in range(len(labels)):
            if _temp[j] == i:
                _temp[j] = 1.
                _temp[j] = -1.

    import matlab
    import matlab.engine
    import scipy.io as io

    # to save data into data.mat
    io.savemat('../matlab_files/data.mat', {'data': data})
    # to save _labels into labels.mat,
    _labels = np.array(_labels, dtype=int)
    io.savemat('../matlab_files/labels.mat', {'labels': _labels})

    eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab()

    print('use matlab backend to train!')
    # rename
Exemplo n.º 6
def cal_cluster(cluster_num=500):
    calculate the bovw clustering centres
    pandarallel.initialize(nb_workers=50, use_memory_fs=False)
    train_list = pd.read_csv('train_list.csv')
    bag_of_features = []
    features = train_list.parallel_apply(cal_descriptors, axis=1)
    for f in features:
        bag_of_features += f
    clusters = kmeans(np.array(bag_of_features).astype('float32'),
                      initialization="PLUSPLUS")  # kmean cluster
    return clusters
Exemplo n.º 7
def build_vocabulary(image_paths, vocab_size):

    feature_bag = []
    print("SIFT features extracting")
    for image_path in image_paths:
        image = np.asarray(Image.open(image_path),dtype='float32')
        frames, descriptors = dsift(image, step=[5,5], fast=True)
    feature_bag = np.concatenate(feature_bag, axis=0).astype('float32')
    print("Computing vocabulary")
    vocabulary = kmeans(feature_bag, vocab_size, initialization="PLUSPLUS")        

    return vocabulary
Exemplo n.º 8
def build_vocabulary(image_paths, vocab_size):

    bag_of_features = []
    print("Extract SIFT features")
    for path in image_paths:
        img = np.asarray(Image.open(path),dtype='float32')
        frames, descriptors = dsift(img, step=[5,5], fast=True)
    bag_of_features = np.concatenate(bag_of_features, axis=0).astype('float32')
    print("Compute vocab")
    start_time = time()
    vocab = kmeans(bag_of_features, vocab_size, initialization="PLUSPLUS")        
    end_time = time()
    print("It takes ", (start_time - end_time), " to compute vocab.")

    return vocab
Exemplo n.º 9
    def fit(self, X, y=None):
        """Fit clusters centers using KMeans.

            X - 3D array with shape (number of samples, image width * height, number of channels)
            y - unused
        X = X.reshape(-1, X.shape[2])
        if len(X) < self.samples_number:
            raise AttributeError(
                'Number of samples must be greater than declared in initialization'
        indices = np.random.choice(X.shape[0],
        X = X[indices, :]
        self.centers = kmeans(X,
        return self
Exemplo n.º 10
def sift_features(images, size):
    print("feature number", size)

    bag_of_features = []
    print("Extract SIFT features...")
    for key, value in tqdm(images.items()):
        for img in value:
            # orb = cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create(500)
            # orb = cv2.ORB_create()
            # keypoints, descriptors = orb.detectAndCompute(img, None)
            _, descriptors = dsift(img, step=[5, 5], fast=True)
            if descriptors is not None:
                for des in descriptors:

    print("Compute kmeans in dimensions:", size)

    km = kmeans(np.array(bag_of_features).astype('float32'),

    return km
Exemplo n.º 11
def train_one_vs_rest_SVM(path_boxes_np, CAE_model_path, K, args):
    data = extract_features(path_boxes_np, CAE_model_path, args)
    print('feature extraction finish!')
    # clusters, the data to be clustered by Kmeans
    # clusters=KMeans(n_clusters=K,init='k-means++',n_init=10,algorithm='full',max_iter=300).fit(data)
    centers = kmeans(data,
    labels = kmeans_quantize(data, centers)
    # nums=np.zeros(10,dtype=int)
    # for item in clusters.labels_:
    #     nums[item]+=1
    # print(nums)
    print('clustering finished!')
    # One-Verse-Rest SVM: to train OVC-SVM for
    clf = svm.LinearSVC(C=1.0, multi_class='ovr', max_iter=len(labels) * 5)
    clf.fit(data, labels)
    joblib.dump(clf, svm_save_path_pre + args.dataset + '.m')
    print('train finished!')
Exemplo n.º 12
def train_one_vs_rest_SVM(path_boxes_np, CAE_model_path, K, args):
    data = extract_features(path_boxes_np, CAE_model_path, args)
    print('feature extraction finish!')
    # clusters, the data to be clustered by Kmeans
    # clusters=KMeans(n_clusters=K,init='k-means++',n_init=10,algorithm='full',max_iter=300).fit(data)
    centers = kmeans(data,
    labels = kmeans_quantize(data, centers)

