Exemplo n.º 1
class MapFusion(pattern_matching.Transformation):
    """ Implements the MapFusion transformation.
        It wil check for all patterns MapExit -> AccessNode -> MapEntry, and
        based on the following rules, fuse them and remove the transient in
        between. There are several possibilities of what it does to this
        transient in between.

        Essentially, if there is some other place in the
        sdfg where it is required, or if it is not a transient, then it will
        not be removed. In such a case, it will be linked to the MapExit node
        of the new fused map.

        Rules for fusing maps:
          0. The map range of the second map should be a permutation of the
             first map range.
          1. Each of the access nodes that are adjacent to the first map exit
             should have an edge to the second map entry. If it doesn't, then the
             second map entry should not be reachable from this access node.
          2. Any node that has a wcr from the first map exit should not be
             adjacent to the second map entry.
          3. Access pattern for the access nodes in the second map should be
             the same permutation of the map parameters as the map ranges of the
             two maps. Alternatively, this access node should not be adjacent to
             the first map entry.
    _first_map_exit = nodes.ExitNode()
    _some_array = nodes.AccessNode("_")
    _second_map_entry = nodes.EntryNode()

    def annotates_memlets():
        return False

    def expressions():
        return [

    def find_permutation(first_map: nodes.Map,
                         second_map: nodes.Map) -> Union[List[int], None]:
        """ Find permutation between two map ranges.
            :param first_map: First map.
            :param second_map: Second map.
            :return: None if no such permutation exists, otherwise a list of
                     indices L such that L[x]'th parameter of second map has the same range as x'th
                     parameter of the first map.
        result = []

        if len(first_map.range) != len(second_map.range):
            return None

        # Match map ranges with reduce ranges
        for i, tmap_rng in enumerate(first_map.range):
            found = False
            for j, rng in enumerate(second_map.range):
                if tmap_rng == rng and j not in result:
                    found = True
            if not found:

        # Ensure all map ranges matched
        if len(result) != len(first_map.range):
            return None

        return result

    def can_be_applied(graph, candidate, expr_index, sdfg, strict=False):
        first_map_exit = graph.nodes()[candidate[MapFusion._first_map_exit]]
        first_map_entry = graph.entry_node(first_map_exit)
        second_map_entry = graph.nodes()[candidate[

        for _in_e in graph.in_edges(first_map_exit):
            if _in_e.data.wcr is not None:
                for _out_e in graph.out_edges(second_map_entry):
                    if _out_e.data.data == _in_e.data.data:
                        # wcr is on a node that is used in the second map, quit
                        return False
        # Check whether there is a pattern map -> access -> map.
        intermediate_nodes = set()
        intermediate_data = set()
        for _, _, dst, _, _ in graph.out_edges(first_map_exit):
            if isinstance(dst, nodes.AccessNode):

                # If array is used anywhere else in this state.
                num_occurrences = len([
                    n for n in graph.nodes()
                    if isinstance(n, nodes.AccessNode) and n.data == dst.data
                if num_occurrences > 1:
                    return False
                return False
        # Check map ranges
        perm = MapFusion.find_permutation(first_map_entry.map,
        if perm is None:
            return False

        # Check if any intermediate transient is also going to another location
        second_inodes = set(e.src for e in graph.in_edges(second_map_entry)
                            if isinstance(e.src, nodes.AccessNode))
        transients_to_remove = intermediate_nodes & second_inodes
        # if any(e.dst != second_map_entry for n in transients_to_remove
        #        for e in graph.out_edges(n)):
        if any(graph.out_degree(n) > 1 for n in transients_to_remove):
            return False

        # Create a dict that maps parameters of the first map to those of the
        # second map.
        params_dict = {}
        for _index, _param in enumerate(first_map_entry.map.params):
            params_dict[_param] = second_map_entry.map.params[perm[_index]]

        out_memlets = [e.data for e in graph.in_edges(first_map_exit)]

