Exemplo n.º 1
def phi_2D_admix_2_into_1(phi, f, xx,yy):
    Admix population 2 into population 1.

    Alters phi in place and returns the new version.

    phi:   phi corresponding to original 2 populations
    f:     Fraction of updated population 1 to be derived from population 2. 
             (A fraction 1-f will be derived from the original population 1.)
    xx,yy: Mapping of points in phi to frequencies in populations 1 and 2.
    # Note that it's 1-f here since f now denotes the fraction coming from
    # population 2.
    lower_z_index, upper_z_index, frac_lower, frac_upper, norm \
            = _two_pop_admixture_intermediates(phi, 1-f, xx,yy,xx)

    idx_i = numpy.arange(phi.shape[0])
    lower_cont = frac_lower*norm
    upper_cont = frac_upper*norm
    for jj in xrange(len(yy)):
        phi_int = numpy.zeros((len(xx), len(xx)))
        phi_int[idx_i, lower_z_index[:,jj]] = lower_cont[:,jj]
        phi_int[idx_i, upper_z_index[:,jj]] = upper_cont[:,jj]
        phi[:,jj] = Numerics.trapz(phi_int, xx, axis=0)

    return phi
Exemplo n.º 2
def phi_3D_admix_2_and_3_into_1(phi, f2,f3, xx,yy,zz):
    Admix populations 2 and 3 into population 1.

    Alters phi in place and returns the new version.

    phi:      phi corresponding to original 3 populations.
    f2:       Fraction of updated population 1 to be derived from population 2. 
    f3:       Fraction of updated population 1 to be derived from population 3. 
              A fraction (1-f2-f3) will be derived from the original pop 1.
    xx,yy,zz: Mapping of points in phi to frequencies in populations 1,2 and 3.
    lower_w_index, upper_w_index, frac_lower, frac_upper, norm \
            = _three_pop_admixture_intermediates(phi, 1-f2-f3,f2, xx,yy,zz, xx)

    lower_cont = frac_lower * norm
    upper_cont = frac_upper * norm

    # Basically, we're splitting into a fourth ww population, then integrating
    # over yy to be left with the two populations we care about.
    idx_i = numpy.arange(phi.shape[0])
    for jj in xrange(phi.shape[1]):
        for kk in xrange(phi.shape[2]):
            phi_int = numpy.zeros((phi.shape[0], phi.shape[0]))
            phi_int[idx_i, lower_w_index[:,jj,kk]] = lower_cont[:,jj,kk]
            phi_int[idx_i, upper_w_index[:,jj,kk]] = upper_cont[:,jj,kk]
            phi[:,jj,kk] = Numerics.trapz(phi_int, xx, axis=0)

    return phi
Exemplo n.º 3
def phi_3D_admix_1_and_2_into_3(phi, f1,f2, xx,yy,zz):
    Admix populations 1 and 2 into population 3.

    Alters phi in place and returns the new version.

    phi:      phi corresponding to original 3 populations.
    f1:       Fraction of updated population 3 to be derived from population 1. 
    f2:       Fraction of updated population 3 to be derived from population 2. 
              A fraction (1-f1-f2) will be derived from the original pop 3.
    xx,yy,zz: Mapping of points in phi to frequencies in populations 1,2 and 3.
    lower_w_index, upper_w_index, frac_lower, frac_upper, norm \
            = _three_pop_admixture_intermediates(phi, f1,f2, xx,yy,zz, zz)

    lower_cont = frac_lower * norm
    upper_cont = frac_upper * norm

    # Basically, we're splitting into a fourth ww population, then integrating
    # over zz to be left with the two populations we care about.
    idx_k = numpy.arange(phi.shape[2])
    for ii in xrange(phi.shape[0]):
        for jj in xrange(phi.shape[1]):
            phi_int = numpy.zeros((phi.shape[2], phi.shape[2]))
            phi_int[idx_k, lower_w_index[ii,jj]] = lower_cont[ii,jj]
            phi_int[idx_k, upper_w_index[ii,jj]] = upper_cont[ii,jj]
            phi[ii,jj] = Numerics.trapz(phi_int, zz, axis=0)

    return phi
Exemplo n.º 4
def split_mig(params, ns, pts):
    params = (nu1,nu2,T,m)
    ns = (n1,n2)

    Split into two populations of specifed size, with migration.

    nu1: Size of population 1 after split.
    nu2: Size of population 2 after split.
    T: Time in the past of split (in units of 2*Na generations) 
    m: Migration rate between populations (2*Na*m)
    n1,n2: Sample sizes of resulting Spectrum
    pts: Number of grid points to use in integration.
    nu1,nu2,T,m = params

    xx = Numerics.default_grid(pts)

    phi = PhiManip.phi_1D(xx)
    phi = PhiManip.phi_1D_to_2D(xx, phi)

    phi = Integration.two_pops(phi, xx, T, nu1, nu2, m12=m, m21=m)

    fs = Spectrum.from_phi(phi, ns, (xx,xx))
    return fs
Exemplo n.º 5
def bottlegrowth(params, ns, pts):
    Instantanous size change followed by exponential growth.

    params = (nuB,nuF,T)
    ns = (n1,)

    nuB: Ratio of population size after instantanous change to ancient
         population size
    nuF: Ratio of contemporary to ancient population size
    T: Time in the past at which instantaneous change happened and growth began
       (in units of 2*Na generations) 
    n1: Number of samples in resulting Spectrum
    pts: Number of grid points to use in integration.
    nuB,nuF,T = params

    xx = Numerics.default_grid(pts)
    phi = PhiManip.phi_1D(xx)

    nu_func = lambda t: nuB*numpy.exp(numpy.log(nuF/nuB) * t/T)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T, nu_func)

    fs = Spectrum.from_phi(phi, ns, (xx,))
    return fs
Exemplo n.º 6
def bottlegrowth_split_mig(params, ns, pts):
    params = (nuB,nuF,m,T,Ts)
    ns = (n1,n2)

