Exemplo n.º 1
def get_projection(structureid, timeid, source):
    scoring = dbMgr.query("""select distinct scoring from contestStructure where structureid = '{}'""".format(
    return dbMgr.query("""select playerid, value as proj from projections p
                        where timeid = {}
                        and statistic like 'FPTS_{}'
                        and source like '{}'""".format(
                    timeid, scoring['scoring'][0], source)).set_index('playerid')['proj']
Exemplo n.º 2
def contest_insert(link, timeid=None, structureid=None):
    str_qry = 'select contestid from contests where link = ?'
    qry_df = dbMgr.query(str_qry, (link,))
    if len(qry_df['contestid']) == 0:
        assert None not in (timeid, structureid), "Incorrect inputs into contest insert function"
        to_insert = pd.Series({'link': link,
                               'timeid': timeid,
                               'structureid': structureid})
        dbMgr.series_insert(to_insert, 'contests', True)
        qry_df = dbMgr.query(str_qry, (link,))
    return qry_df['contestid'][0]
Exemplo n.º 3
def structure_search(platform, scoring, description):
    str_qry = """select structureid from contestStructure where platform = ? and scoring = ? and description = ?"""
    qry_df = dbMgr.query(str_qry, (platform, scoring, description))
    if len(qry_df['structureid']) == 0:
        to_insert = pd.Series({'platform': platform,
                               'scoring': scoring,
                               'description': description,
                               'structureid': None})
        dbMgr.series_insert(to_insert, 'contestStructure', True)
        qry_df = dbMgr.query(str_qry, (platform, scoring, description))
    structure_constraints(qry_df['structureid'][0], platform, description)
    return qry_df['structureid'][0]
Exemplo n.º 4
def game_insert(link, timeid=None, hometeamid=None, awayteamid=None, date=None):
    str_qry = 'select gameid from games where link = ?'
    qry_df = dbMgr.query(str_qry, (link,))
    if len(qry_df['gameid']) == 0:
        assert None not in (timeid, hometeamid, awayteamid, date), "Incorrect inputs into game insert function"
        to_insert = pd.Series({'link': link,
                               'timeid': timeid,
                               'hometeamid': hometeamid,
                               'awayteamid': awayteamid,
                               'date': date})
        dbMgr.series_insert(to_insert, 'games', True)
        qry_df = dbMgr.query(str_qry, (link,))
    return qry_df['gameid'][0]
Exemplo n.º 5
def time_search(season=None, week=None, date=None):
    if None not in (season, week):
        str_qry = 'select timeid from time where season = ? and week = ?'
        qry_df = dbMgr.query(str_qry, (season, week))
        if len(qry_df['timeid']) == 0:
            to_insert = pd.Series({'season': season,
                                   'week': week,
                                   'timeid': None})
            dbMgr.series_insert(to_insert, 'time', True)
            qry_df = dbMgr.query(str_qry, (season, week))
    elif date is not None:
        str_qry = 'select distinct timeid from games where date = ?'
        qry_df = dbMgr.query(str_qry, (date,))
    assert len(qry_df['timeid']) == 1, "Times are not loaded properly"
    return qry_df['timeid'][0]
Exemplo n.º 6
def structure_constraints(structureid, platform, description):
    str_qry = """select structureid from structureConstraints where structureid = ?"""