        # Check that input set of second map is provided by the output set
        # of the first map, or other unrelated maps
        for second_edge in graph.out_edges(second_map_entry):
            # Memlets that do not come from one of the intermediate arrays
            if second_edge.data.data not in intermediate_data:
                # however, if intermediate_data eventually leads to
                # second_memlet.data, need to fail.
                for _n in intermediate_nodes:
                    source_node = _n
                    destination_node = graph.memlet_path(second_edge)[0].src
                    # NOTE: Assumes graph has networkx version
                    if destination_node in nx.descendants(
                            graph._nx, source_node):
                        return False

            provided = False

            # Compute second subset with respect to first subset's symbols
            sbs_permuted = dcpy(second_edge.data.subset)
                symbolic.pystr_to_symbolic(k): symbolic.pystr_to_symbolic(v)
                for k, v in params_dict.items()

            for first_memlet in out_memlets:
                if first_memlet.data != second_edge.data.data:

                # If there is a covered subset, it is provided
                if first_memlet.subset.covers(sbs_permuted):
                    provided = True

            # If none of the output memlets of the first map provide the info,
            # fail.
            if provided is False:
                return False

        # Success
        return True

    def match_to_str(graph, candidate):
        first_exit = graph.nodes()[candidate[MapFusion._first_map_exit]]
        second_entry = graph.nodes()[candidate[MapFusion._second_map_entry]]

        return " -> ".join(entry.map.label + ": " + str(entry.map.params)
                           for entry in [first_exit, second_entry])

    def apply(self, sdfg):
            This method applies the mapfusion transformation.
            Other than the removal of the second map entry node (SME), and the first
            map exit (FME) node, it has the following side effects:

            1.  Any transient adjacent to both FME and SME with degree = 2 will be removed.
                The tasklets that use/produce it shall be connected directly with a
                scalar/new transient (if the dataflow is more than a single scalar)

            2.  If this transient is adjacent to FME and SME and has other
                uses, it will be adjacent to the new map exit post fusion.
                Tasklet-> Tasklet edges will ALSO be added as mentioned above.

            3.  If an access node is adjacent to FME but not SME, it will be
                adjacent to new map exit post fusion.

            4.  If an access node is adjacent to SME but not FME, it will be
                adjacent to the new map entry node post fusion.

        graph = sdfg.nodes()[self.state_id]
        first_exit = graph.nodes()[self.subgraph[MapFusion._first_map_exit]]
        first_entry = graph.entry_node(first_exit)
        second_entry = graph.nodes()[self.subgraph[
        second_exit = graph.exit_node(second_entry)

        intermediate_nodes = set()
        for _, _, dst, _, _ in graph.out_edges(first_exit):
            assert isinstance(dst, nodes.AccessNode)

        # Check if an access node refers to non transient memory, or transient
        # is used at another location (cannot erase)
        do_not_erase = set()
        for node in intermediate_nodes:
            if sdfg.arrays[node.data].transient is False:
                for edge in graph.in_edges(node):
                    if edge.src != first_exit:
                    for edge in graph.out_edges(node):
                        if edge.dst != second_entry:

        # Find permutation between first and second scopes
        perm = MapFusion.find_permutation(first_entry.map, second_entry.map)
        params_dict = {}
        for index, param in enumerate(first_entry.map.params):
            params_dict[param] = second_entry.map.params[perm[index]]

        # Replaces (in memlets and tasklet) the second scope map
        # indices with the permuted first map indices.
        # This works in two passes to avoid problems when e.g., exchanging two
        # parameters (instead of replacing (j,i) and (i,j) to (j,j) and then
        # i,i).
        second_scope = graph.scope_subgraph(second_entry)
        for firstp, secondp in params_dict.items():
            if firstp != secondp:
                replace(second_scope, secondp, '__' + secondp + '_fused')
        for firstp, secondp in params_dict.items():
            if firstp != secondp:
                replace(second_scope, '__' + secondp + '_fused', firstp)

        # Isolate First exit node
        edges_to_remove = set()
        nodes_to_remove = set()
        for edge in graph.in_edges(first_exit):
            tree = graph.memlet_tree(edge)
            access_node = tree.root().edge.dst
            if access_node not in do_not_erase:
                out_edges = [
                    e for e in graph.out_edges(access_node)
                    if e.dst == second_entry
                # In this transformation, there can only be one edge to the
                # second map
                assert len(out_edges) == 1