    Instantanous size change followed by exponential growth then split with

    nuB: Ratio of population size after instantanous change to ancient
         population size
    nuF: Ratio of contempoary to ancient population size
    m: Migration rate between the two populations (2*Na*m).
    T: Time in the past at which instantaneous change happened and growth began
       (in units of 2*Na generations) 
    Ts: Time in the past at which the two populations split.
    n1,n2: Sample sizes of resulting Spectrum
    pts: Number of grid points to use in integration.
    nuB,nuF,m,T,Ts = params

    xx = Numerics.default_grid(pts)
    phi = PhiManip.phi_1D(xx)

    nu_func = lambda t: nuB*numpy.exp(numpy.log(nuF/nuB) * t/T)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T-Ts, nu_func)

    phi = PhiManip.phi_1D_to_2D(xx, phi)
    nu0 = nu_func(T-Ts)
    nu_func = lambda t: nu0*numpy.exp(numpy.log(nuF/nu0) * t/Ts)
    phi = Integration.two_pops(phi, xx, Ts, nu_func, nu_func, m12=m, m21=m)

    fs = Spectrum.from_phi(phi, ns, (xx,xx))
    return fs
Exemplo n.º 7
def phi_2D_admix_1_into_2(phi, f, xx,yy):
    Admix population 1 into population 2.

    Alters phi in place and returns the new version.

    phi:   phi corresponding to original 2 populations
    f:     Fraction of updated population 2 to be derived from population 1. 
             (A fraction 1-f will be derived from the original population 2.)
    xx,yy: Mapping of points in phi to frequencies in populations 1 and 2.
    # This is just like the the split_admix situation, but we're splitting into
    # a population with zz=yy. We could do this by creating a xx by yy by yy
    # array, then integrating out the second population. That's a big waste of
    # memory, however.
    lower_z_index, upper_z_index, frac_lower, frac_upper, norm \
            = _two_pop_admixture_intermediates(phi, f, xx,yy,yy)

    # Basically, we're splitting into a third zz population, then integrating
    # over yy to be left with the two populations we care about.
    lower_cont = frac_lower*norm
    upper_cont = frac_upper*norm
    idx_j = numpy.arange(phi.shape[1])
    for ii in range(phi.shape[0]):
        phi_int = numpy.zeros((phi.shape[1], phi.shape[1]))
        # Use fancy indexing to avoid the commented out loop.
        #for jj in xrange(len(yy)):
        #    phi_int[jj, upper_z_index[ii,jj]] += frac_upper[ii,jj]*norm[ii,jj]
        #    phi_int[jj, lower_z_index[ii,jj]] += frac_lower[ii,jj]*norm[ii,jj]
        phi_int[idx_j, lower_z_index[ii]] = lower_cont[ii]
        phi_int[idx_j, upper_z_index[ii]] += upper_cont[ii]
        phi[ii] = Numerics.trapz(phi_int, yy, axis=0)

    return phi
Exemplo n.º 8
def IM(params, ns, pts):
        ns = (n1,n2)
        params = (s,nu1,nu2,T,m12,m21)
        Isolation-with-migration model with exponential pop growth.
        s: Size of pop 1 after split. (Pop 2 has size 1-s.)
        nu1: Final size of pop 1.
        nu2: Final size of pop 2.
        T: Time in the past of split (in units of 2*Na generations)
        m12: Migration from pop 2 to pop 1 (2*Na*m12)
        m21: Migration from pop 1 to pop 2
        n1,n2: Sample sizes of resulting Spectrum
        pts: Number of grid points to use in integration.
    s,nu1,nu2,T,m12,m21 = params
    xx = Numerics.default_grid(pts)
    phi = PhiManip.phi_1D(xx)
    phi = PhiManip.phi_1D_to_2D(xx, phi)
    nu1_func = lambda t: s * (nu1/s)**(t/T)
    nu2_func = lambda t: (1-s) * (nu2/(1-s))**(t/T)
    phi = Integration.two_pops(phi, xx, T, nu1_func, nu2_func,
                               m12=m12, m21=m21)
    fs = Spectrum.from_phi(phi, ns, (xx,xx))
    return fs
def bottleneck_1d(params, n1, pts):
    nuC, T = params
    xx = Numerics.default_grid(pts)

    phi = PhiManip.phi_1D(xx)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T, nuC)

    model_sfs = Spectrum.from_phi(phi, n1, (xx,))
    return model_sfs
Exemplo n.º 10
def snm2(notused, ns, pts):
        ns = (n1,n2)
        Standard neutral model, populations never diverge.
    xx = Numerics.default_grid(pts)
    phi = PhiManip.phi_1D(xx)
    phi = PhiManip.phi_1D_to_2D(xx, phi)
    fs = Spectrum.from_phi(phi, ns, (xx,xx))
    return fs
Exemplo n.º 11
def remove_pop(phi, xx, popnum):
    Remove a population from phi.

    Returns new phi with one fewer population.

    phi: phi corresponding to original populations
    xx: Mapping of points in phi to frequencies in population to be removed
    popnum: Population number to remove, numbering from 1.
    return Numerics.trapz(phi, xx, axis=popnum-1)
def optimal_sfs_scaling(model, data):
    Optimal multiplicative scaling factor between model and data.

    This scaling is based on only those entries that are masked in neither
    model nor data.
    if data.folded and not model.folded:
        model = model.fold()

    model, data = Numerics.intersect_masks(model, data)
    return data.sum()/model.sum()
Exemplo n.º 13
def snm(notused, ns, pts):
    Standard neutral model.

    ns = (n1,)

    n1: Number of samples in resulting Spectrum
    pts: Number of grid points to use in integration.
    xx = Numerics.default_grid(pts)
    phi = PhiManip.phi_1D(xx)

    fs = Spectrum.from_phi(phi, ns, (xx,))
    return fs
def plot_1d_comp_Poisson(model, data, fig_num=None, residual='Anscombe',
    Poisson comparison between 1d model and data.

