Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, g, anim_file):
        self.g = g  #store given parameters

        images = {}  #dictionary of images loaded
        self.part_images = {}  #dictionary of part images defined
        self.parts = {}  #dictionary of different parts defined
        self.layout = None  #the part layout

        texnum = 0

        #load data from given file
        anim_dom = data.load_xml(anim_file).documentElement
        #load all given images
        for image in anim_dom.getElementsByTagName("image"):
            f = image.getAttribute("from")  #get source file so we can load it
            id = image.getAttribute("id")  #and image id
            surf = data.load_image(f)  #load given image
            surf.convert_alpha()  #convert it for faster rendering
            images[id] = surf  #store it
        #define all the part images
        for part_image in anim_dom.getElementsByTagName("part_image"):
            image = images[part_image.getAttribute("from")]  #get image used
            #get source coordinate
            coord = [
                for x in part_image.getAttribute("coord").split(",")
            surf = pygame.Surface((coord[2], coord[3]), SRCALPHA)
            surf.blit(image, (0, 0), coord)
            surfdata = pygame.image.tostring(surf, "RGBA", True)
            glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texnum)
            glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, coord[2], coord[3], 0,
                         GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, surfdata)
            if part_image.getAttribute(
                    "origin") != "":  #if an origin was defined
                #get origin coord
                origin = [
                    for x in part_image.getAttribute("origin").split(",")
                origin = [0, 0]
            center = (surf.get_width() / 2, surf.get_height() / 2
                      )  #calculate new center
            self.part_images[part_image.getAttribute("id")] = (
                texnum, center, origin, (coord[2],
                                         coord[3]))  #store created image
            texnum += 1
        self.layout = PartAnimationGroup(
            self, g,
            anim_dom.getElementsByTagName("layout")[0])  #create layout
        self.curr_animation = None  #clear list of animations
        self.animations = {}
        for anim in anim_dom.getElementsByTagName(
                "anim"):  #load list of animations
            #initialize and store an animation
            self.animations[anim.getAttribute("id")] = PartAnimation(
                self, anim)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, g, map_file):
        global tileset_anims
        self.g = g  #store globals
        self.map_file = map_file  #and the file we were passed in
        map_dom = data.load_xml(map_file)  #load and parse the map XML
        map_dom = map_dom.documentElement  #get the document element of the map
        self.map_width = int(map_dom.getAttribute("width"))  #load dimensions
        self.map_height = int(map_dom.getAttribute("height"))
        self.pix_width = self.map_width * 16  #calculate pixel dimensions
        self.pix_height = self.map_height * 16
        self.properties = {}  #dictionary to store map properties
        self.obj_layer = None  #the object layer in the map

        self.tilesets = []  #list of tilesets in the map
        self.layers = []  #list of layers in the map

