Exemplo n.º 1
def multiple_fusions(A: dace.float32[10, 20], B: dace.float32[10, 20],
                     C: dace.float32[10, 20], out: dace.float32[1]):
    A_prime = dace.define_local([10, 20], dtype=A.dtype)
    A_prime_copy = dace.define_local([10, 20], dtype=A.dtype)
    for i, j in dace.map[0:10, 0:20]:
        with dace.tasklet:
            inp << A[i, j]
            out1 >> out(1, lambda a, b: a + b)[0]
            out2 >> A_prime[i, j]
            out3 >> A_prime_copy[i, j]
            out1 = inp
            out2 = inp * inp
            out3 = inp * inp

    for i, j in dace.map[0:10, 0:20]:
        with dace.tasklet:
            inp << A_prime[i, j]
            out1 >> B[i, j]
            out1 = inp + 1

    for i, j in dace.map[0:10, 0:20]:
        with dace.tasklet:
            inp << A_prime_copy[i, j]
            out2 >> C[i, j]
            out2 = inp + 2
Exemplo n.º 2
def fusion(A: dace.float32[10, 20], B: dace.float32[10, 20],
           out: dace.float32[1]):
    tmp = dace.define_local([10, 20], dtype=A.dtype)
    tmp_2 = dace.define_local([10, 20], dtype=A.dtype)
    for i, j in dace.map[0:10, 0:20]:
        with dace.tasklet:
            a << A[i, j]
            b >> tmp[i, j]

            b = a * a

    for i, j in dace.map[0:20, 0:10]:
        with dace.tasklet:
            a << tmp[j, i]
            b << B[j, i]
            c >> tmp_2[j, i]

            c = a + b

    for m, n in dace.map[0:10, 0:20]:
        with dace.tasklet:
            a << tmp_2[m, n]
            b >> out(1, lambda a, b: a + b)[0]

            b = a
Exemplo n.º 3
def outer_sqrt_with_intermediate(Y: dace.float32[3, 3]):
    intermediate = dace.define_local([3, 3], dace.float32)
    W = dace.define_local([3, 3], dace.float32)
    intermediate[:] = dace.elementwise(lambda x: sqrt(x), Y)
    W[:] = middle_sqrt_no_sum(intermediate)
    Z = np.sum(W)
    return Z
Exemplo n.º 4
def attn_fwd(
    q: dace.float32[batchSize, Qsize, seqLenQ],
    k: dace.float32[batchSize, Qsize, seqLenK],
    v: dace.float32[batchSize, Qsize, seqLenK],
    wq: dace.float32[numHeads, projQsize, Qsize],
    wk: dace.float32[numHeads, projQsize, Qsize],
    wv: dace.float32[numHeads, projQsize, Qsize],
    wo: dace.float32[numHeads, Qsize, projQsize],
    out: dace.float32[batchSize, Qsize, seqLenQ],

    for b in dace.map[0:batchSize]:

        outs = dace.define_local([numHeads, Qsize, seqLenQ], dace.float32)

        for h in dace.map[0:numHeads]:

            q_bar = wq[h] @ q[b]  # projQsize x seqLenQ
            k_bar = wk[h] @ k[b]  # projQsize x seqLenK
            v_bar = wv[h] @ v[b]  # projQsize x seqLenK

            k_bar_t = dace.define_local([seqLenK, projQsize], dace.float32)
            sdfg_transpose(k_bar, k_bar_t)
            beta = k_bar_t @ q_bar  # seqLenK x seqLenQ

            alpha = dace.define_local([seqLenK, seqLenQ], dace.float32)
            for j in dace.map[0:seqLenK]:
                dace_softmax(beta[j], alpha[j])

            h_bar = v_bar @ alpha  # projQsize x seqLenQ
            outs[h] = wo[h] @ h_bar  # Qsize x seqLenQ

        out[b] = dace.reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, outs, axis=0, identity=0)
Exemplo n.º 5
def middle_sqrt_with_intermediate(Y: dace.float32[3, 3]):
    intermediate = dace.define_local([3, 3], dace.float32)
    W = dace.define_local([3, 3], dace.float32)
    intermediate[:] = dace.elementwise(lambda x: sqrt(x), Y)
    inner_sdfg_with_intermediate(intermediate, W)
    Z = np.sum(W)
    return Z
Exemplo n.º 6
def DFT(X, Y):
    # Generate DFT matrix
    dft_mat = dace.define_local([N, N], dtype=dace.complex128)
    def out_map_gen(i):
        def dft_mat_gen(j):
            omega1 >> dft_mat[i, j]
            omega2 >> dft_mat[j, i]
            omega = exp(-dace.complex128(0, 2 * 3.14159265359 * i * j) / dace.complex128(N))
            omega1 = omega
            omega2 = omega
    # Matrix multiply input vector with DFT matrix
    tmp = dace.define_local([N, N], dtype=dace.complex128)
    @dace.map(_[0:N, 0:N])
    def dft_tasklet(k, n):
        x << X[n]
        omega << dft_mat[k, n]
        out >> tmp[k, n]
        out = x * omega
    dace.reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, tmp, Y, axis=1, identity=0)
Exemplo n.º 7
def prog(A, B):
    no = dace.define_local([number], dace.float32)
    number = dace.define_local([W], dace.float32)