    model: 1-dimensional model SFS
    data: 1-dimensional data SFS
    fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure
             window is created.
    residual: 'Anscombe' for Anscombe residuals, which are more normally
              distributed for Poisson sampling. 'linear' for the linear
              residuals, which can be less biased.
    plot_masked: Additionally plots (in open circles) results for points in the 
                 model or data that were masked.
    if fig_num is None:
        f = pylab.gcf()
        f = pylab.figure(fig_num, figsize=(7,7))

    if data.folded and not model.folded:
        model = model.fold()

    masked_model, masked_data = Numerics.intersect_masks(model, data)

    ax = pylab.subplot(2,1,1)
    pylab.semilogy(masked_data, '-ob')
    pylab.semilogy(masked_model, '-or')

    if plot_masked:
        pylab.semilogy(masked_data.data, '--ob', mfc='w', zorder=-100)
        pylab.semilogy(masked_model.data, '--or', mfc='w', zorder=-100)

    pylab.subplot(2,1,2, sharex = ax)
    if residual == 'Anscombe':
        resid = Inference.Anscombe_Poisson_residual(masked_model, masked_data)
    elif residual == 'linear':
        resid = Inference.linear_Poisson_residual(masked_model, masked_data)
        raise ValueError("Unknown class of residual '%s'." % residual)
    pylab.plot(resid, '-og')
    if plot_masked:
        pylab.plot(resid.data, '--og', mfc='w', zorder=-100)

    ax.set_xlim(0, data.shape[0]-1)
Exemplo n.º 15
def two_epoch(params, ns, pts):
    Instantaneous size change some time ago.

    params = (nu,T)
    ns = (n1,)

    nu: Ratio of contemporary to ancient population size
    T: Time in the past at which size change happened (in units of 2*Na 
    n1: Number of samples in resulting Spectrum
    pts: Number of grid points to use in integration.
    nu,T = params

    xx = Numerics.default_grid(pts)
    phi = PhiManip.phi_1D(xx)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T, nu)

    fs = Spectrum.from_phi(phi, ns, (xx,))
    return fs
Exemplo n.º 16
def three_epoch(params, ns, pts):
    params = (nuB,nuF,TB,TF)
    ns = (n1,)

    nuB: Ratio of bottleneck population size to ancient pop size
    nuF: Ratio of contemporary to ancient pop size
    TB: Length of bottleneck (in units of 2*Na generations) 
    TF: Time since bottleneck recovery (in units of 2*Na generations) 

    n1: Number of samples in resulting Spectrum
    pts: Number of grid points to use in integration.
    nuB,nuF,TB,TF = params

    xx = Numerics.default_grid(pts)
    phi = PhiManip.phi_1D(xx)

    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, TB, nuB)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, TF, nuF)

    fs = Spectrum.from_phi(phi, ns, (xx,))
    return fs
Exemplo n.º 17
def growth(params, ns, pts):
    Exponential growth beginning some time ago.

    params = (nu,T)
    ns = (n1,)

    nu: Ratio of contemporary to ancient population size
    T: Time in the past at which growth began (in units of 2*Na 
    n1: Number of samples in resulting Spectrum
    pts: Number of grid points to use in integration.
    nu,T = params

    xx = Numerics.default_grid(pts)
    phi = PhiManip.phi_1D(xx)

    nu_func = lambda t: numpy.exp(numpy.log(nu) * t/T)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T, nu_func)

    fs = Spectrum.from_phi(phi, ns, (xx,))
    return fs
Exemplo n.º 18
def IM_pre(params, ns, pts):
    params = (nuPre,TPre,s,nu1,nu2,T,m12,m21)
    ns = (n1,n2)

    Isolation-with-migration model with exponential pop growth and a size change
    prior to split.

    nuPre: Size after first size change
    TPre: Time before split of first size change.
    s: Fraction of nuPre that goes to pop1. (Pop 2 has size nuPre*(1-s).)
    nu1: Final size of pop 1.
    nu2: Final size of pop 2.
    T: Time in the past of split (in units of 2*Na generations) 
    m12: Migration from pop 2 to pop 1 (2*Na*m12)
    m21: Migration from pop 1 to pop 2
    n1,n2: Sample sizes of resulting Spectrum
    pts: Number of grid points to use in integration.
    nuPre,TPre,s,nu1,nu2,T,m12,m21 = params

    xx = Numerics.default_grid(pts)

    phi = PhiManip.phi_1D(xx)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, TPre, nu=nuPre)
    phi = PhiManip.phi_1D_to_2D(xx, phi)

    nu1_0 = nuPre*s
    nu2_0 = nuPre*(1-s)
    nu1_func = lambda t: nu1_0 * (nu1/nu1_0)**(t/T)
    nu2_func = lambda t: nu2_0 * (nu2/nu2_0)**(t/T)
    phi = Integration.two_pops(phi, xx, T, nu1_func, nu2_func,
                               m12=m12, m21=m21)

    fs = Spectrum.from_phi(phi, ns, (xx,xx))
    return fs
Exemplo n.º 19
    def __init__(self,
                 int_bounds=(1e-4, 1000.),
        params: optimized demographic parameters, don't include gamma 
        demo_sel_func: dadi demographic function with selection. gamma
        must be the last argument.
        ns: sample sizes
        Npts: number of grid points over which to integrate
        steps: use this to set break points for spacing out the 
        mp: True if you want to use multiple cores (utilizes 
        multiprocessing) if using the mp option you must also specify
        # of cpus, otherwise this will just use nthreads-1 on your

        self.ns = ns
        self.spectra = []

        #create a vector of gammas that are log-spaced over sequential
        #intervals or log-spaced over a single interval.
        if not (int_breaks is None):
            numbreaks = len(int_breaks)
            stepint = Npts / (numbreaks - 1)
            self.gammas = []
            for i in reversed(range(0, numbreaks - 1)):
                self.gammas = numpy.append(
                    -numpy.logspace(numpy.log10(int_breaks[i + 1]),
                                    numpy.log10(int_breaks[i]), stepint))
            self.gammas = -numpy.logspace(numpy.log10(int_bounds[1]),
                                          numpy.log10(int_bounds[0]), Npts)
        if pts_l == None:
            self.pts = pts
            self.pts_l = [self.pts,self.pts+(self.pts/5), \
            self.pts_l = pts_l
        func_ex = Numerics.make_extrap_func(demo_sel_func)
        self.params = tuple(params)

        if not mp:  #for running with a single thread
            for ii, gamma in enumerate(self.gammas):
                    func_ex(tuple(params) + (gamma, ), self.ns, self.pts_l))
                if echo:
                    print '{0}: {1}'.format(ii, gamma)
        else:  #for running with with multiple cores
            import multiprocessing
            if cpus is None:
                cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1

            def worker_sfs(in_queue, outlist, popn_func_ex, params, ns, pts_l):
                Worker function -- used to generate SFSes for 
                single values of gamma. 
                while True:
                    item = in_queue.get()
                    if item == None:
                    ii, gamma = item
                    sfs = popn_func_ex(tuple(params) + (gamma, ), ns, pts_l)
                    print '{0}: {1}'.format(ii, gamma)
                    result = (gamma, sfs)

            manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
            results = manager.list()
            work = manager.Queue(cpus)
            pool = []
            for i in xrange(cpus):
                p = multiprocessing.Process(target=worker_sfs,
                                            args=(work, results, func_ex,
                                                  params, self.ns, self.pts_l))
            for ii, gamma in enumerate(self.gammas):
                work.put((ii, gamma))
            for jj in xrange(cpus):
            for p in pool:
            reslist = []
            for line in results:
            for gamma, sfs in reslist:

