Exemplo n.º 1
def generate_random_wrong_path(env_id, start_idx, end_idx):
    env_config = load_env_config(env_id)
    current_path = load_path(env_id)[start_idx:end_idx]

    start_pos = current_path[0]
    landmark_locations = np.asarray(
        list(zip(env_config["xPos"], env_config["zPos"])))
    distances = np.asarray(
        [np.linalg.norm(start_pos - p) for p in landmark_locations])
    closest_lm_idx = np.argmin(distances)
    start_landmark = env_config["landmarkName"][closest_lm_idx]

    # For segment-level, we're never (if ever) gonna need more than 3 landmarks

    i = 0
    while True:
        print(f"Attempt: {i}")
        i += 1
        ret = try_make_curve(env_config, start_pos, start_landmark)
        if ret is not None:
    pos_array, last_pos, last_landmark_visited = ret

    # Return a trajectory of the same length as the one which is being replaced
    return convert_path(pos_array[:(end_idx - start_idx)])
Exemplo n.º 2
def faux_dataset_random_pt(eval_envs):
    print("Generating faux dataset")
    units = UnrealUnits(scale=1.0)
    dataset = []
    for env_id in eval_envs:
        segment_dataset = []
        config = load_env_config(env_id)
        template = load_template(env_id)

        start_pt = np.asarray(config["startPos"])
        second_pt = np.asarray(config["startHeading"])
        end_x = random.uniform(0, 1000)
        end_y = random.uniform(0, 1000)
        end_pt = np.asarray([end_x, end_y])

        state1 = DroneState(None, start_pt)
        state2 = DroneState(None, second_pt)
        state3 = DroneState(None, end_pt)

        segment_dataset.append(bare_min_sample(state1, False, env_id))
        segment_dataset.append(bare_min_sample(state2, False, env_id))
        segment_dataset.append(bare_min_sample(state3, True, env_id))


    return dataset
Exemplo n.º 3
 def _load_drone_config(self, i, instance_id=None):
     conf_json = load_env_config(i)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def get_landmark_pos(self, env_id):
     template = load_template(env_id)
     config = load_env_config(env_id)
     landmark_idx = config["landmarkName"].index(template["landmark1"])
     pos_x = config["xPos"][landmark_idx]
     pos_y = config["zPos"][landmark_idx]
     landmark_pos = np.asarray([pos_x, pos_y])
     return landmark_pos
Exemplo n.º 5
def make_curves_for_unique_config(config_id):
    start_pos, start_lm = None, None
    for env_id in range(config_id, config_id + NEW_CONFIG_EVERY_N, 1):
        config = load_env_config(env_id)
        curve_path = get_curve_path(env_id)
        plot_path = get_curve_plot_path(env_id)
        start_pos, start_lm = make_new_curve(config, curve_path, plot_path,
                                             start_pos, start_lm)
Exemplo n.º 6
def faux_dataset_random_landmark(eval_envs):
    print("Generating faux dataset")
    units = UnrealUnits(scale=1.0)
    dataset = []
    for env_id in eval_envs:
        segment_dataset = []
        config = load_env_config(env_id)
        template = load_template(env_id)
        path = load_path(env_id)

        landmark_radii = config["radius"]

        start_pt = np.asarray(config["startPos"])
        second_pt = np.asarray(config["startHeading"])

        landmark_choice_ids = list(range(len(config["landmarkName"])))
        choice_id = random.choice(landmark_choice_ids)

        target_x = config["xPos"][choice_id]
        target_y = config["zPos"][choice_id]
        target_lm_pos = np.asarray([target_x, target_y])

        landmark_dir = target_lm_pos - start_pt

        method = template["side"]

        theta = math.atan2(landmark_dir[1], landmark_dir[0]) + math.pi
        if method == "infront":
            theta = theta
        elif method == "random":
            theta = random.random() * 2 * math.pi
        elif method == "behind":
            theta = theta + math.pi
        elif method == "left":
            theta = theta - math.pi / 2
        elif method == "right":
            theta = theta + math.pi / 2