    f(A, number)

    def bla2(i):
        inp << number[i]
        out >> B[i]
        out = 2 * inp
Exemplo n.º 8
def duplicate_naming(A, B):
    no = dace.define_local([number], dace.float32)
    number = dace.define_local([W], dace.float32)

    duplicate_naming_inner(A, number)

    def bla2(i):
        inp << number[i]
        out >> B[i]
        out = 2 * inp
Exemplo n.º 9
        def softmax_backward(output, output_grad, input_grad):
            prod = dace.define_local(output_shape, output_dtype)
            sums = dace.define_local(sums_shape, output_dtype)
            donnx.ONNXMul(A=output, B=output_grad, C=prod)

            donnx.ONNXMul(A=output, B=sums, C=input_grad)
            # let's not use ONNXSub here; not sure how this inplace op is handled by ORT...
            input_grad[:] = prod - input_grad
Exemplo n.º 10
        def logsoftmax_backward(output, output_grad, input_grad):
            exp_output = dace.define_local(output_shape, output_dtype)
            donnx.ONNXExp(input=output, output=exp_output)

            grad_output_sum = dace.define_local(sums_shape, output_dtype)
            # let's not use ONNXMul here; not sure how this inplace op is handled by ORT...
            exp_output[:] = exp_output * grad_output_sum
            donnx.ONNXSub(A=output_grad, B=exp_output, C=input_grad)
Exemplo n.º 11
def sftw(A: dace.float64[20]):
    B = dace.define_local([20], dace.float64)
    C = dace.define_local([20], dace.float64)
    D = dace.define_local([20], dace.float64)
    E = dace.define_local([20], dace.float64)
    dup = dace.define_local([20], dace.float64)

    for i in dace.map[0:20]:
        with dace.tasklet:
            a << A[i]
            b >> B[i]
            b = a

    for i in dace.map[0:20]:
        with dace.tasklet:
            a << B[i]
            b >> dup[i]
            b = a

    for i in dace.map[0:20]:
        with dace.tasklet:
            a << dup[i]
            b >> D[i]
            b = a + 2

    for i in dace.map[0:20]:
        with dace.tasklet:
            a << A[i]
            b >> C[i]
            b = a + 1

    for i in dace.map[0:20]:
        with dace.tasklet:
            a << C[i]
            b >> dup[i]
            b = a + 1

    for i in dace.map[0:20]:
        with dace.tasklet:
            a << dup[i]
            b >> E[i]
            b = a + 3

    for i in dace.map[0:20]:
        with dace.tasklet:
            d << D[i]
            e << E[i]
            a >> A[i]
            a = d + e
Exemplo n.º 12
def operation(A: dace.float64[M, M], B: dace.float64[M, M], C: dace.float64[M, N], D: dace.float64[M, N]):

    tmp = dace.define_local([M, M, M], dtype=A.dtype)
    E = dace.define_local([M,M], dtype=A.dtype)

    @dace.map(_[0:M, 0:M, 0:M])
    def multiplication(i, j, k):
        in_A << A[i, k]
        in_B << B[k, j]
        out >> tmp[i, j, k]

        out = in_A * in_B
    dace.reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, tmp, E, axis=2, identity=0)

    C[:] = A @ E @ (A @ B) @ (B @ D)
Exemplo n.º 13
def k2mm(A, B, C, D, alpha, beta):
    tmp = dace.define_local([NI, NJ], dtype=datatype)

    def zerotmp(i: _[0:NI], j: _[0:NJ]):
        out >> tmp[i, j]
        out = 0.0

    def mult_tmp(i: _[0:NI], j: _[0:NJ], k: _[0:NK]):
        in_a << A[i, k]
        in_b << B[k, j]
        in_alpha << alpha
        out >> tmp(1, lambda x, y: x + y)[i, j]
        out = in_alpha * in_a * in_b

    def mult_d(i: _[0:NI], j: _[0:NL]):
        inp << D[i, j]
        in_beta << beta
        out >> D[i, j]