        #self.neu_spec = demo_sel_func(params+(0,), self.ns, self.pts)
        self.neu_spec = func_ex(tuple(params) + (0, ), self.ns, self.pts_l)
        self.extrap_x = self.spectra[0].extrap_x
        self.spectra = numpy.array(self.spectra)
          0.000904436801400043, 0.00095928867779992, 0.00102119052600009,
          0.00109169024399996, 0.00117274381199999, 0.00126646200000007,
          0.00137692562999991, 0.00150807480600003, 0.00166722686399998,
          0.00186366919200004, 0.00211288077000004, 0.00243920581199994,
          0.00288500043600006, 0.00353089605600002, 0.00455208658199998,
          0.00641589649199996, 0.0109679830740001)

def sso_model_trim_39(
    (nu38, nu37, nu36, nu35, nu34, nu33, nu32, nu31, nu30, nu29, nu28, nu27,
     nu26, nu25, nu24, nu23, nu22, nu21, nu20, nu19, nu18, nu17, nu16, nu15,
     nu14, nu13, nu12, nu11, nu10, nu9, nu8, nu7, nu6, nu5, nu4, nu3, nu2, nu1,
     nu0, T38, T37, T36, T35, T34, T33, T32, T31, T30, T29, T28, T27, T26, T25,
     T24, T23, T22, T21, T20, T19, T18, T17, T16, T15, T14, T13, T12, T11, T10,
     T9, T8, T7, T6, T5, T4, T3, T2, T1, T0), ns, pts):
    xx = Numerics.default_grid(pts)
    # intialize phi with ancestral pop: (nu0 = 1)
    phi = PhiManip.phi_1D(xx, nu=nu0)
    # stays at nu0 for T0 duration of time:
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T0, nu0)
    # followed by a number of time steps, with associated pop changes:
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T0, nu0)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T1, nu1)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T2, nu2)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T3, nu3)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T4, nu4)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T5, nu5)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T6, nu6)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T7, nu7)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T8, nu8)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T9, nu9)
if fs.folded==False:
############### Set up General Dadi Parameters ########################
ns = fs.sample_sizes # get sample size from SFS (in haploids)
pts_l = [ns[0]+5,ns[0]+15,ns[0]+25] # this should be slightly larger (+5) than sample size and increase by 10

Nanc = 22759
# params in dadi units (nu = Nx/Nanc; T = gen/(2*Nanc)) in same order that they should go into function (all nus from nu32 --> nu0 followed by Ts from T32 --> T0) -- note that order is from recent --> old because that is how it comes out of msmc. But then dadi function starts with oldest (nu0) first.
params = (0.0881030544009925, 0.0339730033926217, 0.0929355795355233, 0.146484994149822, 0.185969764821238, 0.218631178707224, 0.244857652102702, 0.262357053342665, 0.270286941253667, 0.269710116013023, 0.257097104104347, 0.257097104104347, 0.232676303911964, 0.232676303911964, 0.208900140554491, 0.208900140554491, 0.191032772098617, 0.191032772098617, 0.18040432146964, 0.18040432146964, 0.177336636081359, 0.177336636081359, 0.182994441404337, 0.182994441404337, 0.200959926621754, 0.200959926621754, 0.240224202954715, 0.240224202954715, 0.323417652253806, 0.323417652253806, 0.512531459731541, 0.512531459731541, 1, 0.00723549801, 0.00742344193499999, 0.00762142478500003, 0.00783031066999984, 0.00805070955000007, 0.00828427340000002, 0.00853156135000007, 0.00879409829999996, 0.00907340914999987, 0.00937101879999997, 0.00968845215000001, 0.0100287589999999, 0.0103932101, 0.0107858718499999, 0.0112085233, 0.0116665016000001, 0.0121628565499998, 0.0127036877500001, 0.01329484065, 0.0139436855999999, 0.0146588637000001, 0.0154518116999998, 0.0163349829500007, 0.0173256596499985, 0.0184436655000015, 0.0197169569999992, 0.0211808609999998, 0.0228735000000012, 0.0248685774999983, 0.0272372555000004, 0.0301116919999995, 0.0336596260000006, 0.0381606225000007)

################### copy/paste MSMC information from 
def sso_model_trim_33((nu32, nu31, nu30, nu29, nu28, nu27, nu26, nu25, nu24, nu23, nu22, nu21, nu20, nu19, nu18, nu17, nu16, nu15, nu14, nu13, nu12, nu11, nu10, nu9, nu8, nu7, nu6, nu5, nu4, nu3, nu2, nu1, nu0, T32, T31, T30, T29, T28, T27, T26, T25, T24, T23, T22, T21, T20, T19, T18, T17, T16, T15, T14, T13, T12, T11, T10, T9, T8, T7, T6, T5, T4, T3, T2, T1, T0),ns,pts):
	xx = Numerics.default_grid(pts)
	# intialize phi with ancestral pop: (nu0 = 1)
	phi = PhiManip.phi_1D(xx,nu=nu0)
	# stays at nu0 for T0 duration of time:
	# followed by a number of time steps, with associated pop changes:
	phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T0, nu0)
	phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T1, nu1)
	phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T2, nu2)
	phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T3, nu3)
	phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T4, nu4)
	phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T5, nu5)
	phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T6, nu6)
	phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T7, nu7)
	phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T8, nu8)
	phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T9, nu9)
	phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T10, nu10)
Exemplo n.º 22
def plot_2d_comp_Poisson(model, data, vmin=None, vmax=None,
                         resid_range=None, fig_num=None,
                         pop_ids=None, residual='Anscombe',
    Poisson comparison between 2d model and data.

