Exemplo n.º 1
def diag(v, k=0):
    if not isinstance(v, np.ndarray) and not isinstance(v, Array):
        raise TypeError(
            f"v must be a dask array or numpy array, got {type(v)}")

    name = "diag-" + tokenize(v, k)

    meta = meta_from_array(v, 2 if v.ndim == 1 else 1)

    if isinstance(v, np.ndarray) or (hasattr(v, "__array_function__")
                                     and not isinstance(v, Array)):
        if v.ndim == 1:
            m = abs(k)
            chunks = ((v.shape[0] + m, ), (v.shape[0] + m, ))
            dsk = {(name, 0, 0): (np.diag, v, k)}
        elif v.ndim == 2:
            kdiag_row_start = max(0, -k)
            kdiag_row_stop = min(v.shape[0], v.shape[1] - k)
            len_kdiag = kdiag_row_stop - kdiag_row_start
            chunks = ((0, ), ) if len_kdiag <= 0 else ((len_kdiag, ), )
            dsk = {(name, 0): (np.diag, v, k)}
            raise ValueError("Array must be 1d or 2d only")
        return Array(dsk, name, chunks, meta=meta)

    if v.ndim != 1:
        if v.ndim != 2:
            raise ValueError("Array must be 1d or 2d only")
        if k == 0 and v.chunks[0] == v.chunks[1]:
            dsk = {(name, i): (np.diag, row[i])
                   for i, row in enumerate(v.__dask_keys__())}
            graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name,
            return Array(graph, name, (v.chunks[0], ), meta=meta)
            return diagonal(v, k)

    if k == 0:
        chunks_1d = v.chunks[0]
        blocks = v.__dask_keys__()
        dsk = {}
        for i, m in enumerate(chunks_1d):
            for j, n in enumerate(chunks_1d):
                key = (name, i, j)
                if i == j:
                    dsk[key] = (np.diag, blocks[i])
                    dsk[key] = (np.zeros, (m, n))
                    dsk[key] = (partial(np.zeros_like, shape=(m, n)), meta)

        graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name, dsk, dependencies=[v])
        return Array(graph, name, (chunks_1d, chunks_1d), meta=meta)

    elif k > 0:
        return pad(diag(v), [[0, k], [k, 0]], mode="constant")
    elif k < 0:
        return pad(diag(v), [[-k, 0], [0, -k]], mode="constant")
Exemplo n.º 2
def stream_reduction(time_index, antenna1, antenna2,
                     dde1_jones, source_coh, dde2_jones,
                     predict_check_tup, out_dtype, streams):
    Reduces source coherencies + ddes over the source dimension in
    ``N`` parallel streams.

    This is accomplished by calling predict_vis on on ddes and source
    coherencies to produce visibilities which are passed into
    the `base_vis` argument of ``predict_vis`` for the next chunk.

    # Unique name and token for this operation
    token = tokenize(time_index, antenna1, antenna2,
                     dde1_jones, source_coh, dde2_jones,

    name = 'stream-coherency-reduction-' + token

    # Number of dim blocks
    blocks = _extract_blocks(time_index, dde1_jones, source_coh, dde2_jones)
    (src_blocks, row_blocks, _,
     chan_blocks), corr_blocks = blocks[:4], blocks[4:]

    # Total number of other dimension blocks
    nblocks = reduce(mul, (row_blocks, chan_blocks) + corr_blocks, 1)

    # Create the compressed mapping
    layers = CoherencyStreamReduction(time_index, antenna1, antenna2,
                                      dde1_jones, source_coh, dde2_jones,
                                      name, streams)

    # Create the graph
    extra_deps = [a for a in (dde1_jones, source_coh, dde2_jones)
                  if a is not None]
    deps = [time_index, antenna1, antenna2] + extra_deps

    graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name, layers, deps)

    chunks = ((1,) * src_blocks, (1,)*nblocks)
    # This should never be directly computed, reported chunks
    # and dtype don't match the actual data. We create it
    # because it makes chaining HighLevelGraphs easier
    stream_reduction = da.Array(graph, name, chunks, dtype=np.int8)

    name = "coherency-reduction-" + tokenize(stream_reduction)
    layers = CoherencyFinalReduction(name, layers)
    graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name, layers, [stream_reduction])

    chunks = _extract_chunks(time_index, dde1_jones, source_coh, dde2_jones)
    return da.Array(graph, name, chunks[1:], dtype=out_dtype)
Exemplo n.º 3
def rearrange_by_column_disk(df, column, npartitions=None, compute=False):
    """Shuffle using local disk

    See Also
        Same function, but using tasks rather than partd
        Has a more informative docstring
    if npartitions is None:
        npartitions = df.npartitions

    token = tokenize(df, column, npartitions)
    always_new_token = uuid.uuid1().hex

    p = ("zpartd-" + always_new_token, )
    dsk1 = {p: (maybe_buffered_partd(), )}

    # Partition data on disk
    name = "shuffle-partition-" + always_new_token
    dsk2 = {(name, i): (shuffle_group_3, key, column, npartitions, p)
            for i, key in enumerate(df.__dask_keys__())}

    dependencies = []
    if compute:
        graph = HighLevelGraph.merge(df.dask, dsk1, dsk2)
        graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name, graph, dependencies=[df])
        keys = [p, sorted(dsk2)]
        pp, values = compute_as_if_collection(DataFrame, graph, keys)
        dsk1 = {p: pp}
        dsk2 = dict(zip(sorted(dsk2), values))