    # to get the sparse matrix of labels
    sparse_labels = np.eye(K)[labels]
    sparse_labels = (sparse_labels - 0.5) * 2

    # nums=np.zeros(10,dtype=int)
    # for item in clusters.labels_:
    #     nums[item]+=1
    # print(nums)
    print('clustering finished!')
    # SGDC classifier with onevsrest classifier to replace the ovc-svm with hinge loss and SDCA optimizer in the paper
    base_estimizer = SGDClassifier(max_iter=10000,
    ovr_classifer = OneVsRestClassifier(base_estimizer)

    ovr_classifer.fit(data, sparse_labels)
    svm_model_path = f'{svm_save_dir}/{args.dataset}.m'
    joblib.dump(ovr_classifer, svm_model_path)
    print('train finished!')
Exemplo n.º 13
testlabels = numpy.array(testlabels)

trainvectors = []
for i in trainfeatures:
    trainvectors.append(sift.sift(a, compute_descriptor='True')[1])

bag = []
for i in trainvectors:
    for j in i:
bag = numpy.array(bag)
bag = bag.astype(numpy.float32)
num_of_words = 8
words = numpy.array(kmeans.kmeans(bag, num_centers=num_of_words))
trainwords = []

testvectors = []
for i in testfeatures:
    testvectors.append(sift.sift(a, compute_descriptor='True')[1])
testwords = []

for i in trainvectors:
    result = [0] * num_of_words
    for k1 in range(0, i.shape[0]):
        target = 0
        distance = numpy.sum(numpy.square(i[k1] - words[0]))
        for k2 in range(1, num_of_words):
Exemplo n.º 14
def dictionary_comp(descriptors, k, distance_measure='l2'):
    return kmeans.kmeans(descriptors.astype(float),
Exemplo n.º 15
        # Get some PHOW descriptors to train the dictionary
        selTrainFeats = random_subset(selTrain, 30)
        descrs = []
        for ii in range(len(selTrainFeats)):
            im = imageio.imread(images[selTrainFeats[ii]])
            im = standarizeImage(im)
            descrs.append(vl_phow(im, **model.phowOpts)[1])

        descrs = np.concatenate(descrs, axis=1).T
        descrs = random_subset(descrs.tolist(), int(40e4))
        descrs = np.array(descrs).T.astype(np.float32)

        # Quantize the descriptors to get the visual words
        vocab = kmeans(descrs.T.copy(order='C'),
        # Required .copy(order='C') because of cython
        vocab = vocab.T
        save(conf.vocabPath, vocab)
        vocab = load(conf.vocabPath)

    model.vocab = vocab

    if model.quantizer == 'kdtree':
        from scipy.spatial import KDTree
        model.kdtree = KDTree(vocab.T)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
Exemplo n.º 16
def generate_kmeans(X, _clusters=32):
    centers = kmeans(X,
    return centers
def build_vocabulary(image_paths, vocab_size):
  This function will sample SIFT descriptors from the training images,
  cluster them with kmeans, and then return the cluster centers.

  Useful functions:
  -   Use load_image(path) to load RGB images and load_image_gray(path) to load
          grayscale images
  -   frames, descriptors = vlfeat.sift.dsift(img)
          -  frames is a N x 2 matrix of locations, which can be thrown away
          here (but possibly used for extra credit in get_bags_of_sifts if
          you're making a "spatial pyramid").
          -  descriptors is a N x 128 matrix of SIFT features
        Note: there are step, bin size, and smoothing parameters you can
        manipulate for dsift(). We recommend debugging with the 'fast'
        parameter. This approximate version of SIFT is about 20 times faster to
        compute. Also, be sure not to use the default value of step size. It
        will be very slow and you'll see relatively little performance gain
        from extremely dense sampling. You are welcome to use your own SIFT
        feature code! It will probably be slower, though.
  -   cluster_centers = vlfeat.kmeans.kmeans(X, K)
            -  X is a N x d numpy array of sampled SIFT features, where N is
               the number of features sampled. N should be pretty large!
            -  K is the number of clusters desired (vocab_size)
               cluster_centers is a K x d matrix of cluster centers. This is
               your vocabulary.

