Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: csv.py Projeto: elaeon/ML
 def open(self):
     if self.conn is None:
         if self.mode == "r":
             self.conn = make_reader(pd.read_csv, 'read_csv', 'CSV')(self.url)
             raise NotImplementedError
         self.attrs = {}
     return self
Exemplo n.º 2
def _internal_read_csv(path, chunksize="256 MiB", **kwargs):
    if isinstance(chunksize, str):
        chunksize = parse_bytes(chunksize)

    if isinstance(path, list):
        filenames = path
    elif isinstance(path, str):
        filenames = sorted(glob(path))
    elif hasattr(path, "__fspath__"):
        filenames = sorted(glob(path.__fspath__()))
        raise TypeError("Path type not understood:{}".format(type(path)))

    if not filenames:
        msg = f"A file in: {filenames} does not exist."
        raise FileNotFoundError(msg)

    name = "read-csv-" + tokenize(path, tokenize, **
                                  kwargs)  # TODO: get last modified time

    compression = kwargs.get("compression", False)
    if compression and chunksize:
        # compressed CSVs reading must read the entire file
        kwargs.pop("byte_range", None)
        warn("Warning %s compression does not support breaking apart files\n"
             "Please ensure that each individual file can fit in memory and\n"
             "use the keyword ``chunksize=None to remove this message``\n"
             "Setting ``chunksize=(size of file)``" % compression)
        chunksize = None

    if chunksize is None:
        return read_csv_without_chunksize(path, **kwargs)

    dask_reader = make_reader(cudf.read_csv, "read_csv", "CSV")
    meta = dask_reader(filenames[0], **kwargs)._meta

    dsk = {}
    i = 0
    dtypes = meta.dtypes.values

    for fn in filenames:
        size = os.path.getsize(fn)
        for start in range(0, size, chunksize):
            kwargs2 = kwargs.copy()
            kwargs2["byte_range"] = (
            )  # specify which chunk of the file we care about
            if start != 0:
                    "names"] = meta.columns  # no header in the middle of the file
                kwargs2["header"] = None
            dsk[(name, i)] = (apply, _read_csv, [fn, dtypes], kwargs2)

            i += 1

    divisions = [None] * (len(dsk) + 1)
    return dd.core.new_dd_object(dsk, name, meta, divisions)
Exemplo n.º 3
def read_csv(path, chunksize="256 MiB", **kwargs):
    Read CSV files into a dask_cudf.DataFrame

    This API parallelizes the ``cudf.read_csv`` function in the following ways:

    It supports loading many files at once using globstrings:

    >>> import dask_cudf
    >>> df = dask_cudf.read_csv("myfiles.*.csv")

    In some cases it can break up large files:

    >>> df = dask_cudf.read_csv("largefile.csv", chunksize="256 MiB")

    It can read CSV files from external resources (e.g. S3, HTTP, FTP)

    >>> df = dask_cudf.read_csv("s3://bucket/myfiles.*.csv")
    >>> df = dask_cudf.read_csv("https://www.mycloud.com/sample.csv")

    Internally ``dask_cudf.read_csv`` uses ``cudf.read_csv`` and supports
    many of the same keyword arguments with the same performance guarantees.
    See the docstring for ``cudf.read_csv()`` for more information on available
    keyword arguments.

    path : str, path object, or file-like object
        Either a path to a file (a str, pathlib.Path, or
        py._path.local.LocalPath), URL (including http, ftp, and S3 locations),
        or any object with a read() method (such as builtin open() file
        handler function or StringIO).
    chunksize : int or str, default "256 MiB"
        The target task partition size. If `None`, a single block
        is used for each file.
    **kwargs : dict
        Passthrough key-word arguments that are sent to ``cudf.read_csv``.

    >>> import dask_cudf
    >>> ddf = dask_cudf.read_csv("sample.csv", usecols=["a", "b"])
    >>> ddf.compute()
       a      b
    0  1     hi
    1  2  hello
    2  3     ai
    if "://" in str(path):
        func = make_reader(cudf.read_csv, "read_csv", "CSV")
        return func(path, blocksize=chunksize, **kwargs)
        return _internal_read_csv(path=path, chunksize=chunksize, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 4
def read_csv(path, chunksize="256 MiB", **kwargs):
    if "://" in str(path):
        func = make_reader(cudf.read_csv, "read_csv", "CSV")
        return func(path, blocksize=chunksize, **kwargs)
        return _internal_read_csv(path=path, chunksize=chunksize, **kwargs)