        x, z = target_lm_pos[0], target_lm_pos[1]
        landmark_radius = landmark_radii[choice_id]
        sample_point = np.array([
            x + math.cos(theta) * landmark_radius,
            z + math.sin(theta) * landmark_radius

        state1 = DroneState(None, start_pt)
        state2 = DroneState(None, second_pt)
        state3 = DroneState(None, sample_point)

        segment_dataset.append(bare_min_sample(state1, False, env_id))
        segment_dataset.append(bare_min_sample(state2, False, env_id))
        segment_dataset.append(bare_min_sample(state3, True, env_id))


    return dataset
Exemplo n.º 7
    def gen_lm_aux_labels(self, env_id, instruction, affine):

        env_conf_json = load_env_config(env_id)
        landmark_names, landmark_indices, landmark_positions = get_landmark_locations_airsim(
        landmark_pos_in_img = pos_m_to_px(
            np.asarray(landmark_positions)[:, 0:2],
            np.array([self.map_w, self.map_h]))
        landmark_pos_in_seg_img = apply_affine_on_pts(landmark_pos_in_img,

        if False:
            plot_path_on_img(self.latest_img_dbg, landmark_pos_in_img)
            plot_path_on_img(self.latest_rot_img_dbg, landmark_pos_in_seg_img)
            cv2.imshow("img", self.latest_img_dbg)
            cv2.imshow("rot_img", self.latest_rot_img_dbg)

        landmark_pos_t = torch.from_numpy(landmark_pos_in_seg_img).unsqueeze(0)
        landmark_indices_t = torch.LongTensor(landmark_indices).unsqueeze(0)

        mask1 = torch.gt(landmark_pos_t, 0)
        mask2 = torch.lt(landmark_pos_t, self.img_w)
        mask = mask1 * mask2
        mask = mask[:, :, 0] * mask[:, :, 1]
        mask = mask

        landmark_pos_t = torch.masked_select(
            mask.unsqueeze(2).expand_as(landmark_pos_t)).view([-1, 2])
        landmark_indices_t = torch.masked_select(landmark_indices_t,

        mentioned_names, mentioned_indices = get_mentioned_landmarks(
            self.thesaurus, instruction)
        mentioned_labels_t = empty_float_tensor(list(
        for i, landmark_idx_present in enumerate(landmark_indices_t):
            if landmark_idx_present in mentioned_indices:
                mentioned_labels_t[i] = 1

        if len(landmark_indices_t) > 0:
            aux_label = {
                "lm_pos": landmark_pos_t,
                "lm_indices": landmark_indices_t,
                "lm_mentioned": mentioned_labels_t,
                "lm_visible": mask,
            aux_label = {
                "lm_pos": [],
                "lm_indices": [],
                "lm_mentioned": [],
                "lm_visible": []
        return aux_label
Exemplo n.º 8
def is_ambiguous(env_id):
    template = load_template(env_id)
    config = load_env_config(env_id)
    #TODO: Handle the case where instructions refer to multiple landmarks
    ref_landmark = template["landmark1"]
    occ_count = 0
    for landmark_name in config["landmarkName"]:
        if has_ambiguous_noun_phrase(landmark_name, ref_landmark):
            occ_count += 1
    if occ_count == 0:
        print("Error! Referred to landmark that's not found in env!")
    # More than one such landmark occurs in the test set
    if occ_count > 1:
        return True
        return False
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        if self.seg_level:
            env_id = self.seg_list[idx][0]
            set_idx = self.seg_list[idx][1]
            seg_idx = self.seg_list[idx][2]
            env_id = self.env_list[idx]

        print("top_down_dataset_sm __getitem__ load_env_config")
        env_conf_json = load_env_config(env_id)
        landmark_names, landmark_indices, landmark_positions = get_landmark_locations_airsim(env_conf_json)

        top_down_image = load_env_img(env_id)

        path = load_path(env_id)

        img_x = top_down_image.shape[0]
        img_y = top_down_image.shape[1]

        path_in_img_coords = self.cf_to_img(img_x, path)
        landmark_pos_in_img = self.as_to_img(img_x, np.asarray(landmark_positions)[:, 0:2])
        self.pos_rand_image = self.pos_rand_range * img_x

