Exemplo n.º 1
def auto_print_strip_reason(fpl):
	Returns reason to print if strip should be auto-printed from FPL; None otherwise
    if fpl.status() == FPL.CLOSED or fpl.strip_auto_printed \
    or settings.auto_print_strips_IFR_only and fpl[FPL.FLIGHT_RULES] != 'IFR' \
    or env.airport_data == None or env.linkedStrip(fpl) != None:
        return None
    present_time = now()
    ok_reason = None
    if settings.auto_print_strips_include_DEP:  # check DEP time
        dep = fpl[FPL.TIME_OF_DEP]
        if dep != None and fpl[
                ICAO_DEP] == env.airport_data.navpoint.code:  # we know: fpl.status() != FPL.CLOSED
            if dep - settings.auto_print_strips_anticipation <= present_time <= dep:
                ok_reason = 'departure due ' + rel_datetime_str(dep)
    if ok_reason == None and settings.auto_print_strips_include_ARR:  # check ARR time
        eta = fpl.ETA()
        if eta != None and fpl[
                FPL.ICAO_ARR] == env.airport_data.navpoint.code and fpl.status(
                ) == FPL.OPEN:
            if eta - settings.auto_print_strips_anticipation <= present_time <= eta:
                ok_reason = 'arrival due ' + rel_datetime_str(eta)
    return ok_reason
Exemplo n.º 2
 def shortDescr_time(self):
     if self.status() == FPL.OPEN:
         eta = self.ETA()
         if eta != None:
             return 'ARR %s' % rel_datetime_str(eta, longFormat=True)
     tdep = self.details[FPL.TIME_OF_DEP]
     return 'DEP %s' % rel_datetime_str(
         tdep, longFormat=True) if tdep != None else '?'
 def data(self, index, role):
     if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
         chat_line = self.messageOnRow(index.row())
         col = index.column()
         if col == 0:
             return rel_datetime_str(chat_line.timeStamp(), seconds=True)
         if col == 1:
             return chat_line.sender()
         if col == 2:
             return chat_line.txtMsg()
Exemplo n.º 4
	def data(self, index, role):
		row = index.row()
		col = index.column()
		if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
			if row == 0: ## First row of a connection
				if col == 0:
					return rel_datetime_str(self.connectionTime(), seconds=True)
				elif col == 1 and self.initiator != None:
					return 'XFR'
				elif col == 2:
					if self.atc_pov:
						return 'ACFT log-on' if self.initiator == None else 'Received from %s' % self.initiator
					else: # ACFT point of view
						return 'Logged on' if self.initiator == None else '%s → %s' % (self.initiator, self.dataAuthority())
			elif row == self.rowCount() - 1 and not self.isLive(): ## Last row of a terminated or transferred connection
				if col == 0:
					return rel_datetime_str(self.disconnectionTime(), seconds=True)
				elif col == 1 and self.transferred_to != None:
					return 'XFR'
				elif col == 2:
					return 'Terminated' if self.transferred_to == None else 'Transferred to %s' % self.transferred_to
			else: ## Regular message row
				imsg = row - 1
				msg = self.messages[imsg]
				if col == 0:
					return rel_datetime_str(msg.timeStamp(), seconds=True)
				elif col == 1:
					prefix = '↓↑'[self.atc_pov] + '  ' if msg.isFromMe() else ''
					return prefix + CpdlcMessage.type2str(msg.type())
				elif col == 2:
					return msg.contents()
				elif col == 3:
					if imsg in self.problems:
						return self.problems[imsg]
					elif imsg == self.msgCount() - 1 and self.expecting:
						return self.statusStr()
Exemplo n.º 5
 def data(self, index, role):
     col = index.column()
     notification = self.history[index.row()]
     if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
         if col == 0:
             return rel_datetime_str(notification.time, seconds=True)
         if col == 1:
             return notification.msg
     elif role == Qt.DecorationRole:
         if col == 0:
                 pixmap = QPixmap(
                     path.join(icons_directory, icon_files[notification.t]))
                 return QIcon(pixmap)
             except KeyError:
                 pass  # No decoration for this notification type
Exemplo n.º 6
 def data(self, index, role):
     strip, timestamp = self.discarded_strips[index.row()]
     if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
         line1 = some(strip.callsign(), '?')
         toATC = strip.lookup(sent_to_detail)
         if toATC == None:
             line2 = 'Shelved ' if strip.lookup(
                 shelved_detail) else 'Deleted '
             line1 += ' >> ' + toATC
             line2 = 'Sent '
         line2 += rel_datetime_str(timestamp)
         ## RETURN
         return '%s\n  %s' % (line1, line2)
     elif role == Qt.DecorationRole:
         if strip.lookup(sent_to_detail) == None:  # was deleted or shelved
             return self.shelved_icon if strip.lookup(
                 shelved_detail) else self.deleted_icon
         else:  # was handed over
             return self.handed_over_icon