    # Barrier
    barrier_token = "barrier-" + always_new_token
    dsk3 = {barrier_token: (barrier, list(dsk2))}

    # Collect groups
    name = "shuffle-collect-" + token
    dsk4 = {(name, i): (collect, p, i, df._meta, barrier_token)
            for i in range(npartitions)}

    divisions = (None, ) * (npartitions + 1)

    layer = toolz.merge(dsk1, dsk2, dsk3, dsk4)
    graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name,
    return new_dd_object(graph, name, df._meta, divisions)
Exemplo n.º 4
def _da_from_mem(
    token: Delayed,
    shape: ShapeLike,
    dtype: DtypeLike,
    chunks: Tuple[int, ...],
    name: str = "from_mem",
) -> da.Array:
    Construct dask view of some yet to be computed in RAM store.

    :param token: Should evaluate to either Token or string key in to the Cache,
                  which is expected to contain ``numpy`` array of supplied
                  ``shape`` and ``dtype``

    :param shape: Expected shape of the future array

    :param dtype: Expected dtype of the future array

    :param chunks: Tuple of integers describing chunk partitioning for output array

    :param name: Dask name


    - Output array can not be moved from one worker to another.
      - Works with in-process Client
      - Works with single worker cluster
      - Can work if scheduler is told to schedule this on a single worker

    - Cache life cycle management can be tough. If token evaluates to a
      ``Token`` object then automatic cache cleanup should happen when output
      array is destroyed. If it is just a string, then it's up to caller to
      ensure that there is cleanup and no use after free.

    Dask Array
    if not isinstance(shape, tuple):
        shape = (shape, )

    assert dask.is_dask_collection(token)
    assert len(shape) == len(chunks)

    _chunks = unpack_chunks(chunks, shape)
    _rois = [tuple(_roi_from_chunks(ch)) for ch in _chunks]
    _roi = lambda idx: tuple(_rois[i][k] for i, k in enumerate(idx))

    shape_in_chunks = tuple(len(ch) for ch in _chunks)

    dsk = {}
    name = randomize(name)

    for idx in np.ndindex(shape_in_chunks):
        dsk[(name, *idx)] = (_chunk_extractor, token.key, _roi(idx))

    dsk = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name, dsk, dependencies=[token])

    return da.Array(dsk, name, shape=shape, dtype=dtype, chunks=_chunks)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_write_dict_data(tmp_path, chunks, dtype):
    rs = np.random.RandomState(42)
    row_sum = 0

    def _vis_factory(chan, corr):
        # Variably sized-channels per row, as in BDA data
        nchan = rs.randint(chan)
        return (rs.normal(size=(1, nchan, corr)) +
                rs.normal(size=(1, nchan, corr))*1j)

    shapes = {k: sum(c) for k, c in chunks.items()}
    row_sum += shapes['row']

    # assert len(chunks['chan']) == 1
    assert len(chunks['corr']) == 1

    # Make some visibilities
    dims = ("row", "chan", "corr")
    row, chan, corr = (shapes[d] for d in dims)
    name = "vis-data-" + uuid.uuid4().hex

    nchunks = (len(chunks[d]) for d in dims)
    keys = product((name,), *(range(c) for c in nchunks))
    chunk_sizes = product(*(chunks[d] for d in dims))

    layer = {k: {'r%d' % (i + 1): _vis_factory(chan, corr)
                 for i in range(r)}
             for k, (r, _, _) in zip(keys, chunk_sizes)}

    hlg = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name, layer, [])
    chunks = tuple(chunks[d] for d in dims)
    meta = np.empty((0,)*len(chunks), dtype=np.complex128)
    vis = da.Array(hlg, name, chunks, meta=meta)
    ds = Dataset({"DATA": (dims, vis)})

    table_name = os.path.join(str(tmp_path), 'test.table')
    writes, table_proxy = write_datasets(table_name, ds, ["DATA"],
                                         # No fixed shape columns


    data = table_proxy.getvarcol("DATA").result()

    # First row chunk
    assert_array_almost_equal(layer[(name, 0, 0, 0)]['r1'], data['r1'])
    assert_array_almost_equal(layer[(name, 0, 0, 0)]['r2'], data['r2'])
    assert_array_almost_equal(layer[(name, 0, 0, 0)]['r3'], data['r3'])
    assert_array_almost_equal(layer[(name, 0, 0, 0)]['r4'], data['r4'])
    assert_array_almost_equal(layer[(name, 0, 0, 0)]['r5'], data['r5'])