        child = map_dom.firstChild  #get the first child of the map so we can process them
        while child is not None:  #loop through the children
            if child.localName == "tileset":  #if it's a tileset
                image_tag = child.getElementsByTagName("image")[
                    0]  #get image associated with it
                image_path = image_tag.getAttribute(
                    "source")  #get path of image
                image_path = image_path.replace("../", "")  #fix it up
                trans = image_tag.getAttribute("trans")  #get transparent color
                if trans is not "":  #if one actually exists
                    trans = (int(trans[:2], 16), int(trans[2:4],
                                                     16), int(trans[4:],
                                                              16))  #parse it
                else:  #if it doesn't
                    trans = None  #set it to None
                firstgid = int(
                    child.getAttribute("firstgid"))  #get id of tileset start
                t = tileset.Tileset(image_path, 16, 16,
                                    trans)  #load the tileset
                    anim = tileset_anims[
                        image_path]  #attempt to get tileset animations for this image
                    anim = {}
                self.tilesets.append([firstgid, t,
                                      anim])  #and save it to the list
            elif child.localName == "layer":  #if it's a layer
                self.layers.append(MapTileLayer(self.g, self,
                                                child))  #process it
            elif child.localName == "objectgroup":  #if it's an object layer
                self.layers.append(MapObjectLayer(self.g, self,
                                                  child))  #process it
            elif child.localName == "properties":  #if it's the properties list
                curr_prop = child.firstChild  #get the first property
                while curr_prop is not None:  #loop through properties
                    if curr_prop.localName == "property":  #if it's a property
                        self.properties[curr_prop.getAttribute("name")] = \
                            curr_prop.getAttribute("value") #load a property
                    curr_prop = curr_prop.nextSibling  #go to next property
            child = child.nextSibling  #get the next child to process it
        self.image = pygame.Surface(
            (self.map_width * 16,
             self.map_height * 16))  #create a new surface to render on
        self.image.convert()  #convert it to blit faster
Exemplo n.º 3
def load_data(): #load all pokemon data
    global pokemon_data, nature_data
    pokemon_data = {} #ensure data list is cleared
    pokemen = data.load_xml("pokemon_data.xml").documentElement # get list of pokemon
    for pokemon in pokemen.getElementsByTagName("pokemon"): #loop through all pokemon
        name = pokemon.getAttribute("name") #get name of pokemon
        poke_data = data.load_xml(data.get_node_text(pokemon)).documentElement #load data file
        pokemon_data[name] = PokemonData(poke_data) #load and parse data
    nature_data = {} #clear out nature data
    natures = data.load_xml("nature.xml").documentElement #get nature data
    for nature in natures.getElementsByTagName("nature"): #loop through nature data
        t = Container()
        t.name = nature.getAttribute("name") #set name of nature
        num = int(nature.getAttribute("num")) #get number of nature
        t.help = int(nature.getAttribute("help")) #get which stat this nature helps
        t.hinder = int(nature.getAttribute("hinder")) #get which stat this nature hinders
        t.num = num
        nature_data[num] = t #store nature data
Exemplo n.º 4
def load_data(): #load the type data
    global poke_types
    types = {} #ensure type data is cleared
    dom = data.load_xml("types.xml", peltdir=False).documentElement #load type data
    for type in dom.getElementsByTagName("type"): #loop through different types
        type_data = {} #dictionary to hold data for this type
        type_data["name"] = type.getAttribute("name") #store name of type
        type_data["modifiers"] = {} #dictionary to hold modifier data
        for modifier in type.getElementsByTagName("modifier"): #loop through different modifiers
            #store modifier data
            type_data["modifiers"][modifier.getAttribute("defender")] = \
        poke_types[type_data["name"]] = PokemonType(type_data) #store a type class for this type
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, g, anim_file):
        self.g = g #store given parameters

        images = {} #dictionary of images loaded
        self.part_images = {} #dictionary of part images defined
        self.parts = {} #dictionary of different parts defined
        self.layout = None #the part layout

