Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, path, args):
        super(ChallengeDataTask, self).__init__(path, args)

        # Make stage number one higher then BlastNFilter Stage
        blast = BlastNFilterTask(path, args)
        self.set_stage(blast.get_stage() + 1)

        self._challenge_tarball_filename = None
        self._week_num = util.get_celpp_week_number_from_path(self.get_path())
        self._year = util.get_celpp_year_from_path(self.get_dir())
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_get_celpp_week_number_from_path(self):
            self.fail('Expected exception')
        except Exception:

        # try with empty string
        foo = util.get_celpp_week_number_from_path('')
        self.assertEqual(foo, '0')

        # try with path missing dataset.week. prefix
        foo = util.get_celpp_week_number_from_path('/h/b/hi')
        self.assertEqual(foo, '0')

        # try with valid path
        foo = util.get_celpp_week_number_from_path('/h/b/' +
                                                   util.DATA_SET_WEEK_PREFIX +
        self.assertEqual(foo, '7')

        foo = util.get_celpp_week_number_from_path('/h/b/' +
                                                   util.DATA_SET_WEEK_PREFIX +
        self.assertEqual(foo, '12')
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _generate_external_submission_email_body(self, etask):
        """Creates body of email and subject
        :returns subject,body: as strings
        weekno = util.get_celpp_week_number_from_path(etask.get_path())

        msg = 'Dear CELPP Participant,\n\nHere are your docking ' \
              'evaluation results (RMSD, Angstroms) for CELPP week ' +\
              str(weekno) + '\n\n'
        msg += etask.get_evaluation_summary()

        msg += '\n\nSincerely,\n\nCELPP Automation'

        guid = etask.get_guid_for_task()
        subject = (D3RTask.SUBJECT_LINE_PREFIX + 'Week ' + str(weekno) +
                   ' evaluation results for ' + str(guid))
        return subject, msg
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _generate_post_evaluation_email_body(self, petask):
        """Creates body of email and subject
        :returns subject,body: as strings
        weekno = util.get_celpp_week_number_from_path(petask.get_path())
        year = util.get_celpp_year_from_path(petask.get_path())

        msg = ('Dear CELPP Admin,\n\nHere is the post evaluation  ' +
               'summary reports for CELPP week ' + str(weekno) + '\n\n')

        msg += petask.get_postevaluation_summary()

        msg += '\n\nSincerely,\n\nCELPP Automation'

        subject = (D3RTask.SUBJECT_LINE_PREFIX + str(year) + ' ' + 'week ' +
                   str(weekno) + ' post evaluation summary report')
        return subject, msg
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _generate_external_submission_email_body(self, etask):
        """Creates body of email and subject
        :returns subject,body: as strings
        weekno = util.get_celpp_week_number_from_path(etask.get_path())

        msg = 'Dear CELPP Participant,\n\nHere are your docking ' \
              'evaluation results as RMSD in Angstroms for CELPP week ' +\
              str(weekno) + '\n\n'
        msg += ('Note: The value in (parentheses) by each RMSD is the ' +
                'distance, in Angstroms, between submitted ligand center ' +
                'of mass and the crystal ligand center of mass. The final '
                'column is the distance between CELPP-provided pocket '
                'center and the crystal ligand center of mass.\n\n')
        msg += etask.get_evaluation_summary()

        msg += ('\n\nSincerely,\n\nCELPP Automation ' +

        guid = etask.get_guid_for_task()
        subject = (D3RTask.SUBJECT_LINE_PREFIX + 'Week ' + str(weekno) +
                   ' evaluation results for ' + str(guid))
        return subject, msg
Exemplo n.º 6
 def get_week_number(self):
     """Parses path for week number
        :returns: week number as string
     return util.get_celpp_week_number_from_path(os.path.dirname(