                # Get source connector to the second map
                connector = out_edges[0].dst_conn[3:]

                new_dsts = []
                # Look at the second map entry out-edges to get the new
                # destinations
                for e in graph.out_edges(second_entry):
                    if e.src_conn[4:] == connector:
                if not new_dsts:  # Access node is not used in the second map

                # If the source is an access node, modify the memlet to point
                # to it
                if (isinstance(edge.src, nodes.AccessNode)
                        and edge.data.data != edge.src.data):
                    edge.data.data = edge.src.data
                    edge.data.subset = ("0" if edge.data.other_subset is None
                                        else edge.data.other_subset)
                    edge.data.other_subset = None

                    # Add a transient scalar/array
                    self.fuse_nodes(sdfg, graph, edge, new_dsts[0].dst,
                                    new_dsts[0].dst_conn, new_dsts[1:])


                # Remove transient node between the two maps
            else:  # The case where intermediate array node cannot be removed
                # Node will become an output of the second map exit
                out_e = tree.parent.edge
                conn = second_exit.next_connector()
                    'OUT_' + conn,
                second_exit.add_out_connector('OUT_' + conn)

                graph.add_edge(edge.src, edge.src_conn, second_exit,
                               'IN_' + conn, dcpy(edge.data))
                second_exit.add_in_connector('IN_' + conn)


                # If the second map needs this node, link the connector
                # that generated this to the place where it is needed, with a
                # temp transient/scalar for memlet to be generated
                for out_e in graph.out_edges(second_entry):
                    second_memlet_path = graph.memlet_path(out_e)
                    source_node = second_memlet_path[0].src
                    if source_node == access_node:
                        self.fuse_nodes(sdfg, graph, edge, out_e.dst,

        # First scope exit is isolated and can now be safely removed
        for e in edges_to_remove:

        # Isolate second_entry node
        for edge in graph.in_edges(second_entry):
            tree = graph.memlet_tree(edge)
            access_node = tree.root().edge.src
            if access_node in intermediate_nodes:
                # Already handled above, can be safely removed

            # This is an external input to the second map which will now go
            # through the first map.
            conn = first_entry.next_connector()
            graph.add_edge(edge.src, edge.src_conn, first_entry, 'IN_' + conn,
            first_entry.add_in_connector('IN_' + conn)
            for out_enode in tree.children:
                out_e = out_enode.edge
                    'OUT_' + conn,
            first_entry.add_out_connector('OUT_' + conn)

        # Second node is isolated and can now be safely removed

        # Fix scope exit to point to the right map
        second_exit.map = first_entry.map

    def fuse_nodes(self,
        """ Fuses two nodes via memlets and possibly transient arrays. """
        other_edges = other_edges or []
        memlet_path = graph.memlet_path(edge)
        access_node = memlet_path[-1].dst

        local_name = "__s%d_n%d%s_n%d%s" % (
        # Add intermediate memory between subgraphs. If a scalar,
        # uses direct connection. If an array, adds a transient node
        if edge.data.subset.num_elements() == 1:
            edge.data.data = local_name
            edge.data.subset = "0"
            local_node = edge.src
            src_connector = edge.src_conn

            # Add edge that leads to the second node
            graph.add_edge(local_node, src_connector, new_dst, new_dst_conn,

            for e in other_edges:
                graph.add_edge(local_node, src_connector, e.dst, e.dst_conn,
            old_edge = dcpy(edge)
            local_node = graph.add_access(local_name)
            src_connector = None
            edge.data.data = local_name
            edge.data.subset = ",".join(
                ["0:" + str(s) for s in edge.data.subset.size()])
            # Add edge that leads to transient node

            # Add edge that leads to the second node
            graph.add_edge(local_node, src_connector, new_dst, new_dst_conn,

            for e in other_edges:
                graph.add_edge(local_node, src_connector, e.dst, e.dst_conn,

