def main(): h = 360 w = 256 c = 3 #val_psnr=0 net = kerasModel2.SN(h, w), h, w, c)) net.load_weights(CP_Dir) # Make a dummy prediction to get the input shape start = time.time() for i, f in zip(range(len(v_scan_blur)), v_scan_blur): #if (i % 10) == 9: dir_num = str("%03d_" % (i // 100)) name = str("%08d" % (i % 100)) test2 = cv2.imread(f) test2 = cv2.resize(test2, (256, 360), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) test = data.normalize(test2) test = np.expand_dims(test, axis=0) pred = net.predict(test, batch_size=1) pred = pred.squeeze(0) pred = data.unnormalize(pred) #val_psnr = val_psnr + BB(test2, pred) #cv2.imwrite(save_files[a], pred) cv2.imwrite( "D:/ntire2020/Deblur/ntire-2020-deblur-mobile-master/jisu/" + dir_num + name + ".png", pred) print("%s" % f) print("%.4f sec took for testing" % (time.time() - start))
def main(): h = 720 w = 1280 c = 3 net = kerasModel.SN(h, w), h, w, c)) net.load_weights(CP_Dir) # Make a dummy prediction to get the input shape for i, f in zip(range(len(v_scan_blur)), v_scan_blur): if (i % 10) == 9: dir_num = str("%03d_" % (i // 100)) name = str("%08d" % (i % 100)) final = np.zeros((h, w, c)) for mode in range(8): test = cv2.imread(f) test = self_ensemble(test, mode, 1) test = data.normalize(test) test = np.expand_dims(test, axis=0) pred = net.predict(test, batch_size=1) pred = pred.squeeze(0) pred = data.unnormalize(pred) pred = self_ensemble(pred, mode, 0) final = final + pred #cv2.imwrite(save_files[a], pred) cv2.imwrite( "D:/ntire2020/Deblur/ntire-2020-deblur-mobile-master/validation2/" + dir_num + name + ".png", final / 8) print("%s" % f)
def val_loss(): '''prints the final validiation loss of the model''' random_l = data.val_l.cpu().numpy() random.shuffle(random_l) random_l = torch.Tensor(random_l).long().cuda() with torch.no_grad(): z, _ = cinn(data.val_x, data.val_l) recon = cinn.reverse_sample(z, data.val_l).cpu().numpy() fake = cinn.reverse_sample(z, random_l).cpu().numpy() nrow = 20 ncol = 30 n_imgs = 3 full_image = np.zeros((28 * nrow, 28 * ncol * n_imgs)) for s in range(nrow * ncol): i, j = s // ncol, s % ncol # Show src Image src_show = data.val_x[s, 0].cpu().numpy() src_show = data.unnormalize(src_show) full_image[28 * i:28 * (i + 1), 28 * j * n_imgs:28 * (j * n_imgs + 1)] = src_show # Show recon Image rec_show = recon[s, 0] rec_show = data.unnormalize(rec_show) full_image[28 * i:28 * (i + 1), 28 * (j * n_imgs + 1):28 * (j * n_imgs + 2)] = 1 - rec_show # Show random label Image fake_show = fake[s, 0] fake_show = data.unnormalize(fake_show) full_image[28 * i:28 * (i + 1), 28 * (j * n_imgs + 2):28 * (j * n_imgs + 3)] = 1 - fake_show full_image = np.clip(full_image, 0, 1) plt.title( F'Left: val source image ; Mid: Recon Image Right: Random Label image') plt.imshow(full_image, vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap='gray') cv2.imwrite("source-vs-rec.png", full_image * 255.0)
def predict(instance, dat): with tf.Graph().as_default(): # Build a Graph that computes predictions from the inference model. logits = ops.inference(tf.constant(instance), dat.emb_size, FLAGS.hidden1, FLAGS.hidden2, 1) # keep_prob sess = tf.Session() # Restore variables from disk. restore_variables(sess) predictions = return data.unnormalize(predictions)
def color_single(bw_img, n_show=11, save_as=None, subplot_args=None): '''colorize a sinlge black-and-white image. bw_img: 1x28x28 bw image n_show: how many samples to generate save_as: if not None: save image filename subplot_args: If not None: use plt.sublot(*subplot_args) instead of plt.figure()''' with torch.no_grad(): cond_features = cond_net.model.features( bw_img.expand(c.batch_size, -1, -1, -1)) cond =[ bw_img.expand(c.batch_size, 1, *c.img_dims), cond_features.view(c.batch_size, c.cond_width, 1, 1).expand( -1, -1, *c.img_dims) ], dim=1) z = sample_outputs(1.0) with torch.no_grad(): colored = data.unnormalize( model.model(z, cond, rev=True)[:n_show].data.cpu().numpy()) imgs = [[bw_img] * 3, 0).cpu().numpy()] imgs += list(colored) img_show = img_tile(imgs, (1, n_show + 1)) img_show = np.clip(img_show, 0, 1) if subplot_args: plt.subplot(*subplot_args) else: plt.figure() plt.imshow(img_show) plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) if save_as: plt.imsave(save_as, img_show)
def show_samples(label): '''produces and shows cINN samples for a given label (0-9)''' N_samples = 100 l = torch.cuda.LongTensor(N_samples) l[:] = label z = 1.0 * torch.randn(N_samples, model.ndim_total).cuda() with torch.no_grad(): samples = cinn.reverse_sample(z, l).cpu().numpy() samples = data.unnormalize(samples) full_image = np.zeros((28 * 10, 28 * 10)) for k in range(N_samples): i, j = k // 10, k % 10 full_image[28 * i:28 * (i + 1), 28 * j:28 * (j + 1)] = samples[k, 0] full_image = np.clip(full_image, 0, 1) plt.figure() plt.title(F'Generated digits for c={label}') plt.imshow(full_image, vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap='gray')