    # Second row chunk
    assert_array_almost_equal(layer[(name, 1, 0, 0)]['r1'], data['r6'])
    assert_array_almost_equal(layer[(name, 1, 0, 0)]['r2'], data['r7'])
    assert_array_almost_equal(layer[(name, 1, 0, 0)]['r3'], data['r8'])

    # Third row chunk
    assert_array_almost_equal(layer[(name, 2, 0, 0)]['r1'], data['r9'])
    assert_array_almost_equal(layer[(name, 2, 0, 0)]['r2'], data['r10'])
Exemplo n.º 6
def chan_metadata(row_chan_arrays, chan_arrays, chan_bin_size):
    """ Create dask array with channel metadata for each chunk channel """
    chan_chunks = None

    for array in row_chan_arrays:
        if array is not None:
            chan_chunks = array.chunks[1]

    if chan_chunks is None:
        for array in chan_arrays:
            if array is not None:
                chan_chunks = array.chunks[0]

    if chan_chunks is None:
        return None

    # Create a dask channel mapping structure
    name = "channel-mapper-" + tokenize(chan_chunks, chan_bin_size)
    layers = {(name, i): (np_channel_mapper, c, chan_bin_size)
              for i, c in enumerate(chan_chunks)}
    graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name, layers, ())
    chunks = (chan_chunks, )
    chan_mapper = da.Array(graph, name, chunks, dtype=np.object)

    return chan_mapper
Exemplo n.º 7
def call_function(func, func_token, args, kwargs, pure=None, nout=None):
    dask_key_name = kwargs.pop("dask_key_name", None)
    pure = kwargs.pop("pure", pure)

    if dask_key_name is None:
        name = "{}-{}".format(
            tokenize(func_token, *args, pure=pure, **kwargs),
        name = dask_key_name

    args2, collections = unzip(map(unpack_collections, args), 2)
    collections = list(concat(collections))

    if kwargs:
        dask_kwargs, collections2 = unpack_collections(kwargs)
        task = (apply, func, list(args2), dask_kwargs)
        task = (func, ) + args2

    graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name, {name: task},
    nout = nout if nout is not None else None
    return Delayed(name, graph, length=nout)
Exemplo n.º 8
def optimize(dsk, keys, **kwargs):
    if not isinstance(keys, (list, set)):
        keys = [keys]
    if not isinstance(dsk, HighLevelGraph):
        dsk = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(id(dsk), dsk, dependencies=())
    dsk = dsk.cull(set(flatten(keys)))
    return dsk
Exemplo n.º 9
def dask_to_tfrecords(df,
    """Store Dask.dataframe to TFRecord files."""
    makedirs(folder, exist_ok=True)
    compression_ext = get_compression_ext(compression_type)
    filenames = [
        get_part_filename(i, compression_ext) for i in range(df.npartitions)

    # Also write a meta data file
    write_meta(df, folder, compression_type)

    dsk = {}
    name = "to-tfrecord-" + tokenize(df, folder)
    part_tasks = []
    kwargs = {}

    for d, filename in enumerate(filenames):
        dsk[(name, d)] = (apply, pandas_df_to_tfrecords, [
            (df._name, d),
            os.path.join(folder, filename), compression_type, compression_level
        ], kwargs)
        part_tasks.append((name, d))

    dsk[name] = (lambda x: None, part_tasks)

    graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name, dsk, dependencies=[df])
    out = Delayed(name, graph)
    out = out.compute()
    return out
Exemplo n.º 10
def overlap_internal(x, axes):
    """Share boundaries between neighboring blocks


    x: da.Array
        A dask array
    axes: dict
        The size of the shared boundary per axis

    The axes input informs how many cells to overlap between neighboring blocks
    {0: 2, 2: 5} means share two cells in 0 axis, 5 cells in 2 axis
    token = tokenize(x, axes)
    name = "overlap-" + token

    graph = ArrayOverlapLayer(
    graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name, graph, dependencies=[x])
    chunks = _overlap_internal_chunks(x.chunks, axes)

    return Array(graph, name, chunks, meta=x)
Exemplo n.º 11
def cached_array(array):
    Return a new array that functionally has the same values as array,
    but flattens the underlying graph and introduces a cache lookup
    when the individual array chunks are accessed.

    Useful for caching data that can fit in-memory for the duration
    of the graph's execution.
    dsk = dict(array.__dask_graph__())
    keys = set(flatten(array.__dask_keys__()))

    # Inline + cull everything except the current array
    inline_keys = set(dsk.keys() - keys)
    dsk2 = inline(dsk, inline_keys, inline_constants=True)
    dsk3, _ = cull(dsk2, keys)