        #load data from given file
        anim_dom = data.load_xml(anim_file).documentElement
        #load all given images
        for image in anim_dom.getElementsByTagName("image"):
            f = image.getAttribute("from") #get source file so we can load it
            id = image.getAttribute("id") #and image id
            surf = data.load_image(f) #load given image
            surf.convert_alpha() #convert it for faster rendering
            images[id] = surf #store it
        #define all the part images
        for part_image in anim_dom.getElementsByTagName("part_image"):
            image = images[part_image.getAttribute("from")] #get image used
            #get source coordinate
            coord = [int(x.strip()) for x in part_image.getAttribute("coord").split(",")]
            if part_image.getAttribute("center") == "": #if no center was defined
                surf = pygame.Surface((coord[2], coord[3]), SRCALPHA) #create a surface for the image
                surf.blit(image, (0, 0), coord) #draw image onto new surface normally
                pos = [0, 0]
            else: #if one was defined, we need to shift the image around
                #get center coordinate
                center = [int(x.strip()) for x in part_image.getAttribute("center").split(",")]
                #calculate the difference in current center and wanted center
                center_diff = ((coord[2]/2)-center[0], (coord[3]/2)-center[1])
                #calculate new size of surface
                size = (coord[2]+abs(center_diff[0]), coord[3]+abs(center_diff[1]))
                #calculate blitting position
                pos = [max(0, center_diff[0]), max(0, center_diff[1])]
                surf = pygame.Surface(size, SRCALPHA) #create new surface
                surf.blit(image, pos, coord) #blit proper section of image
            if part_image.getAttribute("origin") != "": #if an origin was defined
                #get origin coord
                origin = [int(x.strip()) for x in part_image.getAttribute("origin").split(",")]
                pos[0] += origin[0] #combine origin into offset
                pos[1] += origin[1]
            center = (surf.get_width()/2, surf.get_height()/2) #calculate new center
            self.part_images[part_image.getAttribute("id")] = (surf, center, pos) #store created image
        self.layout = PartAnimationGroup(self, g, anim_dom.getElementsByTagName("layout")[0]) #create layout
        self.curr_animation = None #clear list of animations
        self.animations = {}
        for anim in anim_dom.getElementsByTagName("anim"): #load list of animations
            #initialize and store an animation
            self.animations[anim.getAttribute("id")] = PartAnimation(self, anim)
Exemplo n.º 6
def load_data():  #load all pokemon data
    global pokemon_data, nature_data
    pokemon_data = {}  #ensure data list is cleared
    pokemen = data.load_xml(
        "pokemon_data.xml").documentElement  # get list of pokemon
    for pokemon in pokemen.getElementsByTagName(
            "pokemon"):  #loop through all pokemon
        name = pokemon.getAttribute("name")  #get name of pokemon
        poke_data = data.load_xml(
            data.get_node_text(pokemon)).documentElement  #load data file
        pokemon_data[name] = PokemonData(poke_data)  #load and parse data
    nature_data = {}  #clear out nature data
    natures = data.load_xml("nature.xml").documentElement  #get nature data
    for nature in natures.getElementsByTagName(
            "nature"):  #loop through nature data
        t = Container()
        t.name = nature.getAttribute("name")  #set name of nature
        num = int(nature.getAttribute("num"))  #get number of nature
        t.help = int(
            nature.getAttribute("help"))  #get which stat this nature helps
        t.hinder = int(
            nature.getAttribute("hinder"))  #get which stat this nature hinders
        t.num = num
        nature_data[num] = t  #store nature data
Exemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self, g, map_file):
     global tileset_anims
     self.g = g #store globals
     self.map_file = map_file #and the file we were passed in
     map_dom = data.load_xml(map_file) #load and parse the map XML
     map_dom = map_dom.documentElement #get the document element of the map
     self.map_width = int(map_dom.getAttribute("width")) #load dimensions
     self.map_height = int(map_dom.getAttribute("height"))
     self.pix_width = self.map_width * 16 #calculate pixel dimensions
     self.pix_height = self.map_height * 16
     self.properties = {} #dictionary to store map properties
     self.obj_layer = None #the object layer in the map
     self.tilesets = [] #list of tilesets in the map
     self.layers = [] #list of layers in the map
     child = map_dom.firstChild #get the first child of the map so we can process them
     while child is not None: #loop through the children
         if child.localName == "tileset": #if it's a tileset
             image_tag = child.getElementsByTagName("image")[0] #get image associated with it
             image_path = image_tag.getAttribute("source") #get path of image
             image_path = image_path.replace("../", "") #fix it up
             trans = image_tag.getAttribute("trans") #get transparent color