    model: 2-dimensional model SFS
    data: 2-dimensional data SFS
    vmin, vmax: Minimum and maximum values plotted for sfs are vmin and
                vmax respectively.
    resid_range: Residual plot saturates at +- resid_range.
    fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure
             window is created.
    pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum.
    residual: 'Anscombe' for Anscombe residuals, which are more normally
              distributed for Poisson sampling. 'linear' for the linear
              residuals, which can be less biased.
    adjust: Should method use automatic 'subplots_adjust'? For advanced
            manipulation of plots, it may be useful to make this False.
    if data.folded and not model.folded:
        model = model.fold()

    masked_model, masked_data = Numerics.intersect_masks(model, data)

    if fig_num is None:
        f = pylab.gcf()
        f = pylab.figure(fig_num, figsize=(7,7))

    if adjust:
        pylab.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.07, left=0.07, top=0.94, right=0.95, 
                              hspace=0.26, wspace=0.26)

    max_toplot = max(masked_model.max(), masked_data.max())
    min_toplot = min(masked_model.min(), masked_data.min())
    if vmax is None:
        vmax = max_toplot
    if vmin is None:
        vmin = min_toplot
    extend = _extend_mapping[vmin <= min_toplot, vmax >= max_toplot]

    if pop_ids is not None:
        data_pop_ids = model_pop_ids = resid_pop_ids = pop_ids
        if len(pop_ids) != 2:
            raise ValueError('pop_ids must be of length 2.')
        data_pop_ids = masked_data.pop_ids
        model_pop_ids = masked_model.pop_ids
        if masked_model.pop_ids is None:
            model_pop_ids = data_pop_ids

        if model_pop_ids == data_pop_ids:
           resid_pop_ids = model_pop_ids
            resid_pop_ids = None

    ax = pylab.subplot(2,2,1)
    plot_single_2d_sfs(masked_data, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax,
                       pop_ids=data_pop_ids, colorbar=False)

    ax2 = pylab.subplot(2,2,2, sharex=ax, sharey=ax)
    plot_single_2d_sfs(masked_model, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax,
                       pop_ids=model_pop_ids, extend=extend )

    if residual == 'Anscombe':
        resid = Inference.Anscombe_Poisson_residual(masked_model, masked_data,
    elif residual == 'linear':
        resid = Inference.linear_Poisson_residual(masked_model, masked_data,
        raise ValueError("Unknown class of residual '%s'." % residual)

    if resid_range is None:
        resid_range = max((abs(resid.max()), abs(resid.min())))
    resid_extend = _extend_mapping[-resid_range <= resid.min(), 
                                   resid_range >= resid.max()]

    ax3 = pylab.subplot(2,2,3, sharex=ax, sharey=ax)
    plot_2d_resid(resid, resid_range, pop_ids=resid_pop_ids,

    ax = pylab.subplot(2,2,4)
    flatresid = numpy.compress(numpy.logical_not(resid.mask.ravel()), 
    ax.hist(flatresid, bins=20, normed=True)
Exemplo n.º 23
import numpy
from dadi import Numerics, PhiManip, Integration, Spectrum

def OutOfAfrica((nuAf, nuB, nuEu0, nuEu, nuAs0, nuAs, 
                 mAfB, mAfEu, mAfAs, mEuAs, TAf, TB, TEuAs), (n1,n2,n3), pts):
    xx = Numerics.default_grid(pts)

    phi = PhiManip.phi_1D(xx)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, TAf, nu=nuAf)

    phi = PhiManip.phi_1D_to_2D(xx, phi)
    phi = Integration.two_pops(phi, xx, TB, nu1=nuAf, nu2=nuB, 
                               m12=mAfB, m21=mAfB)

    phi = PhiManip.phi_2D_to_3D_split_2(xx, phi)

    nuEu_func = lambda t: nuEu0*(nuEu/nuEu0)**(t/TEuAs)
    nuAs_func = lambda t: nuAs0*(nuAs/nuAs0)**(t/TEuAs)
    phi = Integration.three_pops(phi, xx, TEuAs, nu1=nuAf, 
                                 nu2=nuEu_func, nu3=nuAs_func, 
                                 m12=mAfEu, m13=mAfAs, m21=mAfEu, m23=mEuAs,
                                 m31=mAfAs, m32=mEuAs)

    fs = Spectrum.from_phi(phi, (n1,n2,n3), (xx,xx,xx))
    return fs

def OutOfAfrica_mscore((nuAf, nuB, nuEu0, nuEu, nuAs0, nuAs,
                        mAfB, mAfEu, mAfAs, mEuAs, TAf, TB, TEuAs)):

    alphaEu = numpy.log(nuEu/nuEu0)/TEuAs
    alphaAs = numpy.log(nuAs/nuAs0)/TEuAs
Exemplo n.º 24
def plot_3d_comp_Poisson(model, data, vmin=None, vmax=None,
                         resid_range=None, fig_num=None, pop_ids=None, 
                         residual='Anscombe', adjust=True):
    Poisson comparison between 3d model and data.

    model: 3-dimensional model SFS
    data: 3-dimensional data SFS
    vmin, vmax: Minimum and maximum values plotted for sfs are vmin and
                vmax respectively.
    resid_range: Residual plot saturates at +- resid_range.
    fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure
             window is created.
    pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum.
    residual: 'Anscombe' for Anscombe residuals, which are more normally
              distributed for Poisson sampling. 'linear' for the linear
              residuals, which can be less biased.
    adjust: Should method use automatic 'subplots_adjust'? For advanced
            manipulation of plots, it may be useful to make this False.
    if data.folded and not model.folded:
        model = model.fold()

    masked_model, masked_data = Numerics.intersect_masks(model, data)

    if fig_num is None:
        f = pylab.gcf()
        f = pylab.figure(fig_num, figsize=(8,10))

    if adjust:
        pylab.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.07, left=0.07, top=0.95, right=0.95)

    modelmax = max(masked_model.sum(axis=sax).max() for sax in range(3))
    datamax = max(masked_data.sum(axis=sax).max() for sax in range(3))
    modelmin = min(masked_model.sum(axis=sax).min() for sax in range(3))
    datamin = min(masked_data.sum(axis=sax).min() for sax in range(3))
    max_toplot = max(modelmax, datamax)
    min_toplot = min(modelmin, datamin)

    if vmax is None:
        vmax = max_toplot
    if vmin is None:
        vmin = min_toplot
    extend = _extend_mapping[vmin <= min_toplot, vmax >= max_toplot]