    # Create a cache used to store array values
    cache = ArrayCache(uuid.uuid4().hex)

    for k in keys:
        dsk3[k] = (cache_entry, cache, Key(k), dsk3.pop(k))

    graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(array.name, dsk3, [])

    return da.Array(graph, array.name, array.chunks, array.dtype)
Exemplo n.º 12
def da_yxbt_sink(
    bands: Tuple[da.Array, ...], chunks: Tuple[int, ...], name="yxbt"
) -> da.Array:
    each band is in <t,y,x>
    output is <y,x,b,t>

    eval(bands) |> transpose(YXBT) |> Store(RAM) |> DaskArray(RAM, chunks)
    tk = tokenize(*bands)

    b = bands[0]
    dtype = b.dtype
    nt, ny, nx = b.shape
    nb = len(bands)
    shape = (ny, nx, nb, nt)

    token = Cache.dask_new(shape, dtype, f"{name}_alloc")

    sinks = [dask.delayed(_YXBTSink)(token, idx) for idx in range(nb)]
    fut = da.store(bands, sinks, lock=False, compute=False)
    sink_name = f"{name}_collect-{tk}"
    dsk = dict(fut.dask)
    dsk[sink_name] = (lambda *x: x[0], token.key, *fut.dask[fut.key])
    dsk = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(sink_name, dsk, dependencies=sinks)
    token_done = Delayed(sink_name, dsk)

    return _da_from_mem(token_done, shape=shape, dtype=dtype, chunks=chunks, name=name)
Exemplo n.º 13
def _compute_rechunk(x, chunks):
    """Compute the rechunk of *x* to the given *chunks*."""
    if x.size == 0:
        # Special case for empty array, as the algorithm below does not behave correctly
        return empty(x.shape, chunks=chunks, dtype=x.dtype)

    ndim = x.ndim
    crossed = intersect_chunks(x.chunks, chunks)
    x2 = dict()
    intermediates = dict()
    token = tokenize(x, chunks)
    merge_name = "rechunk-merge-" + token
    split_name = "rechunk-split-" + token
    split_name_suffixes = count()

    # Pre-allocate old block references, to allow re-use and reduce the
    # graph's memory footprint a bit.
    old_blocks = np.empty([len(c) for c in x.chunks], dtype="O")
    for index in np.ndindex(old_blocks.shape):
        old_blocks[index] = (x.name, ) + index

    # Iterate over all new blocks
    new_index = product(*(range(len(c)) for c in chunks))

    for new_idx, cross1 in zip(new_index, crossed):
        key = (merge_name, ) + new_idx
        old_block_indices = [[cr[i][0] for cr in cross1] for i in range(ndim)]
        subdims1 = [len(set(old_block_indices[i])) for i in range(ndim)]

        rec_cat_arg = np.empty(subdims1, dtype="O")
        rec_cat_arg_flat = rec_cat_arg.flat

        # Iterate over the old blocks required to build the new block
        for rec_cat_index, ind_slices in enumerate(cross1):
            old_block_index, slices = zip(*ind_slices)
            name = (split_name, next(split_name_suffixes))
            old_index = old_blocks[old_block_index][1:]
            if all(slc.start == 0 and slc.stop == x.chunks[i][ind]
                   for i, (slc, ind) in enumerate(zip(slices, old_index))):
                rec_cat_arg_flat[rec_cat_index] = old_blocks[old_block_index]
                intermediates[name] = (getitem, old_blocks[old_block_index],
                rec_cat_arg_flat[rec_cat_index] = name

        assert rec_cat_index == rec_cat_arg.size - 1

        # New block is formed by concatenation of sliced old blocks
        if all(d == 1 for d in rec_cat_arg.shape):
            x2[key] = rec_cat_arg.flat[0]
            x2[key] = (concatenate3, rec_cat_arg.tolist())

    del old_blocks, new_index

    layer = toolz.merge(x2, intermediates)
    graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(merge_name,
    return Array(graph, merge_name, chunks, meta=x)
Exemplo n.º 14
def optimize(dsk, keys, **kwargs):
    if not isinstance(keys, (list, set)):
        keys = [keys]
    keys = list(core.flatten(keys))

    if not isinstance(dsk, HighLevelGraph):
        dsk = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(id(dsk), dsk, dependencies=())
        # Perform Blockwise optimizations for HLG input
        dsk = optimize_dataframe_getitem(dsk, keys=keys)
        dsk = optimize_blockwise(dsk, keys=keys)
        dsk = fuse_roots(dsk, keys=keys)
    dsk = dsk.cull(set(keys))

    # Do not perform low-level fusion unless the user has
    # specified True explicitly. The configuration will
    # be None by default.
    if not config.get("optimization.fuse.active"):
        return dsk

    dependencies = dsk.get_all_dependencies()
    dsk = ensure_dict(dsk)

    fuse_subgraphs = config.get("optimization.fuse.subgraphs")
    if fuse_subgraphs is None:
        fuse_subgraphs = True
    dsk, _ = fuse(
    dsk, _ = cull(dsk, keys)
    return dsk
Exemplo n.º 15
def to_textfiles_binned(b,

    mode = "wb" if encoding is None else "wt"
    files = open_files(path,
                       name_function=file_namer(bin_size, nbins).name_function,
                       num=b.npartitions * nbins,
                       **(storage_options or {}))

    name = "to-textfiles-binned-" + uuid.uuid4().hex
    dsk = {(name, i): (_to_textfiles_chunk_binned, (b.name, i),
                       files[k:k + nbins], last_endline, bin_size)
           for i, k in enumerate(range(0, len(files), nbins))}
    graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name, dsk, dependencies=[b])
    out = type(b)(graph, name, b.npartitions)

    if compute:
        return [f.path for f in files]
        return out.to_delayed()
Exemplo n.º 16
def to_dask_array(
    agghist: AggHistogram,
    flow: bool = False,
    dd: bool = False,
) -> tuple[DaskArray, ...] | tuple[DaskArray, list[DaskArray]]:
    """Convert `agghist` to a `dask.array` return style.

    agghist : AggHistogram
        The aggregated histogram collection to convert.
    flow : bool
        If ``True``, include under- and over-flow bins
    dd : bool
        If True, use ``histogramdd`` style return.