            # Modify data and memlets on all surrounding edges to match array
            for neighbor in graph.all_edges(local_node):
                for e in graph.memlet_tree(neighbor):
                    e.data.data = local_name
                    e.data.subset.offset(old_edge.data.subset, negative=True)
Exemplo n.º 2
class InMergeArrays(pattern_matching.Transformation):
    """ Merge duplicate arrays connected to the same scope entry. """

    _array1 = nodes.AccessNode("_")
    _array2 = nodes.AccessNode("_")
    _map_entry = nodes.EntryNode()

    def expressions():
        # Matching
        #   o  o
        #   |  |
        # /======\

        g = SDFGState()
        g.add_edge(InMergeArrays._array1, None, InMergeArrays._map_entry, None,
        g.add_edge(InMergeArrays._array2, None, InMergeArrays._map_entry, None,
        return [g]

    def can_be_applied(graph, candidate, expr_index, sdfg, strict=False):
        arr1_id = candidate[InMergeArrays._array1]
        arr2_id = candidate[InMergeArrays._array2]

        # Ensure both arrays contain the same data
        arr1 = graph.node(arr1_id)
        arr2 = graph.node(arr2_id)
        if arr1.data != arr2.data:
            return False

        # Ensure only arr1's node ID contains incoming edges
        if graph.in_degree(arr2) > 0:
            return False

        # Ensure arr1 and arr2's node IDs are ordered (avoid duplicates)
        if (graph.in_degree(arr1) == 0 and graph.in_degree(arr2) == 0
                and arr1_id >= arr2_id):
            return False

        map = graph.node(candidate[InMergeArrays._map_entry])

        # If arr1's connector leads directly to map, skip it
        if all(e.dst_conn and not e.dst_conn.startswith('IN_')
               for e in graph.edges_between(arr1, map)):
            return False

        if (any(e.dst != map for e in graph.out_edges(arr1))
                or any(e.dst != map for e in graph.out_edges(arr2))):
            return False

        # Ensure arr1 and arr2 are the first two incoming nodes (avoid further
        # duplicates)
        all_source_nodes = set(
            graph.node_id(e.src) for e in graph.in_edges(map) if e.src != arr1
            and e.src != arr2 and e.src.data == arr1.data and e.dst_conn
            and e.dst_conn.startswith('IN_') and graph.in_degree(e.src) == 0)
        if any(nid < arr1_id or nid < arr2_id for nid in all_source_nodes):
            return False

        return True

    def match_to_str(graph, candidate):
        arr = graph.node(candidate[InMergeArrays._array1])
        map = graph.node(candidate[InMergeArrays._map_entry])
        return '%s (%d, %d) -> %s' % (
            arr.data, candidate[InMergeArrays._array1],
            candidate[InMergeArrays._array2], map.label)

    def apply(self, sdfg):
        graph = sdfg.node(self.state_id)
        array = graph.node(self.subgraph[InMergeArrays._array1])
        map = graph.node(self.subgraph[InMergeArrays._map_entry])
        map_edge = next(e for e in graph.out_edges(array) if e.dst == map)
        result_connector = map_edge.dst_conn[3:]

        # Find all other incoming access nodes without incoming edges
        source_edges = [
            e for e in graph.in_edges(map)
            if isinstance(e.src, nodes.AccessNode) and e.src.data == array.data
            and e.src != array and e.dst_conn and e.dst_conn.startswith('IN_')
            and graph.in_degree(e.src) == 0

        # Modify connectors to point to first array
        connectors_to_remove = set()
        for e in source_edges:
            connector = e.dst_conn[3:]
            for inner_edge in graph.out_edges(map):
                if inner_edge.src_conn[4:] == connector:
                    inner_edge._src_conn = 'OUT_' + result_connector

        # Remove other nodes from state
        graph.remove_nodes_from(set(e.src for e in source_edges))

        # Remove connectors from scope entry
        for c in connectors_to_remove:
            map.remove_in_connector('IN_' + c)
            map.remove_out_connector('OUT_' + c)

        # Re-propagate memlets
        edge_to_propagate = next(e for e in graph.out_edges(map)
                                 if e.src_conn[4:] == result_connector)
        map_edge._data = propagate_memlet(dfg_state=graph,
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     self._entry = nodes.EntryNode()
     self._tasklet = nodes.Tasklet('_')
     self._exit = nodes.ExitNode()
     super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 4
class MapFission(transformation.Transformation):
    """ Implements the MapFission transformation.
        Map fission refers to subsuming a map scope into its internal subgraph,
        essentially replicating the map into maps in all of its internal
        components. This also extends the dimensions of "border" transient
        arrays (i.e., those between the maps), in order to retain program
        semantics after fission.

