def test_nonzero():
    for shape, chunks in [(0, ()), ((0, 0), (0, 0)), ((15, 16), (4, 5))]:
        x = np.random.randint(10, size=shape)
        d = da.from_array(x, chunks=chunks)

        x_nz = np.nonzero(x)
        d_nz = da.nonzero(d)

        assert isinstance(d_nz, type(x_nz))
        assert len(d_nz) == len(x_nz)

        for i in range(len(x_nz)):
            assert_eq(d_nz[i], x_nz[i])
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_nonzero():
    for shape, chunks in [(0, ()), ((0, 0), (0, 0)), ((15, 16), (4, 5))]:
        x = np.random.randint(10, size=shape)
        d = da.from_array(x, chunks=chunks)

        x_nz = np.nonzero(x)
        d_nz = da.nonzero(d)

        assert isinstance(d_nz, type(x_nz))
        assert len(d_nz) == len(x_nz)

        for i in range(len(x_nz)):
            assert_eq(d_nz[i], x_nz[i])
Exemplo n.º 3
def _get_high_intensity_peaks(image, mask, num_peaks):
    Helper function to return the num_peaks highest intensity peak coordinates.

    Adapted to dask from skimage.feature.peak._get_high_intensity_peaks
    # get coordinates of peaks
    coord = tuple([c.compute() for c in da.nonzero(mask)])

    # sort by peak intensity
    intensities = image.vindex[coord].compute()
    idx_maxsort = np.argsort(intensities)
    coord = np.vstack(coord).T[idx_maxsort]

    # select num_peaks peaks
    if coord.shape[0] > num_peaks:
        coord = coord[-num_peaks:]

    # return highest peak first
    return coord[::-1]
Exemplo n.º 4
def compute_capacity_factors(tech_points_dict: Dict[str, List[Tuple[float, float]]],
                             spatial_res: float, timestamps: pd.DatetimeIndex,
                             precision: int = 3,
                             smooth_wind_power_curve: bool = True) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Compute capacity factors for a list of points associated to a list of technologies.

    tech_points_dict : Dict[str, List[Tuple[float, float]]]
        Dictionary associating to each tech a list of points.
    spatial_res: float
        Spatial resolution of coordinates
    timestamps: pd.DatetimeIndex
        Time stamps for which we want capacity factors
    precision: int (default: 3)
        Indicates at which decimal capacity factors should be rounded
    smooth_wind_power_curve : boolean (default True)
        If "True", the transfer function of wind assets replicates the one of a wind farm,
        rather than one of a wind turbine.

    cap_factor_df : pd.DataFrame
         DataFrame storing capacity factors for each technology and each point


    for tech, points in tech_points_dict.items():
        assert len(points) != 0, f"Error: No points were defined for tech {tech}"

    assert len(timestamps) != 0, f"Error: No timestamps were defined."

    # Get the converters corresponding to the input technologies
    # Dictionary indicating for each technology which converter(s) to use.
    #    For each technology in the dictionary:
    #        - if it is pv-based, the name of the converter must be specified as a string
    #        - if it is wind, a dictionary must be defined associated for the four wind regimes
    #        defined below (I, II, III, IV), the name of the converter as a string
    converters_dict = get_config_dict(list(tech_points_dict.keys()), ["converter"])

    vres_profiles_dir = f"{data_path}generation/vres/profiles/source/"
    transfer_function_dir = f"{vres_profiles_dir}transfer_functions/"
    data_converter_wind = pd.read_csv(f"{transfer_function_dir}data_wind_turbines.csv", sep=';', index_col=0)
    data_converter_pv = pd.read_csv(f"{transfer_function_dir}data_pv_modules.csv", sep=';', index_col=0)

    dataset = read_resource_database(spatial_res).sel(time=timestamps)

    # Create output dataframe with MultiIndex (tech, coords)
    tech_points_tuples = sorted([(tech, point[0], point[1]) for tech, points in tech_points_dict.items()
                                 for point in points])
    cap_factor_df = pd.DataFrame(index=timestamps,
                                                                   names=['technologies', 'lon', 'lat']),

    for tech in tech_points_dict.keys():

        resource = get_config_values(tech, ["plant"])
        # Round points at the given resolution
        non_rounded_points = tech_points_dict[tech]
        rounded_points = [(round(point[0] / spatial_res) * spatial_res,
                           round(point[1] / spatial_res) * spatial_res)
                          for point in non_rounded_points]
        non_rounded_to_rounded_dict = dict(zip(non_rounded_points, rounded_points))
        sub_dataset = dataset.sel(locations=sorted(list(set(rounded_points))))

        if resource == 'Wind':

            wind_speed_reference_height = 100.
            roughness = sub_dataset.fsr

            # Compute wind speed for the all the coordinates
            wind = xu.sqrt(sub_dataset.u100 ** 2 + sub_dataset.v100 ** 2)

            wind_mean = wind.mean(dim='time')