    qry_df = dbMgr.query(str_qry, (structureid,))
    constraint_df = None
    if len(qry_df['structureid']) == 0:
        if platform == 'fanduel':
            if description == 'all week without kicker':
                list_constraints = [("bound", "<=", None, 1), ("bound", ">=", None, 0), ("dot", "==", 'DST', 1),
                    ("dot", "==", 'QB', 1), ("dot", ">=", 'RB', 2), ("dot", "<=", 'RB', 3), ("dot", ">=", 'WR', 3),
                    ("dot", "<=", 'WR', 4), ("dot", ">=", 'TE', 1), ("dot", "<=", 'TE', 2), ("dot", "==", 'Flex', 7),
                    ("dot", "<=", 'salary', 60000)]
            elif description == 'all week with kicker':
                list_constraints = [("bound", "<=", None, 1), ("bound", ">=", None, 0), ("dot", "==", 'DST', 1),
                    ("dot", "==", 'QB', 1), ("dot", "==", 'RB', 2), ("dot", "==", 'WR', 3), ("dot", "==", 'TE', 1),
                    ("dot", "<=", 'salary', 60000), ("dot", "==", 'K', 1)]
        elif platform == 'draftkings':
            list_constraints = [("bound", "<=", None, 1), ("bound", ">=", None, 0), ("dot", "==", 'DST', 1),
                    ("dot", "==", 'QB', 1), ("dot", ">=", 'RB', 2), ("dot", "<=", 'RB', 3), ("dot", ">=", 'WR', 3),
                    ("dot", "<=", 'WR', 4), ("dot", ">=", 'TE', 1), ("dot", "<=", 'TE', 2), ("dot", "==", 'Flex', 7),
                    ("dot", "<=", 'salary', 50000)]
        elif platform == 'yahoo':
            list_constraints = [("bound", "<=", None, 1), ("bound", ">=", None, 0), ("dot", "==", 'DST', 1),
                                ("dot", "==", 'QB', 1), ("dot", ">=", 'RB', 2), ("dot", "<=", 'RB', 3),
                                ("dot", ">=", 'WR', 3), ("dot", "<=", 'WR', 4), ("dot", ">=", 'TE', 1),
                                ("dot", "<=", 'TE', 2), ("dot", "==", 'Flex', 7), ("dot", "<=", 'salary', 200)]
        constraint_df = pd.DataFrame(list_constraints)
    if constraint_df is not None:
        constraint_df.columns = ['type', 'operator', 'vec', 'bound']
        constraint_df['structureid'] = structureid
        dbMgr.df_insert(constraint_df, 'structureConstraints', True)
    return None
Exemplo n.º 7
def get_player_cov(structureid, timeid):
    position_cov = get_position_cov(structureid)
    projections = proj.get_expected_points(structureid, timeid)
    player_mappings = dbMgr.query("""select cp.playerid, position,
                        teamid, oppid from contestPlayers cp
                        join contestStructure s on cp.structureid = s.structureid
                        join games g on g.timeid = cp.timeid
                        join playsForTeam pfr on pfr.gameid = g.gameid and pfr.playerid = cp.playerid
                        where s.structureid = {s} and cp.timeid = {t}""".
    pm = player_mappings.join(projections, how='inner')
    pm['indRank'] = pm.groupby(['teamid',
    pm['adjPosition'] = pm['position'] + pm['indRank'].astype(int).astype(str)
    filtered_data = pm[pm['adjPosition'].isin(list(position_cov.columns))]
    asset_max = {}
    for r1, row1 in filtered_data.iterrows():
        for r2, row2 in filtered_data.iterrows():
            if row1['teamid'] == row2['teamid']:
                asset_max[(r1, r2)] = position_cov.loc['Own'][
            elif row1['teamid'] == row2['oppid']:
                asset_max[(r1, r2)] = position_cov.loc['Opposing'][
                asset_max[(r1, r2)] = 0
    return pd.Series(asset_max).unstack(level=1)
Exemplo n.º 8
def load_projections(historical=False):
    for proj_source, proj_class in projections_sources.items():
        if historical:
            all_data = pd.DataFrame()
            for year in years:
                for week in weeks:
                    exist_df = dbMgr.query("""select playerid from projections proj
                                            join time t on proj.timeid = t.timeid
                                            where season = {}
                                            and week = {}
                                            and source = '{}'""".format(year, week, proj_source))
                    if len(exist_df) == 0:
                        platform_df = proj_class.get_projections(year, week)
                        if platform_df is not None:
                            platform_df['timeid'] = exp.time_search(year, week)
                            platform_df['source'] = proj_source
                            all_data = all_data.append(platform_df, ignore_index=True, sort=False)
            1 + 1
        if len(all_data) > 0:
            all_data['playerid'] = all_data.apply(lambda x: exp.player_search(x.PLAYER, dst_mode=(x.position == 'DST'),
                                                                              filters={'position': x.position,