        There are two cases that match map fission:
        1. A map with an arbitrary subgraph with more than one computational
           (i.e., non-access) node. The use of arrays connecting the
           computational nodes must be limited to the subgraph, and non
           transient arrays may not be used as "border" arrays.
        2. A map with one internal node that is a nested SDFG, in which
           each state matches the conditions of case (1).

        If a map has nested SDFGs in its subgraph, they are not considered in
        the case (1) above, and MapFission must be invoked again on the maps
        with the nested SDFGs in question.
    _map_entry = nodes.EntryNode()
    _nested_sdfg = nodes.NestedSDFG("", OrderedDiGraph(), {}, {})

    def annotates_memlets():
        return False

    def expressions():
        return [
            sdutil.node_path_graph(MapFission._map_entry, ),

    def _components(
            subgraph: gr.SubgraphView) -> List[Tuple[nodes.Node, nodes.Node]]:
        Returns the list of tuples non-array components in this subgraph.
        Each element in the list is a 2 tuple of (input node, output node) of
        the component.
        graph = (subgraph
                 if isinstance(subgraph, sd.SDFGState) else subgraph.graph)
        schildren = subgraph.scope_children()
        ns = [(n, graph.exit_node(n)) if isinstance(n, nodes.EntryNode) else
              (n, n) for n in schildren[None]
              if isinstance(n, (nodes.CodeNode, nodes.EntryNode))]

        return ns

    def _border_arrays(sdfg, parent, subgraph):
        """ Returns a set of array names that are local to the fission
            subgraph. """
        nested = isinstance(parent, sd.SDFGState)
        schildren = subgraph.scope_children()
        subset = gr.SubgraphView(parent, schildren[None])
        if nested:
            return set(node.data for node in subset.nodes()
                       if isinstance(node, nodes.AccessNode)
                       and sdfg.arrays[node.data].transient)
            return set(node.data for node in subset.nodes()
                       if isinstance(node, nodes.AccessNode))

    def _internal_border_arrays(total_components, subgraphs):
        """ Returns the set of border arrays that appear between computational
            components (i.e., without sources and sinks). """
        inputs = set()
        outputs = set()

        for components, subgraph in zip(total_components, subgraphs):
            for component_in, component_out in components:
                for e in subgraph.in_edges(component_in):
                    if isinstance(e.src, nodes.AccessNode):
                for e in subgraph.out_edges(component_out):
                    if isinstance(e.dst, nodes.AccessNode):

        return inputs & outputs

    def _outside_map(node, scope_dict, entry_nodes):
        """ Returns True iff node is not in any of the scopes spanned by
            entry_nodes. """
        while scope_dict[node] is not None:
            if scope_dict[node] in entry_nodes:
                return False
            node = scope_dict[node]
        return True

    def can_be_applied(graph, candidate, expr_index, sdfg, strict=False):
        map_node = graph.node(candidate[MapFission._map_entry])
        nsdfg_node = None

        # If the map is dynamic-ranged, the resulting border arrays would be
        # dynamically sized
        if sd.has_dynamic_map_inputs(graph, map_node):
            return False

        if expr_index == 0:  # Map with subgraph
            subgraphs = [
        else:  # Map with nested SDFG
            nsdfg_node = graph.node(candidate[MapFission._nested_sdfg])
            # Make sure there are no other internal nodes in the map
            if len(set(e.dst for e in graph.out_edges(map_node))) > 1:
                return False
            subgraphs = list(nsdfg_node.sdfg.nodes())

        # Test subgraphs
        border_arrays = set()
        total_components = []
        for sg in subgraphs:
            components = MapFission._components(sg)
            snodes = sg.nodes()
            # Test that the subgraphs have more than one computational component
            if expr_index == 0 and len(snodes) > 0 and len(components) <= 1:
                return False