             if trans is not "": #if one actually exists
                 trans = (int(trans[:2], 16), int(trans[2:4], 16), int(trans[4:], 16)) #parse it
             else: #if it doesn't
                 trans = None #set it to None
             firstgid = int(child.getAttribute("firstgid")) #get id of tileset start
             t = tileset.Tileset(image_path, 16, 16, trans) #load the tileset
                 anim = tileset_anims[image_path] #attempt to get tileset animations for this image
                 anim = {}
             self.tilesets.append([firstgid, t, anim]) #and save it to the list
         elif child.localName == "layer": #if it's a layer
             self.layers.append(MapTileLayer(self.g, self, child)) #process it
         elif child.localName == "objectgroup": #if it's an object layer
             self.layers.append(MapObjectLayer(self.g, self, child)) #process it
         elif child.localName == "properties": #if it's the properties list
             curr_prop = child.firstChild #get the first property
             while curr_prop is not None: #loop through properties
                 if curr_prop.localName == "property": #if it's a property
                     self.properties[curr_prop.getAttribute("name")] = \
                         curr_prop.getAttribute("value") #load a property
                 curr_prop = curr_prop.nextSibling #go to next property
         child = child.nextSibling #get the next child to process it
     self.image = pygame.Surface((self.map_width*16, self.map_height*16)) #create a new surface to render on
     self.image.convert() #convert it to blit faster
Exemplo n.º 8
def load_data():  #load the type data
    global poke_types
    poke_types = {}  #ensure type data is cleared
    dom = data.load_xml("types.xml").documentElement  #load type data
    for type in dom.getElementsByTagName(
            "type"):  #loop through different types
        type_data = {}  #dictionary to hold data for this type
        type_data["name"] = type.getAttribute("name")  #store name of type
        type_data["modifiers"] = {}  #dictionary to hold modifier data
        for modifier in type.getElementsByTagName(
                "modifier"):  #loop through different modifiers
            #store modifier data
            type_data["modifiers"][modifier.getAttribute("defender")] = \
        poke_types[type_data["name"]] = PokemonType(
            type_data)  #store a type class for this type
Exemplo n.º 9
	def __init__(self, g, anim_file, peltdir=True):
		self.g = g
		images = {}
		self.part_images = {}
		self.parts = {}
		self.layout = None
		anim_dom = data.load_xml(anim_file, peltdir).documentElement 
		for image in anim_dom.getElementsByTagName('image'):
			f = image.getAttribute('from')
			id = image.getAttribute('id')
			surf = data.load_image(f, peltdir)
			images[id] = surf
		for part_image in anim_dom.getElementsByTagName('part_image'):
			image = images[part_image.getAttribute('from')]
			coord = [int(x.strip()) for x in part_image.getAttribute('coord').split(',')]
			if part_image.getAttribute('center') == "":
				surf = pygame.Surface((coord[2], coord[3]), pygame.SRCALPHA)
				surf.blit(image, (0, 0), coord)
				pos = [0, 0]
				center = [int(x.strip()) for x in part_image.getAttribute('center').split(',')]
				center_diff = ((coord[2] / 2) - center[0], (coord[3] / 2) - center[1])
				size = (coord[2] + abs(center_diff[0]), coord[3] + abs(center_diff[1]))
				pos = [max(0, center_diff[0]), max(0, center_diff[1])]
				surf = pygame.Surface(size, SRCALPHA)
				surf.blit(image, pos, coord)
			if part_image.getAttribute('origin') != "":
				origin = [int(x.strip()) for x in part_image.getAttribute('origin').split(',')]
				pos[0] += origin[0]
				pos[1] += origin[1]
			center = (surf.get_width() / 2, surf.get_height() / 2)
			self.part_images[part_image.getAttribute('id')] = (surf, center, pos)
		self.layout = PartAnimationGroup(self, g, anim_dom.getElementsByTagName('layout')[0])
		self.curr_animation = None
		self.animations = {}
		for anim in anim_dom.getElementsByTagName('anim'): self.animations[anim.getAttribute('id')] = PartAnimation(self, anim)
		for anim in anim_dom.getElementsByTagName('anim'): self.animations[anim.getAttribute('id')] = PartAnimation(self, anim)
Exemplo n.º 10
def load_data(): #load tileset animation data
    global tileset_anims
    tileset_anims = {}
    dom = data.load_xml("tilesets/tileset_anim.xml").documentElement #load dom data
    for tileset in dom.getElementsByTagName("tileset"): #loop through tilesets
        anims = {}
        for cycle in tileset.getElementsByTagName("cycle"):
            anim_list = []
            node = cycle.firstChild #loop through nodes of the cycle to get tiles
            while node != None:
                if node.localName == "tile":
                    #get position
                    pos = tuple(int(x.strip()) for x in node.getAttribute("pos").split(","))
                    anim_list.append([pos, int(node.getAttribute("time"))])
                node = node.nextSibling #go to next sibling
            anims[anim_list[0][0]] = anim_list #set animation
        tileset_anims[tileset.getAttribute("file")] = anims #set animations
Exemplo n.º 11
	def __init__(self, g, anim_file):
		self.g = g #store given parameters