  -   image_paths: list of image paths.
  -   vocab_size: size of vocabulary

  -   vocab: This is a vocab_size x d numpy array (vocabulary). Each row is a
      cluster center / visual word
  # Load images from the training set. To save computation time, you don't
  # necessarily need to sample from all images, although it would be better
  # to do so. You can randomly sample the descriptors from each image to save
  # memory and speed up the clustering. Or you can simply call vl_dsift with
  # a large step size here, but a smaller step size in get_bags_of_sifts.
  # For each loaded image, get some SIFT features. You don't have to get as
  # many SIFT features as you will in get_bags_of_sift, because you're only
  # trying to get a representative sample here.
  # Once you have tens of thousands of SIFT features from many training
  # images, cluster them with kmeans. The resulting centroids are now your
  # visual word vocabulary.

  # TODO: YOUR CODE HERE                                                      #
  dim = 128      # length of the SIFT descriptors that you are going to compute.

  vocab = np.zeros((vocab_size,dim)) # intialization of vocab
  bag_of_features = [] 
  for path in image_paths:
        img = np.asarray(load_image_gray(path),dtype='float32') # loading grayscale image and converting it to numpy array
        frames, descriptors = dsift(img, step=[10,10], fast=True) #SIFT descriptor using step size of 10 and fast true 

  bag_of_features = np.concatenate(bag_of_features, axis=0).astype('float32') #list into an array
  print("Compute vocab")
  start_time = time.time()
  vocab = kmeans(bag_of_features, vocab_size, initialization="PLUSPLUS") # using kmeans for clusters center       
  end_time = time.time()
  print("It takes ", (end_time - start_time), " to compute vocab.")
  #                             END OF YOUR CODE                              #

  return vocab
Exemplo n.º 18
#format:{'catagory': ['img_name', img]}
train_data = load_img_from_folder(train_data_path)
test_data = load_img_from_folder(test_data_path)
print("finish load image...")

#sift description
description_bag, sift_data_dic = create_sift_discription(train_data)
_, test_sift_data_dic = create_sift_discription(test_data)
print("finish sift description...")

cluster_num = 200

bag_of_features = np.array(description_bag).astype(np.float32)
end = time.time()
if not os.path.exists("vocab_" + str(cluster_num) + ".npy"):
    vocab = kmeans(bag_of_features, cluster_num, initialization='PLUSPLUS')
    print("finish kmeans " + str(cluster_num) + ":", time.time()-end, "s")
    np.save("vocab_" + str(cluster_num) + ".npy", vocab)
    vocab = np.load("vocab_" + str(cluster_num) + ".npy")

