Exemplo n.º 1
def test_SHIM_deserialise_from_dashd(dashd_proposal_hex, dashd_superblock_hex):
    assert dashlib.SHIM_deserialise_from_dashd(
    ) == '5b2270726f706f73616c222c207b22656e645f65706f6368223a20313439313336383430302c20226e616d65223a2022626565722d7265696d62757273656d656e742d39222c20227061796d656e745f61646472657373223a2022795965384b77796155753559737753596d4233713372797838585455753979375569222c20227061796d656e745f616d6f756e74223a2034392e30303030303030302c202273746172745f65706f6368223a20313438333235303430302c202275726c223a202268747470733a2f2f7777772e6461736863656e7472616c2e6f72672f702f626565722d7265696d62757273656d656e742d39227d5d'
    assert dashlib.SHIM_deserialise_from_dashd(
    ) == '5b227375706572626c6f636b222c207b226576656e745f626c6f636b5f686569676874223a2036323530302c20227061796d656e745f616464726573736573223a2022795965384b77796155753559737753596d42337133727978385854557539793755697c795443363268755234595145506e39414a486a6e517878726548536267416f617456222c20227061796d656e745f616d6f756e7473223a2022357c33227d5d'
Exemplo n.º 2
    def import_gobject_from_dashd(self, dashd, rec):
        import decimal
        import dashlib
        import inflection

        object_hex = rec['DataHex']
        object_hash = rec['Hash']

        gobj_dict = {
            'object_hash': object_hash,
            'object_fee_tx': rec['CollateralHash'],
            'absolute_yes_count': rec['AbsoluteYesCount'],
            'abstain_count': rec['AbstainCount'],
            'yes_count': rec['YesCount'],
            'no_count': rec['NoCount'],

        # shim/dashd conversion
        object_hex = dashlib.SHIM_deserialise_from_dashd(object_hex)
        objects = dashlib.deserialise(object_hex)
        subobj = None

        obj_type, dikt = objects[0:2:1]
        obj_type = inflection.pluralize(obj_type)
        subclass = self._meta.reverse_rel[obj_type].model_class

        # set object_type in govobj table
        gobj_dict['object_type'] = subclass.govobj_type

        # exclude any invalid model data from dashd...
        valid_keys = subclass.serialisable_fields()
        subdikt = {k: dikt[k] for k in valid_keys if k in dikt}

        # get/create, then sync vote counts from dashd, with every run
        govobj, created = self.get_or_create(object_hash=object_hash,
        if created:
            printdbg("govobj created = %s" % created)
        count = govobj.update(**gobj_dict).where(
            self.id == govobj.id).execute()
        if count:
            printdbg("govobj updated = %d" % count)
        subdikt['governance_object'] = govobj

        # get/create, then sync payment amounts, etc. from dashd - Dashd is the master
            newdikt = subdikt.copy()
            newdikt['object_hash'] = object_hash
            if subclass(**newdikt).is_valid() is False:
                return (govobj, None)

            subobj, created = subclass.get_or_create(object_hash=object_hash,
        except Exception as e:
            # in this case, vote as delete, and log the vote in the DB
            printdbg("Got invalid object from dashd! %s" % e)
            return (govobj, None)

        if created:
            printdbg("subobj created = %s" % created)
        count = subobj.update(**subdikt).where(
            subclass.id == subobj.id).execute()
        if count:
            printdbg("subobj updated = %d" % count)

        # ATM, returns a tuple w/gov attributes and the govobj
        return (govobj, subobj)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def import_gobject_from_dashd(self, dashd, rec):
        import decimal
        import dashlib
        import inflection

        object_hex = rec['DataHex']
        object_hash = rec['Hash']
        object_string = rec['DataString'][13:-2]
        object_dikt = simplejson.loads(object_string)

        gobj_dict = {
            'object_hash': object_hash,
            'object_fee_tx': rec['CollateralHash'],
            'absolute_yes_count': rec['AbsoluteYesCount'],
            'abstain_count': rec['AbstainCount'],
            'yes_count': rec['YesCount'],
            'no_count': rec['NoCount'],
            'name': object_dikt['name'],
            'payment_address': object_dikt['payment_address'],
            'payment_amount': object_dikt['payment_amount'],
            'url': object_dikt['url'],
            'start_epoch': object_dikt['start_epoch'],
            'end_epoch': object_dikt['end_epoch']

        # Check for comma instead of decimal before attempting to write to database as a decimal
        if ',' in str(gobj_dict['payment_amount']):
                str(gobj_dict["payment_amount"]).replace(',', '.')

        # shim/dashd conversion
        object_hex = dashlib.SHIM_deserialise_from_dashd(object_hex)
        objects = dashlib.deserialise(object_hex)
        subobj = None

        obj_type, dikt = objects[0:2:1]
        obj_type = inflection.pluralize(obj_type)
        subclass = self._meta.reverse_rel[obj_type].model_class

        # set object_type in govobj table
        gobj_dict['object_type'] = subclass.govobj_type

        # exclude any invalid model data from dashd...
        valid_keys = subclass.serialisable_fields()
        subdikt = {k: dikt[k] for k in valid_keys if k in dikt}

        # get/create, then sync vote counts from dashd, with every run
        govobj, created = self.get_or_create(object_hash=object_hash,
        if created:
            printdbg("govobj created = %s" % created)
        count = govobj.update(**gobj_dict).where(
            self.id == govobj.id).execute()
        if count:
            printdbg("govobj updated = %d" % count)
        subdikt['governance_object'] = govobj

        # Sync network votes
        self.sync_network_vote(govobj, dashd, VoteSignals.funding)

        # get/create, then sync payment amounts, etc. from dashd - Dashd is the master
            newdikt = subdikt.copy()
            newdikt['object_hash'] = object_hash
            if subclass(**newdikt).is_valid() is False:
                return (govobj, None)

            subobj, created = subclass.get_or_create(object_hash=object_hash,
        except Exception as e:
            # in this case, vote as delete, and log the vote in the DB
            printdbg("Got invalid object from dashd! %s" % e)
            return (govobj, None)

        if created:
            printdbg("subobj created = %s" % created)
        count = subobj.update(**subdikt).where(
            subclass.id == subobj.id).execute()
        if count:
            printdbg("subobj updated = %d" % count)

        # ATM, returns a tuple w/gov attributes and the govobj
        return (govobj, subobj)