        out = inp * in_beta

    def comp_d(i: _[0:NI], j: _[0:NL], k: _[0:NJ]):
        in_a << tmp[i, k]
        in_b << C[k, j]
        out >> D(1, lambda x, y: x + y)[i, j]
        out = in_a * in_b
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_inline_reshape_views_work(A: dace.float64[3, 3],
                                       B: dace.float64[9]):
        result = dace.define_local([9], dace.float64)
        result[:] = nested_add2(A, B)
        result_reshaped = reshape_node(result)

        return np.transpose(result_reshaped)
Exemplo n.º 15
def fusion_recomputation(A: dace.float64[20, 20], B: dace.float64[16, 16]):
    tmp = dace.define_local([18, 18], dtype=A.dtype)
    for i, j in dace.map[1:19, 1:19]:
        with dace.tasklet:
            a0 << A[i - 1, j - 1]
            a1 << A[i - 1, j]
            a2 << A[i - 1, j + 1]
            a3 << A[i, j - 1]
            a4 << A[i, j]
            a5 << A[i, j + 1]
            a6 << A[i + 1, j - 1]
            a7 << A[i + 1, j]
            a8 << A[i + 1, j + 1]
            b >> tmp[i - 1, j - 1]

            b = (a0 + a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5 + a6 + a7 + a8) / 9.0

    for i, j in dace.map[1:17, 1:17]:
        with dace.tasklet:
            a0 << tmp[i - 1, j - 1]
            a1 << tmp[i - 1, j]
            a2 << tmp[i - 1, j + 1]
            a3 << tmp[i, j - 1]
            a4 << tmp[i, j]
            a5 << tmp[i, j + 1]
            a6 << tmp[i + 1, j - 1]
            a7 << tmp[i + 1, j]
            a8 << tmp[i + 1, j + 1]
            b >> B[i - 1, j - 1]

            b = (a0 + a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5 + a6 + a7 + a8) / 9.0
Exemplo n.º 16
 def single_state_reshape_same_state(inp: dace.float64[9],
                                     target_shape: dace.int64[2]):
     reshaped = dace.define_local([3, 3], dace.float64)
     donnx.ONNXReshape(data=inp, shape=target_shape, reshaped=reshaped)
     Zl = dace.elementwise(lambda x: log(x + 1), reshaped)
     S = np.sum(Zl)
     return S
Exemplo n.º 17
 def persistent_transient(A: dace.float32[3, 3]):
     persistent_transient = dace.define_local(
         [3, 5],
     return A @ persistent_transient
Exemplo n.º 18
 def test_einsum(A: dace.float64[5, 4, 3], B: dace.float64[3, 2]):
     Y = dace.define_local([5, 4, 2], dace.float64)
                      equation="bij, jk -> bik")
     return Y
Exemplo n.º 19
def jacobi(A, iterations):
    # Transient variable
    tmp = dace.define_local([H, W], dtype=A.dtype)

    @dace.map(_[0:H, 0:W])
    def reset_tmp(y, x):

        out >> tmp[y, x]
        out = 0.0

    def step(t):
        @dace.map(_[1:H - 1, 1:W - 1])
        def a2b(y, x):
            in_N << A[y - 1, x]
            in_S << A[y + 1, x]
            in_W << A[y, x - 1]
            in_E << A[y, x + 1]
            in_C << A[y, x]
            out >> tmp[y, x]

            out = 0.2 * (in_C + in_N + in_S + in_W + in_E)

        # Double buffering
        @dace.map(_[1:H - 1, 1:W - 1])
        def b2a(y, x):
            in_N << tmp[y - 1, x]
            in_S << tmp[y + 1, x]
            in_W << tmp[y, x - 1]
            in_E << tmp[y, x + 1]
            in_C << tmp[y, x]
            out >> A[y, x]

            out = 0.2 * (in_C + in_N + in_S + in_W + in_E)
Exemplo n.º 20
 def nested(A: dace.float64[64]):
     # Create local array with the same name as an outer array
     gpu_A = dace.define_local([64],
     gpu_A[:] = 0
     gpu_A[:] = 1
     A[:] = gpu_A
Exemplo n.º 21
def implicit_line_joining(A: dace.float32[N], B: dace.float32[N]):
    # The DaCe programs sets B equal to A
    tmp = dace.define_local(
        (N,),  # shape
        dtype=dace.float32  # type
    tmp[:] = A[:]  # for i in 0 .. N-1; tmp[i] = A[i]
    B[:] = tmp[:]  # for i in 0 .. N-1; B[i] = tmp[i]
Exemplo n.º 22
 def transient(A: dace.float64[128, 64]):
     for i in dace.map[0:128]:
         # Create local array with the same name as an outer array
         gpu_A = dace.define_local([64],
         gpu_A[:] = 0
         gpu_A[:] = 1
         A[i, :] = gpu_A
Exemplo n.º 23
    def prog(input: dace.float32[2, 2], output: dace.float32[2, 2]):
        tmp_max = np.max(input, axis=axis)

