Exemplo n.º 1
def main(argv):
    data = None
    conf = None
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hf:i:", ["file=:init="])
    except getopt.GetoptError:
        print 'differentialPhotometry.py [-f <outputfile>] [-i <initfile file>'
    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt == '-h':
            print '(Show light curve on screen) -> differentialPhotometry.py'
            print '(Save light curve on file)   -> differentialPhotometry.py [-f <outputfile>]'
            print '(Set init config file)       -> differentialPhotometry.py [-i <initfile>]'
        elif opt in ("-i", "--init"):
            conf = arg
        elif opt in ("-f", "--file"):
            data = dataBankFileOutput(conf, arg)

    if data is None:
        data = dataBank(conf)

    differentialExecutor = differentialPhotometryExecutor(data)
Exemplo n.º 2
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

import oscaar
import astrometry
import photometry
import dataBank
import systematics
import IO
import pyfits

# Turn on interactive plots

# initalize databank for data storage
data = dataBank.dataBank()
# Store initialized dictionary
allStars = data.getDict()
outputPath = data.outputPath
N_exposures = len(data.getPaths())

# Prepare systematic corrections: dark frame, flat field
meanDarkFrame = data.getMeanDarkFrame()
masterFlat = data.masterFlat

# Tell oscaar what figure settings to use
plottingThings, statusBarFig, statusBarAx = \
    IO.plottingSettings(data.trackPlots, data.photPlots)

# Main loop: iterate through each exposures
for expNumber in xrange(N_exposures):
Exemplo n.º 3
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

import oscaar
import astrometry
import photometry
import dataBank
import systematics
import IO
import pyfits

# Turn on interactive plots

# initalize databank for data storage
data = dataBank.dataBank()
# Store initialized dictionary
allStars = data.getDict()
outputPath = data.outputPath
N_exposures = len(data.getPaths())

# Prepare systematic corrections: dark frame, flat field
meanDarkFrame = data.getMeanDarkFrame()
masterFlat = data.masterFlat

# Tell oscaar what figure settings to use
plottingThings, statusBarFig, statusBarAx = \
    IO.plottingSettings(data.trackPlots, data.photPlots)

# Main loop: iterate through each exposures
for expNumber in xrange(N_exposures):
Exemplo n.º 4
Core developer: Brett Morris

import oscaar
import astrometry
import photometry
import dataBank
import systematics
import IO
import pyfits
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

plt.ion()  ## Turn on interactive plots

data = dataBank.dataBank(
)  #imagesPath,darksPath,flatPath,regsPath,ingress,egress)  ## initalize databank for data storage
allStars = data.getDict()  ## Store initialized dictionary
outputPath = data.outputPath
N_exposures = len(data.getPaths())

## Prepare systematic corrections: dark frame, flat field
meanDarkFrame = systematics.meanDarkFrame(data.darksPath)
masterFlat = data.masterFlat

## Tell oscaar what figure settings to use
plottingThings, statusBarFig, statusBarAx = IO.plottingSettings(
    data.trackPlots, data.photPlots)

## Main loop: iterate through each exposures
for expNumber in range(0, N_exposures):
Exemplo n.º 5

Core developer: Brett Morris

import oscaar
import astrometry
import photometry
import dataBank
import systematics
import IO
import pyfits
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
plt.ion()	## Turn on interactive plots

data = dataBank.dataBank()#imagesPath,darksPath,flatPath,regsPath,ingress,egress)  ## initalize databank for data storage
allStars = data.getDict()			   ## Store initialized dictionary
outputPath = data.outputPath
N_exposures = len(data.getPaths())

## Prepare systematic corrections: dark frame, flat field
meanDarkFrame = systematics.meanDarkFrame(data.darksPath)
masterFlat = data.masterFlat

## Tell oscaar what figure settings to use 
plottingThings,statusBarFig,statusBarAx = IO.plottingSettings(data.trackPlots,data.photPlots)   

## Main loop: iterate through each exposures
for expNumber in range(0,N_exposures):  
	if statusBarAx != None and expNumber % 15 == 0: