Exemplo n.º 1
def test_character_level_from_text():
    test_strs = ["All work and no play makes jack a dull boy!@#**-~`", ""]

    # Make sure that it raises if it gets the wrong input
    assert_raises(ValueError, make_character_level_from_text, test_strs[0])
    assert_raises(ValueError, make_character_level_from_text, test_strs[0][0])

    clean, mf, imf, m = make_character_level_from_text(test_strs)
    if len(clean) != len(test_strs) - 1:
        raise AssertionError("Failed to remove empty line")

    new_str = "zzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
    new_clean = mf(new_str)
    # Make sure all the unknown chars get UNK tags
    if sum(new_clean[:-1]) != len(new_clean[:-1]) * m["UNK"]:
        raise AssertionError("Failed to handle unknown char")
    # Make sure last tag is EOS
    if new_clean[-1] != m["EOS"]:
        raise AssertionError("Failed to add EOS tag")
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_character_level_from_text():
    test_strs = ["All work and no play makes jack a dull boy!@#**-~`",

    # Make sure that it raises if it gets the wrong input
    assert_raises(ValueError, make_character_level_from_text, test_strs[0])
    assert_raises(ValueError, make_character_level_from_text, test_strs[0][0])

    clean, mf, imf, m = make_character_level_from_text(test_strs)
    if len(clean) != len(test_strs) - 1:
        raise AssertionError("Failed to remove empty line")

    new_str = "zzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
    new_clean = mf(new_str)
    # Make sure all the unknown chars get UNK tags
    if sum(new_clean[:-1]) != len(new_clean[:-1]) * m["UNK"]:
        raise AssertionError("Failed to handle unknown char")
    # Make sure last tag is EOS
    if new_clean[-1] != m["EOS"]:
        raise AssertionError("Failed to add EOS tag")
Exemplo n.º 3
from dagbldr.nodes import masked_cost, categorical_crossentropy
from dagbldr.nodes import softmax_layer, shift_layer
from dagbldr.nodes import gru_recurrent_layer, conditional_gru_recurrent_layer
from dagbldr.nodes import bidirectional_gru_recurrent_layer
from dagbldr.nodes import conditional_attention_gru_recurrent_layer

# minibatch size
minibatch_size = 10

# Get data for lovecraft experiments
mountains = load_mountains()
text = mountains["data"]
# Get a tiny subset
text = text[:10]
cleaned, mfunc, inv_mfunc, mapper = make_character_level_from_text(text)
n_chars = len(mapper.keys())

# Necessary setup since text is done on per minibatch basis
text_minibatch_func = gen_make_list_one_hot_minibatch(n_chars)
X = [l[:3] for l in cleaned]
y = [l[3:5] for l in cleaned]
X_mb, X_mask = text_minibatch_func(X, slice(0, minibatch_size))
y_mb, y_mask = text_minibatch_func(y, slice(0, minibatch_size))

def test_conditional_gru_recurrent():
    random_state = np.random.RandomState(1999)
    graph = OrderedDict()
    n_hid = 5
    n_out = n_chars
Exemplo n.º 4
from dagbldr.nodes import masked_cost, categorical_crossentropy
from dagbldr.nodes import softmax_layer, shift_layer
from dagbldr.nodes import gru_recurrent_layer, conditional_gru_recurrent_layer
from dagbldr.nodes import bidirectional_gru_recurrent_layer
from dagbldr.nodes import conditional_attention_gru_recurrent_layer

# minibatch size
minibatch_size = 10

# Get data for lovecraft experiments
mountains = load_mountains()
text = mountains["data"]
# Get a tiny subset
text = text[:10]
cleaned, mfunc, inv_mfunc, mapper = make_character_level_from_text(text)
n_chars = len(mapper.keys())

# Necessary setup since text is done on per minibatch basis
text_minibatch_func = gen_make_list_one_hot_minibatch(n_chars)
X = [l[:3] for l in cleaned]
y = [l[3:5] for l in cleaned]
X_mb, X_mask = text_minibatch_func(X, slice(0, minibatch_size))
y_mb, y_mask = text_minibatch_func(y, slice(0, minibatch_size))

def test_conditional_gru_recurrent():
    random_state = np.random.RandomState(1999)
    graph = OrderedDict()
    n_hid = 5
    n_out = n_chars