                                                                                       'year': x.year,
                                                                                       'team': x.TEAM},
                                                                              auto_insert=True, source=proj_source,
                                                                              sourceid=x.SOURCE, allow_missing=True),
            all_data = all_data[all_data['playerid'].notnull()]
            stats = list(set(sum(proj_class.positions.values(), [])).union({'FPTS_HALF', 'FPTS_STD', 'FPTS_FULL'}))
            stacked_df = all_data.groupby(['timeid', 'playerid', 'source'])[stats].mean().stack().dropna().reset_index()
            stacked_df.columns = ['timeid', 'playerid', 'source', 'statistic', 'value']
            dbMgr.df_insert(stacked_df, 'projections', True)
    return None
Exemplo n.º 9
def load_ownership(historical=False):
    if historical:
        dates = dbMgr.query("""select distinct date, season from games g 
                        join time t on g.timeid = t.timeid order by date""")
        all_dates = dates[dates['date'] > '2016-09-10'].set_index('date', verify_integrity=True)['season']
        import pickle
        with open('ownership.pickle', 'rb') as handle:
            test_data = pickle.load(handle)
        day_df = {}
        for key in test_data.keys():
            if (test_data[key][0] is not None) and (pd.to_datetime(key).day_name() == 'Sunday'):
                possible_keys = [x for x in test_data[key][0].keys() if
                                 ('Classic' in x or 'SalaryCap' in x) and '1:00 pm' in x]
                if len(possible_keys) > 0:
                    temp_max = 0
                    temp_contest = None
                    for pk in possible_keys:
                        if test_data[key][0][pk].shape[0] > temp_max:
                            temp_max = test_data[key][0][pk].shape[0]
                            temp_contest = pk
                    if temp_contest is not None:
                        if len(test_data[key][1][temp_contest]) > 100:
                            day_df[key] = temp_contest
        for dd, val in day_df.items():
            contest_df = test_data[dd][0][val]
            ownership_df = test_data[dd][1][val]
            ownership_df.columns = [x.replace('$', '').replace(',', '') for x in ownership_df.columns]
            exclude_contests = contest_df['Name'].value_counts()[contest_df['Name'].value_counts() > 1].index
            filtered_df = ownership_df[ownership_df['Avg'] > 0.0001].drop(exclude_contests, axis=1, errors='ignore')
            valid_contests = [x for x in filtered_df.columns if x not in ['Player', 'Pos', 'Avg', 'Fpts']]
            valid_df = contest_df[
                contest_df['Name'].isin(valid_contests) & -contest_df['Name'].isin(exclude_contests)].drop_duplicates()
            timeid = exp.time_search(date=dd)
            structureid = exp.structure_search('draftkings', 'FULL', 'all week without kicker')
            valid_df['contestid'] = valid_df.apply(lambda x: exp.contest_insert(x.Link, timeid, structureid), axis=1)
            link_map = valid_df.set_index('Name')['contestid']
            pivoted_df = valid_df.set_index('contestid').drop(['Name', 'Link', 'Winner'],
            pivoted_df.columns = ['stat', 'contestid', 'value']
            dbMgr.df_insert(pivoted_df[['contestid', 'stat', 'value']], 'contestStats', True)
            filtered_df = filtered_df[['Player', 'Pos', 'Avg', 'Fpts']+list(link_map.keys())]
            filtered_df.columns = [link_map[x]
                                   if x in valid_contests
                                   else x for x in filtered_df.columns]
            filtered_df['playerid'] = filtered_df.apply(
                lambda x: exp.player_search(x.Player, dst_mode=(x.Pos == 'DST'),
                                            filters={'position': x.Pos,
                                                     'year': all_dates[dd],
                                                     'points': x.Fpts,
                                                     'platform': 'dk',
                                                     'date': dd},
                                            auto_insert=True, allow_missing=True), axis=1)
            player_df = filtered_df.set_index('playerid').drop(['Player', 'Pos', 'Avg', 'Fpts'], axis=1)
            stacked_df = player_df.replace(0.0, np.nan).unstack().dropna().reset_index().drop_duplicates()
            stacked_df.columns = ['contestid', 'playerid', 'value']
            dbMgr.df_insert(stacked_df[['contestid', 'playerid', 'value']], 'contestOwnership', True)
