Exemplo n.º 1
    def assimilate(self, HMM, xx, yy):
        Dyn, Obs, chrono, X0, stats = HMM.Dyn, HMM.Obs, HMM.t, HMM.X0, self.stats
        Nx = Dyn.M

        R = Obs.noise.C.full
        Q = 0 if Dyn.noise.C == 0 else Dyn.noise.C.full

        mu = np.zeros((chrono.K + 1, Nx))
        P = np.zeros((chrono.K + 1, Nx, Nx))

        # Forecasted values
        muf = np.zeros((chrono.K + 1, Nx))
        Pf = np.zeros((chrono.K + 1, Nx, Nx))
        Ff = np.zeros((chrono.K + 1, Nx, Nx))

        mu[0] = X0.mu
        P[0] = X0.C.full

        stats.assess(0, mu=mu[0], Cov=P[0])

        # Forward pass
        for k, kObs, t, dt in progbar(chrono.ticker, 'ExtRTS->'):
            mu[k] = Dyn(mu[k - 1], t - dt, dt)
            F = Dyn.linear(mu[k - 1], t - dt, dt)
            P[k] = self.infl**(dt) * (F @ P[k - 1] @ F.T) + dt * Q

            # Store forecast and Jacobian
            muf[k] = mu[k]
            Pf[k] = P[k]
            Ff[k] = F

            if kObs is not None:
                stats.assess(k, kObs, 'f', mu=mu[k], Cov=P[k])
                H = Obs.linear(mu[k], t)
                KG = mrdiv(P[k] @ H.T, H @ P[k] @ H.T + R)
                y = yy[kObs]
                mu[k] = mu[k] + KG @ (y - Obs(mu[k], t))
                KH = KG @ H
                P[k] = (np.eye(Nx) - KH) @ P[k]
                stats.assess(k, kObs, 'a', mu=mu[k], Cov=P[k])

        # Backward pass
        for k in progbar(range(chrono.K)[::-1], 'ExtRTS<-'):
            J = mrdiv(P[k] @ Ff[k + 1].T, Pf[k + 1])
            mu[k] = mu[k] + J @ (mu[k + 1] - muf[k + 1])
            P[k] = P[k] + J @ (P[k + 1] - Pf[k + 1]) @ J.T
        for k in progbar(range(chrono.K + 1), desc='Assess'):
            stats.assess(k, mu=mu[k], Cov=P[k])
Exemplo n.º 2
    def assimilate(self, HMM, xx, yy):
        Dyn, Obs, chrono, stats = HMM.Dyn, HMM.Obs, HMM.t, self.stats

        # Compute "climatological" Kalman gain
        muC = np.mean(xx, 0)
        AC  = xx - muC
        PC  = (AC.T @ AC) / (xx.shape[0] - 1)

        # Setup scalar "time-series" covariance dynamics.
        # ONLY USED FOR DIAGNOSTICS, not to affect the Kalman gain.
        L  = series.estimate_corr_length(AC.ravel(order='F'))
        SM = fit_sigmoid(1/2, L, 0)

        # Init
        mu = muC
        stats.assess(0, mu=mu, Cov=PC)

        for k, kObs, t, dt in progbar(chrono.ticker):
            # Forecast
            mu = Dyn(mu, t-dt, dt)
            if kObs is not None:
                stats.assess(k, kObs, 'f', mu=muC, Cov=PC)

                # Analysis
                H  = Obs.linear(muC, t)
                KG  = mtools.mrdiv([email protected], H@[email protected] + Obs.noise.C.full)
                mu = muC + KG@(yy[kObs] - Obs(muC, t))

                P  = (np.eye(Dyn.M) - KG@H) @ PC
                SM = fit_sigmoid(P.trace()/PC.trace(), L, k)

            stats.assess(k, kObs, mu=mu, Cov=2*PC*SM(k))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def assimilate(self, HMM, xx, yy):
        Dyn, Obs, chrono, X0, stats = HMM.Dyn, HMM.Obs, HMM.t, HMM.X0, self.stats

        R = Obs.noise.C.full
        Q = 0 if Dyn.noise.C == 0 else Dyn.noise.C.full

        mu = X0.mu
        P = X0.C.full

        stats.assess(0, mu=mu, Cov=P)

        for k, kObs, t, dt in progbar(chrono.ticker):

            mu = Dyn(mu, t - dt, dt)
            F = Dyn.linear(mu, t - dt, dt)
            P = self.infl**(dt) * (F @ P @ F.T) + dt * Q

