Exemplo n.º 1
def test_ImgurMeme_gallery_02(imgur_mock):
    # Setup the mock object
    imgur_mock.return_value = imgur_mock
    imgur_mock.gallery_item.return_value = imgur_mock
    imgur_mock.is_album = False
    other_fake_link = "fake link solo"
    imgur_mock.link = other_fake_link

    image_count = 15
    fake_link = 'fake link 4'
    imgur_mock.images_count = image_count
    imgur_mock.images = [{'link': fake_link}, ]

    # Setup the ImgurMeme object
    gallery_id = 'galleryid1'
    test_link = "http://imgur.com/gallery/{0}".format(gallery_id)
    test_source = "test imgur source 3"
    client_id = "mock_id"
    client_secret = "mock_secret"

    ImgurMeme.set_credentials(client_id, client_secret)

    i_meme = ImgurMeme(test_link, test_source)

    # Digest the link

    assert imgur_mock.called
    assert i_meme.link_type is ImgurMeme.GALLERY_LINK
    assert i_meme.image_count == 0
    assert i_meme.first_image_link == other_fake_link
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_ImgurMeme_album_02(imgur_mock):
    # Setup the mock object
    imgur_mock.return_value = imgur_mock
    imgur_mock.get_album.return_value = imgur_mock

    image_count = 5
    fake_link = 'fake link 2'
    imgur_mock.images_count = image_count
    imgur_mock.images = [{'link': fake_link}, ]

    # Setup the ImgurMeme object
    album_id = 'albumid2'
    test_link = "http://imgur.com/album/{0}".format(album_id)
    test_source = "test imgur source 2"
    client_id = "mock_id"
    client_secret = "mock_secret"

    ImgurMeme.set_credentials(client_id, client_secret)

    i_meme = ImgurMeme(test_link, test_source)

    # Digest the link

    assert imgur_mock.called
    assert i_meme.link_type is ImgurMeme.ALBUM_LINK
    assert i_meme.image_count == image_count
    assert i_meme.first_image_link == fake_link
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_ImgurMeme_get_client(client_mock):
    """ Test the imgur client creation functionality
    # Setup the ImgurMeme object
    test_link = "http://imgur.com/abcdef"
    test_source = "test imgur source"
    ImgurMeme.set_credentials(None, None)

    i_meme = ImgurMeme(test_link, test_source)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excstr:

    assert "Client ID" in str(excstr.value)
    assert "Secret" in str(excstr.value)

    client_id = "mock_id"
    client_secret = "mock_secret"

    ImgurMeme.set_credentials(client_id, client_secret)

    i_meme = ImgurMeme(test_link, test_source)

    assert client_mock.called
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_ImgurMeme_get_client(client):
    """ Test the imgur client creation functionality
    # Setup the ImgurMeme object
    ImgurMeme.set_credentials(tv['CLIENT_ID'], tv['CLIENT_SECRET'])


    assert client.called
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_ImgurMeme_credential_setting():
    """ Tests the ImgurMeme subclass credential setting
    reddit_meme = RedditMeme(url=tv['TEST_IMAGE_LINK'])

    ImgurMeme.set_credentials(tv['CLIENT_ID'], tv['CLIENT_SECRET'])

    i_meme = ImgurMeme(reddit_meme)

    assert i_meme.client_id == tv['CLIENT_ID']
    assert i_meme.client_secret == tv['CLIENT_SECRET']
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_ImgurMeme_credential_setting():
    """ Tests the ImgurMeme subclass credential setting
    test_link = "test imgur link"
    test_source = "test imgur source"
    client_id = "mock_id"
    client_secret = "mock_secret"

    ImgurMeme.set_credentials(client_id, client_secret)

    i_meme = ImgurMeme(test_link, test_source)

    assert i_meme.client_id == client_id
    assert i_meme.client_secret == client_secret
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_undigested_exception():
    """ Verify UndigestedError gets raised if digest hasn't been called
    # Setup the ImgurMeme object
    image_id = 'imageid1'
    test_link = "http://imgur.com/{0}".format(image_id)
    test_source = "test imgur source 4"
    client_id = "mock_id"
    client_secret = "mock_secret"

    ImgurMeme.set_credentials(client_id, client_secret)
    i_meme = ImgurMeme(test_link, test_source)

    with pytest.raises(UndigestedError) as excstr:

    assert "You must digest" in str(excstr.value)
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_ImgurMeme_image_01(imgur_mock):
    # Setup the mock object
    imgur_mock.return_value = imgur_mock
    imgur_mock.get_image.return_value = imgur_mock
    imgur_mock.is_album = False
    other_fake_link = "fake image link"
    imgur_mock.link = other_fake_link

    # Setup the ImgurMeme object
    image_id = 'imageid1'
    test_link = "http://imgur.com/{0}".format(image_id)
    test_source = "test imgur source 4"
    client_id = "mock_id"
    client_secret = "mock_secret"

    ImgurMeme.set_credentials(client_id, client_secret)

    i_meme = ImgurMeme(test_link, test_source)

    # Digest the link

    # Slack formating
    slack_str = i_meme.format_for_slack()

    assert imgur_mock.called
    assert i_meme.link_type is ImgurMeme.IMAGE_LINK
    assert i_meme.image_count == 0
    assert i_meme.first_image_link == other_fake_link
    assert test_source in slack_str
    assert other_fake_link in slack_str
    assert "more at" not in slack_str
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_ImgurMeme_direct_link(client_mock):
    """ Test Imgur Meme using a direct link to an image
    # Setup the ImgurMeme object
    test_link = "http://i.imgur.com/abcdef.pdf"
    test_source = "test imgur source"
    client_id = "mock_id"
    client_secret = "mock_secret"

    ImgurMeme.set_credentials(client_id, client_secret)

    i_meme = ImgurMeme(test_link, test_source)

    # Digest the link

    # Slack formating
    slack_str = i_meme.format_for_slack()

    assert not client_mock.called
    assert i_meme.link_type is ImgurMeme.DIRECT_LINK
    assert i_meme.image_count is None
    assert i_meme.first_image_link is None
    assert test_source in slack_str
    assert test_link in slack_str
    assert "more at" not in slack_str
Exemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, config, logger):
        # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes

        self.slack_token = config['slack']['token']
        self.channel = config['slack']['channel']

        self.database = config['mysql']['database']
        self.username = config['mysql']['username']
        self.password = config['mysql']['password']

        self.include_nsfw = config.getboolean('misc', 'include_nsfw')
        self.max_memes = config.getint('misc', 'max_memes')

        self.subreddits = [s.strip(',') for s in config['reddit']['subreddits'].split()]

        # Get and set Imgur API credentials
        client_id = config['imgur']['client_id']
        client_secret = config['imgur']['client_secret']

        ImgurMeme.set_credentials(client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret)

        # Get logger
        self.logger = logger
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_ImgurMeme_get_client_exception(client):
    """ Test the imgur client creation functionality
    # Setup the ImgurMeme object
    ImgurMeme.set_credentials(None, None)

    i_meme = ImgurMeme(RedditMeme(url=tv['TEST_IMAGE_LINK']))

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excstr:

    assert "Client ID" in str(excstr.value)
    assert "Secret" in str(excstr.value)
    assert not client.called
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_bad_link_type_exception():
    """ Verify exception is thrown if link type is not recognized
    image_id = 'imageid1'
    test_link = "http://imgur.com/{0}".format(image_id)
    test_source = "test imgur source 4"
    client_id = "mock_id"
    client_secret = "mock_secret"

    ImgurMeme.set_credentials(client_id, client_secret)
    i_meme = ImgurMeme(test_link, test_source)
    i_meme._digested = True

