Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self):
     pygame.mixer.pre_init(44100, -16, 2, 512)
     self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(WINDOW_SIZE, 0, 32)
     self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()
     icon = e.loadImage('data/images/chain.png', alpha=True)
     pygame.event.set_allowed([QUIT, KEYDOWN, KEYUP])
     self.smallFont = e.Font('data/images/small_font2.png')
     self.largeFont = e.Font('data/images/large_font.png')
     self.running = True
     self.showFPS = True
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, loc):
        self.loc = loc

    def render(self, surf, scroll):
        surf.blit(jumper_img, (self.loc[0] - scroll[0], self.loc[1] - scroll[1]))

    def get_rect(self):
        return pygame.Rect(self.loc[0], self.loc[1], 64, 16)

    def collision_test(self, rect):
        jumper_rect = self.get_rect()
        return jumper_rect.colliderect(rect)

# e.load_animations('data/images/entities/')

game_map = {}

grass_img = pygame.image.load('data/images/grass_tile.png')
dirt_img = pygame.image.load('data/images/dirt_tile.png')
plant_img = pygame.image.load('data/images/plant_tile.png').convert()
plant_img.set_colorkey((203,217,217)) # colorkey

jumper_img = pygame.image.load('data/images/jumper.png').convert()
jumper_img.set_colorkey((203,217,217)) # colorkey

tile_index = {1:grass_img,
Exemplo n.º 3
main_theme = pygame.mixer.Sound('data/audio/main_theme.wav')

thunder_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound('data/audio/lightning.wav')
#exit_level = pygame.mixer.Sound('data/audio/change_scene.wav')

WIN_DIM = (608, 416)
DISP_DIM = (WIN_DIM[0] / 2, WIN_DIM[1] / 2)

#       setup basic stuff
window = pygame.display.set_mode(WIN_DIM)
display = pygame.Surface(DISP_DIM)
pygame.display.set_caption("Magic Rush")
life = pygame.image.load("data/graphics/life.png")


total_levels = 10

#active_color = e.blue

class Platform:
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.collider = pygame.Rect((self.x, self.y, 16, 16))
        self.type = "platform"
        self.img = pygame.image.load(e.animation_folder + self.type +".png")

    def blit(self, display):
    img.set_colorkey((255, 0, 255))
    return img

tile_img = load_img('tile')
spikes_img = load_img('spikes')
apple_img = load_img('apple')
ghost_img = load_img('ghost')
timer_img = load_img('timer')
end_img = load_img('end')

controls_1_img = load_img('controls_1')
controls_2_img = load_img('controls_2')

e.set_global_colorkey((255, 0, 255))

# SFX -------------------------------------------------------- #
jump_s = pygame.mixer.Sound('data/sfx/jump.wav')
apple_s = pygame.mixer.Sound('data/sfx/apple.wav')
death_s = pygame.mixer.Sound('data/sfx/death.wav')
end_s = pygame.mixer.Sound('data/sfx/end.wav')
ghost_s = pygame.mixer.Sound('data/sfx/ghost.wav')

# Music ------------------------------------------------------ #
Exemplo n.º 5
def game():
    display = pygame.Surface(
        (300, 200))  # used as the surface for rendering, which is scaled

    player_health = 6
    stab = False  # used for player attacking
    cant_attack = False  # if player attacking or not used in later calculations
    hit = False  # bool for if been hit recently or not
    when_hit = 0.0  # float for timing how long player cant be hurt for
    moving_right = False
    moving_left = False
    vertical_momentum = 0
    air_timer = 0  # used to make sure player isnt jumping whilst already in the air

    true_scroll = [0, 0]  # camera scrolling

    CHUNK_SIZE = 8  # each chunk is 8 by 8

    def generate_chunk(x, y):
        chunk_data = []
        for y_pos in range(CHUNK_SIZE):  # 0 - 7 (not including 8)
            for x_pos in range(CHUNK_SIZE):  # 0 -7 (not including 8)
                target_x = x * CHUNK_SIZE + x_pos  # x * 8 (size of each chunk) + exact x_position inside of chunk
                target_y = y * CHUNK_SIZE + y_pos  # y * 8 (size of each chunk) + exact y_position inside of chunk
                tile_type = 0  # defaulting 0 which is empty
                if target_y == 6 and target_x in range(
                        1, 4):  # setting conditions for tiles to spawn
                    tile_type = 1  # grass (platform)
                if target_y == 7 and target_x in range(11, 16):
                    tile_type = 1  # grass (platform)
                if target_y in range(4, 10) and target_x == 7:
                    tile_type = 2  # dirt (wall)
                if target_y > 10:
                    tile_type = 2  # dirt
                elif target_y == 10:
                    tile_type = 1  # grass
                elif target_y == 9:
                    if random.randint(1, 5) == 1:
                        if tile_type == 0:
                            tile_type = 3  # plant 1/5 chance
                if tile_type != 0:
                        [[target_x, target_y],
                         tile_type])  # returning list of x,y and block type
        return chunk_data