    # Calculate the residuals
    if residual == 'Anscombe':
        resids = [Inference.\
                                            mask=vmin) for sax in range(3)]
    elif residual == 'linear':
        resids =[Inference.\
                                         mask=vmin) for sax in range(3)]
        raise ValueError("Unknown class of residual '%s'." % residual)

    min_resid = min([r.min() for r in resids])
    max_resid = max([r.max() for r in resids])
    if resid_range is None:
        resid_range = max((abs(max_resid), abs(min_resid)))
    resid_extend = _extend_mapping[-resid_range <= min_resid, 
                                   resid_range >= max_resid]

    if pop_ids is not None:
        if len(pop_ids) != 3:
            raise ValueError('pop_ids must be of length 3.')
        data_ids = model_ids = resid_ids = pop_ids
        data_ids = masked_data.pop_ids
        model_ids = masked_model.pop_ids

        if model_ids is None:
            model_ids = data_ids

        if model_ids == data_ids:
           resid_ids = model_ids
            resid_ids = None

    for sax in range(3):
        marg_data = masked_data.sum(axis=2-sax)
        marg_model = masked_model.sum(axis=2-sax)

        curr_ids = []
        for ids in [data_ids, model_ids, resid_ids]:
            if ids is None:
                ids = ['pop0', 'pop1', 'pop2']

            if ids is not None:
                ids = list(ids)
                del ids[2-sax]


        ax = pylab.subplot(4,3,sax+1)
        plot_colorbar = (sax == 2)
        plot_single_2d_sfs(marg_data, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, pop_ids=curr_ids[0],
                           extend=extend, colorbar=plot_colorbar)

        pylab.subplot(4,3,sax+4, sharex=ax, sharey=ax)
        plot_single_2d_sfs(marg_model, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, 
                           pop_ids=curr_ids[1], extend=extend, colorbar=False)

        resid = resids[sax]
        pylab.subplot(4,3,sax+7, sharex=ax, sharey=ax)
        plot_2d_resid(resid, resid_range, pop_ids=curr_ids[2],
                      extend=resid_extend, colorbar=plot_colorbar)

        ax = pylab.subplot(4,3,sax+10)
        flatresid = numpy.compress(numpy.logical_not(resid.mask.ravel()), 
        ax.hist(flatresid, bins=20, normed=True)
def plot_3d_comp_Poisson(model, data, vmin=None, vmax=None,
                         resid_range=None, fig_num=None, pop_ids=None, 
                         residual='Anscombe', adjust=True):
    Poisson comparison between 3d model and data.

    model: 3-dimensional model SFS
    data: 3-dimensional data SFS
    vmin, vmax: Minimum and maximum values plotted for sfs are vmin and
                vmax respectively.
    resid_range: Residual plot saturates at +- resid_range.
    fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure
             window is created.
    pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum.
    residual: 'Anscombe' for Anscombe residuals, which are more normally
              distributed for Poisson sampling. 'linear' for the linear
              residuals, which can be less biased.
    adjust: Should method use automatic 'subplots_adjust'? For advanced
            manipulation of plots, it may be useful to make this False.
    if data.folded and not model.folded:
        model = model.fold()

    masked_model, masked_data = Numerics.intersect_masks(model, data)

    if fig_num is None:
        f = pylab.gcf()
        f = pylab.figure(fig_num, figsize=(8,10))

    if adjust:
        pylab.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.07, left=0.07, top=0.95, right=0.95)

    modelmax = max(masked_model.sum(axis=sax).max() for sax in range(3))
    datamax = max(masked_data.sum(axis=sax).max() for sax in range(3))
    modelmin = min(masked_model.sum(axis=sax).min() for sax in range(3))
    datamin = min(masked_data.sum(axis=sax).min() for sax in range(3))
    max_toplot = max(modelmax, datamax)
    min_toplot = min(modelmin, datamin)

    if vmax is None:
        vmax = max_toplot
    if vmin is None:
        vmin = min_toplot
    extend = _extend_mapping[vmin <= min_toplot, vmax >= max_toplot]

    # Calculate the residuals
    if residual == 'Anscombe':
        resids = [Inference.\
                                            mask=vmin) for sax in range(3)]
    elif residual == 'linear':
        resids =[Inference.\
                                         mask=vmin) for sax in range(3)]
        raise ValueError("Unknown class of residual '%s'." % residual)

    min_resid = min([r.min() for r in resids])
    max_resid = max([r.max() for r in resids])
    if resid_range is None:
        resid_range = max((abs(max_resid), abs(min_resid)))
    resid_extend = _extend_mapping[-resid_range <= min_resid, 
                                   resid_range >= max_resid]

    if pop_ids is not None:
        if len(pop_ids) != 3:
            raise ValueError('pop_ids must be of length 3.')
        data_ids = model_ids = resid_ids = pop_ids
        data_ids = masked_data.pop_ids
        model_ids = masked_model.pop_ids

        if model_ids is None:
            model_ids = data_ids

        if model_ids == data_ids:
           resid_ids = model_ids
            resid_ids = None

    for sax in range(3):
        marg_data = masked_data.sum(axis=2-sax)
        marg_model = masked_model.sum(axis=2-sax)

        curr_ids = []
        for ids in [data_ids, model_ids, resid_ids]:
            if ids is None:
                ids = ['pop0', 'pop1', 'pop2']

            if ids is not None:
                ids = list(ids)
                del ids[2-sax]


        ax = pylab.subplot(4,3,sax+1)
        plot_colorbar = (sax == 2)
        plot_single_2d_sfs(marg_data, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, pop_ids=curr_ids[0],
                           extend=extend, colorbar=plot_colorbar)

        pylab.subplot(4,3,sax+4, sharex=ax, sharey=ax)
        plot_single_2d_sfs(marg_model, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, 
                           pop_ids=curr_ids[1], extend=extend, colorbar=False)

        resid = resids[sax]
        pylab.subplot(4,3,sax+7, sharex=ax, sharey=ax)
        plot_2d_resid(resid, resid_range, pop_ids=curr_ids[2],
                      extend=resid_extend, colorbar=plot_colorbar)

        ax = pylab.subplot(4,3,sax+10)
        flatresid = numpy.compress(numpy.logical_not(resid.mask.ravel()), 
        ax.hist(flatresid, bins=20, normed=True)
def plot_2d_comp_Poisson(model, data, vmin=None, vmax=None,
                         resid_range=None, fig_num=None,
                         pop_ids=None, residual='Anscombe',
                         adjust=True, saveplot=False,
    Poisson comparison between 2d model and data.