        #self.plot_path_on_img(top_down_image, path_in_img_coords)
        #self.plot_path_on_img(top_down_image, landmark_pos_in_img)
        #cv2.imshow("top_down", top_down_image)

        input_images = []
        input_instructions = []
        label_images = []
        aux_labels = []

        # Somehow load the instruction with the start and end indices for each of the N segments
        if self.seg_level:
            instruction_segments = [self.all_instr[env_id][set_idx]["instructions"][seg_idx]]
            instruction_segments = self.all_instr[env_id][0]["instructions"]

        for seg_idx, seg in enumerate(instruction_segments):
            start_idx = seg["start_idx"]
            end_idx = seg["end_idx"]
            instruction = seg["instruction"]

            # TODO: Check for overflowz
            seg_path = path_in_img_coords[start_idx:end_idx]
            seg_img = top_down_image.copy()

            #test_plot = self.plot_path_on_img(seg_img, seg_path)
            # TODO: Validate the 0.5 choice, should it be 2?
            affine, cropsize = self.get_affine_matrix(seg_path, 0, [int(img_x / 2), int(img_y / 2)], 0.5)
            if affine is None:
            seg_img_rot = self.apply_affine(seg_img, affine, cropsize)

            seg_labels = np.zeros_like(seg_img[:, :, 0:1]).astype(float)
            seg_labels = self.plot_path_on_img(seg_labels, seg_path)
            seg_labels = gaussian_filter(seg_labels, 4)
            seg_labels_rot = self.apply_affine(seg_labels, affine, cropsize)

            #seg_labels_rot = gaussian_filter(seg_labels_rot, 4)
            seg_labels_rot = self.normalize_0_1(seg_labels_rot)

            # Change to true to visualize the paths / labels
            if False:
                cv2.imshow("rot_img", seg_img_rot)
                cv2.imshow("seg_labels", seg_labels_rot)
                rot_viz = seg_img_rot.astype(np.float64) / 512
                rot_viz[:, :, 0] += seg_labels_rot.squeeze()
                cv2.imshow("rot_viz", rot_viz)

            tok_instruction = tokenize_instruction(instruction, self.word2token)
            instruction_t = torch.LongTensor(tok_instruction).unsqueeze(0)

            # Get landmark classification labels
            landmark_pos_in_seg_img = self.apply_affine_on_pts(landmark_pos_in_img, affine)

            # Down-size images and labels if requested by the model
            if self.img_scale != 1.0:
                seg_img_rot = transform.resize(
                    [seg_img_rot.shape[0] * self.img_scale,
                     seg_img_rot.shape[1] * self.img_scale], mode="constant")
                seg_labels_rot = transform.resize(
                    [seg_labels_rot.shape[0] * self.img_scale,
                     seg_labels_rot.shape[1] * self.img_scale], mode="constant")
                landmark_pos_in_seg_img = landmark_pos_in_seg_img * self.img_scale

            seg_img_rot = standardize_image(seg_img_rot)
            seg_labels_rot = standardize_image(seg_labels_rot)
            seg_img_t = torch.from_numpy(seg_img_rot).unsqueeze(0).float()
            seg_labels_t = torch.from_numpy(seg_labels_rot).unsqueeze(0).float()

            landmark_pos_t = torch.from_numpy(landmark_pos_in_seg_img).unsqueeze(0)
            landmark_indices_t = torch.LongTensor(landmark_indices).unsqueeze(0)

            mask1 = torch.gt(landmark_pos_t, 0)
            mask2 = torch.lt(landmark_pos_t, seg_img_t.size(2))
            mask = mask1 * mask2
            mask = mask[:, :, 0] * mask[:, :, 1]
            mask = mask

