Exemplo n.º 1
    args = vars(parser.parse_args())

    A = dace.ndarray([N], dtype=dace.float32)
    B = dace.ndarray([N], dtype=dace.float32)
    out_AB = dace.scalar(dace.float64)
    out_AA = dace.scalar(dace.float64)


    print('Dot product %d' % (N.get()))

    A[:] = np.random.rand(N.get()).astype(dace.float32.type)
    B[:] = np.random.rand(N.get()).astype(dace.float32.type)
    out_AB[0] = dace.float64(0)
    out_AA[0] = dace.float64(0)

    cdot = dace.compile(dot, A, B, out_AB)
    cdot(A, B, out_AB)

    # To allow reloading the SDFG code file with the same name
    del cdot

    cdot_self = dace.compile(dot, A, A, out_AA)
    cdot_self(A, A, out_AA)

    diff_ab = np.linalg.norm(np.dot(A, B) - out_AB) / float(N.get())
    diff_aa = np.linalg.norm(np.dot(A, A) - out_AA) / float(N.get())
    print("Difference (A*B):", diff_ab)
    print("Difference (A*A):", diff_aa)
    exit(0 if (diff_ab <= 1e-5 and diff_aa <= 1e-5) else 1)
Exemplo n.º 2
    state.add_edge(A, None, Atrans, None, Memlet.simple(A, fullrange))
    _, me, mx = state.add_mapped_tasklet(
        'compute', dict(i=irange, j=jrange),
        dict(a=Memlet.simple(Atrans, 'i-1,j')), 'b = math.exp(a)',
        dict(b=Memlet.simple(B, 'i,j')))
    state.add_edge(Atrans, None, me, None, Memlet.simple(Atrans, fullrange))
    state.add_edge(mx, None, B, None, Memlet.simple(B, fullrange))

    code_nonspec = spec_sdfg.generate_code()

    if 'Dynamic' not in code_nonspec[0].code:
        print('ERROR: Constants were needlessly specialized')

    spec_sdfg.specialize(dict(N=N, M=M))
    code_spec = spec_sdfg.generate_code()

    if 'Dynamic' in code_spec[0].code:
        print('ERROR: Constants were not properly specialized')

    func = dp.compile(spec_sdfg)
    func(A=input, B=output, N=N, M=M)

    diff = np.linalg.norm(
        np.exp(input[1:(N.get() - 1), 0:M.get()]) - output[1:-1, :]) / N.get()
    print("Difference:", diff)
    print("==== Program end ====")
    exit(0 if diff <= 1e-5 else 3)
Exemplo n.º 3
    print('Matrix addition %dx%d' % (M.get(), N.get()))

    # Initialize arrays: Randomize A and B, zero C
    A[:] = np.random.rand(M.get(), N.get()).astype(dace.float64.type)
    B[:] = np.random.rand(M.get(), N.get()).astype(dace.float64.type)
    C[:] = dace.float64(0)

    A_regression = np.ndarray([M.get(), N.get()], dtype=np.float64)
    B_regression = np.ndarray([M.get(), N.get()], dtype=np.float64)
    C_regression = np.ndarray([M.get(), N.get()], dtype=np.float64)
    A_regression[:] = A[:]
    B_regression[:] = B[:]
    C_regression[:] = C[:]

    if args["compile-only"]:
        dace.compile(mat_add, A, B, C)
        mat_add(A, B, C)

        if dace.Config.get_bool('profiling'):
            dace.timethis('mat_add', contender, dace.eval(2 * N * N * N),
                          np.dot, A_regression, B_regression, C_regression)
            np.add(A_regression, B_regression, C_regression)

    diff = np.linalg.norm(C_regression - C) / float(dace.eval(M * N))
    print("Difference:", diff)
    print("==== Program end ====")
    exit(0 if diff <= 1e-5 else 1)
Exemplo n.º 4