		images = {} #dictionary of images loaded
		self.part_images = {} #dictionary of part images defined
		self.parts = {} #dictionary of different parts defined
		self.layout = None #the part layout

		texnum = 0

		#load data from given file
		anim_dom = data.load_xml(anim_file).documentElement
		#load all given images
		for image in anim_dom.getElementsByTagName("image"):
			f = image.getAttribute("from") #get source file so we can load it
			id = image.getAttribute("id") #and image id
			surf = data.load_image(f) #load given image
			surf.convert_alpha() #convert it for faster rendering
			images[id] = surf #store it
		#define all the part images
		for part_image in anim_dom.getElementsByTagName("part_image"):
			image = images[part_image.getAttribute("from")] #get image used
			#get source coordinate
			coord = [int(x.strip()) for x in part_image.getAttribute("coord").split(",")]
			surf = pygame.Surface((coord[2], coord[3]), SRCALPHA)
			surf.blit(image, (0, 0), coord)
			surfdata = pygame.image.tostring(surf, "RGBA", True)
			glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texnum)
			glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, coord[2], coord[3], 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, surfdata)
			if part_image.getAttribute("origin") != "": #if an origin was defined
				#get origin coord
				origin = [int(x.strip()) for x in part_image.getAttribute("origin").split(",")]
				origin = [0, 0]
			center = (surf.get_width()/2, surf.get_height()/2) #calculate new center
			self.part_images[part_image.getAttribute("id")] = (texnum, center, origin, (coord[2], coord[3])) #store created image
			texnum += 1
		self.layout = PartAnimationGroup(self, g, anim_dom.getElementsByTagName("layout")[0]) #create layout
		self.curr_animation = None #clear list of animations
		self.animations = {}
		for anim in anim_dom.getElementsByTagName("anim"): #load list of animations
			#initialize and store an animation
			self.animations[anim.getAttribute("id")] = PartAnimation(self, anim)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self, file):
        self.letters = {}  # dictionary of letters

        font_dom = data.load_xml(file).documentElement  # load and parse font
        image_file = font_dom.getAttribute("image")  # get font bitmap file name
        self.image = data.load_image(image_file)  # load font bitmap
        self.image.convert_alpha()  # convert it to draw faster
        self.height = int(font_dom.getAttribute("height"))  # get height of characters
        self.id = font_dom.getAttribute("id")  # get font ID

        # load all the letters
        for letter in font_dom.getElementsByTagName("letter"):
            name = letter.getAttribute("name")  # get name of letter
            width = int(letter.getAttribute("size"))  # get width of letter
            coords = letter.getAttribute("coord").split(",")  # get coordinate of letter
            # make a rect of the letter bitmap
            rect = pygame.Rect(int(coords[0].strip()), int(coords[1].strip()), width, self.height)
            self.letters[name] = rect  # store the letter
Exemplo n.º 13
Arquivo: task.py Projeto: Noxitu/ojoj
 def from_xml(path):
     task_dir = os.path.dirname(path)
     self = Task()
     data = load_xml('ojoj.task', path, handlers={'default': _attrs_to_dict, 'test': _attrs_to_dict})
     self.id = data['id']
     self.name = data.get('name', self.id)
     self.task_dir = data.get('task_dir', task_dir)
     self.tests = []
     default = data.get('default', {})
     for test in data.get_list('test'):
         tmp = {}
     return self
Exemplo n.º 14
def load_data():  #load tileset animation data
    global tileset_anims
    tileset_anims = {}
    dom = data.load_xml(
        "tilesets/tileset_anim.xml").documentElement  #load dom data
    for tileset in dom.getElementsByTagName("tileset"):  #loop through tilesets
        anims = {}
        for cycle in tileset.getElementsByTagName("cycle"):
            anim_list = []
            node = cycle.firstChild  #loop through nodes of the cycle to get tiles
            while node != None:
                if node.localName == "tile":
                    #get position
                    pos = tuple(
                        for x in node.getAttribute("pos").split(","))
                    anim_list.append([pos, int(node.getAttribute("time"))])
                node = node.nextSibling  #go to next sibling
            anims[anim_list[0][0]] = anim_list  #set animation
        tileset_anims[tileset.getAttribute("file")] = anims  #set animations
Exemplo n.º 15
 def load_map(self, map_file): #load a map
     map_dom = data.load_xml(map_file).documentElement #load map xml data
     tile_file = map_dom.getAttribute("tiles") #get tile map file
     self.map = map.Map(self.g, tile_file) #load the map
     self.map_file = map_file #save map file
     self.wild_pokemon = {} #clear wild pokemon data too
     child = map_dom.firstChild #get first object data element
     while child is not None: #loop through object data
         if child.localName == "object": #if it's an object element
             obj_id = child.getAttribute("id") #get its id
             obj_type = child.getAttribute("type") #and type
             #initialize new object
             obj = objects.obj_types[obj_type](self, child)
             self.objects[obj_id] = obj #store it
             self.map.add_object(obj) #add it to map
         elif child.localName == "wild": #if it's wild pokemon data
             self.parse_wild(child) #handle it
         child = child.nextSibling #go to next element
     self.objects["player"] = self.player #store player object
     self.map.add_object(self.player) #and add it to map
     if self.debug : print repr(self.objects)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self, file):
        self.letters = {}  #dictionary of letters

        font_dom = data.load_xml(file).documentElement  #load and parse font
        image_file = font_dom.getAttribute("image")  #get font bitmap file name
        self.image = data.load_image(image_file)  #load font bitmap
        self.image.convert_alpha()  #convert it to draw faster
        self.height = int(
            font_dom.getAttribute("height"))  #get height of characters
        self.id = font_dom.getAttribute("id")  #get font ID