            landmark_pos_t = torch.masked_select(landmark_pos_t, mask.unsqueeze(2).expand_as(landmark_pos_t)).view([-1, 2])
            landmark_indices_t = torch.masked_select(landmark_indices_t, mask).view([-1])

            mentioned_names, mentioned_indices = get_mentioned_landmarks(self.thesaurus, instruction)
            mentioned_labels_t = empty_float_tensor(list(landmark_indices_t.size())).long()
            for i, landmark_idx_present in enumerate(landmark_indices_t):
                if landmark_idx_present in mentioned_indices:
                    mentioned_labels_t[i] = 1

            aux_label = {
                "landmark_pos": landmark_pos_t,
                "landmark_indices": landmark_indices_t,
                "landmark_mentioned": mentioned_labels_t,
                "visible_mask": mask,

            if self.include_instr_negatives:
                # If we are to be using similar instructions according to the json file, then
                # initialize choices with similar instructions. Otherwise let choices be empty, and they will
                # be filled in the following lines.
                if self.instr_negatives_similar_only:
                    choices = self.similar_instruction_map[str(env_id)][str(seg_idx)]
                    choices = []
                # If there are no similar instructions to this instruction, pick a completely random instruction
                if len(choices) == 0:
                    while len(choices) == 0:
                        env_options = list(self.similar_instruction_map.keys())
                        random_env = random.choice(env_options)
                        seg_options = list(self.similar_instruction_map[random_env].keys())
                        if len(seg_options) == 0:
                        random_seg = random.choice(seg_options)
                        choices = self.similar_instruction_map[random_env][random_seg]

                pick = random.choice(choices)
                picked_env = pick["env_id"]
                picked_seg = pick["seg_idx"]
                picked_set = pick["set_idx"]
                picked_instruction = self.all_instr[picked_env][picked_set]["instructions"][picked_seg]["instruction"]
                tok_fake_instruction = tokenize_instruction(picked_instruction, self.word2token)
                aux_label["negative_instruction"] = torch.LongTensor(tok_fake_instruction).unsqueeze(0)


        return [input_images, input_instructions, label_images, aux_labels]
Exemplo n.º 10
def generate_template_curve(config_id):

    config = load_env_config(config_id)
    # Make a curve that follows the given template
    make_template_curve(config, config_id)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def __call__(self, images, states, segment_data, mask):
        projector = PinholeProjector(img_x=images.size(3), img_y=images.size(2))
        # presenter = Presenter()

        env_id = segment_data.metadata[0]["env_id"]

        conf_json = load_env_config(env_id)
        all_landmark_indices = get_landmark_name_to_index()
        landmark_names, landmark_indices, landmark_pos = get_landmark_locations_airsim(conf_json)

        path_array = load_path(env_id)
        goal_loc = self.__get_goal_location_airsim(path_array)

        # Traj length x 64 landmarks x 14
        # 0-5: Present landmarks data
        #   0 - landmark present in img
        #   1-2 - landmark pix_x | pix_y
        #   3-5 - landmark world coords m_x | m_y
        # 6-7: Template data
        #   6 - landmark_mentioned index
        #   7 - mentioned_side index
        #   8 - landmark mentioned
        # 9-13: Goal data
        #   9-10 - goal_x_pix | goal_y_pix
        #   11-12 - goal_x | goal_y (world)
        #   13 - goal visible
        aux_labels = torch.zeros((images.size(0), len(all_landmark_indices), 14))