    model: 2-dimensional model SFS
    data: 2-dimensional data SFS
    vmin, vmax: Minimum and maximum values plotted for sfs are vmin and
                vmax respectively.
    resid_range: Residual plot saturates at +- resid_range.
    fig_num: Clear and use figure fig_num for display. If None, an new figure
             window is created.
    pop_ids: If not None, override pop_ids stored in Spectrum.
    residual: 'Anscombe' for Anscombe residuals, which are more normally
              distributed for Poisson sampling. 'linear' for the linear
              residuals, which can be less biased.
    adjust: Should method use automatic 'subplots_adjust'? For advanced
            manipulation of plots, it may be useful to make this False.
    if data.folded and not model.folded:
        model = model.fold()

    masked_model, masked_data = Numerics.intersect_masks(model, data)

    if fig_num is None:
        f = pylab.gcf()
        f = pylab.figure(fig_num, figsize=(7,7))

    if adjust:
        pylab.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.07, left=0.07, top=0.94, right=0.95, 
                              hspace=0.26, wspace=0.26)

    max_toplot = max(masked_model.max(), masked_data.max())
    min_toplot = min(masked_model.min(), masked_data.min())
    if vmax is None:
        vmax = max_toplot
    if vmin is None:
        vmin = min_toplot
    extend = _extend_mapping[vmin <= min_toplot, vmax >= max_toplot]

    if pop_ids is not None:
        data_pop_ids = model_pop_ids = resid_pop_ids = pop_ids
        if len(pop_ids) != 2:
            raise ValueError('pop_ids must be of length 2.')
        data_pop_ids = masked_data.pop_ids
        model_pop_ids = masked_model.pop_ids
        if masked_model.pop_ids is None:
            model_pop_ids = data_pop_ids

        if model_pop_ids == data_pop_ids:
           resid_pop_ids = model_pop_ids
            resid_pop_ids = None

    ax = pylab.subplot(2,2,1)
    plot_single_2d_sfs(masked_data, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax,
                       pop_ids=data_pop_ids, colorbar=False)

    ax2 = pylab.subplot(2,2,2, sharex=ax, sharey=ax)
    plot_single_2d_sfs(masked_model, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax,
                       pop_ids=model_pop_ids, extend=extend )

    if residual == 'Anscombe':
        resid = Inference.Anscombe_Poisson_residual(masked_model, masked_data,
    elif residual == 'linear':
        resid = Inference.linear_Poisson_residual(masked_model, masked_data,
        raise ValueError("Unknown class of residual '%s'." % residual)

    if resid_range is None:
        resid_range = max((abs(resid.max()), abs(resid.min())))
    resid_extend = _extend_mapping[-resid_range <= resid.min(), 
                                   resid_range >= resid.max()]

    ax3 = pylab.subplot(2,2,3, sharex=ax, sharey=ax)
    plot_2d_resid(resid, resid_range, pop_ids=resid_pop_ids,

    ax = pylab.subplot(2,2,4)
    flatresid = numpy.compress(numpy.logical_not(resid.mask.ravel()), 
    ax.hist(flatresid, bins=20, normed=True)
    if saveplot:
        nomplot=nomplot + ".png"    
    if showplot:
Exemplo n.º 27
          1.31334850354829, 1.16537332842806, 1.16537332842806,
          1.05963716704008, 1.05963716704008, 1, 1, 0.04439683224,
          0.0455501223099999, 0.0467642982499995, 0.0480467154000004,
          0.0494006428000006, 0.0508308478, 0.052349589299999,
          0.0539609536000003, 0.0556744753999996, 0.0574996894000009,
          0.0594488544999996, 0.0615355917000003, 0.0637735219999999,
          0.0661803527000002, 0.0687765152999997, 0.0715851654999999,
          0.0746321831999993, 0.0779488967000003, 0.0815775310999996,

def nso_model_trim_20(
    (nu19, nu18, nu17, nu16, nu15, nu14, nu13, nu12, nu11, nu10, nu9, nu8, nu7,
     nu6, nu5, nu4, nu3, nu2, nu1, nu0, T19, T18, T17, T16, T15, T14, T13, T12,
     T11, T10, T9, T8, T7, T6, T5, T4, T3, T2, T1, T0), ns, pts):
    xx = Numerics.default_grid(pts)
    # intialize phi with ancestral pop: (nu0 = 1)
    phi = PhiManip.phi_1D(xx, nu=nu0)
    # stays at nu0 for T0 duration of time:
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T0, nu0)
    # followed by a number of time steps, with associated pop changes:
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T0, nu0)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T1, nu1)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T2, nu2)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T3, nu3)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T4, nu4)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T5, nu5)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T6, nu6)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T7, nu7)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T8, nu8)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T9, nu9)
    nu1_func = lambda t: nu01 * (nu1 / nu01)**(t / T)
    nu2_func = lambda t: nu02 * (nu2 / nu02)**(t / T)
    phi = Integration.two_pops(phi,

    fs = Spectrum.from_phi(phi, ns, (xx, xx))
    return fs

im2 = Numerics.make_extrap_log_func(IM2)

params = array([0.078, 2.136, 2.174, 2.063, 1.174, 0.514, 0.379])
upper_bound = [100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 200, 200]
lower_bound = [1e-3, 1e-3, 1e-3, 1e-3, 1e-3, 0, 0]
poptg = dadi.Inference.optimize_log(params,

model = im2(poptg, ns, pts)
ll_model = dadi.Inference.ll_multinom(model, data)
Exemplo n.º 29
def psmc_100steps(params, ns, pts_1):