        1 + 1
    return None
Exemplo n.º 10
def get_platform_constraints(structureid, data_uni=None):
    constraint_df = dbMgr.query(
        """select type, operator, vec, bound from structureConstraints con
                            where structureid = {}""".format(structureid))
    if data_uni is not None:
        constraint_df['vec'] = constraint_df['vec'].apply(
            lambda x: data_uni[x] if x is not None else x)
    return list(constraint_df.itertuples(index=False, name=None))
Exemplo n.º 11
def get_platform_data(structureid, timeid):
    p_data = dbMgr.query(
        """select playerid, position, salary, points from contestPlayers cp
                        where timeid = {}
                        and structureid = {}""".format(
            timeid, structureid)).set_index('playerid')
    p_data = p_data.join(pd.get_dummies(p_data['position']))
    p_data['Flex'] = p_data['RB'] + p_data['TE'] + p_data['WR']
    return p_data
Exemplo n.º 12
def get_position_cov(structureid):
    contest_data = dbMgr.query("""
                        select cp.playerid, t.timeid, season, week, position, points as actualPoints,
                        teamid, oppid, value as projectedPoints from contestPlayers cp
                        join contestStructure s on cp.structureid = s.structureid
                        join games g on g.timeid = cp.timeid
                        join playsForTeam pfr on pfr.gameid = g.gameid and pfr.playerid = cp.playerid
                        join projections proj on proj.timeid = cp.timeid and proj.playerid = cp.playerid
                        join time t on t.timeid = proj.timeid
                        where s.structureid = {}
                        and source = 'fantasypros'
                        and statistic = 'FPTS_' || s.scoring""".format(
    universe_data = dbMgr.query("""
                        select timeid, playerid, avg(value) as meanOwnership from contestOwnership co
                        join contests c on c.contestid = co.contestid
                        group by structureid, timeid, playerid""")
    filtered_data = universe_data.merge(contest_data,
                                        on=['timeid', 'playerid'])
    filtered_data['indRank'] = filtered_data.groupby(
        ['timeid', 'teamid',
         'position']).rank(ascending=False, method='dense')['projectedPoints']
    filtered_data['posCategory'] = filtered_data['position'] + filtered_data[
    count_positions = filtered_data.groupby(
    eligible_positions = count_positions[
        count_positions / filtered_data['actualPoints'].count() > .05].index
    eligible_data = filtered_data[filtered_data['posCategory'].isin(
    merged_data = eligible_data.merge(eligible_data,
                                      left_on=['timeid', 'teamid'],
                                      right_on=['timeid', 'teamid'])
    merged_data['side'] = 'Own'
    merged_data_opp = eligible_data.merge(eligible_data,
                                          left_on=['timeid', 'teamid'],
                                          right_on=['timeid', 'oppid'])
    merged_data_opp['side'] = 'Opposing'
    concat_data = merged_data.append(merged_data_opp,
    return concat_data.groupby(['side', 'posCategory_x', 'posCategory_y'])[[
        'actualPoints_x', 'actualPoints_y'
    ]].cov().iloc[0::2, -1].unstack(level=[3, 1])['actualPoints_x']
Exemplo n.º 13
def team_search(name_search, auto_insert=True):
    name_search = name_search.lower()
    if name_search == 'fa':  # fantasy pros
        return -999
    alias_qry = "select teamid from teamAliases where teamalias = ?"
    alias_df = dbMgr.query(alias_qry, (name_search,))
    if len(alias_df['teamid']) == 1:
        return alias_df['teamid'][0]
    team_name, link = pfr.find_team_page(name_search)
    str_qry = "select teamid from teams where link like ?"
    qry_df = dbMgr.query(str_qry, (link,))
    if len(qry_df['teamid']) == 0:
        team_insert = pd.Series({'name': team_name,
                                 'link': link,
                                 'teamid': None})
        dbMgr.series_insert(team_insert, 'teams', auto_insert)
        qry_df = dbMgr.query(str_qry, (link,))
    alias_insert = pd.Series({'teamalias': name_search,
                              'teamid': int(qry_df['teamid'][0])})
    dbMgr.series_insert(alias_insert, 'teamAliases', True)
    return qry_df['teamid'][0]
Exemplo n.º 14
def player_search(name_search, auto_insert=True, dst_mode=False, filters=None,
                  source=None, sourceid=None, allow_missing=False):
    insert_source = False
    if source is not None and sourceid is not None:
        alias_qry = """select playerid from playerAliases where source like ? and sourceid like ?"""