        # Store goal location in airsim coordinates
        aux_labels[:, :, 11:13] = torch.from_numpy(goal_loc[0:2]).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0).expand_as(
            aux_labels[:, :, 11:13])

        for i, idx in enumerate(landmark_indices):
            aux_labels[:, idx, 3:6] = torch.from_numpy(
                landmark_pos[i]).unsqueeze(0).clone().repeat(aux_labels.size(0), 1, 1)

        for timestep in range(images.size(0)):
            # presenter.save_image(images[timestep], name="tmp.png", torch=True)

            if mask[timestep] == 0:

            cam_pos = states[timestep, 9:12]
            cam_rot = states[timestep, 12:16]

            goal_in_img, goal_in_cam, status = projector.world_point_to_image(cam_pos, cam_rot, goal_loc)
            if goal_in_img is not None:
                aux_labels[timestep, :, 9:11] = torch.from_numpy(goal_in_img[0:2]).unsqueeze(0).expand_as(
                    aux_labels[timestep, :, 9:11])
                aux_labels[timestep, :, 13] = 1.0

            for i, landmark_world in enumerate(landmark_pos):
                landmark_idx = landmark_indices[i]

                landmark_in_img, landmark_in_cam, status = projector.world_point_to_image(cam_pos, cam_rot,
                # This is None if the landmark is behind the camera.
                if landmark_in_img is not None:
                    # presenter.save_image(images[timestep], name="tmp.png", torch=True, draw_point=landmark_in_img)
                    aux_labels[timestep, landmark_idx, 0] = 1.0
                    aux_labels[timestep, landmark_idx, 1:3] = torch.from_numpy(landmark_in_img[0:2])
                    # aux_labels[timestep, landmark_idx, 3:6] = torch.from_numpy(landmark_in_cam[0:3])
                    # aux_labels[timestep, landmark_idx, 8] = 1.0 if landmark_idx == mentioned_landmark_idx else 0

        return aux_labels
Exemplo n.º 12
def provider_lm_pos_lm_indices_fpv(segment_data, data):
    Data provider that gives the positions and indices of all landmarks visible in the FPV image.
    :param segment_data: segment dataset for which to provide data
    :return: ("lm_pos", lm_pos) - lm_pos is a list (over timesteps) of lists (over landmarks visible in image) of the
                landmark locations in image pixel coordinates
             ("lm_indices", lm_indices) - lm_indices is a list (over timesteps) of lists (over landmarks visible in image)
                of the landmark indices for every landmark included in lm_pos. These are the landmark classifier labels
    env_id = segment_data[0]["metadata"]["env_id"]
    domain = segment_data[0]["metadata"]["domain"]

    #    env_instr = load_instructions(env_id)

    conf_json = load_env_config(env_id)
    all_landmark_indices = get_landmark_name_to_index()
    landmark_names, landmark_indices, landmark_pos = get_landmark_locations_airsim(

    params = P.get_current_parameters().get(
        "Model") or P.get_current_parameters().get("ModelPVN").get("Stage1")
    projector = PinholeCameraProjection(map_size_px=params["global_map_size"],
    traj_len = len(segment_data)

    lm_pos_fpv = []
    lm_indices = []
    lm_mentioned = []
    lm_pos_map = []

    for timestep in range(traj_len):
        t_lm_pos_fpv = []
        t_lm_indices = []
        t_lm_mentioned = []
        t_lm_pos_map = []

        if segment_data[timestep]["state"] is not None:
            cam_pos = segment_data[timestep]["state"].get_cam_pos_3d()
            cam_rot = segment_data[timestep]["state"].get_cam_rot()
            instruction_str = segment_data[timestep]["instruction"]
            mentioned_landmark_names, mentioned_landmark_indices = get_mentioned_landmarks_nl(

            for i, landmark_in_world in enumerate(landmark_pos):
                landmark_idx = landmark_indices[i]
                landmark_in_img, landmark_in_cam, status = projector.world_point_to_image(
                    cam_pos, cam_rot, landmark_in_world)
                this_lm_mentioned = 1 if landmark_idx in mentioned_landmark_indices else 0