            # Of academic interest? Higher-order linearization:
            # mu_i += 0.5 * (Hessian[f_i] * P).sum()

            if kObs is not None:
                stats.assess(k, kObs, 'f', mu=mu, Cov=P)
                H = Obs.linear(mu, t)
                KG = mrdiv(P @ H.T, H @ P @ H.T + R)
                y = yy[kObs]
                mu = mu + KG @ (y - Obs(mu, t))
                KH = KG @ H
                P = (np.eye(Dyn.M) - KH) @ P

                stats.trHK[kObs] = KH.trace() / Dyn.M

            stats.assess(k, kObs, mu=mu, Cov=P)
Exemplo n.º 4
def genOG_modified(M, opts=(0, 1.0)):
    """genOG with modifications.

    Caution: although 'degree' ∈ (0,1) for all versions,
             they're not supposed going to be strictly equivalent.

    Testing: scripts/sqrt_rotations.py

    # Parse opts
    if not opts:
        # Shot-circuit in case of False or 0
        return np.eye(M)
    elif isinstance(opts, bool) or opts == 1:
        return genOG(M)
    elif isinstance(opts, float):
        ver = 1
        degree = opts
        ver = opts[0]
        degree = opts[1]

    if ver == 1:
        # Only rotate "once in a while"
        dc = 1 / degree  # = "while"
        # Retrieve/store persistent variable
        counter = getattr(genOG_modified, "counter", 0) + 1
        setattr(genOG_modified, "counter", counter)
        # Compute rot or skip
        if np.mod(counter, dc) < 1:
            Q = genOG(M)
            Q = np.eye(M)
    elif ver == 2:
        # Decompose and reduce angle of (complex) diagonal. Background:
        # https://stackoverflow.com/q/38426349
        # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthogonal_matrix
        Q = genOG(M)
        s, U = sla.eig(Q)
        s2 = np.exp(1j * np.angle(s) * degree)  # reduce angles
        Q = mrdiv(U * s2, U)
        Q = Q.real
    elif ver == 3:
        # Reduce Given's rotations in QR algo
        raise NotImplementedError
    elif ver == 4:
        # Introduce correlation between columns of randn(M,M)
        raise NotImplementedError
    elif ver == 5:
        # https://stats.stackexchange.com/q/25552
        raise NotImplementedError
        raise KeyError
    return Q
Exemplo n.º 5
 def sqrt_core():
     T = np.nan  # cause error if used
     Qa12 = np.nan  # cause error if used
     A2 = A.copy()  # Instead of using (the implicitly nonlocal) A,
     # which changes A outside as well. NB: This is a bug in Datum!
     if N <= Nx:
         Ainv = tinv(A2.T)
         Qa12 = Ainv @ Q12
         T = funm_psd(eye(N) + dt * (N - 1) * (Qa12 @ Qa12.T), sqrt)
         A2 = T @ A2
     else:  # "Left-multiplying" form
         P = A2.T @ A2 / (N - 1)
         L = funm_psd(eye(Nx) + dt * mrdiv(Q, P), sqrt)
         A2 = A2 @ L.T
     E = mu + A2
     return E, T, Qa12
Exemplo n.º 6
    def assimilate(self, HMM, xx, yy):
        Dyn, Obs, chrono, X0, stats = \
            HMM.Dyn, HMM.Obs, HMM.t, HMM.X0, self.stats
        N, Nx, R = self.N, Dyn.M, Obs.noise.C.full

        E = X0.sample(N)
        w = 1 / N * np.ones(N)

        stats.assess(0, E=E, w=w)

        for k, kObs, t, dt in progbar(chrono.ticker):
            E = Dyn(E, t - dt, dt)
            if Dyn.noise.C != 0:
                E += np.sqrt(dt) * (randn(N, Nx) @ Dyn.noise.C.Right)

            if kObs is not None:
                stats.assess(k, kObs, 'f', E=E, w=w)
                y = yy[kObs]

                Eo = Obs(E, t)
                innovs = y - Eo

                # EnKF-ish update
                s = self.Qs * auto_bandw(N, Nx)
                As = s * raw_C12(E, w)
                Ys = s * raw_C12(Eo, w)
                C = Ys.T @ Ys + R
                KG = As.T @ mrdiv(Ys, C)
                E += sample_quickly_with(As)[0]
                D = Obs.noise.sample(N)
                dE = KG @ (y - Obs(E, t) - D).T
                E = E + dE.T