    See Also

    Union[Tuple[DaskCollection, List[DaskCollection]], Tuple[DaskCollection, ...]]
        The first return is always the bin counts. If `dd` is ``True``
        the second return is a list where each element is an array of
        bin edges for each axis. If `dd` is ``False``, the bin edge
        arrays will not be stored in a list (`histogram2d` style

    name = f"to-dask-array-{tokenize(agghist)}"
    zeros = (0, ) * agghist.histref.ndim
    dsk = {
        (name, *zeros):
        (lambda x, f: x.to_numpy(flow=f)[0], agghist.name, flow)
    graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name,
                                            dependencies=(agghist, ))
    shape = agghist.histref.shape
    if flow:
        shape = tuple(i + 2 for i in shape)
    int_storage = agghist.histref._storage_type in (
    dt = int if int_storage else float
    c = DaskArray(graph, name=name, shape=shape, chunks=shape, dtype=dt)
    axes = agghist.histref.axes

    if flow:
        edges = [
            asarray(np.concatenate([[-np.inf], ax.edges, [np.inf]]))
            for ax in axes
        edges = [asarray(ax.edges) for ax in axes]
    if dd:
        return c, edges
    return (c, *tuple(edges))
Exemplo n.º 17
def dask_hist2d(x: da.Array, y: da.Array, bins: int, range, density=False):
    if x.shape != y.shape:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Mismatch in argument shaoes: x.shape == {x.shape}; y.shape == {y.shape}"

    token = tokenize(x, y, bins, range, density)
    name = "histogram2d-sum-" + token

    x_keys = flatten(x.__dask_keys__())
    y_keys = flatten(y.__dask_keys__())

    dsk = {
        (name, i, 0, 0): (_block_fast_hist2d, xi, yi, bins, range)
        for i, (xi, yi) in enumerate(zip(x_keys, y_keys))
    dtype = np.histogram2d([], [])[0].dtype

    graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name, dsk, dependencies=(x, y))

    # turn graph into a 3D array of shape (nchunks, nbins, nbins)
    nchunks = len(list(flatten(x.__dask_keys__())))
    chunks = ((1,) * nchunks, (bins,), (bins,))
    mapped = Array(graph, name, chunks, dtype=dtype)
    n = mapped.sum(axis=0)
    return n
Exemplo n.º 18
    def random_frame(self, seed: int, dc: DataContainer,
                     **kwargs) -> dd.Series:
        """This function - in contrast to others in this module - will only ever be called on data frames"""

        random_state = np.random.RandomState(seed=seed)

        # Idea taken from dask.DataFrame.sample:
        # initialize a random state for each of the partitions
        # separately and then create a random series
        # for each partition
        df = dc.df
        name = "sample-" + tokenize(df, random_state)

        state_data = random_state_data(df.npartitions, random_state)
        dsk = {(name, i): (
            (df._name, i),
               for i, state in enumerate(state_data)}

        graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name, dsk, dependencies=[df])
        random_series = Series(graph, name, ("random", "float64"),

        # This part seems to be stupid, but helps us do a very simple
        # task without going into the (private) internals of Dask:
        # copy all meta information from the original input dataframe
        # This is important so that the returned series looks
        # exactly like coming from the input dataframe
        return_df = df.assign(random=random_series)["random"]
        return return_df
Exemplo n.º 19
def wavg_full_f(data, flags, weights, chanav, threshold=0.8):
    """Perform weighted average of data, flags and weights, over axis -3.

    This applies flags and uses the specified number of channels.

    data       : array of complex
    flags      : array of boolean
    weights    : array of floats
    chanav     : number of channels over which to average, integer

    av_data    : weighted average of data
    av_flags   : weighted average of flags
    av_weights : weighted average of weights
    # We rechunk (if needed) to get blocks that are multiples of chanav
    # long, then apply the non-dask version of wavg_full_f per block.
    # This would be simple with da.core.map_blocks, but it doesn't
    # support multiple outputs, so we need to do manual construction
    # of the dask graphs.
    chunks = _align_chunks(data.chunks, {1: chanav})
    out_chunks = list(chunks)
    # Divide by chanav, rounding up
    # use axis -3 for freq, to support cases where time axis has been averaged away
    out_chunks[-3] = tuple((x + chanav - 1) // chanav for x in chunks[-3])
    out_chunks = tuple(out_chunks)

    data = data.rechunk(chunks)
    flags = flags.rechunk(chunks)
    weights = weights.rechunk(chunks)