            # Split according to the IEC 61400 WTG classes
            wind_classes = {'IV': [0., 6.5], 'III': [6.5, 8.], 'II': [8., 9.5], 'I': [9.5, 99.]}
            list_df_per_wind_class = []

            for cls in wind_classes:

                filtered_wind_data = wind_mean.where(( >= wind_classes[cls][0]) &
                                                     ( < wind_classes[cls][1]), 0)
                coords_classes = filtered_wind_data[da.nonzero(filtered_wind_data)].locations.values.tolist()

                if len(coords_classes) > 0:

                    wind_filtered = wind.sel(locations=coords_classes)
                    roughness_filtered = roughness.sel(locations=coords_classes)

                    # Get the transfer function curve
                    # literal_eval converts a string to an array (in this case)
                    converter = converters_dict[tech]["converter"][cls]
                    power_curve_array = literal_eval(data_converter_wind.loc['Power curve', converter])
                    wind_speed_references = np.asarray([i[0] for i in power_curve_array])
                    capacity_factor_references = np.asarray([i[1] for i in power_curve_array])
                    capacity_factor_references_pu = capacity_factor_references / max(capacity_factor_references)

                    wind_log = windpowerlib.wind_speed.logarithmic_profile(
                        wind_filtered.values, wind_speed_reference_height,
                        float(data_converter_wind.loc['Hub height [m]', converter]),
                    wind_data = da.from_array(wind_log, chunks='auto', asarray=True)

                    # The transfer function of wind assets replicates the one of a
                    # wind farm rather than one of a wind turbine.
                    if smooth_wind_power_curve:

                        turbulence_intensity = wind_filtered.std(dim='time') / wind_filtered.mean(dim='time')

                        capacity_factor_farm = windpowerlib.power_curves.smooth_power_curve(
                            pd.Series(wind_speed_references), pd.Series(capacity_factor_references_pu),

                        power_output = da.map_blocks(np.interp, wind_data,

                        power_output = da.map_blocks(np.interp, wind_data,

                    # Convert rounded point back into non-rounded points
                    power_output_df = pd.DataFrame(power_output, columns=coords_classes)
                    coords_classes_rounded = [non_rounded_to_rounded_dict[point] for point in non_rounded_points]
                    power_output_corrected = [power_output_df[point].values
                                              for point in coords_classes_rounded
                                              if point in power_output_df.columns]
                    coords_classes_non_rounded = [point for point in non_rounded_to_rounded_dict
                                                  if non_rounded_to_rounded_dict[point] in power_output_df.columns]
                    tech_points_tuples = [(lon, lat) for lon, lat in coords_classes_non_rounded]
                    df_per_wind_class = pd.DataFrame(np.array(power_output_corrected).T,
                                                     index=timestamps, columns=tech_points_tuples)



            cap_factor_df_concat = pd.concat(list_df_per_wind_class, axis=1)
            cap_factor_df[tech] = cap_factor_df_concat.reindex(sorted(cap_factor_df_concat.columns), axis=1)

        elif resource == 'PV':

            converter = converters_dict[tech]["converter"]

            # Get irradiance in W from J
            irradiance = sub_dataset.ssrd / 3600.
            # Get temperature in C from K
            temperature = sub_dataset.t2m - 273.15

            # Homer equation here:
            power_output = (float(data_converter_pv.loc['f', converter]) *
                            (irradiance/float(data_converter_pv.loc['G_ref', converter])) *
                            (1. + float(data_converter_pv.loc['k_P [%/C]', converter])/100. *
                             (temperature - float(data_converter_pv.loc['t_ref', converter]))))

            power_output = np.array(power_output)

            # Convert rounded point back into non rounded points
            power_output_df = pd.DataFrame(power_output, columns=sub_dataset.locations.values.tolist())
            coords_classes_rounded = [non_rounded_to_rounded_dict[point] for point in non_rounded_points]
            power_output_corrected = [power_output_df[point].values
                                      for point in coords_classes_rounded if point in power_output_df.columns]
            cap_factor_df[tech] = np.array(power_output_corrected).T

            raise ValueError(' Profiles for the specified resource is not available yet.')

    # Check that we do not have NANs
    assert cap_factor_df.isna().to_numpy().sum() == 0, "Some capacity factors are not available."

    # Decrease precision of capacity factors
    cap_factor_df = cap_factor_df.round(precision)

    return cap_factor_df