# check if a model has been previously trained already_trained = os.path.exists(load_path) if not (args.train or already_trained): check_if_ok_to_continue('Model has not been trained. ' 'Train it now (this may take several hours)? ') args.train = True dataset = model.load_data(args.dataset) if args.train: model.run_training(dataset) # predict a rating for the user if args.user_id and ( or instance = dataset.get_ratings(args.user_id) ratings = data.unnormalize(instance.ravel()) output = model.predict(instance, dataset).ravel() if col = dataset.get_col( rating = output[col] # purty stars num_stars = int(round(rating * 2)) stars = ''.join(u'\u2605' for _ in range(num_stars)) stars += ''.join(u'\u2606' for _ in range(10 - num_stars)) print("The model predicts that user %s will rate " "movie number %s: " % (args.user_id, print('%1.2f / 5' % rating) print(stars)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-p', '--path', type=str, default='REDS') parser.add_argument('-m', '--model_file', type=str, default='models/deblur.tflite') parser.add_argument('-t', '--test', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-s', '--save_results', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-256', '--use_256', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() interpreter = tf.lite.Interpreter(model_path=args.model_file, ) interpreter.allocate_tensors() input_details = interpreter.get_input_details() output_details = interpreter.get_output_details() # check the type of the input tensor floating_model = input_details[0]['dtype'] == np.float32 if args.test: input_dir = path.join(args.path, 'test', 'test_blur') target_dir = None save_dir = path.join('example', 'test') else: input_dir = path.join(args.path, 'val', 'val_blur') target_dir = path.join(args.path, 'val', 'val_sharp') save_dir = path.join('example', 'val') if args.save_results: os.makedirs(save_dir, exist_ok=True) scan = lambda x, y: glob.glob(path.join(x, y, '*.png')) input_list = [scan(input_dir, d) for d in os.listdir(input_dir)] input_list = sorted([it for it in itertools.chain(*input_list)]) if target_dir is None: target_list = [None for _ in input_list] else: target_list = [scan(target_dir, d) for d in os.listdir(target_dir)] target_list = sorted([it for it in itertools.chain(*target_list)]) # NxHxWxC, H:1, W:2 psnr_avg = 0 tq = tqdm.tqdm(zip(input_list, target_list), total=len(input_list)) for input_path, target_path in tq: input_img = imageio.imread(input_path) if target_path is not None: target_img = imageio.imread(target_path) if floating_model: input_img = data.normalize(input_img) input_data = np.expand_dims(input_img, axis=0) if args.use_256: # Split the image into 256 x 256 patches blur_list = [] ps = 256 _, h, w, _ = input_data.shape nh = math.ceil(h / ps) nw = math.ceil(w / ps) mh = (nh * ps - h) // (nh - 1) mw = (nw * ps - w) // (nw - 1) for ih in range(nh): ph = ih * (ps - mh) for iw in range(nw): pw = iw * (ps - mw) patch = input_data[..., ph:ph + ps, pw:pw + ps, :] blur_list.append(patch) else: blur_list = [input_data] output_list = [] for x in blur_list: interpreter.set_tensor(input_details[0]['index'], x) interpreter.invoke() output_data = interpreter.get_tensor(output_details[0]['index']) output_data = np.squeeze(output_data) output_list.append(output_data) if args.use_256: cnt = 0 row = [] for ih in range(nh): col = [] for iw in range(nw): y = output_list[cnt] if iw == 0: col.append(y[:, :ps - mw // 2]) elif iw == nw - 1: col.append(y[:, mw // 2:]) else: col.append(y[:, mw // 2:ps - mw // 2]) cnt += 1 col_cat = np.concatenate(col, axis=1) if ih == 0: row.append(col_cat[:ps - mh // 2]) elif ih == nh - 1: row.append(col_cat[mh // 2:]) else: row.append(col_cat[mh // 2:ps - mh // 2]) result = np.concatenate(row, axis=0) else: result = output_list[0] if floating_model: result = data.unnormalize(result) if target_path is not None: psnr_avg += metric.psnr_np(result, target_img) if args.save_results: save_as = input_path.replace(input_dir, save_dir) os.makedirs(path.dirname(save_as), exist_ok=True) imageio.imwrite(save_as, result) if target_path is not None: print('Avg. PSNR: {:.2f}'.format(psnr_avg / len(input_list)))
if i_epoch > 1 - c.pre_low_lr: viz.show_loss(epoch_losses, logscale=False) output_orig = output.cpu() viz.show_hist(output_orig) with torch.no_grad(): samples = sample_outputs(c.sampling_temperature) if not c.colorize: cond = test_cond rev_imgs = model.model(samples, cond, rev=True) ims = [rev_imgs] viz.show_imgs(*list(data.unnormalize(i) for i in ims)) model.model.zero_grad() if (i_epoch % c.checkpoint_save_interval) == 0: + '_checkpoint_%.4i' % (i_epoch * (1 - c.checkpoint_save_overwrite))) except: if c.checkpoint_on_error: + '_ABORT') raise