    token = da.core.tokenize(data, flags, weights, chanav, threshold)
    base_name = 'wavg_full_f-' + token
    keys = list(dask.core.flatten(data.__dask_keys__()))

    base_layer = {(base_name, ) + key[1:]:
                  (calprocs.wavg_full_f, key, (flags.name, ) + key[1:],
                   (weights.name, ) + key[1:], chanav, threshold)
                  for key in keys}
    base_graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(base_name, base_layer,
                                                 [data, flags, weights])

    def sub_array(name, idx, dtype):
        layer = {(name, ) + key[1:]:
                 (operator.getitem, (base_name, ) + key[1:], idx)
                 for key in keys}
        layers = dict(base_graph.layers)
        layers[name] = layer
        dependencies = dict(base_graph.dependencies)
        dependencies[name] = {base_name}
        dsk = HighLevelGraph(layers, dependencies)
        return da.Array(dsk, name, out_chunks, dtype)

    av_data = sub_array('wavg_full_f-data-' + token, 0, data.dtype)
    av_flags = sub_array('wavg_full_f-flags-' + token, 1, flags.dtype)
    av_weights = sub_array('wavg_full_f-weights-' + token, 2, weights.dtype)
    return av_data, av_flags, av_weights
Exemplo n.º 20
    def _loc_element(self, iindexer, cindexer):
        name = "loc-%s" % tokenize(iindexer, self.obj)
        part = self._get_partitions(iindexer)

        if iindexer < self.obj.divisions[0] or iindexer > self.obj.divisions[
            raise KeyError("the label [%s] is not in the index" %

        dsk = {
            (name, 0): (
                (self._name, part),
                slice(iindexer, iindexer),

        meta = self._make_meta(iindexer, cindexer)
        graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name,
        return new_dd_object(graph,
                             divisions=[iindexer, iindexer])
Exemplo n.º 21
    def _run_fornav_single(self, data, out_chunks, target_geo_def, fill_value,
        ll2cr_result = self.cache['ll2cr_result']
        ll2cr_blocks = self.cache['ll2cr_blocks'].items()
        ll2cr_numblocks = ll2cr_result.shape if isinstance(
            ll2cr_result, np.ndarray) else ll2cr_result.numblocks
        fornav_task_name = f"fornav-{data.name}-{ll2cr_result.name}"
        maximum_weight_mode = kwargs.setdefault('maximum_weight_mode', False)
        weight_sum_min = kwargs.setdefault('weight_sum_min', -1.0)
        output_stack = self._generate_fornav_dask_tasks(
            out_chunks, ll2cr_blocks, fornav_task_name, data.name,
            target_geo_def, fill_value, kwargs)

        dsk_graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(
            fornav_task_name, output_stack, dependencies=[data, ll2cr_result])
        stack_chunks = (
            (1, ) * (ll2cr_numblocks[0] * ll2cr_numblocks[1]), ) + out_chunks
        out_stack = da.Array(dsk_graph, fornav_task_name, stack_chunks,
        combine_fornav_with_kwargs = partial(
            _combine_fornav, maximum_weight_mode=maximum_weight_mode)
        average_fornav_with_kwargs = partial(
        out = da.reduction(out_stack,
                           axis=(0, ),
        return out
Exemplo n.º 22
def _create_window_dask(name,
    if backend == "zarr-disk" and path is None:
        path = mkdtemp(prefix='-'.join(('tricolour', name, 'windows', '')))

    # Include name and token in new token
    token = dask.base.tokenize(name, ntime, nchan, nbl, ncorr, token, dtype,
                               default, backend, path)

    collection_name = '-'.join(("create", name, "windows", token))
    layers = {
        (collection_name, 0): (_create_window, name, ntime, nchan, nbl, ncorr,
                               dtype, default, token, backend, path)

    graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(collection_name, layers, ())
    chunks = ((0, ), )  # One chunk containing single zarr array object
    return da.Array(graph, collection_name, chunks, dtype=np.object)
Exemplo n.º 23
def _rechunk_2x2(xx, name="2x2"):
    this is for testing only, ignore it, it's not robust
    assert xx.ndim == 2
    name = randomize(name)
    ny, nx = (len(ch) // 2 for ch in xx.chunks[:2])

    dsk = {}
    chunks = _chunk_getter(xx)

    for r, c in np.ndindex((ny, nx)):
        r2 = r * 2
        c2 = c * 2
        ch_idx = np.s_[r2:r2 + 2, c2:c2 + 2]
        _xx = chunks(ch_idx)
        dsk[(name, r, c)] = (_stack_2d_np, (2, 2), *_xx)

    chy = tuple(xx.chunks[0][i * 2] + xx.chunks[0][i * 2 + 1]
                for i in range(ny))
    chx = tuple(xx.chunks[1][i * 2] + xx.chunks[1][i * 2 + 1]
                for i in range(nx))

    chunks = (chy, chx)
    dsk = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name, dsk, dependencies=(xx, ))

    return da.Array(dsk, name, chunks=chunks, dtype=xx.dtype, shape=xx.shape)
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_annotations_survive_optimization():
    with dask.annotate(foo="bar"):
        graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(
                "a": 1,
                "b": (inc, "a"),
                "c": (inc, "b")
        d = Delayed("b", graph)

    assert type(d.dask) is HighLevelGraph
    assert len(d.dask.layers) == 1
    assert len(d.dask.layers["b"]) == 3
    assert d.dask.layers["b"].annotations == {"foo": "bar"}