        out_tmp = dace.define_local(out_tmp_shape, out_tmp_dtype)
        exp_minus_max(tmp_max=tmp_max, original_input=input, output=out_tmp)

        tmp_sum = np.sum(out_tmp, axis=axis)

        out_tmp_div_sum(out_tmp=out_tmp, tmp_sum=tmp_sum, output=output)
Exemplo n.º 24
 def add_reshape_grad_test_nested(inp: dace.float64[9],
                                  bias: dace.float64[3],
                                  target_shape: dace.int64[2],
                                  result: dace.float64):
     reshaped = dace.define_local([3, 3], dace.float64)
     added = inp + 1
     donnx.ONNXReshape(data=added, shape=target_shape, reshaped=reshaped)
     Z = reshaped * bias
     Zl = dace.elementwise(lambda x: log(x + 1), Z)
     result[:] = np.sum(Zl)
Exemplo n.º 25
 def program(A: dace.float32[N], B: dace.float32[N]):
     for i in dace.map[0:N]:
         arr = dace.define_local(N, dace.float32)
         with dace.tasklet:
             a << A[0]
             x_out >> arr[0]  # now write into an Array access node
             x_out = a
         with dace.tasklet:
             x_in << arr[0]
             b >> B[i]
             b = x_in
Exemplo n.º 26
def keyword_return(A: dace.float32[N]):
    i = dace.define_local_scalar(dtype=dace.int32)
    i = 0
    B = dace.define_local((N, ), dtype=dace.float32)
    while True:
        B[i] = A[i] + i - i
        i += 1
        if i < N:
    return B
Exemplo n.º 27
def vector_reduce(x: dace.float32[N], s: dace.scalar(dace.float32)):
    tmp = dace.define_local([N], dtype=x.dtype)

    def sum(i: _[0:N]):
        in_x << x[i]
        out >> tmp[i]

        out = in_x

    dace.reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, tmp, s, axis=(0), identity=0)
Exemplo n.º 28
 def program(A: dace.float32[N], B: dace.float32[N]):
     for i in dace.map[0:N]:
         arr = dace.define_local(N, dace.float32)
         with dace.tasklet:
             a << A[i]
             # Reading a vector but storing a scalar (must fail)
             x_out >> arr[0]
             x_out = a
         with dace.tasklet:
             x_in << arr[i]
             b >> B[i]
             b = x_in
Exemplo n.º 29
def transients(A: dace.float32[10]):
    ostream = dace.define_stream(dace.float32, 10)
    oscalar = dace.define_local_scalar(dace.int32)
    oarray = dace.define_local([10], dace.float32)
    oarray[:] = 0
    oscalar = 0
    for i in dace.map[0:10]:
        if A[i] >= 0.5:
            A[i] >> ostream(-1)
            oscalar += 1
    ostream >> oarray
    return oscalar, oarray
Exemplo n.º 30
def gramschmidt(A, R, Q):

    nrm = dace.define_local([1], datatype)

    for k in range(0, N, 1):

        def set_nrm():
            out_nrm >> nrm
            out_nrm = datatype(0)

        def set_sum(i: _[0:M]):
            in_A << A[i, k]
            out_nrm >> nrm(1, lambda x, y: x + y)
            out_nrm = in_A * in_A

        def set_rkk():
            in_nrm << nrm
            out_R >> R[k, k]
            out_R = math.sqrt(in_nrm)

        def set_q(i: _[0:M]):
            in_A << A[i, k]
            in_R << R[k, k]
            out_Q >> Q[i, k]
            out_Q = in_A / in_R

        def set_rna(j: _[k + 1:N]):
            # for j in range(k+1, N, 1):

            def init_r():
                out_R >> R[k, j]
                out_R = datatype(0)

            def set_r(i: _[0:M]):
                in_A << A[i, j]
                in_Q << Q[i, k]
                out_R >> R(1, lambda x, y: x + y)[k, j]
                out_R = in_A * in_Q

            def set_a(i: _[0:M]):
                in_R << R[k, j]
                in_Q << Q[i, k]
                out_A >> A(1, lambda x, y: x + y)[i, j]
                out_A = -in_R * in_Q