                # This is None if the landmark is behind the camera.
                if landmark_in_img is not None:
                    # presenter.save_image(images[timestep], name="tmp.png", torch=True, draw_point=landmark_in_img)

        if len(t_lm_pos_fpv) > 0:
            t_lm_pos_fpv = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(t_lm_pos_fpv)).float()
            t_lm_pos_map = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(t_lm_pos_map)).float()
            t_lm_indices = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(t_lm_indices)).long()
            t_lm_mentioned = torch.from_numpy(
            t_lm_pos_fpv = None
            t_lm_pos_map = None
            t_lm_indices = None
            t_lm_mentioned = None


    return [("lm_pos_fpv", lm_pos_fpv), ("lm_indices", lm_indices),
            ("lm_mentioned", lm_mentioned), ("lm_pos_map", lm_pos_map)]
Exemplo n.º 13
def ground_terms(word2id, clustered_corpus, landmark_names,
    # the clustered corpus is a dictionary of lists, where the keys are valid english words and the values are
    # lists of words found in the corpus that are assumed to be misspellings of the key valid words

    # We make the distinction that a word is any word in an instruction
    # Terms are words in the english vocabulary. Multiple words (misspellings) can map to a single term.

    num_terms = len(clustered_corpus)
    vocab_size = len(word2id)
    num_landmarks = len(landmark_names)

    # This is gonna be the new word2id, once we start using the thesaurus
    term2id = {}
    id2term = {}
    for i, term in enumerate(sorted(clustered_corpus.keys())):
        term2id[term] = i
        id2term[i] = term

    # Calculate the mutual information between each cluster and each landmark
    # Number of times each term appears in an instruction
    term_occurences = np.zeros(num_terms)
    # Number of times each landmark appears near a segment path
    landmark_occurences = np.zeros(num_landmarks)
    # The number of times each term and landmark combination appears in the instruction and near the path
    term_landmark_cooccurences = np.zeros((num_terms, num_landmarks))
    # The number of total segments that were considered
    total_occurences = 0

    landmark_indices = get_landmark_name_to_index()

    # Inverse the clusters so that we can efficiently map each word in each instruction to it's cluster core
    word2term = {}
    for real_word, misspellings in clustered_corpus.items():
        for misspelling in misspellings:
            word2term[misspelling] = real_word

    # Count landmark and word occurences and co-occurences
    for env_id, instruction_sets in train_instructions.items():
        path = load_path(env_id)
        env_config = load_env_config(env_id)
        for instruction_set in instruction_sets[0]["instructions"]:
            instruction_str = instruction_set["instruction"]
            start_idx = instruction_set["start_idx"]
            end_idx = instruction_set["end_idx"]

            present_landmarks = close_landmark_names(env_config, path,
                                                     start_idx, end_idx)
            present_lm_indices = [
                landmark_indices[lm] for lm in present_landmarks

            mentioned_words = split_instruction(
            mentioned_terms = words_to_terms(mentioned_words, word2term)

            for term in mentioned_terms:
                term_id = term2id[term]
                term_occurences[term_id] += 1

            for lm_idx in present_lm_indices:
                landmark_occurences[lm_idx] += 1
                for term in mentioned_terms:
                    term_id = term2id[term]
                    term_landmark_cooccurences[term_id][lm_idx] += 1

            total_occurences += 1

    term_prob = np.expand_dims(term_occurences / total_occurences,
                               1).repeat(num_landmarks, 1)
    landmark_prob = np.expand_dims(landmark_occurences / total_occurences,
                                   0).repeat(num_terms, 0)
    term_and_landmark_prob = term_landmark_cooccurences / total_occurences

    # term_and_landmark_prob has dimensions 0: terms, 1: landmarks
    mutual_info_factor = term_and_landmark_prob / (landmark_prob * term_prob +
    #mutual_info_factor = term_and_landmark_prob / ((1 / num_landmarks) * term_prob + 1e-9)
    mutual_info = term_and_landmark_prob * np.log(mutual_info_factor + 1e-27)

    # The above line is the correct formula for mutual information. For our case, below formula might be better?
    # The mutual information is higher for common words than uncommon ones. We might prefer the opposite effect.
    # On the other hand, uncommon words are more likely to spuriously correlate with landmarks, which will cause a
    # less reliable corpus.
    #mutual_info = np.log(mutual_info_factor + 1e-27)