    # Ensure optimizing a Delayed object returns a HighLevelGraph
    # and doesn't loose annotations
    (d_opt, ) = dask.optimize(d)
    assert type(d_opt.dask) is HighLevelGraph
    assert len(d_opt.dask.layers) == 1
    assert len(d_opt.dask.layers["b"]) == 2  # c is culled
    assert d_opt.dask.layers["b"].annotations == {"foo": "bar"}
Exemplo n.º 25
def clip(gdf, mask, keep_geom_type=False):
    if isinstance(mask, (GeoDataFrame, GeoSeries)):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Mask cannot be a Dask GeoDataFrame or GeoSeries.")

    if gdf.spatial_partitions is None:
        return gdf.map_partitions(
            lambda partition: geopandas.clip(
                gdf=partition, mask=mask, keep_geom_type=keep_geom_type),

    new_spatial_partitions = geopandas.clip(
        # keep_geom_type is always false for clipping the spatial partitions
        # otherwise we'd be falsely creating new partition(s)
    intersecting_partitions = np.asarray(new_spatial_partitions.index)

    name = f"clip-{tokenize(gdf, mask, keep_geom_type)}"
    dsk = {(name, i): (geopandas.clip, (gdf._name, l), mask, keep_geom_type)
           for i, l in enumerate(intersecting_partitions)}
    divisions = [None] * (len(dsk) + 1)
    graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name, dsk, dependencies=[gdf])
    if isinstance(gdf, GeoDataFrame):
        result = GeoDataFrame(graph, name, gdf._meta, tuple(divisions))
    elif isinstance(gdf, GeoSeries):
        result = GeoSeries(graph, name, gdf._meta, tuple(divisions))
    result.spatial_partitions = new_spatial_partitions

    return result
Exemplo n.º 26
def downscale_dask(
    array: Any,
    reduction: Callable[[NDArray[Any], Tuple[int, ...]], NDArray[Any]],
    scale_factors: Union[int, Sequence[int], Dict[int, int]],
    **kwargs: Any,
) -> Any:

    if not np.all((np.array(array.shape) % np.array(scale_factors)) == 0):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Coarsening factors {scale_factors} do not align with array shape {array.shape}."

    array = align_chunks(array, scale_factors)
    name = "downscale-" + tokenize(reduction, array, scale_factors)
    dsk = {
        (name,) + key[1:]: (apply, reduction, [key, scale_factors], kwargs)
        for key in flatten(array.__dask_keys__())
    chunks = tuple(
        tuple(int(size // scale_factors[axis]) for size in sizes)
        for axis, sizes in enumerate(array.chunks)

    meta = reduction(
        np.empty(scale_factors, dtype=array.dtype), scale_factors, **kwargs
    graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name, dsk, dependencies=[array])
    return Array(graph, name, chunks, meta=meta)
Exemplo n.º 27
def read(filename, shape, chunks):
    from dask.highlevelgraph import HighLevelGraph
    from dask.array.core import normalize_chunks, Array
    from itertools import product
    from ...tunable import delayed
    from numpy import prod, dtype
    import xmltodict

    records = scan_file(filename)
    records = {r["lime_type"]: r for r in records}

    data_record = records["ildg-binary-data"]
    data_offset = data_record["pos"]

    info = xmltodict.parse(records["ildg-format"]["data"])["ildgFormat"]
    dtype = dtype("complex%d" % (int(info["precision"]) * 2))

    assert data_record["data_length"] == prod(shape) * dtype.itemsize

    normal_chunks = normalize_chunks(chunks, shape=shape)
    chunks_id = list(product(*[range(len(bd)) for bd in normal_chunks]))

    reads = [
        delayed(read_chunk)(filename, shape, dtype, data_offset, chunks,
                            chunk_id) for chunk_id in chunks_id

    keys = [(filename, *chunk_id) for chunk_id in chunks_id]
    vals = [read.key for read in reads]
    dsk = dict(zip(keys, vals))

    graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(filename, dsk, dependencies=reads)

    return Array(graph, filename, normal_chunks, dtype=dtype)
Exemplo n.º 28
def _checkpoint_one(collection, split_every) -> Delayed:
    tok = tokenize(collection)
    name = "checkpoint-" + tok

    keys_iter = flatten(collection.__dask_keys__())
    except StopIteration:
        # Collection has 0 or 1 keys; no need for a map step
        layer = {name: (chunks.checkpoint, collection.__dask_keys__())}
        dsk = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name,
                                              dependencies=(collection, ))
        return Delayed(name, dsk)