                # Importance weighting
                chi2 = innovs * mldiv(C, innovs.T).T
                logL = -0.5 * np.sum(chi2, axis=1)
                w = reweight(w, logL=logL)

                # Resampling
                if trigger_resampling(w, self.NER, [stats, E, k, kObs]):
                    C12 = self.reg * auto_bandw(N, Nx) * raw_C12(E, w)
                    idx, w = resample(w, self.resampl, wroot=self.wroot)
                    E, _ = regularize(C12, E, idx, self.nuj)

            stats.assess(k, kObs, 'u', E=E, w=w)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def assimilate(self, HMM, xx, yy):
        Dyn, Obs, chrono, X0, stats = HMM.Dyn, HMM.Obs, HMM.t, HMM.X0, self.stats

        if self.B in (None, 'clim'):
            # Use climatological cov, ...
            B = np.cov(xx.T)  # ... estimated from truth
        elif self.B == 'eye':
            B = np.eye(HMM.Nx)
            B = self.B
        B *= self.xB

        # ONLY USED FOR DIAGNOSTICS, not to change the Kalman gain.
        CC = 2*np.cov(xx.T)
        L  = series.estimate_corr_length(mtools.center(xx)[0].ravel(order='F'))
        P  = X0.C.full
        SM = fit_sigmoid(P.trace()/CC.trace(), L, 0)

        # Init
        mu = X0.mu
        stats.assess(0, mu=mu, Cov=P)

        for k, kObs, t, dt in progbar(chrono.ticker):
            # Forecast
            mu = Dyn(mu, t-dt, dt)
            P  = CC*SM(k)

            if kObs is not None:
                stats.assess(k, kObs, 'f', mu=mu, Cov=P)

                # Analysis
                H  = Obs.linear(mu, t)
                KG = mtools.mrdiv([email protected], H@[email protected] + Obs.noise.C.full)
                mu = mu + KG@(yy[kObs] - Obs(mu, t))

                # Re-calibrate fit_sigmoid with new W0 = Pa/B
                P = (np.eye(Dyn.M) - KG@H) @ B
                SM = fit_sigmoid(P.trace()/CC.trace(), L, k)

            stats.assess(k, kObs, mu=mu, Cov=P)
Exemplo n.º 8
def EnKF_analysis(E, Eo, hnoise, y, upd_a, stats, kObs):
    """The EnKF analysis update, in many flavours and forms.

    The update is specified via 'upd_a'.

    Main references: `bib.sakov2008deterministic`,
    `bib.sakov2008implications`, `bib.hoteit2015mitigating`
    R = hnoise.C  # Obs noise cov
    N, Nx = E.shape  # Dimensionality
    N1 = N - 1  # Ens size - 1

    mu = np.mean(E, 0)  # Ens mean
    A = E - mu  # Ens anomalies

    xo = np.mean(Eo, 0)  # Obs ens mean
    Y = Eo - xo  # Obs ens anomalies
    dy = y - xo  # Mean "innovation"

    if 'PertObs' in upd_a:
        # Uses classic, perturbed observations (Burgers'98)
        C = Y.T @ Y + R.full * N1
        D = mean0(hnoise.sample(N))
        YC = mrdiv(Y, C)
        KG = A.T @ YC
        HK = Y.T @ YC
        dE = (KG @ (y - D - Eo).T).T
        E = E + dE

    elif 'Sqrt' in upd_a:
        # Uses a symmetric square root (ETKF)
        # to deterministically transform the ensemble.

        # The various versions below differ only numerically.
        # EVD is default, but for large N use SVD version.
        if upd_a == 'Sqrt' and N > Nx:
            upd_a = 'Sqrt svd'

        if 'explicit' in upd_a:
            # Not recommended due to numerical costs and instability.
            # Implementation using inv (in ens space)
            Pw = sla.inv(Y @ R.inv @ Y.T + N1 * eye(N))
            T = sla.sqrtm(Pw) * sqrt(N1)
            HK = R.inv @ Y.T @ Pw @ Y
            # KG = R.inv @ Y.T @ Pw @ A
        elif 'svd' in upd_a:
            # Implementation using svd of Y R^{-1/2}.
            V, s, _ = svd0(Y @ R.sym_sqrt_inv.T)
            d = pad0(s**2, N) + N1
            Pw = (V * d**(-1.0)) @ V.T
            T = (V * d**(-0.5)) @ V.T * sqrt(N1)
            # docs/snippets/trHK.jpg
            trHK = np.sum((s**2 + N1)**(-1.0) * s**2)
        elif 'sS' in upd_a:
            # Same as 'svd', but with slightly different notation
            # (sometimes used by Sakov) using the normalization sqrt(N1).
            S = Y @ R.sym_sqrt_inv.T / sqrt(N1)
            V, s, _ = svd0(S)
            d = pad0(s**2, N) + 1
            Pw = (V * d**(-1.0)) @ V.T / N1  # = G/(N1)
            T = (V * d**(-0.5)) @ V.T
            # docs/snippets/trHK.jpg
            trHK = np.sum((s**2 + 1)**(-1.0) * s**2)
        else:  # 'eig' in upd_a:
            # Implementation using eig. val. decomp.
            d, V = sla.eigh(Y @ R.inv @ Y.T + N1 * eye(N))
            T = V @ diag(d**(-0.5)) @ V.T * sqrt(N1)
            Pw = V @ diag(d**(-1.0)) @ V.T
            HK = R.inv @ Y.T @ (V @ diag(d**(-1)) @ V.T) @ Y
        w = dy @ R.inv @ Y.T @ Pw
        E = mu + w @ A + T @ A

    elif 'Serial' in upd_a:
        # Observations assimilated one-at-a-time:
        inds = serial_inds(upd_a, y, R, A)
        #  Requires de-correlation:
        dy = dy @ R.sym_sqrt_inv.T
        Y = Y @ R.sym_sqrt_inv.T
        # Enhancement in the nonlinear case:
        # re-compute Y each scalar obs assim.
        # But: little benefit, model costly (?),
        # updates cannot be accumulated on S and T.

        if any(x in upd_a for x in ['Stoch', 'ESOPS', 'Var1']):
            # More details: Misc/Serial_ESOPS.py.
            for i, j in enumerate(inds):

                # Perturbation creation
                if 'ESOPS' in upd_a:
                    # "2nd-O exact perturbation sampling"
                    if i == 0:
                        # Init -- increase nullspace by 1
                        V, s, UT = svd0(A)
                        s[N - 2:] = 0
                        A = svdi(V, s, UT)
                        v = V[:, N - 2]
                        # Orthogonalize v wrt. the new A
                        # v = Zj - Yj (from paper) requires Y==HX.
                        # Instead: mult` should be c*ones(Nx) so we can
                        # project v into ker(A) such that v@A is null.
                        mult = (v @ A) / (Yj @ A)  # noqa
                        v = v - mult[0] * Yj  # noqa
                        v /= sqrt(v @ v)
                    Zj = v * sqrt(N1)  # Standardized perturbation along v
                    Zj *= np.sign(rand() - 0.5)  # Random sign
                    # The usual stochastic perturbations.
                    Zj = mean0(randn(N))  # Un-coloured noise
                    if 'Var1' in upd_a:
                        Zj *= sqrt(N / (Zj @ Zj))

                # Select j-th obs
                Yj = Y[:, j]  # [j] obs anomalies
                dyj = dy[j]  # [j] innov mean
                DYj = Zj - Yj  # [j] innov anomalies
                DYj = DYj[:, None]  # Make 2d vertical

                # Kalman gain computation
                C = Yj @ Yj + N1  # Total obs cov
                KGx = Yj @ A / C  # KG to update state
                KGy = Yj @ Y / C  # KG to update obs

                # Updates
                A += DYj * KGx
                mu += dyj * KGx
                Y += DYj * KGy
                dy -= dyj * KGy
            E = mu + A
            # "Potter scheme", "EnSRF"
            # - EAKF's two-stage "update-regress" form yields
            #   the same *ensemble* as this.
            # - The form below may be derived as "serial ETKF",
            #   but does not yield the same
            #   ensemble as 'Sqrt' (which processes obs as a batch)
            #   -- only the same mean/cov.
            T = eye(N)
            for j in inds:
                Yj = Y[:, j]
                C = Yj @ Yj + N1
                Tj = np.outer(Yj, Yj / (C + sqrt(N1 * C)))
                T -= Tj @ T
                Y -= Tj @ Y
            w = dy @ Y.T @ T / N1
            E = mu + w @ A + T @ A

    elif 'DEnKF' == upd_a:
        # Uses "Deterministic EnKF" (sakov'08)
        C = Y.T @ Y + R.full * N1
        YC = mrdiv(Y, C)
        KG = A.T @ YC
        HK = Y.T @ YC
        E = E + KG @ dy - 0.5 * (KG @ Y.T).T

        raise KeyError("No analysis update method found: '" + upd_a + "'.")