        #load all the letters
        for letter in font_dom.getElementsByTagName("letter"):
            name = letter.getAttribute("name")  #get name of letter
            width = int(letter.getAttribute("size"))  #get width of letter
            coords = letter.getAttribute("coord").split(
                ",")  #get coordinate of letter
            #make a rect of the letter bitmap
            rect = pygame.Rect(int(coords[0].strip()), int(coords[1].strip()), \
                width, self.height)
            self.letters[name] = rect  #store the letter
Exemplo n.º 17
	def __init__(self, g, sprite, anim_file):
		self.g = g
		self.sprite = sprite
		self.afile = anim_file
		self.animations = {}
		self.sheets = {}
		self.curranim = None
		self.oldanim = None
		anim_dom = data.load_xml(anim_file).documentElement
		for sheet in anim_dom.getElementsByTagName('sheet'):
			width = int(sheet.getAttribute('tilewidth'))
			height = int(sheet.getAttribute('tileheight'))
			image = sheet.getAttribute('from')
			id = sheet.getAttribute('id')
			self.sheets[id] = tileset.Tileset(image, width, height)
		for anim in anim_dom.getElementsByTagName('animation'):
			id = anim.getAttribute('id')
			self.animations[id] = Animation(self, anim)
Exemplo n.º 18
 def __init__(self, g, sprite, anim_file):
     self.g = g #store parameters
     self.sprite = sprite
     self.animations = {} #dictionary of the different animations
     self.sheets = {} #dictionary of the different sheets
     self.curr_animation = None #pointer to the current animation
     self.old_animation = None #pointer to the old animation, used for looping
     #load the animations from the file provided
     anim_dom = data.load_xml(anim_file).documentElement
     #load all of the animation sheets
     for sheet in anim_dom.getElementsByTagName("sheet"):
         width = int(sheet.getAttribute("tilewidth")) #get size of tiles
         height = int(sheet.getAttribute("tileheight"))
         image = sheet.getAttribute("from") #get path to image
         id = sheet.getAttribute("id") #and image ID
         self.sheets[id] = tileset.Tileset(image, width, height) #create the tileset
     #load all of the animations
     for anim in anim_dom.getElementsByTagName("animation"):
         id = anim.getAttribute("id") #get id of the animation
         self.animations[id] = Animation(self, anim) #create the animation
Exemplo n.º 19
	def load_map(self, map_file, spawn=False): #load a map
		map_dom = data.load_xml(map_file).documentElement #load map xml data
		tile_file = map_dom.getAttribute("tiles") #get tile map file
		self.map = map.Map(self.g, tile_file) #load the map
		self.map_file = map_file #save map file
		self.wild_pokemon = {} #clear wild pokemon data too
		child = map_dom.firstChild #get first object data element
		while child is not None: #loop through object data
			if child.localName == "object": #if it's an object element
				obj_id = child.getAttribute("id") #get its id
				obj_type = child.getAttribute("type") #and type
				#initialize new object
				obj = objects.obj_types[obj_type](self, child)
				self.objects[obj_id] = obj #store it
				self.map.add_object(obj) #add it to map
			elif child.localName == "wild": #if it's wild pokemon data
				self.parse_wild(child) #handle it
			child = child.nextSibling #go to next element
		if spawn:
			try: self.player.warp(self.objects["spawn_point"].tile_pos)
			except KeyError as e: raise error.NoSpawnPoint("The introduction level to this game has no spawn point defined!\n%s" %e)
		self.objects["player"] = self.player #store player object
		self.map.add_object(self.player) #and add it to map
		if self.debug: print repr(self.objects)
Exemplo n.º 20
    def __init__(self, g, sprite, anim_file):
        self.g = g  #store parameters
        self.sprite = sprite

        self.animations = {}  #dictionary of the different animations
        self.sheets = {}  #dictionary of the different sheets
        self.curr_animation = None  #pointer to the current animation
        self.old_animation = None  #pointer to the old animation, used for looping

        #load the animations from the file provided
        anim_dom = data.load_xml(anim_file).documentElement
        #load all of the animation sheets
        for sheet in anim_dom.getElementsByTagName("sheet"):
            width = int(sheet.getAttribute("tilewidth"))  #get size of tiles
            height = int(sheet.getAttribute("tileheight"))
            image = sheet.getAttribute("from")  #get path to image
            id = sheet.getAttribute("id")  #and image ID
            self.sheets[id] = tileset.Tileset(image, width,
                                              height)  #create the tileset

        #load all of the animations
        for anim in anim_dom.getElementsByTagName("animation"):
            id = anim.getAttribute("id")  #get id of the animation
            self.animations[id] = Animation(self, anim)  #create the animation
Exemplo n.º 21
import re, os, time, sys
from collections import Counter
from api import Api

BASEDIR, filename = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))
TESTER_PATH = os.path.abspath(BASEDIR+'/../tester')

class Paths:
    user_source = '{tmp_dir}/ojoj-user-source{ext}'

import tester, data, events
from task import Task

config = data.load_xml('ojoj.daemon.config', sys.argv[1])

if config.get('web.password') is None:
    import getpass
    config['web.password'] = getpass.getpass()
tasks = []

for tasks_directory in config.get_list('tasks'):
    for directory, _, files in os.walk(tasks_directory):
        if 'task.xml' in files:
            tasks.append((Task.from_xml, os.path.join(directory, 'task.xml')))
        if 'info' in files:
            tasks.append((Task.from_info, os.path.join(directory, 'info')))
Exemplo n.º 22
    def __init__(self, g, anim_file):
        self.g = g  #store given parameters

        images = {}  #dictionary of images loaded
        self.part_images = {}  #dictionary of part images defined
        self.parts = {}  #dictionary of different parts defined
        self.layout = None  #the part layout

        #load data from given file
        anim_dom = data.load_xml(anim_file).documentElement
        #load all given images
        for image in anim_dom.getElementsByTagName("image"):
            f = image.getAttribute("from")  #get source file so we can load it
            id = image.getAttribute("id")  #and image id
            surf = data.load_image(f)  #load given image
            surf.convert_alpha()  #convert it for faster rendering
            images[id] = surf  #store it
        #define all the part images
        for part_image in anim_dom.getElementsByTagName("part_image"):
            image = images[part_image.getAttribute("from")]  #get image used
            #get source coordinate
            coord = [
                for x in part_image.getAttribute("coord").split(",")
            if part_image.getAttribute(
                    "center") == "":  #if no center was defined
                surf = pygame.Surface(
                    (coord[2], coord[3]),
                    SRCALPHA)  #create a surface for the image
                surf.blit(image, (0, 0),
                          coord)  #draw image onto new surface normally
                pos = [0, 0]
            else:  #if one was defined, we need to shift the image around
                #get center coordinate
                center = [
                    for x in part_image.getAttribute("center").split(",")
                #calculate the difference in current center and wanted center
                center_diff = ((coord[2] / 2) - center[0],
                               (coord[3] / 2) - center[1])
                #calculate new size of surface
                size = (coord[2] + abs(center_diff[0]),
                        coord[3] + abs(center_diff[1]))
                #calculate blitting position
                pos = [max(0, center_diff[0]), max(0, center_diff[1])]
                surf = pygame.Surface(size, SRCALPHA)  #create new surface
                surf.blit(image, pos, coord)  #blit proper section of image
            if part_image.getAttribute(
                    "origin") != "":  #if an origin was defined
                #get origin coord
                origin = [
                    for x in part_image.getAttribute("origin").split(",")
                pos[0] += origin[0]  #combine origin into offset
                pos[1] += origin[1]
            center = (surf.get_width() / 2, surf.get_height() / 2
                      )  #calculate new center
            self.part_images[part_image.getAttribute("id")] = (
                surf, center, pos)  #store created image
        self.layout = PartAnimationGroup(
            self, g,
            anim_dom.getElementsByTagName("layout")[0])  #create layout
        self.curr_animation = None  #clear list of animations
        self.animations = {}
        for anim in anim_dom.getElementsByTagName(
                "anim"):  #load list of animations
            #initialize and store an animation
            self.animations[anim.getAttribute("id")] = PartAnimation(
                self, anim)