    # Collection has 2+ keys; apply a two-step map->reduce algorithm so that we
    # transfer over the network and store in RAM only a handful of None's instead of
    # the full computed collection's contents
    dsks = []
    map_names = set()
    map_keys = []

    for prev_name in get_collection_names(collection):
        map_name = "checkpoint_map-" + tokenize(prev_name, tok)
        map_layer = _build_map_layer(chunks.checkpoint, prev_name, map_name,
        map_keys += list(map_layer.get_output_keys())
                                            dependencies=(collection, )))

    # recursive aggregation
    reduce_layer: dict = {}
    while split_every and len(map_keys) > split_every:
        k = (name, len(reduce_layer))
        reduce_layer[k] = (chunks.checkpoint, map_keys[:split_every])
        map_keys = map_keys[split_every:] + [k]
    reduce_layer[name] = (chunks.checkpoint, map_keys)

        HighLevelGraph({name: reduce_layer}, dependencies={name: map_names}))
    dsk = HighLevelGraph.merge(*dsks)

    return Delayed(name, dsk)
Exemplo n.º 29
def test_clone(layers):
    dsk1 = {("a", h1): 1, ("a", h2): 2}
    dsk2 = {"b": (add, ("a", h1), ("a", h2))}
    dsk3 = {"c": 1, "d": 1}  # Multiple names
    if layers:
        dsk1 = HighLevelGraph.from_collections("a", dsk1)
        dsk2 = HighLevelGraph({
            "a": dsk1,
            "b": dsk2
                                  "a": set(),
                                  "b": {"a"}
        dsk3 = HighLevelGraph.from_collections("c", dsk3)

    t1 = Tuple(dsk1, [("a", h1), ("a", h2)])
    t2 = Tuple(dsk2, ["b"])
    t3 = Tuple(dsk3, ["c"])

    c1 = clone(t2, seed=1, assume_layers=layers)
    c2 = clone(t2, seed=1, assume_layers=layers)
    c3 = clone(t2, seed=2, assume_layers=layers)
    c4 = clone(c1, seed=1,
               assume_layers=layers)  # Clone of a clone has different keys
    c5 = clone(t2, assume_layers=layers)  # Random seed
    c6 = clone(t2, assume_layers=layers)  # Random seed
    c7 = clone(t2, omit=t1, seed=1, assume_layers=layers)

    assert c1.__dask_graph__() == c2.__dask_graph__()
    assert_no_common_keys(c1, t2, layers=layers)
    assert_no_common_keys(c1, c3, layers=layers)
    assert_no_common_keys(c1, c4, layers=layers)
    assert_no_common_keys(c1, c5, layers=layers)
    assert_no_common_keys(c5, c6, layers=layers)
    assert_no_common_keys(c7, t2, omit=t1, layers=layers)
    assert dask.compute(t2, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7) == ((3, ), ) * 8

    # Clone nested; some of the collections in omit are unrelated
    out = clone({"x": [t2]}, omit={"y": [t1, t3]}, assume_layers=layers)
    assert dask.compute(out) == ({"x": [(3, )]}, )
    c8 = out["x"][0]
    assert_no_common_keys(c8, t2, omit=t1, layers=layers)
    assert_no_common_keys(c8, t3, layers=layers)
Exemplo n.º 30
def _simple_shuffle(df, columns, npartitions, ignore_index=True):

    token = tokenize(df, columns)
    simple_shuffle_group_token = "simple-shuffle-group-" + token
    simple_shuffle_split_token = "simple-shuffle-split-" + token
    simple_shuffle_combine_token = "simple-shuffle-combine-" + token

    # Pre-Materialize tuples with max number of values
    # to be iterated upon in this function and
    # loop using slicing later.
    iter_tuples = tuple(range(max(df.npartitions, npartitions)))

    group = {}
    split = {}
    combine = {}

    for i in iter_tuples[:df.npartitions]:
        # Convert partition into dict of dataframe pieces
        group[(simple_shuffle_group_token, i)] = (
            (df._name, i),

    for j in iter_tuples[:npartitions]:
        _concat_list = []
        for i in iter_tuples[:df.npartitions]:
            # Get out each individual dataframe piece from the dicts
            split[(simple_shuffle_split_token, i, j)] = (
                (simple_shuffle_group_token, i),

            _concat_list.append((simple_shuffle_split_token, i, j))

        # concatenate those pieces together, with their friends
        combine[(simple_shuffle_combine_token, j)] = (

    dsk = toolz.merge(group, split, combine)
    graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(simple_shuffle_combine_token,
    if df.npartitions == npartitions:
        divisions = df.divisions
        divisions = (None, ) * (npartitions + 1)

    return df.__class__(graph, simple_shuffle_combine_token, df, divisions)
Exemplo n.º 31
def test_ensure_dict():
    d = {'x': 1}
    assert ensure_dict(d) is d
    hlg = HighLevelGraph.from_collections('x', d)
    assert type(ensure_dict(hlg)) is dict
    assert ensure_dict(hlg) == d

    class mydict(dict):

    md = mydict()
    md['x'] = 1
    assert type(ensure_dict(md)) is dict
    assert ensure_dict(md) == d