    # Ground each term and produce the thesaurus
    term_meanings = {}

    common_words = []

    for i in range(num_terms):
        grounded_lm_indices = [
            idx for idx in range(num_landmarks)
            if mutual_info[i][idx] > MUTUAL_INFO_THRESHOLD

        grounded_lm_names = [
            landmark_names[idx] for idx in grounded_lm_indices
        mutual_infos = np.asarray(
            [mutual_info[i][idx] for idx in grounded_lm_indices])

        args = list(np.argsort(mutual_infos))
        grounded_lm_names = list(
            reversed([grounded_lm_names[idx] for idx in args]))
        mutual_infos = list(reversed([mutual_infos[idx] for idx in args]))

        # If the word is too common to be referring to a landmark, ignore ita
        this_term_prob = term_prob[i][0]
        if this_term_prob > MAX_TERM_PROB:
            grounded_lm_names = []
            mutual_infos = []

        term_meanings[id2term[i]] = \
                "landmarks": grounded_lm_names,
                "mutual_info": mutual_infos,
                "term_prob": this_term_prob

    for k in term_meanings.keys():
        if len(term_meanings[k]["landmarks"]) > 0:
            print(k, term_meanings[k])

    print("Ignored groundings for these common words: " + str(common_words))

    return term_meanings, word2term
Exemplo n.º 14
    def show_landmark_locations(self, loop=True, states=None):
        # Show landmark locations in first-person images
        img_all = self.tensor_store.get("images")
        img_w_all = self.tensor_store.get("images_w")
        import rollout.run_metadata as md
        if md.IS_ROLLOUT:
            # TODO: Discard this and move this to PomdpInterface or something
            # (it's got nothing to do with the model)
            # load landmark positions from configs
            from data_io.env import load_env_config
            from learning.datasets.aux_data_providers import get_landmark_locations_airsim
            from learning.models.semantic_map.pinhole_camera_inv import PinholeCameraProjection
            projector = PinholeCameraProjection(
                #TODO: Handle correctly
            conf_json = load_env_config(md.ENV_ID)
            landmark_names, landmark_indices, landmark_pos = get_landmark_locations_airsim(
            cam_poses = self.cam_poses_from_states(states)
            cam_pos = cam_poses.position[0]
            cam_rot = cam_poses.orientation[0]
            lm_pos_map_all = []
            lm_pos_img_all = []
            for i, landmark_in_world in enumerate(landmark_pos):
                lm_pos_img, landmark_in_cam, status = projector.world_point_to_image(
                    cam_pos, cam_rot, landmark_in_world)
                lm_pos_map = torch.from_numpy(
                        landmark_in_world[np.newaxis, :],
                lm_pos_map_all += [lm_pos_map[0]]
                if lm_pos_img is not None:
                    lm_pos_img_all += [lm_pos_img]

            lm_pos_img_all = [lm_pos_img_all]
            lm_pos_map_all = [lm_pos_map_all]

            lm_pos_img_all = self.tensor_store.get("lm_pos_fpv_img")
            lm_pos_map_all = self.tensor_store.get("lm_pos_map")

        print("Plotting landmark points")

        for i in range(len(img_all)):
            p = Presenter()
            overlay_fpv = p.overlay_pts_on_image(img_all[i][0],
            overlay_map = p.overlay_pts_on_image(img_w_all[i][0],
            p.show_image(overlay_fpv, "landmarks_on_fpv_img", scale=8)
            p.show_image(overlay_map, "landmarks_on_map", scale=20)

            if not loop:
Exemplo n.º 15
 def _get_config(self, name, i=None, instance_id=None):
     config = load_env_config(id)
     return config
Exemplo n.º 16
 def _get_config(self, name, i=None, instance_id=None):
     print("_get_config load_env_config")
     config = load_env_config(i)
     return config