Exemplo n.º 1
def heap(corp, rng):
    vocab_sizes = []
    for ntoks in rng:
        subsample = Sentences(sent_subsample(corp, ntoks))
        vocab_size = compute_vocab_size(subsample)
    return vocab_sizes
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_filters(filter_dir, k, names, param_name, param_ls):
    filters_dict = {}
    for param in param_ls:
        all_samples = corpora_from_pickles(filter_dir, names=names)
        cur_param_filters = [Sentences(c) for name_d, c in all_samples if 
                             name_d["k"] == k and name_d[param_name] == param]
        filters_dict[param] = cur_param_filters
    return filters_dict
Exemplo n.º 3
 def filter_worker(i):
     print("started ", i)
     cur_seed = int.from_bytes(os.urandom(4), byteorder='little')
     filtered = list(filter_typicality_incremental(mp_array, zipf_model, 
                     rank_dict, auto_typ, n, factor*epsilon_f_minus, lt))
     filtered_freqs = compute_freqs(Sentences(filtered))
     print("filtered ", i, " typicality: ", 
           typicality(zipf_model, merge_to_joint(rank_dict, filtered_freqs)))
     name = "_".join((str(n), str(factor), str(i)))
     corpus_to_pickle(filtered, "results/" + lang + "/TF", name)
Exemplo n.º 4
    setup_m = 100
    m = 10
    wiki = list(wiki_from_pickles("data/"+lang+"_pkl"))
    sents = [s for a in wiki for s in a]

    zipf_model, rank_dict, mean_typ, std_typ, auto_typ = setup_filtering(wiki, 
    mean_corrected = abs(mean_typ - auto_typ)
    epsilon_f_plus = mean_corrected + std_typ*factor
    epsilon_f_minus = - epsilon_f_plus
    print("\nModel and Epsilon established")
    print(auto_typ, mean_typ, std_typ)
    print(epsilon_f_minus, epsilon_f_plus)
    for m_i in range(m):
        print("started ", m_i)        
        filtered = list(filter_typicality_incremental(sents, zipf_model, 
                        rank_dict, auto_typ, n, epsilon_f_minus, lt))
        filtered_freqs = compute_freqs(Sentences(filtered))
        print("filtered ", m_i, " typicality: ", 
              typicality(zipf_model, merge_to_joint(rank_dict, filtered_freqs)))

        name = "_".join((str(n), str(factor), str(m_i)))
        corpus_to_pickle(filtered, "results/" + lang + "/TF", name)
Exemplo n.º 5
    print("ARGS: ", lang, factors, hist_lens, "\n")
    d = "results/" + lang + "/"
    results_d = d + "evaluation/"

    k = 1000000

    srfs = get_filters(d + "SRF/", k, ["k", "h", "i"], "h", hist_lens)
    tfs = get_filters(d + "TF/", k, ["k", "f", "i"], "f", factors)

    highest_three_factors = factors[-3:]
    three_tfs = {k: tfs[k] for k in highest_three_factors}
    highest_three_hist_lens = hist_lens[-3:]
    three_srfs = {k: srfs[k] for k in highest_three_hist_lens}

    unis = [
        for _, c in corpora_from_pickles(d + "UNI", names=["k", "i"])

    uni_mean_ranks, uni_mean_freqs = mean_rank_freq_from_samples(unis)
    uni_joints = merge_to_joint(uni_mean_ranks, uni_mean_freqs)
    uni_xs, uni_ys = list(zip(*sorted(uni_joints.values())))

    print("filters loaded", flush=True)

    # MLEs
    tf_mles, srf_mles, uni_mandel = do_mles(tfs, srfs, unis)

    with open(results_d + "mle_mandelbrot.txt", "w") as handle:
        for param, mandel in tf_mles.items():
            handle.write("TF " + str(param))
Exemplo n.º 6
if __name__ == "__main__":
    n = 100000
    d = "results/ALS/"

    wiki = list(wiki_from_pickles("data/ALS_pkl"))
    sent_d, label_f = number_sents((s for a in wiki for s in a))
    word_d, word_label_f = number_words((w for a in wiki for s in a
                                         for w in s))

    # SRFs
    srf_samples = list(corpora_from_pickles(d + "SRF", names=["n", "h", "i"]))
    srf_10 = [
        Sentences(c) for name_d, c in srf_samples
        if name_d["n"] == n and name_d["h"] == 10
    srf_20 = [
        Sentences(c) for name_d, c in srf_samples
        if name_d["n"] == n and name_d["h"] == 20
    srf_30 = [
        Sentences(c) for name_d, c in srf_samples
        if name_d["n"] == n and name_d["h"] == 30
    tf_samples = list(corpora_from_pickles(d + "TF", names=["n", "f", "i"]))
    tf_50 = [
        Sentences(c) for name_d, c in tf_samples
        if name_d["n"] == n and name_d["f"] == 50
Exemplo n.º 7
    c_vec1, c_vec2 = [cs1[x] for x in sorted(universe)], [cs2[x] for x in sorted(universe)]
    return sum(min(one, two) for one, two in zip(c_vec1, c_vec2))/sum(max(one, two) for one, two in zip(c_vec1, c_vec2))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    n = 100000
    d = "results/ALS/"
    wiki = list(wiki_from_pickles("data/ALS_pkl"))
    print("Total num sents", len([s for a in wiki for s in a]))
    srf_samples = corpora_from_pickles(d + "SRF", names=["n", "h", "i"])
    srf_30 = [Sentences(c) for name_d, c in srf_samples if name_d["n"] == n and 
                                                  name_d["h"] == 30]
    tf_samples = corpora_from_pickles(d + "TF", names=["n", "f", "i"])
    tf_100 = [Sentences(c) for name_d, c in tf_samples if name_d["n"] == n and 
                                                  name_d["f"] == 100]    
    uni_samples = corpora_from_pickles(d + "UNI", names=["n", "i"])
    uni = [Sentences(c) for name_d, c in uni_samples if name_d["n"] == n]
    for subcorp_set, name in zip([srf_30, tf_100, uni], ["SRF", "TF", "UNI"]):
        print("\n", name)
        shuffled_sents = rand.permutation([s for subcorp in subcorp_set