    # Diagnostic: relative influence of observations
    if 'trHK' in locals():
        stats.trHK[kObs] = trHK / hnoise.M
    elif 'HK' in locals():
        stats.trHK[kObs] = HK.trace() / hnoise.M

    return E
Exemplo n.º 9
    def assimilate(self, HMM, xx, yy):
        Dyn, Obs, chrono, X0, stats = \
            HMM.Dyn, HMM.Obs, HMM.t, HMM.X0, self.stats
        N, xN, Nx, Rm12, Ri = \
            self.N, self.xN, Dyn.M, Obs.noise.C.sym_sqrt_inv, Obs.noise.C.inv

        E = X0.sample(N)
        w = 1 / N * np.ones(N)

        DD = None

        stats.assess(0, E=E, w=w)

        for k, kObs, t, dt in progbar(chrono.ticker):
            E = Dyn(E, t - dt, dt)
            if Dyn.noise.C != 0:
                E += np.sqrt(dt) * (randn(N, Nx) @ Dyn.noise.C.Right)

            if kObs is not None:
                stats.assess(k, kObs, 'f', E=E, w=w)
                y = yy[kObs]
                Eo = Obs(E, t)
                wD = w.copy()

                # Importance weighting
                innovs = (y - Eo) @ Rm12.T
                w = reweight(w, innovs=innovs)

                # Resampling
                if trigger_resampling(w, self.NER, [stats, E, k, kObs]):
                    # Weighted covariance factors
                    Aw = raw_C12(E, wD)
                    Yw = raw_C12(Eo, wD)

                    # EnKF-without-pertubations update
                    if N > Nx:
                        C = Yw.T @ Yw + Obs.noise.C.full
                        KG = mrdiv(Aw.T @ Yw, C)
                        cntrs = E + (y - Eo) @ KG.T
                        Pa = Aw.T @ Aw - KG @ Yw.T @ Aw
                        P_cholU = funm_psd(Pa, np.sqrt)
                        if DD is None or not self.re_use:
                            DD = randn(N * xN, Nx)
                            chi2 = np.sum(DD**2, axis=1) * Nx / N
                            log_q = -0.5 * chi2
                        V, sig, UT = svd0(Yw @ Rm12.T)
                        dgn = pad0(sig**2, N) + 1
                        Pw = (V * dgn**(-1.0)) @ V.T
                        cntrs = E + (y - Eo) @ Ri @ Yw.T @ Pw @ Aw
                        P_cholU = (V * dgn**(-0.5)).T @ Aw
                        # Generate N·xN random numbers from NormDist(0,1),
                        # and compute log(q(x))
                        if DD is None or not self.re_use:
                            rnk = min(Nx, N - 1)
                            DD = randn(N * xN, N)
                            chi2 = np.sum(DD**2, axis=1) * rnk / N
                            log_q = -0.5 * chi2
                        # NB: the DoF_linalg/DoF_stoch correction
                        # is only correct "on average".
                        # It is inexact "in proportion" to [email protected],
                        # where V,s,UT = tsvd(Aw).
                        # Anyways, we're computing the tsvd of Aw below,
                        # so might as well compute q(x) instead of q(xi).

                    # Duplicate
                    ED = cntrs.repeat(xN, 0)
                    wD = wD.repeat(xN) / xN

                    # Sample q
                    AD = DD @ P_cholU
                    ED = ED + AD

                    # log(prior_kernel(x))
                    s = self.Qs * auto_bandw(N, Nx)
                    innovs_pf = AD @ tinv(s * Aw)
                    # NB: Correct: innovs_pf = (ED-E_orig) @ tinv(s*Aw)
                    #     But it seems to make no difference on well-tuned performance !
                    log_pf = -0.5 * np.sum(innovs_pf**2, axis=1)

                    # log(likelihood(x))
                    innovs = (y - Obs(ED, t)) @ Rm12.T
                    log_L = -0.5 * np.sum(innovs**2, axis=1)

                    # Update weights
                    log_tot = log_L + log_pf - log_q
                    wD = reweight(wD, logL=log_tot)

                    # Resample and reduce
                    wroot = 1.0
                    while wroot < self.wroot_max:
                        idx, w = resample(wD, self.resampl, wroot=wroot, N=N)
                        dups = sum(mask_unique_of_sorted(idx))
                        if dups == 0:
                            E = ED[idx]
                            wroot += 0.1
            stats.assess(k, kObs, 'u', E=E, w=w)