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print('Reloadable DaCe program test')

    array_one = np.random.rand(10).astype(np.float64)
    array_two = np.random.rand(20).astype(np.float64)
    output_one = np.zeros(10, dtype=np.float64)
    output_two = np.zeros(20, dtype=np.float64)

    prog_one = program_generator(10, 2.0)
    prog_two = program_generator(20, 4.0)

    # This should create two libraries for the two SDFGs, as they compile over
    # the same folder
    func1 = dace.compile(prog_one)
        func2 = dace.compile(prog_two)
    except CompilationError:
        # On some systems (e.g., Windows), the file will be locked, so
        # compilation will fail
        print('Compilation failed due to locked file. Skipping test.')

    func1(input=array_one, output=output_one)
    func2(input=array_two, output=output_two)

    diff1 = np.linalg.norm(2.0 * array_one - output_one) / 10.0
    diff2 = np.linalg.norm(4.0 * array_two - output_two) / 20.0
    print("Differences:", diff1, diff2)
    exit(0 if (diff1 < 1e-5 and diff2 < 1e-5) else 1)
Exemplo n.º 5
                t >> tol(1, lambda x, y: x + y)
                b = a
                t = a * a
    elif tol <= 5:

        def something(i):
            a << A[0, i]
            b >> B[0, i]
            b = a
    elif tol <= 6:

        def something(i):
            a << A[0, i]
            b >> B[0, i]
            b = a
        for i in range(W):

            def something(j):
                a << A[0, j]
                b >> B[0, j]
                b = a

if __name__ == '__main__':
    dace.compile(control_flow_test, dace.float32[W, H], dace.float32[H, W],
Exemplo n.º 6
#!/usr/bin/env python
import dace as dp

W = dp.symbol('W')
H = dp.symbol('H')

def transpose(input, output):
    @dp.map(_[0:H, 0:W])
    def compute(i, j):
        a << input[j, i]
        b >> output[i, j]
        b = a

def bla(input, output):
    dp.call(transpose, input, output)

def myprogram(A, B):
    dp.call(bla, A, B)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    dp.compile(myprogram, dp.float32[W, H], dp.float32[H, W])
Exemplo n.º 7
    # Initialize arrays: Randomize A and B, zero C
    A[:] = np.random.rand(M.get(), N.get()).astype(dace.float64.type)
    B[:] = np.random.rand(N.get(), K.get()).astype(dace.float64.type)
    C[:] = dace.float64(0)

    A_regression = np.ndarray([M.get(), N.get()], dtype=np.float64)
    B_regression = np.ndarray([N.get(), K.get()], dtype=np.float64)
    C_regression = np.ndarray([M.get(), K.get()], dtype=np.float64)
    A_regression[:] = A[:]
    B_regression[:] = B[:]
    C_regression[:] = C[:]

    if args["sdfg"] is not None:
        sdfg = dace.SDFG.from_file(args["sdfg"])
        gemmfunc = dace.compile(sdfg)
        gemmfunc = dace.compile(gemm, A, B, C)

    if not args["compile-only"]:
        gemmfunc(A, B, C)

    if dace.Config.get_bool('profiling'):
        dace.timethis('gemm', contender, dace.eval(2 * N * N * N), np.dot,
                      A_regression, B_regression, C_regression)
        np.dot(A_regression, B_regression, C_regression)


    diff = np.linalg.norm(C_regression - C) / float(dace.eval(M * K))
Exemplo n.º 8
    def product(i: _[0:N]):
        a << A[i]
        b << B[i]
        o >> out(1, lambda x, y: x + y)
        o = a * b

if __name__ == "__main__":

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("N", type=int, nargs="?", default=64)
    args = vars(parser.parse_args())

    A = dace.ndarray([N], dtype=dace.float32)
    out_AA = dace.scalar(dace.float64)


    print('Dot product %d' % (N.get()))