    class jumper_obj():
        def __init__(self, loc):
            self.loc = loc

        def render(
            self, surf, scroll
        ):  # rendering in the jumper based off its location and screens scroll
                      (self.loc[0] - scroll[0], self.loc[1] - scroll[1]))

        def get_rect(self):  # getting rectangles x, y and width and height
            return pygame.Rect(self.loc[0], self.loc[1], 8, 9)

        def collision_test(self, rect):  # adding collisions
            jumper_rect = self.get_rect()
            return jumper_rect.colliderect(rect)

    # loading animations from engine.py

    game_map = {
    }  # starts empty gets used with generate chunks to generate the world
    # loading all the images
    grass_img = pygame.image.load('data/images/grass.png')
    dirt_img = pygame.image.load('data/images/dirt.png')
    plant_img = pygame.image.load('data/images/plant.png').convert()
    plant_img.set_colorkey((255, 255, 255))
    heart_img_full = pygame.image.load('data/images/heart.png').convert()
    heart_img_full.set_colorkey((255, 255, 255))
    heart_img_half = pygame.image.load('data/images/half_heart.png').convert()
    heart_img_half.set_colorkey((255, 255, 255))
    heart_img_empty = pygame.image.load(
    heart_img_empty.set_colorkey((255, 255, 255))

    jumper_img = pygame.image.load('data/images/jumper.png').convert()
    jumper_img.set_colorkey((255, 255, 255))
    # for generating the chunks line 87 generate chunk function
    tile_index = {1: grass_img, 2: dirt_img, 3: plant_img}
    # audio setup
    jump_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound('data/audio/jump.wav')
    grass_sounds = [
    pop_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound('data/audio/pop.wav')
    # music setup
    music_play = True
    grass_sound_timer = 0  # timer defaulted at 0 for when grass sounds get played

    player = e.entity(60, 70, 7, 14, 'player')  # create and spawn player in
    # create and spawn player sword in as object locked to player for determining
    # hitbox when attacking
    sword = pygame.Rect((player.x - 5), player.y, 17, 6)

    enemies = []

    # creating 5 random enemies in random locations
    def create_enemies():
        a = 5
        for i in range(a):
                0, 2,
                    random.randint(-200, 900) - 300, 150, 13, 13, 'enemy')
            if enemies[0][2] in range((player.x - 30), (player.x + 30)):
                a += 1

        # setting background objects for parrallax effect

    background_objects = [[4, [120, 10, 70, 400]], [4, [280, 30, 40, 400]],
                          [2, [30, 40, 40, 400]], [2, [130, 90, 100, 400]],
                          [2, [300, 80, 120, 400]]]

    jumper_objects = []
    # randomly creates a jumper obj which bounces the character high
    for i in range(5):
        jumper_objects.append(jumper_obj((random.randint(0, 600) - 300, 150)))

    while True:  # game loop
        display.fill((146, 244, 255))  # clear screen by filling it with blue
        sword.x = int(player.x -
                      5)  # setting sword to always be where the player is
        sword.y = int(
            player.y)  # setting sword to always be where the player is

        # spawns enemies as they die
        if enemies.__len__() <= 4:

        if grass_sound_timer > 0:
            grass_sound_timer -= 1
            # scroll is following the player and /20 is giving it a slow follow rather than locked on
        true_scroll[0] += (player.x - true_scroll[0] - 152) / 20
        true_scroll[1] += (player.y - true_scroll[1] - 106) / 20
        scroll = true_scroll.copy()
        scroll[0] = int(scroll[0])
        scroll[1] = int(scroll[1])