            # Test that the components are connected by transients that are not
            # used anywhere else
            border_arrays |= MapFission._border_arrays(
                nsdfg_node.sdfg if expr_index == 1 else sdfg,
                sg if expr_index == 1 else graph, sg)

            # In nested SDFGs and subgraphs, ensure none of the border
            # values are non-transients
            for array in border_arrays:
                if expr_index == 0:
                    ndesc = sdfg.arrays[array]
                    ndesc = nsdfg_node.sdfg.arrays[array]

                if ndesc.transient is False:
                    return False

            # In subgraphs, make sure transients are not used/allocated
            # in other scopes or states
            if expr_index == 0:
                # Find all nodes not in subgraph
                not_subgraph = set(
                    n.data for n in graph.nodes()
                    if n not in snodes and isinstance(n, nodes.AccessNode))
                    set(n.data for s in sdfg.nodes() if s != graph
                        for n in s.nodes() if isinstance(n, nodes.AccessNode)))

                for _, component_out in components:
                    for e in sg.out_edges(component_out):
                        if isinstance(e.dst, nodes.AccessNode):
                            if e.dst.data in not_subgraph:
                                return False

        # Fail if there are arrays inside the map that are not a direct
        # output of a computational component
        # TODO(later): Support this case? Ambiguous array sizes and memlets
        external_arrays = (
            border_arrays -
            MapFission._internal_border_arrays(total_components, subgraphs))
        if len(external_arrays) > 0:
            return False

        return True

    def match_to_str(graph, candidate):
        map_entry = graph.node(candidate[MapFission._map_entry])
        return map_entry.map.label

    def apply(self, sdfg: sd.SDFG):
        graph: sd.SDFGState = sdfg.nodes()[self.state_id]
        map_entry = graph.node(self.subgraph[MapFission._map_entry])
        map_exit = graph.exit_node(map_entry)
        nsdfg_node: Optional[nodes.NestedSDFG] = None

        # Obtain subgraph to perform fission to
        if self.expr_index == 0:  # Map with subgraph
            subgraphs = [(graph,
            parent = sdfg
        else:  # Map with nested SDFG
            nsdfg_node = graph.node(self.subgraph[MapFission._nested_sdfg])
            subgraphs = [(state, state) for state in nsdfg_node.sdfg.nodes()]
            parent = nsdfg_node.sdfg
        modified_arrays = set()

        # Get map information
        outer_map: nodes.Map = map_entry.map
        mapsize = outer_map.range.size()

        # Add new symbols from outer map to nested SDFG
        if self.expr_index == 1:
            map_syms = outer_map.range.free_symbols
            for edge in graph.out_edges(map_entry):
                if edge.data.data:
            for edge in graph.in_edges(map_exit):
                if edge.data.data:
            for sym in map_syms:
                symname = str(sym)
                if symname in outer_map.params:
                if symname not in nsdfg_node.symbol_mapping.keys():
                    nsdfg_node.symbol_mapping[symname] = sym
                        symname] = graph.symbols_defined_at(

            # Remove map symbols from nested mapping
            for name in outer_map.params:
                if str(name) in nsdfg_node.symbol_mapping:
                    del nsdfg_node.symbol_mapping[str(name)]
                if str(name) in nsdfg_node.sdfg.symbols:
                    del nsdfg_node.sdfg.symbols[str(name)]

        for state, subgraph in subgraphs:
            components = MapFission._components(subgraph)
            sources = subgraph.source_nodes()
            sinks = subgraph.sink_nodes()

            # Collect external edges
            if self.expr_index == 0:
                external_edges_entry = list(state.out_edges(map_entry))
                external_edges_exit = list(state.in_edges(map_exit))
                external_edges_entry = [
                    e for e in subgraph.edges()
                    if (isinstance(e.src, nodes.AccessNode)
                        and not nsdfg_node.sdfg.arrays[e.src.data].transient)
                external_edges_exit = [
                    e for e in subgraph.edges()
                    if (isinstance(e.dst, nodes.AccessNode)
                        and not nsdfg_node.sdfg.arrays[e.dst.data].transient)