    A[:] = np.random.rand(N.get()).astype(dace.float32.type)
    out_AA[0] = dace.float64(0)

    cdot_self = dace.compile(dot, A, A, out_AA)
    cdot_self(A, A, out_AA)

    diff_aa = np.linalg.norm(np.dot(A, A) - out_AA) / float(N.get())
    print("Difference:", diff_aa)
    exit(0 if (diff_aa <= 1e-5) else 1)
Exemplo n.º 9

        def something(j):
            a << A[0, j]
            b >> B[0, j]
            b = a

    for i in range(3):

        def something(j):
            a << A[1, j]
            b >> B[1, j]
            b = a

    while tol[0] < 4:

        def something(i):
            a << A[0, i]
            b >> B[0, i]
            t >> tol(1, lambda x, y: x + y)
            b = a
            t = a * a

if __name__ == '__main__':
    dace.compile(myprogram, dace.float32[W, H], dace.float32[H, W],
Exemplo n.º 10
    print('Scalar-vector multiplication %d' % (N.get()))

    # Initialize arrays: Randomize A and X, zero Y
    A = dace.float64(np.random.rand())
    X[:] = np.random.rand(N.get()).astype(dace.float64.type)
    Y[:] = np.random.rand(N.get()).astype(dace.float64.type)

    A_regression = np.float64()
    X_regression = np.ndarray([N.get()], dtype=np.float64)
    Y_regression = np.ndarray([N.get()], dtype=np.float64)
    A_regression = A
    X_regression[:] = X[:]
    Y_regression[:] = Y[:]

    if args["compile-only"]:
        dace.compile(axpy, A, X, Y)
        axpy(A, X, Y)

        c_axpy = sp.linalg.blas.get_blas_funcs('axpy',
        if dace.Config.get_bool('profiling'):
            dace.timethis('axpy', contender, dace.eval(2 * N), c_axpy,
                          X_regression, Y_regression, N.get(), A_regression)
            c_axpy(X_regression, Y_regression, N.get(), A_regression)

    diff = np.linalg.norm(Y_regression - Y) / float(dace.eval(N))
    print("Difference:", diff)
    print("==== Program end ====")
Exemplo n.º 11
        dict(i=irange, j=jrange),
        dict(a=Memlet.simple(Atrans, 'i-1,j')),
        'b = math.exp(a)',
        dict(b=Memlet.simple(B, 'i,j')))
    state.add_edge(Atrans, None, me, None, Memlet.simple(Atrans, fullrange))
    state.add_edge(mx, None, B, None, Memlet.simple(B, fullrange))

    code_nonspec = spec_sdfg.generate_code(specialize=False)

    if 'Dynamic' not in code_nonspec[0].code:
        print('ERROR: Constants were needlessly specialized')

    code_spec = spec_sdfg.generate_code(specialize=True)

    if 'Dynamic' in code_spec[0].code:
        print('ERROR: Constants were not properly specialized')

    func = dp.compile(spec_sdfg, specialize=True)
    func(A=input, B=output, N=N, M=M)

    diff = np.linalg.norm(
        np.exp(input[1:dp.eval(N - 1), 0:dp.eval(M)]) -
        output[1:-1, :]) / dp.eval(N)
    print("Difference:", diff)
    print("==== Program end ====")
    exit(0 if diff <= 1e-5 else 3)
Exemplo n.º 12
                Memlet.from_array(globalstream.data, globalstream.desc(sdfg)))
state.add_nedge(globalstream, globalarr,
                Memlet.from_array(globalarr.data, globalarr.desc(sdfg)))


if __name__ == '__main__':
    print('Thread-local stream test')


    output = np.ndarray([N.get()], dtype=np.float32)
    output[:] = dp.float32(0)

    code_nonspec = sdfg.generate_code()

    if 'Threadlocal' not in code_nonspec[0].code:
        print('ERROR: Thread-local stream was not created')

    func = dp.compile(sdfg)
    func(ga=output, N=N)

    output = np.sort(output)

    diff = np.linalg.norm(output - np.arange(0, N.get(), dtype=np.float32))
    print("Difference:", diff)
    print("==== Program end ====")
    exit(0 if diff <= 1e-5 else 2)