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excstr:

    assert "Imgur link type not recognized" in str(excstr.value)
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_ImgurMeme_album_01(imgur_mock):
    """ Test Imgur Meme using a link to an album
    # Setup the mock object
    imgur_mock.return_value = imgur_mock
    imgur_mock.get_album.return_value = imgur_mock

    image_count = 10
    fake_link = 'fake link'
    imgur_mock.images_count = image_count
    imgur_mock.images = [{'link': fake_link}, ]

    # Setup the ImgurMeme object
    album_id = 'albumid1'
    test_link = "http://imgur.com/a/{0}".format(album_id)
    test_source = "test imgur source"
    client_id = "mock_id"
    client_secret = "mock_secret"

    ImgurMeme.set_credentials(client_id, client_secret)

    i_meme = ImgurMeme(test_link, test_source)

    # Digest the link

    # Slack formating
    slack_str = i_meme.format_for_slack()

    assert imgur_mock.called
    assert i_meme.link_type is ImgurMeme.ALBUM_LINK
    assert i_meme.image_count == image_count
    assert i_meme.first_image_link == fake_link
    assert test_source in slack_str
    assert test_link in slack_str
    assert fake_link in slack_str
    assert "more at" in slack_str
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_ImgurMeme_gallery_01(imgur_mock):
    # Setup the mock object
    imgur_mock.return_value = imgur_mock
    imgur_mock.gallery_item.return_value = imgur_mock
    imgur_mock.is_album = True

    image_count = 15
    fake_link = 'fake link 3'
    imgur_mock.images_count = image_count
    imgur_mock.images = [{'link': fake_link}, ]

    # Setup the ImgurMeme object
    gallery_id = 'galleryid1'
    test_link = "http://imgur.com/g/{0}".format(gallery_id)
    test_source = "test imgur source 3"
    client_id = "mock_id"
    client_secret = "mock_secret"

    ImgurMeme.set_credentials(client_id, client_secret)

    i_meme = ImgurMeme(test_link, test_source)

    # Digest the link

    # Slack formating
    slack_str = i_meme.format_for_slack()

    assert imgur_mock.called
    assert i_meme.link_type is ImgurMeme.GALLERY_LINK
    assert i_meme.image_count == image_count
    assert i_meme.first_image_link == fake_link
    assert test_source in slack_str
    assert test_link in slack_str
    assert fake_link in slack_str
    assert "more at" in slack_str
Exemplo n.º 15
def imgur_gallery_meme_1():
    ImgurMeme.set_credentials(tv['CLIENT_ID'], tv['CLIENT_SECRET'])
    return ImgurMeme(
        RedditMeme(sub=tv['TEST_SUBREDDIT_3'], url=tv['TEST_GALLERY_LINK_1']))
Exemplo n.º 16
def imgur_album_meme_2():
    ImgurMeme.set_credentials(tv['CLIENT_ID'], tv['CLIENT_SECRET'])
    return ImgurMeme(
        RedditMeme(sub=tv['TEST_SUBREDDIT_2'], url=tv['TEST_ALBUM_LINK_2']))
Exemplo n.º 17
def imgur_album_meme_1():
    ImgurMeme.set_credentials(tv['CLIENT_ID'], tv['CLIENT_SECRET'])
    return ImgurMeme(RedditMeme(url=tv['TEST_ALBUM_LINK_1']))
Exemplo n.º 18
def imgur_image_meme_2():
    ImgurMeme.set_credentials(tv['CLIENT_ID'], tv['CLIENT_SECRET'])
    return ImgurMeme(
        RedditMeme(sub=tv['TEST_SUBREDDIT_4'], url=tv['TEST_IMAGE_LINK_1']))
Exemplo n.º 19
def imgur_image_meme():
    ImgurMeme.set_credentials(tv['CLIENT_ID'], tv['CLIENT_SECRET'])
    return ImgurMeme(RedditMeme(url=tv['TEST_IMAGE_LINK']))
Exemplo n.º 20
def imgur_direct_meme():
    ImgurMeme.set_credentials(tv['CLIENT_ID'], tv['CLIENT_SECRET'])
    return ImgurMeme(RedditMeme(url=tv['TEST_DIRECT_LINK']))