            # Map external edges to outer memlets
            edge_to_outer = {}
            for edge in external_edges_entry:
                if self.expr_index == 0:
                    # Subgraphs use the corresponding outer map edges
                    path = state.memlet_path(edge)
                    eindex = path.index(edge)
                    edge_to_outer[edge] = path[eindex - 1]
                    # Nested SDFGs use the internal map edges of the node
                    outer_edge = next(e for e in graph.in_edges(nsdfg_node)
                                      if e.dst_conn == edge.src.data)
                    edge_to_outer[edge] = outer_edge

            for edge in external_edges_exit:
                if self.expr_index == 0:
                    path = state.memlet_path(edge)
                    eindex = path.index(edge)
                    edge_to_outer[edge] = path[eindex + 1]
                    # Nested SDFGs use the internal map edges of the node
                    outer_edge = next(e for e in graph.out_edges(nsdfg_node)
                                      if e.src_conn == edge.dst.data)
                    edge_to_outer[edge] = outer_edge

            # Collect all border arrays and code->code edges
            arrays = MapFission._border_arrays(
                nsdfg_node.sdfg if self.expr_index == 1 else sdfg, state,
            scalars = defaultdict(list)
            for _, component_out in components:
                for e in subgraph.out_edges(component_out):
                    if isinstance(e.dst, nodes.CodeNode):

            # Create new arrays for scalars
            for scalar, edges in scalars.items():
                desc = parent.arrays[scalar]
                del parent.arrays[scalar]
                name, newdesc = parent.add_transient(

                # Add extra nodes in component boundaries
                for edge in edges:
                    anode = state.add_access(name)
                    sbs = subsets.Range.from_string(','.join(outer_map.params))
                    # Offset memlet by map range begin (to fit the transient)
                    sbs.offset([r[0] for r in outer_map.range], True)
                        edge.src, edge.src_conn, anode, None,
                        anode, None, edge.dst, edge.dst_conn,

            # Add extra maps around components
            new_map_entries = []
            for component_in, component_out in components:
                me, mx = state.add_map(outer_map.label + '_fission',
                                       [(p, '0:1') for p in outer_map.params],

                # Add dynamic input connectors
                for conn in map_entry.in_connectors:
                    if not conn.startswith('IN_'):

                me.map.range = dcpy(outer_map.range)

                # Reconnect edges through new map
                for e in state.in_edges(component_in):
                    state.add_edge(me, None, e.dst, e.dst_conn, dcpy(e.data))
                    # Reconnect inner edges at source directly to external nodes
                    if self.expr_index == 0 and e in external_edges_entry:
                                       edge_to_outer[e].src_conn, me, None,
                        state.add_edge(e.src, e.src_conn, me, None,
                # Empty memlet edge in nested SDFGs
                if state.in_degree(component_in) == 0:
                    state.add_edge(me, None, component_in, None, mm.Memlet())

                for e in state.out_edges(component_out):
                    state.add_edge(e.src, e.src_conn, mx, None, dcpy(e.data))
                    # Reconnect inner edges at sink directly to external nodes
                    if self.expr_index == 0 and e in external_edges_exit:
                        state.add_edge(mx, None, edge_to_outer[e].dst,
                        state.add_edge(mx, None, e.dst, e.dst_conn,
                # Empty memlet edge in nested SDFGs
                if state.out_degree(component_out) == 0:
                    state.add_edge(component_out, None, mx, None, mm.Memlet())
            # Connect other sources/sinks not in components (access nodes)
            # directly to external nodes
            if self.expr_index == 0:
                for node in sources:
                    if isinstance(node, nodes.AccessNode):
                        for edge in state.in_edges(node):
                            outer_edge = edge_to_outer[edge]
                            memlet = dcpy(edge.data)
                            memlet.subset = subsets.Range(
                                outer_map.range.ranges + memlet.subset.ranges)
                            state.add_edge(outer_edge.src, outer_edge.src_conn,
                                           edge.dst, edge.dst_conn, memlet)

                for node in sinks:
                    if isinstance(node, nodes.AccessNode):
                        for edge in state.out_edges(node):
                            outer_edge = edge_to_outer[edge]
                            state.add_edge(edge.src, edge.src_conn,
                                           outer_edge.dst, outer_edge.dst_conn,