        # parrallax effect where differrent objects in background moves at different speeds
        pygame.draw.rect(display, (7, 80, 75), pygame.Rect(0, 120, 300, 80))
        for background_object in background_objects:
            obj_rect = pygame.Rect(
                background_object[1][0] -
                int(scroll[0] / background_object[0]),
                background_object[1][1] -
                int(scroll[1] / background_object[0]), background_object[1][2],

            if background_object[0] == 2:
                pygame.draw.rect(display, (14, 222, 150), obj_rect)
                pygame.draw.rect(display, (9, 91, 85), obj_rect)

        tile_rects = []
        # tile rendering around player based off generate chunk function
        for y in range(4):
            for x in range(4):
                target_x = x - 1 + int(round(
                    scroll[0] / (CHUNK_SIZE * 16)))  # returning x coordinate
                target_y = y - 1 + int(round(
                    scroll[1] / (CHUNK_SIZE * 16)))  # returning y coordinate
                target_chunk = str(target_x) + ';' + str(
                    target_y)  # putting the two together
                if target_chunk not in game_map:  # if not created yet create it
                    game_map[target_chunk] = generate_chunk(target_x, target_y)
                for tile in game_map[
                        target_chunk]:  # display objects as long as they exist on the screen
                                 (tile[0][0] * 16 - scroll[0],
                                  tile[0][1] * 16 - scroll[1]))
                    if tile[1] in [1, 2]:
                            pygame.Rect(tile[0][0] * 16, tile[0][1] * 16, 16,

            # set momentum for player based on key presses
        player_movement = [0, 0]
        if moving_right == True:
            player_movement[0] += 2
        if moving_left == True:
            player_movement[0] -= 2
        player_movement[1] += vertical_momentum
        vertical_momentum += 0.2
        if vertical_momentum > 3:
            vertical_momentum = 3

            # setting animations based on players movements
        if player_movement[0] == 0 and stab is False:
        if player_movement[0] > 0 and stab is False:
        if player_movement[0] < 0 and stab is False:
        if player_movement[0] == 0 and stab is True:
        if player_movement[0] > 0 and stab is True:
        if player_movement[0] < 0 and stab is True:

        collision_types = player.move(player_movement, tile_rects)

        if collision_types['bottom'] == True:  # if collided with ground
            air_timer = 0  # reset jump
            vertical_momentum = 0  # remove vertical momentum
            if player_movement[0] != 0:  # if moving on ground play grass sounds
                if grass_sound_timer == 0:
                    grass_sound_timer = 30
            air_timer += 1  # otherwise air timer +1 so you cant jump in the air somehow

            1)  # how much to change animation frames by per frame
            display, scroll
        )  # calls display function to show character on screen and scroll camera

        for jumper in jumper_objects:
                scroll)  # spawns in jumper objects that bounce players
            if jumper.collision_test(player.obj.rect):
                vertical_momentum = -6

        display_r = pygame.Rect(scroll[0], scroll[1], 300,
                                200)  # setting current camera co-ordinates

        for number, enemy in enumerate(
                enemies):  # for each enemy we spawn into a list
            if display_r.colliderect(
                    enemy[2].obj.rect):  # if they are in camera
                enemy[0] += 0.2
                if enemy[0] > 3:  # setting vertical movement capped at 3
                    enemy[0] = 3
                enemy_movement = [0, enemy[0]]
                if player.x > enemy[
                        2].x + 3:  # setting horizontal movement relative to player
                    enemy_movement[0] = 1
                if player.x < enemy[
                        2].x - 3:  # setting horizontal movement relative to player
                    enemy_movement[0] = -1
                enemy[2].move(enemy_movement, tile_rects)  # movement function
                if collision_types[
                        'bottom'] == True:  # if touching ground stop falling
                    enemy[0] = 0

            enemy[2].display(display, scroll)
            if player.obj.rect.colliderect(enemy[2].obj.rect):
                if enemy_movement[0] > 0:  # moving right
                    player_movement[0] += 15  # knock player left
                elif enemy_movement[0] < 0:  # moving left
                    player_movement[0] -= 15  # knock player right
                vertical_momentum = -3  # always knock player up
                player.move(player_movement, tile_rects)

                if hit == False:  # if player gets hit
                    player_health -= 1
                    hit = True  # setting hit to true so player cant be hit again for a short while
                    when_hit = time.time()
            if (time.time() - when_hit) >= 1:
                hit = False  # invulnerable for 1 second
            if hit == False and (time.time() -
                                 when_hit) >= 10 and player_health < 6:
                player_health = 6  # temporary regen if not hurt for 10 secs