if not os.path.exists("train_hist_" + str(cluster_num) + ".npy"):
    end = time.time()
    train_feats, train_labels = get_bags_of_sifts(sift_data_dic, vocab)
    np.save("train_hist_" + str(cluster_num) + ".npy", np.array(train_feats))
    np.save("train_label_" + str(cluster_num) + ".npy", np.array(train_labels))
    print("finish training hist...", time.time() - end, "s")
    train_feats = np.load("train_hist_" + str(cluster_num) + ".npy")
    train_labels = np.load("train_label_" + str(cluster_num) + ".npy")
def build_vocabulary(image_paths, vocab_size):
    This function should sample HOG descriptors from the training images,
    cluster them with kmeans, and then return the cluster centers.
        image_paths: a Python list of image path strings
         vocab_size: an integer indicating the number of words desired for the
                     bag of words vocab set
        a vocab_size x (z*z*9) (see below) array which contains the cluster
        centers that result from the K Means clustering.
    You'll need to generate HOG features using the skimage.feature.hog() function.
    The documentation is available here:
    However, the documentation is a bit confusing, so we will highlight some
    important arguments to consider:
        cells_per_block: The hog function breaks the image into evenly-sized
            blocks, which are further broken down into cells, each made of
            pixels_per_cell pixels (see below). Setting this parameter tells the
            function how many cells to include in each block. This is a tuple of
            width and height. Your SIFT implementation, which had a total of
            16 cells, was equivalent to setting this argument to (4,4).
        pixels_per_cell: This controls the width and height of each cell
            (in pixels). Like cells_per_block, it is a tuple. In your SIFT
            implementation, each cell was 4 pixels by 4 pixels, so (4,4).
        feature_vector: This argument is a boolean which tells the function
            what shape it should use for the return array. When set to True,
            it returns one long array. We recommend setting it to True and
            reshaping the result rather than working with the default value,
            as it is very confusing.
    It is up to you to choose your cells per block and pixels per cell. Choose
    values that generate reasonably-sized feature vectors and produce good
    classification results. For each cell, HOG produces a histogram (feature
    vector) of length 9. We want one feature vector per block. To do this we
    can append the histograms for each cell together. Let's say you set
    cells_per_block = (z,z). This means that the length of your feature vector
    for the block will be z*z*9.
    With feature_vector=True, hog() will return one long np array containing every
    cell histogram concatenated end to end. We want to break this up into a
    list of (z*z*9) block feature vectors. We can do this using a really nifty numpy
    function. When using np.reshape, you can set the length of one dimension to
    -1, which tells numpy to make this dimension as big as it needs to be to
    accomodate to reshape all of the data based on the other dimensions. So if
    we want to break our long np array (long_boi) into rows of z*z*9 feature
    vectors we can use small_bois = long_boi.reshape(-1, z*z*9).
    The number of feature vectors that come from this reshape is dependent on
    the size of the image you give to hog(). It will fit as many blocks as it
    can on the image. You can choose to resize (or crop) each image to a consistent size
    (therefore creating the same number of feature vectors per image), or you
    can find feature vectors in the original sized image.
    If we returned all the features we found as our vocabulary, we would have an
    absolutely massive vocabulary. That would make matching inefficient AND
    inaccurate! So we use K Means clustering to find a much smaller (vocab_size)
    number of representative points. We recommend using sklearn.cluster.KMeans
    to do this. Note that this can take a VERY LONG TIME to complete (upwards
    of ten minutes for large numbers of features and large max_iter), so set
    the max_iter argument to something low (we used 100) and be patient. You
    may also find success setting the "tol" argument (see documentation for

    #TODO: Implement this function!
    # cluster_SIFT_features = []
    # sift = cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create()
    # for image_path in tqdm(image_paths, desc="Imaging-SIFT"):
    #     image = cv2.imread(image_path)
    #     gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    #     locations, SIFT_features = sift.detectAndCompute(gray, None)
    #     temp = SIFT_features.tolist()
    #     cluster_SIFT_features += temp
    # cluster_SIFT_features = random.sample(cluster_SIFT_features, 400 * 3)
    # kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=vocab_size, max_iter=100).fit(cluster_SIFT_features)
    # cluster_centers = kmeans.cluster_centers_
    # return np.array(cluster_centers)

    bag_of_features = []

    print("Extract SIFT features")
    for path in tqdm(image_paths, desc='build_vocabulary'):
        img = np.asarray(Image.open(path), dtype='float32')
        frames, descriptors = dsift(img, step=[5, 5], fast=True)
    bag_of_features = np.concatenate(bag_of_features, axis=0).astype('float32')
    print("Compute vocab")
    start_time = time()
    vocab = kmeans(bag_of_features, vocab_size, initialization="PLUSPLUS")
    end_time = time()
    print("It takes ", (start_time - end_time), " to compute vocab.")
    return vocab
Exemplo n.º 20
    [(hogvalues,valid_points)] = calcHog(gray,points_org,patchsize,ncells,i-1)
    for m in range(hogvalues.shape[0]):
        hogvalues[m] /= sum(hogvalues[m])
#    cv2.imshow('image',img)
#    cv2.waitKey(0)
#    cv2.destroyAllWindows()
hogmatrixcat = np.concatenate((hogmatrix[:]),axis=0)
kmeancenters = kmeans.kmeans(hogmatrixcat,kvalue,initialization='PLUSPLUS')
kmeanclusters = kmeans.kmeans_quantize(hogmatrixcat,kmeancenters)

label_org = []
clustercount = 0

for i in range(len(hogmatrix)):
    count = 0
    label2 = []
    while count < hogmatrix[i].shape[0]:
        clustercount += 1
        count += 1