        alias_df = dbMgr.query(alias_qry, (source, sourceid))
        if len(alias_df['playerid']) == 1:
            return alias_df['playerid'][0]
        insert_source = True
    if dst_mode:
        if filters is not None:
            if 'team' in filters.keys():
                name_search = filters['team']
        teamid = team_search(name_search)
        str_qry = "select name, link from teams where teamid like ?"
        qry_df = dbMgr.query(str_qry, (teamid,))
        player_name = qry_df['name'][0]
        link = qry_df['link'][0]
        player_name, link = pfr.find_player_page(name_search, filters, allow_missing)
        if link is None:
            return None
    str_qry = "select playerid from players where link like ?"
    qry_df = dbMgr.query(str_qry, (link,))
    if len(qry_df['playerid']) == 0:
        to_insert = pd.Series({'name': player_name,
                               'link': link,
                               'playerid': None})
        dbMgr.series_insert(to_insert, 'players', auto_insert)
        qry_df = dbMgr.query(str_qry, (link,))
    if insert_source:
        to_insert = pd.Series({'source': source,
                               'sourceid': sourceid,
                               'playerid': qry_df['playerid'][0]})
        dbMgr.series_insert(to_insert, 'playerAliases', True)
    return qry_df['playerid'][0]
Exemplo n.º 15
def load_game_logs(historical=False):
    if historical:
        players_df = dbMgr.query("""select playerid, link, name from players
                                    where playerid not in (
                                    select distinct playerid from playsForTeam)""")
        for ix, row in players_df.iterrows():
            team = False
            if row['link'].startswith('https://www.pro-football-reference.com/teams/'):
                team = True
            gamelog_df, position = pfr.get_game_log(row['link'])
            if len(gamelog_df) > 0:
                gamelog_df['playerid'] = row['playerid']
                gamelog_df['timeid'] = gamelog_df.apply(lambda x: exp.time_search(x.year_id, x.week_num), axis=1)
                gamelog_df['teamid'] = gamelog_df['team'].apply(lambda x: exp.team_search(x))
                gamelog_df['oppid'] = gamelog_df['opp'].apply(lambda x: exp.team_search(x))
                gamelog_df['hometeamid'] = gamelog_df.apply(lambda x: exp.team_search(x.opp) if x.game_location == '@'
                else exp.team_search(x.team), axis=1)
                gamelog_df['awayteamid'] = gamelog_df.apply(lambda x: exp.team_search(x.team) if x.game_location == '@'
                else exp.team_search(x.opp), axis=1)
                if team:
                    gamelog_df['gameid'] = gamelog_df.apply(lambda x: exp.game_insert(x.boxscore_word_link, x.timeid,
                                                                                      x.hometeamid, x.awayteamid,
                                                                                      x.game_date), axis=1)
                    gamelog_df['gameid'] = gamelog_df.apply(lambda x: exp.game_insert(x.game_result_link, x.timeid,
                                                                                      x.hometeamid, x.awayteamid,
                                                                                      x.game_date), axis=1)
                dbMgr.df_insert(gamelog_df[['gameid', 'playerid', 'teamid', 'oppid']], 'playsForTeam', True)
                if not team:
                    stats = ['age', 'fumbles', 'fumbles_forced', 'fumbles_lost', 'fumbles_rec_td', 'fumbles_rec_yds',
                             'pass_att', 'pass_cmp', 'pass_int', 'pass_rating', 'pass_sacked', 'pass_sacked_yds',
                             'pass_yds', 'rec', 'rec_td', 'rec_yds', 'rush_att', 'rush_td', 'rush_yds', 'targets']
                    indexer = ['gameid', 'playerid']
                    stacked_df = gamelog_df.reindex(columns=(stats + indexer)).astype(float).groupby(
                        ['gameid', 'playerid']).mean().stack().dropna().reset_index()
                    stacked_df.columns = ['gameid', 'playerid', 'stat', 'value']
                    dbMgr.df_insert(stacked_df, 'gameLog', True)
        1 + 1
    return None