            # Augment arrays by prepending map dimensions
            for array in arrays:
                if array in modified_arrays:
                desc = parent.arrays[array]
                for sz in reversed(mapsize):
                    desc.strides = [desc.total_size] + list(desc.strides)
                    desc.total_size = desc.total_size * sz

                desc.shape = mapsize + list(desc.shape)
                desc.offset = [0] * len(mapsize) + list(desc.offset)

            # Fill scope connectors so that memlets can be tracked below

            # Correct connectors and memlets in nested SDFGs to account for
            # missing outside map
            if self.expr_index == 1:
                to_correct = ([(e, e.src) for e in external_edges_entry] +
                              [(e, e.dst) for e in external_edges_exit])
                corrected_nodes = set()
                for edge, node in to_correct:
                    if isinstance(node, nodes.AccessNode):
                        if node in corrected_nodes:

                        outer_edge = edge_to_outer[edge]
                        desc = parent.arrays[node.data]

                        # Modify shape of internal array to match outer one
                        outer_desc = sdfg.arrays[outer_edge.data.data]
                        if not isinstance(desc, dt.Scalar):
                            desc.shape = outer_desc.shape
                        if isinstance(desc, dt.Array):
                            desc.strides = outer_desc.strides
                            desc.total_size = outer_desc.total_size

                        # Inside the nested SDFG, offset all memlets to include
                        # the offsets from within the map.
                        # NOTE: Relies on propagation to fix outer memlets
                        for internal_edge in state.all_edges(node):
                            for e in state.memlet_tree(internal_edge):
                                e.data.subset.offset(desc.offset, False)
                                e.data.subset = helpers.unsqueeze_memlet(
                                    e.data, outer_edge.data).subset

                        # Only after offsetting memlets we can modify the
                        # overall offset
                        if isinstance(desc, dt.Array):
                            desc.offset = outer_desc.offset

            # Fill in memlet trees for border transients
            # NOTE: Memlet propagation should run to correct the outer edges
            for node in subgraph.nodes():
                if isinstance(node, nodes.AccessNode) and node.data in arrays:
                    for edge in state.all_edges(node):
                        for e in state.memlet_tree(edge):
                            # Prepend map dimensions to memlet
                            e.data.subset = subsets.Range(
                                [(pystr_to_symbolic(d) - r[0],
                                  pystr_to_symbolic(d) - r[0], 1) for d, r in
                                 zip(outer_map.params, outer_map.range)] +

        # If nested SDFG, reconnect nodes around map and modify memlets
        if self.expr_index == 1:
            for edge in graph.in_edges(map_entry):
                if not edge.dst_conn or not edge.dst_conn.startswith('IN_'):

                # Modify edge coming into nested SDFG to include entire array
                desc = sdfg.arrays[edge.data.data]
                edge.data.subset = subsets.Range.from_array(desc)
                edge.data.num_accesses = edge.data.subset.num_elements()

                # Find matching edge inside map
                inner_edge = next(
                    e for e in graph.out_edges(map_entry)
                    if e.src_conn and e.src_conn[4:] == edge.dst_conn[3:])
                graph.add_edge(edge.src, edge.src_conn, nsdfg_node,
                               inner_edge.dst_conn, dcpy(edge.data))

            for edge in graph.out_edges(map_exit):
                # Modify edge coming out of nested SDFG to include entire array
                desc = sdfg.arrays[edge.data.data]
                edge.data.subset = subsets.Range.from_array(desc)

                # Find matching edge inside map
                inner_edge = next(e for e in graph.in_edges(map_exit)
                                  if e.dst_conn[3:] == edge.src_conn[4:])
                graph.add_edge(nsdfg_node, inner_edge.src_conn, edge.dst,
                               edge.dst_conn, dcpy(edge.data))

        # Remove outer map
        graph.remove_nodes_from([map_entry, map_exit])