    nu99, nu98, nu97, nu96, nu95, nu94, nu93, nu92, nu91, nu90, nu89, nu88, nu87, nu86, nu85, nu84, nu83, nu82, nu81, nu80, nu79, nu78, nu77, nu76, nu75, nu74, nu73, nu72, nu71, nu70, nu69, nu68, nu67, nu66, nu65, nu64, nu63, nu62, nu61, nu60, nu59, nu58, nu57, nu56, nu55, nu54, nu53, nu52, nu51, nu50, nu49, nu48, nu47, nu46, nu45, nu44, nu43, nu42, nu41, nu40, nu39, nu38, nu37, nu36, nu35, nu34, nu33, nu32, nu31, nu30, nu29, nu28, nu27, nu26, nu25, nu24, nu23, nu22, nu21, nu20, nu19, nu18, nu17, nu16, nu15, nu14, nu13, nu12, nu11, nu10, nu9, nu8, nu7, nu6, nu5, nu4, nu3, nu2, nu1, nuA, T99, T98, T97, T96, T95, T94, T93, T92, T91, T90, T89, T88, T87, T86, T85, T84, T83, T82, T81, T80, T79, T78, T77, T76, T75, T74, T73, T72, T71, T70, T69, T68, T67, T66, T65, T64, T63, T62, T61, T60, T59, T58, T57, T56, T55, T54, T53, T52, T51, T50, T49, T48, T47, T46, T45, T44, T43, T42, T41, T40, T39, T38, T37, T36, T35, T34, T33, T32, T31, T30, T29, T28, T27, T26, T25, T24, T23, T22, T21, T20, T19, T18, T17, T16, T15, T14, T13, T12, T11, T10, T9, T8, T7, T6, T5, T4, T3, T2, T1, T0 = params

    xx = Numerics.default_grid(pts_1)
    # initial phi with ancestral pop: (nuA = 1)
    phi = PhiManip.phi_1D(xx,nu=nuA)
    # stays at nuA for T0 duration of time:
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi,xx,T0,nuA)
    # followed by a number of time steps, with associated pop changes:
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T1, nu1)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T2, nu2)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T3, nu3)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T4, nu4)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T5, nu5)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T6, nu6)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T7, nu7)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T8, nu8)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T9, nu9)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T10, nu10)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T11, nu11)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T12, nu12)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T13, nu13)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T14, nu14)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T15, nu15)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T16, nu16)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T17, nu17)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T18, nu18)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T19, nu19)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T20, nu20)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T21, nu21)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T22, nu22)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T23, nu23)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T24, nu24)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T25, nu25)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T26, nu26)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T27, nu27)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T28, nu28)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T29, nu29)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T30, nu30)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T31, nu31)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T32, nu32)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T33, nu33)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T34, nu34)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T35, nu35)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T36, nu36)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T37, nu37)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T38, nu38)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T39, nu39)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T40, nu40)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T41, nu41)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T42, nu42)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T43, nu43)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T44, nu44)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T45, nu45)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T46, nu46)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T47, nu47)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T48, nu48)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T49, nu49)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T50, nu50)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T51, nu51)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T52, nu52)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T53, nu53)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T54, nu54)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T55, nu55)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T56, nu56)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T57, nu57)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T58, nu58)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T59, nu59)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T60, nu60)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T61, nu61)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T62, nu62)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T63, nu63)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T64, nu64)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T65, nu65)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T66, nu66)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T67, nu67)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T68, nu68)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T69, nu69)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T70, nu70)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T71, nu71)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T72, nu72)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T73, nu73)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T74, nu74)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T75, nu75)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T76, nu76)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T77, nu77)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T78, nu78)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T79, nu79)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T80, nu80)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T81, nu81)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T82, nu82)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T83, nu83)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T84, nu84)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T85, nu85)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T86, nu86)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T87, nu87)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T88, nu88)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T89, nu89)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T90, nu90)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T91, nu91)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T92, nu92)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T93, nu93)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T94, nu94)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T95, nu95)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T96, nu96)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T97, nu97)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T98, nu98)
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T99, nu99)
    # get sfs:
    fs = Spectrum.from_phi(phi,ns,(xx,))
    return fs
Exemplo n.º 30
############### Input data ####################################
fs = dadi.Spectrum.from_file(sfs)  # this is folded if from easy SFS

# check if it's folded, if not folded, fold it
if fs.folded == False:
    fs = fs.fold()
    fs = fs
############ set up grid for specific model  ##########
######## set up model #######

def sso_model_trim_22_plusContraction_forOptimization_SIMPLIFIED(
    (T, nu), ns, pts):
    xx = Numerics.default_grid(pts)
    # intialize phi with ancestral pop: (nu0 = 1)
    phi = PhiManip.phi_1D(xx, nu=1)
    # stays at nu0=1 for T0 duration of time:
    # followed by a number of time steps, with associated pop changes:
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, 0.125, 0.5)
    ### add contraction:
    phi = Integration.one_pop(phi, xx, T, nu)
    # get expected SFS:
    fs = Spectrum.from_phi(phi, ns, (xx, ))
    return fs

func = sso_model_trim_22_plusContraction_forOptimization_SIMPLIFIED  #

param_names = ("nu", "T")
# split with migration, with recent change in migration

def s2mRM(params, ns, pts):
    nu1, nu2, T, M12, M21, M12r, M21r = params
    Tr = 0.01
    xx = Numerics.default_grid(pts)
    phi = PhiManip.phi_1D(xx)
    phi = PhiManip.phi_1D_to_2D(xx, phi)
    phi = Integration.two_pops(phi, xx, T, nu1, nu2, m12=M12, m21=M21)
    phi = Integration.two_pops(phi, xx, Tr, nu1, nu2, m12=M12r, m21=M21r)
    fs = Spectrum.from_phi(phi, ns, (xx, xx))
    return fs

S2MRM = Numerics.make_extrap_log_func(s2mRM)

params = array([1, 1, 1, 30, 30, 30, 30])
upper_bound = [10, 10, 10, 300, 300, 300, 300]
lower_bound = [0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]
poptg = dadi.Inference.optimize_log(params,

model = S2MRM(poptg, ns, pts)
print 's2mRM ', sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], ' params : ', poptg