            if stab == True:  # if player is attacking
                if cant_attack == False:  # if player is able to attack
                    cant_attack = True  # make it so they can't attack while attacking / for a short duration
                    time_attack = time.time()  # grab time they attacked
                if sword.colliderect(enemy[2].obj.rect
                                     ):  # if they hit something with attack
                    enemy[1] -= 1
                    # knockback enemies if hit depending on location
                    if enemy[2].x < player.x:
                        enemy_movement[0] = -10
                    elif enemy[2].x > player.x:
                        enemy_movement[0] = 10
                        tile_rects)  # movement function for kncokback effect
                    stab = False  # so enemy wont keep taking ticks of damage if still in range of "sword"
                    if enemy[1] == 0:  # if enemy dead
                        enemies.pop(number)  # remove from enemies list
                        pop_sound.play()  # play sound
                        if player_health < 6:  # if player wounded, 33% chance to heal
                            a = random.randrange(1, 4)
                            if a == 1:
                                player_health += 1

            if cant_attack == True:  # resets cant_attack every .4 secs - prevents spam attacking
                if (time.time() - time_attack) >= 0.4:
                    stab = False
                    cant_attack = False

        for event in pygame.event.get():  # event loop
            if event.type == QUIT:
            if event.type == KEYDOWN:
                if event.key == K_m:
                    if music_play == True:
                        music_play = False
                    elif music_play == False:
                        music_play = True
                if event.key == K_RIGHT:
                    moving_right = True
                if event.key == K_LEFT:
                    moving_left = True
                if event.key == K_UP:
                    if air_timer < 6:
                        vertical_momentum = -5
                if event.key == K_k:  # test button fornow
                    if cant_attack == False:
                        stab = True
            if event.type == KEYUP:
                if event.key == K_RIGHT:
                    moving_right = False
                if event.key == K_LEFT:
                    moving_left = False

        heart_full_scaled = pygame.transform.scale(heart_img_full, (20, 20))
        heart_half_scaled = pygame.transform.scale(heart_img_half, (20, 20))
        heart_empty_scaled = pygame.transform.scale(heart_img_empty, (20, 20))
        display.blit(heart_empty_scaled, (5, 5))
        display.blit(heart_empty_scaled, (30, 5))
        display.blit(heart_empty_scaled, (55, 5))

        hearts = player_health / 2  # all of the hearts related items below are setting up images based off health
        if hearts == 0:
        elif hearts == 0.5:
            display.blit(heart_half_scaled, (5, 5))
        elif hearts == 1:
            display.blit(heart_full_scaled, (5, 5))
        elif hearts == 1.5:
            display.blit(heart_full_scaled, (5, 5))
            display.blit(heart_half_scaled, (30, 5))
        elif hearts == 2:
            display.blit(heart_full_scaled, (5, 5))
            display.blit(heart_full_scaled, (30, 5))
        elif hearts == 2.5:
            display.blit(heart_full_scaled, (5, 5))
            display.blit(heart_full_scaled, (30, 5))
            display.blit(heart_half_scaled, (55, 5))
        elif hearts == 3:
            display.blit(heart_full_scaled, (5, 5))
            display.blit(heart_full_scaled, (30, 5))
            display.blit(heart_full_scaled, (55, 5))

        screen.blit(pygame.transform.scale(display, WINDOW_SIZE), (0, 0))
        self.loc = loc

    def render(self, surf, scroll):
                  (self.loc[0] - scroll[0], self.loc[1] - scroll[1]))

    def get_rect(self):
        return pygame.Rect(self.loc[0], self.loc[1], 8, 9)

    def collision_test(self, rect):
        jumper_rect = self.get_rect()
        return jumper_rect.colliderect(rect)

#################### ANIMATIONS ###############################################################################
e.load_animations('data/images/entities/')  # FROM GAME ENGINE (PART 8)
game_map = {}

grass_img = pygame.image.load('data/images/grass.png')
dirt_img = pygame.image.load('data/images/dirt.png')
plant_img = pygame.image.load('data/images/plant.png').convert()
plant_img.set_colorkey((255, 255, 255))

jumper_img = pygame.image.load('data/images/jumper.png').convert()
jumper_img.set_colorkey((255, 255, 255))

tile_index = {1: grass_img, 2: dirt_img, 3: plant_img}

################## ENEMY TEST CODE #######################

enemies = []